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a car, maintenence, gas, insurance, etc. is really expensive and I can just walk and save tens of thousands. also a gf is needed to have sex


A gf is only needed to have sex if you want it to be that way lol


When I was in high school, a car was required to have a girlfriend.


Did you go to hs in the country? Most of us in my class didn’t need cars since we’re in the city. class of 2016. 


>a gf is needed to have sex remove that idea from your mind. it only causes turmoil


lol a gf is certainly not needed


how do i have sex alone then


Combination of Covid and access to the internet/social media. Covid hurt a lot of people’s social skills. The internet and specifically social media gives people access to social interaction from their home. If you wanted to catch up with other people before, you had to actually make plans. Now you can text them or see what they’re up to on social media


I think that's definitely part of it but when I was a younger teenager I spent a lot of time on social media. In hindsight, I think it was mostly because no other good alternatives existed around me in the suburbs. Like, school was so focused on making sure people didn't do drugs that there were never places to hang out unsupervised. Like I get where they're coming from, but the ramification was that all of my friends disappeared at like 2pm, or 3pm with extracurriculars. I don't think I regularly hung out with friends before college, just because agency and mobility are restricted so heavily in high school.


I just now realise that I barely had any female interaction since covid, let alone relationships.


Car ownership and maintenance is expensive. People would rather take the bus or use Uber/Lyft.


Maybe it's just the nature of how spread out/car centric my city is, but I've never really understood this argument. My work is about 30 minutes from my house and I drive pretty much everywhere. We don't really have a serviceable bus system that connects my home and work yet. If I were to replace each trip in my car with an uber/lyft ride it would EASILY total more $ per month than my car payment, gas and insurance add up to. I drive a Toyota so maintenance is minimal, pretty much just regular oil/fluid changes. All that and I don't have to wait for a ride any time I want to go anywhere.


Tell me you are American without telling me you are American. But I get it I’m Canadian I have to drive everywhere and I hate driving


Yeah it definitely depends on where you live. My city has reasonable public transit, and I know some of my friends save a ton of money (and time!) by utilizing it. But, in areas without good public transit, I can see how car dependency becomes the only option.


Well a lot of us can't afford to live alone which makes the sex part a lot harder. Personally I work 45-60 hours a week so hard to find the time and energy to have sex, I still gotta cook, go to the gym, clean and do basic household chores, etc


And honestly, most women I know don't exactly find it sexy when a guy still lives with his mom and dad


Driving, I would say it's the cost of it, especially for those in cities. I'm in the UK, and in major citys now you have to pay per day for having an older car (different ages for petrol and diesel). Also, the cost of tax, fuel and insurance means that young drivers in my country could be paying over £3000 to drive for 1 year (not including the cost of the car itself). I learned because I enjoy driving, but most others my age can get by fine on public transport. The sex thing is more difficult. Personally, my confidence took a massive knock over Covid and I gained a lot of weight also, still not quite back to where I was but getting there. I think this is the case for a lot of people our age. Also, there is less pressure to get in relationships and have sex as a whole compared to past times, where it seems especially for women it was seen as the only way forward.


I for one am shit scared of driving because I hate the idea of being in control of something that insanely prone to causing or taking expensive damage, especially since I'm extremely clumsy. Probably not helped by the fact that my dad crashed shortly after passing his driving test back in the day. I'm in the UK so public transport is good pretty much everywhere As for sex, haven't had a girlfriend yet and I'm generally scared of intimacy due to fear of awkwardness. Plus I'm fearful of messing up a relationship (thanks to past experiences of somewhat fucking up close friendships 3 consecutive times when I was 16), so the amount I have to step outside my comfort zone doesn't feel worth it for the amount of reward I think the general trend very strongly results from covid, we had all the opportunities to try new experiences snatched from us during the prime age period where it's meant to happen, and all our social skills have regressed instead of progressed as a result. I imagine an infinite supply of free porn isn't doing men any favours either


Cost is a big factor. There aren’t any cheap cars out there anymore at all which is what most people start out on. $2,000 cars just don’t exist anymore like they used to


$5000 is the new $2000


Personally I didn't had the time to learn to drive because of how many homework highschool left, even during pandemic, also I don't have the money to afford or even mantain one. When it's comes to sex I do have a high sex drive but I'm not interested in one night stands or similar and since I have a crush on someone I only got romantic and sexual interest in that specific person.


I think im the last of the Gen Z who actually desired to drive a car. I’m 25, so I’m the oldest of the Gen Z. When I was in high school driving was a really big deal. People actually pitied you if you couldn’t drive. I genuinely don’t know why Gen Z doesn’t want to drive. Despite the cost/insurance/ maintenance, driving is worth its weight in gold. I love the freedom of going wherever I want, whenever I want and not be reliant on others to do it. The times where my car is in the shop fucking sucks and when I have to take Ubers and the bus I’m reminded of the previous privilege driving affords me. It’s such a striking difference from even my sister who is only 4 years younger than me but refuses to learn how to drive. However, when she needs to go anywhere and doesn’t want to Uber she relies on me or others to take her there. So sometimes it’s just pure laziness/wanting perks with no responsibilities. The dating/sex is a whole nother can of worms. I know the reason why Gen Z isn’t having sex, but nobody wants to accept the truth behind it lol.


So what’s the reason


Well for starters gen z women are having sex, it’s the men that are being left behind


Idk I’m a guy and have sex fairly often.


Freedom is being able to use what God gave you(your legs). So the fact that I NEED to have a car, to me isn't freedom


So you saying walking 20 miles to work is your idea of freedom?


Yeah I’m 25 and still have no desire to learn. Still have a lot of casual sex tho.


No money


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I think people should mind their own damn business tbh


There's lots of reasons, but for me 1.) Besides health reason (seizures) cars are expensive, even the more reliable, cheaper ones like Hondas, Kias, etc. Gas is expensive, cleaning is expensive, maintenance is expensive, etc. I'm also scared to learn to drive in my state. Lets just say that there are a LOT of people who shouldn't be driving 2.) I don't plan on having sex because I don't like masturbation as is. In fact stopped altogether because of it. Just doesn't feel right and is uncomfortable. So imagine me having sex, I would probably hate it.


They live in a virtual world


Gen Z prefer ubers and you shouldn't have sex in one


i plan to drive a whole lot once i get my license


Remember when the DMV was closed during Covid? A bunch of us couldn’t get in and went off to college without licenses. Then, it wasn’t feasible to get one while in college


Y’all don’t drive?? Where do you guys even live that has a reliable transportation system?


Literally any first world country that isn’t America lol


As a millennial one of my big motivators to get a drivers license would was so that I could drive to places to have sex. So if I was less interested in having sex would have been less motivated to get a drivers license. A dumb anecdote but I think the two do go somewhat hand in hand.


Cars are very expensive nowadays. Especially if you're stupid enough to get a car payment. Insurance is also crazy high. I have a perfect record and an old car but i still pay over $100 a month for just liability. Plus there's been a significant decline in places to go since 2020 so theres no real reason to learn to drive anyway. No places to go = no meeting people = no sex.


Porn provides a way to sate physical urges without having to risk yourself to get real intimacy. Sometimes it’s easier to pick it too, especially if you have kinks that aren’t extremely vanilla. Whenever I’m sad about not having intimacy in my life, porn + my close relationship w friends and family sates my desires for emotional and physical intimacy. Porn takes care of the physical shit, and my relationships take care of my mental Why the hell should I drop that in favor of pursuing someone that might not reciprocate at all, or even hurt me? Idk


Driving costs money. Dating costs money.


Risk assessment for the first thing, because I have a dangerously slow reaction time. Just no interest in the second thing right now. Not sure why.


Cars are expensive + I'm waiting until marriage and expect my future wife to do the same


I've seen scientific commentary from a couple different places that says this generation is more risk averse in general. I definitely see my daughter experience that with subjects like sex and drinking/drugs. She is excited to drive though, but for her that's because of the independence it brings her.


Cars are expensive, and the internet bridges the gap between locations. There aren't as many "third places" to meet up with people as well. A lot of Gen Z are going into higher education and working more, so relationship development takes a backseat.


I hate driving. Honestly a car is one of the few things holding me back. If I could just live in a city where I could walk everywhere, I would have had a better job long ago. Instead I had to pay thousands of dollars for crappy car, and pay $5 a gallon for it to drive.


For me (25M) I was 5’ tall when I started driving and had barely hit puberty. I looked like I was maybe 11 or 12 when I was 16, so I was always anxious people would call the police on me for looking too young (which they did). I’m 5’ 2” as an adult, and am starting to look closer to my age, but I never really learned to socialize. I had my first relationship this year, which lasted all of three or four months. I don’t count on having anything close to sex for many years, if ever. My issue was the crisis of confidence our generation is experiencing, not so much financial, though I’m definitely not wealthy by any means. I live in a 1/1 and drive an eight year old Kia Soul.


I go to bonesville often but driving is the least enticing thing to me on the planet and much of my similarly aged friends. We haven’t done it for the past 10,000 years why do it now?


When it comes to driving, I don't have a license yet, despite being 18, because I haven't found someone willing to teach me. I really want to get my license, I just can't learn without someone teaching me. As for sex, I'm not a big fan of hookup culture. I know the moment I have sex with someone, I'm gonna catch feelings, so I'm saving my first time to be with someone I'm in a healthy, committed relationship with.


I feel like most gen z hates driving. I’m a car person so love driving but I’m also for better public transportation. 


Driving sucks, I rather have a train, bus or bike. As for sex, it's overrated, and i say this as someone that's fucked since 16. That said, less sex doesn't mean necessarily we're more celibate. It may be the case we're just having better Quality sex which results in a lower indulgence/participation vs previous gens. Believe me, My gen loves their orgies and fucking.


Y’all need to fuck more, I can tell


because porn is easier unfortunately. And much better in many cases. Another theory I've heard lately is that the covid shots are messing with female and male reproductive systems and could be affecting mating. Seems fringe but at this point it's on the table for possibilities. Dating apps took over for a minute and might have effected some, but I think the era of dating apps is coming to an end so that hopefully won't be a contributing factor anymore. Processed foods and microplastics could be affecting our reproduction as well