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Did you notice at like 1:08 when you died?


Do more long runs that are much closer to race distance or even over race distance. I wouldnโ€™t advise that for a full marathon but definitely for a half. Also, if you didnโ€™t change anything your second half would likely have a big improvement just from experience.


I was afraid of getting injured if running longer, but now a day after, only my calves hurt and my ankles, but nothing to worry about ๐Ÿค” i guess it should be ok if i incorporate longer runs


That's a good time. Not sure what you are worried about


Planning a marathon in October, and maybe i can complete it walking, but today i can say i am in no shape to do 2 half marathons consecutively


You run a marathon in a different heart rate / effort zone.ย It is not like running a HM plus another HM after that. Very different race. On top of the training tips given here, maybe read up on perceived effort / heart rate for HM vs M?


Yeah, after the race i was thinking i should've played a bit more attention to my HR rather than only to my pace ๐Ÿ˜ช


Are you baiting people to stroke your ego? You ran a 5:20 HM most people will never do that. You will most definitely run and complete a full one at a resanable time just after 4hrs, and you have many months to train.. you are ether delusional or trying to get people to stroke your ego and tell you how good you are


Try to aim for 40-50K/week with one long easy run, one threshold/tempo workout alternating between weeks and the rest of the runs should be done easy. I think with this the sub 1:45 HM is possible in no time. REMEMBER: donโ€™t ramp up the training mileage instantaneously, try to add 5-10K every two to three weeks to prevent injuries


โ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธโ˜๏ธ Absolutely this. From 0 km weekly in Feb to 45km ish per week now, this has been my exact routine ๐Ÿ‘Œ only difference being I've switched to 2 x tempo / threshold long interval type runs, 2 easy, 1 long in the last month. Just ran a 40:58 10k last weekend and my first HM distance today in about 2:03 @ 136 bpm and could have definitely kept going ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช


@136? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ thats neat, congrats on the HM


i was maybe hitting only 25k a week the las 3 weeks, but i was also doing bicycle for zone 2 for about 2hrs a week. Maybe if i had invested that time running i could have been more adapted ๐Ÿค”


Just out of curiosity: Hella Halbmarathon Hamburg? I ran it too


Munich Sportsscheck


Nice how was it? Was gonna try this one too but got injured and I am now doing the PSD Bank in september


I did it too an to be honest I was very disappointed. There were so many people cramped onto a small an curvy course with no people to cheer. I was running a half in a small village earlier this year and the atmosphere was way better because people cheered and were actually excited. So it felt more like a Park Run.


True, it was more people than ever, it was a jubilee after all. The weather was perfect for running but sadly not for an audience. Usually it's a very hot run with a lot of audience, on the other hand a lot of PB's were run yesterday (including myself). Hope the man at km 17 is better


Yep, the start was far from ideal, also the road inside the english garden is to tight for the amount of people, a lot of stepping outside to overtake.


Did the graph match how you felt ?


๐Ÿค” i would say i dropped to zero around km 16, though the graph says ~12... I went from maintaining under 5:10 to just below 6 with a few walks


I spent an ENTIRE half marathon at 1% stamina and can confirm: yes it did match how I felt (for context, it was the last leg of a half ironman and the temperature was pushing 90 degrees) https://preview.redd.it/35c7l6iurt9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cecca20ea2e6b72aac6c0333c8166b690034d0


Accurate garmin being accurate


Not a horrible thing - you left it all on the field. If you want to improve, add another day or two. Make them easy days.


Yes, also based on other comments i definetely need to run some more kilometers, my "easiest" days were 1hr in zone 2, but in a bicycle i the gym, so for the next one i'll go outside


At 4 days a week, donโ€™t worry about z2 runs. Run easy, breathe well, talk through it. If you canโ€™t say a sentence, slow down.


Assuming you have no time to increase your training duration/days, your only real bet is improving your pacing. Those 'sprints' you did at 20/40/60 minutes aren't really helping you, they just get you tired. You get the best results when you run at an even pace for the whole race. Your starting pace should be within 5% of your ending pace.


Those sprints were unconscious ๐Ÿ˜ฑ after water stations


There are two sharp step-drops in stamina here. What happens at those times? You could unlock performance by running with power, check out the Palladino Power Program to get your mind blown.


Water stations ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Shouldn't they ADD to stamina? ๐Ÿ˜œ


Exactly i felt refreshed ๐Ÿ’ช, so unconsciously i went harder for about a minute ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜


I wouldn't read too much in to the Stamina feature until you've run a few more runs of similar distance. If that was your first run longer than 13km, I'm guessing you hit 0 somewhere around the 13km mark as the watch hasn't got any data to model longer runs yet. At least that was my experience when I first got my 965! Similar experience with cycling when I first got an Edge that did stamina, hit 0 half way through a pretty standard 80km ride. Next ride was closer, a few more and the number felt realistic


Ah so that's how it works ๐Ÿค” that explains a lot


1 hour 8 minutes in OP fell and started sliding across the road until the end of the race.


My face ended all messed up because all the sliding


I do gravel cycling events, and never fail my โ€œstaminaโ€ dies just under half way though every event. I feel great, and keep going, never an issue. The odd thing is in my training rides when my stamina hits zero I do get tired. So who knows.


Do you push as hard during training?


Did you fuel?


One gel and water stations, and i think my biggest stamina drop (actual feeling, not based on the graph) was after the effect of the gel wore off


If you step up your carb intake that should really help. Aim for 60-75g carbs for activity between 90-150mins. Continue with water. And electrolytes particularly if itโ€™s hot. Also it takes practise for your gut to get used to many gels. So gradually increase your intake over time to get use to them.


Don't take it as an insult, but lose weight. I find when i am heavier my runs suck. Dropping 5-10 pounds (2.5 - 5kg) makes the miles easier.


Weird advice without any baseline info


Loose some weight fat boy -Rustle Peter's


No it's not. When I am 5-10lbs lighter going up hills is way easier.


I'll assume you've not considered that an already thin person ~~exists~~ won't necessarily get any gain to their aerobic capacity by simply losing weight. Without the underlying information to back that up, this is inherently bad advice


If you are already thin, you are not going to follow the advice. Most people aren't idiots. The advice is clearly for people who can lose a couple pounds. We know who we are.


Ok but there's a threshold where losing weight is not healthy and won't improve their performance. Without knowing their measurements you have no idea whether or not they need to lose weight


There are for sure tons of healthy weight people who cannot do a sub 2 hour half marathon.


FYI, i am not insulted ๐Ÿ˜‚ i did lose some weight over the last couple of months and now my knees don't hurt after running. For me 5kg is too much, maybe could benefit from 1kg less ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


This should be pinned. I can feel even 1kg.