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Love it so much. We play it every day. The mod that increases game size is awesome with it


What mod?


"Increased Player Slots" in the Steam Workshop


It's fun but we need more customization in the settings. CP limit, manpower rate and size, unit timers. All that.




I wish it was usable within the conquest mode with the vehicles / units I’m using their. I don’t like MP for how the units are called up, so I’m not enjoying last stand as much as I’d hoped.


I think it would be awesome if you had the ability to adjust the settings like a skirmish map. 


Ngl I wish the unit escalation was a lot more shallow. The first 3 waves should only be infantry and maybe some very light vehicles.


I find it weird, cause for 30-40 minute game you always go pretty much the same. The points are always at the minimum, and there is so much yoj can do with hardcore rationing.


I find it a lot harder on the hardest difficulties by my self


Expert is a death sentence. They toy with me as if I was a joke.


It's good fun with friends but I wont spend much time playing the last stand mode by myself, probably played it 3 or 4 times since it's been out. 👍


Fun gimmick to try out a bunch, but not really something amazing breathtaking, actual pvp mp trumps every ai related pve game mode by far, the only cool shit that comes from sp is the sandbox dynamic(while your still fresh to the game) and the campaign cutscenes + the nice introduction tutorial. Last stand to me feels like its meant for casuals who wanna challenge themselfs, sp is for beginners and casuals who dont nolife the game, mp once your experienced in the wacky game mechanics is where doing tactics and cooperation with people against other people doing the same actually matters, ai is way to dogshit it just runs at you and loses all its units with little to no tactics other then popping some smokes randomly, it leaves its flanks totally exposed making it trivial to ambush it with even a single dude and running up to some expensive artillery or tank amd grenading it as ai just standa there not reacting...