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we already are but the jackboots of the past are now international politicians and corporate oligopoly using their power to censor anything against their narrative


Don’t forget they’re also padding their own pockets at the expense of everyone else.


That is how our financial system is designed


Don't say that. They worked hard for our money.


No, outside of the gated communities and suburbs most white, male, het redditors live in, the jackboot thugs are still jackboot thugs towards POC, non hets and women. Had to roll my eyes at OPs title because for some people it's never been anything except a dystopian police state, but like everything else about the privileged middle class, they keep their blinders on until it affects them, and suddenly society must grind to a halt until whatever is troubling them is fixed.


As a millennial, this comment hits pretty hard. I knew fascists had their foot in the door way back in the late 90's when I was just a little guy dealing with illogical evangelical adults in public institutions.


As a gen xer your comment hits me hard. I knew fascists had their foot in the door in the early 80’s when I was just a little guy dealing with the illogical fact of an actor becoming President with a creepy running mate who was director of the CIA three years prior to becoming VP. I was ten years old and wrote an essay about it, commenting that Reagan’s qualification for office is that he had previously starred in “Bedtime for Bonzo” costarring a chimp. That was the year I understood that America was nothing but a shitshow, I was floating in a sea of brainwashed morons, and there was nothing I could do about it. I feel like my zoomer and alpha kids are in the same place I was at their age. I do think you youngsters will down a different path though. You all are smarter, more mature, tougher an more soulful than we ever were. You’re pretty quiet so far, but I have a funny feeling that when it gets bad and you’re backed into a corner bad ya’ll are gonna flip an ape in the most unexpected way and people are gonna say holy shit where did that come from? It’s just a hunch but I’ve yet to be wrong. And who am I? Just some old guy muttering. In fact I already shuffled off, probably distracted by a squirrel on the telephone wire or some goddam thing. But when the shit pops off I’ll step out of the topiary and go Obi Wan on their asses with whoever else is willing. Because fuck the Dumpster. My kids deserve better.


This revelation is oddly comforting and terrifying all at the same time. I guess I'm glad gen X is not 100% sold, but I shudder to hear that it was obvious back then as well.


American action movies are really just propaganda films 


Well fucking said. Most anyone who grew up poor knows through experience to fear any interaction with the police. In the 90% minority neighborhood where I grew up, everyone at least knew multiple people who had been harassed, threatened, or intimidated by cops acting like stormtroopers. When I was 5, I called 911 because my mom got sick suddenly and couldn't move or talk well (she had MS). Instead of helping, the two cops that showed up yelled at me for calling about something they deemed unimportant and accused my mother of being drunk. She'd been 100% sober for 8 years. At 7, a cop threatened to arrest me for peeing behind a bush next to my house. The first time a cop put a gun to my head, I was 14 while playing with foam swords and shields with friends in a cul-de-sac. The next time a cop put a gun to my head was after he pulled me over for speeding 5 over (I was late to work) and then caught sight of the three juggling knives totally secured in their sheaths, laying in plain sight in my passenger seat. They were completely legal and weren't sharp in any way. They're stage props. The cop screams at me to put my hands on the wheel as he presses his gun firmly into my temple while I calmly ask him, what's wrong, please, how can I help, sir. He then repeatedly screamed for me to unbuckle my seatbelt, and I did so while asking him again what was wrong, what did I do. Then he yanks me out of the car while saying something about, fine we'll do this the hard way, pats me down roughly and quickly and then puts me in cuffs and as he's walking me to his car I just started to silently cry because I still had no idea why he freaked out. From the back of the cop car, I watched him walk back to my car and pick up the juggling knives. He didn't even take them out of the sheath to look at them and see they had no blade. I told him as he drove me to jail that I was on my way to work, I work as an entertainer at the local boardwalk, those are juggling knives, I juggle. He told me he didn't care, he had to work with a cold so I had to suffer, too. He drove 10 over the speed limit the whole way to the jail. I fought the illegal weapons charge for 2 years before I got it dismissed. Getting it dismissed cost all of the money my grandparents had given me for college, which admittedly wasn't a lot, but that whole 2 years I also had to sleep on friend's couches and couldn't get any job with a background check or rent my own apartment, because the charge was the same as if I had a loaded unregistered handgun. That cop ruined my life because he didn't want to be at work. Cops are terrorists.


There are already plenty of older movies like blade, runner and many theories in the 1800s and 1900s. That movie was goddamn amazing though like the old player, the first one, the one in 1987 I think


fuck the movies what we have now is an amalgamation of Huxley's brave new world (trans humanism) and Orwell's 1984 (military/facist) and Kafka's The Trial (beurocracy)


Gargle dicks.


I read “jackboots” as “jackbots” at first. I thought it was neat.


Yup. Take a time machine back to the 1950's and they'd say we're already living in one.




Damn right we are, choom.


Basically cyberpunk but without all the cool tech


minorities in the US already live in a dystopian police state


OP, what do you consider to be a dystopian police state? I really don’t think that the U.S. is going to turn into something akin to the Hunger Games or 1984.




[Read for yourself](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=police+discrimination+against+minorities)


That’s not what a dystopia is


Partially. I'm more worried about a society of stupid people. AI encouraging people to use their brains less and trust actual garbage. Large amounts of online misinformation. Plummetting standards in education, where people graduate without being literate. And easy access to cheap dopamine and short form content destroying children's attention spans.


You know there was a study a while back that showed that the more advanced a society got, the dumber it got. You’re probably right.


A tale as old as time. The more settled an agrarian society. The more the median life expectancy plummeted the greater the elites grasp on power and quasi deity status. The greater the flourish meant of art, culture and learned literacy- the greater the squalor at the margins.


[Stupidity leads to fascism.](https://nsjonline.com/article/2021/12/bonhoeffer-on-stupidity/)


Like the old saying. Better to have a wise enemy than a stupid friend.


Way too late for that one.


Absolutely. Our bodies and identities have been sold to the world's largest corporations. We have become nothing but numbers to them.


Their digital profiles of us have only just started unfortunately


I’ve been working tirelessly to fuck mine up


If you’re looking for a good place to help you avoid digital surveillance, then I recommend r/privacy. Also check out the TOR Project


People talk about AI running the world.It already does.The YouTube algorithm is the Biggest propaganda machine to ever exist


We’ve already kinda been there for a while. Like think about how crazy it is that most people know our government spies on us and can do whatever they want with us if we say something unsavory to them and we’re just used to it.


Where do you live? Assuming you live in the US (I don't), can you explain why you think so?


I do live in the States, and its because they've kind of admitted it. We know they monitor social media, and can access about everything else you do if they will it. The Patriot Act massively expanded law enforcements capabilities to do whatever they need to "prevent terrorism". The FBI was exposed to have connections to pre-Elon Twitter where they'd commonly ask for information on or action to be taken against individuals for any number of reasons. Hell, its a little more speculative, but why do you think the joke in media spheres is "the greatest honor a journalist can get is assassinated by the CIA". If you told someone 100 years ago that not only would every person be given a tracking number (SSN) and everyone would have the ability to spy on anyone at anytime via a portable device we carried around everywhere, they would have called you crazy, but here we are.


Sadly it’ll be like Minority report (give it a watch when you can) NSA partnering up with OpenAi, everyone racing to buy chips and build data centers for their Ai. I don’t see this ending up well at all only a matter of time before the government takes the Ai from one of the companies or they go rouge from US over site. We would end up like China but we have guns here in the US so I think that might be our only savior.


Yeah the founder of Google is making AI drones for the military. It’s all happening while we’re distracted about… well read the news lol


[Google literally fucking IS THE NSA](https://qz.com/1145669/googles-true-origin-partly-lies-in-cia-and-nsa-research-grants-for-mass-surveillance)


It’s inevitable, as this is just the historical trend of government and the slow corruption of the systems in place. The way the government engages with citizens is wildly different than 100, even 50, years ago. Many of our Constitutional rights and freedoms have been subjected to harsh limitations and narrowed. Cops already have a LOT of governmental freedom to absolutely fuck your day, and your life up while granted immunity. Physically or legally. Political bias aside, look at the last decade of the use of lawfare and how it’s being used to attack people financially and mentally, dragging out expensive and lengthy court proceedings. We need to have a reformation of how the government is permitted to interact with their citizens.


yeah honestly, a dystopian hellscape seems pretty inevitable to me


In the US we have almost no policing of actual violent crime and gang activity. We have amazingly robust policing of petty crime, nonsense regulations, and thought crimes. If you’re a real criminal, no need to worry. The people who have to worry about the police are the decent citizens. Any small mistake or dissent is viewed as a serious crime.


The only way I see that happening is if the government here becomes more like Russia & China.


I definitely think we already live in a police state in America. Sure it isn’t as bad as Europe but we still don’t have many rights.


if its not the police, it will definitely be border patrol/homeland security. our goverment has been pouring millions for them to do surveillance. remember the george floyd protests? yeah, they had homeland security rounding up people indiscriminately in unmarked vans like the gestapo in portland, had drones doing surveillance in pretty much all major cities, their use of violence against journalists and civilian protesters when unchecked… yeah. not to mention what they are doing to immigrants in this country. instead of putting that money to create an actual path to citizenship, we are fucking dunking on asylum seekers in unmarked open air fucking prisons on the border. homeland security is fucking cooked.


I think Android or Google or whoever has made geotracking hard to do recently like police have to get a warrant or something to do this idk full details so google it yourself if you really want to know, but they used geotracking to catch the guy at UofI a couple years ago I believe. They don't just do this in big cities, but small ruralish towns like Moscow, Idaho if a serious enough crime happens. Hell, if something were to happen out where I live they could've done this before, too. I'm out in the middle of nowhere, but they can track my location because I'm either using wifi or a phone tower.


We already are, you can thank the patriot act for one.


Agreed, patriot act is a blatant violation of the 4th amendment in the name of national security.


If we keep electing geriatric or foolish politicans then YEAH. Also if we continue ignoring privacy as a human right and privacy violations in all our smart stuff then BIG **YEAH!**


Yes please vote especially while we can


Not really. I’m pretty optimistic about my life. People can find ways around AI tracking, people in China do it all the time for facial recognition. I doubt it’ll ever get too big in the US. My college career is doing pretty well and hopefully I can find some good jobs when I graduate as a political science + business major. When you actually start studying global affairs you realize it’s a lot more mundane than the news makes it seem, and that life has been pretty consistently getting better everywhere around the world, barring a few places which the news covers a lot. You never hear about the thousands of planes that successfully land every day. If there’s one thing I’d be concerned about it’s stupid people that are misled by news and end up being irrational on otherwise perfectly normal or otherwise straightforward problems like climate change and other public policy.


Become a digital cyberpunk, join the Linux community!


I don't.


The situation is ripe for charlatans offering simple solutions. Consider carefully.




Well about hte AI-Stuff. We can stop a lot of data collection by the tech we let in our House. Dont connect TVs to the Internet, no smart home speaker stuff, use linux and degoogled android phones and browser extensions to limit tracking. Also VPNs will help you to stay unnoticed by your internet provider when doing stuff. Instead of cloud services, which are already beeing scanned by AI, save your data on your own servers running open source software (any old pc will do, i paid 17€ for mine and 60€ for the hard drive). If you use the grayjay client, youtube cant monitor what videos you watch. Edit: I forgot to add that but you also need a browser that doesn´t spy on you. Use Firefox. Also check out services like proton for email and VPN. Proton offers you a mail program that doesn´t have your emails scanned by ai like gmail does.


We live in one now. Literally, most municipalities exist to funnel money into sherrif and police departments.


Psycho pass is a good anime


Never been a huge anime guy. My entire friend group has tried to get me to watch anime.


And world of psycho pass is pretty much a dystopian police state, watch a episode or 2 with your friends And only season 1,2 and the first movie have a English dub,while season 3 and the other movies are only available with Japanese dub with English subtitles


I eventually plan to move to Japan which already uses the honor system for a lot of things but I do worry about people here in the states


Japan is a very conservative country with a lot of traditional values and an absolutely awful legal system. It’s got its cons too. I’d be scared to live there only because of the 99% conviction rate and I do like my pot which is extremely frowned upon in Japanese culture.


Japan definitely isn’t for everyone but for me it is great, it is slowly and steadily making progress on all issues I am worried about.


What country are you in? Cause something like the US is never getting this. Also the link to your China example is broken.


All I will say is I never discussed politics with chatgpt or anything related it politics. I did have discussions with it concerning various subjucts including dream analysis.. I had it guess my Myers Briggs personality.. it was right on. It guessed my top political candidate out of 20. It made a guess regarding the lowest my IQ. There is no stopping AI but we need to make damn sure it’s not owned by governments or corporations and well it already is.. we are fucked. Fucked. Our only hope is we have our own AI that is never allowed to be owned singularly by anyone or any organization. Imagine if the printing press was owned only by Rome.


Take some personal steps. We cannot remove technology completely from our lifestyles, but we can eliminate a vast majority of it. I don't have any social media except Reddit, YouTube, and Discord. Reddit and YouTube I use for work (I work in tech). I get told a trillion times a month to install Tiktok, I get sent Instagram links, YouTube shorts. I make it clear to everyone to not send me them as I am not interested. I am open to checking it out on their devices if need be. As for tracking, I have disabled all notifications/tracking features on my phone (to the best of my ability). I have been doing this for past couple years and to be honest, it surprises me how fast I can be secluded from everyone BECAUSE I choose to live like this. But I still prefer it.


We are going to live through a world war (and maybe die in it), revolutions and maybe the fall of the West. What comes after that will depend on us.


Why do you think this will happen in the future and it is not already happening now?


I could see more Chinese policies coming to the US eventually in the guise of national security. More cameras than people, AI facial tracking, check points, social credit scores, a lot of stuff. Or what we’re seeing in Canada. Canada has become a massive police state under Justin “Black Face” Trudeau


I can imagine it become even more of a police state but I think it already is one now.


The NSA is able to access any camera and microphone with internet access. You can thank Edward Snowden for exposing that. Cops are allowed to do damn near whatever they want with very little consequence. Even with body cameras. If they get caught doing something illegal, they don’t have to pay for it. The city does. They won’t lose their jobs because they have Qualified Immunity. If they don’t have body cams on then they can do absolutely anything they want. The Supreme Court ruled that cops have zero obligation to help the citizens or act their best interest. They exist to enforce the law however they see fit. Since they are barely trained on the law in comparison to other developed countries, they often get caught just making shit up on the fly.  If this paradigm is not a “dystopian police state” then I don’t know what is.


A local cop here tased a handcuffed compliant man around here recently. Then called him a cry baby and a little bitch. Then hit him with a bunch of bogus charges. She hasn’t been charged and now works with the sheriffs department.


I really don't care if some government agent watches me text my partner or me playing roblox. I don't do anything wrong or particularly immoral so I don't have much concern


It’s that slow chipping of rights that’s the scariest tho. “Idc I have nothing to hide” is great until the government decides something you do is no longer alright. Then it hits home but the ship has already sailed.


“Idc I have nothing to hide” is also how companies are able to get away with siphoning massive amounts of personal data and storing them away in insecure databases. ROBLOX and the NSA don’t give a fuck about your payment details or your insurance information, but Russian hackers would love to get their hands on that information. A recent example is the Tim Hortons app tracking users’ locations nearly around the clock and storing them in an insecure database. Even an amateur hacker would be able to steal the data and learn exactly where you live. Would you like that to be passed onto a Russian hacker group? You don’t have anything to hide after all, do you?


No. The US has been in far worse places than it is in now. The US didn't turn into a dystopia then; I don't think we're headed down that path now.


Going to? Brother you're in it. But yes, if something isn't done it will get worse.


lol I’m not idk about y’all


Nah, i will survive till I get my inheritance and from that point we are balling (renting) and with my law degree from top Uni in my country I feel government can suck my dick.


For many already, what’s really the case for everyone if you look close enough, is that we’ve long been living in the police state we fear for, some try to conjure up examples of a “worse” police state to dilute how expansive ours is, but that trick has been fleeting


We are already in the beginning stages of a dystopian police state.


Personally I don't give a fuck if the government monitors everything I do I got nothing to hide, the costs of stuff does need to go down though


Could be as soon as next year.


The rapid advancements in AI and increasing surveillance can feel overwhelming and dystopian. It's important to stay informed and advocate for responsible AI use and privacy protections. Despite the challenges, focusing on community, personal growth, and finding joy in simple activities can help navigate these feelings. You're not alone in feeling this way, and collectively, we can push for positive change.


People 100 years ago would say you live in a dystopian police state.


Wait til you hear about PRISM. “US isn’t as bad so far” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM




They already can track your movement with your cell phone if it's connected to the phone towers or wifi even if you're out rural. It's harder for them to do if you're phone is completely turned off or you have airplane mode on, though. They have access to your phone calls, everything you ever posted online, etc. They also used to do geotracking, but I believe Google changed that or something recently. Even then, apps can listen in on your conversations. When I've gone to the movies before, my phone kept sending me YouTube videos and ads about it. Same with people that I know when they've had conversations about stuff. Their phones sent them ads. If you use any health apps or whatever, they can different that to if it uses wifi. There are apps that you can use for different medical conditions. There are cameras almost everywhere in some places. There are cameras in stores, cameras at certain stop lights, etc. You're almost always on recording. That and if you want to go into certain buildings or fly at an airport, they search you and your person. At other places, they'll search your bags. etc


Judging by the way Redditor mods ban literally anything they find offensive, just wait until we get a digital credit systems and we’ll definitely be on the dystopian timeline.


Comments and posts being boosted due to user karma? Sounds familiar.


AI is new but the rest of your concerns and issues affect every single generation... it's always a cycle...


We're already kinda there tbh, we just don't notice it as often because of the small distractions we have in our life, but we're already seeing the effects of late stage capitalism.


Dystopian “Drone” police state. Most ordinary citizens and petty crimes aren’t important enough for human law enforcement in the future.


The drone police future really is the worst reality.


Just like how the ready player one movie portrayed


Your looking at the all bad things. AI can do a lot of good things too. Humans have negativity bias.


I think from a research and healthcare perspective, I’ve got no problem with AI. But I think a lot of what it will do is make the rich richer, and the poor poorer.


If the real world becomes like Reddit, then yes. You can’t continue to silence people, call them bigots, and expect it to end well. All you’re doing is making enemies. Enemies you don’t want. Those of you who don’t understand the importance of the first and second amendment, soon will.


But honestly I think that’s what other countries would love to see. I don’t think you realize how bad an internal war would be these days. I realistically think it would turn into a power vacuum and some other country would get involved and try to take advantage of said power vacuum and that would be well…really bad


I think you’re totally right.


Going to?


No, economic collapse. Which is way worse


Is that not why all these countries like Russia and China are using Psyops to sow division within the US. I thought about typing out the long game of that with an economic collapse and power vacuum and blah blah blah but I just sounded crazy. Although if you’d told me about the last few years, a while back, I’d prob think you were crazy.


China economic collapse already started. Just don't know what the impact globally will be


Fair. They’re a paper tiger. Propped up on faulty real estate…gee golly I wonder if any other countries are propped on a wildly speculative stock market with a wildly inflated property market. Hmm.


Probably. The difference is, China had massive amounts of its people invest their life savings into real estate.


Vote. Vote in your local elections. Vote for people who address these issues and the other issues that my generation, your generation and future gens will face disproportionately to the people currently in power. All politics are grassroots. Presidential elections are not the most important (please still vote in those). Please just vote. The purpose of our democracy is to give you a voice. The government supposed to be your voice. To be honest, it is the **only** voice you will ever have unless you have an 8 figure brokerage account. Please vote.


Project 2025


No, it's legitimately the best time to be alive for most people in all of human history. You can see a dystopia now if you want to, everything is perspective. Try not to romanticize the past as it seems like you are heavily doing so in your post.


You already do....


If trump, the orange turd, wins, yes.


Social Media was already kinda the first iteration of that with the effects & influence it has on us, we just didn’t realize it.


most people in this post are terminally online




i mean your op wasn’t really bad. other than the cost of housing (I bought my house for $130k two years ago). high demand vs low demand areas


The US is the most successful police state in world history and has been for a while now. The apparatuses and resources at the disposal of the state for the surveillance, repression, and ESPECIALLY the indoctrination of the citizenry make people like Putin drool in envy. The only thing stopping the US from becoming more of a hellscape is the fact that a lot of people in power have a notable lack of braincells or are cult members, and are not able to effectively use the power they have.


"america isn't bad, like china" 😭😭😭 average victim of the american education system


I mean from a dystopian police state perspective, am I really wrong? There’s tons of examples I can link to. I’d say I’m more read than the average American on Chinese affairs.


sooo... america is not a dystopian police state? and china is? is this the argument?


You act like this is a yes/no question and only one can be dystopian. It’s sliding scales of fucked up, and China is clearly on the extreme end. If, by some cruel fuck-up in our timeline, the future of the US looks anything like what China is today, then I’m terrified. Thats my argument. You’re either being intentionally obtuse or aren’t as sharp as you think you are.


Yeah? Maybe you should fucking vote. 


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. -Orwell


Forget the government. Check out Palentir. These neoreactionary PayPal Mafia twits are setting the stage for a private monarchy state where the head of state is a CEO. Dark enlightenment my ass.


I agree with everything you said but I also think it’s worse thinking people will fall in love with Ai gf/bf than https://preview.redd.it/wqwsa0f5me8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bd70118b33938c3c0f443b60713922a0078a0b get a sex robot. Also maybe like the matrix where they just put us in a head set and show us our perfect dreams distracting us.


Not if we fight back. We cannot let the fascists take over. That's potentially decades of submission and suffering, all because we couldn't be bothered to stop it. If they take power, be ready for conflict.


Nah. We are going to live in a [Guided democracy ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guided_democracy) becuase that give the illusion of freedom while making real chance difficult. Think about how you can say what you want in America, but if get to radical (like mlk near the end of his life) they will take you out


Ever since this AI stuff became a thing back in like 2022, it's made everything ten times worse in society. I mean we can still tell what's human-made and what's AI-generated. But sooner or later, the line between human and AI will be so blurred that there's no telling what the consequences of that will be.


I mean, we pretty much already are. Let’s go down a list shall we? • Everything, everywhere is being recorded at all times • The government knows almost everything you’ve done, everywhere you’ve been, basically since the day you were born •Every minor violation of oftentimes arbitrary and draconian laws are met with immediate and overwhelming punishment •Attempts to bring these injustices to light are met with extreme punishments that are meant to make examples out of the person (Eg. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, ETC.) • Police in cities act as almost private militias against people who try and promote change through protest


I grew up in the 80s. Already been through it.


The government doesn’t listen to your phone calls, they may be able to do that if you use a smartphone *and* they have some interest in spending money to track you, but otherwise there isn’t a FBI agent listening to your stuff.


I think you’d be surprised


We do


This has been written about in some form or other since the beginning of time …


Not to mention the prison population keeps rising. They're trying to criminalize homeless people so they have more slave labor. It's depressing as fuck.




So much minor shit can land you in prison for a long time, and not enough people realize this. From two teens engaging in sexual activity, to possessing specific plants, to being in the same car as a felon, to being fucking homeless now... One of the most disturbing criminal cases I've ever read about was a guy whose friend robbed a store and shot the clerk, who later died. He picked his friend up later and was arrested as the "getaway driver". He was given life without parole and is still in prison to this day, despite having no idea his friend just murdered someone. Gotta have that slave labor.


1984 anyone?


Depends on who our next president is.


Only OG mudbone can save us


No. Go outside. Get off your phone. Delete social media apps. See friends face to face.




And it'll ALL be in the name of: "save the children!!111"


Already a reality in China and it will be in other countries eventually, because why not. I guarantee AI will be and has already been used for malicious purposes en masse.


Ask me in 5 months.


I got you


Only arrogant Westerners would bitch about modern conveniences. Meanwhile, North Koreans are still trying to escape their country (an actual, legit dystopian hellscape) and various ethnic minorities in Myanmar are fighting back against their oppressive government. Holy fuck.


Nah, we’ll tear ourselves apart before that happens


>This shit sucks, but the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that Gen Alpha is even more fucked than we are. Dude that is not the w you think it is....


You know, in 261 other comments, you’re the first person to comment on that section. Lol


just keepin it real. Like, don't get me wrong, I agree. Things are definitely taking a toll for the worse, but the last thing I'd want is to know that it's to *continue,* you know?


I mean the genie isn’t going back in the bottle with housing prices. The dominance of the dollar is waning.


Oh please the government already has the means and resources to track our every move, it's literally built into our cars, phones, even our email accounts when you log in somewhere. The only reason we're not being tracked is because the government doesn't have a reason to. We already could figure out who all the drug dealers, gang members, murderers, etc are in this country and lock them up within months however the government doesn't have a good reason to commit such a large invasion of privacy. Come WW3 though I guarantee we get tracked because the U.S would finally have a good reason, deterring spies.


happy cake day!!!


The more important thing is to not let them make shit global. If things like SWIFT’s CBDC go global, there’s no one that can stop them from shutting down your bank account and your entire life exactly like in 1984.


No, because I'm gonna vote Blue and vote left in Blue primaries.


The AI surveillance thing is only scary if you think anyone who doesn't know you personally actually cares about your life. They don't. That's the cool thing about being just another cog. I used to dread the same thing until one of my friends basically told me I wasn't special enough for anyone to give a fuck what I do lol


Boy I'd be in biiiiiiiiiiig shit if the stuff you're making uo was actually happening. I'm assume I'm still all good becsuse I'm still able to post this comment to reddit


You’re right. I smoked meth and made this post. Was fun


I made this comment before I saw "not so much in the US yet." Still applies but you're right about China


The only thing stopping America from being a dictatorship, is the fact that there are enough people with guns to destroy everyone in power


we are already half there, it‘s just pretty boring compared to science fiction




Step bro, is that you?




No, because that would be a violation of your rights. Make sure to not vote for people who want to violate your rights. Aside from that, all this A.I. stuff is fear-mongering. People are afraid of what they don't understand. The U.S. will not be like China because FREEDOM!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅


Look up the Patriot act and its history.


No, I don’t believe that.


Get out and vote against Republicans. Every time.


People throw around the word “dystopia” so much it’s lost all meaning. I’ve been to a few nations that are pretty close to a dystopia, and I don’t think we’re headed there anytime soon.


Grocery stores know that you’re stealing from them. They just don’t do anything about it until you steal enough for it to be considered a felony, then they throw you in prison for a decade and ruin your record. This is what a simple grocery store can do. Imagine what a defense contractor or a cybersecurity company could do. Now think about what the FBI and NSA can do.


Toss the phone. Or learn to shut it off and get outside


I’m outside more than you


Leave your phone in a freaking locker


lol locker? I’m 24. Fr tho I’m an avid hiker, backpacker, and kayaker. I’m outside plenty.


Yeah, and? Lock it up. If you leave your work phone at work, they will find out. If you carry your personal phone everywhere, they will track and follow you. So set them aside, set your boundaries, and be in control.


hopefully, that would be quite a fun shakeup to my life as it is now


Enough with this doomer bullshit just live your life and vote for transparency. Yeah theres shit that sucks, always has been. You gotta focus on the ways life has and continues to improve


Selling doom and gloom to GenZ = free karma


"but the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that Gen Alpha is even more fucked than we are. " Not a good mindset to have


no one in the government listens to your phone calls.


All the more reasons for people to KNOW and DEFEND their constitutional rights. Particularly when it comes to dealing with police, know your 2st, 4th, and 5th amendments rights and USE them. I often hear people say "I have noting to hide, why wouldn't i talk to police/ let them search. If anyone talks to a cop long enough, the cop is likely to find SOMETHING for probable cause for an arrest. That doesn't mean that it will be enough to convict you in court, but enough to get you booked, spend some time in jail till you see a magistrate, and cost you legal fees. The more people give up their rights for the sake of convenience, the more likely the supreme court will relax those rights and vote that police can do X, Y, Z without it violating our constitutional rights.


We should have everyone Google crime things like "tax evasion" and "where to buy pot" at least once a year so it becomes pointless for the feds to spy on our devices.


Are you considering crime OP? I don’t see how the rest of the post connects with the title question. Ai would be great for tracing established criminals/plates/vehicles/financial activity/movement. Cops don’t do much to prevent crimes and its unlikely they’d spend their resources on preventative measures like tracking suspicious looking people and hunting them down based on AI. However I do not have much faith in AI because it still messes up scanning license plates at my nearby toll bridge. It is a new technology that still needs regulation, not just within policing/enforcement. Not to mention you can look up cases where AI misidentified people because it is not solid forensic analysis and it is biased in the first place.




Do you want to live in a society where people are allowed to get away with whatever crime they want to? Sure, there are people out there who have good morales, but there are people out there who don't commit crimes only because they don't want to go to jail and others who commit these crimes thinking that they'll get away with it.


Anarchism is literally not possible. Something will inevitably fill the vacuum and just do what a state does

