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https://preview.redd.it/4yqnzwwhwe6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef7eed8264af1fb5e413a459ffa32b69516bb49e guys


You're the west village, you still do it for me baby ❤️


And look at that beautiful garden gate!


Perfect for sneaking in during the summer


Even my non Gaylor friends think Cornelia street is about Karlie. Todays mashup was such a confirmation though. The lips I used to call home.




That’s a really good point and a reminder to not get too caught up in the who’s it about. I should rephrase, I think Cornelia street and Maroon are about the same muse.


Well she does say “we were a fresh page on the desk filling in the blanks as we go” could also mean a fresh start to an old relationship. The line “this city screams your name” and Karlie was seen at the Cornelia Street apartment.


I never noticed the link between those lyrics and “ get it off my desk. “


I didn’t either until I was typing out the lyrics.


I’ve been wondering this too cuz it even sounds like there’s two muses in rep.




I’m starting to wonder if we haven’t caught on to a potential muse yet. It’s clear her later albums starting from folklore spill all her muses to us. She keeps going back to that love triangle that makes me question if she really only ever had one or two real muses. In folklore she talks of a young love that didn’t work, Peter losing Wendy, but she came back to this person. This could be the muse in getaway car, the one she keeps leaving behind but is the love of her life. The confusing thing is that this also sounds like the muse from ready for it, the criminal/ Bonnie and Clyde… but here she’s asking if they want to be by her side. Getaway car has always seemed like a significant past event for Taylor and def not from rep era. So were they talking again in 2017? So was she back with this person during rep? Or maybe they just had a rekindling? Delicate could honestly be her talking to this person again asking if they wanna try again even when her rep is at its worst. It’s delicate cuz they’ve walked this line before. But it sounds like Taylor was with someone else at the moment which is why rep has two muses. New Year’s Day almost sounds reminiscing of the past. Could she be conflicted because she’s with another person? She clearly thinks this other person is gorgeous and might even have a good relationship with them. But the twin flame bruise was always there for Taylor. She keeps getting dragged back. The eye colors are def confusing but it seems the love of her life has green eyes. And this other person has blue eyes. What if Lover wasn’t about a new lover? What if Lover is about finding that person again after a long time? When she says I’ve loved you 20 secs or 20 years… what if this is a childhood lover. Then all the high school teenage references would make sense. (Betty, Cardigan, Miss Americana, So High School…etc) She meets this person after all this time and tells them “I rent a place on Cornelia street” they go back and rekindle their relationship… Afterglow clearly references getaway car which could mean that Taylor is begging this person to come back into her life and not be “just friends”. False god seems to sum this up. So they rekindled at some point I’m guessing rep era…might’ve broken up again and got back together? I honestly don’t think lover is about karlie or joe for a matter of fact. It’s seems to be about someone way before them. I would say dianna but it seems like this was even before her. Have we not found this muse yet? It seems really turbulent ngl but it’s possible Taylor broke up with this person end of 2013-2014, then we got karlie who she dates till maybe 2016-2017. Karlie gets married, Taylor comes back to this person.




Omg I’m so glad you enjoy reading my theory cuz I def enjoyed yours so thanks for ur long posts as well. Im so glad you asked about lily cuz I don’t actually think Taylor dated Karlie at all. I’ve been saying that Taylor has male and female beards. Both Dianna and Karlie seem to be for the media. Taylor’s muses are behind the scenes. So we established rep and lover seem to have two muses. I can def see lily as the ocean blue eyes muse and the new lover in rep. It fits the whole London boy scenario. However this muse does not actually seem to play a huge role in shaping who Taylor is. I feel like we have to go back to her “golden age” which is around fearless/ speak now. My best guess would be lily is the “other girl” in the one. In the end Taylor doesn’t choose her. I only say this because Lily isn’t referenced much in the later albums. It’s implied Taylor always chose her first muse. Some Tily evidence also overlaps with her first muse. If she did date lily she def used her for preparation leading up to the whole reset. What people don’t actually realize is that Midnights and the Glitch were meticulously planned since Speak Now. Taylor has been using her writing to communicate with her muse, hence they have paper rings. It’s confirmed in ttpd that her main muse is a writer/ poet as well. Finding lyric parallels would be really important. She uses her beards music to talk to her lover. This starts with John Mayer in 2009 when their song half of my heart came out and we have our first mention of “paper rings”. Adam from Owl city wrote Taylor that love letter for enchanted where he says he’s “waiting for the clock to toll midnight”. This is in 2011. The whole William Bowery scenario confirms her muse is American. This muse has to be in Taylor’s tight knit circle and has to be a writer. Taylor’s young love is her twin flame. No matter how good her future relationships could be she always runs back to this person. They are the king and queen who rule their kingdom. They are the criminals who want to run away together but get caught. This is her Betty and she’s from her childhood. They are the tortured poets and masterminds who have planned this entire glitch together. Astrological events are very important in this reset, it explains it all. 2190 days before was the bloodlit moon. This is an eclipse. The sun and moon are aligned. So basically she is coming together with this person now. She did her time so she’s publicly able to be with this person. This entire thing is about “red and blue” coming together. If Taylor is red we gotta figure out who her “blue” muse is. One super loud mashup she did was back on rep tour when she sang long live/ new years days right after getaway car interlude/ why she disappeared speech. This sealed the deal that long live is the same muse from getaway car. If this is the case then it’s the same muse from afterglow and like the majority of folklore. Folklore is about forbidden young love and triangles so it adds up. Then omg the bolter clearly tells us who this person is. How have we not caught on??? The narrative she’s put up this whole time will fall cuz she’s finally choosing her true self. Castles crumbling is a very loud song which means she knew from the start in speak now she would do this later on. We have seen her beards post about this recently. Karma is coming. She will be seen with her muse more now. I think we have already seen them out and about. People don’t speculate because it doesn’t seem to cross anyone’s mind at the moment but Taylor is getting loud. I have a good guess of who it is but people tend to reject this theory because to them there’s no proof. Like I said look at lyric parallels you’ll have all the proof you need. The parallels we believe are with Karlie and Dianna could be linked back this person. To me Karlie is simply the red herring crook who got caught.




Lmao it’s so complicated. I’ve come to realize Taylor does not do coincidences. If she wanted to keep a relationship secret she would never let anything slip. Imma def not deny Kaylor but it almost seems to be too out there. Lily is more plausible cuz she’s communicating very subtly. She said in rep prologue that people will be scouring the internet and not find the muse. Karlie could honestly just be a part of the plan cuz she’s in the spotlight. Ur right about the touchiness tho it seems to toe the line. But look at her with Travis… If midnights was the goal from the start why release an album like lover? We even got the wall from the man that confirms karma is coming. I don’t think it was a failed coming out I think it was helping fans warm up to the reset. Clearly people still reject it but to the ones who actually listened we understand. Emily seems like an infatuation more than a relationship. I don’t think it’s Emily. By solely analyzing her writing, the person in her inner circle that fits and has the most parallels is actually Lana Del Rey. We never questioned her at all to be a muse just cuz we all thought she was straight and they are never seen together. It’s crazy cuz I found out they grew up together so why are they only seen together now? They’ve been in the same circle forever, same producer who seems to love working with gay women. I don’t even know where to start when I say they are talking thru their lyrics. Same themes, same places, same plot. Taylor references off to the races in the bolter which is crazy. Off to races talks of Lana’s lover being a “thief”, they drink champagne and get high on lilac fumes. Then ofc we got the getaway car connections from speak now till ttpd. Matty suddenly in the picture makes sense cuz he’s prolly a cover for Lana. If Lana is her twin flame then they’d be opposites. There’s the metaphor of the sun and moon aligning. Look at their Grammy appearance. It’s yin and yang. Lana could def be her blue muse considering she calls herself “Bonnie’s blue” The whole Grammy’s speech where she dragged her up was giving, “when I walked up to the podium I think I forgot to say ur name”… so imma make a whole show outta it now and very loudly call you out. So it’s possible she’s William Bowery. Ik there’s no masterpost on this but the amount of evidence is jarring when u go down the rabbit hole.


I've always thought this. Reputation makes perfect sense if you're one of the vast minority of people in this sub who think she's bisexual; in that case, it's about the transition from being in a relationship with Karlie to being in one with Joe and every single lyric makes perfect sense.


I love hearing new theories cuz a lot of ppl in this sub seem very adamant on who her muses are. I’ve always seen the lover she left in getaway car as the muse from ready for it. The problem with both Joe and Karlie is that this points back to speak now and the heist. And if u go all the way back to that era it seems like she’s planned rep and midnights since speak now??? The math ain’t mathing most of the time 😩


While it's kind of hard to believe Cornelia Street is about Joe, CS \*is\* about a new relationship, and there's literally no scenario in which she would have to tell Karlie "I rent a place on Cornelia Street."


Unless they fell out and reconnected


That is insane! I’m crying


Dead. I was thinking those songs are so Karlie. On the floor.


she's so loud I just don't get how other people can't tell


i’ve already seen so many “she’s trying to tell us maroon was about joe” comments, meaning they think mashups HAVE to be connected. but when she does inthaf x dorothea.. there’s no connection????? the double standard is killing me


Ugh I saw those comments too! Because NYC totally screams Joe’s name and men usually have maroon lips….🙄🙄 /s


The double standards are what the hetlors are known for. The rules are; it totally makes sense if it can connect to a man. It’s just a coincidence if it could be gay. Taylor’s lyrics, clothes, wearing goddamn rainbows for over a decade is just a coincidence everything else is “she’s a mastermind!”


Except when the colors are yellow/gold and red then she means the Chiefs 💀🤡


Flew here for this!!! Also what a good mashup theories aside the transition was so clean and I'm so happy it was on piano just a beautiful performance especially coming off the energy of the guitar mashup it was chefs kiss.


If one thing Taylor gonna do is sing maroon 🤪 no like there’s no denying who maroon is about now…


They’re still gonna claim that Cornelia street is about Joe 🙃


I know… but didn’t they claim maroon is about Matty? Even saw some claim it was about Jake! Like their muses never match up but you know whose timelines always do? 😌😌




Lmao fr I just had someone question my sanity for trying to tell them it ain’t about Joe


At this point add Maroon to the setlist! Or she's just gonna sing it another 20 times lol


I wish she would!!


The way I almost broke my neck running here 💀💀


At this point we might as well be clowning for our dream sapphic song mashups, blondie might actually play them


Just make a semi hidden thread (is that possible) and people put in their requests and see if she does them. A part of me wishes/hopes that Taylor is on these threads with us just watching to see what we pick up.


I broke my leg running over here


I became a gaylor right after I broke my leg last year ☠️


Lmaoooo same


Can't wait for the hetlors to explain this as by their theory Maroon is for Matty and Cornelia street is Joe 🤣


"It's bc she thought each was the one but now she's head over heels for Travis 😍😍" 😂😂😂


It's to say goodbye to both and embrace her one true love Travis baby. It proves secret engagement.


I was manifesting Cornelia street for my show on the 30th looks like I have nothing to live for anymore


you did TOO good of a job manifesting, it got here too soon. Next time ease off a bit, and you're golden.


😭😭💀 I’m going 18th and I would die to have this




Came straight here!!! My N3 songs in Edinburgh to watching that on a grainy live tonight I have died dead


[here's the video!](https://x.com/tswifterastour/status/1801373858026635508?s=09)


Oh she’s 🌈


I cracked the road running here


And my clown shoes are BACK ON


I'll meet you at the tent with the white paint and red noses!


She did this knowing everyoneee was watching for some sort of announcement


Pink and purple and blue songs ❤️


And the blue and purple(pink) lights when she sang Cornelia StreetxMaroon…?


https://preview.redd.it/804mlyriwe6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5343042698c3e3b930d76869d473d3bdfe3bed WTF?!?! 🤯




I was expecting something for the 100 show and 13th date but did u guys see the main screen went off during Karma. I'm clowning here but..


It totally glitched and was a black dead screen when she sang karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me … there’s no guy on the screen


Blank screen?! Omg! Dying to see it. And she didn’t say the “guy on the chiefs” line!!! Dying!!!


Do you have a link to the Karma song or the Midnights set? I was so bummed after the surprise songs with no announcement, so I just turned it off.


I don’t I was watching the livestream but I feel like people who were there recording will post. It looked like the main screen and the floor screen went out and people were saying the bracelets also stopped working but I don’t know that part. I definitely saw the main screen and floor screens glitch out, go black for maybe about a minute and then they did come back on as everyone was bowing. No one on stage seemed to react to the glitch or blank screens. Edit to add: I also heard a weird beeping sound as the glitch was happening






All dropped out during Mastermind…What if I told you none of it was accidental 😉 Hoping it was a legitimate outage as a bit unfair to those in audience to lose all screens for the glitch for that amount of time.


Link Link Link Link! Please




Kaylor confirmed


Karlie kind of kind of sounds like scarlet btw


I sprinted here faster than I did in 4th grade for track and field day


god it hurts to see others live your dream


I need False God and so it goes next


We were screaming on the outside and a couple girls by me were in tears 🫠


Oh she’s being SO loud lately


The most absurd thought is that either of these things could ever be about Joe Alwyn. Plainest man to ever live. These songs have way too much passion in them to be about any of her male muses. KK is the one.


And it’s June too!!


The 13th of June and her 100th show!


I’ve been screaming crying & throwing up at losing a mashup like that


This was really satisfying for me as the two songs were always connected in my mind ❤️❤️


Same! The "I hope I never lose you" and "And I, lost you: have always been the same person in my mind ❤️❤️


Loss of my life 🥺






not me working myself into tears thinking about how cornelia street also has to represent the period in her life where she thought she was going to come out, it was right near stonewall/in a gayborhood, and then she had to literally sell and walk away from it all


She didn't have to sell; she never owned it. It was a temporary rental while work was done on her Tribeca apartment.


If she mashes up ME! x YOYOK… Dead. 😭


I won't survive that one


The "my beloved ghost and me" line from how did it end always makes me think of ME! and the ghost of her out self she never got to meet


s c r e a m i n g at this mashup during Pride Month. she gave s o m a n y s i g n s


Screaming. Crying. Throwing up. Omgggggh


It was rare I was there! I heard Karlie’s name being said a lot!




Didn't she like just sign Maroon too? Like few shows ago? There were ao many options but she went with Maroon lol


We went on the Friday and got Gold Rush and The Great War which disappointed me really. Awesome show, unreal night. But those are not two of my faves






Guys I’m scared