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I think men in pro-choice states should be allowed to unilaterally (without getting approved by a judge or the mother) sign away any parental and financial rights & responsibilities to the baby before it is born Essentially, men should have the same right to choose that a woman has. No more. No less.




Adoption is still a viable choice. Many people are forced into paying child support simply because the mother doesnt want them in their life so they can have more income (via child support). Not trying to bash your views, but modern day child support is just a strong arm system against men.




>would essentially keep poor people in toxic relationships because they might not be able to afford caring for a baby in their single income. The effects are quite the opposite, especially in black communities. Leave the father -> child support income -> find new SO -> increase income. Repeat. I've met many people who have 3+ baby daddies in low income areas, and live a life style above their peers. I've always been a big fan of not having sex till you know if you would be even willing to have a baby with the other person, despite if you are using protection. Stuff happens. Not something that can be gauged in a week or 2. >Adoption is a viable choice, but not relevant to the topic. In the context of fathers leaving before the baby is born, and mothers having options it is. I hope adoption becomes bigger as more lgbq views are adopted though out society. As some who is adopted, and my birth parents where in this very situation, I'm very glad I wasnt an abortion. Adoption is always a choice, and shouldnt be viewed as taboo.


Agreed. That’s essentially what I was trying to lay out. Give men the exact same right to choose that a woman has


What does Kosher have to do with anything


why are yall downvoting, the post makes no sense.


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Realy now?


What does that even mean


People who are largely conservative, but have some liberal views, like a Republican voter who thinks abortions should be allowed, but is pro gun, pro lower taxes and anti LGBTQ+


Isn't that pretty much just Right-leaning moderate? I think most people in the US classify as some kind of moderate. Not many people are super die-hard conservative or liberals who believe in every party line issue.


Its that people expect someone to toe the party line on EVERTHING in the United States


An actual answer: I’m pro gay rights and pro choice but conservative everywhere else 


What exactly is this "else"? Aside form racism obviously


🙄 stuff like free market, limited government, trade tariffs instead of high taxes, national defense, second amendment rights, fiscal conservatism, putting our citizens first, balanced budgets, etc 


Free market and trade tariffs are contradictory.


I feel like "putting our citizens first" contradicts with some of the other stuff you said


me when differing opinions on what benefits citizens


> free market Is there someone other than communists whose against free market? > limited government Cause the government purpose is not to help improve the quality of the life of the citizens but only to tell them what they can or can't do and get paid for it > trade tariffs instead of high taxes First how does trade tariffs work with free market, second I hope you've got a good private firefighters company cause I highly doubt that a government without taxes can provide any form of public services > national defense Which is not a conservative position, especially in the us > second amendment rights [Hope you like living in a shit ass third world country then](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country) > fiscal conservatism Which I assume is more important than prevent [project 2025](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do) right? > putting our citizens first I already included racism > balanced budgets As you can see [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1366899/percent-change-national-debt-president-us/) republicans aren't known to be very good for the economy


That’s so ridiculously ignorant, especially regarding finances and defense… but its a waste of time arguing with someone who’s mind is made up and instantly calls anyone who disagrees with them “racist” 


Can you give me a valid reason to someone whose not racist would feel the need to put our citizens first?


What the fuck do you mean? That does not relate to racism in any way. Anyone in any country should have the priority of taking care of their country first. Like using money to help homeless veterans before using it to help people across the world. Economic responsibility, civil responsibility, resource allocation, national security, practical governance, need I go on? Why the fuck would you want your government to care more about other countries than you? How the fuck is the racism? 


Yea, pro choice on abortion up until birth. I am for total equality for all genders, so one fitness, academic etc standard for everyone, women for the draft, split cost when dating etc. Pro gun and self defense rights for all. Gay marriage and things like gender change surgery, puberty blockers etc should be a basic right, third bathroom stall for non binaries.


until birth 💀


TBF I am also for mandatory postnatal abortions for rapists and most murderers


yes but those people are guilty...


What I mean is that abortions should be 100% legal, without delay as long as the fetus cannot survive being aborted.


I am very left leaning in an economical sense. This includes welfare, ensurance and climate change among others. The issue lies with the Amercian understaning of left and right. Few people in Germany that are conservative actually want to abolish the welfare system. In terms of social values however, I tend to be more straight up conservative, though with concesssions. Firstly, I am pro abortian in casas of r\*pe for example. My argumentation is, no matter if you use protection or not, the risk of pregnancy still exists. Therefore, if you **consent** to Sex, you also consent to the adherent risks. If you don´t, then I even encourrage an abortion. The problem I see with my argumentation though is that proving non-consent is hard. Secondly, I don´t mind lgbt people, but I have a dislike for how the pride movement on a broader spectrum has developed.


>Secondly, I don´t mind lgbt people, but I have a dislike for how the pride movement on a broader spectrum has developed. You can find articles covering how some older gays dont like lgbq. Its definitely shifted more into a political movement then actually about lgbq. I'm all for people being gay or what ever they want, but definitely can see companies are just using pride month to generate more money. Same effect is happening around black communities as well.


I'm more of a middle man then anything. All my views intercept between the parties, I dont think either does well on everything. Pro guns, pro lgbq, lower taxes, not big on illegal immigrants, not big on government funded programs, and I think the education/heath systems need reformed. Going to predict im going to be downvoted to hell, or told to be democratic from past experience of this sub lol.


People should Mary who they want to and regardless of political party, don’t diddle kids.