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The Black Dog is a Martha's Vinyard thing




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I think she’s used a lot of money to fund other artists careers so I believe you could be right about her doing as much as possible to make money and stay popular. I don’t think she’s as much of a capitalist queen as she wants us to think but who really knows


That is what Ive been thinking since the beginning of the Eras tour because for the love of me I couldnt understand the prices of her tickets. So I do believe this. Yes.


That was a theory during all the Midnights drops and we all know how that went. Honestly I wouldn’t mind the variants *IF* this were handled differently. If they all had the same songs and were all announced at once instead of this playing games with the false “limited edition” thing, I probably wouldn’t even care because so many artists have a bunch of different variants with a new album.


i really wish this could be true but i think really it’s just rich people doing rich people things


i fear the money isn’t what’s holding her back but it’s just something she wants more and more of. i get she’s always been for the fans but when the money is that good i think she’s trying to have the best of both if that makes sense.


🤡 but I appreciate the theory 🩷


The Tortured Wallets Department


vinyl has been coming out in variants for decades. Vinyl collectors are very familiar with this. She is not doing anything out of the norm for other artists. People who want to say she's being a capitalist queen just aren't aware that vinyl variants have been a legit thing since the mid 70s. If she was really all about money she wouldn't keep them for a limited time.


I don't see what difference it makes for her to make 1.1 billion vs 900 million. She has way too much money to be "shoring up" to lose some by coming out, literally none of her extra money makes any sort of difference with that level of wealth 


Sadly, I don't think this leads up to anything. Taylor's a billionaire and she doesn't need any more money than she has now. Even if her finances took a hit from coming out, she wouldn't be lacking any money to survive or even live a comfortable life tbh. She's playing the capitalism game and it feels more blatant with every release. With parents who worked in finance it makes sense that her business model changes with her popularity and the economical landscape. She credited her dad for her business' financial success, and I bet he is involved in the way she puts out albums. Not saying she hasn't any say in how her business is run and how her products are released, but her dad's background and experience in finance definitely informs her decisions. She knows that people will buy whatever she puts out, even 4 different versions of the same album. Some people panic buy because they think they only have the chance to buy the "limited edition" during the 48h sale, others buy it fully knowing it's likely she does a second drop with all the editions (like she does rn) and later on will release the exclusive songs on streaming (and for the impatient ones there's probably one way or another to get the missing songs early). Her tactics are manipulative but she is definitely not the only musician who uses special editions with exclusives for profit. As long as people are willing to buy these she and every other artist who employs these tactics will continue to do so.


Capitalism is still definitely at play. However, it’s insanely expensive to put together a tour like she’s done and fund a movie yourself, plus musicians really don’t make money off of their music anymore. You have to be creative with marketing to actually sell hard copies which wasn’t as much of an issue prior to streaming. Is it still a bit excessive though? Yes. If anything, I do get the sense that she might use a big chunk of her money when the tour/re-recordings are over to buy back her og catalogue outright without some investor putting up the money like with Scooter.


I wouldn’t be too surprised if she uses her money to open her own record label after the tour personally. She does seem passionate about younger artists getting better deals, and it would be a way to keep a heavy hand in music while she focuses on her movie for a bit, as well as allowing her to have full decision making on when she releases music.


Sometimes I think people just don’t have any sense of scale. If she never made another penny, she could spend a million dollars a day for thirty years and still have an upper middle class retirement account.


Maybe. But even if Taylor had come out during lover or folkmore or midnights, she had more than enough money for her career to take a hit. Like, Taylor had HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars. She could’ve never released another album again after lover, she could’ve sustained herself and her family. Maybe not her private jet usage, but honestly, the earth would thank her for that. It’s not like coming out would make her entire brands value reduce to zero. The population of people who would not be into her music because now it’s queer? At this stage of her career? Quite small comparatively. Many of her fans might not like Gaylors right now, but if Taylor came out as queer, most of them would be singing a different tune. I’m not saying there aren’t blatantly homophobic people in the fan base, I’m just saying that I think a lot of people are far too invested in Taylor’s life and career to actually care if she’s queer or not. Additionally, becoming a billionaire to cushion the blow of coming out isn’t particularly honorable or necessary. I’m not saying this to dunk on your theory. I’m just saying that coming out doesn’t justify her actions.


I just keep thinking back to the miss americana doco, she was surrounded by people telling her "not to vote" a certain way and make it known to the pnblic and saying things like you'll lose 50% of your fab base. I still think this was an amended doco to meet that narrative about voting instead of coming out, also the voice around voting may have been a test run to see how people react and see if she loses any of her fan base. Blondie likes the money and enjoys this being her peak era, and people latching on to this, she will keep being advised what to do and guided by Tree, her dad and anyone with investments in the brand, until she is past that curve and earning less I think she will enjoy all the money she can get. Edit - fixed typos sorry


I really doubt Taylor is the one making decisions about how many variants to do, when to release them, how long to make them available, etc. She could control that if she wanted to or if having so many variants deeply offended her, but she has a whole team of people she pays to take care of things like this while she performs and writes and doesn't have to think about the math of how to release exactly the right amount of merch at the right times to maximize profit. I'm always skeptical about claims that she's trying to send some message through merch or the timing of when it's released - I would be shocked to learn that she's had any involvement in it for years outside of flipping through mock ups and broadly approving or disapproving someone else's work. Her team decided to do all the variants because their market research told them people would pay for them, and it's their job to produce as much as the market will support.


My initial thought was that this was the “whoops, we didn’t sell as much as we anticipated for each variant drop, so let’s re-drop them for another limited window and see if people bite.”


I think all of us have also wised up to the game - I would be SHOCKED if these variants weren't for sale again on her website after the album officially drops. It's midnights all over again


I mean, I did also think that 😂


I have hoped this. I have also hoped she is trying to make as much money as possible in order to donate it to GLAAD or other organizations…but I am admittedly pretty naive and try to think the best of people.


I don’t think that would make it any better, she’s richer than any single person could ever need to be, owns several houses, her very own plane, and given how smart she’s said to be with business/money, we can assume a very strong investment portfolio too. She does not need more money, she could not earn another penny for the rest of her life and still live a life beyond most people’s dreams. These variants are simply a cash/record-break/charts ploy no matter her motives for wanting this much money.


It’s not the money. It’s the records and chart position she is chasing via these variants. Money is great, but it’s the accolades she craves. If she doesn’t get a number one, she thinks she’s a failure. She does this because she knows her fans will buy multiple variants which guarantees she positions at the top of the charts. It’s why there were a million antihero remixes. Money is great but her psychology isn’t being motivated by dollars when she does this. It’s an added benefit, but it’s doesn’t drive her the way her need for approval and accolades does. (I don’t mean that condescendingly either, I legitimately think she is controlled by it.)


This is a really good point. It would be fascinating to know how much of her driven-ness is nature vs nurture. She has demonstrated that she’s extremely competitive (at the very least with herself. Unless she’s just such a good actress to be so outwardly happy for other artists when they win instead of her.) And she’s very much a perfectionist. The whole web of enjoying/wanting making the albums but wanting them to be successful but successful means $$$ and awards but $$$ and awards sets the minimum acceptable level for the next album is fascinating and complex and heartbreaking and mind blowing all at once.


I've been thinking too about the power stuff, being in her peak era, literally the biggest brand world wide, she is always striving to do more and be better when in the Miss Americana doco she talked about her album not peaking and her repsonse was just to put out a better album next time(pic for ref) it was a really sad piunt again but then she picks herself up and has this pressure and is then always wanting a bigger better trophy, always being hard on herself and seeling these acolades of being the best is the power she needs to help with her self esteeem. From my perspective from here she can only really beat herself she is her own competition... there will be a point, however, where that changes... she can't be the best forever, so it's possible she is lapping it up(while also working her arse off) while she can and when she crashes does she then consider coming out... will that generate more hype again....im torn aboit where she does it at her peak and suffer the consequences of losing people or does she wait until people move on to the next best thing, the next generation of pop and do it to reignite interest/hype. *


Completely agree (but I think the money is still part of the record chasing - highest grossing album or tour or whatever). The level of disappointment in her doc when she gets the call about grammy noms is one of the moments I think we do get true taylor. She doesn't acknowledge how good the album was, or how much it meant to her etc, just immediately moving on to the next album to try again for awards. I'm in the camp of never coming out because she knows it will make people not like her, and no matter how little those people matter (homophobes are shit people who deserve nothing good in life), she still cares about how she's perceived. I think the glass closeting is the best we will get while she still has a career in the public eye. She's like a modern day Hamilton; completely obsessed with legacy and how she goes down in history (and unfortunately, I don't think she wants it to be as a queer icon). Edit: wording


Respectfully, no




I actually had this thought tbh. Especially when you look at the original timeliness 1989, she was massive, and she became this huge icon and then overexposed, etc. #girlsquad, but she made bank Then the Kanye west thing happened, she disappears only to reappear more than ever. She sets off on a big Rep Tour, making her lots of money, and the coming out rumours come out again - the imagery in the rep books (coming out if a close then rainbow dress pictures, the cat unicorn thing etc) She reveals herself to be a liberal left leaning and lose fans who are right leaning and then comes out with lover, thinking she made her money and then she was about to come out (as per some other rumours from this thread maybe?) But then the masters heist happens ans covid happens, putting everything to bed. This was a turning point as folklore and evermore are albums that scream heartbreak and devastation. Maybe the person she was with was ready to come out with her, but covid stopped that, and everyone's values changed. People settled down. So Taylor changes the course, rerecord her albums, and hopes to have a similar timeline. She is working up to the same point. 1989 happened and TS was overexposed again, TK, the Eras tour, she's making bankkkkkkk. And now rep will come out with the same feels maybe and then debut, marking her coming out?


Honestly, I was thinking along a similar vein when I posted this. I was thinking of how she was SO big and then was not prepared at all for her “downfall” so I’m like… Is that what she’s trying to do now? Prepare for another downfall to come? Because you’re right, I definitely see the same pattern starting to happen. Like you can’t fly as close to the sun as she’s flying right now without getting burned, and it’s already starting with the private jet stuff and half the world (maybe more) believing Tayvis is a hoax 👀


For sure! What is Taylor if not super prepared and calculated (I know she doesn't like that work but I mean, she is let's be real and it isn't a bad thing, yoy can't be as big as TS without being a little strategic) I'm so glad someone else thinks the same because I have been thinking about this a lot, especially since the over exposure Ness of it all. I almost posted, too, but was umming and aahhing, but I saw your post and was like OMG! Also, lol, flying too close to the sun... in her private jet, of course lol 😆 haha ill see myself out


I totally get where you're coming from but also let's not forget that she is a billionaire. She would be juuuuuuust fine


Honesty I think a portion of this is umg. Her deal with them had a lot of different things that cost them money (Spotify clause, owning her master's etc). They are now trying to maximize return on their investments. And if you look at their other artists, they are also doing tons of editions, "limited releases" and other things to try and maximize sales.


I made this argument during the 1989TV variant drama saying that she doesn’t just have to worry about her own money problems if she does something major to cull the fanbase and drastically lower sales of tickets/merch but also the money problems of the countless people who are employed by her who would be negatively affected but nobody wants to acknowledge that part of things like, ever.


Another good point!


I’m not saying that’s 100 percent why she does this but if she gave zero fucks about the brand’s financial status then came out and caused the financial status to become absolutely horrible with no backup plan, people would be all over the internet saying “how could she not anticipate this!” and “she should have done more for them!”


Totally agree




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babe is already a billionaire. she's just doing billionaire things. that's really all it is.


That’s her net worth and status not her actual bank account which is a huge difference. I know plently of celebs people think are rich and they’re not that’s why they keep working


no, babe. taylor is most definitely rich and never has to worry about money ever again. she literally never has to work another day in her life and she'd be more than fine 1000x over. i'm a fan of hers but i also can recognize when she's being money-hungry. this is not something she is doing out of necessity, lol.


Alright babe as someone who has run with celebs and literally someone in her inner circle. I have no clue what the hell I’m talking about. Surely hun, you a random swiftie who has a Parasocial relationship with her know her so damn well. Oh and I never said I was a fan. I just think it’s funny that people who have never even came close to a celeb’s personal life; thinks they know so much about them or even celebrities in general. Especially their finances. Like no babe; 💁‍♀️ you definitely don’t.


I feel like getting rich changes people. She didn't used to do things for the money... But now I think she does.


I personally think she is going to use the money to start her own media conglomerate with other queer performers in an effort to even out the unbalance of hollywood. Its seems farfetched, but if I was trying to fix the system and had the money I'd create a whole new one too.


That would be super cool! I hope so...


Well, she is a business who employs hundreds of people and pays them well. I assume she puts a lot of pressure on herself to increase her company’s worth in that regard. Getting rich does change people psychologically but I think it’s more about the responsibility she feels towards her teams.


This is actually a super common feeling from child stars and Taylor def fits that description.




i would love to believe this. but i just don’t. capitalist taylor aka taylor the brand has fully consumed the gal we all knew and loved. i don’t want this to be true and i ACHE to be proven wrong.


Same 😩


reminder that since she owns her masters, Universal makes less money off of her. pushing merch sales makes up for this, but inflating album sales would also 'make up' for a smaller margin per album for them.  still think she's being a capitalist queen about it all - she agreed to go with universal and I imagine she knew the ways they'd want to make more money off fans. she'd have to agree to go along with all the marketing that goes into it, etc. 


I don't think she even cares *that* much about money to be honest. I mean, of course she does, but I feel like it's more about breaking records and topping the charts. She has done so for basically every album, and each one seems to be even more successful that the precedent. If she's after this, if she wants this to be her legacy, she won't stop selling 4 versions of each album until she's not successful anymore. I also think coming out would reduce her chances at breaking every record. If she comes out, in my opinion she will do it when her fame starts fading, because either she'll think she might as well do this to stay in public discourse, or she will think that she can't break new records so she might as well live her truth, because at that point she won't really care about records anymore. I'm not saying this is the truth, but that's my perspective on this !


Yeah I think the money is probably nice, but it’s more the “biggest grossing album” title than the actual $$$ beyond concern for keeping the lights on and employees paid for TS Conglomerate.


I see what you’re saying for sure. At the same time, though, when she does come out she’ll still be breaking records because she’d just go from highest grossing female artist of all time (or whatever other titles she’s had, there have been so many) to highest grossing queer artist of all time, you know? So I think out of the two the money/capitalism angle works more than the record breaking angle.


Yes, but once she's out a lot of people will probably stop listening to her. There are a lot of swifties who are homophobic, and it's not 100% certain but there's a risk they'll stop listening to her music if she came out. And yes, she'll still be highly successful, but if she comes out there is a risk she won't be topping the charts as much as she is now, and I don't think "highest grossing queer artist" is what she wants. From what we know of her, I assume she just wants ot be the best artist ever, the one who dominated the charts her whole career, and that's not compatible with coming out, unfortunately. I completely agree that the money angle is important, and we can see it in so many ways, but it looks like she's craving a form of success that she may not be able to achieve if she came out.


I have seen ComingOutlors make this theory every time she has made a cash grab for the past... 3 album cycles at least? I think she just likes money and inflating sales!


Also wow I must have taken a long break from participating to have the baby Gaylor flair! It's just not fun anymore, but I still lurk 🤷🏼


I was thinking the same thing. This is probably the sub I’m most active in but I haven’t been in much of a Taylor mood since superbowl and her restarting touring 🤷‍♀️


 I think we just have to acknowledge that this is where the music industry is at, variants are just part of it. We know they’re coming and that it’s capitalistic...but we can’t blame artists of a certain magnitude. Ariana, Taylor, The Weeknd, Billie all have a team and a label and publishers and mouths to feed. They don’t have the full creative control as smaller artists do.  I know everyone thinks Taylor is so mighty and powerful but she can’t even release music when she wants to lol her surprise drops have to be approved.  between UMG & republic & her team + coordinating with peers that’s a lot going on behind the scenes.  Look at the disaster of inter scope, artists getting pushed around left and right. Selena unable to release the music she actually wants to release.  All that to say, I think the variants are just the new marketing strategy dreamed up by universal and republic after seeing Olivia rodrigo and a few others be successful with it. They are testing the waters on their biggest artists. 


Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo giving us a variant with all of the bonus tracks on the same album. In this economy? Thank god.


Wellllllll she did that months after release so I don't give her a pass...cuz everyone bought multiple vinyls to get all the bonus songs and then they bought a vinyl that had all four on it. All $ at the end of the day…she got everyone to buy the vinyls with 1 song and then we all bought the vinyls with all 4 lol  Also, olivia/her team made a video promoting the secret tracks right after everyone bought the original without knowing..so a lot of us had to deal with returns and then the vinyls weren't labeled with what bonus track they had. I would have personally loved the option to choose a vinyl that is the original or choose a vinyl where I know the name of the track. but oh well! Taylor will 110% have a vinyl/cd with all the bonus tracks as well. Her and olivia are both under UMG. They'd make ariana do this too but they know she can't sell physicals the same way


1. If she did this, I would immediately cut her off my playlists forever. She’s already a billionaire and hoarding even MORE money so she can come out would be pretty bottom barrel behavior. 2. “She’s always been more about the fans than the money”—this used to be the case but hasn’t been for quite some time. Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I just don’t think Taylor Swift of 2024 is anything like the Taylor Swift of 2009. I understand wanting to try and justify to yourself that Taylor’s a good person, but I think the reality is that persons gone. This whole thing is simply to make money and not anything more than that I’m afraid.




I think maybe she used to be that way? Power corrupts. I think she has changed.


Agreed. She used to do really amazing things for her fans. Paying for tuition, cancer treatment, surprising a couple at their wedding and playing music (can you imagine this happening now? Getting surprised by Taylor swift at your wedding and she plays for free? She would never.) Idk when she stopped caring about fans as much as money. If I had to guess, sometime between red and reputation maybe? And it has just become more evident with every album cycle.


She would 100% play a wedding for free. I just think she is more disconnected from her fans than ever. They feel she is closer because she is "everywhere" but it is not how it once was


I made a comment the other day with this as part of my theory. I also wonder if it could be her team’s compromise for her to be able to come out! We get every cent we can now so that when you come out and sales drop, we have all done well?????


Yess I think this is a possibility 🤔


This is what I've wondered - it's Universal trying to squeeze as much money as possible before Taylor comes out


It’s easy to see why they would want to do this with all the homophobia out there!!!


That’s another good perspective, I rarely think about the business/team side of an artists career because I’m so enthralled by the music and with Taylor especially her lyrics, her stories and all of her easter eggs that lead to more stories 😅 But it IS good to keep in mind that even with Taylor, who likes to have so much control over a lot of aspects of her career/business, she still does have to answer to her team as well.


I think you have a point! And why is she soft launching aspects of Gaylor in the press if she’s never coming out? I put it in another comment yesterday, but my guess is meet me at midnight means she will come out with TS 12!


I agree with the TS 12 theory. I think she’s setting the “scene for the tale” (see Mastermind)


I think it’s sweet you want to find a wholesome way around why she’s doing this but I’m pretty sure it’s just to make money and that’s it. I also am a gaylor that believes she probably won’t ever come out unless her fame drops by another reason. Most artists her age who have come out did so not during the peak of their careers. I don’t think she’ll come out until she’s no longer in the headlines everyday breaking records.


Yeh. She already has enough money for multiple life time. She could come out now and even if most of her fans walked away feeling deceived or because they are bigots, she has enough money to keep making whatever music she likes and to live like royalty for the rest of her days.


It would be easy if she just considered herself only. As it stands, she’s an employer of so many people. She needs to make sure that she has enough to give her employees some generous severance packages when the time comes to downsize the team and lay off people. Because when she comes out, the backlash will be swift and severe. Best believe that a good captain like Taylor would make damn sure all her crew and their families have access to lifeboats. Maybe she has decided to go down with this ship, preparing to leave everyone else safe and stranded.


Ricky Martin’s an interesting case for me. But I think he was so obviously gay that by the time he chose to come out it was a simple “yeah, we know.” I did see that it was his dad (a psychologist) who kept pushing him to do it after he had kids. “What are you going to teach your kids?” I think becoming a parent changed his perspective but I don’t know how that would work for Taylor. I don’t presume to know if she wants marriage and children, tbh.


I never knew that about Ricky Martin’s dad, that sounds so cute. I’ll have to read up on that. I love hearing about parents being accepting and encouraging


Same. I just saw something about it today. He’s promoting his new Apple TV show and talked about it on Andy Cohen’s Sirius XM show. It’s an article on People too.


I know she spoke when she was younger (I wanna say red sort of time) about how her attitude towards having children had changed since experiencing the lack of privacy that fame brings, I can’t imagine that’s changed now she’s got so many more stalkers. I do think she wants to get married based on her lyrics when she’s in love, it still seems to come up a lot.


She has sung about marriage in the past. In several love songs. I think it's definitely something that's among the things she wants for herself. It's also something she could have or could have had. Marriage licences aren't public record in NYC. 🤷


She’s so career driven and I’ve said this before: pop stars rarely bounce back to their peak from marriage and kids. I think Taylor watched a bunch of her peers be “punished” from having a life outside their careers.


I guess it’s possible, but how much more money does she really need? She’s already a billionaire and even just investing a small part of it would set her up for life.


I think this underestimates how much a billion is. She wouldn’t be able to spend it all in her lifetime even if she doesn’t invest a cent, even if she was trying to.


I mean it would be hard to spend a billion, but if you make repeated terrible business decisions it is possible, let’s not forget Elon Musk lost $9 BILLION from buying Twitter.


I mean you can’t spend a billion living your life - if she doesn’t invest a cent. I’m not talking about business. I mean if she retired right now she could not spend all her money if she tried, it’s an obscene amount.


Honestly I just don’t know how true that is, the kind of lifestyle she lives is unbelievably expensive, I mean a weeks vacation to the Bahamas can easily rack up to half a million the way she does it, she has large staffing expenses (security primarily), if her plane breaks a new one is easily in the ballpark of 40million not to mention the costs of maintaining a private plane in the first place. The reason billionaires stay rich is because even mediocre investments/interest rates net them far more than they spend, if she just spent as she wanted with no investments/money management or further income it really is possible to burn through that quicker than people realise in those echelons of society.


Sure she could be spending a million a day and go broke in just under three years. That isn’t any less obscene.


I’m not denying that would be obscene, even having a billion dollars to start with is pretty obscene, I was just refuting your claim that she couldn’t spend that amount in her lifetime if she tried, the kind of money people that rich spend is truly mind boggling.


It’s harder than you would think to spend a billion. She could buy multiple planes, an island or two, mega yachts and still have plenty. https://youngfinances.com/spend-1-billion-dollars-you-cant-heres-why/


Trying to spend a billion from scratch is much harder than simply continuing your lifestyle when you’re used to living like a billionaire though, her day to day expenses would already eat a good chunk of that within a few years.


This isn’t the case - they hoard wealth and it continues accumulating. It doesn’t dwindle even with the excessive lifestyles. She will continue getting richer even if she does go and buy islands and yachts and stops working tomorrow.


I think some of us, myself included, are looking for ways to redeem her in our eyes, and that's what a theory like this does for me: gives me hope that she's had a reason for all these decisions. But as u/Pink_sushi_15 says, it would be super shitty for her to do this. Among all the shitty things she does 😞


Yeah... I have been getting more and more turned off by her and at the same time I just can't look away. I honestly thank all the wealth and power and influence has changed her. It probably would change most of us. Power corrupts. I don't think she's a bad person, but maybe just not as good as she once was.


Power definitely corrupts.


Yeah, I guess I was also viewing it in a hope way like you and didn’t consider the sh*tty viewpoint. Like, hope that it’s not just capitalism getting to her. But I do see the crappy side of it as well :/


Honestly this would be a shitty thing for her to do. Trying to leech as much money as possible from fans before coming out and potentially losing them. She’s already a billionaire. She could not make another cent for the rest of her life and still be completely set in a life of luxury. She is obviously doing this to make money but I don’t think the reason for it is that she’s planning on coming out.


Yeah she’s got plenty of money right now, I think it’s just shitty of her with or without an explanation beyond capitalism


Bettygate was an incident that occurred in August 2020, shortly after *folklore* was released, where several sapphic Gaylors (some of whom were minors) were outed for expressing the belief that the song "betty" might have queer themes. When Taylor stated in an interview that "betty" was from the perspective of a 17-year-old boy named James, some Swifties took this as their cue to dox and harass Gaylors on Twitter. The incident has become a point of collective trauma for the community, causing many Gaylors to harbor anxiety around speaking too openly about queer themes in Taylor's music, or sharing too much identifying information online. Taylor never commented on the incident. [Review our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaylorswift/about/rules) and [Sub Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/wiki/rules/read-first). If your post is low-effort or excessively negative, post in our [Weekly Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/collection/110a412d-5ecb-4a02-9c3d-9db7a45f961a). Visit our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/wiki/index/keygaylorinfo) for answers to commonly asked questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*