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Hard pass


Soft pass. These pics made my morning wood vanish.


expertriam betboneam 🧙


Same im not gay




Pass on 99% of them


Pass, these are all so boring


pass on all except anakin






Yeah pass on all of them 😭


Pass. M̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ they scare me


Anakin 🤭 Definite smash. The bad boy vibez, the anger, and the power (*like he’s the chosen one*) - ummm yeah, I am ready to be flogged on that pole please 🥺👉👈He can choke me, promise I won’t lose my will to live 😳 Draco gives the bad boy vibez I like too but he’s too skinny and too blonde for my taste. I don’t care much for the others. Timothy is what I would want to be rather than be with. First one has such a naive face. Last one looks like a lesbian ☠️ *Edit: Wait, 5 is Voldemort’s youth from 6th movie. If he’s handsome face Tom Riddle aka the charismatic intelligent psychopath before going off the deep end, then smash for him too. Like I can fix him and alsooooo, ummm, entertain him* 🙃


the real question is Anakin or Kenobi?


Ohhhh, definitely Anakin. Kenobi in prequels is hot lookswise but he’s too goody two shoes. Anakin’s passion, anger, and tendency to disobey the rules would leave me all dizzy and powerless honestly 🫣 Bad boys are my kryptonite 😳


I actually preferred Kenobi but now that you're pointing this out I will have to rethink (the force chokehold could be interesting) 🤔🥴


You’re gonna make me develop a fictional crush on Anakin 😩 That’s a yes on force choke 🥺👉👈


excuse me while I seek out Hayden Christensen I'll need him to help me do some.... research 😤😤


He wasn’t looking so hot when he played young Anakin in cutscenes in Disney+’s Kenobi unfortunately. He got crowfeet around his eyes and all🥲 Random but if you’re interested in this kinda energy in fiction is Tom Riddle-Harry Potter pairing in some high quality fanfictions where Harry gets sent back in time to Riddle’s schooldays and ends up getting menaced by him (his actual handsome humanself, no snakeface) is exactly this!!! 🙃 They’re honestly soooooo good. And if you never read HP fanfiction, I guarantee these are nothing like shitty wattpad fics. They’re often novel length and as good as actual books ☺️ This is my fav: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35109247


Well I have never watched or read Harry Potter but I enjoyed some crappy wattpad stories so I guess I can check it out :3


Well, you can give it a try. But warning: Terminology can get a bit too much if you’re not familiar with the wizarding world. Because it’s a fanfiction, they don’t really do slow intro to so many concepts that are explained in books. Like - Horcruxes: Objects created out of a obscure dark human sacrifice ritual in which a piece of the caster’s soul is torn and stored in an object or another living being in order to keep their spirit tethered to the world if they killed. - Legilemency and Occlumency: Magical branches of invading an enemy’s mind to gain useful information versus protecting one’s mind against such an invasion in that order. It’s a really big and in depth universe 😅 It might be difficult to get into if you don’t know the basics like the fact that Tom Riddle is the real name of Lord Voldemort who is the dark wizard that kills Harry’s parents and tries to kill Harry as a baby ☠️


Well worst case scenario I have to Google something


Pass, on everyone lmao


pass all them sorry


Pass on all


henry danger 😭😭😭


Pass exept chalamet and anakin


Smash (or be smashed) for everyone except 9


Smash anakin. I want to smash him as hard as he smashed those younglings.


Pass on all but 3 and 4 3 is on thin ice


Pass every except the third guy


Smash, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, smash, smash, pass. I have a type. Althought this is just based on appearances. I have a nasty habit of crushing hard for any man with any good or interesting qualities. So take this with a grain of salt.


Anakin 10 outa 10 smash


Idk none of em are really that great imo. But tbh Id probably let them all smash if they wanted


Smash 1 and 4 and pass everything else.