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Yesterday because my period started 😂


Same, bestie. My cat jumped onto my desk and stepped on my pizza, and the hormones had me bawling lol


I wish I had a reason like that 😂 I thought my boyfriend was going to break up with me for no reason 🫣


To be fair I would cry too if my pizza got cat fur on it.


For me, I always have a sob about a week before my period, it’s my body giving me a warning about what’s about it happen. But, it happens on a predictable schedule, so I always know what’s happening, and that it’s my hormones making me feel this way. But yeah, the only time I ever seem to cry is due to PMS.


same but two days ago and I blamed it on red wine but then my period started this morning


A couple nights ago bc of suicidal thoughts


This is going to sound dark as fuck but if you’re crying and suicidal, at least you’re still *feeling* something. When I was close to suicide a few years back, the scariest day wasn’t when I felt very sad; It was when I felt nothing at all. The last time I had a day like that was almost my last. If you’re still able to feel emotion, that’s good even if it doesn’t feel like it. You will overcome! Stay strong! 💪


I know exactly what you’re talking about . What your describing is how I felt before I attempted.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I don’t have any magic advice to make you less depressed and I often go through the same thing. But I will say that if you really think you’re getting “close”, talk to as many people that you trust (and I mean *truly* trust) about it. Do something, *anything* that makes you happy, no matter how small. These feelings come in waves, and as intense and painful as they are, they WILL pass. You just have to take things one step at a time.


Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. This life may be rough but I hope you guys stay with us. I wish you all nothing but joy and peace in your futures.


We have to be careful with advice like this. Some people’s problems are not temporary and being told they are can feel dismissive. Trauma and chronic illness like bipolar disorder, for example, will never go away and you just have to learn to live with them.


Yes but regardless of your current feeling, your situation can always improve overall except with some outliers like terminal illness. Keeping with bipolar for the example, it is treatable and with the right combination of medication and therapy you can live a normal life.


Also, a permanent solution to temporary problems can sound quite nice as well


Man I have a disease as well, life’s an absolute bitch with it. Everyday I’m reminded of it. Everyday I’m reminded of something else that isn’t a disease, but I see it every time I look in the mirror. My life is mental and physical scars. I used to be tortured by my past and all the bad that happened to me. I was bullied for 10 plus years of my 22 years on this earth and I still feel as tho some of the voices live in my head telling me I’m not good enough and I never will be. I had that barrel up to the side of my head two years ago, did I pull that trigger? Obviously not, I’m writing this now, but I broke down in tears after it just thinking about my parents and siblings crying, because I know they love me, I love them. Even if you don’t have someone to love you there are friends I’ve made on this earth that I’d gladly give my life for because they showed me love and respect and treated me like I was human which I was hardly afforded when I was a child except from my family. Imagine if you have nobody but you found that friend and that friend became more than a friend and then you found love? There are no limits in life. To say you should be careful with that advice doesn’t help anyone either, life isn’t so black and white. You have to be able to read between the lines and find that silver lining, that silver lining is hope and without a sliver of hope what are we as humans? Every human hopes. Hopes to find love, hope to find peace, hopes to find happiness, hope to be successful. I’m ranting, but maybe if someone read this they’d find that’s there’s more to life than your troubles, set out to conquer one thing and then another and then keep going until you look back and have conquered multiple objectives. I hope anyone reading this keeps their chin up.


i’m there with you friend.


Same thing :(


You should watch the film My Suicide, it's a very experimental PSA sorta film that was shown in festivals to bring more awareness towards mental health. It's kinda haunting to watch, it contains both self-harm and, well, suicide so just watch it when you are able to.


just a few minutes ago. after months of making amazing progress in my fitness goals, life got in the way and i fell off. it’s been over a year since and ive been back to the gym a handful of times but i can’t stay consistent and its just not the same. then just a couple days ago i failed a fitness test that ive passed many times before. i’m doing mandatory remedial training now and im just feeling weak and embarrassed and disappointed. now im doom scrolling trying to get my mind off of things.


As long as you remember life is a rollercoaster full of ups and downs, times we prove ourselves and times we completely fuck up, you’ll get back to where you were. If anything and if you really want to discipline yourself with fitness, self impose discipline and challenges on yourself. “If I scroll for x time, I have to do pushups for a minute or xyz time” Small workouts are always better than none even though it might not feel like it


Been there bro. I’m finally getting back into a taking it seriously after a year away from the gym. These last few weeks have made be feel great


Earlier today. First Father’s Day without a dad.


Same homie. It’s rough out here. Lost my shit this morning when I saw people wishing their dads a happy Father’s Day on social media.


Last night after my best friend asked me to be his groomsman.


Congrats bro! Thats a big honour 🤝


Yesterday because I saw Inside Out 2. The scene where >!Riley had a panic attack and Anxiety was like “I just wanted to help” had me so emotional!<


Being called out by Inside Out 2 gang


This morning. Feeling very depressed and alone. Turned Noah Kahan’s Forever on full blast and let the tears flow.


Such a banger, Noah definitely soothes the soul. Hang in there brother, may God grant you strength.


A couple months ago. It was within the first week of my first job, and I found it stressful. My supervisor called me in after a difficult shift for a (truly) friendly reminder, but I misread it as "Guess I'm losing my job before Friday".


I feel for you. First jobs are stressful Edit: they stop being so because you will eventually stop giving a shit


yesterday while watching inside out 2


same omg


A couple nights ago when I started thinking about my future and how uncertain it is; I feel like a loser still living with my parents in my childhood bedroom. I know I’m not the only one and I know it’s not necessarily my fault, but I thought I would be so much further along in life by now, at least be sharing an apartment with someone… I want to be independent and free; which I know includes a lot of responsibilities but I think I would rather be independent with more responsibilities than still be living with my parents with fewer responsibilities. Btw, my parents are great it has nothing to do with them being bad or anything like that; I just want independence and be able to live my life the way I want to without my parents being right there to see everything I do.


I feel you man, seeing people even at my age with careers and everything of the sort while I had the fabulous idea of changing industries completely with very little connections. Seeing my friends making 6 figures or close to it, while I basically took 2 gap years after undergrad figuring out what I wanted to do is killing me. Knowing it’s 2 years minimum until I can escape this house and move out on my own because my mother drives me crazy most days over such minute things.


I cry happy tears quite frequently when playing particularly moving games


About 2 or 3 months ago. Looked at some pics of my dog who passed. Then , I immediately scrolled onto a version of "remember me". Perfect timing


Yesterday because I had to say good night to OP’s mom.


Lost my best friend a couple of weeks ago because of age old drama she wasn't comfortable with. I wanted to cry so much, yet barely a few tears came out; I think I may have lost the ability to crime outside of sad movies tbh I'm emotionally void ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Here, I was wondering how you die from drama.


i cried earlier today reflecting on Gojo’s death. this video hits different https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=44pt8w67S8I


Real and valid




Today. My dad canceled our Father’s Day plans. Well, he actually straight up forgot, then went to his new step sons’ new home with his new wife. My sisters and I are compared constantly to them. Also realized I need to break up with the guy I love. He’s not making me so happy. :/ Life is beautiful, but it is so, so hard.


About 6 months ago because I had a nightmare where I crushed my dogs head with the door, killing her. Woke up, went downstairs and she just got up and came right over to me with her tail wagging. Had a mental breakdown because I genuinely thought I killed her when I woke up.


Omg, I hate that I read this before bed and I'm sorry.


Today. Third Father’s Day without my dad


The last time I *really* cried was when I watched the intro to Up. The music that played when >!the main character's wife died!< made me cry, which almost never happens.


I'm not really genz but the last time I really cried. Like really lost it was when my friend past away from an overdose and me and my closest friends shared around a bottle for him. Just couldn't hold it in anymore and absolutely lost it. I was 26 then, 32 now and haven't had a good cry like that since...it's usually a really emotional death that'll get me to like *really* cry, otherwise it just gets pushed down, which is not healthy to be honest and I would not advocate doing that... take it from me, whatever got you worked up like this, talk it out with someone, anyone.


I watched Do the Right Thing


When Henrik Zetterberg retired in 2018.


Last year probably springish, there was an active shooter on the same block as me when I was at work, and i broke down calling my manager afterwards (it wasn't directed at us, but we didn't know that till after)


The Night before my birthday so two days ago, dealing with loneliness and existentialism when it hit it hits


Today. I feel lonely relationship wise, never had a boyfriend and don't think I ever will with how gay dating is. Feels impossible and I'm just flawed ig.


Coming down from MDMA and mushrooms so this morning


Probably when I got elbowed straight in the eye.


Studying for my Statistics exam. That class was the source of all my tears in the last year. I got a grade I'm happy with in the class and I'm thankful, but wow it really made me feel awful.


3 hours ago. i cry every day.


last time I remember like September. That was embarrassing and it's now haunting me forever :(.


Today, because I saw the arcane trailer and I was like THIS IS ABSOLUTE CINEMA




1999? You’re 24-25? You’re not old at all, there’s plenty of time left to get out and make friends. Don’t squander any opportunities to meet new people and build new friendships. It took me a few years to really come out of my shell and start improving myself and now I’m unafraid to approach most people and strike up a conversation. Be patient and put the in the work.


I will in one minute, I can make myself cry


Yesterday watching an emotional video on tiktok.


A couple days ago honestly, had a pretty big meltdown over my graduate school course and once again feeling as if I don’t belong and major imposter syndrome. I’m taking my first ever college programming course for a change of industry CS degree and learning Java and OOP and data structures coming from Psychology. We’re on week 6 or so and I’m stuck on the basics man, Python at least made a little sense, Java makes absolutely none to my brain.


Probably 4 months ago, stuff builds up and I occasionally watch a sad movie to let it out. Edit: Don't feel bad about how you feel. I'm a 22M too and don't cry in front of anyone either. Have only cried in front of 3 people in my life, my parents and my then-girlfriend. Nothing wrong with that, crying alone is fine too.


I'm still trying to find a way to let out a good cry. I tried some sad movies, "Grave of the Fireflies" and "Requiem for a Dream", and I didn't really get much out. The best I could do is a few sniffles and about a minute of teary eyes. I couldn't even cry after my cat got put down last Thursday.


pretty much only way I cry nowadays is singing along to sad music, might be worth a try (if you haven't tried already).


When my best friend and my boyfriend both broke up with me within the span of a week. I deserved it with my boyfriend, but my best friend was really shitty about how he handled our situation. For a couple nights after, I cried so much, and I’m a person that easily goes years without crying- it really takes a lot.


Today - I’ve been hanging on to a situationship and I’m not sure if I ever really liked him but I trauma bonded with him so here we are. Oh and I told him I regret ever meeting him


I cried today because I saw something that grossed me out. I'm PMSING and otherwise don't really cry unless something really hurts me


The last time I listened to Lift Your Skinny Fists, so probably a couple months ago


A few weeks ago I think? When my parents across the country said that the dog I grew up with wasn't doing so great and they were taking her to the vet that upcoming Monday.


A year or so ago


Today, because it was Father’s Day in the US.


Wednesday. Got all four wisdom teeth out.


Today because I'm cursed with being unlovable


Last month. After over a year. Realized a girl I really liked whom I’ve been seeing over a month isn’t interested in me. Needless to say she ghosted after a couple of more dates.


Most emotional scenes in shows and movies.


Gen X here, chiming in. Cried yesterday, thinking of my furry little girl who I lost last year due to cancer. I find that crying is a pretty common thing for me these days. While my life in particular isn't really bad, the state of the world around me is just depressing as shit. Good question OP.


I’m sorry for your loss, hope all is better now.


I actually don’t remember the time I actually cry due to my own emotion. I know I cried from some movies I watched like 1-2 years ago but the time I actually really cried was when my cousin died. That was probably like 6-8 years ago.


My 5 year old cousin tripped and fell near a large wooden cabinet. I tried and failed to catch her. She was fine, no injuries, didn't even really hurt herself, but she came really close to hitting her head on a solid wooden edge - that would have definitely caused some damage. My mother accused me of deliberately tripping her and then told me she couldn't trust me not to hurt children, whether purposefully or on accident. I broke down completely. Crying, screaming, sobbing. Demanding apologies or that she take it back. She genuinely believes I'm the kind of person to harm a child out of spite. For no reason at all. Just because I'm slightly stricter than she is with children. Not violent, not angry, I just refuse to give into temper tantrums, and that... that somehow means I'm a child beater in her eyes. She refused to apologize. And every time the subject came up afterwards she just insisted I was overreacting and making a big deal out of nothing. I was destroyed for weeks. And for months afterwards our relationship was strained at best. And ever since then I've just become more and more aware of how horribly she treats me in general. It's been years since then, but I'm just growing more and more numb to her.


Right now. This very moment.


Lsst November coming home from a deployment to poland


A few months because I got the news that one of my relatives passed away.


I cried last week about my dad: last year he had a stroke, and he is now disabled because of it. He's doing great, walking a little and talking and cognitively intact all that, and I'm eternally grateful that he's doing so well. It's more that I'm sad that this happened to such an amazing person, and I'm scared by how permanent and life-changing this whole situation is on an existential level. I realise my family is so fortunate since my dad's recovery has been amazing, but I just struggle to get to grips with how traumatic this whole ordeal has been.


Last time I cried was when I was broken up with. Cried for an hour or so in my friends arms. Before that my friend lost her mom and has a history of self harming. I cried begging for her to stick around and that I didn't want to lose her.


You’re a true friend to be there for your friend like that 🤙


It's the least I can do. She has helped me so much.


Yesterday cus I felt so weird from forgetting my antidepressants for a few days then taking them again when I remembered


When Ken Block passed away, I was a huge fan of him


a few months ago


This morning. Had to put down one of my cats due to illness. I’m quite devastated


I’m 22M, I went to a 32 year old friends funeral a few months ago and I cried then. Before then I cried in 2022 when I went through a rough breakup and was made to live in a shed for a few months while my ex had the house. Before that I cried in 2011 when my Grandad died. That 11 year gap was weird because when I cried in 2022 I remember it physically hurt the back of my mouth and my eyes a lot, I didn’t remember crying being so painful lol


beginning of may because i finished bojack and it broke me for some reason, the view from halfway down really does things to you especially if you have attempted at some point in your life


I haven’t cried properly since I was 11, I’m 19 now. My mother was hospitalised at the time and had to have surgery, she was only away for a few days, but as an 11 year old it was quite traumatic. Call me cold, but I’m not one to express my emotions even alone on private, I tend to contemplate things and think rather than express my emotions through crying or that sort of thing.


Depends, I've teared up fairly recently, not to the point where you can hear it in my voice tho. Straight up crying tho was since first year of secondary school, I've had times where I WANTED to cry but could not even force it tho




Today. Gf of 3.5 year broke up with me a few weeks ago. It’s rough out here


Yeah I cry every day brother don’t worry about it


April during a bit of a miscommunication. Before that I hadn't cried since at least 2019.


maybe a few days ago . my brothers are real small 6 & 10 , my dad is like 63 . the 10 year old he’s a little slow when it comes to things so let’s say the world ended and i had to take my family to safety . they wouldn’t survive realistically, it hurts my heart that i can’t protect them forever . i know that scenario is real specific but i feel it’s probable to happen . my dad wouldn’t have his meds that he takes daily , my brother wouldn’t understand what’s or why it’s happening . they’re all i got so i’m constantly scared something gonna take them away , nobody sticks around but thankfully they have .


Watching inside out 2 because..reasons I guess,


today because i saw socks that look like my dead cat. im wearing them now lol


It was about a week ago. I had received an email from a previous employer telling me that I owed them $2,200. I worked as an insurance agent for a year and one of things that comes with being an insurance agent are chargebacks when a clients policy cancels for whatever reason. I thought it was a scam at first, but it turned out to be legit. I failed to see the part of my contract that said I was responsible for any policies that failed within the first year of them being written, and that I would be responsible for paying the chargebacks. The thing is the email came 8 months after I left the company and at no point during my final few weeks there did anyone even remotely mention a scenario like this happening. Once it was all said and done, and I realized that the only way out was to pay the balance, I just cried. I had finally gotten a control on my finances, finally felt like things were coming up sunny for me. Only for this MLM called Globe Life Liberty National to come creeping back around and demanding money like a broke ex. So if you ever encounter a person telling you they’re from Globe Life and would like to hire you, run away as fast as you can.


2 weeks ago at my grandfather’s funeral while carrying his casket


4 years ago. I was just completely overwhelmed with school and with the pandemic going on


Today because of a sad tik tok


Today after watching inside out 2. Inside Out is probably one of my favorite movies so just watched the 2nd and to me wasn't as emotional as the first but still had to be teary eyed


Last week after my family moved out of my childhood home that I’ve lived in since the 4th grade. That house was one of the last places I saw my grandpa before he was diagnosed with the lung cancer that would eventually remove him from this green Earth.


I cried watching Saberspark’s reanimated bluey project bc I’ve never watched that episode and it hits HARD hearing that second delivery of “I’ll always be there for you” as a young adult. I love my parents, chili being personified as the sun was just guttingly sweet


This morning, I was tired


Praying for you friend, hang in there 🩵💙


This morning. First time watching Oshi No Ko


maybe it’s dumb but the last time I cried was November 4th 2023. The day the attack on Titan anime ended. Been following it since the beginning and it’s my favorite show of all time


One of my closest friends died aged 23 in April. I was crying a lot for a few days, but I'm surprised how easily I was able to accept it.


Just earlier when I realized my depression has been back.


Today bc harassment from mods on reddit for being a SW


Cried after wisdom teeth removal this week because they took my teeth that I grew myself.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/stCXquGoBC) came at me out of complete nowhere and got the tears flowing.


I wrote a poem for my dad to put in his Father’s Day card, and teared up in the process of figuring out rhymes. It was a very heartfelt poem about why I’m grateful to have him for a father.


Last night because I rewatched Monsters Inc for the first time since I was probably 7. “Kitty has to go 😢”


Few days ago but prior to that maybe 3 or 4 years ago. It’s built up bit by bit and lately things haven’t been easy or manageable in any sense so I felt that I needed to let it out. Not sure it helped though but I did feel better after than bottling it in.


Last Wednesday someone stole my waverunner It was the first and really only big boy purchase I ever made


21F I had a panic attack at my family birthday dinner a week ago. Panic attacks are very not normal for me, so that sucked. I just was also bottling things up and it was bad because my boyfriend is the one who I usually tell everything to, but he’s been heavy on painkillers recently due to surgery recovery so I basically felt all alone in my negative feelings and it was too overwhelming LOL


Friday because my mental health is fucked and was having a panic attack at work.


can’t afford it


I’ve cried more in the last year than I have in my whole life. Being sober is hard, especially dealing with my OCD. It’s really only my head that makes me cry


ALL TOGETHER EVERYONE: CRYING  IS A NATURAL HUMAN EMOTION. You don’t even need a reason. It’s a physical reaction 


I think I started tearing up earlier watching a show where the dad died, and I was just like "Damn, on Fathers Day?" I was watching it with my dad, and just started thinking about how precious life is, and how i'm lucky to have him even when things get tough between us.


Had to hold back tears from listening to Sullivan Ballou’s letter to his wife in the Ken Burns Civil War documentary. Seriously, that shit is poetic.


watching eric on netflix


earlier today bc it’s the first father’s day since my grandpa passed


Man i cry all the time lol i’m a big ass baby.


Monday after Easter, 2023. My dog had a seizure at 16 and we had to put her down.


Couple days ago. Feeling hopeless about the rest of my life


Like last week, I was so overstimulated by work I just broke down in the driveway when I got home. I don't know how I'm going to do this for the rest of my life.


One piece when ACE.. well you know.


Few days ago when I finished Ted Lasso. Show makes you want to be a better person


2017 Wanted to hang myself, couldn't do it. Was just looking at my closet and the leather belt i tried to hang myself with and just silently crying.


few days ago because i lost my job due to mental health struggles /:


Tonight. Fathers day is hard.


Earlier today. I’m turning 25M tomorrow and despite having two college degrees make $13/hr. I’ve had terrible dating experience after terrible dating experience and am so tired of feeling disposable and used. Yet another year where it feels like I have nothing to show for it.


This morning. First Father’s Day without my dad, woke up and saw people wishing their dads a happy Father’s Day on social media and kinda lost it


Watching a YouTube video lol.


I think last month while watching videos of suffering kids


Today. And last night, I went to bed feeling like I could do anything.


Today. I cried at the end of the last Toy Story when Woody left the other toys from the previous movies behind. I don’t know why it made me cry, but it triggered sadness in me.


Yesterday bc I’m scared I have HIV. Guy said he was clean but then was shady and blocked me. It’s been 3 weeks but I need to wait 3 more apparently


The last good cry I remember was in 2010 when I stole my Mom's debit card and bought a few x360 games and a Xbox live subscription while my dad was deployed. It was the only way I could really play with my friends at the time, and my dad didn't want to get me setup before he left. Even though he tried once, but got impatient and stopped part way through. Once they figured out what I did. I broke down into tears and confessed to everything while laying on my mom's lap. Probably cried for a solid half hour.


2 days ago because my partner lost his job and my pay isn't enough to support us


It’s been a few weeks for me. I don’t cry easily and it’s usually a cumulation of a lot of things. Or sometimes I’ll randomly cry over nothing, it depends.


Watching Squid Game


I cried this Friday 👌 Because of my poor decision making skills, but it's alr it'll be fixed in a day or two


You sound like a gay - Champ


which God?


I cried watching the original Muppets movie last week. Rainbow connection really gets me, man.


A couple weeks ago had a mental breakdown at work nobody saw though


Today/yesterday at this point. I cried all day, because it’s my first Father’s Day without my dad.


About a year ago I was watching an emotional scene in a movie


Eighth grade. For some reason the plumbing stopped working one day. Can water from spicy food but that’s about it. Sent me into therapy and to psychiatrists because I feel like I’m missing out on part of the human condition. Makes me feel like a freak. Turns out it’s a symptom of being bipolar. Go figure.


A few months ago. Was reliving finding my dogs corpse. R.I.P Kevin


A few days ago, my 18 year old dog who is usually dragging himself around because his legs are slowly failing him and a constant sleeper, tried jumping up at me after I came into my room to sit down It broke me so much that I picked him up and started crying into him, because one of these days I'm going to lose my best friend forever


This morning. I was crying because my dad has had a lot of health issues the last year, and I know this could be my last chance to celebrate Father’s Day with him. 


Last December when I saw Godzilla Minus one. Other than that I don’t cry often and also suppress my emotions. I don’t like to show people my emotions.


Today because my SH is spiraling. I know that but I can't stop


Just this morning. I was thinking: If i were to die and was able to reflect on my life, or more realistically, if I was presented with my impending doom and had time to think about it, I would wish for just an ordinary day. Just one more normal day before I go. And I realized, that means I am living the life I would wish for. It’s inspired me to be more grateful and present and to also want to develop the discipline to make the most of the time I have been given.


Last week, thought about the future for a bit too long


Two days ago, because my anxiety kicked in


10 minutes ago because I got the Sunday scaries!


I haven't cried in about a couple weeks or longer. I just feel numb I guess and don't remember why. I've kind of wanted to cry, but feel numb. I've just been struggling with some stuff and have had some insomnia.


the last cry i can remember was 2 years ago. Gf cheated on me with another close friend


The other day when I saw the IF movie, good movie to say the least


Last night because i’m pregnant and emotional


Today… the girl I was dating for 4.5 years and I recently broke up and I think I’ve kind of been suppressing my emotions. But I hope you know bro, it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry and let things out. Remember that a calm sea never made a skilled sailor: that is to say, it’s important to recognize the benefit of silver lining to negative emotions. They can help us get more in touch with who we are, and taking the time to acknowledge them and truly feel those feelings will grant you heightened mental fortitude and comfort when those negative thoughts and feelings do arise. The future is scary, and we never know what it holds, but ultimately you will be okay! I’m not sure what you’re going through (and it’s okay if it’s nothing specific, too!), but it will pass, and you will be a stronger person for it 💜


I cried last night because I was thinking about how lonely I am in life. No friends or anything. Just family, all of whom I am abundantly grateful to have. I have those thoughts every couple of nights. I was up until about 5am thinking about that as well as other troubles I’ve faced in life (losses, etc.).


Today. Bad week at work, bad financials, gf bday coming up, 3 more bdays coming up, couldnt see my dad on fathers day, exhaustion, new job isnt starting as soon as Id hope, and I kept getting asked if I was okay by coworkers and gf. No I'm not fucking okay. I will be but today I'm not and I dont want to be reminded of that


last night bec of titanic


When my ex of 6 years and I broke up almost 2 years ago. Although I've come to think recently they were tears of joy to be free, sadness to lose my best friend, and conflicted on how I felt. She was a good woman most of the time. But I was never doing anything right in her eyes. Every week it was something new or shed bring up something old. At the end I just wanted to feel like myself again. To be free. I'm dating a new woman now and I enjoy my time with her. She's far from perfect, but I like being goofy with her. We barely argue and I'm not getting yelled at for taking advantage of her sexually (I didn't get over this until like a month ago but my ex said I was doing this when we had sex twice in two months). Its weird not having to defend myself everyday. I hope my ex is okay, but man she was not for me.


Mmm I’ll say 1 week ago just remembering that I haven’t been to school since 7th grade bc I do online and I’m failing and my social life is very bad and imma just off a bridge in Chicago in 4 to 5 years 😁


Earlier this morning & evening because I hate my life, feel like i'm off track, i don't enjoy my job or anything about myself and i want to do away with myself. i broke down during my lunch & when i got home


Almost Saturday. I lost my phone.


Maybe a year or two ago. I think it was when i had a mental breakdown over something i can't even remember


Last week just got cheated on


Today because I finished a book and it was so good


June 6, 2024. The 80th anniversary of D-Day.


A few days ago because I’m moving to ninth grade and a lot of my close friends are leaving the school, and we all plan to keep in touch, but I know that we will do that less and less and eventually forget about each other and possibly never talk again


Midnight Gospel final episode >!Duncan Trussel (as the character Clancy) interviews his mother who has terminal breast cancer!<


five days ago after rewatching 'turning their backs on each other at the bridge' scene in killing eve season 3


Beginning of may when I got fried from my job of 4.5 years


Yesterday while cuddling my ikea blåhaj. Im not sure why tbh.


Years ago I think can't remember. I'm not an emotional person at all tbh