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I would even expand that statement to say that while there are a lot of radicals on either side, most people reside far closer to the political center. For every hardcore socialist advocate or MAGA die-hard, there are ten people who agree on most things.


I also dislike it when people come to conclusions without doing any research. And even if they do some research, it is rarely from all points of views. It is toxic and an echo-chamber.


The issue is that regardless of what a person who votes Republican thinks, they are supporting the Republican agenda by voting for them. The republican agenda is Evangelical Christian, Emperor Trump, tax cuts for the rich. So you might not hate gay people or think the vote shouldn't matter, but if you're voting R you're supporting those two things directly.


You're not wrong. Republican politicians are generally way far to the right of Republican voters. I bet we would get more moderate reps if we could ban partisan gerrymandering nationwide. Many of these partisans are sitting in safe seats; they only have to worry about primary challenges from their flank.


Is that true though? Politicians these days that run centrist Republican get primaried. MAGA or retire.


> in the United States, half of this country is left-wing Ha ha ha no Both US parties are right-wing parties. And I will not be respectful towards those that will happily watch minorities or the poor die.


Which party are you talking about? The party that says "Just come to the church and we will help you out!" while trying to force people to become Christian and proceeding to ignore their issues when they join the church. Or is it the party that says "We will help you out! Just vote for us!" and then proceeds to do nothing until there is a massive protest so they can use it as a talking point forever. The party leaders are the problem. Not the people. The people have a lot more in common than we think. Demonising half of the population is not the way.


Fundamental difference in values. At this point the divide between Democrats and Republicans is too great to reconicle. There aren't any shared values between the parties anymore.


True. But that is bad. The two parties leaders that runs this countries have opposite values. It is not healthy, and both are drifting even further apart without compromise.


Agreed. The right needs to get on board with 2024 so we can have a real political conversation. Right now we have the centrist big tent Dems and the pooper party dragging us down.


There can't be compromise when one party refused outright to work with the other. Historically speaking the Dems have always be at least willing to work with the reps to get things done, where as reps aren't above killing their own bills to prevent the perception of a dem getting a win. 


Because right wing policies are bigoted and they affect real life. The Proud Boys are white nationalists. Because stealing elections isn't American. >Why demonise each-other? What is the point? Why point out there bad behavior? Because I don't want to live in a country like that.


Okay. But do think it is just the leaders, or do you think it is the 25 state's population that elects them into power? I am genuinely curious, and I am trying to see all points of view.


Oh, I know what it is. In the 60's Republicans were losing voters, so they turned to racist southern democrats who were pissed about civil rights. They started carefully training them with radio, talk shows, and news channels like Fox News. The focus was always on scapegoating problems and culture wars (PoC, immigrants, LGTBQ, women) instead of actual policies to help their base. They're still doing the same thing 50+ years later, and they have 30+ million truly cultish voters because of it (MAGA). It's called the [southern strateg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=In%20American%20politics%2C%20the%20Southern,to%20racism%20against%20African%20Americans)y and is well documented. So it is the voters, but they've been carefully trained to do what they are told. Church prepares them for this well. They vote for culture war stuff (trans etc) and ignore the tax cuts for bank of america shareholders while they can't get health insurance or clean water for their kids.


Those are the just the loud extremists who have the ability to be loud because of the internet. I am against demonizing masses of people but I also can pick out which individuals actually are terrorists, evil, and/or bigoted.


The parties have more in common than we think. I do not see the average Democrat or GOPer hating each-other.


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When someone is part of a political movement that tells me my friend doesn't have a right to exist in her trans body, I consider them bigoted and evil. Is that enough of a point for you?


Nobody should be oppressed or bullied. I agree with you.


Because every American voter is an evil moron who shouldn't have the legal right to vote.


Why do you think so?


Look at the state of this country. The only flattering appearance it can possibly have, is that of a comparison to a 3rd world country.


Yes. America does act like a third-world country nowadays, but that is beside the point. What would you suggest that would remedy the problem?


Why do you think there has to be a remedy? Part of growing up is realizing that sometimes there really aren't any winning strategies available. Cope and seethe. Watch death videos, smoke enough cigarettes that you can die before you're 40, get into fights with any prick you come into contact with and pray that you successfully drag someone else with you to Hell when you finally snap.


Upvoting for most emo take. 0% chance you've ever lived in a third world country.


I don’t get it. Sure, I don’t love the other sides policies, but there’s nothing on the mainstream left or right that I think is worth me losing my mind over