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Various members of the GOP have been warming up to a Trump-esqe “Tough love” attitude towards NATO and various American Allies. It it their belief that constantly providing funds and weapons to various countries and engaging in proxy wars keeps the United state’s Allies complacent and unmotivated in ramping up their own defense. This was most visible during the trump presidency where he implored NATO to reach their 2% budgetary goal while threatening to leave the alliance in order to show how dependent they are on American defense. A solid majority of Republicans in the house still respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and believe they should continue fighting, but for many, they want the US to spend more on itself and let Europe deal with its own problems. I disagree with this non-interventionalist attitude but it is a reasonable one to take after years of proxy wars with little to show for it besides negative public reception.


The other reason is China. Now a lot of what has been revealed about Russian weakness is probably true about China, but the general consensus is that China is a tougher long term opponent than Russia. This isn't my view, but it is an arguable point that it seems ridiculous that the US is expected to stare down Russia when the EU alone should be able to mightily trounce them in economic and military output and subsequent support for Ukraine, which would leave the US free to gear up for a possible stare down/show down with China. So its not just isolationists who take this view. Russia really is in its death throes of delusional imperialism. They 100% aren't going to win as they imagined in Ukraine and whatever comes after Putin is going to either have to capitulate their revanchist ideology or go full North Korea (which is to say, functionally contained shithole). China might be in the same spot due to demographic changes in like 50 years, but for now they have enough maneuver room to seriously plunge this century into violence and darkness.


Tankies when Orc land Ruzzia invades Ukraine 'NOOOO its not Imperialism!!!! Putler is just doing a SpEciAL MiLLiTaRy OpErAtiOn, it's not a war!!!! It is all for security reasons and to get rid of the Nazis!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


China bouta collapse. Trust me, I'm the CIA bot. I know everything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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you summed it up perfectly


It’s complicated. Some of the members of the GOP that have been around for awhile support Ukraine. The populist republicans don’t really support it. Ukraine war is viewed as a war for the global elite, therefore they don’t support it


And what's the overall majority?


Majority of GOP Politicians support ukraine I would say the GOP voter base is mostly indifferent/against the war


Well it's the politicians who make decisions so I guess that's good


How is that good unless you like blood and corruption? Wasting billions during the midst of record inflation to escalate a regional conflict between sovereign nations against the side with the largest stock of nuclear weapons on the planet. If that's good is world war and nuclear holocaust great?


Russia is the one fueling blood and corruption. If we let them succed in Ukraine they will go for someone else. Putin is an imperialist, he won't just stop at Ukraine. This isn't about escalating a conflict, its' about not letting a tyrant live out his brutal and inhumane fantasies.


Maybe but he seems to be sticking to what he told the people of the world during the initial actions. Meanwhile the political class in the US have been hiding behind such hyperbolic rhetoric and won't even acknowledge involvement irresponsible actions that have been provoking ongoing fighting with the Russians and contributing to the overwhelming corruption of the Ukraine government including planting their messed up kids in unqualified positions in the region for kickbacks.


So we should just sit back and appease Russia? We tried that in 1939. We know where that went.


More a resemblance to the puffed up rhetoric and saber rattling that made the first world war inevitable. If anything the US being situated so far outside the region should be working towards mitigation of peace not prolonging bloodshed.


Again, 1939. You're literally describing Chamberlain allowing Hitler to take Austria and the Sudetenland.


Our country was founded on fighting for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness against superpowers. Not supporting Ukraine is spitting on the graves of our forefathers.


*Alrighty then...*


Op isn’t even American


Ya… we kinda dont like the roll over and die, thing


What does against the war mean here? It wasnt an American decision


Against the war means “we shouldn’t be dumping billions to fund the Ukrainians and just stay out of it” I do have to say that specific opinion is the minority of republicans and most of them ardently support the dumping more money into the war. Even from a non-moral standpoint the US gets to test its weapons against the enemy they were designed for, literally no downside except for a potential nuclear war.


This makes sense. If we let someone else test our guns, we learn their power without risking repricussions


I mean, the Americans are heavily funding the war. Some think it’s not smart to be sending as much money as we have when we have our own problems.


But pulling funding wouldn’t end the war. Conflicts don’t magically end this way.


I think OP meant that most GOP voters are against American involvement in the war, and either don’t care about what happens to Ukraine/supports Russia


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That's literally the opposite of what polling says but thanks for sharing your feelings on this.


The people who are “not pro Ukraine” are typically still routing for Ukraine to win but think it’s not our problem and tend to be against intervention in general


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Good point


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It’s more that I support Russia losing. I’m not going to act like Ukraine is some bastion of democratic virtue that is a light in the darkness of Eastern Europe. More like too weak to ever be a threat to global peace but strong enough to give Russia the hands and prevent them from conquering the independent states of Eastern Europe. I love to see anyone stand for their country and make Russia bleed for its crimes but I don’t support US boots on the ground in this fight. Send them arms and armor and let Russia pay for invading a country that wants to be independent.


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Yes, but want to keep a careful eye on where a lot of these weapons and money are actually going. Ukraine is a democratic country but it is corrupt and full of oligarchs. (Still better than Russia)


America made the same mistake with Afghanistan. Sending weapons to the wrong people just becuase "enemy of my enemy is my friend"


The big difference between those radical Islamists and the Ukraine government, is that Islamists' foundation belief is very anti-west, anti-Christian, and anti-Zionist narrative. They believe non-Muslim countries have no business in the middle east and in any Muslim country. Plus we didn't directly fund Mujahideen, we trusted Pakistan to supply Afgan fReEdOM FiGhtErs with our money and equipment. Unfortunately, radical Islamist groups were heavily favored instead. The point I'm trying to make is that there's no religious radical belief or cultural motivation to hate the west in Ukraine. The USA government works closely with Ukraine. Currently, Ukraine is trying to make it to the EU, becoming more westernized. Matter of fact Saudi Arabia's Prince never wanted any business with America originally. At this moment Saudi Arabia wasn't an oil nation yet, still poor as well. One day USA offers the royal family that we can go in to look for oil, in exchange for closer ties and make his nation rich. Of course, royal family didn't want to miss an opportunity to become rich. Once the Soviet Afghanistan war kicked off, many Jihadists claimed Christians were waging war against Islam. Funny enough Soviet Union🤮 was an atheist government. That fool Bin Laden🤮🤮🤮🤮 from Saudi Arabia had the same thought, then join the war. The Islamist idea that the west as a Christian nation has no business in the middle east business carried on heavy in Bid Laden. So much of it is what led to the 9/11 attacks. This is in contrast to Bin Laden's father who was rich from doing business with America. The family network was about 7 billion in 2019 and was named the 5th wealthiest family in Saudi Arabia.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


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I think it's more along the lines of "we spend enough money on foreign countries' defenses"


So would they stop sending weapons?


Potentially, if they gain a majority in the house.


That doesn't sound too good


Maybe not for Ukraine


Not just for Ukraine


Well, maybe Germany and other European countries should pitch in or stop funding Russia


Definitely, but just because others don't doesn't mean America shouldn't


We sent more than anyone else. Time for other countries to join


Everyone should join, but it's important that we don't stop


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We spend more per capita than most European nations in the Ukraine war. They need to step it up and stop funding Russia.


Europe is not reliable on that. Germany is still buying Russian gas. Biden said it himself while he was a Senator during the war in Yugoslavia while the serbs were committing a genocide: *"Europe can not stay united without the United States. There is no moral centre in Europe! When in the last 2 centuries have the French, or the British, or the Germans, or the Belgians, or the Italians, moved in a way to unify that continent to stand up to this kind of genocide? The only reason anything is happening now is because the United States of America is finally, finally, understanding her role."*


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Let’s acknowledge as well there is a difference between supporting the spirit of Ukraines fight and the idea of a potential democracy versus actually sending young Americans to die for said potential democracy of another countries people.


The idea of intervention in Ukraine is very unlikely. I hear some say giving weapons to Ukraine will force R*zzia to declare war on America. That is very unlikely. Both countries don't want war, especially R*zzia would get the body by the USA. Historically in the cold war, both sides poke at each other as far without engaging in war. Berlin airlift crisis, Soviets blockade west Berlin. America gave the middle finger and still did air drops to supply the people. Keep in mind the Stalin era. Korean War, some Soviets pilots became volunteers in the North Korean air force. Supplied both North Vietnam and Korea during the wars. USA involvement in Soviet Afgan war was big on getting revenge for the Vietnam war


I’m sure Russia planned on USA sending weapons


Yes, but we don’t want to blindly give the money.


Overwhelmingly yes beside some more fringe figures. I’m a Republican, my friends are Republican, my family is Republican, we know only one family who is anti Ukraine and it’s because they are genuinely one of the most batshit crazy people we know in general


I'm a Republican who supports Ukraine. What I've noticed in Reps. that don't support Ukraine was that they don't support the country because America spends a lot of money for Ukraine and some of them think supporting Ukraine is too hyped by liberals and want to piss them off by supporting Russia (which is bs.) I do think that America is spending too much money on Ukraine but that doesn't mean I don't support their freedom as a country from the Russian invasion.


Which is crazy because most of our aid in dollar amount comes from donated equipment. We have given them very little in actual cash relative to out gdp. We're basically just crowdfunding the destruction of half the reason we have a military right now. If anything it's more fiscally responsible than going to war ourselves.


Funding Ukraine is not just defending Ukraine, it's fighting Russia itself. Let them get bogged down into a quagmire they can not win, all the while their coffers dry under sanctions. Europe that was always so scared of Russia can finally have some relief once a russian invasion in the rest of the continent is no longer a threat.




And how the fuck am I an illegal immigrant? I and my family processed papers and paid to come here in America, which is in case you didn't know, is legal. Are you just a mad SJW who can't process that non-white people can be Republicans that's why you start to imply that I'm an illegal which I and my family are clearly not?


Is this why Trump was encouraging everyone to become self-sufficient in defense related matters??


What do you mean?


Back around 2017, Trump had a meeting with German leaders and warned them that their energy dependency on Russia was a threat to their sovereignty. They laughed at him. There's a video floating around it there of it. Edit: The laughing stuff came from a bunch of Germans analyzing the meeting overall so I'll take that on the nose. Here's the near prophetic meeting in question. https://youtu.be/9LLZBVTid4I


He was right. But doesn't praise Putin for being a strong leader?


Anyone who says Putin is dumb/not intelligent is severely underestimating him. Trump simply recognized how smart and manipulative Putin is, and therefore never underestimated him. Putin successfully swindled and manipulated the West ever since he came to office as ‘President’. There’s plenty of clips of old western leaders (Bush, Merkel, old French and British PMs) who all say that “Putin is a good man who I absolutely trust,etc.”. I recently saw a compilation clip by the New York Times that showed all the times Western leaders fell for Putin’s manipulation. I think it was called “Putin swindling the West for the past 20 years” or something.


Idk man. You can recognize somebody as being efficient at their job and still despise them for doing it or how they do it. Anyone that thinks Mitch McConnell isn't amazing in both majority and minority Senate leader roles is straight up stupid in my opinion. Doesn't mean I don't absolutely despise him for how he does it or what he's pushing.


I think most do, they just think the US should focus on its own problems first.


Fair point but multitasking is key


actually…. not. quite the opposite in fact, multitasking increases the risk of dementia


I think most do, but there are a sizeable number who are genuinely concerned about the possibility of runaway escalation. That goes for Taiwan as well.


“pussy eater”




Establishment GOP supports Ukraine Trumples and other populist losers don’t


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Moderate Republicans do, but unfortunately there's a growing wing of crazies in the GOP who think the US should isolate itself which directly or indirectly supports Russia and China. The US has pretty much been the world police since 1945. So we're talking about 77 years of foreign policy that some Republicans want to undo in 1-2 presidential terms. Lessening the world's dependence on America is a matter of debate but anyone who is rational should understand it should be gradually over a period of time and not instantaneously because that's how you get a power vacuum that gets filled by the Russians or Chinese.


no, they’re a bunch of bitches who suck on russian money


A slim majority of Republican voters support our aid to Ukraine (52%). Im one of them. I used to be in the non-interventionist camp, but Afghanistan changed how I look at things. It’s pretty obvious that peace AND liberal democracy/self-autonomy in Europe is in our best interest.


Eh they’re too busy looking up conspiracy theories and simping for Trump, and I say this as an annoyed Republican.


A lot of populist republicans don’t support it because they like Russia. You fuckers know I’m right.




Yeah, it kinda sucks.


You have a dumb take I’m not agreeing with you


Naw, they make it obvious. They flew Z flags.


Totally man 🙄


[It isn’t new. Let me help you to see.](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/320997-cpac-attendees-seen-waiving-russian-flags/)


10 second clip and I didn’t even see a flag. Dosent define a whole demographic


I’m pretty solidly in the GOP camp, as are a lot of people I know- the only anti-Ukraine people I know are more into Qanon than actual politics. Then again, most the far-left dems seem opposed to it too.


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\*most\* GOP supporters (and id say 55-60% of gop politicians) support ukraine, but theres some more far-right dudes that support russia (especially GOP politicians like MTG, Majorlie Taylor Greene is her name i think), trump himself and some of his close allies are pretty indiferrent on the war.


lets say 65% of GOP supporters do support ukraine, most of the rest is indiferrent to it, and a minority is pro-russia (Qanon maga anti-vaxx idiots that think putler will "destroy biolabs that make the vaxx!!!!!!"), same goes for GOP politicians, 55-60% support ukraine, although the number of pro-russian politicians is higher in the GOP, id say they still are a minority, most are indifferent or just align slightly to russia (ex: trumpler himself, although he was pretty pro-russian before the war, he just changed now to avoid some controversy).


Not officially


GOP - yes. GQP - no. Hopefully the latter works itself out of the system in the next 20 years.




Why the fuck is this question stupid?


It's hard to say they do when Trump basically backs Russia in all of this an were dead silent when he started withholding military aide. They might say they support Ukraine, but their actions tell a different story.








Depends on where they fall on the spectrum. The ones that lean more center definitely do. In truth I suspect most if not nearly all of them do, but local politics from where they come from may make them say otherwise.


As a whole, undoubtedly, but there is a very vocal pro-Putin contigent in the GOP.


Many of them don’t, many of them support Russia for some reason. Some however do.


Depends. I remember seeing a decent amount of Anti Ukraine GOP sentiment at the beginning of the war but once they noticed that Ukraine had the support of the people they flipped. Tbh I dunno if they genuinely support Ukraine but they are backing Ukraine now.


These responses are bullshit. I’m a former Republican. Every sane Republican left in 2016. All remaining Republicans are pro-Russian traitors.


The US has spent more per capita than a good number of European neighbors on Ukraine (good job Poland!) GOP doesnt think it’s our responsibility and thinks that how much we’re spending might escalate tensions with us and Russia/possibly China. They compare the spending proposed by Democrats to that of Neocons and compare them to war hawks. Now, if this is what you meant, almost every Republican that cares supports Ukraine winning. Idiots like Tucker Carlson just don’t understand that there’s more than one country in the world, and don’t care at all.


As a Republican myself, I support Ukraine, but I don’t think that we should be putting in to much of our own resources into the war. If anything, we should use our resources to fix the problems we have in our nation, and promote other NATO nations to also chip in.


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