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I just want to say I hate you all - guy who's 48 with gray facial hair


Female here who has been getting random grey chin hairs for years… that’s a hit upon a hit!


… and elsewhere … 😖🫠😒


…and eyebrows. Hell I even have a couple gray eyelashes.


wait, wait. Eyelashes can change color, without makeup? I'm asking because I don't want to spend like 3hrs in front of a mirror trying to figure out how to view my own eyelashes to see if they are graying, if it can't happen for real. ​ Also, facial hair is graying, salt and pepper at the moment. Head hair has just a few grays. Chest hair is stupid and isn't turning gray so much as bleached white. None of it bothers me until manscaping and then I look at the refuse and I'm like, aw man, I think I'm more gray than last time! (2 weeks, every 2 weeks or so)


Omg I had this HUGE grey eyebrow hair. I was like, wtf is this shit? Where did that come from!


Right?! I had a moment of fear that I was turning into Wilford Brimley, and I’m a woman!


I cackled.


I'm a woman with gray facial hair. Menopause is a bitch.


I HATE my facial hair!! I can shave peach fuzz and pluck whitish and dark brown hairs from my chin daily! I can't afford to do anything professionally, and nothing OTC works. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hear you. I bring tweezers for those stubborn chin hairs.


Remember those epilator things that rip hair out? Great for those chin hairs.


I am legit starting a savings account specifically for electrolysis. I met an older woman when I was in my 20s and she recommended it and said she got it for her girls if they wanted it. They were Italian and Greek so she said it was just part of the deal lol. She did it for chin, upper lip, and eyebrows as far as I know.


[This is exactly what you want, the mighty and magical epilator.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Remington-Smooth-Silky-Essential-Epilator-Pink-EP7010F/23422856) Holy shit does it work, and it’s fast.


Thanks!! ☺️




plucking makes the hair turn grey faster just fyi


Gray facial hair? I wish. I'm light haired/light skinned. I got lazy during the pandemic and stopped shaving my legs. It turns out that I don't need to anymore. There is nothing to see there! But now my daily routine is plucking random black hairs from my chin. This is bullshit.


I do at home IPL on my hairs, so I hope I got most of them before they turn grey!




Intermittent Pulsed Light. Laser hair removal.


Ahh!!! Never heard of that before! Thank you for the explanation! ☺️


Same, I’m 48 and my shit is salt and pepper


My husband is the same. His beard was brown and red for a long time. The red all turned white around 45. Oddly, he has zero gray hair on his head!


I started going gray in my early '20s. OP is history's greatest monster.


Hey there. There are a lot of VERY good looking men with gray hair. Distinguished gentlemen. Men age like fine wine.


Go on... I'm listening...


Have you looked at Sebastian Stan recently?


Well, it's true! Would you like me to name a list of men that look like boys until they get into their late 30's or 40's? Examples of good looking distinguished men with gray hair??


George Clooney the ultimate silver fox


Me, im one of them! I can shave the salt n pepper and lose 20 years in appearance, but *everyone* hates it when I do, they prefer the "distinguished" look 🤷🏻‍♂️


Great. I'm a woman, though. Going gray as a woman sucks.


Everything about getting older sucks, especially for women. It's not fair.




im one of those "boys" so i can agree with what your saying lmao. im 31 and look like 23 ish to most people, and i hate it


Hey there. Don't get down on yourself. Think Leonardo in Titanic. Many women swooned over him. He looked very young until his later years.


Sigh...I'm aging like milk over here.


Same. Sending hugs. I'm trying to just stop fighting and turn into the swap hag I'm supposed to be.


I'm a thin biscuit away from leaning into it and becoming the Abe Simpson/Old Man Yells at Cloud meme.


Men look sexy gray! Men do become distinguished. And some women age fantastically. I am not these women!


Yeah, go to hell OP. (kidding) My salt and pepper is more salt now and I’m younger than you, Sham


I love gray beards on men


I have a little gray in my beard, but only one or two gray hairs on my head.


Men tend to show their grays in their facial hair first. I started getting grays in my hair in my 30s. My husband is 3 years younger than me and I always felt jealous of his lack of gray hair. He had never grown a beard and he grew one a few years ago during no shave November. His beard was over 60% gray! NGL, that made me feel a bit better.


Bruh… I’m 51 and have had a Santa Clause beard for almost 20 years now. Hair on top of my head too. It’s mostly all there, but grey AF.




I bet it looks good!!


My wife likes it haha


Well there you go! That's all that matters!


49 and a redhead with no gray. It has faded to a strawberry blonde shade but I haven’t found any true gray yet. My hairdresser said a lot of redheads just fade out to white. We’ll see…


My aunt is a redhead, and, at age 79, her hair is kind of a pale peach color, with no grey.


Redhead here. I stopped coloring it almost a year ago and it's a very light strawberry blonde. I get lots of compliments on it so I'm officially done with expensive salon visits!


I was a toe head child that has turned to a dark dirty blonde that is more of an auburn in the light. Also no real gray but my hair continues to darken as I age.


52 here. Mine seems to be getting darker, too! No gray.


That sounds just like my wife. She's 58 and could pass for 45.


Me too!!!! And how frustrating is that!! Mine is super sensitive to the sun so in the winter people think my hair is red. I thought I was alone in this weirdness.


Finally, someone else who uses the word toe head! 


43f, redhead. No grey, but there's a handful of white hairs scattered amongst the red, which makes my hair look overall a much lighter red than it used to be.


53f dark auburn with 3a curls. No gray hairs. My hair is actually getting darker- almost more brown. And my curls are changing as well. I do have gray hair in my eyebrows and those damn white chin hairs that are like cat whiskers. Husband asked why I was in the bathroom so long because he wanted to start the movie. Just plucking chin hairs honey! That was the first and last time he asked me that!


My paternal grandmother and I both had/have bright auburn hair. She went completely white before she died. I get mine colored every four weeks but I imagine I do have some white in there. My stylist hasn’t noticed any though.


I’m reddish/strawberry blonde and I definitely have some white hairs. However, they look like highlights and just make my overall hair tone lighter. I’ll take it!


51 and my red beard went white a few yrs ago. My red hair faded from dark red to brown and now going white at the temples. And remorselessly spreading. Greying red heads used to get called Sandy in the UK. My kids think the white looks like highlights.


49f, Auburn, no gray, no wrinkles either


I’m 51 and a redhead. My color is for sure fading the older I get. More strawberry blond now. No gray yet.


I just added a separate comment saying pretty much the same thing! Fading from bright RED to strawberry blonde. I think I'm gonna end up pure white and skip the grey.


The middle of my beard on chin went white after having a ginger beard, howrver i seem to have every colour patched into elsewhere


Early 50’s redhead. My hair is still golden retriever red. I’ve never colored it. It’s pretty long. I’ve heard it’s gonna turn white/silver.


Read this as "no gay yet." Can confirm some gay


That is hilarious. I spit out my water! Confirming some gay isn't a bad thing!


Me! I’m 50 and a female. Probably jinxed myself by posting this.


I just replied to another comment and now I’m worried I jinxed myself, too.


I’m 53, today, I’m starting to see some gray in my hair and my beard. My 17yo daughter noticed it a couple of weeks ago, I said it the stress you cause me. 🤣


Happy Birthday 🎂🎈🎁


Thank you!


I’m 46 and still have my dark brown hair. My sister is 45 and is full on silver. Different inherited genes, I guess.


That's interesting. My brother is similar in that he also has no gray, so your sister got the raw end of the deal if she doesn't like the gray.


Oh she loves it. One of her spouse’s coworker’s wives commented on the beautiful dye job she had—she laughed like crazy. It looks like it’s been ombrèd from platinum to steel grey. It’s gorgeous.


That's awesome!! Thanks for sharing!


Goddamn I’m envious. I’ve got gray around my face but I am so ready to go full tilt into my witch era and want it ALL to turn.


Me! I'm 48 and my hair is still black. My dad is 80 and his hair is black with a few white strands.


Having only a little gray hair at 80 seems crazy to me.


My dad walks with cane now but he has a full head of black wavy hair.


Congratulations on your genes :) I'm visiting my wife's grandpa for his 100th birthday in Canada right now. He still lives on his own, takes care of his house, and yesterday he explained to me the instrument cluster on a Flying Fortress. The king and the PM sent him birthday cards. It's amazing to me.


pMy father had full black until 70, now he is pure white. His endocrinologist swears if he didn’t smoke and drink as much he would die with minimal wrinkles  and full head of black hair. I am 46(F) Auburn hair not one grey and one half a wrinkle between my eyes. So.. I  don’t drink and never smoked. My brother god love him, is about 42, temple greys and some under-eye wrinkles. He doesn’t drink or smoke either. But, he has children and more stress than I do in general. I do have chin hairs now, but only about 6. Waxing three times a month is fine. A few years ago, I worked with an American black lady who always asked me: Girl are you sure you aren’t mixed? I said: No, I am milk toast white. 😄


I started going grey in my 20's. At 55, I'm mostly grey. I also have a nice thick, full head of hair. I'll take it over going bald. As a side note, I find women that go grey to be very attractive.


I started going grey in college. Just enough to be aggravating. My uncle, who went to the same college but many years before, was completely white in college. I was terrified it was my immediate fate. It was not back then, but now my stylist says my grey would wash me out with my pasty white skin. :(


I am 58. I am a deep brunette with a Couple silvers and that is it. My mom is 83 and she is the same way


Much gray, no wrinkle


Gray af under my color job. No wrinkles. A little jowly but I'm pushing 60, so...


Same, just a few very fine lines around the eyes. I have chipmunk cheeks and some Italian heritage. My boyfriend has gray basically only at his temples (we’re six months apart in age). He’s blond and it looks really good on him, like highlights.


Yup, I have a little grey but no wrinkles in my mid 40s. I still occasionally get carded!


47M. Still all black. No receding. My facial hair, though, is about 75% white. I color my beard.


Oh I love gray beards on men. Have you ever tried letting it just come in?


How often do you have to colour it? Facial hair grows so fast!


Why not just shave it off?


I don't like my face without it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lol I started getting gray hairs at 18-19.


Same with my sister. I've only gotten them in the past couple of years (mid 40s). Trouble is my hair is dark brown so if I want pink or purple hair I have to bleach it first, if I was prematurely grey I could just slap the fun colour on!


52, zero grays. I have dirty blonde hair.


I am mid 40s and have had grey hairs since 24..... my sister (same parents) is late 40s and no greys. But she also dyes her hair frequently (fun colors) and might have a few, but even when her roots grow out we haven't found any.


56 and no gray.


I’ve been getting silver hair since my 30s. I’m 49 and have finally decided to say fuck it and stop dying my hair. It’s not worth the trouble and it’s been a habit more than anything. No one’s going to care either way. So why should I?


Blasted past grey and going to white.


lol I don’t think I have any hair that isn’t gray left!


They were pulling grays out of my hair in high school. I started dyeing in earnest in my mid twenties and now I am trying to embrace the gray at nearly 50. I even tried to strip it below where my natural gray was growing in and have that dyed silver. It did not work out well and now I have this morass of blondish because silver dye is really hard to do. Now I'm just cutting it shorter and letting it grow in. In another year I will be fully 50% gray and grown in and I'm looking forward to it.


Stick with it, I miss my black hair but no regrets. Love the freedom of not worrying about my roots shining and having to dye them every 2 weeks. I took the long road. I went from skunk to honey badger to a kinda cool white/black dip dye effect and have been fully white for 3 years now.


I’m 53 and just started getting a little grey on my chin.


Me too! That's the only place too and I'm a female! I pluck those suckers. Makes me wonder if I attempted to grow a beard. Would it be gray, and my hair not one strand of gray? I just don't have enough hair on my chin.


Jealous. Found my first gray at 17. 17!!!!! I’m 50% gray now, the other 50% is blonde. So it does look kinda cool. I do love it now but it took me a while to get here. I’m 50.


I have three. I named them after my former manager and team leaders.


My grandmother started going gray at 17, my mother in her 20s. Around 40 I started getting some gray and now, at 48, I have a gray streak on one side kind of like Rogue in X-Men, though not that pronounced or cool looking. More salt and pepper or, at a quick glance, like highlights. I tried mentally rebranding it as 'unicorn hair' but I can't trick myself. There have been times I've seen a long white hair on my clothing and thought, "what old crone shed on my sweater?!" And then I realize it's me!! 😱


My mother in law is 74 without a single gray. Apparently Finnish never gray.


I’m 46 and half Finnish and have no grays, but I also have blonde hair so maybe they just aren’t very visible.


Nice! From what I hear, it’s that characteristic Finnish blond hair that doesn’t gray. That’s what my MIL says, and she’s very proud of it (and rightfully!)


My Finnish mom has told me many times that her aunt who had the same hair color as me never got grays, even when she was in her late eighties, so maybe I will be lucky. 🙂


Oh wow you lucked out! Hope you love coffee, so as not to disappoint your heritage 😉 funny enough, I peeked at your history and we are the same age and from the same place. I bet we know some of the same people. Good to run into a familiar person ❤️


Small world! 🙂 Yes, I definitely love coffee. 🤣😂


I don't! Of course I've been completely bald since my 30's, but I consider that a technicality.


A little bit around the ends near my ears but beyond that it's still mostly brown. I have looked young my entire life so it finally paid off after getting carded routinely until I was 39 years old.


I colored my hair as soon as I saw one gray hair. I will go to my GRAVE with dyed hair. "Strange! No matter how old she was, she always had beautiful brown hair" 😉 My daughters are on board lmao


Lucky 🍀 went gray at 30. I am sure it is pure white by now. Enjoy!!


My family gets gray hair early, and I have at least a few since I was in my 20s. At almost 50, I have a salt and pepper thing going that is mostly salt


Imma piss you all off: 59F with maybe 2 or 3 silver hairs among my reddish light brown hair.


Early 50’s. A couple of grey hairs I see coming in. I have dark brown hair that I inherited from a grandmother. She had this color into her 70’s, and started greying in her low mid 70’s. My father is now late 70’s, and maybe 1/2 grey now. Just the last two years I have found a couple of greys, but nothing near enough for me to lose my natural color and get into coloring them at this point. I’m still sporting the natural color and hoping for the same genetics as my dad’s side. Just going to ride it out.


Dark hair, 47, minimal gray. I pluck the few along my hairline from time-to-time, but that's about it. Generally speaking my grays are unnoticeable.


I started going grey around 25 and kept my hair dyed crazy colors until lockdown. I just let it grow and found that I have greyed very well! I still dye the underlayer purple sometimes but it looks good with the top layer being greying bunette. My husband on the other hand is, let's just say not 25 and he has the mildest greying at the back. And BOTH of his parents have been salt and pepper since they were in their early 20s so he is part of your tribe, OP.


You know, some people have the most gorgeous gray hair. Spending the money to keep it colored and maintained is a lot! You can use a toning purple gloss on it every now and then, and it would feel luxurious! You're only 25, it certainly is not aging you!


I'm 47 and just have a few grays by my ears. I have lighter hair so it's not very apparent. It's getting a bit lighter overall so I probably have more grays distributed around.


Almost 54F and I had tinsel at my temples and scattered on top. I was proud of it growing in. My mom passed near her 51st, and I feel privileged to make nearly 54! Last month, I went vibrant. Pink and orange, just underneath with some rich brown over everything else. It looks so freaking awesome, I love it!


I hate all of you. I got my first gray hair as a teen, and am mostly white haired at 52 under the hair dye, because my husband is youthful looking and has almost no gray, so if I go natural I will look like his grandma.


I'm on a few grey groups and disagree that going grey instantly ages you. We have beautiful...stunning actually...women from their 20s to their 70s who are rocking the grey - long mermaid waves, locs, afros, braids, pixies, mohawks, blunt bobs. The key is the cut. If you stick a Golden Girls style on any of us we'd age by a decade instantly, regardless of the colour. I'd go so far as to say some of them look younger. Our skin tone changes as we age, their grey has softened the one dimensional dye job and works with their skin tone. Me? I don't think I look any older or younger. I have the same 51 year old face regardless. No shade intended, if you enjoy colouring your hair do what makes you feel good! I just wanted to address the myth that grey automatically makes you look older than you are.


48 and no gray, but my parents both didn't go gray until their late 60s. Getting ye olde male pattern thinning at the temples, though. I guess it's time, I can't pass for 35 forever.


I’m 47 and have dark brown naturally curly hair. I only have a few grays that I’ve had since my 20s. Nothing noticeable.


I’m 57 and lighten my dishwater blond hair. The roots keep coming in dark with no gray. So no grays yet but I keep expecting them!


Mid 40's no gray. My mom was late for gray, my father was early, so looks like mom genes win! (I totally look like my mom!) P.S. I kinda love gray hair 🩶


I’m a 54 male no grey on head. All grey in beard?


My silent generation mom was completely grey by the time she as 30. I was born when she was 36 & had stopped coloring her hair, so I always thought it was stunning. I still do, on others and on me. 👍


I'm 55 and could count on one hand how many gray hairs I have... my Grandmother had a hint of brown hair at 101...so I guess I have her to thank.


I have some grays, but very few (53). My mom is 87 and still not fully gray. Her hair color is really beautiful - soft brown, red, and gray.


I'm mid-50s and no gray at all, but I'm also pretty much bald on top, so it's a tradeoff. Most of my age-cohort friends are gary/graying, and I'm personally happy that they are letting themselves go gray. It looks good-- much better than the obviously fake colorization people used to adopt to try to hide it.


My grandma went white - beautiful white, not grey - and her hair was gorgeous until the day she passed away. I’m envious because I’m fair (blonde with a lot of natural red) but the greys are coming in GREY and ugly. So now I’m dying my hair auburn. It works with the natural red so I’m not fighting dark roots to stay blonde 😒


I started going gray in my twenties, like my father's entire family. I only recently stopped coloring my hair, because I just don't have the energy anymore. My maternal grandfather, however, died in his sixties without a single gray hair.


53 and I have 3 silver hairs on top of my head. My maternal grandparents had dark hair into their 90s. I don’t know what mom had because she always highlighted/colored her hair.


I have a few grey hairs, but it’s not really that noticeable. (My mom still has dark hair, and she’s almost 90.)


Salt and Pepper beard. Bald head.


Not gone grey - 56. But as like u/geowoman my facial hair weirdly has. Means if I miss any they glint in the sunlight. Beautiful. /s


54 male and zero gray! Thanks to the shampoo I use twice a week. 😂 But I was about 40% grey before.


According to me, that is NOT cheating! You are not gray! I use glosses in my hair. They come in colors as well. Do you use something like that?


I have a few in my fringe and lengths but nothing that a fella in an airplane would notice and I'm 47 now


But what if he forgot his computer/tablet/phone and has nothing to read and can see your head, but has nothing to do but count them? Then what? I was of Course JOKING there. I don't want to give you a complex!


No gray here at 49. My husband is 50 and has none either.


I have no gray hair, I am 47. My best friend, same age, is completely white/gray. Super odd. But, my dad didn't start getting any gray until he was in his mid 50s so maybe it will be that way for me too.


I'm 39 and my roots seem to be going darker, no grey hair just yet my hairdresser has a look everytime I go. My grandma went a dark grey with very little white. I wonder if I will go the same way.


48 very few gray hairs https://preview.redd.it/0ftro5lpdjsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=de333346abd754a35ef501fc5f841bbe79bd6815


I am 71 and have no gray hair. My mother wasn't gray at 78 when she passed away. My grandmother at 100 years old was only half gray. Her nursing staff was always brushing her hair because they were so shocked and wanted her hair to look beautiful.


I am 60 years old man and I have very little gray hair, some people is insinuating I am even dying my hair brown (my natural color) 😂.. I don't know why it didn't turn gray but I take it..


I will be 51 next month, I have some gray hair but not much. If I recall correct my mother had little gray at my age. A few years back I decided to stop highlighting my hair and just let it come in how it's going to grow. I realize now how lucky I really am, am just embracing my natural hair for however long I will have it.


I’m 53 and just starting to see some greys. My father died in his seventies with a full head of blonde hair, very few greys.


I am late 47 and have no gray hair.


Liars. That’s who.


50… just a tiny bit of salt in the beard.


I 51 female have more gray hair than, my 76 year old mother. She started going gray in her 40's I convinced her to color her hair she did and it stopped growing gray for a long time.


>Who in the late 40's early 50's has no gray yet? All the liars.


I’m 47, a woman and no grays yet but my hair is thinning. I’d rather have all the hair and it be all gray. Taking hormones so it’s growing back but it’s still a bunch of bullshit.


52 and I only have a very few grays and if you asked anyone if I have gray hair they’d say nope. My beard has a ton of blonde hair, it’s not gray which is weird since I wasn’t blonde as a child.


No, it really happens. My husband's mother didn't have gray until her late 70's after she went through cancer. It really happens. I don't know about men. It will hit the beard.


I’m 49 and a guy.. My hair is still dirty blonde, no gray. My beard has lots of gray though. If I shave, people think I’m 30 🤦🏼‍♂️


I barely have any grays. I don’t have much hair period, but the stuff I do is still nice and brown.


My girlfriend (51 YO) only has a small amount of gray hair just above her ears. For that matter, I (M, almost 51 YO) have a good amount of gray in my facial hair, especially lower on my face, but only a small amount of gray on my head (temples).


🙋‍♀️ 49 and finally got 1 silver hair back in the spring


1974 Vintage - grey/white in the beard but my brown head hair is still all there with some greying at the temples


I’m 50 and have like 3 gray hairs. For me, it’s genetic though. My mom hardly had any grey hair, and her mom is still kicking at 100+ and still has mostly brown hair


I’m a brunette woman and started getting gray hairs in my 30s! I’ve colored it ever since. These days, I keep it at a much lighter shade just to hide my substantial grays.


I just got my first small patch in the front of my head on the underside. It’s not visible. I’m 47F. My hubs also 47 is quite gray. It’s hot on him, frankly.


Turn 56 this month and no gray hairs, but a few whiskers are.


My Dad is 75 and I have more gray then him at 45.🥴


47M. My hair is pretty thin on top but only one or two stray gray hairs.


lol i wish. started getting grey hairs when i was about 20. had grey temples and plenty of grey in my beard by the time i was 35.


If I shaved my face I wouldn’t have any grays and I’m 52


My husband and I are both 50- my hair would be mostly gray if I did not color it. My husband has long, beautiful curly dark, dark brown hair and he had maybe 15 total grays on his head. His beard has a lot of gray but that’s it. Freak of nature!


I'm 50 and have just a few greys (maybe 6) on my head, and they're hardly noticeable. My chin hairs started greying when I was in my 30's though. My mom, on the other hand, is 77 and has like 2 greys on her whole head.


I started experimenting with hair color back in my teens, and kept it up for years. As soon I saw my first grey I put a stop to color treatments because I wanted to have my natural hair for a bit before going completely grey. That was over 20 years ago, and I’m nowhere near being grey. Other than a few strands of the rest of it is still dark. And super silky now since it’s not damaged anymore.


55, natural dirty blonde. No gray. My mom and my grandma barely had any gray either.


I'm in my mid-50s and never saw anything more than a few white hairs here and there, but I still do color my hair for fun and not to hide any grey.


52 and no balding or grey hair. When I was 21 I looked like a baby. Now, people think I’m late thirties.


57 male, brown hair. Essentially no gray (you have to look really hard to find it). My beard is salt and pepper, though. My mom died at 70 with black hair. My dad finally went gray in his late 60s, if I remember correctly.


I'm 52 and I'm just now starting to get gray in my facial hair. I started losing my hair young, so I've been shaving my head since my late 20s, but what little bit is left doesn't have much gray.


I hope I don’t jinx myself by sharing, but I’m 52F and i’m just now getting a few strands. They are color resistant though so there’s no covering them


My brother is 53 and has just a little bit of grey. He’s mostly bald but he’s not grey. I’m 58 and was totally grey by age 54 but I have a great head of hair still.


I'm 51 and just started developing some grey hairs within the last few years. My brother asked me when I was 45 how often I had to get my roots done and I just laughed and told him, "Ask God, because he's the one who does it."


Same age. I have silver "threads" of hair, I have to wear my hair in a certain style for them to even be seen. I only colored my hair a few times in my life, mostly before age 35. My parents were the same, they didn't go fully grey/white until at least 65-70.


I’m about to be 48 and I barely have any. I just went a year without coloring it and could barely see any grey. My father’s side of the family went grey VERY early so I assumed I’d follow suit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not my scalp, but I am quite the gray beard. And I like it.


I started going grey at 15.


46m and readheaded. Have a few white in my sideburns and a few in my beard. I often get guessed in my 30s.


Pretty much just my beard has gray hair, for now.


Shit starts accelerating around 50.


I'm 48 and I've never dyed my hair. I have no gray hair at all.


My hair is definitely slowly getting lighter in hue, but no gray yet