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> pride month has lost any real meaning Which is why mostly conservatives want to get rid of it every single June and go back 40 years ago when anything outside of a heteronormative relationship was a disorder in the DSM.


Don’t forget they also don’t want to allow biracial couples


Let's be real.... They don't want certain biracial couples. I really don't think conservatives give a fuck about my Hispanic ass married to my black wife.


Give em an inch and they'll take a mile.


non white conservatives exist


This is so disingenuous. That is not at all what they were against when that bill was passed.


You would have better luck saying that on centrist subreddits or social medias.


Yea I’m not sweating pixelated downvotes




Idk why you’re saying this to me. Everyone can be racist/discriminate against people. Just because you’re one color doesn’t absolve you from your faults.




I mean a quick google search shows you that there’s numerous republicans that want the SC to overturn biracial marriage. But I know doing the bare minimum is hard for y’all.




So you went from saying who wants that? To, hey some democrats do does that mean they all want too? Nice moving the goalposts there ya Jagoff.




Lololol you are not far left


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CriticalTheory using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalTheory/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The "legitimacy" of self-immolation/suicide as protest](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalTheory/comments/1b0q2ob/the_legitimacy_of_selfimmolationsuicide_as_protest/) \#2: [BBC HARDtalk interview with Judith Butler, whose "new book suggests those sceptical of gender fluidity and self-identity are part of a global authoritarian trend. Is that fair?"](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct4p4g) | [463 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalTheory/comments/1bnaj7x/bbc_hardtalk_interview_with_judith_butler_whose/) \#3: [Cultural obsession with pedophilia and rape](https://np.reddit.com/r/CriticalTheory/comments/1bhn0r5/cultural_obsession_with_pedophilia_and_rape/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> Who doesn't? Do you have a source?




> kiddo 14 day old negative karma account.




No, I think you just like picking fights online, and there’s nothing deeper to it.




I think you’re a parody of whatever political flavor you’re trying to present as, and I don’t know if that’s intentional or not, but have a good day


It's commonly understood to be a formality for insurance but I guess knowing the bare minimum is too much for you


No its not. Why are you lying? Gender dysphoria is in the DSM V. Not "transexuality".


Strawman much? I live in Oklahoma (a very red state), and most people don't care what non-"heteronormative" people do as long as you leave the kids alone.


What’s the straw man?


That he felt a need to add "leave the kids alone". Only strawman in the thread so far. Oh Jesus, here I am 3rd Millennial deep in a thread on this sub. Sorry for not noticing the sub at first, everybody.


Jfc calm down and stop apologizing lol, that’s the only part of your comment that’s millennial coded


It's more for other millennials to notice. A lot of decent threads become what I apologized for doing...lol. Deuces.


Absolutely 100% not necessary but whatever man you do you


It's Reddit. None of it is necessary.


Thinking that conservatives basically want anything outside of straightness outlawed/seen as a mental illness.


What my post implies is: of the people complaining about pride month, the majority are conservatives. That’s not a straw man


>go back 40 years ago when anything outside of a heteronormative relationship was a disorder in the DSM. And this part?


I established a group [people who complain about pride], then said that group is “mostly conservatives who feel X way”.


Quit dancing around the point.


I genuinely don’t get your point. I brought up a very specific group of people, and your response was just “some conservatives just want to protect children”, but I never said all conservatives.


Still dancing. Have fun.


...You might want to listen to the actual shit many of them say. Have you heard of...oh, I don't know... Evangelical Christians?


Yeah tbis guy is just making stuff up


So a small subsection = every one of them, huh? You do realize that same sort of argument is used by the right against left, right? Remember them talking about how BLM was burning down cities and shit?


"Leave the Kids Alone" is a code phrase for being a domestic terrorist


I also live and grew up in oklahoma. You are inventing a narrative to deflect something. Outside of the few lefty circles the average okie is uncomfortable with the idea of queer people. Its the whole reason I try to be straight passing. The punk scene in tulsa is very welcoming, but they not the average. I know my people, and the majority have internalized reservations and they vote accordingly.


I've lived here for 39 years, and you're lying like crazy. The "average okie" doesn't give a shit what people do in the bedroom. As for trans, the worst you'll get is a raised eyebrow and possibly a shake of the head. The only time people here don't like it is when you go after kids or shove it in their faces.


Are you even queer? Your experience is not universal. My mother teaches in gore and they still get kids who are harassed and abused for being gay. The whole reason I'm straight passing was a coping mechanism to avoid that bullying. I thought it would be different after I graduated but nope, coworkers were real judgy too so had to keep hiding it. This isn't new, in fact it's very old. And why do you keep accusing us of going after kids and shoving it in people's faces? Do you mean drag queens and pda?


What does being queer have to do with kids? If you care about kids go to the Catholic church and lock up the priests


Didn’t you get the memo? All conservatives are registered card carrying Nazis so this can’t be true! /s


Sounds good to me and the vast majority of everyone else actually.


Idk pride month still has meaning to me it's a month where people organize and celebrate being queer. I go to multiple pride events every June it's a fun time and it doesn't really happen outside of this month.


it still has its place within the community but it has been hijacked by big corporations, same as how religious holidays are now just a way to sell chocolate and cards. slap a rainbow in your logo for 31 days, hike up the prices of your new **GAY** product and pretend like nothing happened for remaining 334 days of the year


It really hasn't, I don't think most queer people care at all about corporations doing this, at least where I'm from, it's like such a non factor


It really hasn't, that's a very visible but incredibly minor part of it for a majority of people. I just got back from my cities pride and I don't think it was brought up a single time


You could think of it as corporations being a cancer, feasting on the concept of pride month, but you could also think of it as symbiosis. Let them feast on it and earn big money while at the same time normalizing the idea of non-homosexual relationships. Technically win-win.


that’s the issue, they don’t normalise it. like it’s pointed out in the OP, they don’t celebrate pride in areas where homosexuality is stigmatised. It’s masquerading exploitation as support. I understand your point and to some extent, I agree. It’s just an evil of corporations but at least it benefits a marginalised community somewhere, even if it’s not everywhere and maybe we can reach that eventually


>It’s masquerading exploitation as support. Oh I agree with that part, I was thinking more externally. From an outside perspective it seems like so many large, successful, multi-billion dollar corporations are pro-lgbtq+. This is of course just a marketing ploy and nothing else, but to a group of typical Joes, over generations, this might be a step towards normalization just simply because of mere exposure, familiarity principle, so to say.


Right wingers whining about free speech is hilarious.


I'm not a right winger


I don’t think they were talking about you. I think they’re referring to right wingers getting angry about pride month, per your post.


You posted something that doesn’t 100% comply with far left ideology. Back to the Fascist meeting, ya Nazi. /s


Then why are you so pissy over the idea of the LGBTQ community getting a chance to celebrate without fear? Would you prefer if we were pushed back into the shadows like in the 1950s?


It's about how pride month is just commercialism.


read my comment below, that explains your question.


Then stop whining like one, or at least stop whining exactly how the right views anyone left of fascist though; boo fucking hoo, corporations lie about their true aims, and its a biiiiiig secret what they're actually aiming to do- oh right, its just to make money. But by all means, lets go back to a time when this wasn't even acceptable and LGBTQ people were considered a taboo. Especially in a political climate that is more and more encouraging of violence on the side that hates anyone different from from a WASP.


It's about how pride month is just commercialism.


It's not just commercialism though. In the same way that the people making a buck off of Christmas didn't steal the birth of Jesus from the church, rainbow Nike shoes during Pride month don't rob the communities which had long been getting together and holding events before the endorsements showed up. You need to hold a little space to consider these two separate things.


So is any religious or memorial holiday, whats your point? The fact its profitable means it has a level of protection that corporations will provide with financial legitimacy. You sound like a right wing dog whistle who just wants to get the point across that Pride Month shouldn't be placed in the same state as memorial day or 4th of July, as misguided as those morons are.


Holy shit dude calm down, plenty of queer people also have issues with corporations trying to wrap themselves up in pride flags during June 💀


real lol


If this is the state of discourse among the youth, we are fucked. OP expressed an opinion that they are dissatisfied with the commercialization of Pride Month and the predictable circus of political arguments. OP believes the flaws of the situation outweigh the benefits. That's a fine opinion.  It's sensible to disagree and say "It's still important for representation" or "it encourages those without support systems" or countless other things in support of a cause you care about, despite its flaws. It's nonsensical to attack OP personally and call them "a right winger" aka "a bad guy" (which is also weird) or minimize their opinion just because you disagree.  You aren't being a champion of progressive values. You're being a defensive bully. 


People argue with anyone when they don't agree, even if the other guy is objectively correct. Pride month has become commercialized. It's lost it's meaning about equality for all and spread to some groups believing they are superior and others taking advantage of people.


I've said it once, and I'll say it again for those in the back: in a capitalist society, the best way to know you're protected is to know you're profitable, and right now, Pride month is profitable, otherwise corporations wouldn't be doing it. Good vibes and laws enforced by officers who often fantasize about beating supposedly protected classes aren't enough.


I don't hate capitalism. In fact I'm glad it's the system I was born into over the rest. Lots hate it because they're down on luck but the other ones have clearly shown they are not good. Communism sounds great on paper but put into action it would never work, and Socialism is just the beginning of communism


Question(s): Could it potentially be a problem with the system itself if there are "lots" of people "down on their luck?" Do you really think this is the best we can do to take care of each other? When so many starve while we throw away literal tons of perftectly edible, safe food every day simply to maintain an artificial profit margin?


I mean again, I don't see better solutions. Millions starved and died from communism, while at least here there are a few chances to make it somewhere. You can have your opinions and I can have mine, simple as that


Millions have starved and died under capitalism, millions have starved and died under feudalism, etcetera. Opinions are wonderful, but facts exist. Reality--material reality--exists. What does it mean (to you) for someone to make it?


I don't know if I agree with the second part of your statement. I'm mostly just arguing for better discourse. But on Reddit that's like trying to put out fires with a tea cup. 


Idk man I saw people posting we should put straights in jail and shit. Idk if it was a joke but either way I've seen people genuinely believe they're superior because they're gay


Lmao, "better discourse" is calling people bullies because they call out right wing dog whistles? Jesus, you're mentally dull.


How???OP is bitching because (gasp) being LGBTQ is something that is accepted and mainstream, and even if the morals behind these companies aren't there at all, you know what the best defense of people in this society is? Them being profitable. Its not right, but it *is* a good way to make sure people understand they have more than just good vibes and paper laws protecting them, as people acting out against this protected group will actually face consequences, if only because the margins might be affected otherwise. Saying "Corporations only care about money" as a defense is not only stupid, its a way right wing MAGAts try and delegitimize the struggle these people have fought in to gain recognition on such a scale, and often do so under the guise of being "centrist" or "liberal, but against the big corporations supporting these people". Theres a decent chance OP is one of them, the dog whistling fuck.


Okay sure, and that's a great argument. Why didn't you say that? "I disagree with your point, and here's why" is a much better way to push back than to say "boo hoo stop whining". And OP complaining about the commercialization of Pride is NOT advocating for returning to a time when LGBTQ people were taboo. You jumped WAY past OP's point and assumed their argument for them, and then got mad at them about it. You're still calling OP a dog whistling fuck and they've not made any of the arguments you're accusing them of doing. One can simultaneously believe: "I'm so glad modern Western society is more accepting of LGBTQ communities" and "the commercialization of Pride month is personally off-putting". That person is not a MAGA supported. That person just has an opinion that disagrees with you. And sure, maybe OP \*is\* dog whistling here, but maybe not. We didn't get a chance to hear their point, because you jumped in and assumed the worse. This is my point. You took what could've been a disagreement and an educational opportunity and turned it into an angry shit-fight. This is bad for discourse.


Even if OP is leftist or liberal, the argument that corporatization of a holiday or celebration is bad is laughably stupid; literally every Christian and federal holiday is, and bitching and moaning about it happening on our side gives them fuel for hate.


It doesnt matter, Reddit will let you know what you are.


Exactly. There’s no debate here. Agree or you’re a MAGA Nazi.


Then by all means, present your view; keep in mind, saying there's "no debate" when you present a view that involves cutting off 1st Amendment rights to people of a certain sexuality or orientation shouldn't be a debate. OP is being called a right winger because, just like your comment right here and the "/s" comment right below it, are likely dog whistles for you and others who may not be Nazis, but your views fall pretty squarely with fascists in general. None of this is even remotely "far left", it is a basic acceptance of human beings, regardless of their sexuality and orientation who haven't done anything criminal except live differently in your eyes.


There’s too much wrong with this statement to even address, but it does an excellent job showcasing what I mean. Lots of accusations, little to no evidence.


Then address it; seems like decent logic to me, but I expect little from right wingers in terms of actual argument.


Not a right winger, but nice try.


Doubt, but "nice try", Trumpie


Yup. Just like my right wing friends call me a govt bootlicker.


OP is a socialist lol, not a right-winger. they're probably not against pride month, they're against the commercialization of pride month. and as a gay socialist i also agree with them, because commercialization has ruined the true spirit of pride month, which is grassroots activism.


Nah, we just mock it. It’s low-hanging fruit.


Yes, the corporations are pandering. However, that’s a huge change from my childhood. They know that it is better for them to have a publicly affirming front, which shows how society has changed. Concerning to me is how they’ve been backing off because of said right wingers. I feel like we’ve been regressing hard.


Lots of cringe corporate pandering during the month but have a pride month is useful to continue to educate and encourage acceptance.


People are people. Somethings won’t change and that’s fine.


Happy Pride yall!! *The message was brought to you by Capital One*


“Did we do good? Wanna rack up some credit card debt now? 🥹👉👈”


your bitter about something so think what exactly is making you bitter


To be honest, I don't particularly care about the motivation. If a company temporarily having a rainbow logo on social media drives one bigot away from hobbies that should be safe spaces for people to relax and not worry about homophobia and transphobia, then I consider it a good day.


The opposite is also true--allies and other LGBTQ people swarming Target to buy up rainbow merch isn't exactly helping further the cause for equality and dilutes people's political power by creating an ineffectual replacement for grassroots organizing.


You sure the merch is being bought? [https://thehardtimes.net/music/target-reduces-pride-month-collection-to-single-t-shirt-of-androgynous-person-shrugging/](https://thehardtimes.net/music/target-reduces-pride-month-collection-to-single-t-shirt-of-androgynous-person-shrugging/)


I guess what do you expect out of it?


They think we are all dumb so they pander to people to sell more bullshit products we don’t need. Whatever increases shareholder profits is what they will do and they aren’t good or virtuous for branding a few things rainbow. Corporations are demons from hell


as a gay socialist, i agree. i wish pride marches can go back to its original roots, which is ACTIVISM, not just another material for influencers' sparkly IG stories and corporate profits.


They renamed the local Pride Parade a Pride March a few years ago and started trying to work more politically salient themes into it. The problem though is that the themes all sound like HR sanitized EDI initiatives and are completely anodyne and open to interpretation rather than making any real statement of grievance or demand. Add the fact that the march goes *away* from the state house instead of toward it. So building something parallel and contra to Stonewall is I think a major first step in reclaiming Pride.




says the person who has -100 karma 🤡 take your cold war propaganda elsewhere.


I dunno that I agree that Pride has lost any real meaning, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. But as with everything, as soon as the corporations see a way to profit off something and stick their fingers in it, the broader, "mainstream" version is sanitized. We see the same thing every year with like, Martin Luther King Day. Doesn't mean it has no meaning for people or communities. Just doesn't really have meaning from corporate entities.


The fact that we’re at a place in society where pride month can be “just another commercial holiday” with every brand participating is HUGE and just shows how far gay rights have come. Less than 10 years ago it was still illegal for people to marry their same-sex partners in many parts of this country. 15 years ago getting assaulted or killed just for being gay wasn’t uncommon, AND wasn’t even considered a hate crime. Gay couples wouldn’t hold hands in the many parts of the country for fear of violent reactions. This isn’t old history by any means, this was how things were in our lifetime. The fact that we’re at a place where pride month can feel boring and corporate and is celebrated in every city in America and recognized by every brand in America is such an enormous leap from where we were as a country even a couple decades ago. Sure, maybe the brands just use it as a PR play, but the fact that being seen celebrating gay rights is a PR play that benefits companies is amazing. For people that were bullied, beat, or worse for being gay just a decade ago, seeing a huge parade celebrating their right to be openly gay must be incredible, and those corporate parades are the result of decades of hard work, sacrifice, and literal bloodshed.


Pink money


I just like being gay :)


This is a situation of not seeing the forest for the trees. Pride month being a pedestrian endeavor barely worth noticing is what progress looks like. Amoral corporations feeling obligated to pay lip service to basic egalitarian ideals instead of pretending LGBT people don't exist is progress. The day you woke up and pride didn't matter anymore because no one cares their friends and neighbors are LGBT anymore was a day you had a significantly better and fairer country. The fact that capital has dictated it's profitable to treat LGBT people like humans, or at least it's more costly to not do so, is expressly a good thing.


Wouldn't the endeavor being "worth noticing", over time, get us closer to being "not worth noticing" though? The action of noticing inequality in itself leading to equality?


that's what you get from capitalists trying to be "inclusive". let's be real here, capitalism CAN'T be inclusive, you can't tell me a pride march where you have to pay $100 entrance fee is "inclusive". that's why i sometimes dreamed of attending pride marches in the late 70s, the sense of community between fellow LGBTQ+ were very strong at that time (because we faced much bigger challenges).


It still has meaning to me, probably in the same way that Christmas still has meaning to Christians even though it’s heavily commercialized. I’m happy pride month exists.


Idk the fact that it’s become so mainstream is kind of a good thing isn’t it? There was a time when corporations would have stayed silent not of fear of losing customers, but now they are worried about staying quiet (at least in places where it’s not illegal). They’re not being brave, but that’s not how businesses work. It’s still a good thing. And I e seen plenty of businesses in the US threaten to leave or not comply with various cities/states that tried to pass anti-LGBTq laws. One thing that I think gets overlooked is that a lot of the pandering in big corporations is not just about selling things, but about selling themselves as an inclusive workplace and supporting their LGBTQ employees. Adding rainbows to their packaging probably doesn’t actually increase sales that much, but ignoring Pride completely sure would send a message to their employees (and potential future hires).


Pride month is still important it’s probably more needed now more than ever . Companies exploit it to sell merchandise but the core reason pride month is needed hasn’t changed , and until gay couples don’t have to worry about going out in public and being attacked and people can be who they are without judgement then pride month will still be needed.


The idea that pride month has no meaning is exactly what right-wingers want you to believe. Is it flawed? Sure. But still, such a public decoration for gay rights would've been unheard of even just a few years ago, and it really does mean a LOT. Especially now, with Elon's Twitter and nutjobs and bots running rampant all over the internet.


June is just June to me, not a pride month Only based people upvote


The only things that happen in June in my brain are my birthday and Fathers Day, and I haven't really cared about my birthday for the past 8 or so years so I couldn't care less about many other dates


Every holiday, weather it be just a day, a week, or a month, is commercialized. Add that in with people who don't believe in it or don't like it and you've got yourself a meaningless month. Or week. Or day.


Pride Month is so much more than the corporate focused events. There are small celebrations, queer maker markets, protests, etc You will only find what you are looking for


That’s capitalism for ya. It capitalizes on anything and everything


I mean, yeah, I'm not gonna deny anything you just said, but aren't you forgetting that the majority of pride month is about people being proud of being queer? All that other stuff is extra, get rid of it and you'll still have a month of people celebrating the LGBTQ community. So long as people continue to find fun and enjoyment in it, I would argue pride month still has meaning.


In my opinion, I think it's more than that. I think it's people celebrating their gender and sexuality and how it's perfectly normal to be queer. The LGBTQ+ community gets to get together and be themselves.


It's lost all meaning if you don't celebrate it. My friends and I have talks about queerness, my family goes to pride festivals, I get to acknowledge my queerness in a confident way. It's only meaningless to the people who don't actually do anything to celebrate.


Look, getting your culture co-opted by corporations to sell shit and by grifters to sell angry shit is just a sign that you've made it in American life. The meaning is in how fake it is.


It’s all just to distract you from the class warfare


https://preview.redd.it/rbw7eaicoz3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d16c70903abb290baf1ba88f097dcffbbcee0e How I feel about pride month - a gay man


Pride isn’t about “sex lives” it’s a celebration about the rights we’ve won and a chance for the community to come together. Without the pride movement and consistent gay activism I wouldn’t have the right to be married to my husband. Pride is *immensely* important


Then why all the kink at the parade/festival?


I’ve never been to a pride festival that had kink elements to it. Most pride events aren’t “kink” So it just feels like your making an argument of exceptions where your paint all of pride as one thing by taking an isolated incident or such out of context and applying it to the whole event


[“isolated incident”](https://youtu.be/L4QZ_1xCfVk). There are more than one incidents, it’s pretty much most these days, and this is why LGBT acceptance is declining I want the rights as well, but kink/sexual content shouldn’t be allowed at pride


Yes, that is a super cut of isolated incidents from different prides and it’s being used to paint the entire movement in a negative light. Thank you for illustrating that very well. I never said all Pride events are family friendly. It’s not our job to parent other people’s kids. If they bring them to an event that’s inappropriate for them—that’s on them. People bring their kids to Mardi Gras and have titties shoved in their face every year in New Orleans so the outrage seems selective to me.


And Mardi Gras with children is a problem as well


Pride month still has meaning, it's just that big groups find it as an opportunity to commercialize. That's why I'm just celebrating in my own way rather than giving a fuck what big businesses do with it


It's corporate for sure, but so is Christmas. Sometimes people just need something to get excited about. Ultimately it's the individual experience that matters.


Welcome to Capitalism


Dude this is such a straight 14 year old's opinion lmao People on the left mostly don't care, we know conservatives are gonna get mad and we don't care about companies changing their logos, the festivals and community are what we actually care about


It doesn't help that pride is becoming more commercialized, your starting to see "private VIP" area's at these events which is kinda hilarious if the message is about inclusion. I just don't really care anymore as living in a first world country is significantly safer then other parts now so its kinda achieved what it set out despite perpetual victims trying to convince you things are always worse then they've ever been. (like really.... you trying to tell me its worse now then at the height of the aids epidemic?)


The funny thing I notice about pride is that it started as something inclusive, now its probably the most exclusive thing you could go to. All about diversity, unless you're not diverse like them.


For me, it's a day for the young uns to get together and March for those who went before them. Who died, got beaten, sent to prison. For those who still die around the world, get beaten, sent to prison. We have to recognize our history.


Everyone fly your "don't hurt me flags".


I am curious, if you’re lgbtq, what do you want pride month to look like?


Pride month used to be about gay people having equal rights but now it’s about spicy straights airing their sexual taboos publicly.


This is such a 15 year old straight dude post lmao Basically no one on the left pays attention to corporations or angry right wingers during pride, it's just part of the drill Pride is mostly about the in person celebrations than anything else I think for most of us, it's like going to a convention but about being gay


There's more to pride month than just brands selling rainbow shoes While I wouldn't call rainbow capitalism itself a good thing, it's at least a good sign that LGBTQ people are an accepted group to pander/sell to rather than one to ignore


I don’t think anything should have an entire month dedicated to it maybe a week but a whole month is stupid can’t even go into SF during this month without being assaulted by naked men showcasing their “pride” disgusting is what it is


Wait until you see how Christmas is treated. Same shit. Different holiday.


It has what meaning and community that we seek


What do you want large corporations to do?


It's mostly whatever for me tbh, like, everyone is ofc free to enjoy it, I just don't need corpopride month to let me be happy and feel valid about who I wanna date I can be bi every day of the year, it feels meaningless by now


Touch some grass 


sigh some ppl just don't get it... the point of changing the logos to rainbow colors each month is to show support for the LGBT community


those who know, know that the first pride was a riot


idrc about it, the "community" is just a cesspool of useless internet discourse, there hasn't been real LGBT culture since the 2000s, it's just capitalist media (like beyonce) being disguised as "queer culture". You can't compare it to ethnic/racial culture because one is from the soul and has lasted for centuries, while the other is "omg haha this new meme is totally for the gayz". But i dont care if someone wants to participate in pride, it doesn't make them "cringe". I just dont see any point in it


I don’t get why terminally online people whine so much about the logos thing instead of just using it to help further normalization like most people. It’s not that hard


Why does it matter if they are pandering? Most corporations don't give a shit about your mom, but you can still get a birthday card that says "to mom". If you like some pride themed product just buy it if it's worth it to you, and imma still buy taco bell even though their commercials target my age demographic despite them not giving a single shit about me personally.


Who gives a fuck gay people have been murdered and treated less then everyone forever. Until everyone has equal rights let them shove their lifestyle shit down your throats. And corporations literally try make money off anything so wgaf.


I'm of the opinion we should have no "special days"...holidays, dead persons birthdays, erhnic months...all are distractions and typically do little to nothing for the people or community its meant for. Mostly just days where certain streets are closed and some businesses don't open. If you feel you need a national holiday to feel "special", you are probably a narcissist...


I think this is far better than it was just a few years ago. We're lucky that we are able to complain about this in the first place.


everything is commercialised dumbass that's just how society is that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the holiday or that it has no meaning, just because some dipshit wants to sell you products over it


The rainbow capitalism, rampant homophobia from politicians and my family alike, and the awful discourse (“guhhhh this flag is problematic” “you can’t be X if Y” “neopronouns make us look bad” “kink is evil and guys in pup hoods are ruining our reputation”) why I’ve come to dread pride month in recent years, even though it’s still a very important event. It’s a good thing I deleted my Shitter account 


Your vision is getting clearer.


I feel like I'm seeing less pandering in this year's pride month so far from corporations. Maybe they are starting to not give a fuck?


If they would have picked one day it would have been more effective as it would essentially be treated as Cinco De Mayo version 2.0 .. Call it Gay Day or whatever, It would be a blast. Hell I might have supported it because I love going out. But deciding they need a whole Month is actually being full of themselves.


I don't know, after centuries of it essentially being legal to beat gay people to death, I feel like alone month per year isn't too much to ask, especially since it doesn't actually impact anyone that doesn't seek it out.


Why do you care?


Why do YOU care?


Me? I think it’s a good thing that people who have been abused and bullied to celebrate who they are safely. Can we get back to my question now tho since you deflected… why do you care that they have a month? Are you bothered by people just existing and celebrating themselves?


There are plenty of groups that " deserve" a whole month ... get over yourself. Jews. Asians...Native Americans... Irish.. You are right. Gays should have the whole year. sheesh.


Please, where exactly did I say they should get a whole year? Maybe you should do your research and if possible start a month for people who you feel “deserve” a month.. Get over myself how exactly? I’m just a straight white dude who isn’t bothered by people being happy and celebrating who they are…


What are they proud of and why?


No you’re right. It’s not really up to us little people whether it stops or not tho :/ I’ve just put it entirely out of mind at this point.


It’s just more distraction and attempt at dividing


It's lame.... corporations just pushing commercial push for attention.    And before you say Right wingers, most want personal freedoms, just like all left wingers don't want a communist Marxist world.


Corporations leverage social justice as a way of tricking you into thinking they care, all while cranking prices above inflation, paying workers dogshit and being generally awful places to work. But hey, Target loves your trans baby.


it is 100% a scam. Corporations are making millions from it. Acting like they give a shit. The president acts like he cares. None of these ppl care about you. Not a single one. How could they? They don't know you. Black History Month same thing. I agree with Morgan Freeman on that. Here's the thing... no one cares anymore. It's like guys we get it. You're accepted. Sure there will always be haters for anything you do in life, but there are so many of us now that it's pretty normal to be bi gay or whatever. The average person doesn't even think about your sexuality. I'm bi. And it's annoying when ppl make a flag a part of their identity


I've always hated pride month. I don't care if people are gay or whatever else, but there's no reason to spend a month flaunting your abnormal relationship with dick everywhere that will tolerate it. Especially with various corporations jumping on the bandwagon for shit they don't care about, and politicians also jumping on it for the attention. It's all dumb, just be a normal person and live a normal life. Stop making celebrations about things that don't need them.


Tone deaf comment. I think it’s fair to criticize how corporations and politicians shamelessly exploit pride month for profit and political gain, and I think it’s fair to criticize how commercialized it’s all become. But to be so dismissive and even critical of a historically oppressed demographic for celebrating who they are is really insensitive. Many of us, even in our generation, grew up in an unwelcoming environment, be it in a homophobic household, going to a school where people would bully you for expressing even a hint of your true sexuality and/or gender identity, or even an unwelcoming community at large. Few cis/straight people can imagine the fear and self-hatred many of us experienced before - and in some cases even after - coming out. So to have a month out of the year where we get to celebrate our identities is a small consolation for the years of turmoil many of us endured throughout our entire childhood and perhaps much of our adult lives - especially in the current political climate where there’s an active effort being made to take away our rights. Also “flaunting your abnormal relationship with dick everywhere that will tolerate it”? I mean really dude?


lol no fuck you. Pride is about celebrating how far the queer community has come and that many of us have survived horrible situations that we were put in solely because we are queer. You don’t have to participate. You don’t have to go.


I’m still waiting for the month where we honor all the brave men and women who died for this country and the many others who survived but have been mistreated and let slip through the cracks by daddy government all so that we can even have a pride month to begin with (let alone all the “Days of visibility” or “History weeks” that are scattered throughout the other 11 months). I don’t particularly care if someone’s gay, but I feel like maybe we should get our priorities straight (no pun intended).


Assuming you’re in the U.S. May is Military Appreciation Month. You dumbass right wingers don’t even care enough about the military vets to even bother to think about their month… https://www.military.com/military-appreciation-month Before spouting off about how much you “care” about the vets, at least do the bare minimum research… you really don’t give a fuck about the vets, that’s just your excuse to hate on the LGTBQ+ community Edit: for Canadian right wingers, military appreciation month is in November. Remember that before you start spouting off


Fuckin destroyed him lmao


So when can I expect all major brands to release Military Appreciation Month stuff and spread awareness on all their brand accounts?  And it says more about you than me that you default to me just using it as an excuse to hate on the LGBTQ community. Like I genuinely do not care if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.. You do you, and I’ll do me. Don’t make who you sleep with at night your entire personality, and we’ll get along just fine. It’s not like I’m some right-wing chud either. Like OP, I have left-wing friends who complain how Pride Month has just become brand virtue signaling. I like the Right about as far as I can throw them, but I guess it’s easier to just call me right-wing than recognize that you’re losing the support of moderates like myself.


As far as I know, multiple companies have already made products that support the vets… one example is Ram trucks released a “built to serve” package on the Ram 1500… No, it still says a lot about you… you didn’t even know there was a military appreciation month, but you still bitched about the vets “not getting” a month like pride month… have you ever once donated to any charities that actually help and support vets? You don’t give a flying fuck about the vets. I have, I support the Royal Canadian Legion. Lmao, it’s pretty typical of a right winger to be uneducated about the same thing they are spouting off about. Maybe you’re just an ignorant kid trying to be edgy


The entirety of the mlb has military appreciation month merchandise and the players wear camo hats exclusively in that month. You’re looking to be outraged but completely uneducated on the topic.


smartest r/anime poster


How original