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Who cares what they think?


I don’t care necessarily, but I am curious.


I hope they don't say that when we'll need them to take care of us in about 20 years.


I don't care how debilitated I get I will sue my own son if he puts me in a nursing home. That's what my father said to me, what his father said to him, and so it's a tradition at this point. Interestingly enough his father now lives with us and is 94 years old...so...


We’re old, they’re young. A tale as old as time.


I’m guessing some might resent their GenX parents and are projecting. But that’s just a guess because I’m not on TikTok and not watching their content.


do they? hadn’t noticed.


> Why does Gen Z seem more to have issue with us X’ers? Because we did their moms


lol and some of us are their moms


Dave Chappel: "*Damn*"


Like we even give a shit what they think about us. We’ve seen and done things that would make a Hard Z shit their pants.


I tell my oldest on a regular basis that she would have never survived my childhood, and I didn't even have it THAT hard compared to some!


I've overheard more Valley Girl speak in the past few months than any time since the 80s. I don't know which Gen is responsible, but please make it stop. They were Z btw


Ah, take a chill pill, fer sure, fer sure.


They don’t. It’s a handful of salty people posting about it.


Yea - and some regards I get that older gen versus younger gen thing. I am pretty progressive in how I raise my kids and I don’t do any of the same kind of punishments that my parents did. That “they did it to me so it’s OK cause I survived” mentality is not the way I am with my children, but I’m curious if maybe that’s what they’re talking about? If that’s the case that’s just parental changes not necessarily generations. It’s just my curiosity.




Is there? I only ever see zoomers ragging on millennials, boomers, and even alphas. We as usual are ignored. Which is probably for the best as we are pretty good at dishing it back, and as we know any type of verbal retaliation utterly destroys zoomers. But also, we're just like, your cool cousin who's fun to roll with.


I think they may have forgotten about us. Depending on which half of the Gen X era you were born in you're either a boomer or a millennial.


I only know who’s genx and who’s alpha because my kid is one. All other gens I could never remember when they belong to. So whenever I stumble upon gen bashing it’s pretty lost on me 🤷


Younger generations always complain and ridicule older generations. GenX complained about Boomers when we were younger. Younger ones always think the older gens are not hip with their trends and slang. Old people trying to be cool aren't cool. Their politics are stupid and outdated. You know, cuz the young ones think they know everything... until they get older and realize adulting is hard. This is nothing new. It's just our turn to be ridiculed.


I say it's an honor just to be nominated.


It's like with the Millenitarts - they blame older generations for their problems rather than blame their ineptitude in coming together and creating solutions to those messes and expect us, the older lot, to fix things for them. They've latched onto this magical thinking (no doubt created by some teal-haired unemployable with a septum piercing) that "GenX" = "Boomer". And they want to blame us for whatever magical ail they think is affecting them.


Uhhhh I have had every color of hair AND a septum piercing. And I have a job??? I’m confused by your response lol


>*And I have a job???* Was that a question, or a remark? Millennials and Zoomers do that, dude(ette).


Ugh. You end sentences with lol? Big cringe.


“Big cringe”? Also, this isn’t an English paper, I can end my sentences with whatever I want 🖕🏼


Ok lol


> no doubt created by some teal-haired unemployable with a septum piercing gen x and older cultures for decades


Yes, but when we rebelled it was for a damned good reason and not to be the centre of attention.






The anti Gen X rant I saw on a YouTube video recently had an interesting twist. They said it’s not the same old younger generation vs their parents. They point out that they feel like Gen X “ran away” and don’t care, “whatever”, more like an older sibling abandoning them and Millenials apparently feel like the middle child. They point out that Gen X dropped the ball and say “where are you” saying all the people in charge are still the ancient boomers and Gen X should have done more/do more ETA - just relaying the view from the video. I disagree with the assessment as there are lots of Gen X in politics, business, and the arts. Maybe it comes down to numbers. With Gen X being a smaller generation there just isn’t the visibility


Interesting. I mean, many of us did retreat to our own peace. Childhoods were hard and many of us have legitimate PTSD from them. I do. But what you’re saying is true, I personally know many who work to make things better. Like, the do the WORK they don’t worry about recognition. Maybe that’s also it. Haha and I was wondering about the “whatever” comments on here.


Interesting responses. I’m going based off of the vids I’ve seen. I don’t really CARE I’m just interested. I’ve got kids spanning 26-11. Just a curiosity.


Who cares, we’re all gunna die tomorrow anyways




Lmfao you ppl care too much about other’s opinions


They’ll need us before we’ll ever need them


Fuck ‘em. I don’t care.




heavy middle grandfather desert license dime quack meeting salt bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*