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Can we ban this mf his post history on this sub is just preach-posting


plys hes one of those people who are lgb ✂️ tq


🤢 gross




you guys do realize I am allowed to have my own opinion?


I hate to bring politics but either I’m making shit up but isn’t the purpose of the lgbt community is to combat binary perspectives and heteronormativity? Separating the two doesn’t make logical sense because the community philosophy is to show the diversity of human expression and sexuality. Separating the two because one is about sexuality while the other is about gender (even though they overlap) doesn’t make sense. So in a way solidarity is a virtue.


there is no purpose to the community as a whole, it does nothing but push political agendas, ostracise right leaning gay people and any gay person who doesn’t lean into their ideology, and give straight people even more reason to not support gay people anymore with pride month and parades, and the increasing levels of delusion in the lgbtq ‘group’, almost all of that delusion coming from the ‘tq’ part, along with the indoctrination of children, hope this helps 👍


What do you mean there is no purpose to the community? Ever heard of queer theory? The LGBT community is built off of queer theory. Maybe they ostracized right leaning gay people because they’re a contrary and uphold heteronormative beliefs (ironically). I’m not even surprise that most straight people aren’t for pride month anymore. I mean most of them keep saying they don’t understand why we “boast” about our attraction in public. Trans people just gave them ammunition to even be more against it. Most straight people are ignorant which is not surprising. Indoctrination? What indoctrination? And what delusion? Gender expression? See this is why we need to dismantle heteronormativity lol.


so we are ostracized for holding "heteronormative beliefs"? you do realize not all gay people should support beliefs just because it's normal for them to? hot take but beliefs aren't subjected to only straight people or gay people, people should think for themselves. and straight people were cool with pride, went all downhill for tons of reasons. I don't blame them for disliking pride, i dislike it. and speaking of indoctrination there are some vids of pride parades of drag queens shouting "we are coming for your kids" like you can't make this up


I’m not suggesting that no one should have the freedom to have different beliefs im just giving a reason why that happens. The only straight people that are against pride are right wingers. They always been against it now they’re just loud again. Nothing changed I thought we were talking about institutionally when you say indoctrination like it’s in the criteria of education.


‘heteronormativity’ wouldn’t be a thing right now if the lgbtq knew when to stop pushing for more, there is no need for pride parades anymore, not in first world countries anyway, the indoctrination of kids is when it is being taught in schools, there have been examples of books being in schools that teach kids under the age of twelve about gay sex and how to do it, and also the introduction of drag queens to children’s spaces, which, at origin, were very sexualised (the drag queens), the community loves to play the victim, also, straight people treat lgbtq based on their perception of their ACTIONS, i have spoken to many people who disagree with the lgbtq community, and most of them had said that they don’t like the way the ‘new movement’ ie. the tq, is heading and their actions, if people really want the lgbtq community to be seen in a better light then those in the community have to change their attitudes towards straight people and stop their predisposed hatred towards them; it would also help if people turned to Christianity to develop some decent morals too


Heteronormativity wouldn’t be a thing right now if the lgbt? I’ll get back to you on that one later. Anyway, there is still a need for pride parades. Pride parades hold historical significance to the community. Its origin is from gay riots in 1969. The way I view the parades/months It’s like the Fourth of July for the community lol. Besides ending pride parades in the West is contrary to the community. Why stopped something that advanced gay rights wouldn’t the right like to see the community back to being unheard and unseen? I’m sorry but I have to disagree with that especially when in some countries it’s illegal or even get put to death for being anything but straight. What about vice versa? The reason why some people in the community have the predisposition for hatred because straight people are ignorant to sexual diversity and some want it to be unseen and unheard. Straight people need to change their judgment of the community also. Why should people turn to Christianity? The reason we even have heteronormativity and discrimination to members of the lgbt community is because of Abrahamic faith. I prefer Hellenistic Philosophies to Abrahamic Faith.


a) there USED to be a need for pride parades, not anymore, i also brought up that it isn’t needed in first world countries anymore, which you must have ignored, pride parades are known to make people dislike gay people, i have straight friends who said they support gay people but don’t support the pride movement, why should we continue something that makes our reputation decrease? is that not counterintuitive? b) of course some people hate gay people because of predisposed ideas, it would be stupid to argue against that, what i’m saying is that lgbtq people cannot act like sexual deviants and act in the same manner they do and expect straight people to blindly support it, that is called entitlement and that’s not how you win support, especially for a minority section of society c) Christianity was used as an example, people need to develop a faith in God in order to develop a set of morals if they cannot do it on their own, the reason lgbtq people are viewed upon sternly is because, again, of their bad morals and view on life, as most lgbtq people do not have a faith, they do not see a meaning of life and therefore turn to other means of fulfilment, like, hookups, and again, this is another reason why people dislike lgbtq people, as they see them as they are only lgbtq for the sex and not for a romantic connection, which the lgbtq community does not help to combat with their increasingly deviant behaviour


(A) how did I ignore it? You need to re read what I type to make sure your claim is correct. Anyway, I’m saying there is still a need for pride parades. It’s almost tradition at this point to be seen and heard. Going back to no pride parades is regressing ourselves back decades ago when homophobia was rampant. That’s a no from me. The only decrease in support we have is from right wingers which they weren’t strong allies to begin with. Independents and democrats are our strongest allies and their decrease in support is nothing to the decrease in right wing support since the right already was below or on 50%. (B) I agree that lgbt should not at like sexual deviants but how do you think a minority should win support in society? Assimilation? You do know right wing straight people see just holding hands and same sex kissing to be sexually deviant right? When you have a perspective like that how do you expect to gain their support? (C) Are you the Moses for the LGBT community lol? You know I could argue that the reason for rampant hookups in the community is because of lack of structure of what a relationship is. What I mean is that due to homophobic beliefs from Abrahamic Faith the lgbt community never matured enough to understand how a romantic relationship works. Since people would turn to faith to understand how that works the same faith they were brought up in told them they are disgusting sexual deviants. Why would people go to that faith? Now the community is full of nihilism and extreme hedonism. For the replacement of Abraham Faith I prefer Hellenistic philosophies but everyone has their own journey in life in how they view the world.


Pride shouldn’t be a tradition though? gay people have equal rights to straight people and that’s a fact, decrease in support is on both sides, yes the right have lower rates, but that also isn’t necessarily important i know people on the right, i myself am right leaning, people on the right do not see hand holding as sexual deviancy, that was a lie fed to you to fear monger the lgbtq community into voting blue, you gain support by not being a burden on society like the lgbtq community is with constant parades and forcing its agenda on young, impressionable children If the lgbtq community cannot figure out what a romantic relationship looks like, then that’s on them, it is not hard to understand whatsoever and you cannot blame religion for the lgbtq community not understanding a basic concept, and my point was that; if they do not believe they have a place in the world, find a religion or faith that suits them and their beliefs, develop a moral code so the lgbtq community aren’t seen as sexual deviants


im gonna be totally honest im confused are you against separating them or not


Refresh and re read what I wrote


im just gonna assume your against separating it






everyone needs some Jesus, sorry you don't like people able to openly express their religion


not everyone needs jesus? not everyone is christian


banning someone for calling you weird, fragile lmao


You should also gtfo and take your lgb without the tq shit outta here with you. Also I was referring to his post history not just this post.


okay sam 💀, i have my opinion and you have yours, don’t you just love freedom of speech <3




Why tho


I feel called into question


Yes i am (:


I love being a weird boi UwU


Bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression) is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration. These shifts can make it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks.




Ur right








idk what that means 😞


I made it up and btw I don't agree with the op I said "real" as a joke 😭😭


no like idk what it stands for 😭


totf tmf lmao 🙄🙄🙄🙄


what ✊😞