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If this has PvP and PvE in the same environment this is exactly my kind of game. I've wanted the loop of "on a Spaceship, land to do combat, evacuate back to ship" for so long. ~~My only concern is that based on how their tech for binding a player to the ship works that the ships won't have full flight physics and will act like "platforms" that you move forward and backward in a very arcady way. Basically Call of Duty Helicopters instead of Battlefield Helicopters.~~ ~~So no inversions and flips.~~ EDIT: NVM, looks like more full flight physics based on the last minute of gameplay!


I think its pve only


Love that. Actually super excited for this game!


Well that makes me sad :( I bounce off PvE games waaaaaaay too quickly. I ended up not buying Helldivers 2 because for a long time I had this habit of buying games with combat that I like that are PvE only and being bored after week of play and never launching them again... PvE is more fun when there is the threat of another player that may show up to add variety to a repetitive task.


Agreed. Having a full group of good friends helps but not enough to stick with it for months


Yeah but a full group of good friends can make anything fun.




Oh I clearly missed the combat section, Good point!


Might be in the minority here, but I'd love it if the game stayed in first person. Flying the ship looks pretty plain and boring from this clip. But if you had to do it in first person and there was actually some challenge to it it might be a fun part of the game. I really like the audio for the weapons, but the gunplay looked a bit average otherwise. Didn't look like any recoil or anything and the enemies seemed a bit basic. Idk if this is a early/easy mission or what but I hope it gets a lot harder than what was shown. Over it looked ok, but it seems to be playing things very safe and not a whole lot stood out to me.


I need to see a video showing more of the gameplay loop tbh. I've been playing void space and while rather basic, the rogue like elements of it and playing with a group of friends has made it very enjoyable. I'm wondering if this game is going for something similar or what.


This looks fun, but will it have 3rd person?


The problem with these PvE games is that the enemies + AI just aren't interesting. What makes PvPvE work so well is that you can slack off in the E part a bit, because the tension inherent in having (potentially) unfriendly players around enriches the experience. Not to mention the joy of winning PvP fights. But so many are just doing PvE without making the E particularly fun. And here's the thing - if the game isn't fun enough to make it as a single player, the novelty of co op WILL wear off eventually and those players will leave.


Maybe. But also sea of thieves is proof that most players prefer pve over pvpve, considering the big boost in players it got when they added the 'safe' mode that removed pvp. But who knows, maybe they'll add in pvp after launch if there's enough of a demand for it


I would challenge that with Sea of Thieves, playing solo is significantly harder than in a shooter. Also fighting skeleton ships is actually fun.


Agreed, it needs to be helldivers quality to be able to keep ppl