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This is not a Star Wars sub, an asmongold sub or a "culture war" sub, please don't post this crap.




I can fucking smell him through the thumbnail and I gag every time I see his face.


He has the most punchable face I've ever seen.


its actually insane how unattractive he is.


I have never watched a video of his but just seeing his face in the thumbnails repulses me.


He doesn’t have any videos. He puts on other peoples content and then just sits in the corner saying “okay…. Yeah…. What?… no…. Mhhm… nice… let me say exactly what was just shown on screen… wow…”


smell wait what? … Was it his room I saw a picture of recently that was basically a computer in the corner of a dumpster with a window?


Dude has a wall where he wipes the blood from his diseased gums and teeth.


The fuck ?


wait til you hear about the dead rat alarm clock


I'm not sure I want to know. I knew the guy was the dirtiest mf around but this is next level.


fuckit. what’s the thing?


Apparently he had rats rummaging through his garbage heap of a room and one of them died but he never bothered to remove the corpse. So, every morning, the light would come though his window and hit the dead rotting rat and the smell would wake him up.


Well at least the smell still bothers him enough to wake him up. for now.


I have a coworker who has the same rat face and greasy hair look. Dude smells horrible. Imagine if an old, dirty, smelly shoe had a sweaty asshole that hadn’t been washed in a month, and that asshole somehow had a yeast infection.


He is basically a Nurgling IRL.


Respectfully disagree, nurglings are *adorable* unlike him


That’s a good point. Maybe just a Nurgle cultist then.


YouTube ever recommending him in a search feels like a crime






Gamers, any time they see black women https://preview.redd.it/7jbwfp1yyb9d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b197dca47d50239adf224c631b9938d7ee49088


I swear this is just in general. Like there can be an average looking white character and people will be down bad for them but if there’s an average looking black female character who has a black hair style then they’re somehow ugly lmao. It’s like unless they’re a supermodel they’ll be labeled ugly and those people will make fun of her appearance. Like for the Romeo and Juliet thing with Tom Holland people were making fun of the actor who’s playing Juliet because she’s “ugly” when she really just looks average. But yeah i’ve seen people say she looks like the predator and other fucked up shit like that. Like even if you don’t find her attractive is it necessary to make all of these mean comments especially when she hasn’t even done anything wrong?


They even call the ones who are above average ugly. Normal people think Lifeline is one of the most attractive Apex Legends characters and then you have the chuds who think she's hideous.


Real shit! Ome of my housemates is a closet racist and not only does he make racist comments about non-white/Asian people, but he specifically said he thinks Zendaya, Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and Rihanna are ugly. Not just that he isn't attracted to them, but that they're ugly. One night when we (the household, all men) were all hanging out, one of them had the idea of raring each other's looks. This guy gave me the lowest rating and justified it by saying "it's not that you're ugly or anything, but you're black." Anyway, so I hardly speak to this one any more. Add on to his racism, the fact that he's given multiple of us the impression that he's both a misogynist and has an inappropriate interest in little girls. It's a shame, he's a physically attractive guy, but then he speaks, and his looks are worth nothing.


I've seen these people calling Zendaya ugly, they are just racists


Seeing people they consider to be "ugly" manage to fall in love and be loved in return is a painful reminder that their own unfortunate appearance has nothing to do with why women won't date them.


It is, in fact, the gum blood on the walls that keeps potential partners away.


The Romeo and Juliet thing is especially stupid. It is not some crazy new woke conspiracy to have Black people doing Shakespeare. If a mainstream movie star wasn’t attached to it, nobody would have batted an eye (because the majority of them wouldn’t have even heard about it). It was so baffling that people were upset about that, like have y’all not seen a play in the 21st century? It’s not like film where there’s one definitive actor for a character, and it hasn’t been like that since.. ever. Super obvious that everyone hating has never been in a theater before.


And if she's a supermodel, they'll claim we're tricking them into seeing "diverse" women in their media!


Has nothing to do with it being a black women , maybe the lore built in the universe that is being completely ignored is what pisses is off . If it was a group of white men we would still be just as mad . No group of people made the force …. You guys love to bring race into any argument. ep 7 was dog shit , not because of ray but because it went against almost everything Star Wars built for 20+ years .


Oh it's dogshit. But that thumbnail isn't flattering given his history. I have a feeling far less people online would be upset if it was white men, your own opinion notwithstanding.


No no. It's just that they have a "type" and black women aren't their type. It isn't rooted in racism or anything! And besides ~~all~~ most of the black female characters these devs create aren't designed to be attractive with their darker skin and non-Eurocentric features! /j I think a part of me just died typing that.


So your telling me that you are straight, so straight, the straightest? But you don't like women... IF there skin is dark Sus "I'm not racist tho" ![gif](giphy|UTm86phGUMMQE)


There should be a rule that goes without saying: If an LGBTQ person or a person of color being represented in media somehow "ruins" the media for you, it means you're a fucking nazi.


You are raciest and you are the problem :)


Did anyone actually watch the video or are we all just assuming he said something racist?


Not sure what conclusion can be reached that isn't racist from that.


You can't think of a single possible conclusion that isn't just racism? damn.


Ok, you're right, with the context it could be that he hates bald people.


Correct, or, hear me out, he just dislikes the specific person, regardless of hairstyle, skin color or something else related to physical appearance






"I can't be racist, I jerk off to interracial porn!" you freaks are such a drain on society. Literally completely worthless individuals. Entirely valueless as human beings.


Good lord, this is a racist comment. - why is it only shoved down your throat when it’s not white men? - why do you think porn, which has nothing to do with whether you respect or value black women have to do with anything. Slave owners raped their slaves. Doesn’t mean they weren’t racist or saw them as people. - if you think anything you see on tv is black supremacy you’re more than likely racist. It shows you believe that what you see on TV is about supremacy. So it makes sense you only want to see white people. You’re a white supremacist. You tipped your hand too far here… - the only way you could find this traumatic is if you find the existence of non-white people traumatic. Even as a joke it’s dehumanizing as fuck. Genuinely racist and disgusting comment.


Wait until they learn Natalie Portman is a feminist


Wait until they find out she’s also…*Jewish!* 😱


Makes sense. Space lasers and all


Banger comment.


wait till they find out she also...raps! ![gif](giphy|xT1Ra0DJTmY6CKxUeA|downsized)


What's wrong with that? They love Gal Gadot.


That’s because they love Israelis not jews


They love the idea of all Jewish people being in one place away from the US


Not even. Israel is just politically expedient right now. As soon as it isn’t anymore they’ll drop it like a hot stone, they don’t actually care about Israel at all.






“He’s not racist, he’s just sexist” Stellar defence.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




So did I.


https://preview.redd.it/dxc0fdovzb9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554a62b17733036df47497ca3603717412e7d12b Me when a person of color comes near me


Well thankfully (for any people of color out there) he never leaves his cum/blood encrusted attic


oh god that mental image singlehandedly ruined my week


Blood? Why is there blood? No. Nevermind. I don’t wanna know


He (by his own admission) would spread blood from his gums on the walls. The reason I know this is sadly I used to play wow and for whetever reason this dude opinions are very high regarded there.


Correction: Me when a rat dies near me


I doubt anyone, person of color or not, would touch that musty creature with a 10 foot pole


Me when the maid shows up


Oh that's just straight up old school racism huh


Not even trying to hide it, either smh


It's less that he's "trying to hide it" as if he even has a coherent political stance (he does not). He's a completely uneducated moron who has never entertained political thought in his life. If his viewership and the algorithm dictate that he should lean right for views, he'll lean right and probably not even realize he's doing it. The textbook definition of a useful idiot


I have studied World War 2 since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in German Studies, with a heavy focus on the Second World War. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for. EDIT: Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post. Please do not upvote. This post was an attempt to put pressure on EA and raise awareness to this issue. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“I love the poorly educated” People don’t even realize they’re being called rubes to their face because they’re so poorly educated & he’s the perfect example


They've gotten quite mask off it seems


I'm kinda outta the Star Wars loop (I'm pretty much just a fan of the KOTOR series) and I have no idea who that lady in red is but wow is she stunning! Love her whole look.


Pretty sure it's Jodie Turner Smith. Look up how her character, Mother Aniseya, looks in the currently airing "The Acolyte" The design just slaps.


wtf her design truly is amazing. this is the first time i see a star wars character and actually want to know who they are lmao


She probably appears in The Acolyte, the new Star Wars show that has made a lot of people so mad that they're not only review bombing it they're also review bombing a film called The Acolytes.


Ohhh is that the one with the space lesbians?


Yep, that one. https://preview.redd.it/3l83gjvq6c9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad09807da89779384f34da27594f93979d3117c


I have been a Star Wars fan for my entire life, I watched all the movies, have replayed KOTOR (1 + 2) dozens of times, I have Legendary Status in the Star Wars MMO. Despite this, I don’t really care about the new shows; not for any cringe neckbeard reason but just because none of the stories have grabbed my attention. However, with all the hate that some people have given The Acolyte, I feel like I NEED to watch it to make my own opinion on it. I don’t give a shit about any of this “the show is woke” bullshit, that’s pure brain rot, what I’m interested in is whether the characters are fun and relatable and what implications this has for the greater lore; if two lesbian force witches want to have kids, I saw go ahead, do all the weird Sith Magic you want.


Wait two more weeks if you are going to do it by that time you can binge it. its not the best thing ever but im having fun watching it


I mean, the lesbian coven of Force users is what got me hooked. It freaking rocks. Need to make one of those "I already said I was interested, don't need to sell it to me" memes.


>none of the stories have grabbed my attention SW has never been about good storytelling. Even the OT is just good vs evil, young hero saves the kingdom (galaxy) basic young adult storytelling. It’s the content that stole everyone’s imagination. Space battles, space wizards with laser swords, space cowboys, space nazis. That’s the good stuff.


She's from The Acolyte, which I believe is High Republic, if that era piques your interest at all.


Racist basement dwelling coomer


I'm pretty sure Asmongolds editor is a confirmed neo-nazi


The guy behind the channel is a Russian Trump shill, so no surprise he's astroturfing like crazy.


he had created a wow character with the name of the neo-Nazi who had killed left-wing activists on an island, I no longer have the name of the person, but you can test by yourself, send an email to blizzard, pretending to be a journalist, and ask them for details on why they work with someone who has praised neo nazi terrorism, you will see that you will NEVER get an answer. However, it seemed to me that Blizzard was pro-diversity woke... No? But it seems that they are so pro-diversity, that they even work with people who advocate terrorism... They are truly an example of open-mindedness!


Anders Breivik?


Yes, it's him, and so we're talking about advocating terrorism, it's illegal in 3/4 of European countries... But he has the right because it's "fun", and blizzard knows it, but don't assume it, when you think that influencers lost their partnership for much softer reasons than advocating terrorism... it's good to put black people and trans people "everyone is accepted in the magical world of blizzard" but when you show them the truth about where their money goes, blizzard no longer responds to you, probably coincidence.


Cockroach man reportedly doesn't like when black person is in an already ruined franchise.


How many times has Star Wars died?


These guys all have amnesia. The prequels have been rehabilitated through memes and reexamined through a kinder lens in the past few years. But when they were new they were very divisive among fans. People hated just about everyone involved. Sucks to see dudebros pretend they never hated one woman so they can now hate on a new woman.


Divisive is being generous, fans hated Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Revenge of the Sith got a lukewarm reception mostly because it was better than the previous two movies. The real truth that not too many fans want to talk about is that the original series had loads of bad acting, camp and schlock as well (although Empire was definitely a step up from the others). We overlooked a lot of flaws because the movies were fun/entertaining, but a lot of people had the same reaction to the Ewoks that fans would later have when seeing Jar-Jar.


Well damn, Natalie sure has changed in 19 years!


Saw a commenter say the Oscar’s thirty years ago weren’t “woke” because every person there was white. And then denied being racist




hmmm, a lowercase t


"Time... Time to leave?"


The fact that they believe star wars was alive as a franchise in 2005 is a pretty good sign that this person is 10 years old.


yep, before Disney bought it almost nobody talked about outside of some dedicated fans. And when people talked it was rarely a praise for the new stuff. I’m not saying it would be dead completely without Disney, but let’s not pretend like fans’ attitude wasn’t a big factor in Lucas making a decision to sell it.


Asmonds Editor lowkey might be racist


Just his editor?


Wasn’t Star Wars declared dead last year? And the year before that? And the year before that? And the year before that ect?


I can’t say for sure cause I’ve just heard it but apparently the guy who runs this official clip channel is like a neo nazi or at the very least incredibly far right as he described nick fuentes as a “moderate conservative” in one of the vid descriptions


Star has changed a lot in 19 years? My condolences to their family.


The only thing dead are the rats in his house


How many times has Stars Wars supposedly died now?


I don't know much about him so I decided to watch it. I thought *Maybe* he just had problems with the writing in the latest trilogy and found it lacking direction compared to the previous trilogies. *Maybe* he just sees issues with the franchise and the direction its heading. *Maybe* this is an overreaction and the thumbnail is just clickbait. But no. The whole damn thing is this greasy sweatbag "reacting" to interviews and clips of the latest star wars actors *specifically* when they mention feminism, LGBTQ topics, and seemingly having a painstakingly bad reaction when the black actress says she wants to exude her power in her works. He keeps on looking at the camera like a dumb idiot as if to say "I can't believe they just said that!!" over and over again. One actress makes a laughing comment in an interview saying her headcanon is that R2D2 is lesbian, and this pock-stained-ponytail is absolutely seething. It's obvious he's attempting to insinuate that blackness, gayness, and femininity are all issues tainting star wars and the actors are all crazy in their interviews. I need a bath, I got second hand grease from this fuckwad.


Obviously this is just his editor but this is not a good look for Asmond…


Wondering if his editor has a grudge on him or something


You know, they could be normal and just not watch it if they didn't like it. Not everything needs to be made to entertain and appease specifically you.


a random tv-show in an oversaturated market is doing worse than a movie from a main series at the time when we had way less content in general because of diversity. yeah, that’s definitely the only reason sw doing poorly right now. and also prequels were famously adored by everybody, no backlash from fans and critics, non at all


That was one confusing statement!


Why does he get to talk about looks? It’s like him going to a restaurant(lol) and saying he refuses to eat there because it’s dirty


uh she’s black and thats bad, somehow??


PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 9: No Offensive Imagery**: *This includes nazi imagery and slurs, for you brave nerds who think "free speech" involves private internet forums. If you post fascist iconography trying to “jerk”, you will receive a ban. The only exception is when we make fun of gamers and criticize gamers who happen to be fascists. Please remember to spoiler any potentially triggering or offensive content accordingly. This rule now includes repeatedly posting bigotry from the same source (4chan).* **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant (only about Don Cheadle)**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i mean, it’s pretty blatant


Yass, yass!


Alright buddy just say you hate black people and we can move on with our lives.


What, again? Still waiting for the builders to install that revolving door on the grave, by the way.


Probably referring to the tradition of having attractive women starring as strong female characters, right? Right?


Wow. Natalie Portman sure changed a LOT. /s


Odk maybe Watch the video and find out instead of just looking at the Title and posting the complaining about it




Of course not! Better label him as a racist automatically


Take a shower 🧼


Oh, more blind labeling and making assumptions, great 👍🏻 I'm right from the shower, so I'm OK. You, however, seem not so OK


Even if he was racist I still wouldn't watch, so there


So You're complaining with 0 contacts of what it could be then since you didn't watch the video. Do you just complain so People can interact with you because you have no other source of interactions in your life?


Sorry I didn't read this


Take a shower 🧼


Nice come back


It’s advice, not a “comeback”


Can't be advised when you know nothing about me. For all you could know I could be in the shower right now talking to you.


That’s the issue. Even if he isn’t racist, he’s making himself look racist (or his editor decided to do so lol) so people will go “woah what the fuck?” and click the video


I guess you could watch the video in order to understand what he meant by this?




You could just watch the clip. It clearly had nothing to do with skin color.


It's too hard for them. You actually need to think. They love jumping to conclusions, think stereotypicslly and label people.


The problem is, why would you have this as your thumbnail when it makes you look racist? His editor must be mad at him or something cause this shit ain’t good


Why you make it look racist? I I make a thumbnail with a black actor, who played his role very well, on the left, and with a white actor who was very bad, on the right. Would you consider it racist? Is it only the color of skin that you see?




To be fair, someone already primed against him would get another bad taste in their mouth from the clickbaity thumbnail alone. But considering the video was only 3 mins, literally could have answered their own question faster than making this equally clickbaity post. What a world we live in.


The clickbait is the problem. Why would you willingly make a thumbnail like this that just makes you look bad?


I would agree that clickbait is a problem/cringey. But with the context of the video it's less so and actually not even clickbait really, it's fully related to the video we get. As for why someone would make a thumbnail that just makes you look bad, I mean engagement translates to more money so yeah.


The Star Wars Christmas special was the ***real*** moment where the franchise died. Well at least it's wholesome than Rey as a sex slave


I didn’t watch his video but a short clip this is referring to. In that video there are interviews from acolyte actresses and an interview from Natalie Portman from 2005 when they were asked about their character. And the acolyte actors were like: „ yasss queen we badass bitches and witches 💅“ while Portman gave a characterization, impact on Hayden Christiansens character and feminism. All in a more respectful and Nuanced manner. The video was made to make people upset but that’s no surprise. [its just this two minute clip](https://youtu.be/qCtwjmuXu2E?si=Akpc7puQzaGF3JQN)


So I don't know who this dude is. But he is just reacting to another video. And that video is called 2 IQ vs 300 IQ and the video is especially showing two interviews with Natalie Portman and the woman on the right. Without any further context, none of the videos were racist, nor about race from the begin with.


I don't know what that video is about but the title is correct. Star wars has taken a huge fall in quality in the past couple of years. Regardless of racists comments, acolyte is a horribly written show. Just like BOBF, mando season 3(not as bad as the others) and obi wan Edit: of course i get downvoted for having an opinion. There was nothing hateful about my comment but apparently people just can't stand any type of criticism to objectively bad shows.


Criticism is fine, just the “this franchise is DEAD” thing is such a hyperbolic statement. People said the same exact thing during the prequels.


I agree with that. Obviously the statement "star wars is dead" is hyperbolic and people can/should still be hyped for other content from the franchise. It's just that most criticism about acolyte gets reduced to or countered with "sexist/racist" etc. which i think is just disingenuous. There is a lot of reasonable criticism about acolyte. While there are a lot of racists hating on it, there are just as many star wars Fans being pissed off for the right reasons(writing, acting, parcially breaking established lore and the fact that the writers didn't even watch star wars)


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


O B J E C T I V E L Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He meant you are messed up in the head with politics and agenda. That's all.


Who is “you”? And what “agenda” are you talking about? I’m just wondering why someone would make a thumbnail for a video titled “Star Wars is dead” with a “before” image being a white woman and the “after” being a black woman and a facepalming facial expression. The context of the video doesn’t matter because his editor went out of their way to make it look like he is cringing because…a black woman is in Star Wars? Or something?


Cursed before and after.




wdym ultimate fantasy escape for men?! The Rebel leader is literally a woman 🤢🤮,.sounds like radical feminism to me


Stick to Roblox kid and leave social issues for the adults okay?




Someone's going through their edgy phase 😂


Your mother should have swallowed you.


I’m not the most caught up on this StarWars topic but how on earth did you get from “the ultimate fantasy escape for men” to “racial preference”….. you do realize there are plenty of people of all colors out there that watch Star Wars and prefer women of color, right? Also in seeing one yt starwars vid , you brought up - religion - political parties - abortion - “gayness & toxic feminism” - preference and racism you really threw the whole book at us lmfao


“The ultimate fantasy escape for men” lmao How is that ruined by….a show with a woman as the main character? Just about every dude on the planet still wants to be a Jedi. Also did you forget Leia lead an army of rebels? Ermm that must be feminist propaganda! Lmao The fuck was this incoherent-ass rant? I wasn’t even interested in the Acolyte but I might start watching it just cause it makes people like you cry lmao. Also no one brought up racial preference. I’m just saying when you have a thumbnail where the “before” is a white woman and the “after” is a black woman, and the title is saying the franchise those actors are in is “DEAD” (basically saying “IT WAS GOOD BEFORE BUT NOW IT’S BAD”) it seems to indicate that you find a show having black women in it to be the reason said franchise is dead. It doesn’t help that 98% of the people complaining about The Acolyte just keep saying dumb shit like “FEMINISM!!!1!1!1!2!” and “FORCED DIVERSITY!!!1!23!3!4!3!3!“ as if Star Wars hasn’t been diverse and full of tough women from the start. Occasionally you’ll see people bring up lore contradictions and writing issues, ya know, stuff that actually deserves criticism, but most of it is all people screaming about “WOKENESS!!!” lmao If having a female main character “nukes the audience”, then the audience aren’t “MEN”, they’re pussies