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I want to make fun of gamers like usual but my head just exploded.


RIP in peace to your head :(


![gif](giphy|fu8pNDmOpBk8T2sjMu|downsized) So no head?


You can pay for that


We are all your head in this trying time.


No worries, you can live rent free in OOPs head for a while.


Not surprised. They're old friends, so of course they're going to be very complementary about each other's games. Has everyone forgotten that Nikke featured a Nier: Automata crossover last year, already?


Tbf Nier: Automata has a crossover with every other game in existence. 


If you run a long enough D&D campaign chances are they come at you offering to make a crossover


I always put a cameo post game fight in my dnd campaing (we prefer shorter campaings in my party), we did 2B and 9S in november last year after completing The Sunless Citadel


I think the NIER lore would make an interesting Mission of the week TTRPG setting.


And they’re all somehow canon. Because attempting to understand this franchise in its entirety requires a damn PhD


For real, it was WAY easier to understand cruelty squads and god damn Project moon’s lore then nier. Each time I try it just breaks me and I have to wait for two month long cool-down to try again.


Honestly, I saw a tiny bit of Nasuverse lore, and it was like what looking at Cthulhu must feel like. Multiple timelines, 1500 Shiki Tohnos, A pseudo-canon fighting game, and all that tacked onto the already complex FATE lore, including GO.


and now mix in the current Jp collab with mahoutsukai no yoru. I'm dead


Fr, I did a deep dive into the lore of the series and, like, holy fucking shit. It's genuinely so complex and convoluted it made my head spin trying to keep track of it all. MGS who?


2B is very cool in Smash Bros. 


She’s is Rainbow Six Siege lol


Not Genshin or HSR! (yet, probably.) Don't know if they did anything with HI3 though.


I think they did something with Punishing Gray Raven if i'm not wrong


A NieR character like 2B, 9S, NieR, or Emil (I'd include Kaine or A2, but that requires censorship) guest staring in Genshin would've made way more sense than Alloy from HZD/HFW.


Which makes it funny he couldn't compliment anything besides how the graphics are up to date and characters are sexy


great crossover


Does Nikke have something to do with Stellar Blade?


Same devs


Now Stellar Blade being so pervy makes complete sense. Lol


Same company


I'm more surprised that people take whatever yoko taro, known for asking people to send him r34 art of 2b and rolling on the floor in an emil mask screaming fuck squareenix, at face value


There's no irony there, you can't read something that doesn't exist. Yoko Taro just likes pretty girls and boobs. Trying to read any further into it is a path of darkness, just look at how the right wing has driven itself insane over Sweet Baby and DEI and ESG and Blackrock. Sure Yoko is glazing Kim as part of a Sony press tour, but generally speaking developers who work in the same field do not shit talk each other, that's boat rocking and can cost you roles in the future. Like there's a reason why no one wants to work with Kern or Yuji Naka, they're fucking assholes who make life difficult for everyone at every level, from peers to employees.


Oh I don't think there's irony either I think he just doesn't give a fuck about anything He's asked a question about a game, his answer is "oh character hot, I wish 2B was that detailed" Which honestly, fair enough


I played the Stellar Blade demo and I still think 2b looks more natural Not sure what it is, but Stellar Blade’s MC is flooring with the uncanny valley where 2b didn’t. Given the last Shift up game I played was NIKKE, Maybe they need more time to cook on their 3d design over live motion pngs :D


Which is kinda funny 'cos ya know, 2B being a literal humanoid android, you'd expect at least SOME uncanny valley


You would. It’s a testament to how well designed she is.


Tho I suppose it can also be argued that the lack of uncanny valley works well with the whole "what does it mean to be human" tone of the game


Also she wears a blindfold over her face most of the game


The stellarblade protag has an even smaller head to body ratio and more exaggerated proportions, as well has being more detailed which puts her into the uncanny Valley, not further away. 2b, while close to as sexualized, had her face covered, so less awkward expression issues and no dead eyes. Neither one of them are my thing personally, but that's probably why 2b is less uncanny. She's literally less human, which means your brains aren't fighting themselves trying to understand why this human thing isn't quite right. I actually find her unsettling to look at, personally, but it's because her design and the tone of the game are super at odds in my opinion and it grosses me out. The sb lady is equally so, though skin tight suits for this stuff don't bug me when done well since I played the hell out of mgs back in the day lmao.


Stellar Blade protagonist looks like a Kpop idol in the worst way. Just too perfect to the point of uncanny valley.


The faces look so incredibly artificial and like they forgot to add any details.


Yeah sometimes it's just a thing. You just take it at face value because that's how it is. It's not deep. Look at George Kamitani. * George Kamitani: \*designs a woman with huge boobs\* * Gooners: um you see actually it's a super smart artistic choice, he designs characters associated with death as women with big boobs because breasts represent life and fertility, so he purposefully juxtapositions those two clashing ideals * George Kamitani: actually I just like big boobs https://preview.redd.it/v1tpl7ngvuuc1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9196b30bccc9a3f97967d911f59e1c9eedc592f8


Yeah, anyone familiar with his works knows this.Not everything is part of an agenda


Yep, and honestly it's a fair review. 'looks pretty, good boobs.' not a damn lie there lol People get their knickers in a twist thinking the existence of sexy anime ladies is counted to realistic video game ladies. But I've just begun to tune out anyone who uses 'woke' seriously in a conversation the same way I tune out 'problematic'.


I don't see this any more than just a game creator being modest about their own work and praising the work of colleague's , Spielberg and Kubrick trashtalked their own movies to praise the other's. I haven't played SB, but Automata is one of the few games that genuinely came close to making me cry (Pascal q\_q) so pretty high standards


Also… the dude peaked with Nier Automata… that came out 7 YEARS AGO. And before that, his career was massively oscillating between “okay/good” and “objectively bad” and since then, dude has just been in the mobile space. He’s nowhere near as monumental as people make him out to be. Definitely not Kojima or Druckmann or Barlog or Mikami… the list could go on. And even in Automata, some of the best components came from stuff that didn’t involve Taro. Music? That was all Okabe. Combat? Platinum Games baby! Edit: now I’m just gonna say this because people keep thinking I’m blindly shitting on some games in the comments. At no point did I say “Automata is bad”…. I beat the game, 100% it, I own the Black Box Edition to the game, have the soundtrack physical, etc but it’s very much the game Taro is most known for. It’s not really that amazing in my books but it’s still a very fine 8-8.5/10 game for me; I don’t even think it’s the best game in Platinum’s catalogue. I simply don’t really see him as this genius in the field, he’s just an eccentric and that’s fine and one of his best games to date was a product of other massive talents coming in and elevating the project to where it got to. But that’s where it basically reaches its height. He hasn’t really made anything of note for most people in the ARPG genre since then and even prior… his games weren’t that good A lot of people praise the avant garde nature of his writing… but it still takes finesse and execution to make those concepts work as fun and enjoyable games. The Drakengards in particular all suffered from this where it had some dashes of cool ideas but lord have mercy was the gameplay and overarching narrative not good, even in the context of them being PS2/PS3 releases. They eventually garnered a cult status and thus they get more feverish supporters that outweigh the people who played them and just didn’t really like them all those years ago. I literally own these games and have gone back to play them and yeah… they are really meh, even in the context of treating them as more interpretive art pieces.


I mean beyond what he does in terms of game He's just a massive shitposter Taking anything he tweets seriously is like trying to make sense of hideki n(y)aganuma's twitter feed. Just don't. Enjoy the ride!


Some times I think back to how Yoko Taro wanted the last Nier raid in FFXIV to straight up delete your character permanently upon completion, the guy is just an agent of chaos.


Yeah another prime example is the final boss of drakengard 3 which has a legitimate case for one of the most unfair, tedious, difficult bosses in gaming: - its a 10 minute rhythm game in a hack-n-slash game with no gameplay like it beforehand - No instructions/hints that tell you what buttons to press - No progress meter or countdown meaning you have no way to know you’re progressing without prior knowledge - 7 phases where each one is a different song, at different speeds - trains you to recognize visual cues in the first phases then maliciously manipulates camera angles to make it impossible to complete visually - Final note happens with 0 indicators after the cutscrne after the boss end’s guaranteeing you will die to without prior knowledge - 45 second downtime between each attempt including an unskippable, long startup cutscene - Ps3 hardware causes lag which can make it you lose even if you do it right The fight can legitimately double the playtime it takes to beat and most people will look up a guide which times it for you or quit right before the true ending. Its very deliberate though and fits the Meta, quirky tone of the game’s humor to where people argue whether its art, just bad game design, or both. There have been [whole analyses](https://youtu.be/UcE9ZdFsl2w?si=4HiMgdWCTxzlCM0E) made just on how BS it is. Its a very unique experience though.


How did he expect that to go


Didn’t end up doing that in an MMO where characters regularly have thousands of hours of time investment, but the final boss does run you over with a train and throws the square Enix building at you.


Yeah I’m familiar, I’m a ffxiv player, I was just curious how Yoko Taro thought that was even a viable option in an mmo lol. I’d be devastated if I lost my character.


With a bang


Even in his games he’s a shitposter, one of Niers achievements is literally just for looking at 2b’s ass. As for all the other achievements he lets you just buy them using ingame money without ever having to unlock them legit because why not


For looking under the skirt specifically (and she punches the camera) There's also one for playing for a while with 2B after self-detonate (and another one for 9s iirc) You can die by eating a fish and get a dedicated game over screen


Big "dying from sitting in a too small chair" from Disco Elysium energy.


Dying from microwaving a hamster in manic mansion 1


don't forget dying by unequipping your own brain.


Much like a lot of Twitter users.


The unfortunate thing is that they manage to unequip their brain without the side effect.


It’s like some kind of superpower.


What's up with Naganumas Twitter?


Just regular funky uncle shenanigans


Yet a pretty insightful individual that got gamers mad because he talked about the political implications of black/white to define bad/good and how we can change it


Did he? I missed that Yeah he's a good guy he's just kinda weird sometimes ; but it's completely fine because he understands understands


Yeah, he talked about the term "black company" in Japan and how it's related to companies that don't pay their workers, here in my country there is also a similar term "trabajar en negro" = working in black.  You can say is a stretch but the term refers to slave work and black people, it's worse when the term white company and working in white exists and refers to the opposite.  Also the fact that he sampled a lot of political speeches(speeches?) for his work so that adds


Okay so fun fact, in a bunch of western countries, the idiom "working in black" comes from medieval times. At least in France, it dates back to when it was illegal to work at night. It was a law based on religion (basically, God made night and day so that all his creatures may have their time to rest. Night creatures, of course, being regarded as bad). However, as you may imagine, some people disagreed with that and ordered their workers to work at night anyway, taking measures to not be seen doing so. (Dim candles, working in parts of the shops that had no windows, that kind of stuff) This is also where the expression "black market" originates from ; it referred to the less than legal, unsavoury transactions that happened during the night Obviously the context has changed, and with the centuries of slavery and exploitation and all that it definitely has acquired a worse connotation ; and it has been extended to any kind of undeclared, illegal work that is often construed with illegal migrants by certain political movements, so that doesn't help either


Really good input


the concept of love?


Yoko taro is what memes portray Kojima to be but as an actual person


I think it's fair to celebrate any game designer that has such a unique vision and isn't afraid to stick to it. We wouldn't be getting games like these without him, so they don't have to all be hits to make him an important part of the industry. But also, he absolutely isn't an authority whose word is gospel


I'd argue that it's not those aspects that made the game great. Yoko Taro does deserve credit for making one HELL of a story, which is super well integrated into the game mechanics.


To me Nier:Automata is right up there with Kojima productions story-wise, maybe even a little better in terms of weirdness and actually conveying the feeling of the story in the pacing and game mechanics. Yoko Taro may be a weirdo but the art is absolutely perfect for me. Even the repetitive pieces.


His weirdness definitely beats standing in a beach for 15 min watching the credits


Replicant was good And the way he lead drakenguard one to neir was also good


"he peaked with automata". Um he hasn't made a actual game since then, he would have had to. Drakengard, and the og nier were also amazing with his contribution despite the fact they were bad games. Pretending otherwise just to spite chuds who like stellar blade is ridiculous


To be fair, the combat was the weakest part of Automata


I mean, compared to Stellar Blade, I'd take Nier:Automata's combat all day everyday


The combat and story are both good in their own rights, just that it never seems to make sense being with each other. The story seems better in a medium like the talos principle, while the combat is definitely MGR:R material.


Nah, i disagree, the gameplay and plot from Nier complete each other Very well, i dislike the notion that action games cant have depth


I agree, but sadly a bulk of people can't walk and chew gum at the same time.


Ironically action games (character action games especially) are one of the deepest genres and nier is one of the shallowest character action games from a mechanics perspective, still love it though


Replicant was 2021 and rightfully lauded. His games were always cult classics because he's an incredible writer whose gameplay was rarely up to par


Saying this about such a unique voice as Taro is what i hate about gamers lmao.  Yeah, his games kind of suck in some aspects but he is probably one of the few auteurs of the medium and that in itself is enough to be recognized.  Bringing him down saying this kind of thing is annoying and why corporative crap is rampant. Yet i can see what your point is but i'm against this "x creator only was good because he worked with y creator" that doesn't make his output less unique.


Agreed. it really sucks people dog on creators when everything they do isn’t a genre defining classic. Not everyone can be like kojima and have a catalog that’s almost nothing but classics.


Also worth noting the amount of money Kojima receives compared to Taro.  Taro was playing in the Suda, Swery range of game budget until Automata and Kojima operates in the highest budget possible for every game he makes


Kojima's budget is pretty much 'whatever the fuck I want'. I legitimately believe he can ask for a blank check and there isn't a single big studio on earth that wouldn't grant him it.


No kidding. Death stranding alone had mads mikkelsen and Lea seydeoux. Yoko taro isn’t getting that kind of money over his career as a whole much less for one game.


yeah this take is wild for many reasons


>Definitely not Kojima or Druckmann or Barlog or Mikami… the list could go on. what about Suda51?


Taro is a phenomenal writer but his team are just not able to work with him to design a better than good combat system. Nothing against his team it’s just that combat design amongst them is far from their strong suit.


uh, the team that did the combat in Automata were the makers of Bayonetta and Revengeance. Combat design is quite literally their 'thing'.


I was referring to Taros team from the other games. Not platinumgames


you’re shuttling him for just liking a game?


I think dunking on him kinda proves the chuds point We shouldn't take his word as gospel but he is a good developer, he's also just rediculously horny


I think that’s a little unfair. A lot of his games explore interesting ideas (drakengard, og nier), they’re just not polished products or work great in execution.


>And even in Automata, some of the best components came from stuff that didn’t involve Taro. Music? That was all Okabe. Combat? Platinum Games baby! I mean, he was the creator of the best component of Automata, the world building around the game and the story of the game. Without those it would just be another forgettable fun action RPG with good music. There are lots of those.


https://preview.redd.it/cssf80zu0tuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41be5ce89ed28e180f2982116e3f375118d107bc This you?


I platinumed Automata… not sure what the meme is about?


People in this subreddit hate SB so much, a comment that shits on Yoko Taro just because he likes SB gets 300 upvotes. Absolutely ridiculous.


The Stellar Blade hate is also weird. Just because chuds love the game, it shouldn't be the big culture war some people are making it out to be. You can have criticisms of the sexualisation, and understand the director isn't some alt-right weirdo like the fans.


It's even wilder because it's not raving praise from Yoko or anything, it's pretty standard "Praising another member of the industry to not be an ass" talk.


I never got the love for him myself, but I respect those who do of course, person opinions vary after all. This does not move the needle for me lol


Easily the worst take I've ever read in here. OG NieR Gestalt is easily one of my top 3 favourite games ever and made me cry several times over, Drakengard 1 and 3 is also great, albeit they have a few more flaws than his other games. Man still hasn't made a new big game after Automata, so how the fuck has he "peaked"?


Bait used to be believable.


Automata’s combat sucks though, the music and the story are what make it great. Also not standing for Taro slander, D1, D3, Replicant (his best game), and Automata are all great in their own way, and he’s done the voice of cards rpgs since then which are pretty good too (I’ve only played the first two though).


Well you could use those reason as why the bad games aren’t his fault as well


Calling the original Nier somewhere between “okay/good” and “objectively bad” is an insane take, that was an incredible game


To be fair, the 'fuck square enix' thing is pretty valid


Yoko Taro liking the character designs was already on my Bingo card. He likes sexy characters and thats fine. Personally my only beef with Stellar Blade isnt the game itself just the weirdos claiming its anti woke and that its gonna be the best game ever just because big boobs and butt character in tight clothes.


It’s really insane how the conversation about the game is its alleged fans saying “no, you hate this game” to people who… probably would just be happy to enjoy said game if they stopped trying to make that an issue. But they’re so gone down the fantasy world that the woke boogeyman wants to take their hot ladies that they genuinely cannot wrap their brains around it.


anyone who has ever kept an eye on yoko taro's behavior would be braindead to take him seriously, the guy is a shitposter at heart


Why wouldn't I take him at face value when he praises ass and titties? Why yoko "hey guys email me r34 of 2B" taro would lie about liking some ass?


If the man don't know good ass what does he know. What matters more than some phat tiddies and a thicc ass


That and his insane talent at games are why I love him.


There are male characters??? That's new


The skintight suit also isn't the default look of the main character. Buuuut that's the stuff the weirdos obsess over


is it an option? I'm assuming no, but it would be pretty funny and awesome if the game also had effectively naked hot men.


More ass = better gaem, next Nier game is gonna feature a huge sentient ass as a protagonist. Somehow it will still give you existential crisis. /uj Honestly i think people were quick to pick sides on stellar blade, the game isn't out and this whole discussion is build on drama with zero substance. I think instead of making fub of the game we should ve making fun of the rabid fans.


I'm just wondering if the praise and talk is going to die as fast as atomic hearts a week after it came out.


I mean probly, most games don't really stay in public attention for prolonged periods of time, ones that do are the exceptions. And it happens even if the game is good. There's a lot of games that come out, are well acclaimed but people move on. Only recent ones that stayed for longer were Elden Ring and BG3, but those were genuinly exceptional.


Suffered about 5 hours of Atomic Hearts, got sexually assaulted by a vending machine, turned the game off and never looked back.


Why was this downvoted? I also quit the game after the cringe vending machine.




Ehh, depends. Atomic Heart's Gameplay was bad and nothing really exisiting was going on with it. Stellar Blade meanwhile has a lot of praise for the Gameplay, so it might Stick around longer.


Depends whether the game is moddable enough to make eve actually naked, that'd be at least an extra week of reddit content


God I hope so, this has been the most exhausting game discourse in ages and it just keep going


/uj We've always been having fun of these deluded gooners. Juste because they convinced themselves that we hate the game because sexy woman doesn't mean we have to defend that stance. They made up the culture war as if the Woke were trying to make them disappear. They made up that Stellar blade is their last stance against the woke mob. They made up that if the game is good, or merely okay then it is a victory for them. All of this is pure delusion. Objectification of women in media is much more than that and their desperate pearl clutching is doomed to fail.  We ARE making fun of them. They are fools, especially when they think a known shitposter gave them "the win".


I've just seen some gone beyond that and imply the devs are also chuds like the fanbase or claim the game is 100% gonna be awfull. I'm not actually interested in the game so it doesn't affect me but i think it's unfair to the devs and the normal people who might want to play the game.


I did hear a rumor of the company firing women for being feminists (though take it with a grain of salt)


they literally did do this, it’s not a rumor


I pretty much stand on the same ground as Maximillion Dood on the game. Just from the demo, the game is shaping up to be a solid 7/10 gameplay with room to go higher from presentation and development in the rest of the game. Then, its simps ruined any good faith opinions I have on it. Like the perfect storm of gamergate nuts colliding with the unhinged entitlement of horny gacha players. Just the absolute bottom of the barrel of the gaming community.


Character design is when curvy anime girl with ai ahhh face > I think instead of making fub of the game we should ve making fun of the rabid fans. /uj I through we where doing that? The only reason this game has so much traction is to response to the chuds complaining that they can't fap to each female character that appears in every single game. So they label SB has the savior of gaming or something.


Shift-Up literally fired a woman for defending feminists, this isn’t exactly “drama with zero substance”


And then bragged about it and made a news cycle about it lol.


That's South Korea for you


Isn't even out?! The drama threads were occasionally recommended to me so I thought I'd check it out at some point. These people need to chill the fuck out


The first time i came upon the drama i was also surprised it's not even out. Comments also made me think that it's some cheap shitty unity asset game pandered to porn addicts but it seems it's a normal game that kinda accidently got in the centre on anti-woke propaganda.


Nah, it’s still a mid TNA game and that’s ok. For sure though it’s not going to win any technical art or design awards though.


The game is probably fine at worst. I'll probably like it. I just think the mob screaming "All Hail" and talking about an "Anti-woke" game are trying to fight spirits or something


If you have to appeal to a sexualized protagonist to sell your game, mean your game is dog shit who can't offer anything else


Making fun of the game for having a hot protagonist is missing the point of why it's cringe to care so much in the first place. It's favored by creepy weirdos for having a protagonist that fits their specific beauty standards. That's the only real problem here, and that's the fault of the creepy weirdos and not the game.


Gives me flashbacks when tlou 2 wasn't out and this sub was making fun of people having a meltdown over a game that isn't out yet. Look how the turns tabled...


Baldurs Gate 3 was best known for the bear sex scene at first. Imagine if people only made up their opinion on the game from that


The horny BG3 community just enjoyed and shared the sex scenes. They didn't spread hate or bigotry against other games because they have fewer or different sex scenes The Stellar-Blade incels pretend that the trend towards more realistic character designs in gaming is a sign of the downfall of the West and buying games because of big boobs and ass some act of heroic resistance. They scream about how every game with more realistic bodies in it is part of some woke conspiracy/ the evil oppression of Sweet Baby Inc or whatever. Maybe the game itself is actually okay. But the social media propaganda for it is as sad as it is absurd and annoying.




I made up my mind by the many porn addicted pests claiming this game is the second coming of christ.


Game from 2024 has better graphics than one from 2017. Thanks yoko


Well it's not a given Look at Pokemon


Boomer shooters are also in vogue these days


Truly, a compliment of all time


can confirm, I'm still cleaning my brains off the floor from that statement


Omg Yoko Taro loves a game that has a hot woman in it? Fuck the sun must be about to explode.


10 out of 10 great ass. This should be a standard for every AAA game, especially from western developers. Hopefully Grummz is gonna make one for us someday🤣




What did they expect? He wasn't going to condemn them or go on a rant or something 


Honestly, it could be a decent game. It all stands or falls with the gameplay, visually, it seems rather boring especially compared to Sekiro/Lies of P (Which seem to be the closest relativ gameplay wise). If the gameplay feels as smooth as those two and the Boss fights are as challenging then i can see it succeed once word of mouth gets around. I would guess that the overly sexualised protagonist will have a rather negative impact on sales numbers unlike all the grifters most people would be rather embarrassed to play this game if the gameplay doesn’t hold up.


I think the gameplay will be solid, based on the demo. My concerns are whether or not it has a half-decent story. The game is going to get a lot of comparisons to Nier, but I don't see the same level of depth in the characters or story. Obviously, I don't expect the demo to be a masterstroke of writing, so I'll have to wait for reviews to come out to see if it sticks the landing.


Overly horny gamedev likes overly horny game


Well the graphics are good and the lady is very hot. I’d call it a pretty good review


We failed men


I don't fucking care about this boring-ass game.


it is both a boring-ass game, and a boring ass-game


Wait, have you guys actually played this game?


Has anyone not understood this guy plays a character and is an immense troll?


I... don't think Yoko Taro is fighting on either side of the Culture Booba War? Dude just sees some artistic and technical accomplishments and is acknowledging the work of his peers.


makes too much sense for the people here


I don't think the Stellar Blade director is either, weirdos on Reddit just put him in the same category because chuds like his game.


Huge fan of Yoko Taro, not interested in Stellar Blade. That said, him saying g this is so in-character that it's actually chuckle-worthy. 


Wait, you mean a famously horny dude confirmed he is still horny?


This is kind of on brand for him.


I'm sorry but who cares, genuinly i get getting mad at sexist cunts but what's the actual problem? He just said that he liked the game cause of the graphics.


I'm convinced this is all just drama farming for clicks


Sorry can't comment on this. Too busy with my head exploding


Yoko Taro loves ass shocking revelation


Known pervert likes pervert shit. More at 11.


So much cope here.


Maybe that'll make him quit being lazy and make a new nier game


You scratch my back, I’ll make their heads explode


You may have noticed his words were - good graphics, it came out like a decade later, checks out - boobs, this is the same guy who asked the Twitter community to send him a folder with every piece of 2B r34


It's ok Mr. Taro, you're always humble, but the worlds and narratives you've created are a league of their own, including 2B's ass. *head explodes*


It's Yoko Taro. Of course he'd say this.


Pervert likes game for perverts. More at 11


Bro do they really think that criticizing a game for literally anything automatically equals “oh they HATE the game” also really? Yoko Taro? Taking him seriously?


Next Nier game is boutta be StellarBlade but actually good


Yeah he also praised Detroit Become Human so, make of that what you will


If it's got his seal of approval it must have some merit


Honestly I can't really say anything to it. I have never played either game, but I'm sure its alright despite some.. odd design choices


At least he had a reason. That’s why the dramas surrounding this game has been one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in a while.


It looks like he's gonna have to 1up Stellar blade next time and make a character with an even fatter ass


Gonna take a wild guess and assume there’s more to that quote than just “Stellar Blade is Better than Nier: Automatta”


I figured he was more of an ass man seeing Nicer Automata


I mean it seems implied he's mostly talking about the technical improvements not to mention it was translated, so in original Japanese it might have been even more explicit what he was referring to specifically. I'm excited for Stellar blade, I like the combat a lot, but the story of Nier is a high bar I'm definitely not expecting it to be able to cross.


I know nothing about this game (SB, not Nier), but unless the devs are explicitly alt-right weirdos like their fans I am a bit concerned for how much hate it is receiving around here. The fans definitely deserve all the hate, if anything I see this as their fault for appropriating this random anime game and making into the focus of their fabricated culture war. Like... Yoko Taro compliments a fellow dev and they immediately go loke "hehe, now the libs will be so mad," and this results in Yoko of all people getting shade.


is anyone surprised? the creators are both friends, taro is infamously a horny dude, and the game is a hack and slash (kinda) which is platinum games shit, of course hes gonna be complimentary of it


tbf, lots of people actuially played the demo and they actually liked it. That is to say, the probably game isn't just gonna be all booba and ass followed by a slog fest of an RPG.


Always funny to see this sub being as culture war poisoned as the chuds it makes fun of. I swear to god some of you have only the good opinions by sheer accident and not by thought. If you took one wrong turn most of you would be one of the chuds screaming "PrOnOuNs" into a mic. 1. Just because loser chuds like this game does not automatically make it the evil game by the evil devs. This is dumb. Don't be the carricature the reactionaries want you to be. I don't care about the game, will it be good? Perhaps, seen mixed opinions. The game itself did nothinh wrong though. 2. Taro is actually being a nice dude here. He has a habit of downplaying his achievements to compliment others, especially colleagues he is close to. Taro is not only doing nothing wronh here, he is actually a gentle person. I strongly doubt the game will even be close to automatas quality but cheers to him for being supportive. 3. Yeah... Taro is a troll. Always keep that in mind. But still. a guy liking ass is not a sin.


•professionals with connections see each others games •more famous of the two gives high compliments to his friend’s project, likely only minimally aware of current drama at best •chuds screech and jeer that they finally have someone, anyone on “their side”


Yokotaro has no problems with anything as long as it gives him money. He's pretty consistent.


Yoko Taro is incredibly self-deprecating and exceedingly polite to ‘competitors’. Anyone who has followed him for long knows this.


Wow the guy who's gone on record saying he likes ass says he likes the game with ass that's so crazy my head just exploded