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I was honestly like "Was that a show", then I realized this was from a gaming sub. I entirely forgot what it is or that it exists


Did a game truly exist if no one played it?


I love the new original limited series on the FUCU streaming service, it's called 'Kill The Justice League'


You hate Kill the Justice League because they "disrespected" Batman. I hate Kill the Justice League because it's a boring and exploitative grindy looter shooter that totally squanders the potential of the Suicide Squad in video games. We are not the same


I watched an edited Let's Play. Solid story, to be honest. Batman is a hero and dies secretly putting together the plan to take out Brainiac.


Or you can be like us and hate the game for both reasons.


Sure sure, but how many dumb grindy looter shooters don't get a whole hate campaign against them?


Its more that they disrespected kevin conroy by having that be his last performance


Not really. They didn't force him to take the job. He did it because he wanted to. They also didn't know he'd die.


Im not saying im agreeing, im just saying ppl were saying it


Oh okay


I am absoluteoy not a fan of SSKTJL but this take is ridiculous. 1. Kevin Conroy agreed to voice the character. He wasn’t held at gunpoint by Rocksteady. 2. Its insane to even suggest that Rocksteady knew he was dying and did this to disrespect Kevin.


>You hate Kill the Justice League because they "disrespected" Batman. You gonked? Pretty sure I made it clear I liked the game. The fuck do I care about some corpo joytoy in a cape? >I hate Kill the Justice League because it's a boring and exploitative grindy looter shooter that totally squanders the potential of the Suicide Squad in video games. If I let corpo bullshit like that ruin things for me, I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything. I'm barely able to enjoy things as it is, since every artist I used to like and their dog is turning fascist, and people who I thought were cool are openly shilling for the military now. Sorry if I prioritize my own personal entertainment over some objective standard of good fiction. I was under the impression using a videogame, based on a comic I've never read, as escapism with my chooms was the least offensive thing I could do. Edit: Ok, you can stop replying now. If you scroll down, you will see that the misunderstanding was resolved, and I apologized. Now its you lot's turn to calm down.


I was more speaking generally not specifically at you, although given that it was in your post in hindsight that probably wasn't a good idea.


... ooooooh. Sorry, my bad. Debating "Gamers" on the Silent Hill subreddit's got me in a mood. You know how it is. :3 Edit for clarity: Not sarcasm. Genuinely admitting a misunderstanding.


Bro went from >:c to :3


why was this downvoted


People thought it was sarcasm, so I did an edit for clarity. It's getting upvoted now. :P


Bro way to look like a fucking idiot lmao.


Let you who has never looked like a fucking idiot in their life cast the first stone. :3


Johnny Silverhand after playing kill the justice league


“Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger” - Johnny Silverhand to David Zaslav


So the game part of the game is corpo bullshit?


The price tag, and the really grindy side are. Beyond that, it's fine. I could argue that all videogames are corpo bullshit nowadays, but that's kind of a nothing-statement.


Fine for $90? No thanks. A fine game costs maybe 20-30. The game isn't worth the price they asked for, and it seems to more just be a shooter with the DC IP attached to it. Cyberpunk at least had hope at release. It was broken, but a good foundation. This to me has none of that, and seems to have nothing new, creative, or exciting with all the microtransactions to boot. Enjoy your game tho.


That's the problem, the game is boring flavourless slop. Calling it fine is the consumer having below basement level standards.


The corporations however are house level because they want to eat the consumers out of a home, which is above basement level which means that the corporations win


... I watch MST3k. What do you expect?


Upvoted for cyberpunk lingo


they played cyberpunk once and it permanently changed them


Who the hell plays cyberpunk just once? I played two and half runs at first and another two after phantom liberty


Calm down choom.


They are doing the "You hate blah because blah blah. I hate blah because blahblahblahblahblah. We are not the same" meme. They're just referencing a joke format


If you scroll down, you will see that this misunderstanding was resolved.


Yup, just giving you the context for what exact meme they were referencing. Perhaps I should have put "for context regarding what they are doing" in front of my comment, my apologies


It's fine. Lot a people here haven't bothered checking so, I wanted to make sure. :P


Trying way to hard to sound cool bro i'm ngl


... My user flair says "chuunibyou".


I don't know or care what that means because I go outside


Nah fuck that my man, people are just piling on because you like a micro translation ridden game. Truth is, a ton of people do, like every CoD, Overwatch, R6 Siege, Fortnite, etc. etc. You get downvoted a ton but I seriously think you're far closer to the "casual crowd" than the average Redditor is. Most don't realise they'd rather play a F2P game and spend $20 on a skin by choice than pay $60 in advance, and it's not weird either.


I've played enough games to be able to claim the contrary, if I wanted to... but... Now that you mention it, I do have kind of a casual-like mindset. Thanks for pointing that out; that kinda clicks. Might use that as one of my self-definitions to separate myself from Gamers™ from now on. Also... gonna be real with you, chief... I hate microtransactions as much as the next gonk... maybe more so as a self-proclaimed anti-American. But so far, only EA's really bad enough with it to make me despise them for that alone. At least as far as I'm aware. I live in a capitalist society, anyway, whether I like it or not. So until the people get the balls to do something about it... I just have to deal, for the most part. :P


No one likes microstransactions, but paying $60 up front to play a game is expensive as well. I think making a game free to play and then extending its lifetime by milking it with microtransations (cosmetics!) isn't too bad. Mostly because those usually dont really change anything and a lot of people don't mind spending some money on a game they enjoy a lot. Either way you get *choice* and you don't *have to pay* anything at all. I've played so many free to play games without spending anything at all.


chill lol


No thanks, I'm good.


I really like that first sentence of the last paragraph. I completely agree. The other day I saw this game on steam and saw it had "overwhelmingly positive reviews". Unless they're all sarcastic, which honestly I couldn't be bothered to check, maybe you're not alone


reading comprehension devil strikes again


If you want to good non corporate bullshit non constraversial games Nintendo is always right there


Inb4 that one user makes a comment about Harley Quinn.


*Harley Mid (joking of course)






The launch price point of 69.99 for it was too much. If they launched it at a lower price point I think people would have been slightly more forgiving towards it.


I doubt it. They took an amazing IP and turned it into a AAA live service game, it's basically been killed by corporate greed.


I don't view it as an Arkham game. They made 4 fantastic Batman Arkham games and I liked how it ended in Arkham Knight. Unpopular opinion - I don't want another Batman game. Yes Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad aren't nearly as good, but that doesn't mean they should only make Batman games until the end of time. I'd like it if they remastered them at some point though. And yeah the live service part was absolutely a mistake as well.


Ew, you play games? I bet you call yourself a gamer too??? 🤮🤮🤮


Nah. Not after Gamergate. I prefer the term "Videogame Enjoyer" myself. :3


Personally I enjoy the term “Interactive Media Connoisseur”


It’s okay man I can’t judge you I play dead by daylight


I fucking hate DBD and I wish it never existed (500 hours on record)


Same. I main Pyramid Head and Sadako. How about you?


I like Sadako and Dredge a lot, been playing a lot of oni lately too


I'm a Meg main myself


They're adding Dracula, how am I supposed to quit when they bring in another goated franchise?


The game was absolutely bogged down due to being a loot shooter had they made the characters more unique game would have been much better


You aren't the only one, the game has like 100 players on steam, so there are another 99 out there.


I haven’t played it, but I’m an Avengers apologist so I should probably give it a try


Maybe before they stop supporting it, it will get the Avengers Treatment


Tbh, I’ve played both and Avengers was much better.


I loved the Avengers game and I feel like an outcast for it


Probably not. But for me i hate live service games. And I don't like that this is the conclusion of the Arkhamverse.


Eh some people like getting their balls whipped and stomped on so a bad looter shooter is far from the weirdest thing I’ve seen people like


https://preview.redd.it/u63hm6xg4j9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c7c4cdcd96a756ead68ff341cef4501b7e0860 i did like it. i’d only go so far as to say that the shooting was passable, occasionally rising to points where I’d say it was fun in instances like the flash and green lantern fights, and mobility was fluid and functional (as harley i literally only played as her) but i found metropolis absolutely stunning and had so much fun exploring it, and as someone who is way into DC comics, i really really enjoyed the story, the humor was really well executed. would i have played the game if harley quinn wasn’t one of the main characters? Probably no. but she is, and I am glad I played the game and would play it again




Well, I liked Deadshot and Captain Boomerang and the gay porn people have made of them. https://preview.redd.it/1ahwxrk2si9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d157816e78dbf0bd97659d021feb8865976e50f


My favorite type of gay porn: where the artist is so concerned with getting a character's face right that they forget to have them emote at all


👍 https://preview.redd.it/iod29ycx1j9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92d776e86b23bf4359f656b40d1b0247525c8d1


I guess I asked for it lmfao


Like damn that’s a lovely face but does he feel ANYthing???


Believe me, he does; that there is the pure, uncompromising focus of a man trying to keep from letting a massive rip during anal.


Yes you are.


Well, clearly not. Just scroll around. I'm getting a pretty reasonable split of positive, neutral, and negative comments, all things considered.


Vocal minority, there is a reason the game failed, it was just crap.


Vocal? Choom, I've seen so few people praising this game, outside of this comments section. How are they vocal? Regardless. Still not the only one. :3


Are you using cyberpunk slang? That's, pretty weird.


... My user flair says "chuunibyou". Idk what you expected.


What the hell is a chuunibyou


It's a term from Japanese internet slang. It roughly translates to "8th grade disease", but can apply to people of all ages. tl;dr: It's an edgier, funnier weeb. Intentionally or otherwise. To put it simply, picture one of those triangle sliders you get in some character creation screens. The three points would be "weeb", "edgelord", and "nerd". A chuunibyou is in the middle, but leaning slightly towards weeb. You know that vine of the kid who goes "I have the power of god and anime on my side"? That's essentially the textbook example of a chuunibyou. Other examples include the fictional characters "Megumin", "Okabe Rintarou" and "Takanashi Rikka". Real world examples include people who unironically use antiquated terms like "raggabrash" or "betwixt" to sound cool... people who fake accents to sound cleverer... or the sorts of kids who make MS Paint "Sonic" or "Tokyo Ghoul" OCs on Deviant Art. (though, I like to think myself superior to the latter. At least in regards to illustrative skill and my ability to come up with relatively original concepts.)


this is my type of autism




Real answer: It's nothing more than what I'd asked for, and it's fun to play with friends. Joke answer: Clown lady funny :3


A lot of games are fun with friends. Even the bad ones


Fallout 76 can be fun witg friends, but it sucks balls even today lmao


Stop embarrassing yourself by trying to defend gutter trash and maybe you'll save your reputation as a gamer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Been meaning to play it, I like Harley Quinn but I don't have 70 spare bucks lying around for it and I already have a huge backlog. Also I prefer to just play single player and the game seems like Gotham Knights where it's more fun coop.


The game has been on sale at half price several times already. I think in future sales it will go down even further.


So I play on PlayStation and I've seen the higher editions get on sale with the extra costumes but I don't care about that so I just want the base game without that extra fluff. I think I've seen it on sale for 60 bucks or a bit lower but now something like half off, my god I would get it at that price.


I have seen both editions go on sale. Its 70% off on steam right now. Also, had discounts on both consoles recently, but back to full price. Will probably see a 70% discount on consoles soon, as it has not had one on steam. Lowest price on consoles was 31.99 euro: [https://psdeals.net/ie-store/game/2687110/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league](https://psdeals.net/ie-store/game/2687110/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league) [https://xbdeals.net/ie-store/game/1198342/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league](https://xbdeals.net/ie-store/game/1198342/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league) Scroll to the bottom to see it.


It’s 21 bucks on steam for summer sale right now.


It looks interesting and if it was on sale I’d probably try it. Don’t know how long the servers will be alive for though I loved anthem even in the state it was in. So I find nothing wrong with enjoying games that are generally perceived as bad😅


i thought the game was funny and their wonder woman (looks/design wise) is my favorite https://preview.redd.it/4imz1sfyfi9d1.png?width=96&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19f382b28d9ddd867768dfcc47120498bc99d57e


It was a good story. Repetitive gameplay that was fun for 50 hours but not live-service quality. When I realized ot would taje a few hours to unlock Joker I stopped and haven't picked it back up yet.


It has Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang That should be a good enough reason


You probably are yeah


Everyone I know personally who shit talked it said “ew they made it a looter-shooter” but if theres one thing that makes me want to try it its the fact its a looter shooter lol


Looter shooters can be fun especially stuff like Borderlands 


Me after seeing the 500th live service looter shooter


If you don't talk like The Justice League is real, Batman is your dad and Superman saved you from a burning car, the story isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I'd definitely read a comic adaptation. Can't get with the OP on the gameplay though. That shit was too ADHD even for me.


I feel like the one twist that could save it from being as controversial as it was is if they pulled a "dw they're just clones tee hee". As it is the game is pretty alienating, suffering from a mix of "Too bleak, stopped caring", the fact that the game struggles to maintain a solid tone (is killing the incurably mind controlled justice league supposed to be funny or tragic? It *can* be both, but that's a tough needle to thread, and they didn't manage it imo), and the fact that it's a canon spinoff to Arkham. It sucks, since there's some elements that are quite good in there imo. The premise itself of playing as the suicide squad to takedown a comprimised justice league is great (even if the execution was flawed in this case), and like... the entirety of captain boomerang's depiction in this game deserves to be parachuted into a better piece of media, he carries so much of most scenes he's in.




Maybe I’m just a weak bisexual but something about Harley makes me wanna buy a house and be her alibi l


I want Harley to marry me


The game literally just looks fucking terrible. Hell yeah! I love mindlessly jumping around shooting braindead AI in a massive open area with 80 thousand numbers shooting across my screen constantly. Actual game mechanics? Why have those when big gun go brrrr?


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Either way, it's amazing how such a braindead gameplay loop can turn into a fun experience, just by bringing a friend along.


I’ve never played it but I respect the fact that we may be into different things. Different strokes for different folks


Wow. You're one of the first sane people I've met on Reddit. A surprise, to be sure; but a welcome one.


I didn't play it but it's got the best graphics and animations I've ever seen in characters


Of my friends who bought it none of them hated it and out of the 3 of them 2 finished the main campaign. Once I saw looter shooter I was instantly turned off but I knew it couldnt be as bad as people were trying to make it out to be. I think the stupidest thing was the "disrespect" of batman as if the villains who he'd beaten up and help lock up for years were supposed to give him any form of dignity especially now that they were even more incentivized to kill him.


One of my chooms bought it for me, and we had a blast. I think the biggest appeal of this game is the ability to play with friends, and beat up your favourite DC heroes. (Well, not mine, but hey. At least his ex was a playable character) What's all this about "disrespecting" batman? Was that really a controversy?


Who is your favorite DC hero?


John Constantine. :3


i vaguely remember people upset the way the suicide squad takes down batman unceremoniously and that it was woke or a disservice to a character who's combat ability is consistently peak fiction loses when his mind is impaired.


I actually really liked the characters, the squad was pretty funny and I liked the Arkham wonder woman but I haven't really bothered reinstalling the game to play around with Joker.


it was fun. I only played as Boom because his travel mechanic was just so cool to use. story was all over the place for me, because I'm not really super familiar with DC. but then again people who are just hate the game. everyone who loved Arkham games hate this. I liked Batman games and this was cool enough. hate bandwagons are just too easy to ride these days. I bet there's maybe 10% of people that actually finished that game that hate on it


When the meme works even if it wasn't a meme


There are dozens of us!


It was fun but endgame sucked


I enjoyed it for what it was, but I had no desire to play it again once I finished the story. I still can’t get over the fact that they took a game with four super villains and made it so they all played almost identical. King Shark’s primary attacks shouldn’t be shooting like he’s Deadshot.


Holy shit, we found one. Nah bro no game has bwen playable since lego racers.


I liked it at first, but then the game got more and more broken, and the season 1 they were already hyping up pre-release was dog shit garbage


I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It definitely had some problems (grind being a obvious one, although I didn't think it was as bad as the complaints said) but I enjoyed it. I felt the 4 characters had good chemistry, it made me laugh multiple times and I enjoyed the story (even if it and of shit thr bed at the end not actually ending and claiming you had to kill like 11 more brainiacs)


Good for you.🤘


Just check the player count and you Will have your anwser.


No, I think there are atleast 30 of you out there.


I liked it well enough myself. It absolutely has huge issues regarding the loot grind and samey missions, but I liked the writing, the visual design, and the moment-to-moment gameplay a good deal. I appreciate that they actual made good on the game's title and didn't chicken out like I sort of expected them to. I even like the designs for the new characters that have been revealed so far. Like it's a multiverse story, so I'm glad they did something to mix them up from their usual appearance. Haven't been playing it for a while, but that's due to circumstance rather than me not wanting to. Otherwise I would probably be one of those few hundred still playing it today. Or at least, I'd go through whatever new content they add as it comes out. I'd give it a 5.5-6/10. Would be much higher if it wasn't structured as a live-service.


The game is just really boring. Should have been a single player game


I really liked Wonder Woman in it After Injustice (and her game being MIA) its a relief to see her portrayed well in the gaming space


I enjoyed the base. The combat was fun and the story was decent. Got 30 hours from it. The problem was the amount and diversity of content. If the developers had added a really good Season 1 with plenty of new content, new enemies, and story, I think they good have turned public reception around. But they failed horribly in that regard. I dropped the game with how disappointed I was.


kiss the justice league


Game fun so I enjoy game. Live service bad but I still enjoy. 7.2/10


To be honest I didn't play the game so maybe the gameplay's bad, but I watched the story and it was really good


I think the game was really close to being serviceable until they forgot to make a good endgame and had all those data-deleting glitches. I just hope that if another Suicide Squad game comes out, it will lack that predatory, glitchy, controversial mess.


No but I did enjoy gotham knights


i liked it for the first two or so hours before i quickly realized that the skill trees were essentially decorative and the missions don't change drastically whatsoever, and that was before i got to the final boss who was just a color-swapped version of a boss i already fought. god what wasted potential.


just waiting for it to be at a really low price to cop. i have a big backlog anyway


Live service looter shooter is forever gonna be a no go for me.


I did, too! Sunset Overdrive but Suicide Squad was something I never knew I needed until that game


People who like the Saints Row Reboot 🤝🏾 People who like Suicide Squad Kills The Justice League: liking and having fun with games everyone else despises.


Weird thing about saints row reboot hate is that it plays like and has the same humour as 3. The game most people loved. At this point I'm certain people are just looking for reasons to hate a game before they even get to try it.


A lot of the complaints I saw came from people who played the game, but wasn't *really* giving it a chance and didn't pay much attention. For example so many people were confused as to why Neenah was so sad about losing her car and calling that whole mission pointless because they completely missed the cutscene where she explicitly states it belonged to her deceased mother. Also how can you hate a game with one of the best character creators?


People liked it Reddit isn't 100% reflective of the entire gaming community... if it was, EA would be out of business by now. But funny how they constantly have some of the most sold games year over year with their sports games, right?


It is a live game with a peak daily player count of 500. In comparison, Arkham Knight, a 10-year-old game, has a peak of 4,500 players and is not a live service game. You can like the game all you want, but most people didn't enjoy it.


The point is that people did indeed enjoy it. I am not arguing the scale, but rather that the whole "its the worst game ever" narrative KTJL was garnering isn't universal (and quite frankly overly dramatic) and some people did like it, they aren't really alone in thinking this


This subreddit falls into contrarianism way too often. KTJL is an awful game. There’s absolutely no way around that. It’s live service slop with absolutely zero substance made by developers who, in all likelihood, really did not want to make it. I don’t care at all about why gamers(tm) didn’t like it. “Waaaaa Batman waaaa” is just obnoxious baby rage to me. However, god that game is some trash man.


til; having an opinion is contrarianism. 🙄


You are not the only one with brain damage no. Your opinion is trash.


May I ask why?


too woke


I already said I liked it, Sans pfp. You don't have to sell it to me.


but... but the but the deisjwsbi??


Man, If firms like DEIs really have the power Gamers think they do... I'm gonna have to join one someday, so I can turn the rest of Cyberpunk's cast gay and finally get with Panam as fem-V. :3




I prefer J. He's fun. :3


/uj Will never be over how they sent Conroy Batman off into the sunset by executing him on a park bench