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I swear most of this guys just want porn in the game, but don't want to say it


Bro even the porn games scene doesnt want these people in the community.


Proffesionals have standards


The porn community is so wholesome. I guess because all the truly nasty characters can’t type much with one hand and once they are finished, lose interest.


I've seen porn games with better worldbuilding and more engaging characters than most fantasy novels I've read recently. Porn game developers are just built differently I guess.


What the fuck you been reading? And what the fuck you been jerking off to?


Wouldn't you like to know?


Yes, but mostly about what you've been reading that has such piss poor world building. I read a lot of sf/fantasy.


Lilith's Throne player here, can confirm.


That's why all the good porn games have at least a little bit of LGBT stuff in them... or so I've heard.


Chuds be getting roasted in the koi discord.


Something something games are about appealing to the male fantasy.


Cons: -pp maybe won't get hard because of undercut -can't fap to it if woman is too strong and independent (core anxiety triggered) - maybe can't nut to it because one hyperfeminin trait is missing Future cons: -Will be absolutely unable to nut if a new costume comes out in blue (not feminin)


People still say SJW unironically!?


A lot of people are mentally stuck in 2016


I miss the days when SJW first started in the early 10s in left wing circles to describe the people that had a new social justice topic they cared about each week and blasted about it on social media. They'd show up as a first timer to your organization, be load, dumb, and unhelpful, and then stop caring about that type of activism. Then it was co-opted by the right.


Just like based


Based did the opposite


Based started from Lil B the based god then the 4channers got a hold of it


Based started off as an insult for people with crack addictions. (base heads) Lil B used to be called that as a derogatory insult and he flipped it when he started his career rapping. He didn't coin it but he was the first to flip it.


Ahh Igy, tbf based (bass heads, freebasing etc) is still used in that way I guess that’s where my confusion was


One guy kept spamming “social justice weirdo” at people in the comments of one of my YouTube videos recently. I rarely ever block people on there, but I permanently set all of his comments to not be shown on my stuff again. It was a video about the DS port of Lego Indiana Jones, and he got triggered because I made a joke about Harry Potter being a bunch of “TERF wizards” in passing.


Omg are you the guy who made the video about the absolutely terrible DS port of Lego Star Wars II?


Nope, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that guy’s video hovering the recommendations of mine. Mine is about the [great Lego Indiana Jones port on Nintendo DS](https://youtu.be/f0gzVHrHoEE)


Oh, I'll listen to you AC History. This game is such a mindfuck


I just about need a cork board and red string at times for some of the snowballing entries later on


Haha, meanwhile I'm planning a live stream where I'm angry, on battery backup and I have to install Gentoo


These people should stick with porn games man, they have genuinely no idea how games should actually be 😂


Lol, nah, the porn game community doesn't want them either. However, I'd love to see this guy's review of Furry Hitler. Lol


Oh right that's true. I guess they should be kicked back to whatever pathetic shit they engaged in


That’s a game that exists?


Oddly enough, yes. I saw it in the "new & trending" section on Steam a while back.




>decent for those who like tanned waifus I thought Gamers didn't want politicals in their gaems?


Not political if pp hard.


Which character is this guy referring to?


Some new Tekken character


Lol I thought Karlach from BG3… she has a side cut, too:)


Karlach is muscly as fuck though, and she’s definitely not tan.


Plus, she has a great personality, something that would undoubtedly counted in the cons.


I mean, if you tan enough you do come out lobster red.


And on FIRE 🔥🔥🔥


Ahh, my bad, I skipped the part about the tanned „waifu“


I'm assuming all the g*mers put down bg3 when they saw identity, voice, body type, and genitalia were independently selectable.


I rly do think we should call it “Baldur’s Gate 3: Whoops! Accidental Gay Sex!”


Listen the gay sex was intentional the >!sex with your mindflayer daddy !< was the accident.


No no, that was intentional too


Er. Maybe not the sex, but the >! Beaming it into your party's brain like pay-per-view !<


Karlach’s red, not tan tho?




As a Game Artist who have done some character work I have never considered wether or not a character is "decent for Rule 34" and now I'm scared to find our if they were x)


if they exist, then they are probably decent for someone's R34


TRUE. It’s unavoidable, like a fucking rule or something. Someone should really meditate on that


The answer is yes. Literally doesn’t matter what they look like, they’re SOMEBODY’S type.


High heels? This person sounds like a sleazy Hollywood executive like Harvey Weinstein.


Cause they are. Oh, just without the money or (luckily, former) influence.


Wtf front and back racks? Are they describing a truck?


I've never in my life heard an ass referred to as a "back rack."


You don't have boobs on your back?


Man I thought this was about the inventor chick with the cat in Hi Fi Rush lol


There's plenty of great reasons to hate the new Tekken character and he didn't list a single one. For starters, her entire personality is coffee, and she has the same exact face and body as every other Tekken woman. She's a net loss to the cast without needing any of this weird sexist rhetoric


Hard disagree Her stage/stage theme/evasive stances alone makes her a great inclusion, even if her personality isnt the most excitinf


Nah dog, a goat that happens to be from Chile could have the same moveset, stage, and theme song. She sucks because they just took a country and a vague, kinda offensive personality trait and slapped it onto her. She could be the most fun character in the game and I'd still want to die every time she's on screen (Ganryu, Lucky Chloe)


azucena and chloe are both baller as hell with the added bonus that they make tekken fans mad (tekken fans hate women even more than the average g*mer) s/o to josie and julia as well


How is it offensive?


Imagine she was an American whose only personality was hamburgers, or a Brit whose only personality was tea.


But the british are obsessed with tea, drinking on average 2.7 cups a day--and Americans are really into their burgers. Theres over 20 burger chains with thousands of locations.


TRUE! Next let's get an Irishman whose personality is drinking and potatoes XDDD


Or a russian that loves vodka! Also, I know it is anecdotal, but the support I have seen thelugh several tweets from Peruvians to Harada about how happy they are to have representation. Harada goes out of his way to try to be as respectful as possible with new inclusions, even talking to embassy members too figure out theme, personality, etc.


Are we remaking Punch-Out in this comment section?




Congrats, you completely missed the point lmao.


I was debating getting back into Tekken with 8 (especially with the return of Jun) but I am so disappointed with what they’re doing with the female characters (both visually and evidently narratively as well) that I’ll be skipping this one too. Mortal Kombat here I come!


Personally the lack of worthwhile netcode was the dealbreaker for me, but yeah I'd love to play as a woman with a unique body type and role in the story, rather than a teenage blowup doll who exists to have "hot" cat fights with her (also teenage) rival.


wait was the netcode in the tekken test still “3”?


Yeah, sadly.


This reminds me of that meme showing an athletic woman’s back reading: “looks like a man’s back” and underneath it had the picture of a flabby man’s back. When are these fuckers going to understand that anyone engaged in enough physical activities and constantly training will develop body mass and defined musculature? They are so threatened and scared of athletic women that it is beyond embarrassing at this point. Athletic women train for themselves and like how they look, they don’t seek the approval of some idiots online.


Can someone just introduce these chuds to porn games


XD Tell me you'll never touch a boob without telling me you'll never touch a boob


"Pros * made me horny * would fuck cons * isn't porn * can't fuck * Also muh PoLiTiCkS"


how do people type shit like this and not think "damn, am i a fucking loser?"


Most likely they do think it constantly. That’s why they’re so miserable


damn you're probably right. i always thought it was a sense of superiority, like, "i'm so cool and smart, why does nobody else see it?" so they're upset. but you're probably right. they realize they're not cool or smart and they're mad about it.


It goes hand in hand - the feeling that they should be superior and awesome and stunning, with painful realization that that’s not ever the case, and they’re actually quite pathetic, and it fuels a constant circle of misery in their brain, making them act more and more despicable and desperate. Narcissists have their brain wired like that (they’re the most hardcore version of this phenomenon), and unless they actively seek proper therapy, they won’t ever be happy or even content with themselves, cause they won’t ever be able to chase down that awesome version of themselves they think they are, and reality will keep smacking them in the face with it.


I wonder the same thing. I think they’re deeply embarrassed to say things like that irl because they know it makes them sound like a porn addict so they spew it online in their communities with other porn addicts.


How is a side shave a negative? I’d let a girl with a side shave ruin my life.


I wasn't a fan of that hairstyle until Natalie Dormer did it and it just clicked.


I've always been a fan of that look, but yeah Natalie Dormer really rocked that shit. Best part of the Hunger Games.


I have let one with a side shave ruin my life 😭


Role model


Welcome to the cult 😈


It’s not even a side shave. It’s braided


You can go for realism and fantasy at the same time though. Just because my character can shoot lightning, doesn't mean that she can fight in heels.


Or that she would choose to


SJW SiDe ShAVeD hAir On ONe SiDE. If it was on two sides she'd be bald! XD




What character is he even talking about? Saw that it’s from Tekken, but no name of the actual character.


Azucena I think.


the one side hair thing... IS A CON???? but its so pretty (i even considered trying it myself!)


Dear God, and this guy probably wonders why women won't touch him.


Pros; would never give the “person” making this list the time of day


/uj I will not allow any slander of the undercut. I fuckin love short hair on women I’m weak.


>> emphasizes her racks (front and back) ???


Apparently her ass is made of tits


The true answer to ass or tits


This is the way


Bro 😭. Go watch some porn goddamn.


These people's brains are completely fucking broken.


It's actually really fucking sad


It really is.


Look, I love huge jugs as much as the next guy, but goddamn this is going way too far.


there seems to be so many neuroses packed into being a socially conservative weirdo. talk about Lovecraft Country.




Oh wow really? I guess if these women you supposedly know think objectifying women is ok then it must be a common opinion. Thank you for consulting the arbiters of truth.


Magic = unrealistic depiction of a character’s outfit choice


Being horny isn’t bad. Being an entitled chud is.


damn... this just makes me sad. I hope this person is 14 and learns to grow up.


I hope he gets better


What game is he talking about?


Even if I can produce lightning auras from my hands I'm still not wearing high heels to a fight


This guy put more effort into this list than any kind of relationship with any kind of real woman, though I doubt they've ever been with one.


What game is this even talking about? How do you post this and not die from embarrassment?


Because they post it in an echo chamber where everyone agrees. Btw it's about the new Tekken character


Christ on the cross. I just looked up the character. Tekken already has so many characters that are basically just sex appeal. These fucking porn addicted to losers need to be stopped


So realism is silly when high heels are pretty, but a woman having a cock or expressing any thought that isn't strictly heterosexual and attractive to the male gaze is immersion breaking XDDD


Deep down all of these men are just deathly terrified of being attracted to a trans woman


![gif](giphy|UEXGXGuBPkZW5xXTju|downsized) it's actually cornrows on the side, not a sideshave.


He's just an incel. But thankfully he's a gamer. Which means he never goes outside. Which eliminates the possibility of him joining a fascist hate group.


Conjuring lightning and dressing in high heels are two different kinds of fantasy lol