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The Joker from Alternate Earth, female Mr. Freeze, daughter of Deadshot, Zoe Lawton, as Lawless and Deathstroke. There are also Killer Croc and Katana.


will Katana have your back in the game?


I'd advise not being killed by her, her sword traps the souls of it's victims


But does her sword trap the swords of it's victims!? edit: awwww he changed his comment above me..... quitterrrrrrr


That poor guy had to utter that garbage line probably multiple times. Still can't believe how much of a train wreck that movie is lol.


Soundtrack kinda slapped though


God if somebody at WB or Rocksteady doesn't make a reference to that in the announcement then just scrap everything.




Are you stupid?


Female Mr Freeze? Killer Frost is right there, why would they... Oh, because Mr Freeze has a gun and this game is a shooter. Urgh.


So are Killer Croc and Katana going to be in a future season of the game, or are they going to be additional from day one as post game content or some other form of unlockables?


Every season will have a new character.


What a fucking awful selection.


Lmaoooo what an exciting roster


I like how you posted a repeat the leak and then added two characters with no confirmation


I feel like Black Manta should've been one of the first for the game, but I digress


Any actual Suicide Squad character would have been fine, never mind Black Manta. Like, Rick Flag is already in the game as a cutscene-only NPC, why isn't he a future DLC character?


Theres no situation where I pick up a superhero game and want to play as a military grunt who looks like Eminem lol


It'd be like picking up Space Marine 2 but you're playing a a run of the mill guardsman while Captain Titus is nowhere to be seen. 


except that would actually be pretty cool still because even a run of the mill guardsman is badass


Yeah, an FPS where you play as a regular Guardsman would honestly be incredibly cool. And you can bet your ass there'd be a moment when all hope seems lost and boom, the Space Marines arrive and start kicking ass alongside you. Honestly, that could be the end of the game, your Guardsman has faced terrible threats, and when he's finally about to die in a final stand, the Marines show up saying "don't worry Guardsman, we'll take it from here". Man, I want it now.


That's just Darktide basically.  And I actually agree. But a game called Space Marine you should be playing a Space Marine. A guardsmen game could be called like Chaos or something. Whatever force you're fighting. 


Because he's just a dude. His whole thing is being just a dude. Just a really good soldier but he's just a dude. Everyone else is basically a freak.


I mean, true, but that didn't stop them from giving Captain Boomerang guns and a speed force device, or whatever it's called.


> Everyone else is basically a freak. You mean *just* King Shark? Harley, Deadshot, and Captain Boomerang have no actual powers are just "dudes" as well


Putting it like that makes them sound simple. Harley is simple yes but Boomerang has some kind of super speed like Flash and Deadshot is basically a lite Iron Man/War Machine.


> Boomerang has some kind of super speed like Flash That's his kid. This is the OG Captain Boomerang, who has zero powers >Deadshot is basically a lite Iron Man/War Machine. So Iron Man... without a suit or money? Aka a regular dude


In this game Boomerang had the speed force


> Rick Flag Because no one wants to play as boring fucking rick flag.


Oh, don't get me wrong, me neither. I just named him because he's already in the game in some form and he's an actual Squad member, and at least DC fans know who he is, unlike Lawless or Victoria Fries.


> Victoria Fries. Has to be related to Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze), right?


>!She’s an alternate universe Mr. Freeze.!<


Why even have this be Arkhamverse is everything's an AU?


Because Arkhamverse is basically done now, and they're just going full Elseworlds from here. Realistically it wouldn't make sense to keep Arkhamverse going without Conroy and Hamill, so they have to refocus on new characters.


Because sweet, sweet monetization. But seriously, though. Why set it in the Arkhamverse just to use characters we know are dead already? At least Marvel's Avengers waited like 2 years before bringing in a character through Multiverse shenanigans (The Mighty Thor).


Sorry man I'm sure Rick Flag has some great moments in the comics but no one wants to play as a generic soldier, they fucked up the Arkhamverse with this game but they had the right idea with the main 4 characters


Black manta Jones over here


I have same thoughts about Red Hood, much better choice than Deadshots daughter.




Sad times bro leaked stuff for the longest and the devs never came through 😭


RIP War Machine and She-Hulk


I'm so disappointed we never got War Machine. He would've been the easiest clone character to make, too.


Real ones never forgot they put War Machine in the tweet hyping up the War Machine skin for Iron Man https://twitter.com/PlayAvengers/status/1640760888205385728?t=xE0YO82tqr4EbChRz4ef6w&s=19


I know chuds have poisoned the well but I love her so much as a character. From the Byrne run that establishes Sensational She-Hulk as a fourth wall breaker and a semi-gag character (that outside a “meh” first episode, the show brings in full) So this was disappointing. At least I got my “Ms Marvel game”


It’s totally going to happen again. Wasn’t Dr Strange on there?


Dr Strange, Ant-Man, Wasp, She Hulk, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quake, and many more were on the list and never showed up in game


Worst part is that Ant-Man wasn't *just* on the list. They revealed him and teased him to be joining the cast of the game during their first big reveal at a conference (either E3 or Game Awards I forget). They played a cutscene and said "Ant-Man will be in the game). And never did. :(


To be fair, considering the amount of delays this game has had I think the seasonal stuff is close to complete if not in the bag already and they’re holding out on it to avoid content draught.


I wonder how Deathstroke’s movement will account for the fact he isn’t able to enter school zones.


rather then victoria fries killer frost would be much better


A Mr or Mrs Freeze makes more sense if they’re using guns. killer frost would’ve been more interesting with her traditional powers but slap a gun in her hands and it looks a bit goofy


king shark using guns already goofy lets not kid ourself this game is dc themed sunset overdrive mix of live service looter elements


Oh I agree! I’d just rather if they’re gonna use guns, it kinda make sense for the character. No use using like, Reverse Flash or somebody really super powered if they’re still gonna rely on guns.


I mean. The guy who's whole thing is using different boomerangs uses guns. I think that's the goofiest choice by far. Fuck it give us Green Arrow with an AK DLC




I'm right there with you, I'm not sure why people think it would be so cool for him to do nothing but throw boomerangs, which is apparently what they want. He still uses the boomerang in his actual gameplay too, it's a big part of his kit


I feel like Boomer looks alright with Shotguns and SMGs but Sniper Rifles, Rocket Launchers, and Miniguns looks weird to me.


Pretty sure he can’t use half the weapons you listed lol


Most people who care don't bother engaging with posts about the game because... they don't care about it lmao.


Apparently Killer Croc is coming in a later season, and he’d look pretty goofy with an SMG too.


Do I even want to think about how he goes from his state in Arkham Knight to jumping around & shooting guns?


Post Launch content is called elseworlds so I imagine he’ll be from a reality where he has a smaller design like Batman the animated series.


"I'm the version that uses guns instead of special powers!"


Probably an alternate version like Joker or they gonna come up with some crap like he got a serum by Amanda Waller or something.


I guess every character is from an alternate universe.


I don’t think so, from Millers talk about dlc character 3 (lawless) it sounds like she is from the same universe and is our deadshots daughter


Lawless sounds like such a stupid idea that I simply choose to believe it's false


Nah, the Freeze couple got a nice ending in the Knight DLC. I'd rather they not botch yet another Arkham character ending just for some contrived live-service bullshit.


its an elseworlds couple so the og are probably big chillin




I would've loved Captain Cold, personally.


He would've been great too. A wide arrange of DC villains to choose from and they went for 2 of the most obscure choices possible


He's just less cool less interesting Freeze though .


Captain Cold can fight the flash. Mr Freeze is only more popular because hes a batman villain


A lot of people can fight Flash. 


Mr freeze cant


Super disappointed they didn’t include him and instead added another Batman Villain.


A gender-bend of a Batman Villain, no less. I get that they wanted more female representation, but there are already several ice-themed female villains and they opted not to use any of them.


I'll take playable deathstroke any day


Watch them put him in his tank from Arkham Knight


LOL what a joke that was, as well as most of Knights “boss battles”


The funny part is the game did have vehicles system. So if they add a new vehicles and they gave him a cloudburst i swear to god...


Deathstroke is legitimately the first and only character I've seen so far that I would want to play as in this game that isn't a Justice League member. Never seen a roster of playable characters I could not give any less of a fuck about.


What they’re going to do is hint at all the characters you do actually want and then the game will shut down years before it’s ever actually realized. Just like my good ol’ friend Marvel’s Avengers.


The fact that Miller is the one leaking all these characters is giving me strong Avengers flashbacks.


The problem is that all the characters barely look like they play much differently since everyone has to have guns so unless what they've shown is radically different than how it actually plays, I don't see much difference in Deathstroke to the existing characters. Everyone has to use same guns, everyone has some type of ground smash attack.


That’s because this game is huge on movement No character plays the same because no character interacts with the game in the same way. Boomerang plays nothing like Deadshot and Deadshot plays nothing like Harley. If you’re not actually using their movement 99% of the time then yea feeling like there’s no difference in the characters would make sense. I dont think people will truly understand this until they get thrown in some harder content and wonder why they’re getting shredded because they can’t dodge the thousands of bullets flying at them from every direction That’s also why i think the full release will also dead this feeling or statement once clips, character and movement guides eventually hit the internet


I don’t think enough people will play it to get a part where it’s hard. I’m a borderlands slut, so this should be right up my alley, and yet…


Why are they doing girl Mr Freeze instead of Killer Frost?


Wow what a terrible lineup, who wants to play as victoria fries and deadshots daughter? If you wanted female villains there are far better ones. Cheetah, killer frost, livewire, poison ivy, etc.. you could even have star sapphire and have her use her ring to make guns to shoot instead. Or go with more popular characters because you wnat to keep people playing and coming back. How about Captain cold, peacemakers, polkadot man, Dr light, Kite Man etc... But no we get characters Noone wants. This is their first season and have already dropped the ball.


Joker and Deathstroke balance out Victoria Fries, imo. You have two super popular characters, and then you toss in a lesser-known character. If they're likable, then you've gotten another character popular that people didn't know about before. It's how you expand your universe. No excuse for Deadshot's kid though. Pick someone else, you've already got Deadshot in there.


IDK, 2 good ones and 2 bad ones is not good at all for a live service hero shooter game. Especially if it's in the first year where it will be at its most popular. You want to keep momentum and have characters people will like. Those two characters will be a major turnoff. I don't know how the game designers cannot see this. There are so many better and cooler female villains. I just don't see how they will keep engagement with these picks.


It's only bad if she plays bad. If she plays cool and acts cool (pun not intended), people will rock with her. Can't just keep ramming the same few characters down people's throats, you've gotta build new stars.


Thought peacemaker would’ve been a no brainer.


Mortal Kombat gets Peacemaker but the actual Suicide Squad game doesn't 


Or any other notable characters who have actually been on the squad in the comics. Like killer frost? Or characters with powers (sides king shark ig) Joker makes no sense for the game at all.


Yeah I have no idea why they would make a female variant of Mr Freeze instead of just choosing Killer Frost. And having Joker and Harley feels redundant with how few characters there are.


I think they just got really excited with the Elseworlds idea.


It's funny because if this game came out like 4 years ago, the multiverse angle would have been pretty unique at least outside of the comics. 


Multiverse was already a thing 4 years ago but yeah it's overused trope


Isn't joker dead in Arkhamverse


It's a joker from a different universe






Ah, of course he is. Multiverse slop time boys, dig in. 


The game is based on r/batmanarkham lore, so we will either have jerker or jonkler as dlc as joker is indeed dead.


Arkham World is the best in the series imo.


Are we stupid?


We all taking crazy pills in aslume


yes and we are the baddies


He might be based on Crime Syndicate Joker, in the new trailer rocksteady definitely took inspiration from the silver age portrayal of joker.


It's the "we got a Joker at Home" version


I can't believe that design is from the same company that made Asylum Joker


Asylum Joker was just BTAS Joker though. They didn't make that design for the Arkham games. 


Somehow, Joker returned


Victoria Fries too


Well he's [officially confirmed](https://twitter.com/wbgames/status/1749497357643997540) so






Rocksteady's [explanation ](https://youtu.be/BIWJ5UiC_cs?t=7m57s)and joker reveal. Spoiler it's fucking dogshit


So joker now is using his humor to cope for being insecure just lol


Joker’s always been super insecure, if nobody takes him seriously he goes nuts.


oh that is dogshit


“Insecure joker” Just……..come on. Why can’t he just be a newer joker? Why does he have to be insecure?


Joker if he depressed


Oh, come on. [You know damn well why they made Joker insecure.](https://ew.com/movies/2019/11/15/joker-box-office-1-billion-worldwide/)


meh i don’t hate it as a explanation, if they were going to do joker again in this universe (which yeah obviously they were going to bc 💰💰) id rather it be a different version than just doing “hey it’s arkham joker 2


Plus this Joker never became the legend we knew him as, he was kind of a B/C-tier villain in his universe (judging by how they describe him in the field anyway).




having this game set in the Arkhamverse was such a dumb idea.


So it will take the whole year before we get an actual Squad member? Why not go for Killer Frost instead of OC Rule 63 Mr. Freeze?


Why is it only Batman villain's?


Deathstroke really isn't a batman villain like he appears in batman comics less than Lex luthor does  Though the lineup is still trash like why the fuck would use female Mr. Fries over Killer Frost and why would you add Deadshot's daughter lmao


I hate this shit lol. I love the Batman mythos and world but hate it whenever there's a DC crossover event and 80% of the characters are Batman centric. Makes the world so much smaller


Batman tends to have a lot more humanoid enemies and you need to be able to threaten them with the head bomb. That being said Lawless and especially Deathstroke feel like wasted slots when I can't see them being any different from Deadshot. Maybe Deathstroke will lead to some cool Teen Titans fights but I'm very skeptical.


I mean, the Flash also has several humanoid enemies; they could've used Trickster in place of Joker, Captain Cold in place of Victoria Fries. Heck, since King Shark is already in the game, they could've another animal character with Gorilla Grodd.


Could you imagine Grodd running around with a minigun or an SMG, *Dawn of the Planet of the Apes*-style?


Honestly, that'd actually make me really interested in the game.


Deathstroke and deadshot really arent similar at all. Deathstroke is a super human that is a master in all forms of combat. Deadshot is just good with guns. Lawless has basically no history as a character though and i have no idea why they would add her


Good thing this game makes use of the variety of combat styles the villains bring to the table. It would suck if all they did was shoot guns.


There are so many non-Batman villains who would make sense wielding guns. Superman: Bloodsport, Toyman, Lobo, Mercy Graves Wonder Woman: Cheetah, Giganta, Doctor Cyber, Angle-Man The Flash: Captain Cold, Heatwave, Trickster, Gorilla Grodd Green Lantern: Any villainous Lantern Ring-user could work if they just say that their ring was broken when they were imprisoned and they've had to fix it the best they can with Earth tech, severely limiting their capabilities; hell, maybe all their guns could be given a holographic makeover so that they're actually using constructs of guns rather than the real things Miscellaneous Picks (not necessarily villains): Black Manta, Enchantress, Peacemaker, Ratcatcher, Polka Dot Man, Dwarfstar, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, Snowflame, Vigilante, Prometheus, Tigress, Katana, Huntress, Lady Blackhawk, Plastique Sticking to Batman-associated characters is just inexcusably lazy.


I don't wanna know what Amanda Waller would have to do to get Lobo


She once got Zod on the team, nothing's off the table.


If snowflame was in this game I would shit a brick


Too be fair though Deathstroke is more of a Teen Titans villain then anything.


That's cool I didn't want any actual SS characters like Bronze Tiger or Killer Frost


After watching the Birds of Prey movie, a part of me wants to see Huntress in this. I enjoyed Mary Elizabeth Winstead's take on the character, despite her limited screen time.


Joker is legitimately a waste of character slot for this kind of game


All of these choices are awful except for Deathstroke. Victoria fries over Killer frost is just dumb. Deadshots daughter is even worse. I genuinely dont know what the hell they were thinking here


That’s true, it reminds me of avengers where the first two characters were almost literally the two worst possible choices, captain marvel? She hulk? Doctor strange? Nope, girl hawkeye and boy hawkeye


Lmao this heroes games are fucking themselves with their post release content


Why is the Joker not part of the base game? Is he stupid?


Is there a Lore Reason why you spelled Jonkler’s name wrong? Are you stupid?


Rocksteady can't go one fucking game without that clown


Note that this isn't ALL of them. Just the first year's worth


At this point the first year might be the only year of post-launch content if the game flops.


I doubt it will. WB doesn't give a shit about how much people like the game, they care about how much money it'll bring it. It's been at the top of the preorders on PSN for a couple weeks now, and that's not even accounting for people who buy skins and battlepasses


Seriously doubt this game flops. Games with less available have done better and this game is dropping absolutely LOADED with features, post launch content and social features


!remindme 6 months


I like the optimism but come on lol


boy i can't wait to see what new and exciting weapons and playstyles these totally unique characters will bring /s


I don't wanna sound ungrateful or whatever, I know these things require money and work. But 4 characters for 1 whole year is...a small number, especially when all these use weapons and they're not unique in terms of fighting abilities and moves, except probably the gadget they will use for travel or their power. Anyway, good that they're adding. I cannot wait to see what gadgets they will have.


They all come with their own map too


I get the hate for the roster dlc, but Lawless isn’t a bad choice narratively. If they take inspiration from Tom King’s Suicide Squad run, Deadshot’s daughter called herself Liveshot on there, and got caught up in the Squad’s mess, which could work in this game, if done properly.


Tom King did a Suicide Squad run ?


Tom Taylor*


How tf is Peacemaker not any of the options. He is popularish now and actually uses guns. I would’ve bought it to fuck around as him for a bit at least.


And he could fly around with Eagly.


Every single of those villains are Batman related while being set in Metropolis. Makes no sense. They should at least put some people like Metallo or Parasite or Captain Cold or Livewire or someone not related to Batman/Gotham.


Why only deathstroke an actual squad member, a multiverse joker and 2 original characters? Like why a female mr freeze? Regular Mr freeze is right there? Also why original character lawless of dead shots daughter? Why not any of the actual suicide squad members from the comics or movies? Like black manta, man bat, el Diablo, reverse flash or lobo? Even if you have to work around the gun shooting mechanic there’s still peacemaker, red hood, bloodsport. Actual dc characters and/or squad members. Just seems like an odd choice to go out of your way to make original characters for the first dlc wave and not use any actual known characters


Mr. Freeze died in the Arkham Knight DLC. Although I prefer Killer Frost, I’m down to see the story implications from Victoria.


I actually been wanting to see female freeze dawn the persona for a while so I’m not to mad, they always hint at it.


>All batman villains >genderbend mr freeze >Resurrected Joker? They're trying to piss people off, aren't they?


Somehow Joker returned


Damn. Probably won’t buy the game until Deathstroke.


Out of all the DC villains, they choose Batman ones again 🙄


Someone please remind the devs that the squad is not only made up of batman villains...


Is this guy legit? Hasn’t he been wrong already?


He's legit it was the other leaker for the game who came out and said he made shit up about the game or something


He's a dataminer, definitely legit


I dont follow his recent stuff but he was almost %100 legit about his Avengers leaks


So far and for as long as ive know about this guy his been right. I started following him since the avemgers game came out since he was the only source of info about the game and he was spot on.


Extremely hilarious that the devs think this game will be alive long enough to get years of support.


Lol this game reeks of Anthem vibes. I’ll probably still pass on it when it’s $2


I hope we get some new characters like ghost -maker, or punchline Not new but they could also do red hood.


I sure hope they are all as kooky and random as each other.


I get Huntress might not be a villain, but I think she'd be interesting. She could use guns and have abilities that use dual crossbows.


Why is Jonkler running around with an umbrella? Is he waiting in the rain for Man? Is he stupid?


That’s…kinda cool?


I know redditors dump all over this game without having played it, but I’m kinda more excited for this than I thought I would be. That said, I had a lot of fun with Avengers and others definitely did not.


"These are only the post launch characters for the FIRST year of the game." The servers won't be up more than a year.


Not particularly interested in any of them


Wait you’re not interested in…hang on while I scroll back up to get this name right… Victoria Fries?!? You’re not giddy as fuck to play as VICTORIA FRIES?!? Dude come on it’s Victoria fucking Fries!


Tbh I swear ppl are hating on this game just to hate. Joker traversal looks badazz


Tbf I can understand the disappointment with this DLC considering they're all Batman adjacent characters. It's a little understandable since this is the Arkhamverse but it's still a DC crossover with other villains that have a stake in the pie.


People need to just accept if a DC thing happens the chances of stuff being Batman adjacent is a given. He's more popular than anything else in DC combined. Your casual viewer isn't gonna know who the fuck Lawless is. 


Batman adjacent villains are the villains people actually know in DC. And a little Superman.


What are the chances the game even makes it to season 4 lol