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Probably some high school aged girl


You would be very incorrect haha


Super annoying


Given that their number one favorite artist is Taylor Swift, this seems likely to be accurate


And their reply. It really solidified that I was right


My ex only listened to it, the knly reason shes up there. I dont even listen to her lmao




I've never seen someone try so hard to be unique and quirky.


I just like weird angsty aggressive music (:


Taylor swift is considered weird? Y'all be using that word wrong.


Honestly there only reason she's there is because of my ex 😂 that's all she would listen to, so road trips had her on repeat


probably bisexual and around 25




Well Are they correct?




The first 4 are all female artists whose main theme seems to be unhealthy or unsustainable relationships. Seeking male validation, and self-regulating through being found attractive and having sex rather than therapy. The music and videos can seem intense but it's mostly window-dressing, the underlying themes are actually pretty tame and exceedingly common for a lot of people. bludnymph uses several gallons of fake blood for a song about how she wants casual sex while keeping her emotions guarded (hookup culture, extremely common at this point). PVRIS uses imagery with mild body horror in a song about difficulty letting go of an old relationship (also an extremely common thing). The visuals are great, the tunes are boppy and digestible, the themes are socially very relevant, but it feels like they're not as deep as they would like to be. They are pretty typical self-aware pop-psych speak of the modern era. The takes in the lyrics are medium rare on a plate, not scalding. So, to answer your question and grossly oversimplify and generalize: I think you're someone who struggles with the normal stressors of life and, instead of finding ways to deal with it, kind of sits in that feeling of inability and stress to connect with other people who do the same. Your life is actually going pretty alright so far, relatively speaking, so any struggle with the reality of being a human being in our late-capitalist hellscape is pretty world-altering to you. You might think you're more unusual than you really are. You probably prioritize learning about mental health, but you'd be scared and overwhelmed if you were faced with the reality of e.g. clinical depressions, PTSD and schizoaffective disorders. You might be one of those people who unironically calls others "narcs" or "narcissists", but not know what NPD is. So, that's maybe kind of mean, but this is my answer to your question. How far off am I?


I've actually never seen any of their music videos. I just like fun bops. It is a rather broad generalization, but not completely untrue. I definitely have a lot of anger towards the socio-economics issues troubling the majority of the population. Not sure if that's what you meant be the end of the 1st paragraph. I've faced plenty of realities of those disorders you've stated, through volunteer work, education, and generally speaking openly with others about it. It's a bit towards the meaner side for whatever reason but I feel like you're typing it more as a roast hence the mean undertone


Yeah my comment was 100% knowingly a ridiculously generalized roast type thing based on only a few songs from a few artists on there that I just looked up. I let my imagination run wild to play around with your question, I wouldn't approach getting to know someone in this way lol. Absolutely not intended as hate. Have a good one, it's a tough world out there.


I loved it honestly, was super fun to read through.


Thank goodness! Wasn't sure whether I should send it, didn't want to come off wrong. All in good fun. Cheers


I've been bumping bludnymph on repeat since this post and I'm blaming you


Hehehe enjoy it!!!


A human being... unless 👽👽






male or nb


a 12 year old girl who thinks shes not like other girls because her parents got divorced


I only know one person on this list, due to that I’m thinking lgbt, middle 20’s


Idk, but I approve of K.Flay


Ew Taylor Swift


annoying dude






Why is it a crapshoot over whether or not it’s even possible to pronounce new celebrities names anymore?