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If anyone is curious? my wife became a doctor of radiology. My son became a union welder.


What was your trade?


I’m from the heating and air-conditioning trade.


What an amazing tribute to the trades. We really need stories like this to get heard--lots of kids think college is the only way, or look down on blue collar work. To have a family victory like this come out of HVAC work is just such a triumph. I'm really moved by what a great family you have, what a great provider you've been. This whole story just makes me very very happy.


I taught in a middle school and did Career Ed and pushed the trades harder than college (mostly undocumented Kids so...). My HVAC guy made as much as my knee Dr and had his hands in as much yuck.


A couple of the local high schools in my area sponsor a “signing day” where soon to be graduates sign apprenticeship paperwork with local employers for welding, cosmetology, diesel repair, that sort of thing. In a few years, a lot of these kids will be earning on a par with, or better than, college graduates. And they won’t have a ton of loans to repay.


I’m not trying to call you out here because the trades are fantastic, but I’m from a working class town and when I brought up to my guidance counselor that I was interested in design she strongly discouraged me from going to school and tried to tell me I should be a brick layer because it’s a stable career. Actually, she told many low income kids in my school the same, and it made us feel like we weren’t capable of doing anything else. When I graduated I entered the low income workforce because an adult basically told me to not do what I was good at because it would be too hard. I can’t help but feel if I went to an upper class school that wouldn’t be the case. Anyway 15 years later I’m a production designer anyway, I just worked my way up in the film industry, so it’s fine, but I regularly wish I had gone to art school and always feel a sense of imposter syndrome because of it. I guess what I’m saying is the trades can be good for kids who want it, but it was pushed so hard on us that we felt like we couldn’t be successful in any other route.


There is no shame in learning on the job. I got my company to pay for all my education after not qualifying for univeristy.


That’s from upbringing, yeah. My parents always told me that people in the trades just couldn’t hack it in college. I went to college, then ended up in public safety and they’ve never changed their views. Fuck ’em both. I’m happy


I wish my parents hadn’t pushed college on me, I’m not the type of personality to sit at a desk all day. After college, multiple degrees and a lot of student loans, I ended up in a career where the degree wasn’t required and wishing id done it right out of high school.


That’s it exactly. In fact, I learned the hard way that my graduate degree was actually a far more of a hindrance than a help. Since degrees are not required in EMS (Associate degrees are not the rule, but not uncommon), I was seen as a threat to management and a snob to the other field crews. One boss warned me, but I stupidly believed that just because I believed in merit that everyone else must, too. I was so very very wrong. It wasn’t until we moved overseas that my higher education was recognized as an actual benefit


My mid-20s nieces are both in construction, IUOE members. They love their jobs and have done very well for themselves. Going to a housewarming party for the new home one just bought next month.


My Italian immigrant father came to the States and started an HVAC company. He was able to retire at 60 after selling his company. We were very comfortable growing up. He now splits his time between his 3 houses in 3 countries. The trades will provide if you do well in the field.


True. A friend’s son dropped out of a pretty selective school to become a master electrician. He loves it and will probably do very well for himself.


> We really need stories like this to get heard--lots of kids think college is the only way, or look down on blue collar work. Huh? There's lot of kids avoiding college and going into trades lol Have you talked to kids lately? And any that do look down on it learned from the parents. Even OP states this: https://old.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/1db0vfs/family_vote_i_can_retire/l7nyudz/ Some of y'all sort of out of touch and it shows.


Agreed. I was a in the trades. I loved my job too. The trades are great for some people, but the work environment and safety have a loooooong way to go. Seeing the sexism go from “boys will be boys” to absolutely fucked up and unsafe was some top notch bullshit. Women are vital to any work force and to treat 1/2 of your potential employees like garbage…they will suffer until they figure that out. We needed Rosies back then and we still need them now.


Thank you for raising these important points. If the trades are only viable for men, they aren’t. Also the physical effects of some trades on your body shouldn’t be ignored. No doubt both of these issues could be improved.


As a mechanic, that’s not quite true, at least in my field. Most of the kids coming in now are just temporary while they get their degree in IT mostly. Some are in it for the long run, maybe 30% from my viewpoint.


As an IT manager, some of the best engineers I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch learn and grow have come from backgrounds in food service or auto tech. They always seem to be the fastest learners and they’ll work insane schedules put together by terrible project managers with minimal grumbling and knock it out of the park. That does become a bit of a problem because they’re so used to being abused in blue collar world that I have to teach them to push back and find a balance, but if they can find the balance they’re amazing.


Funny you mention being abused. The younger guys coming in are pushing back against that and want a strong work/life balance. The old school managers complain that they’re lazy or don’t care “why won’t they work 2 hours a day extra like you guys always did?” Cuz they’re smarter than we were and they aren’t putting up with that shit anymore. It’s about time they figured out their worth.


My son got into a trade union immediately after high school. His high school friends teased him for going into a trade as they were all going off to college. After a year my son bought a house and he has no student loan debt. The union pays for his training. If he gets laid off, the union gets him a new job. I work in IT and it was great when I first started in this field decades ago. Now, Im just hoping to make it to 63 before they replace me with someone from India. If I were a young person, just getting out of HS now, I'd avoid IT.


Congratulations to your son. Which trade did he choose?


Thanks! He's a pipefitter.


I have a master’s degree. Both of my parent’s were hard working factory workers. Blue collar people are my people.


My brother is a plumber. In his area, he's one of very few under 60. He's got his own business now and is struggling to bring in anyone his age or younger into the the trade or his business.


Mike Rowe has been pushing this for over a decade and has a foundation for putting kids through Trade Schools. https://mikeroweworks.org/


Ask him how his back feels in the morning.  There is a reason most of the people saying people should go into the trades have never worked them.


If I may be so bold as to suggest hobbies someone with your years and trade may enjoy in retirement: Electronics. Lots of little tinkering sets out there, and you already know soldering. Fulfills a lot of that "I need to do something with my hands," I've heard. 3d printing Lasercutting In addition to the more traditional working skills hobbies like woodcraft or hobby art. Enjoy the retirement!


add fly-tying and then fishing! congrats!


Man, I wish old school Radio Shack was still around, before they wanted your phone number to sell you some batteries, when you could walk in, buy a blank board and some resistors, diodes, transistors, a crystal, some solder, and make a working radio from scratch, or whatever else you came up with. Lack of parts availability is pretty much what killed my young EE hobby. Programming can kinda scratch that itch, but it's just not the same.


Came on to say the exact thing. You have spent the last 37 years subsuming your identity for others. Now is the time not just for housework, but for finding yourself. Try taking classes at the local community college. Try learning a musical instrument or some art form. Go to the gym, because if you abruptly go from a medium to high level of physical activity to low-none, your body will fall apart in a hot minute. It sounds like your family genuinely loves you. They will be very happy to see you live your best life, which is a lot more than ceasing the 8 - 5 grind.


Oh Jesus. I’m in Florida and can’t even imagine. I see these 20-something young men and wonder how they do it. At almost 58, there’s no way. I’d be broken.


From one union brother to another, congrats. If you are like any of the Hvac people in the union i am in, I bet you worked your share of hours and deserve to have some fun.


Thank you, brother


As a fellow fitter, I hope I can have this vote one day too


I lurk in the trades' subs here. In your opinion, has it gone to crap like I keep hearing? It sounds like "an honest hard working person getting properly paid for providing a necessary service" has faded.


OK, this might be a little long. I was already mechanically inclined by growing up on the farm. Decided to go into the military, and I learned the HVAC trade there. Did my time in the military, got out and I was able to join the union. They continued my training. Now in the civilian world, most companies do not want to bring you in raw without any training. I guess they don’t have the patience to train you. Also at the level of technology that my trade has now you actually do need to understand computers. Insure the days of walking into any kind of trade and being trained on the job no longer happens. You have to go through a trade school. You have to have that piece of paper. Also a complete furnace install normally takes a full day with two people doing the install. Those days are ending as well. The lead installer only has their helper for a couple of hours to get the systems in place, and then the helper moves on, and the lead has to finish it. When I started, you had around 8 to 12 hours to do a complete tear out and put in a new system. Now companies want it done in under eight hours and with less help. What I call the mom and Pop shops are gone. They’ve been bought out by companies whose owner sent their son to college. When the son or daughter got out of the college, they expanded the business and started buying out the mom and Pop places. The past five years I was in the trade. I was under corporate leadership. They didn’t like me! I didn’t play office politics. My motto has always been. *Talk is cheep, actions speak*


Very true. I spent time as a service tech. They pushed “billable efficiency” tied into bonuses, pushed hard for sales referrals. Sometimes I’d do 10-12 calls a day. Get in and out as fast as you can with as much $ as you can. Congrats on your new chapter.


Amen brother. What a great trade. I can’t picture myself doing anything else.


A very respectable trade. I remember last August (or so) when we had to get our HVAC system completely redone and we met with all the local heating and cooling companies. Amazing people.


Awesome job bud! I set myself up the same way. My wife and I started our plumbing heating and air conditioning company 20 years ago. My son is working for our company and going for his licenses. 55 I’ll be able to walk away comfortably with my son having the understanding that I have helped him with his schooling and licensing in return keep the company going and my pay check.


Hell yeah, Gen x HVACR tradesman as well, got into it at 46, retirement is a ways off for me though. But did get my son a plumber’s apprenticeship, my only regret is not doing it sooner in life so I could retire sooner!


Radiology is, from my understanding, one of the more difficult specialties. Well done to you and your family. Enjoy your well earned retirement!


Bro I am stoked for you and insanely jelly


1. Congratulations to you on your retirement! Your career is an achievement to the love of seeing your family succeed. 2. Congrats to your wife! 3. Congrats to your son!


All I can say is if your family approves of you for retiring and taking time for yourself after taking care of them, then I'm glad you set them up for success. I wish you a happy retirement and a long life.


To get further information. I did not bring up the vote, was not even thinking of said vote. My son, and my wife both brought it up after dinner. I had nothing to do with the voting. I was straight up, told that by both of them in a very serious tone. Thank you


Should have had more kids or at least tried to fillabuster


Now that’s something that I did not factor? But my friend that’s just too funny.


A radiologist? Why are you still working? Time to go to school so she can return the favor! Study something useless. Become an artist! Edit: I mean financially useless, as in he doesn’t have to contribute to his house. I am an art supporter!


Yeah, aren’t they among the highest paid of docs? Excellent investments in your loved ones, u/RJKaste and I love the way this vote went! Enjoy your new phase in life!!




Hey now! Art is not useless! Retired Art Teacher here.


I drive a bullshit ass truck for a bullshit as company making some bullshit-ass money: "The Arts" are the only reason I'm doing it. Museums, galleries, books, video games, etc... People that say "Art has no value" are people that I stay *waaaaay* the fuck away from.


Right? I went to art school. Is my entire education useless?


We need the humanities. It’s a real shame that in the heralded pursuit of the mighty dollar anything not seen as lucrative is devalued.




He says he has hobbies. Perhaps in a year if he is bored he could teach his trade or something or volunteer with something like Habitat for Humanity.


I love your family.


Kids are not being steered towards trades far enough these days. Not every young adult out there is made for college.


What a wonderful family you have! I think this is amazing. You may only have a couple of hobbies right now, but with more time there's no telling what you may find that you want to do. Congratulaions!


My true hobby will be continuing support my wife and my son in their endeavors. I will do anything that they need so they can focus on their career.


Your family is amazing! Good job, Dude! And good job to the Doctor and Welder! Love how all of you support each other.


Aw OP! Can I hijack your comment to tell you a story? My Dad (rip) was a tool and die maker. Some of my best memories were going to the shop after school and finding him in his little corner scratching out a plan to remake some obscure greasy part of some weird machine sent to him from some far away place. He worked crazy hours because no one could do what he did. He put both my sister and I through all our education (each of us has a Master's) and retired at 55. No pension, never union. Self funded and self made. The day he retired I left school and drove to the shop, the boys were having a goodbye lunch and I wanted to join. When I got there, he was gone but his big red tool cabinet was still there! I asked them what happened and they told me that Dad said "Well boys, I'm done now. Take care of yourselves, invest, and keep all your fingers". He sold his entire set (less a few things he'd had since the Army) for $100 to the shop apprentice, ate a piece of cake and left. I found him at home with his feet up, reading the paper. My Dad lived a peaceful life in servitude of his "girls" until he was 80. Lots of tinkering and fixing for others. I still run into guys (much older now!) who worked or trained with him and tell me he is a mythical legend. The smell.of an oily flannel and orange soap brings me right back to nights in the shop. Your family LOVES YOU. Just do whatever pleases you now with no second thoughts. I hope all the wee cuts on your hands heal up nice xo.


Post permission granted


Wow. You are truly blessed with a wonderful family. I doubt there was a vote in their eyes. You can now simply take a step back and remove something from your plate. I’m sure a lot of folks are jealous, as am I at 53 who would play the piano and read all day. I majored in piano thinking I would go to medical school but went for a PhD instead. Just started formal lessons again and I am overjoyed. With that said financially I can’t retire until I am forced so live the dream my friend!!!


Congratulations on this huge decision! You've earned it, no doubt. I'm only 5 years behind you, in age, and I can't even begin to fathom what retirement looks like. I just know that, when my time comes, I will not be able to sit still for too long. I've got to be doing something. I just hope to have the financial stability thru passive means to live comfortably. Best wishes to you, sir. Please allow me to add this. With 37 years in the trade, you've probably seen a decline in the number of people willing to do that kind of work. Use your time in retirement to encourage the younger crowd to get into trades, and not get locked into the mindset of "college is the way". Higher education can be useful to some, but I'd say that far more people will be better served just developing a strong skill set and the basics of running a business. You can provide priceless advice to these young people.


That is something to think about. The youngest generation coming into the workforce are starting to come into the trades. I have an apprentice right now, I will continue his training. I plan on taking a step back and letting him gain more confidence.


I've been a machinist since I was 19, when I retire I plan on finding some kid with ambition that is just starting out and giving him all of my machinist tools.


You should be able to find one. I hope you do! This is how the trades work.


Congrats! And echo that on the younger gen recognizing there’s much opportunity in the trades. It was cool to see several of my son’s friends go into welding, electrician apprenticeships and construction after HS (class of 2019). I’m from an area that historically has a high HS to 4 year college rate, this seems to be shifting & Gen Z is picking up the moniker of Tool Belt Generation.


You are absolutely correct. But what my apprentice is telling me. He sees his father be heavily in debt because of college. And he did not want that kind of debt. And in the trades, you can learn it in under a year and have a job before you graduate. My son was hired at his job one month before he graduated. I did not help him in anyway to get it.


Not to contradict you, but the way you raised your son certainly had an influence on him getting that job. So while you did not directly help, you being his father put him in a position to earn it.


I cannot argue with that logic


I cannot upvote this enough. College is *not* required to make a good living. Avoiding student debt is another big bonus. I really, really hate the fact that seemingly everyone thinks they must go to college (although I have heard many places won’t hire you without a degree). It’s a tough world out there.


I'm happy for you! I'm 51 and have 11 years, 1 month and 22 days to go.


But who’s counting, right? (Six years, 11 months, 23 days for me)


Not me. (Glances at live countdown until I can start drawing my pension in March, 2028)


I'm turning 59 next month. I'm alone in the world and have been an administrative professional for almost 40 years. I'm contemplating retiring early at 62, and while I'm only at the stage of having given myself permission to do that, I've been amazed at how freeing it is even to contemplate it. My congratulations to you and my sincere admiration to your family.


You see that you were alone? Are you happy, sir?


I'm a ma'am, but yes, I'm happy 😊 I'll be even happier when my time is my own.


My apologies, everyone is sir in my world. Please do not take it as an insult. It’s a sign of respect


No worries. I am very happy for you and your family.


I'm sure it's an absolutely amazing feeling. It sounds like your retirement is well deserved.


Congratulations. Retirement isn't an age, it's a state of readiness.


Point taken


Congratulations, friend, from a fellow 57-year old retiree. It's awesome.


Thank you sir


You have a good family.


Can’t believe you have energy left for the house. I started a bathroom remodel and am regretting it already.


I am sorry, sir, I’m talking about keeping the house clean not a renovation. I do not have the energy to renovate a house. Oh hell no! lol


That's great, man. I've gotta do some yard work today, but I still have to go back to work Monday...lol. To be fair, though, my job is easy. My wife has the tough one. Enjoy your house cleaning. 😀


I do enjoy cleaning the house. My wife likes commenting on the condition of the house and we have guests. The guests will say you keep a wonderful home to her. She’ll turn to me and say because I have a good man that’s willing to clean. There’s a running joke. My wife’s coworkers want to rent me out. I asked my wife do I get the normal benefits from that? We get a good laugh.




With the look that I was her housekeeping department and no one else’s 😁🤣


That is exciting. I still work part-time, but I also have a clean house and a nice yard because of the extra time this has brought me. I'm 54 and my husband is 48. He's still working full time, mainly because his job requires that. But I want him to be able to transition to part-time within a few years. I commuted long distances and worked full time for decades, and when Covid came around, I found a part-time that pays the same as the last full time job. It was an opportunity to work alone in a shop, instead of in a public facing office position, so I took it. Being close to home and going home in the early afternoon has been great for me.




Time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor! You are fortunate to have such a loving and appreciative family.


Congratulations! GFY!


You are not looking for congrats? O hell no. Congo rats! You deserve it. No, seriously, you deserve it.


🤷‍♂️ ok, ok, ok, I get it now


Nah, u/RJKaste: congratulations & I'm happy for you. Not many people can retire before 60 these days, & if the family decided you've done enough: 1) they clearly love you & want to help you enjoy the late-Autumn/early-Winter years of your life. 2) almost 40 years in "the trades" is nothing to sneeze at. 3) time to purchase some video game systems & get into video games!


I'm retired in my 30s. People said I was a fool to join the Air Force.


I am a teacher and I can retire in just 6 more years, at age 57. I will have taught 34 years by that point but I’ll get a full pension. It hasn’t been an easy road but I am looking forward to the end and hoping to do some other things with my time. Enjoy yourself!


Now I’m sure you have a few stories to tell?


More than you’d imagine, lol.


One of my friends wives was a fourth grade teacher for 41 years in the same school. I enjoyed listening to her stories.


This is wonderful and congratulations.


Congratulations. You have a wonderful family. That’s the real W here.


Congrats. You probably do want to find something new to do in your ample time though.


Mazel tov! Enjoy your retirement! You have a great family, and I hope you have a wonderful time not having to show up to work!


Almost same story here. I was told to retire two yrs ago, but chose to work a few more yrs. Wife and son said enough. Retire. I’ll be 60. Congrats!


Congratulations anyway - it's a big life change, and also congratulations on being supportive, including financially, of your family. When my husband retired, the best advice he got was to give it 2 years before deciding to go back to work. It's a really tough transition to not having anyone else demanding or asking for your time and skills and you can feel a little lost and have a little identity crisis, once the vacation wears off. Some folks rush back to work because they can't deal. (5 years in, husband is still happily retired and filling his time with activities he enjoys...and also yard work)


Congratulations on putting in the work with your partner and being a good parent such that they want to come through for you!


This is a great post. I realize you're not looking for congratulations, so I'll just say you've definitely earned it and I wish you an awesome retirement! :)


This is good generational planning. Love your story and congratulations.


I know it might seem like a really out there suggestion buuuut. Have you considered getting into painting miniatures now that you need to fill your day with something? I really like making shit, so taking a bunch of small plastic pieces, sanding down mold lines, cleaning parts, carefully gluing said parts together. Then actually painting them is the hardest for me, all the creative choices, layering paint, there is so, so much to get into. And there’s a million ways to skin a cat. Oh and it’s wonderfully time consuming, AND by the end you get something pretty damn cool. A few figurines, some paint and brushes wouldn’t cost much and if it’s a hobby you’ll enjoy until your blind as a bat then I’d say it’s worth a shot. And as a fellow tradesmen congrats on the retirement you’ve earned it and then some.


Congratulations and join the club! You will know that you have arrived when you frequently don't know what day of the week it is.


Well done!


You are a good man with a good family. I wish you all the best.


Lucky basturd. I say that out of respect.


Good on ya man! Sounds like you played the game and won. Enjoy your retirement


Im going to congratulate you anyway! You deserve it! Enjoy your time. 👍🏽


Welcome to the world of retirement. Just enjoy your time with the family. Plus I am the stay at home housekeeper also I enjoy it.


That's so wonderful! Congratulations!!


You have an incredible family around you. Congratulations on retirement! Now, go do what YOU have always wanted to do.


Congratulations!! Enjoy this new phase of your life!


Well done.


Woot woot!


Congratulations on a well deserved retirement and having a great family!


That’s great your family cares so much. What a win. Go forth and enjoy yourself.


My dude. Congratulations. Taking care of the yard is what you like? Well, have I got a guy….. Gardening with Monty Don on Tubi - I started watching before bed and this dude is my new fucking hero. Two thumbs up for your green thumb.


Thank you, sir, I’m a son of a farmer. Gardening is in my DNA.


Congrats on having done many things right! You picked a good trade (I live in SC, I bring my HVAC guys cookies and cold water!), you picked a good spouse,and y'all raised a good kid who also chose a good trade. And now you get to retire early as a result! Enjoy, you have definitely earned it.


Someone poke me, I think I’m sleeping


Congratulations! I look forward to retirement. Specifically, filling my entire day with things I want to do versus things I have to do. Also, having seven days a week, all day long, to get shit done versus trying to cram everything into nights and weekends sounds like a fucking dream. 🤘🤘🤘


Mine would vote to keep me working but I didn’t bargain for a vote. I’m leaving at 60.


It's absolutely amazing that things worked out according to your plan. I'm jealous. Keep that house clean and that lawn looking amazing. Keep your mind open to new experiences you may find another hobby you hadn't thought about before.


Awww congratulations!!!


Damn dude, I envy you and yours. I hope the rest of your lives are spectacular.


What a wonderful family unit! So many posts speak of dysfunctional families and relationships. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story about your family. Best to each of you!


I’m very proud of you, your wife for her medical degree, your son for establishing himself in life and of your family’s dynamic, it’s simply amazing! I think your family’s message is also that you should prioritize yourself a bit more. As l’Oréal put it, because you’re worth it. Don’t wince. Relax a bit


True Karma at work here! Nicely done family!


Fuckin right brother! Happy for ya. I got 7 more years, counting the seconds.


Congratulations! Wishing you a long life full of faith and hobbies enjoyed


Congrats dude.


Congratulations. Felicitaciones.


I'm also 57, and have been working for 33 years. I put my 49 yo wife through vet school (I'm still paying her loans). She worked part-time (1-2 days/week) for 15 years, never contributing significant income. She quit 4 years ago for Covid home-schooling, and has no plans to go back because she didn't like the work. "Maybe someday" she says. I have two kids soon entering college, which I will pay for entirely. I hope to retire someday, but I doubt I will ever get the votes ;) What did I do wrong?


Honestly, I could say a few things right now. But it really wouldn’t help the situation. It would probably do more harm than good. My apologies on your situation.


I'm giving myself this gift in a year or three. Unsure if I should hold out for the "rule of 55" so I can tap my 401k. Honestly I am growing weary of being the sole breadwinner and my job is many times easier than yours. A few thoughts: Keep busy. Seriously try to make yourself busier than when you worked for money. Your time is your most scarce and valuable resource. Don't stress. Do whatever you want. You sound like you're going to spoil your potential grandchildren. Lean into that hard! Find a nephew/niece in the meantime. You have provided a great gift for your family. I hope mine takes care of me the same way.


When my dad retired, a machinist inspector by trade, he got a woodshop going in his garage and built all the furniture and cabinets in their home. Enjoy your spoils!


Good job. You did what you said and they did what they said. That has to feel very good.


Welcome to the club.




The trades are really rough on the body, so good on you and your family having a Plan B. If you get insanely bored, you can “keep a hand in” by volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.


Congratulations!! 🎉 Your family sounds nice. Enjoy retirement!




Congrats! It sounds like you have an amazing family who value your contributions. Take it easy!!


Same age. Retire and do whatever you want. You’ve done your part. If you get bored go get a part time job at a Home Depot or a store where you purchase your hobby supplies. I’m looking at 3-4 more years and plan to go to college and finish my degree, when I retire. Or doing nothing I worked in a trade type position for 20 years, tore my back, wrists and shoulders up and now I’m working at a huge tech company as a solutions architect.


Welcome to every day being Saturday, as my parents say. Enjoy it, stay active and I know you weren't looking for congrats but you made it dude, take that moment and appreciate it!


Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Saturday, every day is Saturday now. Congrats!


Congratulations 🎈on your retirement and your awesome family


Congratulations 🎈on your retirement and your awesome family


I'll congratulate you anyway tin knocker.


This made me so happy I teared up a little. Congratulations! After chores, I hope you can spend some time exploring and learning about the stuff that interests you. I hope you are inspired to develop your creativity. You all sound like a terrific family.


now is the time to start a sweet garden full of cool plants. also maybe get into tinkering, fix up a cool car, build some stuff, get a 3d printer, and play all the good video games you missed out on


Congratulations on having a great family


Good on you, brother. And good on your family for looking out for you. As one who has been forced to retire going into my 7th year, keeping the yard and crib clean will soon become boring. Embrace the nap and sleeping in.


Congrats... you've made it. As one of the ones who won't, I'm envious.


If you haven't done it, start making plans for yourself. Retirement is pretty dangerous for people without an idea of what they're going to do with all their time. Lots of people just straight up get depression when they wind up with nothing to do all day. Also start working out if you aren't already. Keeping mind and body fit is one of the most important things to do when you retire.


I am right there with you worked my ass off in the machine shop after about my 20th day of 12hrs in a row, my feet hit the floor at 5am wife wakes up baby it's time for you to stop we raised the boys they are out of the house doing well I have a great job pays enough for us house is paid off, this is killing you. That was 3 years ago haven't looked back house is clean everyday food is cooked yard is done. Eat lunch with the grandkids at school life is good.


Awesome! My buddy who owned his own HVAC company retired at 60, got so bored he found a teaching position for HVAC and now teaches 2 days a week to keep himself busy. Worth looking into, didn't take much for the requirements to teach. Although this is Canada so could be different requirements. My plan is to retire at 55 and become a part time consultant after that, my work deals with non military government contracts and younger generations are losing the ability to work on older vessels even though they seem simpler. I'm a marine tech.


Sounds good!! But my advice is get a part time sales job selling AC units. Ten hours a week. You’ll work with your brain, not your hands and you’ll be able to take advantage of your decades of experience. Plus it’ll keep you busy but without any of the normal work stress. I’m never retiring, I like what I do too much. Just thinking, you can’t spend all your time cleaning the house…


Man is living in my fantasy world where everything works out. Congrats man.


Living the dream! Enjoy sleeping in and forgetting what day of the week it is.


Congratulations! You obviously deserve that early retirement.


Make sure you “retire to something, don’t retire from something.”


You have a really great family and I'm sure it's because of you.


37 years is a lifetime in white collar years. You and your body need a break. My husband was my house b*tch for 4 years and it was really great. The yard was well done, the house and laundry was clean, he cooked half the meals and did the bills each month. TBF I was. SAHM to two young kids for 8 years and set the bar pretty high for him. I pampered that man and he returned the favor ❤️


Congratulations buddy! I’m in my third career. First I was a utility lineman building fiber optics. Then I did 18 years as a licensed construction supervisor & commercial property manager. Now I’m a project manager on government projects. I’m mid 60s. Wanna work another decade if my faculties hold up. Whatever you do stay active. Keep the body moving & the mind actively learning. My best friend since we were 12 retired at 54 & went sedentary. Audited college courses & ogled coeds. Mothergrabber dropped dead in 2021. I miss him fiercely. Kudos on your wife & son accomplishments!


All my homies know the trades is what pays! Good on you for teaching your son that valuable lesson. Having a skill in a machining trade has given me more knowledge and experience for real life problems. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be the handy man for my mother and girlfriend, which I love doing. You deserve the time off! We appreciate you!


Forget congratulations, how about drool-faced green envy for starters? Seriously, that is wonderful, I wish you all the best!


Congratulations! I just did the same thing a month ago. Now, you need a find some hobbies and other stuff to keep you active and busy!


Do the work you want Man has to work or dies👷🏻‍♂️ may you life long


Congratulations 🎉. What an amazing wife and son you have. You did good 😊


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am trying not to turn green with envy! I'm really happy for you!! 😁👍


Heck’s yes my man!! Live that dream


I don't know how to retire before medicare given the health care system in the US. :( Sounds like your wife has got you on her plan. That's glorious, good for you!


Win for you, nicely done. I'll be working till 90s+


Amazing! You are for supporting your wife and son and they are for in return supporting you. Enjoy life now and maybe get a few hobbies to pass time. 😉


Awesome family, man. That’s the dream!


Working since I was 16, a bit younger than you but this touched me. I loved that there was a vote. What a nice gesture. May I suggest you take up fishing? A cheap and fun retirement hobby. Congrats!


Having a partner and a kid like that is an achievement all on it's own. You picked a good one and raised a good one. Nice work.


![gif](giphy|fdyZ3qI0GVZC0) 💕💕💕💕💕💕


I always thought “I’m never going to retire because I just love drawing and painting“ but this year I had to get an actual job and I finally learned why people love days off and crave retirement lol Enjoy dude


I'm reminded of that meme, "When men reach a certain age, they either get into WWII history or smoking meats." Dude, pick your hobby and go all in on it. Doesn't have to be WWII history or smoking meats: gardening, quilting, collecting vintage tools, video games, anything. You've earned it. Hell, if you absolutely can't not work, get a part time job at the local hardware store and be the guy giving practical advice to the new homeowners doing basic maintenance on their house.


Dude you have a wonderful, loving family and I am so happy for you 🤗


Come on over to the retirement board and join in! I have a couple years left but frequent there regularly and have learned so much https://www.reddit.com/r/retirement/s/nZpEPb5Klp IT IS YOUR TIME!


Ok thank you