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0, I’m actually looking for my first job at the moment.


Dam, howd u get buy till now?


Inheritance and family support. Also I was in the hospital from mid 2018 to 2021 so it’s not like I needed money for anything at that time.


Hope you are doing better now!


Thank you! It’s still challenging but I’m doing much better


Same... I feel you...


I've been looking all over, too bad my shitty suburban hellhole has no openings within a walkable/bikeable distance. Funny thing Is I need a car to get a job, but can't get a car without money, which requires a job. So I'm kinda stuck until something more local opens up or I move out of this ditch


I’m looking for a remote job, would make things much easier


Wish I could get a remote job…too bad I’m gonna work in health care


Same. I’m going to school to get my CPC (medical coding-was in college 2019-2022,decided to drop out).


1 and still have it. UPS. It sucks so I will most likely quit in the next 3 ish months and find a new job.


Just an advice, don't quit beforehand so you at least have some security while job hunting.


Jobs love hiring somebody who’s already employed


I mean they want quality employees


I've been looking for jobs while employed and it's very difficult. Hard to schedule anything when you already have a 9-5


Schedule a "medical appointment" for the interview day. Hell, use your vacation time if youre already planning to leave.


It still isn't easy with my current job. Luckily most 1st interviews are online.


Just like dating. Markets are universal.


Honestly it's solid reasoning so you just don't quit a job before having an exit strategy. And in the interview you say that you'll give your two weeks (or however long) and then quit. So that you don't have to cross the Bridge while it's burning


On the flip side, having more time to find the right job may pay off. I compare it to dating, when I was working and used dating apps, I could only go through a small number of people, and settled on what i thought was good. When unemployed I was able to treat it like a full time job, and found an amazing partner. Jobs are a really really important thing to get right since you spend so much time doing it, I don't think its something someone should settle for if they only have a limited amount of time to search outside of work.


Been a UPSer since 1999 going for 30 and I'm out full pension,it's only worth it for the long haul I'm near $40 an hour but it takes along time to be where you need to be..


Jobs lasting at least a few months? 7. I can't count all the odd one-time jobs I've done over the past 10 years, but I estimate it'd be somewhere around 50. High school and college were wild, I wish I could still sleep this little and somehow function lol


11. I’m 27. 😞 Some summer jobs (life guard, camp counselor), some were because I got laid off because of Covid or a business shutting down


I’m 22 and have had three jobs. I didn’t work while I was doing community college, which was about 2 years.


Technically 4. My first one was working at a church. 2nd: Math tutor 3rd: Research assistant in University 4th: Electrical Engineer


Started working in Oct 2019. 14 jobs. I don’t tolerate disrespect from management + I had to move towns twice before / after college. Shortest job I had was two hours. Longest a year and a half.


Just one so far; started at 19 and now I'm 22.


Am almost 25 and I’m on my 8th job been here for 3 yrs


I’ve had 5 jobs total: 1. Retail at 16 2. Financial Aid Office at my college 3. Professional Nanny after college 4. First HR job 5. Current HR job I also have a ton of babysitting experience but I don’t count that even though it’s my side hustle and probably always will be.


I'm 24 I've only had 1 real job. 3 total if you count two side things that were under the table (tutoring and carnival game person)


21, I’ve also had about 8. A different job every year of High School getting experience in things like Comission sales, retail, fast food, etc. Then since graduating also about 4 more just job hoping and getting experience in other things as well and trying to find the place and environment and type of work I enjoy.


I’m 22 and I’ve had 5 jobs so far. One of those jobs I quit, but came back after about a year, and I work there currently.


Around 15ish


I've had 2 but I've been a full time student for my whole life basically


2 since I was 15 and I’ve been trying to get a job (part time bc I’m a student) for 4 years and literally nothing


Well, I had 3 jobs yet xD First I did an apprenticeship as a baker. Finished it but after that my knee didn't want to do the job anymore. So I switched to the IT and did support (first support for an internal system then I switched in the same company for technical support). Now I work in the IT Security as a Engineer. But next month I switch for Analyst (different company). I'm 25 xD But because I didn't study and started my apprenticeship when I was 16, I do have a few years of experience under my belt.


I’m on my fourth one


three or four. three with a W-2.


2, the rest of the time I was self employed


3, two of those were at the same time when I was a wee lad of 16, one for a neighbor's landscaping company and the other a waiter job at a resort which I wasn't exactly fond of but ended up working there 5 years before eventually quitting. My most recent one was as a Walmart cashier which I sadly got fired from for a stupid mistake . I liked this job well enough but particularly loved my front end crew whom I occasionally hung out with outside of work. About a year later and I still haven't gotten a fourth job. Not for lack of trying mind you, I'm submitting resumes to literally every business here and the next town over but haven't heard back from anyone weirdly enough.


Two 2017-2023. Army. 2023-present. Hole digger.


4 since I was 15. Two different lifeguarding jobs, a job at Krispy Kreme, and my job now as a PT Tech. I’ll probably get another job on my college campus when fall semester starts as well


Seven as of now. All in the last five years. Hoping my current one lasts for at least. A year or two, after that I’m planning to go self-employed with my own practice(tax preparation and accounting).


I’ve had probably thousands and yet I’ve only had one. I am a musician that has played thousands of shows, hundreds of sessions in several bands.


Haha ha laughs in film industry Probably like 15 if we count normal jobs too and I’m 23


On my 5th right now, wish I started working earlier and not until late spring of my freshman semester.


27 yrs old - That I got paid for? Four. I'm going back to college but will probably cram jobs in there too.


1 probably less than the typical zoomer.


5 regular paid jobs, a lot more internships/stipend kind of things.


Currently in my 5th one.


None so far.


I’m not counting jobs I left after less than a month, so 6. Been at my current (and best so far) job for 9 months now


i’m 19, i’ve had 3 including my current one


4 so far.




8 jobs total, 9 if you count a weird two-month free lance writing gig I got to do during Covid. Since becoming an adult/graduating college, I’ve found that it’s not a bad idea to work at one place for a year or so and then find another position somewhere else that pays slightly better. I’ve managed to carve myself a decent path that way.


4, started with a paper round at 14, then at 17 I got a job stocking shelves at the local hardware store, and currently I tutor middle and high school students, as well as working for my uni to monitor and support the first years in my major, which is actually ridiculously easy and pays very well in comparison to everything I’ve done before.


I had three jobs.


3, technically. My first I had for 2 weeks at 19 (it was a job near my college that I got shortly before the pandemic hit). My second for 2 years (various on campus jobs that I only quit because I graduated). And now the current one I got a couple months ago (it was the first non scam job to call me back after over a year of applying for jobs related to my major).


3. stocker -> warehouse worker -> maintenance tech


13 if you count seasonal pay change Underground utility virgin and renewal x6, wastewater treatment x2, EME operator x3, electrical apprentice x1, and truck driver x 1


8 at 22. Started working at 15. Held multiple at the same time. Never fired quit all when I wanted to.


23 and ive had 5 :3


I’ve had three since I was 14. And I’m just walking in to my fourth job today


4 or 5 same age started around 18


I’m 22, and I’ve had 8. First 6 were things like mcdonald’s, fedex and a couple internships. Started working at 15. Last 2 were more career jobs. Job 7 was essentially a call center role in a bank, did that PT while finishing my degree. Current job is a credit analyst at the same bank.


2 but it seems like only 1. worked at a grocery store for a week until I got layoff due to Covid, but I’ve bent doing landscaping for about 3 years now for the same company. 


I’m 26 and I started my 2nd ever job last month. I didn’t work in high school or college and had one job right out of college that I just left.


I turn 27 in a few days. I’ve had 4 in total. 2 of those I currently work in (finance & firefighting)




25 y/o, I've had four jobs (Two of them were temporary and one of them I worked a whopping week at before I couldn't take it anymore) Currently I've worked at this supermarket since 2019. It sucks but it's stable at least.


Two jobs, one was a cashier at a grocery store and the second one is the one I have now which as a junior security analyst, originally an IT technician position then I got promoted, so maybe three depending on how you are counting


I’m 26 and I’ve had 8 different jobs. Though I’m not really sure if my current job is a “job” since I’m an owner now.


I’m 28. I’ve had 3 professional jobs, 1 internship, and 2 jobs during high school


Im 22. college part time job for 1 year Summer camp for 4 years Nanny for 1 Bbq joint for 2 years (Some overlap in the years when I did summer camp weekdays and bbq weekends. Its was pretty miserable to work fulle time for 6 days.) But yes Ive been working since I was 16


24 and I’ve had 7


Do fuck this place you suck to work for Im outa here in the first hour count? Or the older employees tell you to run and you listen type jobs?


Counting college workstudy, one. Currently none.


I've had 7, I'm 26. Plan on staying at my current for at least a decade though.


I'm 23. I've had 6 jobs since 16


I’ve worked since I was 15 lmaooo. So 13 jobs


22, I worked 9 with 1 being my first full-time job and the other 8 were all part-time jobs during high school and college


I've worked a couple. My first job was at an anime convention, then I worked in an electronics store where I got promoted to manager (but I was furloughed due to Covid), my current job is a cashier (since it was the only thing I could get after 2 years of searching)


One. Best job I ever had.


1 job, but I only worked there for a little over a year. A lot of internships though.


Age: 25 Jobs: 9 (4 part time - 5 full time) Fired: 2 times, had no effect on my other jobs what so ever.


10 so far, and I like my current job a lot so we’ll see how long I stay around That number includes little BS highschool jobs and “in between” jobs as well. I’d say there was 3 major jobs that I’d call career worthy


7. First was when I was 14




4 in total.


4 jobs total: Fast food, shoe store, university research assistant, engineer


I’m 16 I currently work 2


1, I just got my first job.


3 One part time One contract. One full time. They were all fun


24 n i’ve had 9 jobs so far. I’ve been working since I was 16


I'm 16, so gonna get my first job this summer


3 or 4. Depends if you count PhD student as a job. Certainly functions as one.


In hs, my first was at dq, then was a janitor thru community college, and then after finishing audio school I worked as a sound guy for a bit, then two different construction jobs, and now am a teaching assistant going back to college to be a classroom teacher




ive had 5 jobs since I was 16


2. I’m a graphic designer and have my own business and an internship. Still haven’t gotten a “big kid” job, but I’m a freshman in college so I’m not too stressed about it for now.


22 right now, I’m on job number 6. I get paid quite well currently so I don’t really have any plans to get a new job in the future.


Dude I don’t even remember half of them I think like 20


6 1. Flower shop assistant with parent permission during summer. 2. Cashier for 3 years as “first real job.” 3. moved, became a host at a buffet, then the pandemic hit. 4. Studio assistant during late 2020 until 2023. 5. Another host position at the same time as studio assistant job during 2022. 6. Current unionized job that I might stay as long as I can since there’s pension Technically 7 if you want to count helping with parents company now and then


Too many.


im 22 and technically have had 4


3 (21M) Construction, Warehouse packer, CNC Operator (current)


3 i worked at a grocery store from july 2021 thru august 2022. quit cus the managers sucked and the school year was starting. culvers ~april(ish?) 2023 until like 3 weeks ago. technically was fired? idk. they refused to give me more than 6 hours a week or tell me why. so i started applying to other jobs on the clock and i got fired cus of that lol. and i started working at mcdonald’s yesterday, so.


2. started working at a grocery store when i was like 17-18, quit and joined the military. been in ever since


I’m on my 2nd job now. Had a job in a thrift store for a month, now I’ve been in a warehouse for 3 years. I fucking hate it so I’m looking for my 3rd job


On my fifth one, almost my fourth year, longest I’ve ever stayed at one job and still enjoy it.


Had 3 jobs. Currently looking for one rn


I’ve had 6


5, longest was almost 4 years, shortest was one summer. I start #6 on Monday.


Probably close to 40 by now. I've been working shit jobs since 15 and fucked off and dropped out of high school cause I figured I wasn't gonna live to see my 20s and here I am at 23 paying for it having burt so many bridges being stupid.


Millenial here , 31M But total....9. 10 if you count my side gig Door Dash 11 if you count working with my grandmother when I was 12 (it was real work, I used to get blisters on my hands) 12 if you count that I've done two completely different jobs at my current place of employment


9 different employers for the same job since 2017


I’m a seasonal employee, so a lot. I had 2 Americorps positions during/right after college, worked in 3 grocery stores part-time, and have had 7 full-time gigs in the past 4 years. That makes 12? I feel like I’m learning a lot about what I want my big boy permanent job to be with all this experience


7. Went from life guarding at 15 to working a lofty corporate job at 18 throughout college to working at an amazon factory, restaurants/cafes to back to a corporate job now


6 since 15


I'm 28 and I've only ever had 2 jobs (just several times). One local job where I grew up, 3 different summers. And my engineering job, I was a summer intern twice, and I've been full time for almost 5 years.


2 started working at 14, 23 now different job.


I’m 22 and I had 11 jobs. That’s because I had a lot of experience when I was in college. My jobs are a mix of art and education because it pertains to my major :)


2, and it’s going to be 3 as soon as I get my drivers license.


Had someone fucking open fire on me at my last job, that ended my job-hopping. Before that I had 6 jobs. Been at my new place for two years now.


7 jobs since 2012. Most of those were summer jobs that I didn't go back to the next summer.


Before starting my final job (surgical tech) I had 5 different jobs retail/fast food


1, when I was 14, at some fast food place. Sketchy place, didn’t let people have their legally required breaks, but didn’t pay them for that hour to make it seem like they did take a break. Stood in water too. Quit after a week.


3. In a year…


Maybe 10 total. I’m 28


i've had \~15 jobs since i started working in 2015-2016. i have a pretty severe mental health condition that makes it difficult to hold down a job, though.


I’m 20 and have had 4 jobs since I was 14. That sounds bad but some of those were seasonal, others were due to other factors.


8, but technically too many to count because now I work freelance


I am 24. I’ve had 4 jobs. One I worked for since I was 18 until I turned 24 and I worked some jobs simultaneously.




6 since 16 (7ish years ago)




3 Started doing dishes at a local Pizza Pub. Then did factory temp work for a summer before senior year. Now full time assistant manager at a local restaurant franchise.


i’m 26 i’ve had 6 without counting volunteer and research positions


Pre career: 5 (2 retail, 2 food industry, 1 internship). Most of these were summer jobs & we’re all W2 (minus the internship). Starting working at 17/18. Career: 4 jobs at one company and I’m about to start my 5th job on Monday at a new company. Been in my career for three years now.


9, from 17 to 26. I'm currently at my 7th, making 4 years this year. There was a time I worked 2 jobs at once, my full time I'm currently working and part time. That's why the number seems kind of high, and that's why I say my 7th - chronologically it is. Over 3 years I was at lowe's, home depot and then Walmart on top of my FT.


If you count contracts then hundreds but if you count jobs, then around 50. I’m in sales now and that’s my longest job. It’s life insurance sales so once I hit 10 years I get vested as I can keep my renewals (I get paid monthly from past life insurance policies). It’s good to be about to talk for a job. Communication and sales are some of the strongest skills you can gain, so if you’re just picking any random job I would aim for that skill set. You can be super smart but if you can’t communicate or negotiate you’re going to get used in work and outside of work. I’m an old millennial, I am 39.


22 and I’ve had 2 jobs both in retail


2, one at Target (2 days lmao I couldn't do it), and now a waitress at a local airport café (about 2-3 months now)


I started working at 19. Im 26 now, and I’ve had 7 jobs counting the one I currently have.


27 now, 6 jobs since I was 16.


i’m almost 21 and have had 4 jobs since i was 18


5, but 2 were seasonal


I’ve had 4 real jobs so far in my life (various cash gigs on the side) 3 of which were in the food industry the other in the exploration industry


I'm on my 9th job since I was 14, now and am wondering why i haven't been laid off yet


2 that paid.


I'm not a zoomer, but I am still young enough that our generation and younger, if you really want to pump up your salary, you would need to job jump a lot, seems like nowadays loyalty is not worth a dime, only way to get raises is to apply for another job with your existing experience.. that said I have only few jobs myself, I think I am more of the personality that is set in their ways and dont look for change. After graduating I have had 3 actual jobs in last about 12 years. If we add summer jobs while studying then it would be 5, odd jobs and "summer jobs" before that would be I guess 7 in total. But honestly I have had amazing bosses and even they change their job in every 3-5 years, and they are amazing people but only way they get paid their worth is to change companies.. no one fucking pays for existing employees. I hear my parents and their parents generation talking about how their salary would raise every year automatically 5-10% they would get use rights for company cabins etc. meanwhile I spent last 7 years in my last company and my raises did not keep up with the inflation even with title change pay raise... Now changing jobs instantly boosted my salary and I am doing pretty much same complexity level of stuff (granted it will go up at some point when in last job I could have just be lazy and do the same thing forever). And I mean I do have very decent salary for my country but still it seems like the old guard who always take shots at us millenials do not understand that we will never reach their salary if we don't shop around every 3 to 5 years.


Do internships count? If so 6. 2 retail jobs, 3 engineering internships, and a single full time salary job since 22, now 25


I'm 27 I've had 5 jobs, started working when I was 18


1 and still have it, I'm a bartender at a hotel, it kinda sucks but I got a cool boss and amazing co-workers :)


23 years old, 4 jobs with one of them being a temporary internship.


I have had one job; protecting my life from predators, workplace and otherwise.


I’ve had 7. Lifeguarding, retail, food service, worked at a day camp but not as a counselor or group lead, worked at a trade company as an office assistant, worked a month in a shit MLM sales job, and now I’ve been working at my current job doing data entry and billing for 3 months.




20. Three jobs, but only one normal one. I’ve been in and out of university and I’ve been kicked out of military training. I’ve also done a lot of travel during my periods of intermittent homelessness.


5 jobs and I’m 22, started working at 16.


I think 4?


I’m 20 and have had 2 jobs, started working when I was 17, first job I worked for a year and a half, second job I worked for a year and four months


I’ve had 10 so far


6-7 so far by the time I’m 40 I hope that number is closer to 20. I hope from company to company asking for more each time


One. I’ve had it since last August.


My title has changed a lot but I only consider it 2 jobs in 20 years. Unless you could high school part time jobs then 4 in 40 years.


I started at 15 and I've had 8 jobs, currently looking for my 9th because my current job has only been getting more intolerable and I need to make more money so I can move out


Not including side hustles/under the table stuff before I was legally old enough, I have had 2 jobs. I am 24 and just left my last job of 8 years due to some health issues, before that I had been at another place since I was 15 (old enough to work in my state). I also had some overlap between the two jobs but left the first one at 17 to work up in the other one/focus on school. Sometimes I regret having worked so long, under the table— I’ve been working since I was 12. My health issues are physical and won’t get too much better as they’ll only progress ugh. I am a wee frustrated thinking about how I worked away a lot of my silly time in life where I “didn’t have to work”… however I am also very grateful to be able to take this little break for my body in my 20s; which I’m not sure I’d be able to do if I wasn’t working when I was younger so it’s kind of a catch 50 or whatever they call it (idk I’m only 24 bro) I am somewhat ready to go back to work though, just nervous with how the search will go 😮‍💨


6, and I’m currently working 3


I’m at job number 3. But have been at the same job for the better part of 5 years.


Since 16 Ice cream barista Ice cream barista Acai bowl maker/barista Walgreens pharmacy technician EMT at one ambulance company EMT at another ambulance company Medication technician at a detox house In home Caregiver for two companies at the moment Research assistant for a healthcare lab at school


I'm 26, been working since 16, I've had about 10-15 jobs.


None, and I feel disgusting about it. I’m chronically ill, I’ve had 22 surgeries, I’m with a feeding tube, I can’t even finish college because they don’t offer enough colleges online. I’m completely dependent on my family for everything, I even need help taking a shower and doing simple things. It’s embarrassing, I feel like a burden and a mess. I applied for disability but since I’ve never worked they’re going to see if they can give it to me through my parents.


From my junior year of HS (2017-2018) to last December I had the same job. In the last 6 months I’ve had 4 jobs because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Luckily I figured it out and start college in a few months, about to turn 23 but it’s never too late to make better choices for yourself. The only advice I have is don’t stay somewhere you hate, especially if it’s not a career.


i’m 20 and have had have had 5 jobs


14 so far from age 16-24. Some of them I ended up playing multiple roles (moving around hotel industry), and some of them were just temporary while I was in between jobs. I can say now I have a job I love completely, but it sucks that it doesn’t pay anything compared to my last gig.


24 Male. 12 Total Jobs in 10 years. Underage Construction Worker (Helper), Underage Window Cleaner (Helper), Fiesta Mart (Cart Wrangler), Taco Bell (Everything), Beer Distributor (Pallet Builder), Jason’s Deli (Dishie), Potbelly (Sandwhich Artist), Construction Office (Office Work), Warehouse Distribution Center (Pallet Builder), Another Construction Office (Office Work), Construction (Field Guy), And now at another construction office (Pencil Pusher)


Turning 24 this month, did fast food summer I turned 17, then took a break from work during my senior year, then did another fast food place after graduating high school, then worked as a medical receptionist for 3 years, and during the pandemic took a short break and had an amazing opportunity to get paid to make calls about the 2020 election, then quit reception in 2022 to work at my current part time job, then took an internship in 2023, got hired at my first full time job, got fired 6 months later, and now I’m starting as a receptionist again on Monday lol. Soooo six jobs, eight if you count my internship and the election work.


I'm 31 and have had about 15 different jobs since I was 17.


In terms of proper employment where I signed a contract and all that, I think I'm up to 7 jobs now. Worked crappy jobs for awhile there (movie theater, coffee shop, Target) but at this point post-grad I've got a teaching and a public engagement job that together can keep me afloat. Definitely still getting that imposter syndrome but it's getting better.


23M 10 jobs started working at 10 and started my first business at 17 still doing that so I guess it counts as 1 job but feels like 20.




Been working since I was 16, had a total of 4 different while in college. January I landed my first real adult job.


3 I'm 20


None. Every time I applied they either say I’m not a good fit or don’t have work experience. Not sure how I’m supposed to have work experience if no one would hire me😄 that’s kinda why I’m wanting to work from home now.


Broo i had like 10 jobs but im 25 lol


3 so far


If I'm counting correctly it would be 7 starting at age 17.


8 total. I’m 25. The first seven were part time while I was in highschool/college and the job I’m at now I’ve been at since 2021 :)


One job and it's retail badly want to escape somehow


7 lmao. I'm a job hopper and proud. Worked from $7.25/hr to $18.50/hr at my best. I have a pretty wide range of job roles and experience in different environments under my belt at this point. Sam's Club cashier, McDonald's drive-thru, Goodwill floor associate, Burlington receiving associate, dietary aide at a shitty nursing home, waitress at a shitty 55+ community. Just recently worked a couple days at a car wash but I hated it. Almost landed my dream job for $25/hr but they pulled out last second and I'm devastated. Back to the job boards, I guess.


I’m 22 and I’ve had 5. I’m a Machine Repair apprentice rn at a pretty large company and get paid handsomely with halfway decent benefits. I hate the fuck outa interviews so I’m hoping that I can stay here for quite a while. I may want to move states eventually though because snow sucks butthole to deal with.