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Let people enjoy their lives however they want. There is nothing wrong with staying in where you’re comfortable, there is nothing wrong with going out and drinking. Both are valid and neither make people a loser. What does make someone a loser is judging others for being different than you.


I don't think it makes someone a loser, but it is genuinely not healthy for people to be as socially isolated as they are.


Balance, there is absolutely something wrong with doing either of those every night


I do, but it's generally a luxury with inconsistent pay off. Spending 40 bucks to have a bad time isn't sensible most of the time.


It can definitely be expensive. You are a bit older though. I have noticed the 25+ year olds do go out, but the early 20s Gen-Z don’t want to go out and would rather just hang out at home. Which is totally valid, I hang out at home too, but when you turn 21 I’m expecting a little more effort than lunch on a Sunday afternoon.


Why do you expect that? When I turned 21 I cracked open a 20 year bottle of whisky with my dad then played D&D with the boys. It’s a birthday like any other except you can legally drink 🤷‍♂️. Not sure where the idea that you HAVE to do something big comes from? Idk, if you like big parties, have at it. I’ve got other stuff I’d rather spend my time and money on.


go out and get smashed?


Kinda sad ngl.


you can tell who the alcoholics are and it’s pathetic


Yeah…like there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink but god damn some people make that shit or smoking weed or partying their entire personality and it’s so unfathomably lame.


Why do you care what someone else wants to do on their birthday?


I was just curious. No need to get mad lol.


I’m merely asking a question


>You are a bit older though.  ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


These are some incredibly blanket generalizations


Maybe this is an American thing. Most gen z I know stop going to clubs and bars after 21 or after university. We started doing that at 18. Most older gen z I know don’t really drink anymore. We still go out, just not to clubs and bars.


No, not because I don't want to go out. It's because I'm literally too broke to do anything without breaking my bank


You know what? People are different from you. You better believe it. What you called boring was your sisters cherished time with her loved ones - her bf and friends. That’s incredibly valuable to her. It’s what life is all about and how she chose to spend her birthday. Let’s make some assumptions: she had a ton of laughs, stayed safe by not going out to TBH some sketchy places that are clubs, saved her heart lung and liver by not drinking alcohol, saved money by eating a reasonable lunch and not blowing $$$$$ on covers and bar drinks, connected with cherished people who are close to her, made her OWN decision, is owning her life and living it the best way and exactly how she wants. Who are you to judge her for that? Comprehend it, sis. Do you go out at all? If you ever step foot in a bar in a big city on a weekend night, ask people their ages. Your question will QUICKLY be answered. Are you yourself actually the loser you’re describing here? I feel like not knowing that clubs are FREQUENTED by a young 20s population is incriminating by pointing at how little you yourself must get out, because if you did, it would take a quick look around the room and one question to youthful stranger to give you the answer to what you’re asking here. Embarrassing for you. TLDR check yourself and quit judging others


Yes. I go out lol. Been busy with work + studying weekends so not so much lately but I did go out 2 weeks ago to a spanish restaurant and I did look around. Most people looked mid 20s to early 30s. Very few early 20s. Chill dude, have a drink.


maybe n=1. you’re also talking about a Spanish restaurant lol. Time of day? Location? I think it’s silly to think all of Gen Z doesn’t go to restaurants lol.


Saturday at around 8, downtown so not some boring suburban area full of Gen X. Not saying all Gen-Z but the vast majority just don’t like going outside from my observations.


From your observations


If you can’t comprehend having fun without alcohol then you are the problem in this situation


Right? I'm 24, never been drunk, and dont see the want or pleasure from it. Alcohal is discusting and frankly, if you need it to "have a good time" then you aren't having fun to begin with and need to find something else to do.


Personally, as i fit in your description, i pretty much do the same that your sister does because it's not my type of fun to go to bars and drink alcohol in a crowded space. I already have my close group of friends and i prefer to join them in a friend's house, go out on street food dinners and take night walks with them in the summer. That being said, i see that my point of view is different of yours, and if i'm still a loser in your eyes (you have your right), it doesn't really matter if i'm feeling like a winner for living my life the way i want. Anyway, respect your sister for being who she is and i wish you both the best.


Her plans don’t seems boring, they’re average, there’s a difference. I have a similar case, I dislike bars/parties since Im only going to stick with the group I came with, it would be no different going out or staying in (on top of planning rides and who’s gonna drive)But at least on staying in it’s with people I like. Also alcohol never grabbed by attention, I see no point on starting now, I can fry my brain later.


Yeah I agree, the less alcohol the better for your health haha.


Oh nooooo alcoholism is declining??? That’s soooooo terrible


I honestly don’t get why we get criticized for this. All the older people at my work joke about how me and the other gen z employees dont drink alcohol.


Lol ya but younger gen z is super into pills and weed. (not saying weed is bad but still)


I’ll probably do the same when I turn 21 tbh.. just doesn’t interest me


Nice rage bait post dude


She saved money and had a good time with close friends. Sounds way better to me than going to a bar and wasting money on poison.


But why do you care though? She has fun doing this and you obviously have another way of having fun. If anything shouldn’t you be happy your sister can be happy without the assistance of alcohol or drugs?


Depends on the person, I’d rather hang with a small group of friends on my 21st than go out drinking


You’re making a mountain out of a molehill


I've "gone out" once and it's not worth it honestly. Maybe if clubs were more inexpensive and played better music I'd consider it but that's just not the case.




Why would I be at a bar when it’s more fun at home?


Alcohol is poison for your body and I really don’t need that to have fun, the company of my loved ones is what makes any event beautiful and special. I drink sometimes in special occasions, but never to get drunk, I don’t care about that. I experienced some parties when I was 15/16 and it wasn’t nice, lots of drunk people doing stupid things and taking turns vomiting. How fun 🙄 I like to go out at restaurants, but bars are meh, clubs are awful. I was the same at 20/23.


> have a boring get together > nobody drank a drop of alcohol lmao > look like absolute losers Believe it or not, not everyone finds social satisfaction in the same things you do. Many people prefer having quality time with a small group of people rather than going out to the club and getting plastered. It sounds boring to you because you’re wired differently and require different things to be happy with your life.


I’ve noticed this huge trend amongst millennials who try to shame us when they realize Gen Z cares about health, studying, and other fulfilling things rather than getting drunk and becoming a finance bro like they did. They then project their own insecurities on Gen Z by calling us losers, knowing that we are striving for more than they did. We’re coming to the realizations you guys did at 30, at 21. Like yea man, our generation is pretty blessed to have a lot more information than you guys did, and we’re using it to our advantage. Sorry?


Being healthy is good! But not knowing how to socialize and staying home 90% of the time isn’t good.


I agree! Going out to get smashed is not socializing, it’s using alcohol as a crutch :)


It is socializing. Most people at clubs aren’t throwing up and losing conscience lmao. You talk to your friends, other people, you have guys trying to flirt with girls, etc. Have you even been out? Or are you part of the Gen-Z that applies to my post? Genuinely asking cause I do want to know if most Gen-Z just stay home.


I’m slightly older Gen z (I’m 21). At least from my experience, we go out to party, but not nearly as much. It’s not an every weekend thing, more like every month. My group tends to enjoy outdoor activities, bike rides and working out together as more fun. We all have girlfriends so we’re not deprived romantically and don’t need to scavenger the bars for play.


im only 19 but I can't go out to bars and stuff because there aren't any in my city


Yes lol like every weekend


2 times a week Lmao I leave the house to donate plasma


Well I’ve noticed that too. I tried going out to bars to meet people my age when I moved back to the US but it was all mostly Gen X that frequents the bars. I tried going to clubs but the closest people in age were Millennials. I’ll say that this is a US phenomenon only because in Europe and South America, Gen Z certainly do go out to bars and stuff. I am guessing it has to do with the fact that a large part of Gen Z missed out on the main years where you form social skills and connections (due to the quarantines of 2020-2021) and it even extended into 2022 in some places. Now idk if it’s a complete bad thing because alcohol is complete poison for your body, but I feel like they certainly are missing out on on social skills and meeting new friends


Yes, I have been to Germany (although this was back in like 2017 lol) but young people went out a lot more. And I have Spanish friends and they always tell me their stories about going out to clubs and long nights in the streets. Whenever I go out and I have noticed that not that many early 20s kids go out. It’s mostly friends groups of people in their mid 20s to like early or mid 30s. Glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed that too.


Exactly! Spain is where I was living before returning to the US and it is indeed the case. You typically go out after dinner (dinner is like 9-10pm) and then you just meet up with your friends and hit the bars or clubs and don’t come back til the sun starts to rise lol. I suppose it might also be because people don’t feel safe? Atleast in California, most people don’t feel particularly safe being out at night time (I’ve heard it expressed by multiple people, both male and female of my age group that it’s not a great idea to be out all night due to safety. Idk why, night time is usually desolate, I go for night rides on my bicycle sometimes lol


Yep. I had some great times the year before covid. People our age seemed more social, but I can’t tell if it’s because of Covid or because we’ve just gotten older. I do notice that the youngers aren’t really drinking at all. Not a bad thing health wise, but at least for me, drinking was never about the drinking. I live near Canada and we used to drive there for a night at the bars and just explore different cities.


Maybe it’s both combined? We got older, inflation is hitting people’s wallets and our social skills became worse? And yeah, I had good times in the years before the panini and quarantines. Hopefully we can slowly go back into those times before we get older and preoccupied with having kids and stuff lol


Those plans sound perfect. On my 21st my now fiance and I went to a hibachi restaurant for dinner and stayed in the rest of the night. It was perfect


I don't have any local friends. Don't go out. Trying to save for car and exit poverty.


I was no stranger to getting hammered on a Sunday, but I don't think your sister is weird for taking it easy. Frankly I can't remember most nights of my youth due to heavy drinking.


My 21st bday was forgotten by my friends and my own family. I celebrated by buying a cupcake and lighting a single candle and wish a bday wish for myself from the comfort of my bedroom ……. Yea it was sad, I know


Sorry to hear that. I hope your next bday is much better!




Eh had my fair share of bar hopping in college, def aint the move when I'm just tryna chill. Rather be out camping with the bois and smoking cigars near the water


Gen z r sensitive af per this thread


I have seen some angry comments. Understandable though. All good, I welcome all opinions.


Older people say the club scene is not what it was before & everyone is on their phones trying to look mysterious instead of letting lose. Idk though, I never been to a club & don’t have plans to. More interested in being a big back & getting some wingstop with Netflix with my plushies. (Btw If anyone has a 20 to get me that cuz I’m broke af starving & been on canned foods… I’ll legit cry & love you) Plus a lot of us have anxiety.


I love Wingstop.


Craving it badly now. It’s been so long since I had i😭. Broke life.


Get the Fetch app! You scan your receipts and get points. It will probably take a while to get to $20 dollars but there are many gifts cards and I’m pretty sure wingstop is one of the gift cards.


Fml it’s like hella points for it, don’t even have $ to buy anything to get receipts😭. Thankyou though!


Going out requires more money than ever for less of a return. The "party scene" isn't what it used to be now that everybody is socially awkward and does 90% of their socializing online. Why would anybody want to go listen to loud music over shitty speakers, pay $9 per drink, and $50+ on an Uber home all to not meet anybody new? Bars and clubs have always sucked but everybody dealt with it because that's how you used to meet people, but now you don't even get that out of it.


Yes I agree 100% what you said about not meeting new people. And I think that’s one of the reasons that made me post this. I go out and I’m like “Where are all the Gen-Z? Where do I even go if I want to make more friends?” Someone mentioned a Discord server is their bar, so I guess I have to be online??


I just turned 21 and I spent my day by taking a nap and spending it with family. People who go to bars are losers who think drinking is cool. It’s not. You’re rotting your body and then act sloppy in public. It’s embarrassing. Thinking going to the bar and getting drunk means something is the most immature mindset. No I’m not going to ruin my body. Sorry anyone’s daily life is so boring they need to drink to feel alive. Gross.


20 here, I go out shopping with friends, occasionally we go swing dancing or out to eat. We go to festivals, concerts, and conventions. And sometimes we just stay in. It all just depends on the person, just like it has with every other generation lol


I get a hangover when I’m drunk, I can’t smoke weed in public, it cost money to do literally anything, I’d rather spend my money on things that maintain (I have a bad memory), and most of my friends live hundreds of miles away. My “bar” is a discord server, my “alcohol” is bong rips, my “public setting” is randoms in game lobbies


Her plan would only seem boring if your friends are boring.


Why would any of what you described be strange or odd in any way? Not everyone is tearing it up on main st


For starters I go outside. I enjoy walking or cycling for recreation or transportation. I have to adult. Nothing special about 21, in countries that have freedom for alcohol. I just ate at a restaurant with my immediate family. For 19th (should be 18) when I was legal to drink in my province. I just has pizza at home with my brother, mother, two school friends. Pop but no alcohol. I do not care about being intoxicated. I have alcohol at one uncle's, but not forced. Not allowed a beer if I do not stay the night on the couch. I still have one or two at most and slowly. I do not want a hangover, or the price tag with that much alcohol. Some idiots of older gens are so triggered by us not destroying health and finances from excessive alchemy drinking. When you are a child, coffee is the ultimate adult drink. When you are teen, alcohol is the ultimate adult drink. When an adult and finally matured, water is the ultimate adult drink. In the frequency I drink : water, milk, pop, juice, finally alcohol.


I don’t know about all of that, and I can’t speak for everyone. But- Alcohol is a garbage substance.


You are really boring if you need alcohol and bars to enjoy life. Sitting indoors with friends at a get together is whats it is all about.


Yes I’m 20 and go out drinking a couple of times a month


We are broke. Beer is $10


For my 24th birthday I got home from work, I had lunch, then I was tired so I slept all the afternoon, when I woke up my parents gave me some gifts and then I had dinner just to get back to sleep. I simply... uhm... don't care about it anymore. I don't like bars nor most public places, and the birthday completely lost his purpose (getting things I want) for me since now that I earn money I can pretty much buy everything I want, and it's not even like I want a lot of stuff, since I already have everything


I don't drink so what's the point in going to a bar.


It should be known that gen z is the lamest generation of all time and does absolutely nothing but scroll phone in their bedrooms.


I mean it’s a little blunt but not far off for lots of people