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Crazy that he spent four years basically saying "I did nothing wrong and they banned me. They wouldn't tell me why they banned me." When in fact, he *did* know, just that Twitch was bound by NDA and he couldn't tell anyone without looking guilty. He just made Twitch to be the bad guy. (Twitch might be bad for other reasons but apparently they were the good guys here)


The same as a lot of grifters these days, they start saying controversial shit and then when they’re accused of something bad, they can claim that dark mysterious forces are after them. Then it turns out that they really did it. (See: Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Alex Jones etc.)


I'm out of the loop. I know about andrew tate and alex jones, but what about elon musk? 


He has been accused of sexually assaulting an employee iirc. Around the same time the that the allegations became public he started heavily appealing to the right wing and saying controversial stuff. This seems to have worked as few people talk about those SA allegations and when they do his more far-right fans often defend him.


"as you know there's no filter with me" YOU'RE A FUCKING CARTOON CHARACTER. YOU WEAR A COSTUME. YOU ARE NOT A REAL PERSON. YOU ARE **ALL FILTER.** >Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. This dude was trying to fuck kids. He got caught and now is saying he didn't mean it.


The man’s character appears to children only and he’s over there cheating on his wife THE SAME YEAR he does this. Come on, friends. This man is an utter scum bag, horrible husband, and a dirt bag father for doing this to his kid(s)


Shhh you'll hurt the man boy's feelers who idolize him.


But his boys Nick, Tim, Viss... they all swear he's a good dude and didn't do anything wrong.


Tim posted his thoughts and he was NOT supportive


They all knew what it was before we did. They've all said, for years, they knew why Doc fell out with Twitch. They also said they couldn't talk about it. So, either they lied about knowing or they've been lying about his innocence. And even their responses are dogshit "PR" responses. Not as bad as Doc's tweet, but still not truly condemning him. Even Viss said he thinks there's still more information we need to see. In a few months, they'll all quietly suggest he's changed, and he's really a good dude and that they support him again.


You copied the part from when he edited it. He since re-edited it to return it to its original form. It’s “With an individual **minor**” Important part.


Guess he does have a filter.


The link for me still says just individual


At the bottom it should tell you how there’s a new version of the tweet.


Oh wow, id never would have found that...


Also "there's no filter with me" besides the one that stopped him from saying anything for what, like four years? Dude is a bad joke


Imagine spending being almost 50 and doing this shit. Like, I'm 44 and find his whole vibe to be so embarrassing even before you tack the "pedophile" onto it.




Dr. Disrespect is a famous twitch streamer. In the late 2010s he was mysteriously banned from twitch. No one knew why. Years later, present day, it was revealed why he was banned all those years ago. He was caught texting a minor inappropriately using twitch whisper. The case against Mr. Disrespect was settled quietly and swept under the rug. Now this is all coming out, and Disrespect himself just admitted that the claims are true while trying to defend himself


Sounds like he admits to trying to groom a minor and only stopped cause he was caught


Absolute clowns in the Twitter comments too, ofcourse. Doesn't matter that he admitted he sexted a minor because he says it never went beyond that. And one of them is asking if it's a situation where he was 19 and she was 17 like trying to set up some Romeo and juliet law scenerio. My brother in christ the man is like 50 and this happened on twitch, context clues, critical thinking, basic arithmetic.


When the FPS game he was attached to said they were moving away from him there were clowns on this subreddit saying the same shit.


If they had critical thinking, they'd be able to do some quick math and use his age and the info that she's a minor to see that he was TWICE THEIR AGE at minimum.


The "To Catch a Predator" defense


Literally, yeah. He even threw in a “there were no real intentions” behind what he said. Which is what every single dude on that show said when confronted.


Someone should tweet back "then why did you buy funyuns and condoms?"


Pretty much haha, it's kind of amazing how people will dig themselves deeper into holes when the truth comes out. 


His response seems to boil down to "I wasn't convicted of a crime, so I'm not a scumbag". The correct thing would have been to say just "Sorry" and then fade into obscurity with your shitload of money.


So crazy at how this has been a new trope for apologies. "If what I did was wrong, wouldn't I be arrested? Checkmate."


Remember when Drake sang: >I never been with no one underage but now I understand why this the angle that you really mess with >Just for clarity, I feel disgusted, I'm too respected >If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested >I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested First example that came to mind.


... i'm sorry is this from an actual song ? jesus christ


It works because most people not familiar wtith story will assume it was litigated and fall in line with his sh!take.


"I got caught before I banged a child so *technically* I'm not a pedophile. I'm the victim here." ~ This fucking goon Edit: Apparently he edited the message and changed the "messaged a minor" to "An individual." To add to this, another Twitch streamer Asmogold apparently just put up something about banning minors from using social media in light of this situation. Yes, because *that* is the problem here.


Who the hell gives Asmold the time of day. There are thousands of streamers and somehow that dude has a following.


He's also just like a genuinely repulsive human. I'll always unfortunately remember the gum blood wall


…. The what?


One time Asmongold kept a dead rat in his room as an alarm clock, you see when the sun hit the rat the smell got so bad it woke him up and- Oh yeah, the gum blood wall. His mouth got so bloody from lack of maintenance and he didn't want to go to the bathroom so he bled on the wall.


How does this man have such a huge YouTube channel?


Probably because the shit that I jsut read that he does is WILD


Have you seen the types of people on his subreddit and on his YouTube comments? They're all like him.


He lives gross but he is generally fairly logical. People like to snip clips out of context but in general he's fine. He has some views I don't agree with but that's everyone. In Docs case he was skeptical at first because Twitch paying out Doc (and no charges being pressed) means Doc had some ground to stand on, so it pointed at there being unknowns that could significantly alter things.


> but in general he's fine Anyone capable of living like that is not fine. Far far **far** from it. Stop giving him any legitimacy or views (aka money).


If I smelled like shit but gave you advice that you needed to hear that would help you out, or was a voice of reason in your life... does my smell make what I said less true? Of course not. Is he "fine"? Well no, not everybody has the luxury of being as sane and well-balanced as Reddit commenters of course. (I'm not saying he gives life advice. His logic is not flawless either, but it's generally sound. He's also entertaining)


Ew he's leaning hard into alt right gamer echo chamber where he complains about politics in games (women leads)


I think that's kind of a gross oversimplification. I am a left-leaning Canadian (i.e. the shit about guns or castle doctrine I don't really agree with), but he's definitely not alt-right. He thinks Trump is an incoherent moron, for example. It's not that a female lead is an issue or inherently political, but rather transparent attempts at virtue signaling don't make for good fiction. I've never heard him bash a lead women simply because they're a woman. Perhaps they were written to be flawless, or all the men around her are idiots, stuff like that is just bad wish fulfillment. That said I am speaking generally, because I don't know what particular opinion you're referring to nor the context surrounding it, but I watch most of his stuff and haven't seen him mad at a female lead for being female. He does have a lot of bad opinions though (and he often has opinions on things he knows little about, though he uses logic, it's not backed by facts), but they at least generally have some nuance.


Asmon has fallen into alt-right shit since the Drop/Heard trial. Really sad, tbh.




Wheres the proof on that. I find it hard to believe, as a complete outside, that anyone would ever do that, and theres probably no reason to lie about it either. weird shit. Not saying its wrong, i just want to be sure


I will never take him or anyone who listens to him any respect. Genuinely, that guy is mentally unwell to the nth degree, anybody who is ok with using a dead fucking rat as an alarm clock (especially when they don't see how insanely awful it is in retrospect) is unhinged. Not to mention, living like that will have led to severe issues with actual sickness, significant tooth rot (highly tied to mental degradation), so even if you weren't there to start and it was a really bad depressive episode, it's going to have severe impacts longterm.


I generally find his takes to be fairly logical. He has certain biases and blind spots but generally what he says makes sense. I absolutely could not live his lifestyle, and he knows it's gross, but since I don't live there I'm not affected by it


Mate, come on, seriously? He's not a modern Diogenes, this is the behaviour of someone that genuinely, genuinely has extreme mental issues.  It's not a life style, it's mental illness.


I'm not sure what the confusion is. He generally arrives at his opinions through logic. Sometimes logic can be faulty, it can be misinformed, but he generally lays it all out for you to hear. Like if you see a crack-addled homeless man... that's pretty gross, but if he says your shoe is untied (and it is untied), is he suddenly wrong because he has a mental illness? I'm not saying he's some kind of soothsayer or wise sage - his opinion is actually fairly predictable because the logic is easy to grasp - just that people generally misinterpret his opinions based on glib comments and short clips. Nothing I am saying is trying to elevate him to a level where *you need to watch this wise person*. If you don't like watching a skinny bald dirty dude bash his head into Elden Ring, don't watch, but for people to just call him racist or sexist for no real reason is fascinating. (Or in your case, to say his opinions are generally invalid or whatever because he lives like a degenderate)


A) His opinions are often full of mental gymnastics B) OP was talking about disregarding people who unironically enjoy his content C) Yeah, the fact that people tune in to gawk at someone who regurgitates the same opinion as most capital G Gamers, except he's their disgusting court jester are weird You can get the exact same content from someone who isn't insane. It's genuinely baffling to me that he has an audience. And yes, I think the sort of behaviour he exhibits is worthy of stigmatisation.  Just because the raving madman is occasionally right does not mean it's a good idea to watch him for entertainment.


A.) I do agree he often performs mental gymnastics. I don't think he is unique in this though, but when he doesn't know something he will often say he doesn't know enough, but he may also lean on the next best thing he knows, which is often inadequate. B.) That's fine, it was always just odd to me that people often just hate misrepresented versions of his views. He loves it though as it gives him hate views and controversy and all that. c.) Yeah that's all of Twitch except they all regurgitate different flavours of opinions. You may as well just say "I don't understand why people watch things I don't" Most people, including his viewers, stigmatize his lifestyle.


> he generally arrives to his opinions through logic > I do agree he often performs mental gymnastics This is gold


Nah. The dude is sick and I have too much self-respect to give him the time of day. He doesn't need defenders.


That's fine. It's your right to not give anybody time of day. Since you really have no context or understanding of his opinions or thought process, I'm just saying it's generally fairly logical. This isn't a defense of him, it's just me explaining how it is. The man \*is\* gross, for sure.


I'm familiar with him


And did you generally find him logical? Or illogical? Bigoted?


Asmongold has been saying minors shouldn’t have access to social media for ages.


There's something to be said about the lack of dedicated third spaces for children and teenagers on the internet and how having everyone on the same five websites is a godawful idea but that's not Asmongold's angle here.


That much control over the internet being placed In whoever’s hands doesn’t sound worth it, simply banning children from social media like Asmon says is 100% the better solution.


and given that his own audience is mostly teenagers/kids, it sounds more like an excuse for him not to be better. "why yes i am a completely unhinged individual and a terrible example for the audience that brings me my money, but it's the internet's fault for allowing them to see me"


He wouldn’t even need to fade into obscurity. Kevin Spacey landed another role. You could sit on this for a few years then quietly come back


It would be preferable if he fucked off to obscurity, though.


Yeah, I just don’t understand what he thinks any of this will accomplish from a PR perspective


Dude’s been listening to Drake too much.


The drake response


Nah bro, the correct thing is to say nothing and fade into obscurity. There is no coming back from, “yea, I did some questionable stuff with a minor.”


AKA the Drake defense, all it's missing is a melody.




I think you can answer that yourself with your own thought experiment. The court of public opinions will convict someone of being an asshole. Should being an asshole be a crime? But also: soliciting a minor *is* a crime. Just because someone wasn’t charged doesn’t mean the action itself is necessarily legal.


You can also answer it with another thought experiment. Whatever Doc did, we only have second-hand testimonies about it. What we *do* know though is that Twitch, after seeing these testimonies, wanted nothing to do with Doc. Discord, after seeing these testimonies, wanted nothing to do with Doc. Doc's own company that he founded, after seeing these testimonies, wanted nothing to do with Doc. This is not a random youtuber trying to Pepe Sylvia his way into cancelling a streamer for not being left wing enough or whatever excuse we'll see in a few months from Doc diehards. These are actual companies with their own closets full of skeletons looking at the available evidence and bailing out with full force. And while we don't have clear proof of what happened, we can look at how people around Doc reacts and have a good understanding nonetheless. It's similar to observing a black hole, in some way.


Your rambling comment makes no sense, but I’ll take a stab at it. Until the government charges Doc of soliciting a minor (or the minor somehow brings it to court), and then causes discovery at both Twitch and Discord, there’s no way that he can be convicted. That doesnt make it “not a crime”, it makes it “he wasn’t charged, for whatever reason”. Aka, he got away with it.


It made sense to me lol. A bunch of groups with insider info instantly wanted to cut ties with him, so it must be really bad shit. Likely criminal but at least terrible optics and bordering on criminal.


>So… SHOULD this be a crime? Sending inappropriate and sexual messages to somebody under 18 as a 35 year old? Do you really have to ask if that should be a crime?


It is a crime in certain states. Just no one bothered reporting it and getting him charged.


"I have no filter..." Explains in the next four paragraphs about a pretty big filter he had Did so much nothing with a minor he didn't even feel the need to go to court to show everyone how much nothing he did and just innocently paid off the accusation instead.


So he admits he said fucked up shit to a minor but he doesn’t think he’s a predator or a pedo? What does he think sexting a minor means?




Bro I’ve been reading too many twitter blue checkmark comments, I thought you were serious for a second.


Twitter has literally gone insane now in the past year or two. 99% of my feed is right wing conspiracy theories and vile racism when that wasn't the case at all before then (it was filled with sport and gaming). Elon's ruined the site. He claimed it was all radicalised left wing people running it and he was just balancing things for free speech. When in reality that's total bs, he wanted to turn the whole site into a right wing echo chamber and it's messed things up. It's at the point now where I think the best thing would be if the site died tbh, it's gone too far into insane territory and is turning some people crazy.


>Twitter has literally gone insane now in the past year or two. "Oopsie daisy, did we break the preferred platform for journalists and grass roots organization? oh nooooo" >It's at the point now where I think the best thing would be if the site died tbh, Twitter is dead. It was bought out, renamed, and changed drastically how it moderates the content. There is nothing left except UI elements (of which those are fading re: public likes)


Careful. In 2024 italic normal is starting to masquerade as standard normal in some areas.


You nailed it. Perfect summary of his tweet right here


Dude, do you write for Some More News? Cause I could literally hear your post in Cody’s voice.


Yeah this guy is and has always been a major league clown, good riddance


It’s always the ones you most expect. From videoing strangers in a bathroom to sexting high schoolers.


It does feel a bit like Jimmy Saville all over again where you look at him and think, how did anyone miss that.


I can’t get over how his name was Dr. Disrespect - and turns out he doesn’t respect consent.


He also is back to twisting words before he's even got to the admission. He claims Midnight Society and him mutually decided to have him step down. But timing seems like they announced it and the only "mutual" here was signing legal agreements that severed ties/paid off remaining contracts and went separate ways. That's not "we both decided." That idea is directly in conflict with their statements that they were informed by former Twitch employees about the nature of the Twitch ban and they dictated that they're done with him. They told him what was going to happen, and then they both legally separated and agreed to avoid disparaging each other. I'm sick of this "it was an equal amicable decision" when one party tell the other it's fucking over due to the other's behavior, but we'll allow it to remain professionally "equally decided" due to that being cheaper when we both sign forms and avoid litigation for contract terms.


You can literally watch him read the message that he’s been canned live while playing Elden Ring. You’d think a streamer would realize his entire life is under a microscope 24/7 and he can’t get away with just fabricating easily checked info.




hey no pictures though


Why is that people who seem like scumbags always turn out to be scumbags?




It's a duck 




Always judge people by their deeds, not their words. Sometimes it's just handy when the two line up!


Almost nobody does that nowadays. Someone could be a law-abiding citizen for their entire life but if they have an opinion people disagree with, people hate them. Curt Schilling is a good example of this.


lmao he edited the tweet to remove the word "minor" from it, dude is still so unserious


He realized that Twitter logs edit history, so he returned it lol.


Guy “pretending” to be a complete piece of shit turns out to actually be a complete piece of shit. Shocker.




Nah, they're debating the difference between pedophilia and sexting a 17 year old in the LSF thread, thankfully though most of the comments are calling it how it is.


Well technically they aren't wrong, but it's always so fucking weird when people bring that distinction up, oh they were 15-17 so it's *technically* not prefixed pedo? Still a child lmao, why even die on that hill.


Even after his admission, I noticed an insane number of people on X and Tiktok supporting him. They are literally saying "I support Doc!", "His comeback stream is gonna be wild!", "We got your back!". Like, what the fucking fuck? Same assholes that think the LGBT is the one trying to groom the kids.


They're just going to parrot him saying it wasn't a crime so therefore not a big deal. It's why this statement was made.




Welcome to Elon's Twitter.


It was really funny seeing all those people say “we’re just gonna take the word of some random guy???” Ignoring the fact that this “random guy” was an ex higher-up at Twitch who absolutely would’ve had knowledge on what happened.


I hope we never hear from this shitstain again. From the very beginning, pretending to be a macho arrogant thing already was a big red flag to me that this would go wrong. I know it caters to children when someone is acting that intensively so apparently that also played in this predator favors. I am sorry for all the minors being targeted by this groomer and hope these victims know what is so wrong about this. God I fucking hate streamers playing foney characters lol


The word 'mutual' in this statement makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Sounds like he's victim blaming, trying to pass it off as 'just as much the fault of the *actual literal minor*'


Genuinely deplorable. And his weirdo fanbase is using it to be like "see! the minor was a willing participant as well!!!" I don't know why the concept that a minor literally cannot consent is so outlandish to these sick freaks, but good LORD there are so many people telling on themselves.


I can understand this argument if it's something like an 17-18 year old in a consenting relationship with a 16 year old or something along those lines, but Guy was in his late 30s when this happened like what. ​ edit: i got his age wrong because i'm stupid :)


Kind of think twitch needs to catch heat for sitting on this. One of your most popular talents was using your platform to groom kids and twitch basically paid him to keep quiet and go somewhere else. Not a good luck at all.


I'm pretty sure that's normal for any social media space. None of them want to catch heat for being used as a grooming platform.


Not even just social media, it's unfortunately the norm in all facets of media and entertainment  in general. Hollywood, the music industry, sports leagues...


The settlement is also a big part of the reason people are skeptical he's even done anything wrong. Dr disrespect sued twitch and the settled it and everyone signed an NDA over the whole thing. Comments in here lambasting people for not believeing ex twitch employee's who just suddenly started talking about it for no reason and provided no evidence at all to back up their claims when the evidence at the time suggested otherwise. Sorry but no. If Dr disrespect is guilty of sexting and grooming a minor then Twitch needs to be held accountable for not only hushing the whole thing up but for giveing him pluasable deniablity. Even now. Dr disrespect should have faced charges and jail time. Not walked away with 20 million


>The settlement is also a big part of the reason people are skeptical he's even done anything wrong. The problem with that thinking is that the threshold for a criminal case, civil case and losing a contract are all wildly different. Him meeting the threshold to get fired doesn't automatically mean it's a crime and also him not meeting the criminal threshold doesn't prove he's innocent either. A good example is that OJ Simpson avoided prison for killing his wife as the evidence didn't convince the jury, he lost in civil court though and had to pay the family enormous damages.


So his defense is: “yah I did some of it, but didn’t mean it. I think that is digesting and if you knew me you’d know that. Fuck out of here with that shit.” 100% guilty after that reply. 


He should have just posted what conversations he had with the minor. Instead, him being dodgy and self-righteous is just fueling everyone's imaginations any time it comes up. And it'll come up forever until resolved. Own it, air it, do the time.


> He should have just posted what conversations he had with the minor or just, not have said conversation ?


Oh you think that is an option now? I had no idea that was possible anymore. 🥴


You realize that would cause much larger issues, right.


It's almost like he has a filter..


>Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations **that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more**. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me.


So "no crime was committed... But I wanted there to be if everyone left me alone"


To be fair, if what he says is true, the messeges are from 2017 and he only got banned by twitch in 2020. Seems like people left him plenty alone to commit something if he wanted to.


I mean, you could argue he was being more scrutinized during that time


I wonder how long Twitch knew about it?


So not criminal because he settled probably millions of dollars. Funny how the rich think they arnt criminals just because they have the money to avoid it.


No, *he* got paid by twitch not the other way around. Doesn't make what he did better, but twitch paid him, he didn't pay anybody. They saw some shit that was enough for them to say okay go away, but not enough to cause a criminal suit. If they had enough for criminal, they wouldn't have had to pay him since he'd have been in breach of contract.


Who said anything about him paying twitch? He settled and paid the minor he was abusing. Twitch only paid him to get rid of him, and likely had some bigger problem they didnt want exposed as the reason to do so, as it was completely within their rights to not pay him anything (he was using their service to break the law, after all).


Well you must be talking about Twitch since there is no other settlement. He hasn't paid anybody anything. The only settlement was between him and twitch. Ol Otherwise you're just making stuff up. What doc did is fucked up enough that you can just use the truth, idk why you're trying to make stuff up about it and confuse people.


You can see post edits on twitter. He said the individual was a minor, then removed it, and then added it again.


He’s a scum.


It's always the ones the most vocal about certain issues isn't it Absolute clown of a human being I hope he gets kicked off every platform


Dude thinks that because they didn't meet and that there were no nudes that it's not a big deal, and he's not a piece of shit. Talk about making excuses and being out of touch.


Who is this and why is he wearing acheap Dave Grohl cosplay?


He is a game live streamer and game developer, most notably worked for Sledgehammer on Call Of Duty. Co-founder of another game dev studio (Midnight Society) which he was just kicked from.


He worked at Sledgehammer as a CM and a Designer, not Treyarch.


Oh sorry my mistake, got the 2 confused


Everytime there is some sort of scandal centering on, made possible, or actively promoted by Twitch's existence (and it's a very frequent occurrence) the specifics of it - invariably stupid to a truly shocking degree when the slightest modicum of perspective is applied - is almost always shadowed by the cloud of realization that, honestly: None of this should really be happening in the first place. **Look at this dude.** There probably shouldn't be a structure in place that is so easily, thoroughly exploitable, that someone *this* thoroughly moronic could so easily be installed in a position of abusable power, for nothing more than being able to move his thumbs across a controller while oozing unctuously into a nearby microphone. Twitch is, and always has been, one of the most clueless, poorly run, completely irresponsible and shamelessly incompetent "Major media" companies that's ever existed, so much so that *years* after they inadvertently created and supplied this fucking halfwit a custom-made *grooming tool* for exploiting his audience and then cut him loose only as a last resort, the repercussions of their absentee management style are *still* echoing to this degree. And all I keep thinking is that basically none of this should be happening. None of it should have happened. There's been like 30 or 40 different stops along the road from [Justin.TV](http://Justin.TV) to today where; instead of people continually funneling money and power (and ads. *ohhhhhh* so many ads!) into this clown show and turning these dunning-kruger cases into burnt-out brands on a neverending treadmill; someone coulda at least *tried* to bolt actual guardrails onto the side of the thing. Or hell, training wheels. Or something. Anything. But nope. Look at that fucking guy. Read his insipid little statement. Jesus Christ.


I've been thinking about this a bit recently, with this new kind of celebrity status... if you consider it for more than a few seconds, it's kinda obvious that the whole "In the future, everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame" idea also quickly becomes "In the future, everyone will have their 15 minutes of opportunity to groom minors" - yet we do practically nothing to protect people from getting sucked into these parasocial relationships that can have real-world impacts.


His statement is trying every single way possible to avoid actually taking responsibility.


This post needs traction and the title of it killed any chance of that. This is a massive content creator being outed as a pedophile and it's gonna probably get swept under the rug.


Everything to do with him is going on a blocked list.  I wish this would also cause people ti wake up and look at the content on twitch though.. half naked girls in swimming pools and bikinis doing jumping jacks for 12 year olds.. shit is insane that it’s allowed and nothing get said about it. Twitch is directly contributing to the grooming of hundreds of thousands of kids. 


Is this really relevant to games? He's just a dude who plays games on camera. Who allegedly tried to engage in a sexual relationship with a minor. So a scumbag who plays games on camera. But still not sure if this sub is a relevant place for this drama.


The only relevance is that a game studio was working with him, but dropped him when word about this broke out.






I don't even know why this news is posted here. Sure this guy worked for some irrelevant game studio recently but this is more social media news than gaming news. If news about a Twitch girl cosplaying in sexy clothes isn't posted here, news about this clown shouldn't be either.


I’m not trying to defend the guy, but did he knew the person was a minor from the get go? Did he learn it down the way and kept the discussion going? I mean if predators can pretend to be minors, a kid on his parent account can pretend to be adult. That’s the shit that scares me as a parent. The click here if you are over 18 button is not a solid method.


"Im not trying to defend the guy." *Proceeds to try and defend the guy.* He was wrong. And even his statement is trying to victim blame and deflect responsibility.