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Speaking of hetlors, just saw a twitter thread discussing confusing lyrics to them…. Look at this https://preview.redd.it/g84t5k8vurjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557806bf79bdc3afc1104db21b8ad8d1591ceb2a


Sweet mother of god that hurts🥴


Yeah I was like 👁️👄👁️ it’s gay.


I hysterically laugh at the tiktoks that show all of her male “exes” and then they list all the songs that are about them (ie Joe Jonas mr perfectly fine & forever and always & John Mayer dear John) and then you get to Joe alwyns slide and it’s just a MASSIVE list of basically every song from reputation to midnights & im just like 🥴🥴🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


LOL yes those are hilarious. I’m like not every single song is Joe related 😂😂😂


This would be an incredibly odd venue for a first date and also a very odd part of London (the City) to go on a date too.


Let us not forget the connection with the protagonist of the book Lady Idina Sackville was cousin of my favourite woman loving antihero heartbreaker Vita Sackville West, lover of Virginia Woolf and Violet Trefusis. In fact, in the letters between Trefusis and Sackville West, Violet uses the phrase he is my jailer, when talking of her proposed husband and whilst asking for Vita to ruin her wedding. Also, this is the same Vita to whom Virginia Woolf wrote **"Do you exist or have I made you up?"** (See ATWTMV Short Film) If you want a post on all the separate connections I have a whole word document


This is delicious. Thank you. Would love to see what else you have.




And not to forget, Vita and Violet running around London and *Paris*, Vita dressed as a man to avoid suspicions and they would pretend they were starving artists living only off their love (despite both being from aristocratic families)


Unsure if it’s about the book or not but this synopsis from Google is interesting “In an age of bolters—women who broke the rules and fled their marriages—Idina Sackville was the most celebrated of them all. Her relentless affairs, wild sex parties, and brazen flaunting of convention shocked high society and inspired countless writers and artists, from Nancy Mitford to Greta Garbo. But Idina’s compelling charm masked the pain of betrayal and heartbreak. Now Frances Osborne explores the life of Idina, her enigmatic great-grandmother, using letters, diaries, and family legend, following her from Edwardian London to the hills of Kenya, where she reigned over the scandalous antics of the of the “Happy Valley Set.” Dazzlingly chic yet warmly intimate, The Bolter is a fascinating look at a woman whose energy still burns bright almost a century later.”


Bolter has roots, y’all! A lot more than a bar in London. [https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi](https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi)Part 1/3 https://preview.redd.it/1xagorh6i2jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598a4e14598f43bf6b7d59692e8f6588de2820bd


https://preview.redd.it/sixbbnu0j2jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab021b1222ff8e98132ef1e566f3a54a222e1ab …are you ready for it? EVERY 7 YEARS. REPUTATION CAME OUT IN 2017. 7 YEARS AGO TTPD. could it be… the End Game????[https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi](https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi)


https://preview.redd.it/bnyz9wzxi2jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acfaa1c81b13916954f10b76b141a2290349777 [https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi](https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/uv2fpdi)


Why are there green circles around the taps? What do they signify?


That the bar is the same in the pictures to show it’s 100% the same place to prove their theory is wrong


Ah ok! Thanks!


https://i.redd.it/u0z27qxm52jc1.gif (The cognitive dissonance is exhausting me)


A fantastic movie at least


I double checked just in case the opening date was about reopening after Covid but nope, it was incorporated in 2020 and went by a different name up until 2021 so definitely couldn’t be where they had their first outing: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/12445727 not to mention there would be pictures of them there if it was common knowledge that they had been there. Making stuff up like this is so weird. Is it just for social media clout or do they genuinely believe they’re right? Then others are saying it’s a song about how fast he ran to a car when paps were around. What a fascinating topic for a song that would be 🙄


I thought the latter is hilarious but there’s no way💀


What’s interesting is they did go on their first public outing to a pub in London but it’s called the Spaniards Inn and it’s very well documented. I don’t understand why they would need to make something like that up. it seems so silly. But here we are: taking something true (them going on a public date at a pub in London) and changing details to make it fit: Saying it’s the pub sharing the name with a song when there’s photos of them with the other pub’s name in view lmao https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a26265374/taylor-swift-joe-alwyn-hampstead-date/


That’s 2019 tho didnt she come out of hiding in like 2017?


well to clarify, it was their first public outing of 2019 but not in general but i’ve seen tiktoks and tweets of swifties taking pics from this specific outing and saying that they’re at the Bolter as proof of this theory which is why I shared the article. basically to say yes they went to a pub. but it wasn’t that one


Thank you for the receipts cuz I would’ve bought that 😭


How would they know where they’re first outing was? Lmao As far as we know they met in the US. And hetlors always maintain they met April 29, 2016 because of High Infidelity and that she wrote Gorgeous about him right after. They can’t even keep their own fanfic timelines straight.


That because they just have to keep rewriting shit to make the hetlor math math after she destroys their timelines with gayness


Hetlors are very interesting to me lol. My train of thought went in like a VERY different and quite gay interpretation I wanted to link 2 things: the cover album variation and the different bonus tracks On one hand, we have the OG cover where we see half her face and the emphasis is on her body, whereas the new cover shows basically only her face. The first cover also comes with the track “The Manuscript”, and the second with “The Bolter”. What if they are linked? I’d need more evidence, but it’s interesting to me. What if “The manuscript” is about the “script” she uses to hide herself (no face showing), vs “The Bolter” being what she becomes when she shows who she really is? And about “the Bolter” I have a couple of ideas. I mean, on one hand you can interpret it as someone who bolts, runs away. On the other, in an australian way, it means: https://preview.redd.it/gqiu5pzvo0jc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1b765e1b877cadec63d3ee592506660e664ad8 So… could she become an outsider, for example? She gets a disadvantage at her own game? What could that be? Mmmm And I talk about the australian meaning because she announced it in Australia so… makes you wonder.


Based on the second definition, it could be bolting from the “relationship” from Ready for It…? The beard (or boyfriend if you believe in Toe) is her “jailer” and now she’s an escaped convict?


And someone else also connected this to the "Fresh out the slammer" song on the tracklist!


Kiwi here - a "bolter" is also someone who runs away, or escapes fast, sometimes in a wedding sense "the bride did a bolter before the vows". It was the first thing that came to my head and I thought it was an interesting song title to announce at her Australian shows


I'm American, and that is what I assumed too. Like just someone who splits the second shit gets tough or a commitmentphobe or something.


When I googled Bolter slang most of the first definitions to pop up were about quickly leaving a political party. Makes me think about which political parties are okay with certain love 👀


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