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It's completely saturated. It's like default mode.


Yes, it’s basically different mods of Jack Black


Can confirm https://preview.redd.it/yi30ut1r5w0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2fc3851ad79f7262ebd9c31c0e834a6cbf08bd5






That look looks great on you 😁




Whoa. That’s it exactly


Haha! Oh shit that made me laugh


I'm shaved bald with a beard - only graying by the ears. Have a couple visible tattoos. I often wear band shirts, flannels, and other plaid button-downs. My wife calls my style aesthetic "GenX-Urban-Lumberjack."


By the ears or *in* the ears?




This made me LOL! To be clear, however, I faithfully trim ears/nose/eyebrows, TYVM! : )


Same here, brother. Same here.


Thats my style too, and it just kinda happened organically. Timeless and way better than a polo shirt, dockers and new balance sneakers.


Ah I’m ok then - I wear Vans.


I've been wearing Vans since I was 10. I don't plan to stop unless they become a trip hazard when I get older.


Dont diss the polo shirt, been using them the last 40 years, with the complimentary tribal tattoos à la from dusk till dawn, probably the EU version.


I work with about 4 of you guys and I’m married to one just like ya. 😄


Yep. Me too! 😂


I’m married to one too 😂


Me too, married to one and work with them


Married to one, work with them too. Bonus points if their name happens to be Chris, Scott, or Jason lol


Scott here! Also 56!


My wife is married to one also. Meaning me. We aren't polygamous or anything. But I have hair. So kind of the same thing as you I guess but hairier. Unless you count body hair. I'm ethnically Scandinavian so don't have much.


51, clean shaved and short hair. So nope. EDIT: No tats either.


My man! Me too. I’m a raging heathen, I’ve got nothing against ink or piercings, I just never got any. There’s a lot of dudes our age with full sleeves and I’m still naked as an infant under these clothes. Never found anything to commit to my flesh long term.


I'd actually like a tattoo, but I can't decide in something I want to permanently watch into my skin.


That’s where I was at. I told myself I’d get a tattoo when I turned 30, and never got around to it. By 32 I met my future wife, and she didn’t care what I did one way or another, but there was a bit of a Hep C scare at the time (late 90’s NYC), so I decided to “wait it out”. Then I saw something shiny and wandered off…


No tattoos on me but I got as much of a beard thing as my face can grow (rests in my chest while I sit here typing) also sporting just below shoulder hair typically up in my version of a man bun (I fuckin' hate that term for it, more of a topknot fella). Also I'm just waiting for subdermal "smart ink" before I cover myself in moving designs. I'm also a youngling of a mere 46.


No tattoo is the new tattoo


Some kind of subversive, eh?


I don't regret my tattoos, but sometimes I wish that I could erase them.


Same, although I have considered getting a large dotted tat where coroners would cut open a body that would say "cut along the dotted line". Sort of make someone laugh after I'm gone.


You should really get a “probe here” tat. The aliens would appreciate it.


Me too! I don't care what other people do but it's not something for me! Out of my friend group and coworkers, I am one of the few that isn't tatted up. I kind of like it because I have never been one to want to do the same as others.




I noticed with tattoos people will have 1 or 100. There’s no middle.


My GenX sentiment EXACTLY. I've got eight earrings (not much real estate remains on my left ear) but was never committed enough to anything to have it permanently etched. The reality is, a lot of shit just ages like milk. My ex wfie died with a Poison tattoo. The reason I don't have an I Prevail tattoo is remembering her and being grateful as fuck that I never got Metallica ink.


Yup. 59, clean shaven, no tats or piercings, short thinning hair. It’s the standard over 50 look in the crowd I run with. Maybe OP is less a GenX thing than a crowd you run with thing.


This is me too.


Me too, only I’m 49. And not a tattoo on me!


not yet!


I never thought I would get a tattoo either but then at 55 I got two. 🤷‍♀️


Me three!


No tats short hair stash


Joining the party.




56 shaved bald, no beard sometimes stubble, no tattoos, no piercings, no Harley.


The “no Harley” thing made me laugh. I love bikes, just always knew how reckless I am; when I finally grew up a bit (little) didn’t want one as much.


Me exactly except for the mustache I've had since I was 16.


I had one at twelve, hah! Definitely had the porn stache in HS.


Yeh, that's me at 55. Never saw an image that moved me enough to become a tattoo.


Yup ... Haven't gone more than 3 days w/o shaving since 2010 (and only then because I was bedridden after double knee surgery) Hair is longer now than anytime before but by no means long and its done as a fade so almost no hair on the back and sides .... grey AF tho


I imagine Gen X is the last generation to not have a lot of tatts.


No tats, very short beard, bald---ing....


53, face stubble kept at #1 and short hair, very minor gray, and zero tattoos. I keep the stubble because the wife makes me so I don't look 10 years younger and therefore younger looking than her. I think our Gen is a fairly mixed bag of looks.


This is me too…53, no tats, clean shaven and short receding hair


Me too. And shorts and shitty bar or concert T-shirts. And probably tevas this time of year.


minus the tevas but yeah


I still have hair, cut really short. No tattoos.


Same. Trying like hell to keep the hair.


50 and the same. People always tell me I look like I’m in my late thirties.


I'm in this club. But have friends who are in OP's club, so he's correct too.


No tats here. Like to tell people I wanted to be different so never got one. Nothing against them, my wife has some, just not for me.


I feel personally … described.


I'm in.


Number 1 crop and no beard here at 51. But I have a few tattoos, some visible.


Yeah I actually see way more like this TBH. Clean shave, no tattoos. I still have kind of 80s guy hair though, not super short cut.


54, clean shaven and *long* hair. I don't think we follow expectations, but that's gen x all over Also no ink


Same here. Hard pass on all of that. Not that I can grow a beard to save my life! I do not do it everyday working from home, but give me the corporate casual look.


Yep, husband is 55, clean shaven, short hair with zero gray in it, no tattoos. He’s the only person, not only man, I know with no tattoos haha.


Same no perm tats but I do get a cool Henna tat a few times a year. Great for parties or when I need to feel like a bad ass. Cannot commit to anything permanent.


Funny, yesterday I was at the gym with my trainer, Rob Lowe walked by, and my trainer said he couldn’t tell us apart!


That is funny but I was walking by a gym yesterday and I heard someone mistake me for a young Rob Lowe.


Funny. Rob Lowe told me me he walked by a trainer yesterday and he said I look like I heard someone mistake me for a gym


I’ve been training you for three months and you are just finding out I’m blind?




You mean, Rob at Lowe's?


No tats…but bald (shaved head) grey beard. And now full on shorts, tshirt, Hawaiian shirt. Usually a ball cap. In the 90s my wardrobe was exclusively banana republic; now it’s almost all Ron Jon or tshirts from Breweries we find along the way. My wife makes fun of the way I dress, “like a 51 year old kindergartener” but I call it a flag, raised proudly to hail and summon fellow GenX


No tats and I have all my grey hair......I grow my beard out 5 months in the winter but I have to shave in the summer heat.


I match most of that look out of necessity. I shave my head because of thinning hair. I grew out my beard because I don’t have a strong chin line…and I can grow a pretty mean beard. No visible tattoos though. I certainly wasn’t trying to develop a look, just playing the crappy genetic cards that I was dealt.


I am part of this lucky sperm club.


56, short beard, zero tats and currently rocking shoulder-plus-length silver hair. I tried bald maybe five years ago and it looked fine but I found it was too much effort to maintain.


This is closer to where I am. Got tats, but not visible. I have switched between long beard and clean shaven, but these days, I go with the couple-of-inches-long beard. The hair is nicely blended, but the beard is glaringly white on the chin, but dark on the sides.


Unless we are swimming or making love with the lights on, you’ll never know I have tats. Beard? Yes. Bald? No. Emotional scars? All over me


Sorry guys, now I want a Gen X guy calendar


true genx knows this is a ploy to link faces to reddit accounts


Trust no one ![gif](giphy|l41lUZGnCzLErXevK)


I literally started typing my phys description then I was like *Ah-ah-ah. Tsk tsk. This is how they getcha* lol But no for real tho


I still wear jeans, rock band t shirt and flannel with my greying hair.


You are my people. My Docs have held up for 30 years too and have only gotten more comfortable every year.


We wore grunge before grunge. Most of my T's are rock shirts. I have some nice sweaters. Wear them? Nope. Flannel over my T's.


A grey GenX is easy to spot in a crowd of grey boomers. It's the clothes. We still wear the same shit we did 30 years ago. Especially the type of t shirts.


Old man clothes were very hip in the 90s. Plaid pants, horn-rimmed Buddy Holly glasses, bowling shoes, paisley ties, 2nd hand cardigans. This is working out great. Still fit into my leather jacket and indie rock concert t's, too. I mean, you gotta mix it up a little.


My teenage son wears my old brown Izod v-neck sweater that I wore in the 90’s that belonged to my great unlcle in the 70’s.


Turned 50 last Dec. Numerous visible tattoos on arms and legs when wearing gym attire. Salt and pepper goatee and shaved head. We're everywhere


44. No beard. No gray. No tattoos. I think I’m doing it wrong.


54. 6’2” No tats and a full head of curly red hair. Somewhere between Bob Ross and Jeff Lynn. With a mostly white goatee.


Bald. No tats. No beard. Black.


I don’t think tattoos *really* went that mainstream until millennials got ahold of them. I mean, everybody I know back in the day had at least one, but full sleeves and such didn’t pick up real steam until later. Now it’s like every other youngster I see has a full sleeve and a neck tattoo. I have a full torso tat and back then I was a rarity. Also.. no beard here. Never took to it.


I don’t know how people can afford all that


I’m the only female in my group of friends without a floral sleeve or any other tattoos. Older by at least 10 years than the rest of the group but our kids are all in the same grades together. These millennials are something else with the copycat tats. Just waiting for the floral sleeve to be the barbed wire of the 2020s


I look like Sam Elliot in Roadhouse or Dude Lebowski, depending on the day. 51, no tats


Well, hello there!


Hi there






Shaved head, no beard, no tats.


No tats? I feel like we're a dying breed.


You should see what it looks like at a TOOL concert.


I did! When I was 14 and then last year… definitely the look now and then LOL…, concert was awesome.


Shaved heads, black t-shirts, and cargo shorts as far as the eye can see




45 always had long hair (very mile thinning in the front) transitioning from male to female and had my beard layered off. I think I went clean shaven less than 10 times since I could grow a beard. It was always long (hiding behind it) but after lasering off now only the grey grows (laser doesn't work on grey hair) I did not realize how much of my beard was grey. No tattoos, But growing a nice set of tits.


The only thing missing from this description is Brawndo clothing. “It’s got what plants crave.”


Yep. My friends call me the ‘Generic Male’. This year after a family adventure holiday day out we paid for the photos the park photographer took during the day. When we downloaded them at home a few were of me but there were also loads more of a different bald guy in a black t-shirt with tattoos. My wife thought it was hilarious.


What’s the female version of this? Over 50 bright colored hair lots of tats Yep that’s me.


Long natural (with all the silver) hair, a sprinkling of somewhat hidden tattoos & a really awesome pair of leather boots?


How about glasses to complete the look, a lot of us now have glasses.


Yeah me too - I’ve always had glasses but now they’re the ‘transitional’ kind.


In my Gen X world (54), the tattoo generation came after us. In my 20s when I dated a girl with a butterfly tattoo on her hip it was like … ooooh, she’s dangerous!


I think the tattoo generation definitely was Gen-X. But it was mostly those born from mid to late in the generation. Many of those ones started getting sleeves, and entire torsos, done in their early 20s and later. Most Millennials were too young to even be getting tattoos at all. At least legally. I think the face tattoo thing is definitely mostly a millennial thing though.


We do have some glorious beards, don't we? Mine is snow white and hangs down to about mid-belly. One thing I've noticed is that little kids seem to be in awe of it. I've a theory they think there's a non-zero chance that I'm Santa Claus


I was thinking how we are going to revamp the nursing home concepts soon. We need conjugal rooms and places we can smoke a joint.


The retirees in those over 50 communities and reirement villages already have a reputation for sleeping around. Once people need nursing homes, I dont think they have much sex drive left, but I hear they become more willing to give you the good meds


I’d also like a golf cart.




Can confirm! I work in senior care and went to a lecture regarding sex ed for seniors because of rising STI rates in that group. Silent Gen and lots of Boomers missed the memo on safer sex.


Oh boy. It was the boomers who invented unsafe sex, and that's why all of them had Hep C and herpes.


You smoked one lately? Jesus they went overboard breeding for strength.


Yeah I’ve lived in legal states for 7 ish years. It’s awesome for anxiety and creativity. I left it alone while I was raising my kids and picked it up at 35 lol.


You just have had them young!


I did! It was a shitshow in my 20s but now, in my 40s, it worked out lol


I say it's weaker. I've stopped on and off for years too so I don't think it's just tolerance An old freind who quit for 20+ years called a while back and instead of hello, just says: "Does all the dispensary weed suck? They spent a couple hundred worth on 7 or 8 types, expensive to average. After smoking a bunch of strains around 28%thc thinks "it's ok". But nothing suggested by younger folk as potent has turned out to be "strong" nor really relaxing for them either. They went right into smoking them back to back, feeling no buzz under an hour after finishing. Part of that is the language restrictions where I live put on clerks for assistance in helping us choose a potent, weak, high energy or couch lock strain, etc. They can't tell you directly about anything more than very vague flavor and mood references. It like they are in used car sales, lol.


I have salt-n-pepper hair but I can't grow a beard for shit. Friend of mine looks like Jerry Garcia.


Salt and pepper hair, have all of it. No facial hair. Tats visible. I still wear docs and vans. Dead giveaway I’m an Xer.


58, almost 59. 3 earrings, 4 tats, clean shaven (tried like hell to grow a Covid beard, but it just looked scraggly and thin), balding. Oh and damn good looking. 😉 And also I think I’m like 35 till I walk by a mirror and wonder why my deceased dad is in the room. That shits weird.


Salt and pepper. Zero tattoos. I find that our cohort has a quatromodal distribution: no tattoos, a “cute” tattoo your college friends also have, veterans of food service and wars, and “holy shit Lizard Boy, why did you cut your tongue in half?!”


I am LOLing Lizard Boy!


I've got a goatee, but only because I can't grow a full beard. I've also got a full head of long hair and no tattoos. It's like I got stuck in 1994. All I need is one tribal tattoo to finish the look.


Gen X is about being yourself and having your own look.


49. Moderate beard in the winter, mustache in the summer. No tats. Ex-linebacker-ish look complete with gut, no apologies. Full brownish gray hair, flattop in the summer. Very little balding happening on this end. So...somewhat?


I grew up a headbanger so had long hair from teens til 30s. Tats obviously. So now I keep it pretty tight, same with my beard, keep it about a 2. Last year-ish I lost about 80 pounds so got a confidence boost, I’m not kidding when I say I feel 10 years younger. It was awesome because I kept a bin of my old metal/punk shirts that were mediums and I thought I’d just make into a quilt lol. Nope, an entire new wardrobe of bands I love!! So ya I’m the dude with cargo shorts or jorts and a black concert T. at 51.


I've got a full head of long hair, and no ink, so I'm going for "the full Gandalf" instead of that.


For what it’s worth, I think it’s a very appealing look.


I'm loving the "look". Always have liked balm men with beards/goatees. Tats are just an added bonus!


Hair thinning on top and cut <1”. Stefanski beard. Jeans, some form of long sleeve button up, untucked, w/sleeves rolled to the elbow and visible tat. Brooks or Docs, depending on the weather. Some kind of hat. Chunky watch and rings. Vintage prescription glasses: wayfarer style frames inside, aviators in the sun.


Covered in tattoos. Short grey beard (used to be long). Greying hair undercut shaved on the sides and long on the top. We just end up this way, I think


We are Legion


I don’t know that many Xers with tats.


Not all of us got sucked into the tattoo trendwagon. I am 57, long blonde, going on grey mohawk, no tats.


I’m partly balding, not mostly bald, tyvm. Other than that, yeah, same.


50, and I’ve got a beard but it’s pretty close. Three earrings, one or two vaguely visible tattoos and a few more, and I’ve been growing my hair out for awhile. I look like Coach Steve dressed as a bearded Weird Al.


You are describing a lot of my circle of friends lol. I WILL be showing this to them. There WILL be laughter.


Hubby long salt & pepper beard, long salt & pepper hair with undercut, 1 tattoo 🤷‍♀️


I have short blonde hair and no beard, no tattoos, but dress in 90’s wide fit pants.


Don’t forget the minor-league baseball hat!


Bald head white beard, checking in


56. Long brown hair. Long white beard. No tats.


Long, curly brown hair with skunk stripes and a white goatee that hangs to my chest. 58 and still can't decide on a tat.


Growing hair out because why not?? No tats. 50’s and still can’t grow a beard.


53, tats, salt n pepper hair, stubble goatee, in shape.


I'm a 55yo guy who still goes to the gym 4-5 times per week. But I have a full head of hair with only a little bit of grey around the temples, no tattoos, and couldn't grow a decent beard if you paid me. My gesture towards "counterculture" and opposition to the Millennial grey hoodie uniform is colors and patterns - half of my shirts are florals or paisleys.


52, tats, white haired, goatee, but long-ish hair, usually pulled back in a pony tail, with an skin undercut.


Also 55. No tattoos, no beard, full head of hair (no grey yet). Otherwise, exactly the same.


bald, tattoo's, just some scruff that's salt and pepper. Hendrix tee shirt. big calves and quads from bike racing. body looks good, but the face spells out the age. can't escape it.


58, full head of hair with a little gray at the temples, same cut since the 90s, no tattoos, no beard.


I’m 52 and have a goatee that’s white in the middle. The hair on top of my head is still hanging in there, but I do intend on shaving it all off if a bald spot ever develops.


That is absolutely one of the staples. I am not bald, but everything else you’re mentioning is what I’m rocking. Throw on a pair of totally functional cargo shorts for all that crap I got a haul around, and the look is set. I have not been on so many peoples radar in my entire life. Generation X is rocking the dad bod/cool dad look.


I get complimented on my long hair constantly, yeah it's fully grey, but not balding at all. Other than that, fairly spot on.


I’ll be 58 tomorrow- no tattoos, no beard, no piercings. I still have a full head of hair, even if it is grey. I’m going through a Johnny Cash phase. Dress mostly in black when I’m not at work.


No mention of beer gut/"dad bod"?


I’m actively trying to change my bod status, hence the trainer.


Husband is 57, hair is thin but still VERY brown. I am guessing due to lack of kids (ie stress). Will not grow a beard because there is some white. Clean shaven. I, on the other hand, have been dying my hair since my 30s.


It’s definitely the kids. I’m 49 and was getting asked for ID right up til my first child was born when I was 36 😂 It basically stopped that day. Now I’m really grey at the temples and in my beard (which I don’t grow for that reason too).


54 closing in fast, Miami Vice stubble, neither tat shows when in business casual. About 3 years ago, I said to myself, "sometimes you gotta say what the fuck" and grew my high school hair back (but even cooler). I insisted that it made me look like Dalton or at least Garret without the gray, but my bud (since freshman year of high school coincidentally) dubbed me Eric Roberts from Best of the Best. I usually ponytail it when I'm running around and noticed that I'm part of a subset of over 45yo ponytail guys. Rock on!


I'm 53, full head of Silver hair, I keep it high and tight. I shave once a week. No tats.


53, no tattoos (never got around to it), middle-parted hair (I didn't inherit my dad's bald spot), and short beard (usually 1/2"-3/4" long). The beard's mostly gray/white, but the hair's more brown than silver (although I have a large silver patch left of center of the top of my melon). Usually the only thing that betrays my weirdness are my band T-shirts (mostly doom metal and industrial). Otherwise, I tend to keep the Gen-X invisible vibe.


Overweight, tattoo sleeves, beard, flannel, this is basically the look I call "The Microbrew".


I’m tatted up, have a full head of hair, and can’t grow a full beard if my life depended on it. I wear a longish goatee. Oh, and my hair is brown. I’ll be 50 in a week.


Hubby 53, mostly silver goatee to his chest, like nipple length. He trims goatee after he catches it on fire at work, Welder.Full head of black and heavily frosted silver hair, no tats. Work clothes mostly, shorts or jeans, tee shirts or flannels. Me though, 51 , tats, multiple ear piercings, a woman Toolmaker.


Thinning hair thanks to hockey helmets as a youth, kevlar and CVC in the army, hardhats as a civvie in the trades, and hats about the rest of the time. Beard’s indifferently maintained, but been there in some regard last twenty-five years or so. Trying to recover from heart and covid issued weight gain as we speak. At least here in the midwest, there’s a definite predilection towards pudge and beards in our age group. Difference lies in who’s doing what about it.


I wish that was more of a look here! 😄 Mainly short hair/clean cut with a gold chain and a football(soccer) shirt jeans and trainers around here. I love a rugged beardy dude but it seems this area is full of aging clubbers/ravers rather than aging alt folk.


55m here, and can confirm - except I’ve got the mostly white goatee currently; the full beard is all white when I let it grow in as well. And bald. No ink yet - I’m a procrastinator!


I've still got a full head of hair but it's mostly grey and my facial hair matches and yes I have visible tattoos. Plain colored T- shirt and blue jeans 90% of the time. I call it the IDGAF what you think of me look. It seems to be common with GenX males.


Uhh…45 and aside from a head of long hair it’s me too.


Clean shaving, I do my own buzz cut every two weeks, and the only way you would know I have tatts is if I wear shorts or if I'm at the pool in my bathing suit!


As a 47 yo woman trying to date - yeah, there’s a lot of you lol. It’s not a bad look, though!


I did the beard thing for a while but it drove me nuts. And I looked like a civil war general. Wife swears I look at least 10 yrs younger without it.


If it were a John Hughes film, it would be the look for all of Steff’s buddies.


I'm thinking Jon Hamm, but he looked 50 when he was in his 20s.


52, clean shaved, 1 tat, receding hairline.


50, no Tatts. Beard. Long hair. Skinny as a rake. Never worked out in my life.


54 here. Just grew my hair out after having it short or shaved for all my life. Someone said I look like Jimmy Page back in the day. I’ll take it. I sandbag myself a lot but fuck, it looks awesome. Red brown with a streak of white. Shoulda done this as a teen. Also, one tiny arm tat. Edit: beard wouldn’t come in thick enough. Kinda fu man chu. 80% white at this point


58 here. One tat I got in my 20s. I've let my hair grow out and have a beard. I'm fortunate that my hair hasn't gone grey yet although I have a strand or two or grey. My beard is mostly grey but my mustache is still dark, which my wife thinks looks kinda cool.


I’ll never have a beard . My hair is colored to my natural and I have no tats. I’m also lean AF . I’ll pass on this “look” but I certainly have seen it around of course.


52. White beard, about an inch long, with black streaks coming off the mustache. Couple of tatttoos, full head of salt and pepper hair though that I keep tight on the side and somewhat long on top.