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subreddit turning into r/LeakerLeaksAndRumours




Ye lately how vague every "leaker" is and just posting cryptic messages might aswell say nothing


That's basically every single leak subreddit for every game. Leakers feel strongly that they must stay in their small fandom's minds so they keep leaving breadcrumbs that people will argue over for days when the bottom line is that, nothing actually matters until real shit gets officially announced. This is basically how all leak subs go. The difference is that this sub is an aggregate of all kinds of leaks so they usually don't have droughts or should care about any leaker centric drama around a twitter account.




I'm starting to genuinely get annoyed by it, TBH. At first it was once in a while, but there are almost more Pyoro threads in the last 24 hours than there are other threads. And there's no flair specifically for leakers, so this crap can't be filtered out. If I wanted to be reading drama, I'd be subbed to subredditdrama. I'm here for video game leaks and speculation. It's especially funny because the people who are complaining about Pyoro being fake for clout/attention are ONLY POSTING THESE THREADS FOR CLOUT AND ATTENTION TOO. The people spreading this garbo around are no better than the leakers they chastise. They need to either limit the amount of parasocial leaker posts, or at least add a 'leaker drama' flair so the rest of us that don't care can curate the content ourselves.


No you must care about some guy pretending to be a Japanese woman for clout on Twitter!!


Tbf, that was such a shotgun blast of insanity; I was laughing like a maniac


Remember last week's the mods made a big deal about letting ONE thread be made about Midori and kept deleting it? Bashing on Midori is A-OK apparently


Dude thank you, your articulated extremely well my thoughts. I don't want soap operas, just leaks dammit, is that too much to ask for in a leaks subreddit?


Wholeheartedly agree


It baffles me how this stays up, atleast midori actually had evidence behind it. This is just baseless speculation and ITS 3 THREADS IN 24 HOURS, people on here are fucking out for blood and its disgusting. PYORO IS CONSIDERING DELETING HIS ACCOUNT, how is this a gamingleakandrumour Its also funny that after midori got exposed that everyone suddenly started acting like "lol told you so for months, lol i always knew they were a fraud" no you fucking werent, i bet that the majority of those had a parasocial relationship with them and deleted previous comments simping for her. The leaker tier system and posts like these are rubbish, if public opinion changes of a leaker they automatically resort to lowering their tier, the jeff grub hate and this are good examples. It was clear that pyoro had insight on the direct, maybe their definition of first party is different idfk, eitherway before jumping the gun give them the benefit of the doubt if it happens again then sure whatever but this is just dumb.


The tier system was the beginning of the end. It's divided people into teams and camps looking to one-up each other.


Maybe it shouldn't be a tier but instead should just be a list of all verified correct and incorrect leaks in a list with dates or something. Not even a total so they can't break down a leak into 50 things just to pad some score. Though the fact we talk about this goes to show how pointless it all is. It's like instead of stay at home moms discussing the latest vanderpump episode, nerds are discussing some anonymous leaker handle haha.






It’s a bad time to be in a para-social relationship with a leaker 😞


The moment Leakers start cultivating personalities and fanbases is when everything gets weird


That's the most confusing form of fanbase to me. A leaker is just someone who has higher access to info and decides to tell everyone what they know. If you put any random person in a leaker's position, they could do the same exact thing with the same results. Maybe some people would be less suspicious than others and would be better at keeping that access, but it's not like a musician or an artist where a replacement would be unable to reproduce the content.


Its like real housewives or vanderpump, people get so attached to the show that they develop fanclubs around individuals when the fact is that the entire show is just pure entertainment/hype, and none of it actually matters because until its official and releasing, it's not even news, just rumors. But this is all about entertainment so yeah. That's why half the people are here.


I mean, who can resist having a stick comment on every thread mentioning their name proclaiming they are more trust worth than Jesus himself?


It makes a lot of sense


He confirmed this theory. https://x.com/Pyoro_X/status/1803248971332329912?t=3HKjUpjXwAAijztSxLI5aA&s=19


Unrelated but that guy tweeting to pyoro is such a weirdo lmao, he seems to have a hate boner for him because "he ruins directs" lmao


Someone posted in the comments a screenshot of him asking for multiple leaks. 


He is exactly the same as the several hundred upvoters on this post


Seemed pretty obvious after the last Direct. Not sure why people were so hung up on youtube.


There was a report that Google employees had leaked Nintendo Direct info because they had access to Nintendo’s YouTube page and saw the upload ahead of time


And Pyoro kept telling people they were wrong. If they refuse to listen, that's their problem.


Oh I agree. I never suspected YouTube. I always assumed their source was some kind of back end or someone in marketing.


I also want to add that Pyoro once had a tweet that was geo-localized (he took it down almost immediately) and it was in Kyoto. Now, it could have been a joke ("I'm literally inside Nintendo"), but after reading this post I am starting to belive he guinely worked for Nintendo at Kyoto, either directly or as an external company.


Or he just visited Kyoto and the Nintendo building.


Or he is indeed Miyamoto fucking around with Nintendo's backend in his free time


It was like 11 pm in Japan when he posted that tweet, though. Why would anyone be in the Nintendo offices at that time? ... Is the working culture in Japan *that* bad?


If he worked at Nintendo in Kyoto, is it really that far fetched to think he may also live in Kyoto? Haha


The Twitter location didn't just place him in any random spot in Kyoto though, it placed him in Nintendo's headquarters. That's why I think it's weird, because who's at Nintendo HQ at 11 pm?


Ah my bad. I wasnt aware it was that specific. Only ever heard about that from that comment you replied to. Yeah 11pm is weird, but not unheard of in japan according to some quick googlin


If he is working on the backend, or anything related to the maintenance of servers, online services and what not, it's not uncommon for him to be working late or even overnight for days close to launching of important things. Heard it's common for people to be on 24/7 call, at the office overnight, when major app updates are launched, to resolve bugs and any last minute issues.


' Karoshi, or death from overwork, has been a recognizable social problem in Japan since the 1970s.' Yes, not unheard of at all especially Japanese workers staying at work very late, and this work culture is well represented in Japanese media(films, anime and some video games).


No it's not that bad. Clearly was a joke


yeah, those people can work like crazy everyday. They go to work early and only return home very late at night. Having not much time to themselves. It's no wonder the birth rate of the nation is decreasing every year.


>It seems there might be an explanation as to why Pyoro was acting weirdly vague about this direct. A ResetEra user have come up with a plausible theory that Pyoro or his source might be working on Nintendo's website backend. I always assumed he got his info from some sort of backend. He always started leaking 1 or two days before an event, which is usually when stuff is uploaded to the backend


I think Pyoro is cooked after this. Sounds like Nintendo figured out where the leaks were coming from and tested it with this direct, now they know for certain. Given how compartmentalized their corporate structure is I bet they have Pyoro or their source narrowed down to about half a dozen people.


Nintendo wasnt testing shit with this direct. Nintendo has feed false information to leakers in the past, they dont do it via direct. What they basically do is feed information to someone(or a group of people) they suspect is leaking this stuff and just wait until it leaks. Wich is what happened with that fake Star Fox thing if I recall correctly(but dont quote me on this one)


You're wrong on both fronts. Former employees, Kit and Krysta have gone over what they do about leaks. Nintendo's general strategy has been cutting off info to certain outlets. For example, they use to give retailers and media outlets info a lot earlier, but now they hold off until a certain criteria has been met. And they have continuously reduced the number of people they've been giving info to throughout the Switch life cycle. Star Fox Grand Prix fake leak was started by the YouTuber Rogersbase. The fake Star Fox leak had nothing to do with sniffing out leakers.


Kit and Krysta don't know how Nintendo works beyond the PR for NOA. They were never in high level meetings and strategy. They know more than me or you but they also don't know everything. They're not useless as a source of information but I wouldn't consider them that extremely knowledgeable about how Nintendo Ltd runs things. Especially considering how long they've been gone from the company at this point and when they were with the company primarily was in the Wii U era when they ran business visibly different and under different management.


Huh? You should actually watch their content before making such assumptions. They've gone on record on their podcast episodes saying that they've been in meetings discussing about leakers such as Jeff Grubb and being involved/told what strategies they were using against leaks. In one of their stories, during the WiiU/3DS days, whenever they had to do early PR for retailers and outlets they were told to be vague about the upcoming games, but that made it hard for them to do their jobs. So in the Switch era they slowly transitioned to where they just cut off telling certain outlets and people about upcoming games. And they've spent 5 years under the Switch life-cycle, part of that under the new regime. They for sure know the inners workings of certain aspects of Nintendo, some of that probably hasn't even changed from when they left.


Got a link to their pod? Sounds interesting!


Again they worked for NOA. They aren't completely useless but also they were in PR for a regional branch. They don't know how executives in Nintendo proper think because they've never had any meetings with them. I've seen their content and sometimes they have interesting insight other times you can tell they're guessing wildly. They weren't the heads of PR for Nintendo so they wouldn't even have the exact clear picture of NOA. It's a bit silly to assume being PR spokespeople for a regional branch would give them ultimate access to one of the most secretive companies in the world.


> They've gone on record on their podcast episodes saying that they've been in meetings discussing about leakers such as Jeff Grubb and being involved/told what strategies they were using against leaks. If that were true, they would still be under heavy NDA. You can't release that kind of information, ever. Ya'll will legit believe the dumbest fucking shit. Like... do you not remember all of the fucking times they were arogant af in their videos, saying that there is 100% no way that a Direct would happen at X date, and they were 100% wrong? Do people in this sub have the shortest fucking memory?


>Kit and Krysta don't know how Nintendo works beyond the PR for NOA. Isn't that exactly the department that would deal with leaks and Directs?


> Former employees, Kit and Krysta have gone over what they do about leaks. Bro, Kit and Krysta were just hosts of a PR show. They have never been privy to any private informations related to Nintendo. It was literally never part of their job. Ya'll are giving so much power and reputation to basically 2 marketing people who literally just did unboxing and interviews to sell shit.


While I don't know whether that's what they did in this case, what you're describing is indeed a fairly well-established practice to the point that it even has a name: [canary trap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_trap).


Big if true


Large if factual.


Interesting and I don't see any holes in it but I think someone smarter than me should be able to see if previous leaks match previous store data. If you can make those correlations between all of their leaks than you probably solved it. Still credible you've just deciphered how they do it.


Nintendo has already sent a guy with a massive dragon tattoo on his back to deal with the source.


He admitted to it: https://x.com/Pyoro_X/status/1803248971332329912?t=qLLOaVn1DXKUQHvLP1kMIQ&s=19


He’s still pretty useful for knowing WHEN a Direct is coming. Like if he tweets I know I’m gonna have to use pto this week lol


Not for long. Nintendo already has an idea of who their source is. They probably are already executing them.


I mean, I predicted the Direct date weeks ago just based on when the first party sale ended, it seemed to be timed to end just before the Direct dropped and that was correct.


This theory makes a lot of sense, but I don't think this should be flaired as confirmed just yet. If Pyoro or someone Pyoro knows actually does work at Nintendo on the backend, why would Pyoro just straight up *sincerely* confirm it by saying "yes" when asked? There could be real consequences here. It wouldn't be like the Midori situation, as Midori had practically nothing to lose but their reputation for admitting it. True or not, the "yes agreed" gif feels like a sarcastic response and not real confirmation.


It’s not exactly speculative when Pyoro had nothing real to say about this Direct and didn’t hint any of the major new game reveals. Information they’ve gotten correct in the past. And the eShop listings/Nintendo sites which were always there after the Direct weren’t up even a day later. That said, I don’t think Pyoro works for Nintendo because they wouldn’t say “yes” otherwise. But they probably have someone who does feeding them the backend data. It’s not like Nintendo is run out of a cave, they have people looking for leaks and if they see that they didn’t post backend data early and Pyoro has nothing to say, they’ll put 2 and 2 together on their own. Pyoro saying yes or ignoring the messages doesn’t have an impact on that.


he got one (1) leak wrong - though it could be deemed as a half-truth at the end of the day - and this is what happens?


He didn't really leak any 1st party games for this Direct. Something for sure happened. The info given in this post is definitely plausible.


More than one. He said that there would be a 2D Zelda remake. Not true. He said that the direct would be light on first party things. Also not true.


Most of all, Pyoro is behaving weird. Very antsy like something really bad happened, talking about deleting account etc.


>talking about deleting account He did this after the Pokemon thing in February. I think his sources are plugged up. That's why he didn't know about half of the things in the direct, like OP said.


Here’s what I don’t get. What do the sources get out of this? Why risk their livelihoods to feed info to some guy on Twitter?


I don't get it either. Maybe they hate working there. I don't understand why you would risk your job letting some guy know information. If he gets in trouble, you'll most likely get in trouble.


I mean even if you hate working at a particular studio, wouldn’t getting caught leaking get you put on a blacklist? You’d think it would jeopardize your ability to ever find work in the industry again


Yeah it’s a reference to how he would tell fake leakers “delete your account” after they got things wrong; he’s asking if he should delete his account since he got something wrong


The way things are going, I think Nintendo is closing the walls on him His source of information seems extremely limited right now, which makes narrowing things down easier for them Can see why it's making him nervous, and why he's shooting for the stars with some of his current leaks


yeah it’s not just 1 thing, though tbf about the 2d Zelda one, he did say it wasn’t from his main source and basically should be taken with a bit of skepticism ahead of time i guess


To be fair he didn’t even say there would be, just said something along the lines of “hey I don’t normally post unless I know for sure but there’s a possibility of a 2D Zelda remake” and he even prefaced it with “not my usual source”


Yes, but the tweet before that said he wouldn't post about anything until he was 100% sure. Then he said take it with a huge grain of salt. Then he said the Zelda remake. So, he's just contradicting himself all over.


Not his "usual source" because the only source was the 2D Zelda image from the Zelda Switch Lite uploaded on Nintendo's website. It didn't have a logo, so he couldn't confirm it completely and assumed that it was a remake. Jesus, guys read the damn post and go to ResetEra!!! Everything has been explained already!




not being confident thered be a 2d zelda at all actually makes him look worse




it doesn't, but pyoro confidently claimed there would not be a strong first party presence. its not just that he missed some games, its that he claimed there wouldnt be more.


He was clearly aware of 2 of the 4 big 1st party announcements and #3 was MP4 being re-revealed so I’d chalk it up to a difference in perspective.


Do you guys not read? Go click the links to Era and read the posts. It's basically confirmed that he got things from the back end - specifically from Japanese store/news pages. Since Nintendo were plugging up the leaks and delaying the uploads, he couldn't get good info on the Direct. Even the Zelda one was wrong because he could only make assumptions based on the Zelda Switch Lite image uploaded on the Japanese website ahead of time. Dude got caught. Everything he has leaked has lined up with the dates the websites and store pages were uploaded on Nintendo's site.


Yeah people assumed he had eshop access but now it's narrowed down to the websites. It's done. If internet users figured this out then so will Nintendo.


How is that related to my comment? He got one thing objectively wrong, the "light on first party" is entirely subjective. I said nothing about anything you talked about lol


Bro could've kept his plausible deniability if he didn't add "remake" What a fumble.


The Zelda game I'll give you. However, Nintendo didn't really announce a lot of new games this direct. I was surprised they didn't talk about Pokemon since it was already announced and many people expected the game to come out before April. 


>they didn't talk about Pokemon They hardly talk about Pokemon in general directs. They save that for Pokemon Presents.


That's not true. They save the initial announcements for Pokemon Day in February and have generally had the first info dump during the June Direct.  The only Pokemon games that don't get a spot in a Direct are the smaller games and Spinoffs. 


I'm thinking Pokémon is cross gen.


I feel like most anonymous twitter accounts will have one specific in and then pretend to have knowledge on many other things for clout. It seems to happen all the time


I know it's popular to hate on Pyoro but they never claimed to have knowledge on anything else than directs.


I don’t even know who Pyoro is I just look for the leaks. It’s only these threads where I actually pay attention to who the person is. But to your point I didn’t know that. I just see that pattern a lot when leakers start getting weird and discourse starts happening about them.


This subreddit is slowly turning into theorycrafting leakers instead of discussing possible leaks and it's so fucking funny


Bro got hit by a crit


Yall seriously need to get jobs and let it go


I'm doing this at my job


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I go on subreddits dedicated to leakers on company time.


I’m astounded by how many people give a shit about this. Obsessing over… twitter leaker high school drama


I love drama and I love leaks, I’m winning right now


The same reason some people just keep stalking Midori


If you’re a leaker with access to a constant stream of information that you’re not trying to lose, you’d be wise to sit a few of these Directs out to throw them off your scent. From that angle, I can understand being vague or circumspect.


u/RioMovieFan11 there is more [https://www.resetera.com/threads/pyoro-leaks-switch-game-announcements-part-4.860007/post-124685082](https://www.resetera.com/threads/pyoro-leaks-switch-game-announcements-part-4.860007/post-124685082)




Tbh I think this was a good move on Nintendo’s part to stop surprises from being spoiled early. They revealed several all-new games when we were mostly expecting remakes/ports. As of writing, they don’t even have a page up for Echoes of Wisdom on NoA or Nintendo JP, and no preorders. They should’ve been doing this much earlier, glad they figured something out.


why are you in this sub exactly


I think leaks are interesting when we’re in a dry spell for a console, like before this Direct I thought Switch 1 was cooked and there weren’t going to be any more big new games, just some remasters and ports before Switch 2. But after the Direct it looks like Nintendo has prepared a pretty compelling lineup. It would’ve been nice if some leaker was like, “Nintendo still has some heavy hitters for Switch” but instead Pyoro was making up false info by telling people to “lower their expectations” when this was the heaviest first-party Direct in years, and he said there was a “2D Zelda Remake” which was just false. If leakers don’t have real info, they shouldn’t make up posts just for clout.


You just made a huge argument against the existence of leaks in your earlier comment. These two comments are contradictory.


I’m saying I’m interested in leaks or hints that are way ahead of the Direct/reveal like several weeks or months out. But if it’s a day or two before the Direct then I don’t care, because I’m going to find out soon enough. Like I was browsing some leak threads on forums the night before the Direct when it hit me that I could just go to sleep and the Direct would be there when I wake up anyways. So I see those leaks as kinda pointless. Like “new Mario RPG coming” would be an interesting tidbit and you can speculate on it or whatever. But if someone comes out and says “tomorrow Nintendo is announcing a new Mario and Luigi RPG where they’re going to explore a bunch of different islands,” then it’s just ruining the surprise a few hours early for no real reason.


nope. still contradictory. your first comment is nothing but celebration at leaks being plugged.


Why are posts like these staying up, its gamingleaksandrumours not tryingtodebunkleakers, with the whole midori drama posts like these got removed yet for pyoro they get to stay up when he got 1 thing wrong lol


500 upvotes too, I genuinely don't understand this sub's users and I've been here several years


why is leaky man no good leaks no more


Omg WHO CARES lmao man some of y'all need a life


Seriously. Fucking high school ass drama 😭


RIP Pyoro and Midori


!LEGIT! [https://x.com/Pyoro\_X/status/1803248971332329912](https://x.com/Pyoro_X/status/1803248971332329912)


wild he admits it, honestly hes gotta get to somewhere that doesnt extradite to japan. manga leakers just got hit pretty hard.


what is the videogame leak here?


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His cover is finally blown


The bird cooked. Was a fun run.


Can we do better than just reposting theories about leakers' sources? We're here for the leaks, not the leakers.


Not a theory anymore.


Yes, but I still don't care about the individual leakers, I care about the leaks.


Y'all really just want to end video game leaks huh? Idk why people are so sickly obsessed with his source suddenly but the deeper you poke the less likely we'll continue to have leaks in the future. Not only from pyro but from sources who don't want to risk getting identified and losing their cool jobs Y'all acting like those whistleblower twitter kids who spaz out and immediately tag nintendo when they see someone say the word emulation, just that this will leave a really seep impact on its wake when it settles


i think misinformation is bad and its worth knowing what is true and what isn't, and calling out people who spread lies on purpose


the sub should take a hard stance against this type of TMZ posting unless the individual in question is demonstrably abusive or problematic


So how did he get access to those things? Is it plausible to think that he worked for Nintendo in some capacity?


Update, turns out he was getting in info from a spy in nintendo


Why are we now discussing leakers and their sources? Create some other sub if you want a reality show following gaming leakers.


His cover is finally blown


Fuck these leaker dramas.


HAH. Get wrecked.


Pyoro was roasted and investigated so fucking hard after a couple of misses and a weird tweet or two, but Midori who was far more sussy got away with so much more 💀 Anyways, sucks but yeah Pyoro is cooked. His job or his sources' jobs are on the line


well because Midori pretended to be a girl and people were quick to forgive her.


I don't think this type of post should even be allowed up. Why the fuck would we want to out leakers? Extremely sus OP + what is the moderation rationale for allowing this kind of content?


So Pyoro is this subreddit's new sweetheart, since Midori is made. Interesting.