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Three separate final bosses sounds nice. If it’s true then it’ll hopefully quell disappointments about the >!Radahn fight!< Kinda seems like the DLC doesn’t really have a linear path and it’s just “go and fight whatever boss”


I said in the other thread before it was nuked that I have a certain amount of 'trust' in regards to how From implement that boss, lore wise and conceptually, because there were quite a few call backs in the likes of DkS 3 but that really worked for me in the context of the story being told and the world.


there is a very old leak about From abanding a season pass that had two separate DLC before the game Launched and they combined them into one seems very plausible that this DLC would have multiple storylines


Yeah it really seems like they had three DLCs and mashed them together. 


The three final bosses could be one for each possible ending in the OG.


You don’t need to beat the game for the DLC though


Yea, but maybe there's some connection between them and the DLCs.


I’ve wanted to fight prime radahn since the game released. Once the DLC releases and we have real context I don’t think anyone will be dissapointed


Yeah that's the thing that sucks about leaks. People see things out of context and go crazy lol. I honestly think the idea is pretty cool and i was just thinking about if we'd ever know what he was like before he got corrupt by malenia. Edit: i just remembered when [this](https://youtu.be/MWfdhS-g8To?si=Z7tFoLaReX08TxfW) video leaked, and everyone on the elden ring sub started assuming the game is gonna be trash because of the jump animation and the way the trees looked or something.


Would prefer finding out myself but goddamn RADAHN PRIME? i'm so fucking in. I hope he's even harder than Malenia.


have you actually seen the leaked fight? that's the real reason I think so many people are disappointed. I also woudn't say he looks particularly challenging - arguably the base game radahn fight looks harder (without summons ofc).


I tried to avoid but yeah seems people are being kind of underwhelming. I don't wanna see more for now though. Knowing its existance is more than enough for me.


Yeah the leaked fight makes the base game Radahn seem like Prime Radahn.


Yea well if you do the math on it Malenia is the hardest boss fight in Elden Ring and that’s not in her prime either. So imagine going up against a boss that was able to kick prime malenias shit in before she nuked him. It theoretically should be the new hardest boss fight in the game


There is no way in fuck fromsoft puts out those animations, not in demon souls let alone this. Maybe that’s going to look like Radahn but I would highly doubt that’s what we’ll get.


there was a lot of (unverified) claims from people that said they were leakers along the lines of 'Radahn is the real final boss, but I have no idea what version that guy was playing because that looked way shitter than what I fought' and the reviews that talk about him in a negative light did say it was visually great so I assume it'll look a lot better on release.


Exactly.. The initial posts saying that boss is the 'final boss' is what got people all riled up. Annoys me when people start saying they are disappointed, etc. after seeing 1% of what is essentially a full ass new game.


That’s how the whole game is structured, it isn’t surprising lol


Where did the previous post with all the clips go?


People kept sending me weird DMs so I removed it. I only really use Reddit for hobby stuff.


Sorry to hear that, I'm thankful for the shared information.


Thanks. It's okay, it's a risk you take when you decide to post online I guess.


check u/External-Remote-9735 profile for the videos. Has Messmer, a new dragon, and the alleged "radahn fight"


> check u/External-Remote-9735 profile for the videos. Has Messmer, a new dragon, and the alleged "radahn fight" Damn, people are calling his vids fake huh?


Copyright claimed. Well shit.


Chinese Fromsoft fans have managed to repost the videos on Bilibili (the Chinese version of YouTube) tho. Search up Shadow of the Erdtree to see them


The Radahn one is extremely sketchy


It's real. All of the other videos are undoubtedly real, and there's an earlier video of the Radahn fight using the Dancing Lion helm and other DLC items, along with screenshots of the cutscene.


It’s not real lol, there’s a clip with a projectile and that projectile is just a smithing stone png lmao


Still think it's fake? Lmao.


![gif](giphy|mLGbg0dsgghtsQQmDm|downsized) just took the biggest huff of copium ever, the Radahn fight probably looks so ass because there’s a ton of placeholders, like the limgrave skybox


Can I see it?


All of its literally in the profile linked above


They've been removed by Reddit Chinese Fromsoft fans have managed to repost the videos on Bilibili (the Chinese version of YouTube) tho. Search up Shadow of the Erdtree to see them


So THATS why Radahn is needed to start to DLC


So the “3 final bosses” are bosses of three separate main storylines in the dlc?


Yeah and each of them has own part on the map


Can we fight all three of them in single playthrough ???




~~Was that other thread nuked by the OP or the mods? Weird.~~ It was OP that did it. That guy in the pics definitely sounds like a reviewer who had a lapse in judgement. Still, very excited to see how that all pans out.


where are the videos and what do they show? a lot of what this person claims (enemy reskins and reuse, 10 main bosses, rennala’s sister being a boss fight, around 30-40 hours in length) have been confirmed by the influencer event like two weeks ago.


>! Messmer fight, something called Dread Dragon, and part of the Prime Radahn fight were shown too!<


The videos show the entire Mesmer fight, a new dragon remembrance fight, and the final boss of the miquella story line. And a few other things but those are the main ones


No Melina is sad


Another thread had Melina info


Where? I search that name on this sub and only get this thread and release ones from 2 years ago


Some people have been repeatedly mentioning a bit of information that seems a lot shakier than the other leaks, but here is what I read. >!Melina is the female half of Miquella that he discarded (similar to Marika and Radagon, it's implied he inherited this trait just like the other demigods inherited certain other traits of Marika). The leak claims that there is lore that clarifies that Radagon and Marika were never seperate beings, which is the same as for Miquella / Melina!< edit: just to stress again, neither the leaker in this post nor the leaker of the videos (not sure if they're the same person?) have said this as far as I've seen, but it's getting spread around a lot so make of it what you will.


Wait, then who is Saint Trina? Is Saint Trina not Miquella?


Yeah that's what I'm confused about too lol


St Trina is related to the other final boss Mother of Fingers


the theory was that it was miquella/St Trina similar to Radagon/Merika. Are there 3 split personalities or is St. Trina it's own person then lol


I thought we would learn that she was the counterparts of Messmer.  Miquella/Trina, Marika/Radagon, Messmer/Melina.  Have you heard what's up with Messmer?


I haven't seen much about messmer yet aside from the fight. The way st trina was explained by the leaks kind of throws the authenticity into question, so I wouldn't take any of it too seriously: >!st trina was never really real or was the female half of miquella before he discarded her and she found purpose as melina!< If you agree with the theory that the messmer leaks are real and the radahn leaks fake (along with most of the other story leaks), then there is more evidence for the messmer / melina link: >!Messmer drops a kindling item along with the remembrance in the leaked video, which, considering melinas whole purpose was to be kindling, solidifies a link there. One person with absolutely no verification claims that the kindling will be used to burn something to access the actual final boss (implied not to be radahn), similar to radagon / elden beast.!< Overall just a lot of contradictory, confusing and unverifiable information.


NGL, I kind of enjoy this period of confusion, it reminds me of silly Pokemon schoolyard rumors. 😅


You know there is a part of the game where Melina touches the main character and you just fall asleep. We never see anyone else do that in the game as far as I know and we are quite powerful at that point. And she just shuts our shit down and we go nighty night to wake up in Farum Azula.


yeah that's a good catch, I guess we'll find out what's really going on in a few days.


Don’t give me hope (do you have link to thread?)


The comment about Messmer pulling out his eyes matches a few of my suspicions. When the life sized statue was on display people noticed he had no eyes, but maybe it was an earlier concept. However, yesterday during the RedBull event, Asmongold was given the collector's edition to unbox which of course has a statue of Messmer and Bandai told him no closeups of the face which was very suspicious. Now we know why.


The 3 final bosses part is interesting, Radahn is the coolest character to come out of this game and I’m glad to be able to fight him at his prime, but having him be the definitive final boss would be kinda disappointing. Good to know that there are 2 other new final bosses.


I would have much preferred Godwyn or prime Radagon/Marika


Yeah that's what bums me the most. We could've had Miquella using Godwyn (since his soul is dead) or Marika in her prime. Not that I dislike Radahn, but his fight was already pretty epic, he didn't need a second round.


The more I look at it the more I'm unsure about the Radhan fight, Messmer and the other clips are likely real, all the animations people have already mentioned plus the start of the phase 2 transition is really close to Godfrey. I might be reading too much into it for this one, but all the other clips have the Dancing Lion helm on. Radhan fight has the Mushroom helm on, and no DLC content Something I just remembered as I was writing this though, is the gravity spin that Radhan uses is an Ash of War in the DLC (from yesterday's Redbull event), could be 50/50 tbh.


>Something I just remembered as I was writing this though, is the gravity spin that Radhan uses is an Ash of War in the DLC (from yesterday's Redbull event), could be 50/50 tbh. Great catch


That's not super airtight though since he uses it in the base game, and that's the only thing right now I have as "for" evidence. against: * boss drops 12k runes immediately, then 500k after god slain text * only uses/wears base game stuff * no new talisman icons * reused ost * boss and remembrance name is questionable * animations are reminiscent of other bosses / enemies * skipped cutscene is very similar to godfrey phase 2


> only uses/wears base game stuff this take I really don't get why people are pushing, I don't think it would be unusual for someone to just do the whole dlc with the same gear on. Some people just like using the shit they have already upgraded. Im sure the person tried the stuff they picked up, I see myself doing the same thing.


Yeah but the footage is allegedly from the same dude who sued different gear in the two real fights and then in this final one he suddenly switched back, which is possible but along with all the other weird things it seems a bit strange


This is giga cope dude


nah these are valid points, but there cud be placeholders for the ost, cutscenes and some animations as well until the dlc patch. elden ring before day one patch used malenias ost for all boss fights so they cud patch that stuff in


Lol, they wanted to warn us about her


not coping, don't have any investment either way.just pointing out things that seemed off after being in the modding community for a long time. even if it's real and a dud I have multiple hours of high quality content to look forward to. (Dancing Lion looks like a banger for example)


>skipped cutscene is very similar to godfrey phase 2 i increased the brightnss of the cutscene and this is what i got [https://imgur.com/a/Ew3ioBf](https://imgur.com/a/Ew3ioBf) the animation is also completly different from godfrey. Godfrey puts his hand on his right knee, meanwhile radahn slams his right sword to the ground. This shit is legit.


The real question is why Miquella -an emphyrean has no eye scar


Where'd you see the messmer and other videos? Trying to sneak


They were posted here, sort by newest and you'll probably find it


I haven't watched the leaks but I've read that the theme is the same as base game Radahn and if that's the case, it'd be the biggest giveaway that it is either a mod or a super early build, there is no way they re-introduce Radahn without a brand new or remixed theme, especially not as a final boss.


For the final fight, look at the arch and the skybox when the camera pans. I swear it looks like the arch is a 2D picture that's placed in the back and not even modeled. The reused pontif animations too. Messmer has reused ulcerated tree spirit animations and some of the melee animations. None of the weapons/armor/spells/enemies (except messmer) shown in the trailers or gameplay have been seen in these leaks and there's a couple small discrepancies like messmers arena in the trailer not having railings and the ground being different. Given how fleshed out the animations were with the redbull event boss was, I'd be surprised that they'd skimp so hard on the main bosses like that. The problem with it being fake is that if someone were to recreate this in 3 months, they'd have to have big talent and likely multiple people working on the project. It'd be cool if we were all punked and this was someone's YouTube video though. If this is an early build, it has to be a much much earlier version than what the day 0 version was to day 1 patch ER.


I could see the footage being from an unfinished build of the game. The Radahn fight really looks unfinished.


It’s possible that the model used is in video is Radahn in an early build


Agree. No new dlc content on that character and the boss arena looks vanilla as hell


Boss arena isn't impressive, 100%, but he has that gear on in the other videos and I think the Messmer video is very clearly real. He has a goofy armor set to cheese the bosses, not a surprise since strong meta sets using DLC content aren't defined yet.


Something i don't see people mentioning is that the size of the boss makes no sense. He's supposed to be big right but then again that could just be him much younger somehow


Radahn fight feels like a "fanfiction"/"fan-service" moment not too dissimilar to Soul of Cinder transforming in phase 2 into "Prime Gwyn". Personally, I've never been too enamored with the whole "woah that boss was cool and he/she was past their prime. Imagine fighting them in a future game/dlc in their prime!" rhetoric. From what little has been shared lore-wise, it's not the most egregious problem, but I have always preferred having something new if possible. Dark Souls fans spent nearly a decade coping about Velka or Father Lloyd or Manus being the final boss of the Dark Souls trilogy only for it to be a hobo in assless chaps and it turns out the power of the titular Dark Soul, the culmination of all of humanity, was the ability to make one's cape belligerent. Point being, there's always someone who's gonna be disappointed. I do hope the three "final bosses" and their respective storylines don't just end so unceremoniously. Would be cool if they were tied together alongside a true final-final boss a la Aldia in Dark Souls 2 after defeating all the three DLC final bosses.


It's technically a different concept though, it's more like Miquella is manipulating Radahn as their vessel. It's weird that it'd be Radahn though, Miquella pulling a switcheroo on Mohg feels like it would've made more sense narratively but I guess we'll see what's cooking.


It does come off as odd that Miquella wouldn't entertain Mohg as a consort if he needed a demigod, but maybe even Miquella has his limits when it comes to creepy family members.


Radahn is for sure more powerful than Mohg


Actually disagree with this, Radahn would be the same strength as Malenia phase one, since she stalemated him and “dies” by the end of phase one. Also whilst Radahn has gravity powers, Mohg gets his powers straight from an outer god


It's not a great idea to judge lore power rankings with gameplay. The Malenia we fight in phase 1 is not as good as she was when she faced Radahn and the Radahn we face is obviously just a shell of his former self and despite that, he is still strong enough to challenge the player, Blaidd, Alexander, Okina (who injured Mohg) and others. We have a canonical description of Radahn as "mightiest of the demigods, greatest hero of the shattering". He is bigger than Mohg, a lot faster, studied under some of the best sorcerers. There is no information about Mohg ever participating in any significant fights so technically, we can't judge him, but I know who my pick is.


Maybe Miquella also has internalized racism towards Omens 💔


The fact that I can’t tell if you’re being Ironic or not goes to show how unhinged the internet has become.


Mohg is a pawn of the Formless Mother though. So maybe Miquella couldn't use him, since he may not want her influence in whatever he is planning.


I think it makes sense in a way. Radahn was considered the mightiest of the demigods. He had a mastery of warfare and gravitational magic. He was only bested by Malenia due to her unleashing scarlet rot, which is also her weakness. In a way, he's very similar to Godfrey who served Marika so well. It will be interesting under what circumstances Radahn is brought back though, and if he had a say or is basically a puppet. He could be like Gregor Clegane in GoT. This is where Miquella's sinister side is going to come our IMO. The reality also is we the Tarnished end up in conflict with Miquella. Whatever he requests of us must be unsavory.


Honestly its a cool idea but I just hope its not really the final boss and it looks better than...whatever the hell is the nonsense of a moveset the video has shown


FS has fumbled the ball before. Wouldn't be surprised if this was something similar to Laurence.


If the Radahn fight is real then I would say let’s atleast wait for the release to know what the lore connection is. People are upset but I believe once we get the full story it would make sense.


With that mechanical jank and strange boss reuse and a return-to-life-for-incest story the final fight either gonna be fake, Fromsoft's biggest L ever or the devs are working overtime to fix the jank in a day 1 patch


Anyone has the DLC complete map please? I really want to see it 🙈 send pm if you don’t wanna send it here


So is Miquella just controlling Radahn in Radahns body? Curious what the endgoal is there or if Miquella plays a more physical role himself. He says nothing about Godwyn but also mentions he didnt see everything either so....couldnt there be more bosses not seen? So far, this only accounts for 6 we know of from 2 in previews, Messmer and these 3 "end" bosses.


Also the dread dragon


And I think the weird looking skeleton horse in the giant arena is a main boss


so out of all important characters, they’ve decided to revive radahn and make him the final boss. i’d be fine if it was prime radagon/marika but this isn’t it. and of course there is no godwyn fight, why would there be when you can have radahn as a lothric 2.0 boss.


I’m praying that it’s fake. The arena looks so basic and boring too


Actually if it was Godwyn it would've been plausible


I’m looking for clarification on these 3 storylines. Are they actually separate, in the sense you pick one and you are locked in until the end? If you want to do the others you need to start a new playthrough? Or is it like NPC quest lines, where you can do all of them if you fulfil the requirements? You could argue Fortissax is the “final boss” of Fia’s quest line if that’s the case. Or how Malenia is the “final boss” of Millicent’s etc.


The information we have now is somewhat conflicting, but it seems to suggest these are separate "storylines" in the same way as Fortissax in Fia's quest, so presumably they can all be done in one run. At least I hope so.


From what I saw they are independent, each one in a separate section of the map


Where is the videos?


My question is can you get all the remembrances in one playthrough or do you have to start multiple playthroughs to get all of them?


No, he said you can fight the 3 bosses in 1 playthrough since each boss can be found in a separate place in the map


Thank god


Welp, at least there are other final bosses. Definitely not thrilled to fight Radahn again.


Frustrating to hear about the dragon reskins. Those are not fun enemies to fight more than once, stuff like that may really sour the experience. The person who provided the leaked videos said that it was their favorite fromsoft content though. I’m definitely willing to trade some content reuse for scope, but that’s just something you can’t know until you play I guess.


I believe Vaati or some other YouTuber already said they saw a dragon reskin, so hopefully it's just that


It was some skeleton/zombie dragon they encountered on the map like in the base game. Unsure if it's the same moveset tho.


People severely over emphasize the repeated boss and enemy shit. I don't know who walks into a game and expects every enemy to be different. Elden Ring is already pretty much in a class of its own when it comes to unique enemies, especially considering this is an expansion so you would expect returning enemies. I got other beefs with the game but enemy variety is not even close to being something worth criticizing.


It's BS, Witcher blood and wine had reskinned and reused enemies, so did Doom Eternal Ancient Gods, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, FF16 DLC, and any other major dlc that's been released. SOTE is literally half the size of the base game and people want completely new assets for everything? People are unreasonable when they didn't hold other games to this standard.


I'm all about bitching about games but Elden Ring has the most unique enemies in an open world game by a pretty large margin. At some point, the game has to get released, every enemy can't be unique, and they are already operating at an insane scale. Frankly I'd rather they focus on the enemy placement (and how many) and giving you a satisfying number of runes for defeating enemies.


It's like people forget you're buying an expansion not elden ring 2, and then start saying a bunch of dumb crap about stuff that literally has no context over content that hasn't recieved it's Day 1 patch. That's not to mention ER's Day 1 patch added and changed the majority of all the item descriptions. People find the dumbest excuses to get their pitch forks which is sad considering it's FS that's not had a bad game since Demon Souls.


None of those examples cost 40 bucks, though.


I mean, anyone complaining on the basis of \*this\* is just wrong, seeing as it's an unconfirmed leak, but come on. There is zero justification for how often you fight those fucking Godskins (especially when the Noble remains so badly bugged to this day). Firesage Demon in Dark Souls 1 gets torn apart for being a literal copy-paste of Stray Demon who was already a copy-paste of Asylum Demon, Elden Ring can get judged for it too lol


Personally I was pretty upset with the snowfield, mountaintop, and haligtree being packed with re-used enemies so it's a little concerning. Not to mention all of the tree spirits. I get that it's a lot of land to fill with enemies but it really stood out to me at the time.


At least (some parts of) the Haligtree makes sense lore-wise given its role but the rest was too much Ctrl V


Never before has a From DLC ended with a rehashed boss. This one is double rehashed AND smells like 'member berry shit. Who the fuck decided on Radahn? Why not Godwyn, the one the base game told us Miquella was working with/towards? At least then it would only be one rehash and make sense. And before you pipe up with the "3 final bosses" bit this one is the absolute last one since you have to reject Miquella, meaning you can't finish his storyline after.


I expect the final boss to not be a random call back to a main story boss which is reasonable in my opinion


Is it really random if we don't really know what the story is?


I dont want spoiler but is there anything about level scaling in the dlc? I stopped my playtrough after mogh at level 110 since I do not want to be over levelled but I would go farther if I knew if additional level make the dlc easier or not


150+ for the DLC.




125-150 is enough


You should be fine. The dlc has a separate level up system similar to sekiros and the bosses there will more than definitely drop enough runes


A friend of mine is reviewing the game and said it took him 30 hours for the main story. He's currently looking for side content.


The DLC sounds good so far to me. Kinda surprised reading it that Radahn fight is optional fight. Might have to play the game again to see both sides


From what I’ve seen it’s not optional. It’s one of three final bosses at the end and you have to beat them all in any order you want


I meant choosing to aid Miquella in his quest or not similar to Gehrman in Bloodborne


Assuming the leaks and rumors are true we should be asking why Radhan and Miquella are allies. Some say the fight only happens if you refuse to join Miquella, okay so that's a starter. Then how is Rahan here and why would he join Miquella? Well, Fromsoft said Radhan would be in a DLC and we would fight alongside him, so that's solved. As for him joining Miquella, we know that Radhan always wanted to be like Godfrey and Radagon, so becoming a consort to a god is the final step in this plan. Melina is Miquella has also been stated, how is this possible? Either Melina is St. Trina, and there are theories that she is given what she has done in the game. Or St. Trina was only ever speculated to be Miquella's alter and that assumption is false. Let's assume Melina is St. Trina, it could be possible that Melina, like Miquella, had at once a plan to become a god without the assistance of the Greater Will. We know that she is against the Frenzied Flame, which seeks to end all life to recombine the True Creator figure from the beginning of creation. Melina thinks that there is still good in the world and disagrees with this approach. She likely went to the beginning, to find the truth and decided to become a god and start the order anew, becoming the Gloam-eyed Queen, St. Trina's stuff always has only 1 eye. However, Mesmer likely killed Melina in a sense and she reverted back to Miquella. Now since Miquella has divested himself of his flesh both Empyrian souls can enact their will upon the world. Given that Melina would have likely died before Godfrey, and that fact was just hidden, her soul would have returned to the Erdtree which would be why she is directly linked to it. Even if this isn't the case, it would still make sense if Miquella painted or used Melina as a villain and worked with Mesmer, or tricked him, into killing Melina so that her soul could be used to eventually burn the Erdtree with Mesmer's flames. Mesmer and Melina even have a connection with one another due to their sealed eyes, even Ranni to an extent. This has to imply something that we just don't fully understand yet and Miquella likely has something to do with it. Let's discuss the Eclipse, Miquella has this major subplot about an eclipse that will bring back the souls of the dead demi-gods. Some believe it has yet to happen while others believe it has. I believe the eclipse has happened. In the trailer, we see 7 figures following after Miquella and ourselves would make 8 total. In the lore, we can assume there are 9 dead demi-gods: 7 walking mausoleums, Godwyn, and Ranni. Ranni obviously returned, but the others? I'm pretty sure they were reincarnated as the 7 followers of Miquella. So why not Godwyn? That's because our character is likely Godwyn's reincarnation. This would be the only reason why Torrent would choose us over anyone else. it would also explain why there would be no DLC boss fight for Godwyn. It is because his body is just that a body used by destined death and any related god. This fact would also explain why Miquella would only choose Radhan after we reject him. And it would add new meaning to Ranni's ending. Furthermore, there is a Japanese theory using proof from trailers to speculate that our Tarnished was a demi-god before our death. Of course, this is all just speculation but I believe that the leaks presented are in fact real, albeit early dev versions. I also believe that following one of the 3 optioned fights gives more story background to the endings in the base game. Duskborn ending is Gloam-Eyed Queen/St. Trina ending. Order ending is Miquella's ending. Blessing of Despair ending is the Crucible's ending.


Wow this is so incredibly thoughtful and well laid out. Honestly I was really mad at the whole idea of fighting Radahn again but if this theory is accurate in any major way I would honestly love it as an ending. The whole Tarnished is Godwyn theory is really solid and would really make sense as to why Miquella/Radahn only fights you if you deny becoming his consort yourself (assuming that is the offer given to you)


>Well, Fromsoft said Radhan would be in a DLC and we would fight alongside him, so that's solved.  Where did they say this?


Just confirm, the storylines are indeed separate becquse the Remembrance image clearly shows someone who obtained all 3 "final boss" fight Remembrances, meaning they did it on one playthrough.




His moveset should look cooler than it is


I'm not disappointed in the slightest. I'm absolutely stoked about the new lore.


Final boss leak is probably real in the sense that the boss is going to be that, but the boss we saw is most likely just a placeholder made as a mock up of the real fight




Yea i got You, this fight is only reused moves, i think the final version will be similar in a sense that there will be flying, light attacks, stomps and other things, but it will be a completely different fight, different moveset and model, i don't think it's fake, but just the initial stage or "idea" of developement


I think Elden Ring suffers from its size. It's hard to have the same quality as Dark Souls 3 for example when they have so many enemies and bosses. Many people dislike Ashes of Ariendel because of its size, but I love it because of the boss battle. One of the most memorable ones from all From Software games I'd say.


Ashes of ariandel is worth it for Friede alone, also the weapons are very good, it should be cheaper though


I mean sure, but this is the DLC - a DLC they’ve been working on for 2 years and a half.


Why would a place holder boss be in a review copy?


Anyone got the videos / map they can PM me?


Yeah I got them, you still need them?


mods on their way to remove all half decent threads


A lot of the leaked boss fights seem like mods or very early builds/scrapped fights. Very basic looking and unpolished. I’m voting fake.


Who is he referring to as a machiavellian villain? If it’s Miquella that is possibly the most lame and disappointing plot twist ever.


It genuinely would've been a much better plot twist for Miquella to not be evil. FromSoft likes their nihilistic plots a little too much, it gets predictable


>!Boggart!< >!His boiled prawn is clearly overpriced!<


If Miquella's character was based on Griffith from Berserk like so many people have been saying for a long time, it's not even a plot twist for him to be evil, just confirmation.


Malenia with two limbs after traveling halfway across the world smoked Radahn. Don't really know how I'm supposed to be hyped over a loser in his prime with uninteresting lore.


Okay the thing about multiple storylines could definitely make the Radahn stuff less disappointing. I would rather none of them were repeats, but if the other two “final” bosses are more unique then it wouldn’t be too much of a letdown.


Have you seen the actual radahn full fight that got posted? you're not literally fighting the same radahn from the base game if that's a concern a more compareable comparison would be the two versions of Isshin from Sekiro, same person completely different boss fight (with some overlapping attacks of course)


Yes I’m aware the moveset is different, I just don’t like that it’s the same character. I would’ve preferred a solo Miquella, or a fight with him piggybacking off Godwyn instead.


How is it a repeat when it’s nothing like the OG boss fight? People have been saying they wanted to see prime radahn since release and now we get it and it’s dissapointing? Bruh


Yeah I don't get it either. A fight with the same character but that has a completely different moveset and is at his prime sounds cool as fuck.


Exactly bro. It’s gonna be so much fun to fight. That’s what matters most here


I never wanted to see prime Radahn personally, hell I’m honestly not a fan of regular Radahn. Even if the fight were totally new I’d still be let down since I’d rather fight someone like Godwyn, or the Gloam Eyed Queen, someone new that we haven’t fought before.


Well luck for you, this is only 1 out of the 10+ main bosses all of which are new characters besides this one


> ? People have been saying they wanted to see prime radahn since release But not as the final boss. Godwyn on the other hand...


Wel lucky for you there isn’t a final boss in this DLC. This is the end boss of 3 different story lines


The leaker says they didnt explore everything so Im not 100% convinced there inst something beyond the 10 Remembrances they did.


Yeah maybe these 3 bosses culminate in a final final boss? Who knows. We just need to wait and see


Also there should be a Malenia type boss somewhere.


Do u want to see rememberance of almost all bosses?


So, apart from the 11 rememberance bosses, how many "normal" bosses do you think we'll encounter?


There are apparently quite a few crucible knights as well as at least one knight related to Godwyn who drops paired axes according to oroboro's earlier preview. Maybe the crucible hippo is also a boss, who knows.


Anyone got a video link of the boss fights? Leaning toward it being real because its being taken down so efficiently


I really hoped final boss to be Godskin Duo Duo, in a lake of rot...


anyone know where to find creepyface in dlc like the one below stormviel