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Obviously? Once a game is done developers always start to work on the new thing


Yea the community manager literally confirmed they are working on the next Halo game last year lol I bet we get some kind of Halo reveal at next year’s summer showcase 


Too early.


That has never stopped Xbox before.


Xbox was in a significantly worse position for first party games before.


Not early enough. It would be 7 years after the reveal of Infinite.


Next year will be 4 years since a new Halo announcement, def not too early.


I don’t understand why we would measure things by distance between announcements. That’s just silly. Halo Infinite came out in 2021. Halo 5 came out in 2015. That’s a 6 year gap. We can bet on the next Halo being roughly a 6 year gap.


God I fucking wish they'd stop. Let another studio do something with it.


Didn't microsoft replace (fired) a good chunk of 343, including various directors and managers and such? I mean, they may as well be other company


They got rid of Ross and her cronies. That already is enough to consider 343i as a completely different company now.


I genuinely don’t believe that gutting the executives will do much to fix whatever the hell is going on with 343. There seems to be failures at every level that can’t be handwaved away with that excuse


Don’t they outsource a lot? That was my understanding for why they’ve had a lot of issues in the past.


As far as their engine issues they did cite using contractors to rebuild the engine as a problem when it came to knowledge retention, but the game had a plethora many more issues than that.


Yeah I don’t know enough about it just some vague things I remember reading.


Rather recently? I believe so, but who's to say if they were the problems with the studio.


It's something at least. While there are wider issues stemming from Microsoft mandates, like the 18 month contractor time limit, we know that the main 3 or 4 leaders that are now gone have directly made bad calls or voiced questionable philosophies yet remained in place for a decade. I have no expectation of a good game in the future, but I don't think it's impossible now. At least the person in charge of the studio now made good decisions when rehabilitating MCC.


infinite was a step in the right direction lack of content aside


Between this and the Housemarque post yesterday people really want hit posts on this sub huh


Slow leak news period lol


I saw a “Nintendo is looking to create new IPs and sequels to existing IPs” and I couldn’t think of a more useless headline than that. “Nintendo plans to continue making games” wowieowiwowowo


I mean yeah, but remember Halo Infinite's whole deal was that it would be the 'last' Halo for a while and they would keep adding to it. Ridiculous as that seems now.


It was just marketing speak and they internally probably knew that it wouldn't have stuck even putting aside the rocky release, Potentially might have been more to sate Microsoft's concerns as they probably wanted a big money printing live service shooter. It was also just a bad time to work on a live service game for that long, it ended up coming out by the time live-service games were starting to be on their way out if they weren't an already existing game, As it turned out you can't have 6 games take up all of your time each.


They said the same thing about Windows 10


Yeah true, point is these companies are kind of a job yet are still at it. Microsoft owns Windows so I guess it makes sense, but the fact that 343 is still in charge of halo is bonkers. If I were phil, I'd toss out 343 instead of Tango and Arkane and have someone else reboot the entire series. Or maybe just start after Halo 2, but keep Reach. Pretty much everything 343 has done on their own with rare exception is the reason Halo is such a joke these days.


Did anyone from Xbox actually ever said that?


From this article:https://www.gamesradar.com/halo-infinite-is-meant-to-be-the-last-standalone-halo-title-for-at-least-the-next-10-years/ "“Halo Infinite is the start of our platform for the future,” he said. “We want Infinite to grow over time, versus going to those numbered titles and having all that segmentation that we had before. It’s really about creating Halo Infinite as the start of the next ten years for Halo and then building that as we go with our fans and community.”"


Chris Lee? He abandoned 343 even before Halo Infinite came out. I mean people from the Xbox division, the ones in charge.


Like with new consoles.


Why “already”? How is that a shock?


Halo Infinite was supposed to be the Halo platform for the next decade, then launch happened.


Nah, it was one producer who said it would be the game for the next decade, and he left before Infinite even launched 


Chris Lee, then the studio head at 343, also said it was the game for the next decade.


Yea wasn’t he the guy that left before Infinite launched?


He left in October 2020 after the backlash of the gameplay reveal and delay, that's true, but he wasnt just a producer, he was the studio head. It's clear the marching orders were for it to be a platform, similar to Forza Motorsport, but just like Forza Motorsport it stumbled out of the gate and now I imagine Turn 10 is also getting ready to move on as well.


Just a small clarification, Chris Lee was not the Studio Head, that was Bonnie Ross until recently. Chris was the lead Director on Infinite Specifically.


It's annoying because I want to know what was going to happen in the story they didn't finish. So frustrating.


Anyone who still clings on to this notion has the wool over their eyes.


Because infinite barely made it to being in a playable state before they dropped season support and they went through the entire lifecycle of a “live service” game only adding 1 gun to the sandbox without a variant. Sure they added maps and some equipment but the potential of this game was so much more than they delivered on


This is Rebs Gaming who reported the info. I’ve reported several times now that 343 is developing multiple Halo games. They publicly announced this during a live stream in January and many people still don’t realize this lol


I’m shocked 343 gets so many opportunities at this franchise.


Honestly if Infinite just had better monetization and the multiplayer was in the current state when it launched it would’ve been incredible. Infinite is genuinely very fun and the campaign is missing epic moments and different environments but is pretty fun.


This. From day one, everyone LOVED the gameplay of Infinite. It just needed more content. I’m excited for the next Halo game tbh


Yeah I hope they took the right lessons from Infinite. They got the gameplay loop down great. Work on content, make a varied campaign, launch with more maps and forge and more modes and it’ll be incredible. Maybe something new like a BR.


Part of the excitement was that it was a somewhat lackluster game in terms of content but with extremely strong bones for what was to come. Unfortunately, "more of that" never came. Which is why people have soured on it despite the initial good reactions


Yeah took them how long to make one of the most lackluster 'open' worlds with the most throw-away story ever that's not even finished after yet another year-long delay after it got made a laughing stock... And what we got was good enough? An insult of MP and good core traditional Halo combat that was utterly wasted? Good gameplay/gunplay was LITERALLY the foundation, not even the floor, to cross. This is HALO.


It would’ve been great but the gameplay loop still gets stale. Honestly, halo 5s multiplayer was heading in the right direction but it got overshadowed by the dogshit single player campaign.


The Halo 5 multiplayer was very fun but didn’t feel super Halo. I think Infinite would’ve gotten less stale if it was in its current state at launch. I do think adding a BR could be big for Halo though. Perfect game for one imo


Yeah maybe a BR would’ve boosted it. Either way, Halo infinite’s player count is definitely not where it should be. Currently 1.5k playing on steam right now. Probably higher numbers on Xbox but man those are some low numbers. I’ve seen dead games rebound but for some reason infinite didnt rebound.. Heres hoping the Halo 1 remake can bring halo back to life🤞


Game is dead, take forever to find ranked games.


I mean yeah, it didn’t rebound even when it bounced back a bit. I think a new game would be a possible great rebound. They have gotten so close. They just need to stick one landing


One of the biggest throws in FPS gaming. They had the greatest opportunity to get halo back on top with battlefield in the dirt and CoD being Cod.


By better you mean NO monetisation outside of a complete game for full price. 0 people asked for a f2p Halo. Especially an unfinished live service one.


I mean, I think they could’ve done it with monetization and it would’ve been fine if they did it right. They didn’t though. If it was finished and the monetization was reasonable no one would’ve cared. In today’s modern landscape they’d have a hard time competing as a 60-70$ shooter when there’s so many free options. Being FTP is the only real option. They just released unfinished and took forever to get monetization reasonable.


>I think they could’ve done it with monetization and it would’ve been fine if they did it right. No, they simply can't and couldn't have, even at the time. Live service is full. The big names have already been established and there just isn't enough open market share for a competitor, even if the Halo name as a brand wasn't widely recognized among core gamers as being a mess since 4. F2P Halo in 2021 was doomed to fail. It's failing now, and it will fail again if they try it again.


It’s literally the only way for them to compete. They have less of a chance if they launch at full price.


They could just make an excellent complete game instead. Sony aren’t making TLOU, Spiderman, Helldivers, etc into F2P games to compete. They make sure they are great must-have games and let the value speak for itself. Make a killer Halo campaign, as good or better than the OG trilogy, and some actually good multiplayer, and we’re good to go. COD still charges full price. Infinite’s MP content has been terrible (just look at that dreadful Firefight playlist they made recently, 3 years after launch!). Infinite is just a Spartan fashion show at this point. There are 30m+ “f2p” players via Gamepass anyway.


None of those Sony games you listed are competing in the same market as Halo lol


What market is Halo competing in? What is the problem with making a killer (complete) Halo game, selling a lot of copies, and then the multiplayer survives off Gamepass users for the next 4-5 years before the next Halo game? Why do they have to compete with Fortnite and Warzone as live service F2P when they will inevitably lose?


Because they have to get enough users to be profitable? Which means they need as many as possible and would like to get players from Fortinite and Warzone? Which seems far from impossible lol


There’s a brain rot in a lot of gaming-related discourse in recent years that prevents people from seeing this objectively correct solution to the franchise’s problems. Like I don’t know if it’s battered-wife syndrome or what but how so many people are convinced literally everything **has** to be a live service hellscape to be successful is ridiculous. If a functional Halo game released today with a complete campaign, a decent story (will literally take anything at this point), a fun multiplayer, and a leveling system with all of the game’s cosmetics unlocked through levels or skill-based challenges I would buy five damn copies just as a thank you.


Yeah exactly. Imagine a Halo 7 that costs $70 but includes an epic campaign and a really tightly designed multiplayer. Something that pushes the genre forward. The best sci fi shooter on the market. Like it’s so undeniably good it scores 94+ on Metacritic. Do we really think people *won’t* buy that because…*ehhh Valorant is free!* ?! People want to play quality stuff and they’ll happily pay for it if it’s good.


Look, you're arguing like the suits do, which is that they want infinite money forever, physical bounds of the universe be damned, so everything must compete. Yeah, by virtue of being F2P, more people *might* give it a chance. On paper. But between 343's rep, Infinite's failure, and the market solidifying, F2P is a completely braindead move. (<- not hostile towards your comment) What changed from 2021 to now, genuinely? A bunch of people got laid off or shuffled around. There still isn't a unifying vision at 343. Management still a mess, if not worse by now. Saying the next Halo should just do what Infinite did again and hoping for a better result is insane. What Halo needs is a public return to form, whether that be through quality or format. If the next one is F2P, that turns off the established core fanbase, the outsider consumer who heard about what happened last time, the total casual who has no reason to stop playing COD/Apex/Fortnite/Valorant, and the team working on the thing who knows their work will be thrown away in a few years. The market isn't right for new companies to try that business model anymore.


The way they get new people in the door is by making a great game. Building off of Infinite makes sense because it already had a great foundation. Building off of that and making essentially an evolved version of that can make an excellent game and if it’s excellent, really it doesn’t matter whether it’s free or not it will do well. Although if it’s free it will do better because most of the games it’s competing against are free. There are millions of gamers that would say “why would I pay for Halo when I can play Call of Duty and Apex and Fortinite and Valorant and quite a few other games. All completely for free.”


> if it’s excellent, really it doesn’t matter whether it’s free or not it will do well.   You opened this all up by saying "F2P is literally the only way to compete," so thanks for admitting you were wrong. The market for free first person shooters all demanding grinds and with 20 dollar skins is totally full. That's why a premium game *without* those things is appealing. That's why another Halo being a transaction Hell isn't an idea worth entertaining. I've already said why but you basically just said "They should make a good game" and didn't actually respond to, or probably even read, anything I said.


I read it all. I fundamentally disagree.


Better for the consumer yes, but there is a absolutely no way that Microsoft would allow them to not monetize it, I doubt they would even get away with only charging for map packs.


They've already fired most the leadership (and laid off staff), and hired a bunch of new people. 343 is the same company in name only.


I'll wait until the next one comes out to believe it'll be different.


Why? They were made by Microsoft specifically for this franchise. From Day 1, their sole existence was to make Halo games for Microsoft after Bungie left and that's it. MS isn't going to give Halo to another dev team. If anything they'll move employees into 343i.


Halo 4 - 87 Halo 5 - 84 Halo Infinite - 87 343 makes solid games despite the internet throwing fits in bad faith as if any critique since 2007 = dead franchise A lot of negativity around Halo is amplified by people who switched from Xbox ten years ago, who haven't even played the 343 games, but still obsessively say things like "I'm shocked 343 gets so many opportunities" every time Halo is mentioned


Nah the halo community hates 343 as much as everyone. It’s just that we’re born with halo so now we can’t leave. I’m assuming is something like them cowboys fans.


>A lot of negativity around Halo is amplified by people who switched from Xbox ten years ago, who haven't even played the 343 games, but still obsessively say things like "I'm shocked 343 gets so many opportunities" every time Halo is mentioned I'd love for you to try to back this statement up. Don't know why you think it has anything to do with console wars. You just broke rule 10 mate.


while all the layoffs and foreclosures studios face under microsoft roll out in waves, 343i will remain completely protected with an unlimited budget to do whatever they want


343 has had a huge amount of layoffs including most of management. So that’s not really true. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/343-layoffs-affected-95-including-top-directors https://www.geekwire.com/2023/microsofts-343-industries-reportedly-reorganizes-after-layoffs-to-chart-future-for-halo/


Love when people spout random lies


Halo's biggest nemesis. The "fans" .


343's entire management was replaced, and they essentially rebuilt the studio. You don't know what you are talking about.


"already" With the fail of the 10 years Infinite plan is late now.


It could be Halo: Combat Evolved. Giving the Covenant back their bomb could allude to retelling the original story.


"Giving covenant back their bomb" is a reference to an epic cutscene from Halo 2.


Yes, because perhaps that's the long term plan. Especially as the Covenant aren't really a thing in current canon.


In this case they can do The Coalition move and make a prequel.


I can't overstate how much I hate this "lets remake this thing everyone can very easily still play" instead of just making something new in the same IP that has loads of potential for completely new stories.


I also fucking hate remakes and remasters - just make new shit.


I don't understand how you guys fall for these lies every single time. Did you also believe that Windows 10 would be the last operating system in Microsoft's history?


It's obvious to anyone who played Infinite that it was 100% intended for story expansions instead of new standalone titles. But obviously it wasn't recieved as well as they thought it would so all of that is probably canned.


Can't wait for them to soft reboot the story again (though considering how pretty much nothing happened in Infinite, it wouldn't be as jarring)


Like most games receive DLC post launch. That doesn't mean they are marketed as an eternal experiences platform.


Is Halo Infinite already done being supported?


It's still being supported, but it's been scaled back to feature more community content and Armor/customisation


Scaled back to let the community make the content for the game that was never delivered*




I sure hope not


Can wait for 343 put another nail in the Halo franchise


The line "343i is working on a new Halo game" sounds like a threat anytime I hear it.


Halo infinite was a failure


Depends. Gameplay wise, I never played a better Halo.


How so? Financially, critically, and player base wise it was quite successful.


Its crazy that xbox best selling game went f2p and still bombed


The game actually sold quite well. Stop spreading misinformation.


Combat Evolved was a system seller. Halo 3 was a system seller. Infinite was delayed a year and didn't push the market at all. 343 was gutted. Story expansions were cancelled. The live service for multiplayer has been barely maintained and scaled back. It bombed


Only in your head


Buddy. As both a system seller and live service it failed on both fronts. The studio has been gutted. If you liked infinite that’s fine but let’s not pretend that it wasn’t a failure from a business perspective


It caused 343 to be completely restructured. That's an objective measurement.


Sure, 87 metacritic failure.


its a shame, it feels like the story flows so well at times then it just abpruptly jumps to the next plot point


🤣🤣🤣🤣 más basura


releasing in 2030 and multiplayer in 2035


No, they will abandon the million seller series to make viva piñata 2 - beat harder


To be fair, there has already been a Viva Pinata 2.


Lol, of course it's in works, that's not surprising


Brian Jarrarrd, community manager at 343i, stated at a live stream last year that they officially started working on a brand new game... there is no mystery about that and Bloomberg and others stated long ago that Halo shifts to UE5


Am I tripping or am I the only person who like legit fucking loved Infinite’s online multiplayer???


Many people regard 343 games as the best multiplayer sandbox, so no.


Wdym already? The last game came out almost 3 years ago now


Yes but they finished it only 1 year ago lol


Even when you support a game for a long time usually a team is also working on the next thing to shorten gaps between titles but 343 isn't in good shape so I guess that makes sense.


They pretty much ended halo 6 in the middle...felt very unfinished with a lot of empty areas and repetitive dated side quest design. hope for the next one to be a total complete game.


In other news, apparently -- and hear me out -- apparently there's going to be a new Call of Duty game coming out in the next year or two.


Do we really need iteration #8 (with Reach) in a 23 year old franchise? Like when can things just...end.


Halo on unreal been in the rumors for a while so it's very obvious that the series is going to unreal engine if 7 is then I imagine the remakes will be as well 


Going to be interesting if they will continue with the endless or just do a semi reboot once again lol.


If 343 are making it i dont even care anymore. 3 strikes and they are out. Halo is a dead franchise to me till its taken off 343




If 343 are making it, i already know the game will be dogshit. Theyve had 15 years and 3 games to get it right and they have proven they are the most incompetent and creatively bankrupt triple a studio in the entire industry.




Nah, like i said, not going to waste my time with another dosgshit 343 game.


Gonna be hilarious if they defeat The Endless offscreen between games after another time jump. Hopefully the pilot goes too.


When the game was showing the rampage Cortana went on before Infinite I couldn't help but think "man. that would've been a cool halo game."  Halo Infinite is the most pointless interim meandering nonsense of a story I've played in my life. I'll be perpetually puzzled how it ever reviewed so well.


Would make sense, aside from a couple of major updates to Infinite's MP, which I wouldn't be surprised if they kept as the main MP game as a service experience, Halo has been mostly radio silent.  Even I expected any sort of announcement in the franchise on the past Xbox Showcase, which in turn went for Gears of War (which I don't complain about, on the contrary loved it), but slowly but surely Halo has progressively been shelved further from its spot as Xbox's mascot, which saddens me.  It's just that as much as I know they try, 343 ain't cutting it as worthy to lead the Halo IP, also can't say any other Microsoft studio is more capable, but even with Infinite, they barely could scratch the surface of the Bungie titles. It'd be interesting how this UE5 and new lead scoop works out, as it could be the rumoured Combat Evolved remake. It didn't make any sense to me that they remade the original title now, but with the recent rumours about making the IP multi-platform, it makes more sense to push the whole franchise through an uplift. Don't take it the wrong way, the MCC is fine now and looks good, with major emphasis in now, it's just that a completely remade project with updated visuals and gameplay seems like the best business approach. It's just so weird to think that 15 years ago saying that Xbox is going to develop an HCE remake, making it available to PS, aaaaand not being lead by Bungie because Bungie is part of PS is wild.


They ditched the whole Infinite "evolving" and the engine. Xbox works with contractor, which can't work with dedicated closed engine. People that was responsible of this mess aren't at the studio anymore. Halo can still be at his best again.


My guess is Halo CE remake (the one that is planned for PS5 too) is up next to train 343i on Unreal Engine 5 before moving on to the next mainline Halo which reboots the story, again


It's incredible to me 343 couldn't put out a single coherent trilogy.


bruh, pls just take it from 343 and give it to **id software** or **MachineGames** at this point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I would rather they not waste either of those two studios on Halo. Let them continue to do their own things.


Microsoft isn't going to give Halo to anyone but their internal team they made specifically for Halo. At best, the only way we'd see Machine Games or id on Halo 7 is if they transitioned many relevant employees from those teams into 343. Or outsource parts or the game to them, like how Halo Reach's space level was outsourced to Crimson Skies devs.




iD made quake


The last successful multiplayer shooter they made was in the 90s lol


*id Over 25 years ago. When's the last time they put out a decent multiplayer game?


Id software making halo… what dreams are made of. .




Master chief becomes a dad and the game becomes third person /s


didn’t they completely lay off all the remaining bungie staff years ago it’s just bungie by name now




The point that somehow went over your head is the people that worked on Halo are probably gone


And most of their stuff is terrible now.


Bungie sold their soul to Activision to get away from Halo lmao.


Bungie is an enormous shit show of mismanagement right now, I don't think any sane person wants them touching Halo anymore. Plus, Sony sucks at multiplayer, so selling it to them would be franchise suicide.


The real question is that Halo Remake happening?


What happened to Halo Infinite being the only mainline Halo game for a decade?


That was two leadership teams ago.


That idea was dropped pretty quickly after launch. Infinite is in a great spot right now, but there isn't really any new content coming anymore. Seasons have been abandoned, every new map being added is made with forge tools, there hasn't been a new weapon added since the Bandit, and no new equipment added in since the Quantum Translocator. It seems there's a very small support team within 343 and the bulk of the studio has already moved on.


Do people at 343 have some dirt on Phil or something? Why the hell are they still the devs for this IP?


Here’s what I’m going to say I think 343 has lost their touch with the halo franchise if halo 7 doesn’t deliver 343 needs to do a new Ip going forward let another studio like the coalition or I’d software take over the halo franchise


Halo 5 was better in every way




Halo infinite is basically only halo in name. Not sure how that scratched your itch. It's basically call of duty with a halo skin which will probably happen in bo6 now that Microsoft owns them


It's hands down the best Halo MP game from 343 and it's not even close. It plays nothing at all like CoD lol


The best MP from 343 isn't a very high bar, and I'd argue it's not even true.




Just play both




Just make a massive 64 vs 64 player halo war game. How hard is this? Halos sand box is perfect for it.


What about the halo 1 remake supposedly coming? Being made by 343 or another developer?


That was fake


All 3 games that 343 have made in the halo franchise have been DOG SHIT! halo 4, halo 5 and now infinite. while infinite had a much better campaign overall, it was still dogshit.