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Anyone who calls themselves an Alpha Male unironically (Or calls others "Betas") should never be allowed to interact with a human being for as long as they live.


I didn't realize that crowd was still going on about alphas and betas. It's bizarre to see some chud using it unironically.


I feel so bad for the researcher who first came up with the "alpha wolf" argument. He's since ~~been disproven~~ disproven and retracted his findings and has desperately tried to have people stop following his theory with no success.


Forget "has been disproven," he disproved HIS OWN RESEARCH and was open about it!


I didn’t remember whether it was he himself or just acknowledged his error! I feel even worse for him then.


Why are those dudes comparing themselves to (false) wolfpack behaviour anyway? Are they furries?


It gives them a convenient excuse for their behavior that doesn't require them to acknowledge how badly they treat people.


It lets them pretend their horrible behaviour and consequent alienation is others’ fault for being inferior rather than acknowledging that they are just shit people


Please don't throw us furries in with that lot, I promise we're better than that.


Yeah that was pretty harsh. My bad


It'll use this when I see someone calling themselves as males


Strict societal hierarchy is a core tenet of fascism, and that debunked alpha wolf research helps them argue that it's inherent to nature or something asinine like that


It's the whole furry "Omegaverse" thing all over again


Imagine publishing a mistaken conclusion, retracting it and then realizing that parts of society desperately want to believe in your retracted findings because it aligns with their worldviews somewhat.


Exactly! It’s a horrible situation to be in.


It's actually worse now. They've made up more "grades". Last I saw there were like 5-6 more categories now, shit like "gamma" and "Omega" males.


The only places where i saw omega being used is some korean yuri porn manhwa.


I saw it recently on a cross post from Twitter. It wasn't very long or detailed and I rolled my eyes at it and moved on pretty quick, so I might be missing the context. However it was in English and using western looking figures in the art, so I don't think it was based in porn.


Someone just needs to flood their inboxes with Alpha, Beta, Omega Fanfics of whatever fandom they are polluting. Since they want to believe Pseudo science might as well make it they shitty fanfic type


It's a kink


Friendly reminder that the "alpha vs. beta" dichotomy comes from a flawed study on wolf behavior (basically looking at how unrelated wolves behaved in captivity rather than how wolf packs were actually formed and behaved in the wild. It would kinda be like using prison gangs as a model for how all human social groups behave at all times) that was later debunked by the very same scientist who published it in the first place.


Or launch them into the sun. If they're so alpha, they should be able to survive, right?


my brother in law calls himself an alpha male, and his bedroom looks like a literal dumpster. and he's been wearing the same outfit for seven months.


I'm sorry your sibling married such a g*mer ass dork.


Maybe the BIL is their spouse's brother?


Oh, true. That is also an option.




Just remember, Alpha radiation is so weak it can't penetrate your skin, but if you somehow let it get inside of you it'll tear you up.


Just remember kids, Alpha comes before Beta in the development process so anyone calling themselves Alpha and others Beta are outing themselves as lacking development


Anyone who calls themselves Alpha unironically is only doing so because they need to validate themselves to hide their insecurity about the fact that they know deep down that they're only trying really hard to be alpha when they're not


The term "Alpha" isn't even a real thing. It came from some research a dude did about some wolves, and he then promptly apologized, said the research was nonsense, and then published another paper showing why he was wrong. So these "I'm an Alpha" dipshits are basing their entire existence around something that was never real to begin with.


Spoiler, its beta dads driving the trans agenda!


It's always so funny when chuds try to connect the things they hate without any materialism and it reads like a wattpad fanfiction written by a 12 year old


As a wise man once said: Wow, everything this guy doesn't like actually came from the same guy! That seems convenient


So Hbomberguy really just IS the father of the whole left, I love it. What's next? Carlin is our grandpa and Burnham our cool cousin?


Watch Fox for two minutes and that's how they talk. Every time they bring up any topic it always segues into "it's like what we're seeing with [completely unrelated topic]." They encourage this type of mindless associative thinking.


Thank god I'm not from the US. Who am I kidding? TV "news" shows not knowing the definition of journalistic integrity is a thing everywhere.


Besides, if you're from Europe like I am, you're already seeing fascism being on the rise again We never learn do we?


“You don’t know anything about me other than I play DotA” That’s all I need to know


Well, your main would tell him your entire family history and when you are going to die.


I'd guess that alpha gamer guy plays position 1, no way he could stomach playing anything less important. And it would have to be a male character, he's not transgender so can't play female characters. Next we're looking for someone who plays in a "manly" way, like manning up on your opponent. Finally I think we'll throw in a dash of low intelligence and inability to control oneself. This my friends leads to one undeniable outcome, that alpha gamer dad is a Troll Warlord main.


I am a Sigma male magic talking Cat, what is my main Doctor Persies? How much time do I have left.....?


Hello Sigma male magic talking Cat, welcome to my office. As a sigma male you of course could only play a core position, most likely pos 1 or 2. Now since you're a cat this makes things a little more interesting. As a Sigma male you know better than an alpha male that controlling a female character is even more manly, since you control females in real life all the time. Now the obvious choice here would be Luna, a traditional pos 1 carry cat. However we all know your Sigma brain understands dota in a way mere betas could only dream of. That is why, my magic cat friend, you main position 1 Mirana.


Thank you Doctor, here is your $8000 cheque.


Nahhh, I'm going with either- -Slark/Invoker "Total Carry that goes absolute babyrage if you breath wrong" -Legion Commander "Carry that throws an absolute shitfit if you aren't feeding them everything from minute 1" -Omniknight support "You would have a more fun time DC'ing and allowing him to control your character"


I sincerely doubt that person has the brainpower to play Invoker haha


Bro I have seen some mad talented Invokers that couldn't type legibly, you'd be surprised.


I guess under the auspices of Lord Gaben anything is possible.


Mans definitely a SF player who thinks they are hot shit because they shadow-blade ulted.


I like your funny words, Dr. Psychiatrist.


After one game, I knew my main was the uninstall wizard.


Well by that and your balloon, alpha dad would probably give you bad diagnosis and call you a bunch of slurs. But I am not a trained professional alpha dad, and I think you choose the right main.


"You don't know anything about me. . . now allow me to tell on myself at great length!"


"You dont know me" is just code for "you can't judge me, only I can judge you". Similarly, "Only god can judge me" is just code for obnoxious douchebag.


Because when I think of 'Alpha Male' the average DOTA2 player springs instantly to mind...


One thing I *do* think of is borderline illiteracy and he's living up to that standard at least.


Not entirely true. We know he'll die alone with 2 kids that refuse to talk to him and haven't for decades.


Hey, hey, hey..hey now, hey...I mean you're right but still, this hurts


I mean, the fact that they think ones performance in a video game is directly comparable to child rearing (spoiler: only one of them matters and it's not the one he's ostensibly replying to) says more than enough to have this person drawn and quartered.


Well I assume those were dota players who downvoted him into oblivion, sooo


People with this attitude are unironically why I don’t play competitive multiplayer games. In the immortal words of that one Russian dude; “It’s only game, why you heff to be mad?”


They're mad because they're losing but their ideology revolves around being biologically and ideologically superior and their MOBA victories proving their worldview correct. Internal cognitive dissonance leads to external screaming.


“Biologically human males are-“ 😴😴😴


No no it's this ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


The duality of man.


It's cute when they use "scientific" words to explain literally anything. "Biologically, human males naturally like blue and hate pink." "Biolocigally, I'm cooler than you." "Nuh uh, I'm bonicley infinity+plus+one cooler than you!"


I hope his kids go no contact, if they haven't done so already


I hope he doesn't have any at all. Far less trauma all round.


God that dude sounds like a terrible dad. Kinda reminds me of a clip I saw of Andrew Tate talking about how "you don't make time for your kids, your kids make time for you".


"How to cope with an absent dad"


If he even is an actual dad lmao


Only hope is that he gets sent to the type of nursing home u hear about on the news


Who TF thinks that anyone is giving five year olds hormone therapy?! The derangement is absolutely insane, they have zero clue how gender affirming care actually happens, they think we’re just out here transing kids willy-nilly.


They’re probably a Matt Walsh fan. Morons like him spread misinformation that doctors are giving sex changes to children constantly even though like 80% of gender affirming doctors refuse to give gender reassignment surgery to minors And of course, they say dumb shit like “trans people are coming after our kids” like they’re brainwashing kids into “becoming trans”. Oh, nevermind that Matt Walsh thinks child marriage should be legal and “the problem isn’t teen pregnancy, it’s unmarried pregnancy.” And he said some creepy shit about 16 being the best age to produce children or something. Mind you, this guy loves accusing all LGBT people of being pedos.


Funny how most of the "anti-trans" gang making accusations of pedophilia consistently end up on the wrong end of these sorts of incidents. For example, see the notadragqueen subreddit. Lol "Guy Beahm" apparently was speedrunning the hypocrite skill tree in 2017; chasing trans women and minors simultaneously.


See, your blunder is thinking that they care about reality. They don't, they just hate trans people and work backwards to jusify their hatred.


I hear even foetuses are now being flushed with hormones in the womb.


The human body is WOKE(in the bad way)!


/uj WOMEN are WOKE and that's BASED /rj WOMEN WOKE BAD


Because they don't fucking bother to understand what actually happens. All they care about is whatever their podcast douche told them is happening and takes it as gospel truth


The conservative playbook has always been forcing children to the forefront of their strawman arguments, so that if you disagree, you look like a bad person. None of their arguments for trans/queer folk coming after kids to groom them constantly is true, but if you try and refute that they just spin it like you don’t care about their safety, or you secretly want to do the bullshit they just made up.  Hell, even congress does it. They’ve been trying to pass several bills that are all essentially called the “Children should be safe and happy and are sweet innocent angels Act” and the bill itself is stuffed with numerous clauses to strip away liberties from us with no actual mention or intent on protecting children. Because they know if you strike it down, that’s horrible optics for your party, because a lot of people won’t read deeper into why it got shot down.


Five would be too young for even puberty blockers, let alone HRT. Like, why would a five-year-old need hormones? They're not getting puberty at that age anyway.


>Five would be too young for even puberty blockers, let alone HRT .... They're not getting puberty at that age anyway. /uj Well, it'd be too young to start puberty blockers for the sake of trans kids, but they are sometimes prescribed for things like precocious puberty (i.e., when children start experiencing puberty _way_ too early, and yes—even though it's rare—it unfortunately _can_ happen to five year olds, as well as children who are even younger). Precocious puberty can fuck a child up in many ways, because their bodies physically can't handle it, and puberty blockers have been used to treat it for decades. Bigots don't care about that, though, because the unintended suffering of children is acceptable if broadly banning blockers can also make the intended children suffer. /rj Precocious puberty is a hoax invented by big pharma to inject your children with 5g trans microchips. Kids getting their puberty at 4 years old is actually a totally good thing; it will make that kid a super alpha chad. I am very smart, so we should ignore those doctors and just make blockers illegal across the board.


No competitive DotA player has ever made society better.


No ~~competitive DotA~~ player has ever made society better.


I’m a playa and I make society better 😎


An example of the dangers of lead paint. If you're planning to move into a place that was built before the 1980s then make sure the paint was tested at some point. Also watch out for lead pipes.


As a Sigma dad, alphas are the betas of Sigmas!


Absolutely fascinated that his worst case scenario for his son is transition and the worst case for his daughter is crackhead slut. You'd think that logically the worst case scenario would be the same for both children, i.e. both trans or both sluts. It's weird, because you'd think the transphobia would win out, but really what he's saying is that his worst nightmare is quote-unquote "deviant" female sexuality. I feel like Jane Goodall studying bigoted chimps.


The last line lmao.


S-stop down voting me! Only betas down vote me!


I have an alpha dad and I became a beta male, so checkmate atheists


Didn't read the sub at first so when he got to dota that shit was genuinely funny. Moba players lol


Lacking the initial context does improve the entertainment value.


The funniest part of this is when dude calls him out on being so obsessed with gender affirming care he brought it up, but he used the word sexuality (I guess cause he was assuming dude was one of those dudes who confuse the two) and bro *corrects him. Correctly.* but then proceeds to continue his obsession with other people's genders. Truly iconic.


Oh that guy has fucked so many twelve year old’s moms.


And his version of sex is definitely cumming after 3 seconds of spastically humping her inner-thigh and then saying "was it good for u" after.


Twist; it was his first time but he tells all his bros he’s a sex maniac.


I'm afraid he more likely fucked the 12 year olds... people that concerned about teenage daughters sexuality are often telling on themselves. See also Dr.Disrepute.


Ugh. I saw this post, and there was a lot of genuinely good advice. Then this guy popped up and here we are.


fellas, is it gay to play video games for fun now ?


Alpha males crawled so us full release males could walk


“They just use insults instead of listening to my argument” But his “argument” is calling people crackhead porn makers and overly sensitive “beta males”


Not that I've ever made society better in any meaningful way BUT FOR THE SAKE OF MY ARGUMENT let's pretend that I have


casual sex is alpha but casual daddying is beta? make it make sense!


I'm... Like... Kind of amazed that he actually acknowledged the difference between sex and gender there lol. Unless I interpreted what he meant by sexuality wrong


Gotta love that "acsually he didn't say casual video gaming dad he said casual dad"


Dude IMMEDIATELY made it about trans folk Rent free lmfao


Why the fuck lol. I played a shit ton of dota and it is only really competitive in ranked - as it should be. Some people try to force competitiveness to unranked and fuck those guys. It has no place there. Dota actually shines when you are not minmaxing but do stupid shit, and your opponent does the same. In the end you both have a decent time even if someone loses. Also, fuck alpha male rhetoric.


Alpha males and NPC culture are symptoms of main character syndrome, I'm the one in control and everyone else is a beta/npc because a video I mindlesly watched said so.


My dad used to beat me in chess as a kid, but it was about my learning and growth, not his competitive enjoyment. He was so happy when I finally beat him as his goal was to teach not to dominate someone who obviously isn't going to match in skill. This guy adding so much unneeded alpha energy into being a dad, Raising 2 kids is alpha enough you don't need to be teabaggin em


I was a terrible loser as a young kid. I used to beg to play playstation with my dad and sister and then I’d ragequit by turning it off at the plug when I realised I was losing. My dad was *very* strict about teaching me how that behaviour was unacceptable, and I am so grateful for that. He ensured my “sore loser” phase was short lived. My dad is also a kind, compassionate man who would never talk like this. He truly loves his kids unconditionally. Basically, I’m one of the lucky ones as far as Dads are concerned


Any man who must say "I am the alpha" is no true alpha


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I've never understood these "alpha", "beta" or now "sigma" categories ppl are either put in or try to fit in. Competitiveness is part of life, everyday we compete for a better job, better grades, better life etc, it's this hunger that makes us fight for a better life. Complaining or whining about it serves no purpose as nobody really cares since everyone has their own battles to fight. Be a man, not-man or whatever floats your boat, just don't give up and keep fighting towards the personal goals you set for yourself. In the end, the only person you have to beat is yesterday's you.


“Alpha beta sigma” shit is just zodiac signs for insecure men Sorry, I shouldn’t have said “men”, I meant “manchildren”


100% agree


>I've never understood these "alpha", "beta" or now "sigma" categories ppl are either put in or try to fit in. Kind of easy, really. If ur calling urself an "alpha" unironically, ur outing urself as a complete fucking moron who should be coloring at the kid's table when there are adult conversations happening


People who use ‘beta males’ as a term ironically, have low intelligence, because there us no such thing as an alpha male, because the guy who coined the term was trying to correct his mistake once he found out that the “alpha wolf” is actually the parents. Also that dude was coping, saying he wasn’t obsessed with gender reaffirming, even though he was the one who mentioned it, and kept mentioning it. Meanwhile I don’t give a shit because I don’t obsess over shit (unless it’s related to a game, like the Titan helmet from the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon in Destiny 2). Also what does being a competitive dad supposed to mean? Seeing whose son is better at Minecraft or some random crap? Bro just made that up, lol. 🤣


The first rant sounded like ”Hey! I am a huge asshole. Like seriously absolutly HUGE! Anyways hit me up if you wanna game sometime”


Jarvis, summarize the conversation that took place in this screenshot.


Being a A/O/B fanfic reader and seeing people unironiclly use beta and alpha is hilarious. Like bro needs to take some alpha supressents, his pheromones are stinking up the place XD


remember to take your pills


These people live in a myopic world where they're "biologically" justified in doing everything they're doing, and all of their views and habits form a holistic, cohesive natural lifestyle and outlook. I hate gender-nonconforming people because I believe in competition because I believe in the nuclear family because I eat red meat because...


I am well aware that I am a bad father, but at least I am not as bad as that transphobe.


Football is a competitive sport. That's why if my son wants to play catch in our yard I will fully lay his ass out after I throw the ball to him. There is no "casual" play when it comes to throwing a football. Either you come to compete or you need to get the hell off the grass.


Bro needs to read his Kropotkin.


Love that he had to bring it back to gender and taking hormones cause he is definitely one of those guys who complains about politics in ga kng while politicizing someone's entire existence


He admitted to the 2nd account thing proudly as if it was a flex...


Man calls himself alpha for being an alcoholic beat wife and kids -type dad.


Do I remember right or did the term "alpha" mean unfinished/unpolished and full of bugs version in coding language?


Getting HRT for your child with gender dysphoria is being a good parent! Why the fuck would you want your child to suffer dysphoria you callous fuck.


I would consider being a casual dad but you only earn trophies in ranked mode 


This has to be sarcasm


Putting all of your energy into competing on something only makes sense if that thing is vital to survival. You know, like the third most popular MOBA.


Anyone who thinks only men are competitive clearly never met me. I can be very competitive and I have that been that way from a very young age.


Have people gone so far down the gatekeeping rabbit hole that they’re gatekeeping casual gaming?


>…can't even tie their own shoes receiving hormone therapy for their gender dysphoria Sounds like me alright


This is painful to read. Also no one is giving hormones to five year olds why tf do ppl keep thinking that?


Those alphabet males are mere fucking jerkheads, it's the alt-right version of the LGBT/third gender


Folks say that Russians and Filipinos are the most toxic in dota. Meanwhile NA region....


Ahh yes I love trollin, u people are ignorant


This better be satire


Sad part is that we both know it probably isn't


Yeah it’s written too well to be satire


Its always good to be competitive being toxic its a different thing


I dont see anything truly wrong with this argument


Have you considered the possibility that you're profoundly stupid?


also im pretty sure thats the arguments of a pedo, no dad would be that much interested in what random kids do regarding to sex