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Great showcase. Definitely the best in a decade. Maybe ever tbh. Which is surprising since there was no sign of Halo or Forze, two of Xbox's cornerstones. Fable, Perfect Dark, Doom: The Dark Ages and Indiana Jones are going to definitely go on my wishlist, they all look fantastic. Gears of War: E-Day has me sold too. Although they didn't show gameplay, we know what to expect. Unpopular opinion, but I actually loved the gameplay in Gears 5 and thought that they introduced a lot of cool new mechanics and increased the fluidity of the movement and action. The story in 4 and 5 wasn't as engaging as the origininal trilogy though so going back to the Locust war is exactly what this franchise needs at the moment to bring in new players. Shattered Space looks like exactly what Starfield needs, a main quest with actual stakes and interesting antagonists. The OG game's main quest is one of the most disappointing parts of that game and I actually liked Starfield and the various faction quests like the Vanguard, Crimson Fleet and Ryujin (The Rangers sucked though). Flintlock, Atomfall and Shadows of Midnight look instersting but I'll wait for more info. Snake Eater Delta looks like how I remember MGS3 in my head even through I know that's not the case. THe original is my favourite PS2 title, so I'll definitely be getting this too.




life is strange...


Ah. That makes sense.


I'm really interested in all these but Expedition 33 caught my attention because I wasn't expecting it to be a Turn-Based RPG and being a fan of TBJRPGS, this one will be a day 1 game for me (even the website mentions JRPG).


Gotta say Black Ops 6 looks incredibly refreshing, still wont be buying it day one but i really hope they can deliver!


Gamepass Day 1 makes it pretty easy


The best showcase in years, Gears is back, and I'm ready. COD looks like the original black ops and has me excited again. Doom and Indian Jones are looking phenomenal. My only letdown is no Halo news. Other than that, it was an easy 9.5 out of 10.


Play cold war if you haven't yet ( the campaign ). Look wise it's very similar to 6 and the story will carry over.


This was a strong show! Mostly all trailers and a lot of interesting games. Loves it.


Anything about the rumored banjo redooie?


Nope :(


Phenom of a show. So much to be excited for short term and long term...and theres still things left we haven't seen. Contraband, Everwild etc etc Edit: Clockwork Revolution ugh how could I forget that.


Even though in not a fan of MS in general I'm glad they put on a decent conference and tried to craft themselves a identity with their own games. Which their first and third party games they showed felt that the games were unique to the Xbox/MS ecosystem rather than showing how much they can take of PS or Nintendo.


Luckily there are about 15-16 of those games coming to PS. 


i like this showcase better than sgf, sad theres no fallout 3 remaster though


Indiana jones is GOTY


So that was it ? CGI Gears trailer with no date , Avowed looked mid with no date , State of Decay 3 with second of gameplay same as Fable.


Yeah, there were a lot of big name trailers for rebooted franchises or remakes, but there's nothing I'm personally excited for. Hope they're fun games. (Edit) I mean, uh. . .I'm so excited for all these products. They are names that I like and recognize, and I will love them no matter what. Microsoft has my respect for making games, and buying---acquiring such promising studios. Real feather in their cap. So excited.




Might be time to look at yourself in others and realize differing opinions is a good thing. Try asking someone who disagrees with you why they think/feel the way they do. That way you can learn and potentially teach. Also, you might be "joking," but to who's benefit? Jokes are okay, even offensive jokes, but in a proper setting.. otherwise it's poor taste. Personally, I'm not excited for these games. Maybe somethinf will arise and be interesting but this was mostly DLC/continued IP titles. Maybe Doom will be something I play, but it depends if they really shake things up or not.


Please don't approach any of your comments by talking down to someone else in the future. That first paragraph was pretty pretentious. Objectively, a showcase like this cannot get much better. They had a big variety of games, representing multiple genres, gameplay styles, settings and sizes. The saying 'there's something for everyone' is overused, but an accurate descriptor for this showcase. I agree with the commenter you were replying to; I have to wonder how narrow someone's taste in gaming has to be if they don't walk away from watching something like this not liking at least a few things from it. I try to play as many different kinds of games as I possibly can, and I would play most things from this showcase, because they look like interesting takes on those genres. People should start going outside of their comfort zone instead of playing the same few genres, because I bet 90% of the disappointment felt from any gaming showcase would be resolved if you spent a few months trying some genres you'd hardly touched before.


And you don't consider someone who says "Your taste is narrow if you're not excited by this showcase" to be pretentious?


You seem to be confused. You may have personally felt that what I said was condescending, but that's all in your head, mate. You need to take a deep breath and realize that not everyone is out to get you. I suggest learning about Eastern philosophy to ease yourself. Secondly, your opinion may aline with another, but that doesn't raise it to a level above others'. You're too hung up on your own opinion, and because of that, when you see someone disagree with you, you feel personally attacked. It's perfectly okay to disagree, as this prevents ignorance in an echo chamber. I agree that going out of one's comfort zone can be a good thing, but you ultimately contradict yourself by your example in context to what has already been said. Once again, because most of the announced titles are of pre-existing IPs and/or DLC.. the only ones not exiting their comfort zones are those such as yourself. If I had noted that I'd never played these games or if these were all new, sure you'd be correct, but that was never mentioned. Slow down and read what has been typed. Remove your negative emotions when you read. English is a language best understood when spoken, but written language is what we are dealing with. Try not to assume a negative meaning in others' words unless overtly obvious or self acknowledged.


Personally I’m in that weird middle ground where I can objectively say this was an amazing showcase, but there wasn’t much there that interests me specifically. Both games I’m excited for from this event are 2025 with no release date, I was hoping for something this year but it’s been a slow year for gaming overall.


Not being exited for nothing becouse they show very small amount of anything , hyped of Perfect Dark from Crystal Dynamic after Marvel avengers? No im just a realist not Hyperoptymist when i dont have to be hyped about.I feel like everyone here will be hyped even they show only the name of the game without anything more






Oh look, another Sony free advertiser. I'm mainly a PC gamer. I own a PS5. Not an XSX. Xbox had a good showcase, get over it.




It's alright, mate. I thought their comments were just as weird. This is the same type of headspace as someone who is politically inclined to a side in American politics. Mostly just aggressively talking but not really being of any sense.




Great show. I am looking forward to Fable, Perfect Dark, and Life is stramge Double Exposed.


I liked that XBOX had a tonne of stuff to show that was either coming this year or next year. Perfect Dark looked really good considering all the rumours that have been going around about it's state of development. It does leave me wondering how much of it was legit - hopefully all of it. Given the new Deus Ex got cancelled, I can definitely get down for something in that spectrum. Really looking forward to it as of right now. Doom looks cool. Solid like the last 2 games. Some new mechanics mixed in. I think it's unsurprising that they'd make a third in the series. Hoping after this one they reinvent themselves again and come with an updated Quake or something brand new. id Software rocks. I hope Avowed is good. Hopefully it can fill a bit of the Elder Scrolls void that's been there this past decade+. Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 caught me by surprise. Looks like a pretty fresh and modern spin on traditional Final Fantasy / Dragon Quest turn based gameplay. Looking forward to seeing more of that


Well, you should consider that Crystal Dynamics came to help with the development in 2021, so 3 years should have enough to course-correct the game.


Yeah but even beyond the troubles that had been talked about with The Initative and a lot of senior staff leaving, there was rumours as recent as a few months ago that the whole thing was still a mess. I'm relieved to see that it doesn't look like that is the case at all, and actually looks like a really cool direction for the series. It was my favourite thing coming out of the show.


Those rumors were later countered by rumors that "idk what they were talking about with Perfect Dark, we didn't hear it was in a bad state, in fact they may show it at the conference"


The Dragon Age trailer felt like a Fortnite x Dragon Age collab trailer.


Finally, some decent fucking food.


Banger of a show. Really well done. I'm most excited for Perfect Dark and Fable so hopefully they stick the landing.


the doctor is here haha


It was pretty good. Surprised to see so many 2024 stuff. I hope Avowed gets an extended look soon with a legit date. Gears prequel was definitely not on my bingo but I'm down. Disappointed that there's still nothing on a Gears Collection.


Apparently Avowed is getting extended look tomorrow on Xbox podcast. Not super surprising it wasn’t on the showcase since we already saw the gameplay deep dive earlier this year.


Awesome. I'll need to keep an eye out. Thanks.


Maybe they'll be saving it for closer to E-Day's launch?


Pure cope, but if Gears 0 is 2026, a remaster collection could be next year to fill people into the setting.


Reposting my thoughts from the Xbox sub. TL;DR: while the new games were great announcements, there was simply too much live service update slop and not enough gameplay from the first party 2024 releases. 6-7/10 Really mediocre show. A few highlights carried the show. There wasn’t a lot that looked bad, but some of my most anticipated games left more questions than answers. Doom and Gears are the big ones from this show (aside from CoD). Gears especially, i give a ton of credit to The Coalition, a lot of Gears fans have been begging for the series to go back to its roots, and considering the only two humans we saw were Marcus and Dom, it seems that’s where we’re heading. Expedition 33 low key could be the best game here. Turn based combat is coming back big time (thanks Baldurs Gate 3!!!) and I liked that there’s some timing elements in the combat to keep it engaging where you’re not just A spamming like in Pokémon. A fantasy-ish setting based in modern reality is super unique and I’m excited to see more of this Still way too much live service. We get it bro, 76 and Flight Sim and Diablo and WoW and Sea of Theives are getting new content. Just sick of seeing the same games at every show. Maybe do a separate Xbox Games Studios Updates showcase? These absolutely kill the pace of the show. Avowed and Indy not showing significant gameplay has to be a concern at this point. They should both be out in the next 6 months, why are 95% of their trailers still cinematic? South of Midnight looked bad, I don’t care if it was a creative choice or poor optimization, those cinematic looked fucking horrible. If that’s the best of what they have to show I don’t want to see the worst. I still don’t know what to make of Fable. Can we create our own character, or are we locked into this…unique looking protagonist that’s in the forefront of these trailers. Is it even an RPG still? It feels like they’re still trying to sell people on the world and story, which as a series reboot people are somewhat already bought into. Again, let’s see/hear about game mechanics. Stalker looked really good, I’ve never played the original(s?) but what they showed looked really good. Dragon Age needs to be good, I can’t handle another BioWare failure, please just go back to the RPG roots. Atomfall looked intriguing. I’m still not totally sure what type of game it is but the setting and world look really unique. Ditto for Perfect Dark, it’s nice to see it wasn’t in a disastrous place like some leakers hinted Overall, some really good stuff, not a ton of bad stuff, but the lack of transparency on some of this years biggest releases is becoming a semi major concern. I’ll give it like 6-7/10 for now but that could jump up if we get footage from booths or something of Avowed or Indy gameplay deep dives


You can just say the fable character is fuck ugly. You don’t need to be diplomatic


I was trying to avoid pissing off the chronically offended crowd, but I think criticizing South of 20 FPS riled them up


Calling people chronically offended when you stomp your feed that games are shown you don’t care about is pretty funny


I’m not stomping my feet about anything? I was actually intrigued by the games initial trailer, a mystical bayou setting looked really interesting. I’m criticizing the absolute dogshit appearance of the final product that a multi-billion dollar company decided to showcase today. I’m sorry if insulting the abhorrent frame rate in the trailer offended you though


Again you are the only one bringing up how offended others are 😂 projection at its finest Edit: cheers for the weirdly aggressive abuse in my DMs, really proving the point hahahaha blocked


I mean you directly implied to me being offended by them showing that game. So no, I’m not the only one talking about it


I didn’t though, I said it’s funny you go on about others being offended and you have comments saying games such as WoW and FO76 shouldn’t be shown because you don’t want to see them It’s video games mate this a isn’t that deep 😂 maybe you might need a break


You cant have other opinion than overhyping CGI trailers in this place


Apparently. We love circlejerking cinematic trailers then circlejerk how bad the gameplay that they hid from us is. It’s what we do here


Avowed already showed gameplay earlier this year lmao. And they’re doing another extended look tomorrow. Indy is more understandable


Where did I say they didn’t show gameplay earlier this year? I’m asking why we didn’t see more and got another cinematic? Why hide the most important aspect of the game at your biggest show of the year?


Probably because they already showed a lot and are showing more in an extended look. This is more like a “hey this is still coming in a few months! Now more announcements” definitely don’t think it’s a bad sign. If they don’t show any additional gameplay tomorrow (highly unlikely) I’ll be worried


We’re not getting more “announcements” unless you count all the seasonal slop in their live service games as announcements. I guess I’m just old school with this and think the shows should follow the older model from the E3 days where there were still tons of announcements, but the biggest upcoming games got 5 or so minute deep dives where someone would stand on stage and show you how the game plays. Xbox simply doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore. It’s a bit much to have an hour and a half showcase, where you then have to watch more videos to actually see anything of consequence from the games. Call of Duty I understand doing separately because it’s the biggest franchise in the world, but whose mind was changed on something like Avowed or Indy today? These shows only exist to build hype trains and circlejerks, they’re not honest looks at the games


What? They showed a bunch of new stuff today. Thats announcements. I don’t know what you expected. This is how Xbox typically does things. Big showcase in the summer to announce games without too much time spent on any one game (besides the deep dive at the end they’ve started doing) and then they reveal more information as the game release gets closer. I understand the want and desire to see more of games but that doesn’t really happen in their summer showcases.


I didn’t say they didn’t make announcements. I’m saying 90% of the showcase was cinematic trailers. I don’t get how you’re not getting what I’m saying. Showing a trailer that looks absolutely nothing like the final product is not the same as showing what the game actually looks like. No one would complain if 10/90 minutes were actual gameplay of their two biggest games of the year. I’m not saying show full 30 minute missions, but for fucks sake the games slated to release in the next few months should be ready to be shown in a somewhat playable state. You may be right maybe, that’s just how Xbox does things. But considering their dwindling console market share, recent major cutbacks in spending, and overall distrust from the public, maybe “the way Xbox does it” isn’t working.


This Xbox showcase was straight up amazing and finally gave me E3 nostalgia! I’d rate it a 9.5/10. Perhaps even 10/10 tbh. Honestly one of the best gaming showcases I’ve seen in recent memory, with back to back heavy hitter games and no fillers. Brilliant. My personal thoughts: Fable looks absolutely incredible, combat looks really great and I love the british humor. The whole vibe gave me a nostalgic feel of why I love gaming. Playground Games are known for being one of the best studios around, and it clearly shows here. One of my most anticipated games now, easily. Doom: The Dark Ages looks absolutely insane. Looks like Doom on steroids in Skyrim. Can’t wait to play it! Perfect Dark looks like the spy-thriller FPS that I hoped they would make. Looks absolutely amazing from the gameplay. They have clearly been cooking. Just became one of my most anticipated games. Starfield Shattered Space looks really cool, with a more dark/horror scifi vibe and really nice environments, and definately what the game needs more of. The release of Creation Kit for modding (both PC and Xbox support mods) with new mods made by some of the best known modders, and a new Starfield update with *free* DLC story content & new features releasing tonight is awesome. Indiana Jones: *really* excited for this and I already think this game looks better than the latest movies — they nailed the Indiana vibe. AAA blockbuster feel, and you can see they have also improved a lot of stuff further (like visuals) from the previous footage. This game is my personal most anticipated game releasing in 2024 now. STALKER 2: looks like the shooting mechanics are much improved, and the game looks photorealistic at times. Very excited for release soon. Gears of War: E-Day made me hyped af. Gears’ answer to Halo Reach! We already know what The Coalition is capable of, and they are absolute peak when it comes to Unreal Engine 5, very excited for this. Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 looks *really* good. Definately a game I want to see more of. Avowed showed us more of the story, and they have clearly improved a lot of stuff in the game since previously shown footage. I hoped for a set release date, but I think they should take the time they need. I hope I get to play it this year! Assassins Creed: Shadows: looks good — definately looks like an AC game, but I noticed several new things. I also like the new visual upgrade and the new location. So far I’m optimistic. Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater. I think it looks good, and much better than expected! Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: looks photorealistic and like any aviator fan’s dream game tbh. I can already see the roleplay potential of this game on Twitch. South of Midnight: looks like a cool new game, and it looks well made and handcrafted. Mixtape: gives me 80s stranger things vibes in a good way, feels chill. State of Decay 3: Glad to see it’s looking good, and I can’t wait to play this in co-op. Dragon Age: Veilguard: I was very excited for this beforehand, but what is going on with the cartoonish look? I need to see more of the actual gameplay before I judge, but I really hope they are not making this game feel like Fortnite. I pray this was just a design choice for the trailer. Call of Duty: Black OPS 6: Treyarch cooked here. Actually very excited for this one, looks like it could be the best COD in a long time for me personally. The campaign looks like a AAA blockbuster action mission impossible movie with multiple ways to do missions, and the new omni-movement looks pretty sick. Can’t wait to play zombies with the new omni controls


Fable showed combat? WTF im reading.


Would’ve been a 9.5 if they showed real gameplay of 2024 releases. I don’t get how people like you can still circlejerk these cinematic trailers, then have everyone questioning how these games all massively disappoint


Most of these games had gameplay in the trailers, what are you on about lol? Graphics has improved, in case you mistake gameplay for cinematics.


Cinematic gameplay is not true gameplay footage. Show me what the game actually plays like. A montage of half second actions is not gameplay, that is not what the game experience plays like


I usually don't watch showcases live but I am glad I tuned in for this felt somewhat like E3.


Wonder how much Xbox pays to showcase third party games like Metal Gear, Dragon Age, Life is Strange, and Assassin’s Creed. Seems like those would have put a dent in salvaging the shitshow that was SGF.


I would guess they don’t have to pay much, considering the Xbox showcase had a lot more viewers. These publishers rather want to be associated with the AAA showcase, than pay a lot of ad money to be part of whatever the SGF was. Think of it this way, pay Geoff insane sums of money to be part of an «indie» showcase, or be part of an actual «E3» like showcase with AAA games and more viewers for free?


That makes a lot more sense actually. I guess I misconstrued the industry viewpoint of SGF—I really thought Geoff was trying to make a modern show that could replace E3.


He's definitely TRYING to do that, but I don't think he's succeeding.


I feel like he was, it's just that hardly any big devs find it worthwhile to pay the prices for being featured in SGF when they could just be in the Xbox showcase, or Playstation or Nintendo at other parts of the year.


No old Activision games on game pass is wild to me


They are apparently coming on gamepass in last week of this month.


Which ones? All of them, or just the old school CODs?


Any source?


Anyone saying this show was underwhelming or mid is acting in bad faith. This was the strongest showcase in the last 3 years for EVERYONE. Not a single miss, everything looked phenomenal and it had a bunch of big games


Whoever is saying this was bad might as well just admit to themselves they are Sony console warriors lol This was easily the best gaming showcase in years for me too. No fillers, just pure heavy hitters back to back. Felt like E3 to me


Or maybe there just simply wasn't much that interested them?


Or you are overhyping CGI trailer with almost zero gameplay and generic looking games


Checked your post history, and Sony console warrior checks out lol. What a shock. Imagine being so delusional towards a plastic box that you decide to circlejerk Lego Horizon, and then say this whole showcase was bad and generic a few days later lol. Grow up


You got these people saying, "Oh but half of the show is coming to Playstation" or "I don't think these games are big hits" And? Is that supposed to detract how good of a show it was? Literally everything looked fantastic and MOST of it is going straight to gamepass. It was a stellar showcase for everyone and the closest we've been to an actual E3 feel in ages.


it comes across to me as more of a narrow minded view than anything




I may have missed it (or it wasn’t announced) but can I just download Black Ops 6 on Gamepass to play or do I need the whole CoD HQ thing and 300GB of space for the campaign?


You can just download BO6. I started downloading it earlier, I think it’s around 120ish gb.


The 300gb is BO6 campaign and multiplayer plus like the last three CODs multiplayer + campaign + zombies + warzone. You can download piecemeal, even separate campaigns and multiplayers, so no. You don't have to download all of that.


Thank Christ for that. So Cold War and BO6's campaigns are 80 gigs each, right?


why would they ever announce that at their live show


Was a decent showcase but no release dates for anything, not even Indiana Jones which is dropping this year. Like where else do they announce that release date?


There were release dates for some.


Probably just with a random trailer or blogpost. They have so much releasing in that time frame that moving things even a week could throw things off. They probably want to nail dates down 100%.


Gamescom or a tweet maybe?


So much for those Final Fantasy leaks.


Uhh i had false hope lol. 😭


Is TGS the next hope?


Hopefully this lights a little fire under Sony. Seems like they’re getting a little complacent and are sort of in cruise control recently. Gotta love Xbox coming out swinging, this is great for the industry.


They should’ve had a similar showcase last year when everyone was disappointed they haven’t shown all their stuff. They have like 15+ first party that are three years or longer in development that we know nothing about


For sure, that’s kind of what I was saying. Sony took them lightly and took the foot off the pedal especially in terms of first party stuff. Sucks especially since I have a ps5 lol but will happily renew my Gamepass subscription now


Don't Sony usually do a larger showcase in September?


Aren't most of these games coming to PlayStation sooner or later though? (Other than Fable Flight Sim and Indy, maybe others I don't know about) I don't know how they'll actually take it in the long run


Only COD and Diablo expansion and some of the third-party games. COD was the one they had a deal for. Diablo expansion comes out because it was already released on PS5 before the acquisition.


Looks like Doom is coming to PS5 too, that's another big one They still have a good lineup with Fable, Indy, Perfect Dark though. They should keep going (I'd assume the sea of thieves content will also go to other platforms but I know nothing about that game)


The 3 exclusives you named, plus the new gears of war is an incredible line up if you ask me. What does Sony have coming other than Astro bot (which I’m pumped for lol)


That all depends on whether or not they have a September showcase planned


To be fair, ***it's fucking DOOM.*** Even if everything else from Zenimax went exclusive, I'd bet you *anything* that'd remain multiplat no matter what. There's simply too much of an audience on PS to leave behind, far more so than with even *Fallout.*


We really don't know, Microsoft still is determining their strategy. They themselves don't seem to know. I guess they will go with what works, if these games revitalize the Xbox brand and Gamepass, they will possibly not go the multiplatform route.


I think it might be too late to revitalise the XBox as a console brand this generation, but these games will probably help Gamepass a lot (and they definitely don't hurt their prospects for next gen if they keep this pace going)


You underestimate how much having good games can change the narrative Look at PS5 they haven't really released much but they have the proven pedigree to release bangers so they are the market leaders. I think release of GTA 6 will decide if this is the nail in the coffin for xbox's hardware


PS5 still has Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy and Helldivere, and announcing Wolverine and KOTOR Remake early helped build hype for the console even if it ended up being a terrifble idea long-term


Imho final fantasy has done a lot of heavy lifting for Sony this gen I guess I just want to see more from the first party. Hope they cook with the September showcase


Xbox runs these showcases really well. Only about a minute of corporate yapping for every dozen or so trailers.


Like I said in another thread: MS had the strongest showcase, but again that wasn’t high bar to beat since the others was underwhelming. It get 7/10 from me.


Well that was disappointing. Where's Vision of Mana? Fantasian? Blue Dragon? Final Fantasy XVI? Dragon Quest HD-2D?


Bruh Final Fantasy (outside of 14) is dead on Xbox let's be real


Sounds like you were disappointed by the lack of JRPG presence, which was a large part of large year's showcase. Surely that 33 game must have looked interesting to you?


I don't play Western games.


That's an incredibly close-minded, and quite frankly disappointing attitude to have, especially for that game in particular which looks super creative. I don't really know what to say other than I hope your taste in games stops being limited by something so arbitrary as whether it's eastern or western made in the future. It's such a strange overgeneralization about literally thousands of games that your preference almost holds no meaning.


This was disappointing? I haven't seen a bad or boring game or that I don't want to play. That 33 game looked like a gorgeous FF.


The UI for the turn based battles gave me Persona vibes with the flair of it all. Such a gorgeous game


> Final Fantasy XVI lol


This showcase was actually amazing. Way better than expected!


Same. Sad Sega seemingly blew their load this year at KeighleyFest, though. Also, MGS Delta looks... not great...


Silksong curse is so strong that even Schreier couldn’t get it right


I do wish there was some Latitude stuff, but… is Doom the only Xbox IP going multiplat? That seems REALLY tame for all the dooming that’s been going on


People forget that tom Warren just said that they were considering project latitude. If Indy,BO6 do well I can easily see them reverse it.


i actually expected Indiana Jones to be multiplatform just based on the IP not being from Xbox and maybe they have some contractual obligation to get it in PS too.


Latitude stuff was never going to be announced in this showcase apart from DOOM: The Dark Ages (which itself was a tease towards their future direction). This showcase was laid out in such a way to reinforce trust amongst Xbox fans to continue investing into Xbox hardware. We will have to wait out a bit longer for the announcement of the next wave of multi platform games.


There were a lot of rumours about the handheld Xbox, which turned out to be just the same consoles with extra space. Personally think that most of the latitude stuff isn't decided yet, it's all board room ideas and speculation that is getting leaked constantly.


Doom was always multiplat...what the fuck are you talking about?


Xbox didn’t always own them, now they do, so people thought any new games would become exclusive. It doesn’t matter anyways because now we know that’s not the case


DOOM and DOOM Eternal came out before Microsoft bought Bethesda/id, so there was question whether a new one would still go multi-plat or become exclusive.


Eh they already said back in 2021 that all Bethesda games going forward will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Doom has always been multiplatform, absolutely no reason to make it exclusive.


Doesn’t really make sense since the ratio of Xbox consoles being sold is not great atm


Yeah, but they already have a new *Gears* and *Fable* on the way to goose Xbox sales. Plus a bunch of exciting new IPs and killer licenses (*Indy*), not to mention old stalwarts *Halo* and *Forza.* The only multiplat franchise they would make exclusive if the could, in my eyes, is Crash/Spyro to get the kids and family market on lockdown. Even then, however, it'd not only be a PR nightmare but also unprofitable, as Xbox was never where said series were usually bought anyway. So a new *Banjo* remains a necessity... not that they seem to care. :/


If they make good games they will sell more consoles. We saw this with Starfield already. At the end of the day they are getting money from PC as well, they aren't dependent upon Xbox like Sony is dependent upon PS.


Yeah I didn't think it would, I was just explaining to the other dude why people questioned if it would or not.


Ok. Phil (I know, I know...) specifically said that they will not be uprooting fanbases during the acquisition. Only new IPs from these studios will most likely be exclusive to Xbox (Starfield, Blade, etc.) This is why I think ES6 will be on PlayStation. The franchise has way too big of a fanbase.




Really sold on Indie being first person after this, I don’t know why but this look really sealed it for me


Indy has both first person and third person.


Not in the sense that you can freely choose though, it’s only third person in some puzzle segments


No Silksong....again. This is becoming terribly painful :(


Where is Double Fine?!?!?!


Making Psychonauts 3, hopefully. (I know they are not).


I’ve never played Gears but is this new one a prequel? E-day the day of the invasion or something?


Have you played Halo Reach? This is like the Halo Reach of the original trilogy


E-Day stands for Emergence Day which is the day the invasion started yeah


As someone who has been looking forward to Gears 6 since 5's cliffhanger... looks like I'm gonna have to wait even longer. Prequel with Dom back is nice still but damn. Hoping the current trilogy gets a resolution one day 


Yes, this will be a prequel.


Looked cool, think I need to get them all downloaded on game pass and try them


I haven’t played 5 yet. But all the gears games besides judgment are really good. 3 is my favorite story for multiple reasons. A rumor was going around of maybe a remaster like halo Mcc happening like sometime last year, but we haven’t heard anything about it.


I wish Playstation would do a showcase on this level again. Best showcase since Sony E3 2016


They realised that they could just show slop and still sell stupid amounts of consoles. Honestly it's on Xbox they gave up without trying


Playstation has the absolute most BORING showcases/SOPs these days. For real like bottom tier on my exite-o-meter when it comes to these things.


They didn’t have to all this while because they weren’t in proving grounds this time around compared to Microsoft. But once they have ran through the rest of their game releases this year (Astro Bot, Concord, Lego Horizon Adventures & Until Dawn), they surely have to lay out their cards with what devs like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerrilla, Sucker Punch, Insomniac (Wolverine and beyond), Bluepoint, Housemarque, Firesprite, Bend & Media Molecule have been working on. So far, the only post-2024 titles that we have seen trailers of are Wolverine, Death Stranding 2, Marathon and Fairgames.


So no Xbox handheld?


And no new controller either.


Xbox's showcases are on a whole other level


They did amazing this year


this is probably one of their best Showcase in like 5 years? I'm genuinely excited for Black Ops 6 this year!


treyarch cooked, that extra dev time seemed like it was really worth it




Well they definitely didn’t


There’s something off about this new zombies




It's the lack of interesting playable characters. It looks like we are playing as generic soldiers again Nvm. There's a crew. Yeah this might be black ops coming back...again....maybe


I wonder how many showcases Mechabreak is going to be in.


Black Ops 6 reverting to classic prestige 🔥🔥🔥


youtube backend leaks are closed up so leakers are full of it now. that was how everything was leaking a day before.


All this game needs is no sbmm


Coalition really need to knock the story out of the park they can't fuck it up.


I really hope this is going to be the first multi year cod


Extas1s is a fraud


Yeah, a bull shit artist.


Honestly the LiS with Max coming back was the highlight for me along with that Expedition 33


I'm a bit confused with this LiS like is it a sequel or another universe or what? If it is a sequel then... dang. Expedition 33 looks awesome and I don't even like turn based combat. Hope it turns out amazing. Mixtape looks awesome too.


Considering it deals with parallel worlds, there's no way they don't touch upon LiS 1's two endings 


Just a question, I played and loved LiS and I think I dredged through the color one. Didn't get through LiS 2. Were the other games connected with the story of the first one? Like am I okay just replaying the original one before this new one?


Yeah it's safe to assume it'd be okay just playing the first. The only other game directly connected to LiS 1 is Before the Storm but that focuses on Chloe, not Max. 2 and True Colors have small connections to the first game but they are very loose (mostly character cameos). They largely tell their own standalone stories.


Hell yeah I haven't played through the game in a bit but I'm downloading now lmao


Great game, what are you playing it on? There's a remastered version now too, not that I recommend paying for it, but it does look a bit cleaner and it comes with BtS.


I'm on Xbox series s.


Yeah Mixtape looks like cute and looks to be a tear jerker