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Pretty sure Fallout 2 alone had more dick and pussy jokes than all the episodes combined.




Fisto is also gonna take your organs.


But that’s funny because it was made by le based obsidian and the show was made by cringe bethleftsda


but obsidian made the one the trans people like


Wokesidian 🙄🙄🙄


There was a trans character in new Vegas? Where, I don’t remember finding them(or maybe it flew over my head)


No, it’s just a meme that fallout new vegas is beloved by trans people in an almost eldritch style of devotion.


>There was a trans character in new Vegas? Yeah, Courier Six


"Now, back to No More Mutants to complain about me always being right!"


Said game also had a quest line where you can become a legendary pornstar with the right stats. Did people even play these damn games? New Vegas stans will act like Bethesda ruins all the lore but most of them didn't play the old games anyway. EDIT: Sorry, I should chave said New Vegas chuds to not lump everyone in. New Vegas fandom feels like a Paradox grand strategy one sometimes, with how wildly the mindsets of the fans can vary.


I binged the show. I don't even remember a pussy joke, to be honest, and in an entire season, there's maybe three or four dick...references? Barely even jokes. And trust me, I like a good dick joke as much as the next girl. \* Lucy's friend makes a joke about her husband's premature ejaculation on their wedding night. \* Lucy's new husband grossly >!wipes his dick on her curtains after sex, but it's a clue he's really an uncivilized Raider in a stolen Vault-Tec jumpsuit.!< \* One of the Brotherhood of Steel squires is shown openly jerking off in the barracks, but it's a hint that the BoS isn't the "heroic knights in power armor," they claim to be, but there's something off about them. \* The Ghoul actually looks insulted when Lucy thinks >!he took her prisoner to sell her to the Raiders as a sex slave. !< \* The Hollywood Communists in the flashbacks explicitly state they're not even Communists, but they don't really deny it, as >!it's a handy cover to spy on Vault-Tec.!<


There's also a joke about Maximus knowing what an erections and ejaculation is.


And a follow-up. >!"Want to make my dick explode?"!<


​ https://preview.redd.it/mpuk94b9kfuc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f4895425a0d631b6d37f5418817650c9702923c


Yes. Yes, I do.


I thought those “Raiders” were actually NCR soldiers


Looks like actual NCR mixed-in with raiders. Handpicked NCR folks always accompanied Moldaver while actual raiders went mayhem.


Wiping dick on the curtains is also a sex joke reference. "Q: What to do during sex to make the woman scream for several hours? A: Wipe your dick on the curtains!"


I just encountered someone saying the tonal whiplash of the show doesn't match the games, and he's been playing since FO1. I... I don't get it.


They'll say anything to attempt to justify their anger


...maybe he always skipped the intro video, and never made it past the rats. If he did that, and never got an overkill, and never read the descriptions for perks, skills, or attributes, and never read the combat log and never crit fumbled? Yeah. Then, I would 100% buy it. The tone of the show is just about perfect. As someone whose favorite game in the series is Fallout, followed closely by Fallout 2. 100% nailed it. Down to the random encounter with the DJ. And cameos from random actors. I wish they scored some of the people from the first two games; Tony Shalhoub, Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Dorn... but still, seeing the people who did show up was a blast, too.


If Anderson had a cameo as o Neal :O


I wouldn't use Dorn just yet since he can absolutely pull off Marcus irl.


>New Vegas stans Chud New Vegas Stans, real New Vegas fans goes bisexual every time to get +10% damage against man and woman alike, have Arcade Gannon or Veronica as follower.


From what I can tell real New Vegas fans are all trans.


I’ve never met a trans new Vegas fan despite hearing so much about them, all the new vegas fans I’ve met are bisexual or gay, and/or a femboy


Hey I’m all of the above!


Hi it's me I'm the trans New Vegas fan. 


that's probably just because you don't talk to trans women, tbh. it's shockingly prevalent


huh, i guess thats true yeah


I was playing FNV in a discord call when a trans person on that server dropped in. I no context asked them a question about FNV and they answered (correctly and accurately) in seconds. Having trans friends is like having a players handbook for New Vegas.


Wait New Vegas made me bi? ...shit


New Vegas is left as fuck though. Old world blues is literally referring to the problems of capitalism. The most moral faction is the punk socialists.


Are the punk socialists the Followers of Apocalypse or?


Yup. I think they're often portrayed as the most moral faction and the only reason you can't choose them is because the devs wanted to force you to pick a flawed faction.


Those New Vegas "fans" probably haven't played that game either. They complain about lgbt inclusion, but you can literally become stronger in New Vegas by becoming a bisexual. Also, they frequently seem to forget that two of the companions were gay.


Fallout fans complaining about LGBT representation when New Vegas "[actively concerns itself with the realities of gay existence, and is widely recognized as a noteworthy work of queer science fiction:](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/LGBT_representation_in_the_Fallout_series)" https://preview.redd.it/ca1xke298duc1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=68f21ceea2525283da267e386f90777757101230


Lovingly built in a universe conceived, programmed and largely designed (in all ways but art) by a gay man.


also FO3 is the one with the really heavy bible references, and FO4 removed the gay perks that NV added at the end of the day they just have a cult-like delusion of what New Vegas is, completely removed from the game itself


They're just fucking stupid. The world is further left than these idiots and they think it's all a conspiracy by some minority.


Not to mention Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, is a gay man himself!


Please explain me the power of bisexuality lol


Picking the lady killer and the confirmed bachelor traits give your characters advantages over men and women in combat and lets your character able to flirt with both iirc


Hmm, trying it out next playthrough


I am a bisexual mailman with a lesbian bff who really likes power fisting. Simple as.


There are two perks that allow you to flirt with and get a damage buff against NPCs and enemies of certain sexes (one for men, another for women). You can pick up *both* perks, become bisexual and be buffed against all human characters.


Also as a note, since more enemies are male, especially among raiders, being at least gay as a male character is an explicit mechanical advantage.


Yep, gay men are more powerful than straight men.


There's also a quest line where, >!upon losing an arm wrestling contest to a super mutant, you get raped deep in the ass by said super mutant so hard that you wake up the next morning with a ball gag in your inventory.!<


Yeah he >!tied you up in a gimp suit iirc lol!< And everyone knows about it and will comment on it as well. Fallout 2 also had a ton of Easter eggs, most notably the Bridgekeeper[Bridgekeeper](https://youtu.be/tLrc1esxBdU?si=kvZN1fsaGn--UxlJ) from Monty Python. Fallout 1 may have been gritty, but Fallout 2 was criticized ( and loved ) for its over the top humor and silliness, and how it focused less on the bleakness of the world and more of how life was slowly beginning to return and come back.


I got that perk! 500 bottlecaps a month just by visiting Reno and filming a scene. Also, FO2 you could sell drugs, become addicted to drugs (pro tip, don't take jet in FO2). You could even marry characters, and then sell them into slavery.


Its why I always tell people that FO2 is worth a try, the amount of freedom it gives you to get up to some absolutely zany shenanigans is legendary.


Hey now, I'm a New Vegas fan, and while I think Bethesda absolutely bungled the series in 3 and 4, it wasn't the lore that was the problem. But otherwise I'm right there with you. Did these fools even play the fallout games?


Which is particularly funny since I'd argue New Vegas is the most directly political. Even when it comes down to the decision making in that game, you have 3 with just the good/evil morality alignment while NV tracks all the factions which represent different political ideas. With The Followers of the Apocalypse, coming across as socialists, being the most moral of the groups.


Yeah but they'd have to play games to know that, everyone knows Gamers don't do that


In Fallout 2 you can literally become a pornstar, so yeah


Fallout 2 had a system which determined how sexually experienced your character was


You think this guy didn't just play New Vegas?


I think that guy didn't even play FNV. That game has a robot who wants to pound you (in fact, it's part of a whole questline that has you act as a pimp), an option to skip combat by having sex with your enemy (though admittedly you have to play as a woman to get it), brains in jars who think your fingers are penises, and more stuff like that.


Don’t forget the gay, lesbian, and bi companions.


Hell, just from Myron's dialogue alone.


The use of Starship Troopers to call out "wokeism" tells me this has to be satire but that movie and Helldivers 2 proves chuds have 0 media literacy.


$5 says that this guy is a massive dickrider for both the Terran Federation and Super Earth.


He is, and I can prove it. His handle is a Warhammer 40k reference. So we already know he misunderstands 2 whole space fascism universes. What’s one or two more?


The Imperium is such a pile of shit Guilliman thinks it would have been better to have Horus win


Yes, but you're forgetting that people can live out their power fantasy of shooting everything without having to apologise.


They act like they’d be inquisitors or commissars but they’d be shoved into a penitent engine at best or be shot for suspected Chaos Corruption at worst Also even if they were inquisitors the other inquisitors would kill them for their overly bloodthirsty ways And commissars that aren’t liked are usually shot in the back by unfortunate friendly fire accidents


Not even that. The vast, overwhelming majority of humans are born, raised, and die in filth and squalor in underhives or servant clans on voidships or manufactorums or whatever other putrid shitpit serves as a concentration of human suffering that takes human life and grinds it into grease for the war machine. The people we see in stories, the Space Marines, the Admech, even the Guard are an infinitesimally small fraction of the human population, the rest of which exists as a seething mass of miserable flesh forgotten before it was even born whose only purpose is to work itself to death by the ripe old age of 26. That's who they would be. They would be born on a rusty grate above a pool of toxic chemicals, work 20 hour shifts, and live their entire life barely not starving to death, until finally, the sweet release of death takes their shattered, worn out bodies in their 20s. No one will remember them, and no one will have ever cared.


You got some kind of problem with democracy?


Yes democracy officer, this one right here.




You can call out the federation, but I draw the line at attacking the singular free world in this galaxy.


The username and profile pic are also references to Warhammer 40k, another fictional fascism that chuds unironically idolize


“You just completely misinterpreted a sci-fi franchise!” “No Marge, three sci-fi franchises!”


it's fascinating that everyone i've ever met in the warhammer fandom is like, far left communists and queer people like i KNOW the chuds are there somewhere. i've just managed to avoid them somehow


Yeah in my experience, most people who play/collect/paint are pretty chill, and fairly left of center. But there are online communities, especially focusing on the lore rather than the game/models, that are filled with alt right chuds. Especially a popular lore YouTuber who was a literal neo nazi.


In most of the settings listed, my worst encounters were meta-gamers, instead of chuds and fascbros.


Ah 40k, it will never not sting that like every major community I'm in has a bunch of fasctards that can't count to three but will whole heartedly support fascism.


The worst part is 40k is 100% a facist satire…


So are all of the other ones. It's painful to like something pointing out injustices, and then you find the one enjoyed who's like: "I like it because subjugating people is cool". Reminds me of being a teen, and watching Chapelle and Colbert Report. All of us, in a group of friends were laughing. One of us was laughing for the other reason.


I’ve finally started the deep dive on 40k lately and it’s truly impressive how *awful* the Imperium is at every turn. There was an alien race that helped them repel a major Tyranid invasion that threatened countless human worlds and, five years later, the Imperium exterminated their former allies. And it’s all *super not necessary*. Other races have coexisted peacefully in the galaxy for eons. One race was around for *millions* of years, peacefully cataloguing all the history and knowledge of the galaxy in great libraries across their world. So a group of Space Marines slaughtered the entire population, ground their bodies into dust, ground their libraries and their contents into dust, gathered together all the dust, and then launched it all into a dying sun just before it went nova. Because all of that knowledge, amassed by vile Xenos, would be heretical to allow to exist. They’re just the *worst*, which is why I’ve come to agree that Magnus did nothing wrong.


100% the satire flies right over these morons heads and they think these movies are Chad and alpha etc


I love the Fallout show, and I'm a leftist. It is, frankly, a show that uncompromisingly brings up modern social controversies and takes a cynical but empathetic stance on them. That IS leftist propaganda in the abstract sense that leftists ALSO want to confront serious issues with the objective of creating the best outcomes for all parties. Right wingers prefer to reframe difficult issues as ingroup/outgroup dichotomies where the correct solution is just to unapologetically side with the ingroup. Reminds me of the classic joke about media bias in various sources: "reality has a liberal bias". Fallout is a leftist show because it focuses on radical self-determination, morality in the face of adversity and adversaries, and critical examination of default institutions of power. But those things are only leftist because the center has been dragged into a region where worship of the state and fetishistic idealization of some imagined better martial past is no longer radical right.


Well I mean it's debatable as to whether the source material (Heinlein's work) was satire or not. Heinlein was well known for exploration of sometimes very unpleasant aspects of society without a critical lense. Essentially his position in most of his works was "this is how society is, now how does it function and how do people operate within it". In the context of Starship Troopers the Federation is essentially a republic, the only major difference is that citizenship is earned based on militaristic views and sacrifice towards the common good, and that certain privileges are only available to citizens or are more readily attainable. Heinlein doesn't go into the morality of that. Humanity functions by and large pretty well and successfully, we've mastered space, augmetics, developing psionics and so on. Aside from the almost total disregard for individual life by the body politic, there's no critique in the work, and even that is pretty well positioned as a "needs of the many" scenario. Verhoeven's work is quite obviously incredibly satirical, from obvious propaganda parodies, to the increasing dehumanisation of Rico, the ambiguous terms of the invasion, the absolute brutality of the mobile infantry. Ultimately its a world where the only thing that matters is what you have done, and if you have done nothing, you are nothing.


the source material is also completely different than the movie


Yeah, in the source material the mobile infantry are shown running terrorist attacks on civilians.


Leftism is when dick joke now? I can't keep track of this moving target.


*swinging target


Nobody's dick's that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fuckin' long dick. Thus, the name.


Ever heard of John Dillermand?


him, Lars von Trier and Soren Kierkegaard. most important Danes in cultural history.


It's almost as if, we are a bunch of weirdos up here 🙃


“Yeah I got that part, thanks.”


Have they never played a Fallout game?


The more discourse I see about this show the more I'm convinced all these "Fallout fans" never played Fallout or wasn't paying attention.


It actually is a criticism of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 that they moved further away from politics and more towards fun apocalypse sandbox. 4 still had political themes focused on personhood of synths, but still nothing like the "war between powers destroyed the world and capitalism fucked our chances of survival." Then Fallout 76 has that live action commercial where it's people just having a good time shooting and enjoying the sci fi weapons, which did get criticism from fans who were upset that politics were becoming set dressing.


Well, F4 has a bit of a redemption after F3 in regard to the Brotherhood being techno-nazi again, without all the white-horse-knight nonsense. But yeah, overall its presentation on political issues has dropped significantly.


Have you played 76? Its actually a lot more anti-capitalist than 3 or 4. Its just not there on the surface


Honestly the backstory of Hornwright and the ash heap is a pretty solid allegory of the consequences of companies that are anti-regulation.


76 did have stuff that touched a corporate corruption and I think 4 had a side story about the hardships of Chinese American citizens in the Fallout Universe, obviously inspired by periods of internment during the Second World War.


Probably Fallout 3, 15 years ago.


That the only people the pro democracy, ‘america fuck yeah’ robot is fighting is the remnants of the American government was probably lost on them


I don’t think they ever hacked enough computers and read about what the world was like before because the show did a REALLY good job lore wise.


...What's wrong with dick and pussy jokes ? https://preview.redd.it/miczgcnt2buc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e7dad0538a61d38a7ef40299cbf803ddf14c7ab


They’re not fart jokes.


Throw a pun in there and you have peak comedy


The fact that pun means fart in portuguese makes your comment even more funny


who is this


Catt from the discontinued Webcomic Wonderlab.


There’s a whole ass questline in New Vegas (the “true” fans darling game) that’s a whole joke about you becoming a pimp and finding different wasteland fetish prostitutes that culminates in finding a sex-bot named Fisto and then getting beaten up by three old ladies with rolling pins (if you have a certain trait)


The three old ladies with rolling pins is a random encounter. It's not related to the quest.


It happens when you exit the abandoned building where you recruit Fisto if you have wild wasteland active. I’ve literally never had it happen ANYWHERE else in nearly 14 years of playing this game lmao


That's where the random encounter happens, but it's not related to Wango Dango Atomic Tango. That's just the first time you're likely to go there.


Yeah I just verified via the Wiki, it happens the first time you leave cerulean robotics, not tied to the quest but very likely that’s why you go there. But that still means it’s not a random encounter lol, you have to do something very specific to spawn them.


That’s funny, my reaction to watching the show was “Aw shit, these people get what makes fallout neat!” Also the very existence of Fisto the pleasure robot negates this whole argument.


Wait isn't this from Starship Troopers right? Hank was in Starship Troopers???????


Yup. He was also in Total Recall as the mutant with the facial deformity that tells Quaid that he’s “gotta lot of nerve showing his face around here”.


And the drill Sgt who ended up whipping Rico in that scene voices Mr krabs.


He doesn’t actually whip him, but does give him the bit to bite down on during it. He IS the one who breaks a recruit’s arm, and staples another’s hand to the wall with a knife, and chokes out another unconscious…


Standard training to whip the apes into productive citizens! The beatings will continue, unless morale improves.


He also single handidly caught the brain bug


Private Zim. It’s also alluded to earlier. Zim wants to fight, Hank Schrader tells him he can’t, if he wants to fight he’d have to bump him back to private.


Wait fr ? That means he's also kregg from invincible ?


He is in multiple movies of Paul Verhoefen.


Wow the game about mega corps creating science experiments under the guise of human survival is anti-capitalist https://preview.redd.it/j5tr1kxmrbuc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ddf0535ae222456398415020ee95f597d32935


It was originally more focused on anti-fascism and anti-nationalism, with particular criticism for the military-industrial complex, which is where the anti-capitalism came in. Fallout 2 introduced the Vaults as experiments into lore and generally had more explicit anti-capitalism in it than the first game. The anti-capitalism was more of a secondary theme than primary theme. New Vegas is, to my knowledge, the most focused on anti-capitalism. That said, the subtext became a pretty big focus starting with Fallout 3 really diving into the Vaults as experiments. These people don't think Fallout is anti-fascist or anti-nationalis, either. They don't do subtext. EDIT: I take that back. The instruction manual as a Vailt-Tec manual makes the anti-capitalism pretty clear. I was forgiving it for being 1950's retro futuristic "they didn't know any better," but that's the point of the satire, they did. I was also thinking of the scrapped Junktown ending where siding with Sheriff Killwater and killing Gizmo would result in Junktown staying a shantytown because of Killwater being a fascist whereas siding with Gizmo would result in it becoming a boomtown due to the casino. A very capitalist vs fascist outcome where capitalism resulted in the better outcome.


Goddam I never read Killwater as a fascist. Welp here goes my media literacy.


Would this be Killian Darkwater? Killian "I'm so fascist i require documentary evidence or a wiretap before i will arrest Gizmo" Darkwater? Killian a bit heavy on the Frontier justice but ultimately welcoming, open and just trying to follow the law? I hold my hands up i could have missed something but i don't think he did or said anything very fascist did he?


No, I don't think he did other than his focus on law and order. He was written as a good and likeable character trying to protect his community. The cut ending was that as mayor and sheriff, his focus on frontier justice stiffled the town, which I extrapolated that to be that his need for law and order became increasingly radical and grew to become fascist, which stiffled the town. It could have just been a moral quandary ending. I would say that it could have been a pro-capitalism ending where unchecked capitalism resulted in a flourishing town, but I'm most skeptical of that interpretation given how vile Gizmo is presented to be.


Ah thats a relief! Thought i might have been suffering "played when i was 12 and missed the subtextitis"


Oh I see, it's the butterfly effect where when you meet him he is fine, but 10- 20 years down the road, he cracks.


And those from Starship Troopers, too.


Those fucking marxists with their dick and pussy based humour


What are the dick and the pussy, after all, but the hammer and sickle in disguise?


Fellas, is it communist to have sex?


Can you censor d*ck? It triggers my primal gay lust for men I mean my primal anti-cummunism.


I'll see your dick and raise you ithyphallus.


Literally Slavoi Zizek


this is a double whammy because Starship Troopers has the same leftist messaging as Hell Divers 😭 media literacy was thrown out the windowww


Weren't they calling leftists prudes about sex before? When are they too good for dick jokes?


I'm guessing they're mad that it shows that Lucy enjoys casual sex without being shamed for it, and Maximus is some weird quasi-incel from the Brotherhood of Steel's bizarre take on sex education.


I wouldn't even call maximus an incel at all he's just the doesn't fuck doesn't know what sex is part of the chart


Did they…play Fallout? Ever?


Probably not. He’s probably just dick riding the anti woke trend


Fallout would be a better game if they let you shoot enemies in the dick or pussy while using VATS. Just saying


You can make aimed shots to the groin in 1, 2, and Tactics.


Needs to be brought back


I don't know why they got rid of it.


Nothing better than pounding a raiders balls into a fine powder with a power fist.


kid named Finger??????


They also misunderstand the politics and humor of Starship Troopers.


Isn't fallout lore just shitting on post-WW2 america?


Imagine thinking Fallout, FALLOUT, was anything other than left-leaning. For Christ sake, when New Vegas received an award Marx & Engels were thanked.


WhAt? You mean the ridiculous anticommunist sentient toaster was not a serious anticommunist message but a parody? What part of the lore you wokes will try rewrite next? You'll pretend that it's not even a pro war / pro nuclear weapons story? /s


Pretty sure that was actually Disco Elysium😅


Oh shit fallout series is actually faithful to the games then? I gotta watch that shi




Ah, they've finally embraced Starship Troopers as part of their identity?




I swear there's a, "maybe we should the death penalty" plotline in this show


Irony is truly dead since this dude is invoking Starship Troopers *and* is a fan of Warhammer.


You can actually go to Tim Cains youtube channel. The Fallout creator. He was invited to the premier. He gives his take. >!He liked it.!<


Did they forget about Fisto?


I learned about sex from Fallout 2 way before I did at school.


Oh hey, it's the guy that saw the pic of the line of Power Armor being blessed and called it a critique on modern day Russia




Wait, but I thought us leftists were supposed to be stuck-up puritans who wanted everything to be ugly and sexless? Now we're apparently stuffing every crevasse with dick and pussy jokes, and they think it's bad???


Media illiteracy in the US is an epidemic


Wasn't starship troopers actually anti fascist propaganda?


This git doesn't deserve to use a orky name or pfp, given e's actin like a right pansy git. I've seen grots be better examples of orks than this git


...hasn't that ALWAYS been what fallout is?


Meanwhile Fisto over there like... https://preview.redd.it/y13n8rbulcuc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8cad9e5f67905c6be2ed4cda26e757d70b335ea


Says fallout is propaganda, cites starship troopers. Media literacy is dead and the article saying gamers won't get it is always sadly true


Timothy Cain is gay. Scott Bennie was an ally and Josh Sawyer is the most leftist liberal game designer to have ever been terminally online. But none of these stupid ass gamers think that would affect the themes of their precious favorite franchise, would they?


Seems like they also don't get Starship Troopers (the movie, not the book, bc obv that's the reference and also no one read the book)


This is what happens when you let ten-year-olds play games full of political satire aimed at an adult or at least late-teens audience. They are intelligent enough to understand the commie-hate but not to understand the fun poked at late-stage capitalism...


Umm... Someone has never, ever played any Fallout game and it shows.


hes just angry about the cousin fuckin jokes, really hit home


Unrelated, but I always forget Hank was in Starship Troopers.


Its like they all played these games as children and now as adults they have been trained to catch themes and meanings but dont have the critical thinking skills to know they probably just didnt catch it when they were young. Although i could just summarize it as they dont have critical thinking skills.


Me when I have no idea what the premise of a game series is about and cook up what I believe it should be about that also happens to go against the creator’s vision: Fallout was always “woke” (whatever that means to them, I see it as a nazi dog whistle, but thats just me) and to say otherwise means you simply lack any form of media literacy or at the very least know nothing of the lore. Absolutely cringe that these types have probably never played the game and make these assertions. If they did play the game they never looked inside of a terminal (no surprise, they hate reading/can’t read), focused on the killing/leveling aspect of the game as a form of entertainment, and/or ignored every damn side quest on the path to finishing any of these games. There is a ton of anti-capitalist propaganda in the games, anti American exceptionalism, and pro-socialist/communist sentiment. In New Vegas they give you many options to choose which group you join (fascists, military, isolationists, free people, or capitalists) but depending on who you join and what you do for them you get/lose karma, which tells you where the developer’s moralities lie.


The game series with FISTO.


The dudes a piece of shit, he’s racist,transphobic and everything in between. He also complains about wokeness in Las… so yeah.


I think I'm six episodes in, when do all the dick and pussy jokes start?


They would love the dick and pussy jokes if Fallout was right wing propaganda


He did it, the crazy son of a bitch did it. "i want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't" -paul verhoeven, 1996


Did this guy even play the fallout games?


Remember when New Vegas had a plot line where you had to recruit a ghoul dominatrix for a casino’s whore house? Or when you could become a pornstar in… was that FO1 or 2?


Are you gonna tell me that all fallout series (and postapocaliptic genre in general) Is not a satiric view of capitalism and right Wing/nationalist consequences? Wow, so much surprise /s


New Vegas has a literal sex robot that fucks you, what are these rotbrains bitching about exactly?


Fallout is the most mainstream unapologetic criticism of capitalism in the last few years and mf still are able to miss the point Like, read the goddamn dialogues in New Vegas, dumbass


Damn ig Fallout first game may have more subtle politics and less sexual jokes but this person clearly doesn't remember neither Fallout 2 nor New Vegas


What do you expect from the same group of mouth breathing morons that thought Rage Against the Machine wasn't political? These people are just blindingly stupid. They see what they want to see. 


Are we forgetting new Vegas, their so called holy grail perfect game. Had such gems as Long dick Johnson (they then explain that yea his dick is long, hence the name) A LOT of prostitutes Fisto Veronica The entire rest of the fisto mission Probably heaps more I forgot. And that's just new Vegas. Fallout is built on sex jokes


Oop has never played New Vegas


Or Fallout 2, where you can literally become a porn star.


...Isn't this portraying them as the soyjack and the "SJW" as the chad?


Wtf!? I loved this show, I'm a fan of fallout. Been playing it for many years now. What the hell? Can people not just enjoy a good fucking TV show anymore?