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Not from Europe but still wanna ask why do you guys talk so loudly in public? Here in NZ it’s a common conception that people from the US talk obnoxiously loud compared to us.


My guess is because we are used to speaking at a certain volume, life is generally louder here so we are used to having to speak loudly to be heard and therefore are unaware of how loud we are when in a quieter environment. Counter-point, if you politely ask us to lower our volume we will without hesitation 90% of the time. Because of how massive America is, most Americans never travel outside the country and don't know the etiquette in a lot of places.


Yeah that makes sense. NZ is tiny, people are generally more laid back and quiet so when we hear a voice/accent that isn’t what we’re used to it can be quite jarring. I’ve heard the same observation from other countries as well but I can only speak from a kiwi perspective.


There's a great saying in America "don't attribute malice to what can be written off as ignorance"; we aren't being loud on purpose to be rude, we're loud because we don't know any better. >When we hear a voice/accent that isn't what we're used to it can be quite jarring I also don't understand this, whenever I hear a different accent around me there's usually friendly interest about where someone is from. Not confusion as to why there's a different accent. Confuses me.


I always found this funny because for Americans it’s the Europeans that talk loudly. For example, I always heard growing up that the Italians, Spanish, British and French only had one volume and that was shouting. The Germans were always stereotyped as quiet.


The culture in a lot of Germanic language countries is usually to be quiet and keep distance from others when in public, especially so in Scandinavia, so the quiet stereotype stems from that.


I think most of us don’t even know we’re speaking loudly comparatively to others. I did notice how loudly we can speak once I went to Europe with some buddies though.


Honestly, the spanish are much louder than americans in my experience.


Our highschool cafeterias are as loud as rock concerts so we learn to talk loud if we wanna be heard


It’s hard to hear over the AR-15s and trucks


It’s not intentional. It’s just a cultural difference. I was a quiet kid and I remember adult’s encouraging me to speak up. People get annoyed when you mumble or aren’t speaking clearly. Even now I find it kind of hard to be heard in group settings. Being more hushed or soft spoken can be seen as you being less confident in some cases. Americans are pretty expressive compared to other cultures and I think we just don’t notice that our base volume is louder. I’ve never seen anyone have a problem when asked to quiet down, though! We’re not trying to be rude, we’re just not used to everyone being so quiet lol


I find this comment interesting, I definitely don’t disagree but for example I’m in Spain rn and I hear British people absolutely screeeeaming at restaurants etc but don’t hear the same comments about them ever! Might just be my own observations though but I’ve felt the same all over the world.


Personally I think all tourists are like that wherever they’re from. My perception is that people from NZ and Australia are always yelling too lol


We have to be loud to be heard over the stupid exhaust that people use on their cars here


Because we tend to live in more empty and spread-out spaces where volume isn’t annoying and occasionally necessary.


The rest of the world grabbing the popcorn ![gif](giphy|6pJNYBYSMFod2)


Ikr everyone knows this will just be a fuck America comment section … wonder how many school shooting references.


I saw a post somewhere on reddit a few weeks ago ago where Europeans were basically sticking up for Americans, saying American tourists were usually some of the politest, best behaved tourists. I almost teared up with relief and gratitude for being acknowledged for not being the worst for once 🥹.


how can you feel safe in a country that is dominated by firearms?


I’d rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. It’s to deter criminals and protect ourselves _for most of us_


I’m also American and I get your point, but you’re saying this about the *one first world country* with the highest rate of gun violence and most gun deaths per year. I get that Pandora’s box is opened considering we have more guns than people, and there’s realistically not a chance of going back. EDIT: Yeah, of course South America has it worse, but the situations over there are caused by cartels, gangs, etc.... and exacerbated by firearms.


Yes, from people killing themselves and gang violence. Look at the UK they band guns so now they use knives. OH LOOK ALL THE CRIME IS DONE BY KNVIES! and now they are banning those too Taking the guns away won't stop people from killing themselves. We need to focus on they "why" are people doing these thing and not what they're using to do it withm


Hard to go on a stabbing spree and kill a whole bunch of people though.


Welp, time to ban my high capacity katana sheathes.


It’s happened though, and it didn’t seem hard at all, I doubt it was even planned.


It's not, really. It happens way more often than you might think. Just not in the US, not as often, and not quite as many wounded/ dead.


USA, per capita, still beats the UK at knife crime. So...on you jog with that BS


Of course. We beat the UK at everything. USA! USA!


Half the population believes the "why" is not their problem. Killing the problem makers is a simple solution for simple folk. Advancing humanity into a more symbiotic flow is too difficult an ask. The US is only allowed to progress at a snail's pace because complexities have to be simplified into a fourth grade reading level and even then it's solutions are met with resistance because it goes back to "not their problem."


America has a culture of fear and always has. That’s not easily going to change especially now.


It’s a culture of fear in the sense that our country started with being abused by the British, who notably started the war by trying to take the colonists weapons away as a form of control. However, it’s a little disingenuous to call that a “culture of fear”


Gun violence statistics includes suicides. That is around 80-90% of the gun “violence” you see in the news. Shooting are actually extremely rare and do not happen near as often as you would think for as many guns as we have as a country and people.


But like... https://preview.redd.it/x8x0flz7ax7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17da13afce96e1127497f87f6dfef35def4fd55 We definitely have a gun problem, even if your claim is true...


We have a mental health problem and my claim is backed up by fbi statistics.


Just a random stab in the dark but MAYBE you shouldn't give guns to people with mental health issues? MAYBE there should be more rigorous checks and MAYBE you need a licence for a gun like everywhere else? No?


I know they include suicides but where did you get those figures?? That seems extremely high and extremely low for actual gun crimes


Chicago has entered the chat


Lots of people don’t


You basically answered the question in your own question lol. But still, many don’t feel safe


Media blows it out of proportion.


I view mine as an equalizer. Not just for people but also for predatory animals. I feel safer knowing I can protect myself and others if something were to happen. You can never just count on the police to solve your problems.


Honestly this. The US is a big country and if you spend enough time in the backcountry a firearm can be handy. I’ve never had to make use of mine but I keep it with me just in case


A lot of people don't feel safe. My wife for example hates firearms and doesn't like that I have 2 in the house, but also understands that neo-nazis have guns and therefore we should also have guns.


My wife didn’t like guns either and then she “heard a noise” when I was traveling and called me for the code to the safe to get a handgun for her nightstand for the night


Because we have lived here our whole lives and the vast, vast majority have not experienced gun violence. I would say I probably feel less safe here than I do when I’m in Germany but that is a sacrifice I am definitely willing to make


Because guns don't kill people, people kill people


So you trust “people”?


No, this is why we have guns


aren't you fearful of people who open carry their firearm in the street? they could at any moment open fire on anybody (not likely but i wouldnt wanna risk being outside or in a state which allows that)


Sure, but nobody really open carries unless if you’re in a sketchy area. Most conceal carry


Something I’ve noticed is that people tend to open carry in the absolute worst places, or the absolute safest places. But chances are if you’ve ever been to America you’ve walked past multiple people who were carrying concealed


No, I don’t even look at them twice


Are you afraid that random people driving on the side of the street are going to swerve off the road and kill you in the blink of an eye? There is nothing physical that is stopping them from doing that


How do you justify that stance when data ~~suggests~~ clearly states people kill people a hell of a lot less when they don't have easy access to firearms?


How do feel safe without? Firearms are the great equalizer. A 100lbs woman would never stand a chance against a 250lbs man but with a gun, both are at equal odds. If someone wanted their way with me, I want the best possible tool at my disposal to stop that from happening and to keep me safe. You said in this thread why aren't we scared of people open carrying, they could just shoot at any time. Same reason I'm not afraid to walk on the sidewalk because someone might drive their car on the sidewalk and run over a bunch of people. It's irrational to think that way. It's individuals who make those decisions.


I grew up in a very rural area where everyone had guns for hunting. My family didn’t hunt, but we still had a gun to protect our goats and chickens. In this setting it does not bother me because people knew how to treat again properly. Still acted stupid sometimes though, like had a gun in the back of their truck when they went to school because they hunted that morning. What scares me most is hand guns and people who carry guns all the time with no specific purpose. There have been so many cases of road ragers just shooting people that cut them off. It scares me when I go out because I know there isn’t proper training and self control for many people. I wish desperately for mental health screenings.


It's a double edged sword, I like guns, my family has several and I use them for hunting and entertainment(just shooting targets like cans or bad apples) but seeing a fat old racist packing a revolver is still unsettling lol


At a certain point you just say “if it’s going to happen, it’ll happen”. Know your local area and how often firearm incidents occur and kinda roll your dice from there. You just kind of have to keep things in perspective. Like I’m far more likely to be left a bloodly pancake by a car than to be shot, so I worry more about the cars. Note: I don’t personally have a firearm but for reasons unrelated to the topic at hand.


I don't 


The media makes things seem worse than they are. I live in the south, where open carry is legal and people tend to have more guns. It’s been years that I’ve seen someone open carry. Sure, there are probably people concealed carrying, but no one even thinks about someone potentially having a weapon until they feel threatened. Anyone who open carries is probably looked at like an idiot by every single person. And the people that tend to open carry in my experience have all been 60+


Cause like 99% of people use their guns for things like hunting, shooting at a range, or self defense and aren’t looking to kill people. Also a lot of the country has stricter gun laws than the media makes it out to be. It varies by state. They act like you can just stroll into Walmart and walk out with an AR-15, but it’s not really like that. They do an extensive background check to make sure that you’re not a convicted felon, that you don’t have a history of severe mental illness, etc. To be fair, I will say this is not required with private sales. When you get your conceal carry permit, they take your fingerprints as well.


I'm more scared of cars than guns honestly


If someone bigger than you breaks into your house, what are gonna do to defend yourself? Guns are here to keep us safe. Sadly, there are people who abuse them, and do bad things. But over 90% of gun owners in America keep their gun safe until they need it.


because people who have common sense would use it for protection and not for harm.


Issue is common sense isn't all that common


Is it true that many of you guys live paycheck to paycheck? When I look up median salaries in the US and things like that, I would think that most of you are doing reasonably well


Paycheck to paycheck is lucky for some people, debt is the norm


If by “norm” you mean “most” that’s just not true. If what you mean is that, “Among Americans who live paycheck to paycheck, debt is the most common means of resolving the shortfall” then I’d agree. 80% of Americans have credit cards. Of that 80%, half carry a balance from month to month. So less than half (40%) of Americans use CCs to cover monthly shortfalls.


There are other ways of going into debt in the USA: payday loans, college loans, home loans with old credit balances weaved in, car loans, etc...


Consumerist culture and spending lavishly on things we dont need is common. But its mainly high monthly payments and debt that causes that


40% of Americans are 2 missed paychecks from homelessness. I personally believe this is by design to enslave us to our shitty low paying jobs. Additionally, median salary isn't reliable because of outliers on both sides. I work in employee benefits myself, I see people who make $20k and I see people who make $140k at the same company.


Median is reliable. You're thinking of average. If you have 10 people, with 9 making 40k and one guy making 10 million, the median is 40k. The AVERAGE is something way higher (and not representative of reality).


Median Salary info is useless data until it is compared to Average Cost of Living. Doesn’t really matter if you make a lot money if everything is expensive. Estimates vary for how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck but every single one is very high, >60%. The last one I saw put it at around 75%. So three outta four Americans are just breaking even on their expenses.


we have the highest real median wages in the world...which is adjusted for cost of living.


Americans when they realize europe isn't paved with gold and free stuff with plenty of money and SFHs for everyone: 🤯


yea more like americans when they realize theyre actually just entitled brats and not "living in a third world shithole wage country"


Definitely. The salaries look good but the cost of living is nuts in more populated areas. Food, rent, transportation is all expensive and most people have debt of some kind. For a lot of people savings is more like emergency money unless you’re pooling funds with a partner or somehow come into a large sum of money. There’s a saying that most people are one paycheck away from being homeless. I heard 80k a year is what it cost to live comfortably and that’s definitely not the norm for most people. Also that number is probably old.


Yes, but 90% it’s because other American have zero financial skills and buy/consume things they don’t need.


Yes. The a large number of people live paycheck to paycheck with no savings. Early on in life people are expected to go above and beyond to earn the minimum wage so they can afford to barely pay rent and maybe eat ramen noodles every day. You will have a car payment because there is almost no public transit in most of the country, you will have to pay rent because traditionally kids are kicked out of the house at 18-21 and you will have to pay your tuition if you go to college. If you ever get sick or need surgery you take on significant amounts of debt, same is usually the case for schooling. You won't pay off this debt until far later in your life, if you ever can.


It's over blown, to be sure. A lot of people report living paycheck to paycheck while making 200k or more a year - it's self reported, and people usually mean something like, after taking care of bills and retirement and saving and stuff, and then spending on whatever discretionary or fun stuff I wanted, I don't have much money leftover. Some people do actually struggle. But it's not the majority of Americans. It'd hard to get a good grasp on it because a lot of this is self reported or depends very heavily on what part of the country you live in.




do yall really can just have a conversation with a random person you met 2 seconds ago?


Yes, its a regular thing too


damn bro, so lucky people are so friendly over there, i probably wouldn't be so lonely. Here people actively avoid each other especially in northern Europe.


Yes, ive especially heard that the Scandinavians are really cold to strangers, and that they won’t even give food to guests in their house which is especially bizarre to me


Yes, and its something Americans are good at and it makes connections. For example yesterday I ran into a guy who runs a Taco truck, never met him before that 2 seconds. Made him laugh, he gave me a free item from his taco truck that he was walking to.


My friend managed to befriend a Japanese person when we were in Tokyo. A *Japanese* person. He is just *that* friendly.


I had a buddy who allegedly made a German *laugh*




I’d say it’s more regions that vary the most. Two states that are right next to each other, probably pretty similar. Two states from different regions, very different.




Yup I live in Indiana and Ohio is pretty much the same but when we went down to Florida this year or out west it's completely different. Environmentally and culturally.


Its more like region rather than state imo, for example the South is drastically different than the Northwest on a variety of things, mostly cultural


Some states are practically identical, others are very different. Ohio to Indiana there’s no noticeable change. Hawaii and Wyoming are two different worlds.


I would like to add to these replies that it depends on the size of the state For example different parts of Florida are completely different biomes with completely different culture It’s almost hard to understand that Pensacola and Miami are in the same state, for instance


I wanna tell y’all Europeans that america is very diverse. It’s not all just white Americans. I’m Mexican American, my experiences are very different to those of a white American (mainly in culture). Still similar in a lot of ways but sometimes it feels like a world apart


Weird how people think we're not diverse. Compared to what country? We're literally a melting pot. We were created through immigration, more or less. Doesn't mean there aren't issues from certain people in the country about it. But it's nuts to think that, ESPECIALLY now, everyone is white. I blame the media that gets exported overseas, I guess.


Metric measurements. Yay or nay?


I'll die on the hill that Fahrenheit is better for measuring temperature in regards to the weather but overall metric is better. Still have trouble with liters tho


Fahrenheit measures how we feel. Celcius measure the temperature of water. As people who do not live in the water why would I give a shit the temperature of water? Lol


Hit the nail on the fucking head, C for Science and F for weather.


My mentor, brilliant chemical engineer, put it to me this way while I was interning. 0F? Really cold. 100F? Really hot. You're probably comfortable somewhere in between, like 60-70. 0C? Really cold. 100C? Dead. So where are we comfy? Like 22-24....?


i don't see why you would prefer one over the other JUST for weather, for both you have to learn the number but C help if you want to measure stuff that have temperature included, granted not the most frequent thing you do but still


I think I'd personally like a sort of hybrid between the two. I like how fine F is without needing decimals and I like how simple C is because I'm bad at remembering F's water boil and freeze temps. Also with 69°F, it isn't dangerous to be in 😏


What? Fehrenheit feels to measure how you feel only for Americans. For people used to Celsius it’s not intuitive at all. That’s just a matter of habit.


As an American I like to think of Fahrenheit as a percentage of how hot it is. If it’s 90 degrees out, it’s 90% hot, so it’s about as hot as it can get. If it’s 30 degrees out, it’s 30% hot, so it’s not hot at all and I should grab a coat. I’m not sure if that made sense but that’s how I always think of it.


because water is everywhere. When the temperature goes below 0°C I might start to see snow and frozen lakes outside. Think that's pretty intuitive


I wish we adopted it. So much easier to conceptualize.


We already have. US Customary units are defined in metric :P


hell nah i like my basic unit of measurement being some rand english king’s foot way back when. gives it a little personality. metric is soulless and boring


Anywhere it truly matters is already metric.


Not a European but a Aussie why do you put so many parking spots next to you’re stadiums do you use public transport?


We have public transport, but in most places it's not very good. Even at its best it pales in comparison to a big European city. Car centric infrastructure is huge in the US and it's dragging it down


public transport is pretty bad and is mostly used by poor people and homeless. public transport is also frequently as expensive as parking would be. we SHOULD be subsidizing our public transport with fees for driving, but instead all of the taxes and fees for driving go towards, well, more driving.


A lot of people use public transportation for a variety of reasons, but in a lot of areas, public transportation just isn't funded well enough for busses/trains/whatever to run frequently, on time, or to have stops remotely close to wherever you're trying to go. And that's assuming you live in a major city, if you live outside of a major city, or in more rural areas, public transportation is practically non existant. My area for example, I live in a small city, and in theory we have public transportation, but you're better off just taking an uber/lyft, or just driving yourself, because there's *maybe* 5 small busses total, and only two of them actually run routes, on a good day.


I'll probably get downvoted into the ground for this but our public transport in big cities is great, but we still have to rely on cars because the US is absolutely fucking massive. The closest state in size to the UK is Michigan. And that's 1 state, we got 50 of them. Sure Australia might be big but how large of an area do people actually live?


And Michigan isn’t even that crazy big compared to some states either. Not saying it’s super small or anything like that, but compare it to Texas, Alaska or California, and it’s not that big.


Government [regulations](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/20/business/parking-minimums-cars-transportation-urban-planning/index.html). If you open a business of any kind, you're required to give customers a place to park, even if they don't drive. We could have the best public transit system in the world that everyone uses, and the government would still require massive parking lots. The physical size and expected business directly correlate with how much parking is required. That's a little known, massive expense that prohibits prospective small business owners from starting up, giving the giants a leg up on would be competition.


I find it easier to drive to our stadiums here in Philly because there’s a lot of parking and I live so far out from the city. I often go to games after work and would never make it on time if I tried to take public transportation there. I grew up going to Fenway Park in Boston and we never drove and only took public transportation because the parking is unavailable around the ballpark.


this is actually really insightful and confusing to read through as an american lol


I have a few very important questions, actually. 1. Do some of you really wear shoes indoors? Sometimes I hear it when people talk about cultural shock they experienced in America, but I still refuse to believe it. 2. Is the real estate market actually that bad right now? I often see conversations about how Americans can't afford to buy any form of property due to inflation. Same people say that it's not realistic to even expect to be able pay your mortgage off. But it can't be that bad, can it?


1. Either way is acceptable, my family doesn’t really care whether you go shoes on or off but a lot of the time whenever I brought friends home as a kid they would freak out because they forgot to take their shoes off. 2. Yes, it is terrible. [This house](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1060-Belmont-Commons-Dr-SE-Smyrna-GA-30080/87684846_zpid/) is slightly bigger than normal and it cost almost 600k to buy. In comparison, the average yearly income in the state this house is being sold in can be rounded up to [48k](https://www.talent.com/salary?job=&location=georgia). If I work for 13 years without spending ANY money whatsoever then I could afford this house.


Comparable house in my area (cz) goes for about 380k and on average you'd have to work for 20 years and spend nothing to be able to afford it. Having to work just 13 years for such a nice house would be a dream here. 13 years gets you 70m2 (750 square feet) flat in a reasonable condition.


1. Well, that sounds reasonable, thanks for answering the question. 2. That's crazy! So what are younger generations expected to do? Simply rent until they can't? Take a mortgage?


Here’s the crazy part, we’re expected to go with it. Our lawmakers and people with political influence are so out of touch that they don’t realize how bad it is. We have the top percentage of earners saying “Oh I could afford it when I was young, and I can afford one now, everything is fine” not realizing that the pay is not equivalent to what they had.


Most of the older generation doesn’t recognize this as a serious problem. In their day, a job at a restaurant was enough to get a small house and support a family. Now, that same job would barely rent me an apartment, and most lawmakers just aren’t willing to recognize that.


Can’t speak to 2, but I know very few people who wears shoes at home


1. Some people do and it's gross 2. Yes, it's that bad. Most of us (Gen Z) are not predicted to be able to own homes lol


in my household people usually keep their shoes on if they’re planning to leave out again soon or hosting a house party, but if we’re chilling at home we usually just wear socks or in my case, slippers. it can depend on the house though as i’ve been to other peoples homes where i had to take my shoes off at the door, usually if they had carpet wearing shoes on your bed is seen as something you can judge someone for in a “dude wtf” way but it’s not unthinkable


Is wearing a cowboy hat as an everyday accessory cringe? They look kinda cool…


Probably depends where you are, I'd imagine in the south it would be no big deal but in other parts of the country it would be a little put of the norm (never cringe tho that shit's rad)


Depends where you are in the states. If you wore one in Texas, Oklahoma, or pretty much any of those landlocked states it would be normal. If you wore it in the Northestern states you would get a funny look or some people asking you where you are from.


Utility over style. If you live in the city, yeah, probably cringe. If you live out in the open plains and there isn't much shade, the hat is serving a purpose by keeping your head and neck protected from the sun. Sunscreen is also an option there, but I hate the stuff


I live in Texas and yeah it's pretty normal to see cowboy hats. And also some cops wear them which is kind of funny to see.


What US state has the best compromise between the right to bear guns and the public interest to not arm dangerous people?




Eh considering the guy who shot all those people in Lewiston told doctors the voices in his head told him to kill people and nothing was done about it...


I’m going to link [this from the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) showing firearm deaths by state. Take each number and cut it down by half to account for the deaths that are suicides and you get a decent look. Obviously the palest color are some states with the strictest regulations but even those aren’t a dealbreaker. Personally, I’d say Wisconsin is one of the better ones.


What would be the best way for a European to get a VISA to retire in the USA. Edit: should probably have mentioned I’m already married so probably won’t be marrying for a VISA.


This is a gen z subreddit, we don’t know anything about anything




Marry an American citizen


You probably shouldn’t be asking a bunch of american teenagers who are pulling an all nighter this question


>Q&A post >look inside >it's all talking about the really shitty parts of america.


Even with all of the American problems, I still think its a great country and im especially proud and grateful to be in America To those people, Its understandable to not like your own country but if you refuse to acknowledge the fact that it is an objectively better country than others, its kinda sad


I wouldn't say "objectively", but yeah I can agree with you. Also it seems every time in the past I've tried to make this point literally everyone shits on me, I honestly don't get a lot of the widespread brainless America hate. People can only ever look at the negative sides.


I need to come up with a question to compare quality of life. How many estates does your family own (take family to mean you, parents, and siblings)?


Estate in America means worth after death, no one owns one because you have to be dead to have one lol Are you asking how many homes we own?


It's rare for me to make errors speaking English, but evidently it still happens. Forgive me for that. Yes, that's what I intended to ask


Estate often does mean a home, just typically in upper class people. English Premium, if you will.


I didn’t pay the upgrade fees, I’m stuck with English Lite 😭


How good would you consider the quality of american healthcare? (ignoring the price) (it would be especially nice if someone has gotten treatment in both Europe and the US to make a comparison) How difficult is it to find a high paying ($100k or more annually) job in the US? If you lose your job in the US, how long can you expect it to take until you find a new one? (Any job, doesn't have to be high paying. I just want to know if it's easier/faster to find one in the US or in Europe)


The overall quality of our healthcare (especially in highly populated areas) is excellent. Some of the top ranking hospital systems in the world are here. Obviously, with a country so large, there will be areas where it’s not as good or accessible, but overall, it’s great quality. It’s hard to just start out making $100k unless you go into very specific fields. You can always work at target or something and in my area that would be pretty immediate. Most people don’t do that though, because they can’t support their family on that.


American healthcare depends on the state, where I live its exceptionally great. Its not that hard to find a job that offers 100k+, whats hard is getting accepted


Why exactly do you not use the metric system you could just change anytime?


The best answer I’ve seen is that all of our buildings would be fucked up because they were built using the Imperial system. I don’t know exactly, that isn’t my cup of tea but it made sense to me.


Pirates killed a French ambassador during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and afterwards no president cared enough for French culture to attempt it. Also America was fairly isolationist until WW2 so their was no reason to adopt the metric system for the common person because 99% of people would never meet someone who knew it.


Technically we are on the metric system in many areas (see below). But the public never really adopted in as the vernacular. Everyone is used to miles, quarts, pounds, and other nonsense. Getting people to switch has always been the problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication_in_the_United_States


Do you not have state-issued (like from the US, not state of Texas for example) IDs? Where I live everyone gets one at the age of 18 and its mandatory. It has name, your personal number etc and you use it while voting or to settle some matter at the office or bank. How does this work in US? How common is the use of cheques or fax? I have never seen anyone use them here?


It isn’t required, but yes, there are state issued ID’s. In most instances where identification is required your driver’s license works.


Actually, everybody does have an ID. We have our social security number. Issued by federal gov and everybody has a different number, used for things like banking? Def SSN.


The problem is that your social security number isn't supposed to be used as identification. The social security administration has very plainly said as much. The banks of course looked at that and ignored it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not for identification.


Are there any Americans who live in towns (let's say 50k inhabitants and less)? I feel like only europeans on Reddit are city-rats either from capitals or top 5 biggest cities of the country. If you live in the place like this. Is the housing way more affordable than in the cities?


Traveling from Los Angeles to New York City is the same as traveling from Lisbon to the country side east of Moscow. It's BIG. So yeah, despite the fact that most Americans live in large cities, there are places with 50k or less people. Hell, there plenty of places with a population of 100. Name the kind of place and it's in America. Huge modern cities, 3rd world level slums that are urban or rural, forests, deserts, swamps, mountains etc. We have it all.


I can't wait for this thread to end up on one of those Reddit YouTube videos.


Asian here, not European, but why don't you guys know what a kilometer is?


I don’t speak none of that communist crap


I measure my lifted pickup truck in freedom units, tyvm


We don’t learn it in school and nobody uses it here except for in science


We do learn it in school though? Atleast in the Midwest, but it does take a backseat to Imperial.


People know what it is, but its not normal for people to use it




We know what kilometers are


we know what a kilometer is, this is just a misconception pushed by “America Bad” people. It just isn’t our standard measurement.


We do, we just choose not to use it. We think of it as the mile’s smaller, runtier counterpart for other people to usr


We do, get off the internet.


We know what a kilometer is, we just default to a different measurement system. There's a country in Asia that does the same thing.


Does everyone in your country know what a mile is?


Is death penalty a part of political discussion over there or you guys are all just okay with it?


The political discussion is based on the overwhelmingly common occurrence of wrongful convictions and racial discrimination, and that making it nationally legal would most likely greatly exacerbate the problem. So it remains a state-by-state concern


What do they teach in school? Like do you learn specfically about American history and that's it or do you cover stuff like Medieval Europe etc? Do you learn about Cortez etc? Also, why is it that Americans seem ignorant to geography? There's loads of videos online of Americans barely being able to name a single country from a map.


Theres two different subjects, American History and World History. Thats self explanatory. American History we learn about American History, World History we learn about the World History, but it tends to be more Eurocentric History Also generalizations are never a good thing. Just because you saw some dumbass idiot not locate Malaysia on the world map doesn’t mean the entire American population doesn’t know about geography


I saw on another Reddit post that petrol stations sell soft drinks, and that a medium is 1.5L and a large is 2L. Is this true?? If I drank 2L of soft drink in 1 day I think I’d have a heart attack


You can buy those sized drinks but a 2L drink isn't meant for one person lol.


Those 2L bottles are NOT the serving size. Only gigantic people are drinking an entire 2L bottle in a day.


Question to both: Do you know that over half of the world population lives outside these areas?




whaaat? No way???!?!??


You can’t fool me with your communist trick, you witch


sex in day or sex at night?


Is it too much to ask for both?


We're on Reddit, were not having sex.


I'm visiting the US next year (Virginia,cant dox where in Virginia),what are some of your favourite food that a person should try?


definitely try Chic Fil A and Zaxby’s


Try bojangles, its only in southern states. Im in RI, sometimes when we visit the south we have it, its amazing


Try and find a non franchise American/southern BBQ place. The same thing goes for finding a Mexican restaurant. Most Mexican food in the USA isn't authentic Mexican, but it is still really good. California, Texas, and Southwestern states would probably be the best place to get American Mexican food, but there are always hole in the wall spots in every state that have great Mexican food.


How are you?


So you guys went to the moon, or were just joshing on the Russians?


We went to the moon, pretty sure the ISRO which is the Indian space organization took a satellite or somn to the moon and found that the remnants of the Apollo missions are still there checkmate moon deniers