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Before the “both options bad” crowd comes in, remember, your local elections are likely this year too. Fucking vote.


The “both options are bad” crowd are just political versions of nihilists. And honestly, I’m starting to think they’re a little worse than both options.


because you can say "both bad" but either way without them we'd have chaos and probably an absolutely terrible leader, i do agree both bad but i also think its important to vote at least on a local level


They are way worse, they pollute the airspace with that mentality and it deters mainly young voters from becoming knowledgeable and involved in politics.


They just want to feel morally superior while doing jack shit to help anyone or make anything better.


You sound like a nihilist if you just assume they’re bad


i missed mine… i was out of town and missed them didn’t really effect much though, my state has been red longer than texas i refuse to miss the presidential election though


Local and state elections are genuinely more impactful to your day-to-day life than the presidential election.


Local elections are so important. The person I voted for literally beat my incumbent councilman by like 50 votes out of a few thousand cast.


for the primary trump got 84.4% of the votes, he had 1632 the second place had 273. there wasn’t much of a chance. biden won for dems with 92.4% at 840 votes second place had 31. im just waiting for federal elections


I wouldn’t consider the presidential local. More so like the school board etc so some right wing psycho isn’t saying what books aren’t allowed.


those also happened already, they were all on the same day, i don’t know the results or anything to them though so i just didn’t include them. i know two people that ran personally, idk if they won or not though…


Local elections could be as low as your county comissioner, who often has a massive impact on everything from road safety to building codes.


You are also voting for your representatives, 34 of the 100 Senators, and 13 governors this election year. Look at the MAGA house and the insane shit they've been up to; you should absolutely want to get them out.


Saying "both parties are bad" is also an extremely simplistic view of politics. It's letting the perfect get in the way of the good. Do I have serious problems with Democrats, abso-fucking-lutely. Bunch of elite, academic fucks that get off to the idea of democracy instead of actually doing what is best for Americans. I want the old NYC union boss Democrats back. The ones that know how to apply leverage to get what they want instead of trying to shame the other side (as we can clearly see, that doesn't work to people with no ability to feel shame). Oh, you want to not teach actual science? Ok, we will remove the funding since you no longer comply with the standards. But Democrats are also not trying to strip abortion rights, LGBT protections, making child labor legal again, giving corporations tax breaks while working class people pay a higher percentage to taxes, banning books, etc...


I still don’t under the “both options bad” narrative. Like sure Biden isn’t perfect, but the other guy literally wants to replace the entire workforce of the federal government with yes men and try to turn the U.S. into a dictatorship.


I would but scummy local business man/woman who has been on a power trip the last decade is still in office and will likely do the usual intimidation tactics to win local election again. It's bad on EVERY level.




Vote motherfuckers, vote


Can non-motherfuckers vote too?




We also include father-fuckers and guardian-fuckers, the fucking is rated A for Adults Only


May want to reword that




E for everyone including kids


The fucking has been re-evaluated by the ESRB and has been re-rated to Adults Only.




Goddamnit the PDFs ruin it for everyone


And if uncle-fuckers vote, they don't have to shut their fucking faces! (Also, information is requested regarding the voting rights of boner-biting bastards.)


The council allows a provision under the consenting parties clause. Furries are banned tho /s


Fine I guess


If we get a 2nd term of Trump, I am blaming yall. Vote in every election you can, or you will be stuck with politicians who don't care about you or your problems.


I’ve never seen a poll show this high a percentage of any group planned on voting. Surely this is some Millennial mishap. I’m gonna do some digging because this seems like bullshit.


Project 2025 is fascist as hell. Id rather not have the checks and balance system get overturned


Completely agree!


THANK YOU!!! Project 2025 isn’t talked about enough!


Its actually cause your not top donors to their campaigns.


This comment has already been edited at least once, and you didn't fix the "your"?


Speaking of that I think it's ?" instead of "? lol. I'm sorry, I had to.


You’re right. At least in my case, I can say that I know the difference and choose to do it anyway because I like it better.


They need donors because their supporters don't do shit to help them so they need to pay people to help their campaign. 


Please vote. Don’t let earlier generations continue wrecking things for you. -from a Gen X’er (This sub pops up in my feed often)


As a millennial I have to say, please please don't make the mistake that my generation did in 2016. Even if with both sides being bad choices, there is one side that absolutely is going to do as much damage as possible if they get elected. We can focus on trying to change the system (cause I agree it's bad) After elections but not voting only hurts us, and some of us have a lot more to lose. (I'm queer, have a trans wife, and many political figures aren't even afraid to basically say that they want me gone) Most importantly, do not ignore local elections, those will effect you and your neighbors, and with these, yours count exponentially more. Don't waste that. Also don't like the voting system locally? Get active, so far little people do within your city/town/state, that you can make significant difference if you join a cause. Regardless of how you think change needs to happen, even if you think the answer is to force change through action of any kind, that doesn't mean you just don't vote, do both. Always vote. Period. (edited: Date was wrong)


If election day was a national holiday where people got the day off from work we would see voting numbers among younger voters skyrocket because you know, we have jobs and other responsibilities outside of work as well. So when you get out of work at 5pm and still have to go grocery shopping or do other shit you don't really feel like going to a voting booth with a long line that closes at 7pm. Like no shit people who are 65 are going to vote en mass because the vast majority of them are retired with fuck all else to do with their freetime but call the cops on 8 year olds selling lemonade and mowing their lawn.


Actually, fun fact, it is a federal law that employees can go vote in the middle of their shift and still be paid for it while not getting any reprimand. I know this because this law was posted in our break room where are used to work amongst other workers rights laws


honestly im surprised there hasnt been any grass root/celeb/influencer based/whatever social media campaigns to shame corporations to let their employees vote on election day. If Taylor Swift called out Starbucks they should let their team members have time to vote, I think Starbucks would actually follow through instead of face backlash. Truth be told, in states where you can vote by mail, there's not a good excuse.


I dont think most gen z is employed by the government so i dont see how election day being a federal holiday would change much


The 66% are the people who went to the polls with their parents growing up.


Nah lots of people vote by mail. I did last election and will this time too


In my state, voting by mail is the default. It's bananas that this isn't the case nationwide


there's nothing wrong with going together, even if you disagree with your parents, my parents and i are progressive (although im far more left leaning then they are) but thinking critically is important.


Rare boomer W


All boomers do is vote and go to town hall meetings to stop housing and transit from being built. It’s their favorite thing.


Also there are no revolutions in electoral politics. No matter who you elect they won't get to do everything you want to do, and your dreams won't come true because of one election. You have to show up in the midterms. You have to show up at the local elections you have to show up at the state elections. This isn't just a one and done if you really want the world you say you want.


Local elections are potentially a great place of influence for us if we can mobilize it. Most Americans don’t care about local elections, so a concerted effort to participate in it could at least set up the incentives necessary for a local politician to want to appeal to us.


damn what's the point of voting if you want revolutions, then


Vote every time if you want shit done.


its insane, I'm 25 and seeing people not vote cuz they think it won't affect them. Like bro the supreme court almost gonna not allow interracial marriage lmfao


I don't disagree with the premise, but the poll is kinda ironic. Polling people to see if they are going to vote is like the most likely situation you're gonna see response bias for. I'm actually impressed 1/3 of the Gen z respondents went out of their way to answer a poll to say they AREN'T certainly going to vote.


But shouldn’t we expect that response bias to be independent of age, making it valid to compare different ages? Like, okay—maybe in reality, more than 34% of people under 30 aren’t certain that they’re going to vote, and more than 6% of people over 65 aren’t certain that they’re going to vote. But the 28 point difference between the two is probably still quite meaningful.


Perhaps. I feel like it probably isn't, but I certainly can't say I have proof of this fact. What is probably true is more respondents were younger. YouGov is internet based and therefore probably engages Millenials and younger more than other age groups. So I'd suspect seeing said breakdown would reveal more votes for Millenials in particular (maybe followed by Gen Z) versus any other agr group versus % of the voting population. That doesn't mean the sample must not be relative and thus show response bias, granted. Personally, this all factors why I don't look at polls much in general as they pertain to politics - I believe the samples are becoming less and less representative, or at least more nonresponse bias is occurring.


I got called a neo-liberal fascist the other day for saying I was going to vote for Biden. Like, look I'm not happy about it either and would prefer it not come down to this....but here we are. My local elections are a joke this year, and the lineup is mostly Republicans battling each other on the ballot. Lovely. Edit to add: I got called this by an extremely left-communist leaning person (I lean the same way) but fuck does it feel alienating to be called that by others you should share solidarity with.


Unfortunately, we on the left often let perfect get in the way of good.


Tell them you won't vote for him if they start the revolution before then


They believe that voting doesn't matter, and if Trump and Project 2025 take over. It will be the catalyst we need to start a revolution. ..I'm like...what.. And if you vote for Biden like I'm doing, you're keeping the status quo, and things will never change. Hence why I'm a neo-liberal fascist. 😬


As a wise man once said: “Like that’s ever gonna happen”


Tankies will seethe no matter what, it's literally all they do


My grandfather says: "Rule about votin': Either show up or shut up." Translation: Either you show up and vote, or you shut up about govt. policy. It's not that complicated.


Not an American, but has it nothing to do with the fact that most American politicians are like 80yo(?


It was the same when our candidates were in their late 40s/early 50s


I think it's because young people in US do not pay attention during primaries. There are a lot of decent candidates in primaries on all levels — Congress, Senate, gubernatorial or State elections, where decent candidates who would represent young voter base well, but those primaries are ignored by GenZ and even Millennials. I have a few friends from US and when we start to talk about politics, they said that both Trump and Biden sucks because they old boomers, but when i asked who are their representatives from their congressional district they didn't even know what to say. It sucks that both candidates for presidency from major parties 80yo, but that is what happens when you ignore primaries on all levels prior to general elections.


It's also because young people have a lot more going on than old people. When you're 85 years old, going down to the polling booth might be your only reason to leave the house that week. When you're young, you're working, you're out with friends, raising kids yourself, traveling, etc. So many more reasons to miss voting.


As a millennial, I agree with you completely that young people have a lot more things going on in their lives besides politics to pay attention to, but at the same time it's kind of surprising me how my US friends find time to discuss Taylor Swift deepfake AI porn drama, Nicki Minaj new post on instagram, Boston Celtics winning the NBA finals, but don't have any time to spare on their politics outside election day on November when they usually just cry how all candidates are bad and old and system rigged against them.


Very true, but we all do this. Maybe not with voting, but it's kind of human nature to avoid things that are even marginally inconvinient when they don't provide immediate gratification, even when those things are actually good for us long term. Whether it's working out, eating healthy, doing that chore that you've been putting off for 6 months but that will actually only take 15 minutes to do. Choosing the immediate serotonin bump you get from scrolling Reddit, Instagram or whatever is easy, even though it's toxic so often.


All such reasons being absolute bullshit, esp. with what's at stake this election.


Yeah I'm not excusing young people. Just offering an explanation for the FACT that young people vote less than old people.


The funny thing is all these people trying to convince you to vote will eventually succeed, but it will take so many years that you won't be young people anymore


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) I voted in the primaries, and I’m definitely voting in the generals.


It's wild how every generation thinks the one after them has it easier when we're all just trying to figure things out.


Let me say this about polls. Boomers are the only ones that have time to do these polls, millennials, gen Z don’t have time for that shit so these polls are misleading.


18-45 outnumbers 45+ nearly 3:1


I once thought Voting is useless Then I played Suzerain and got booth 166 a d 167 votes outcomes After that I decided to always vote when I can


Suzerain goes so hard. I get that it's not 100% realistic or anything, but it was great to have like a personal level model of how politics gets done and navigate it


The good news is that older people seem to also be favoring Biden so that should help him out a lot.


and that's good news how? congrats 99% Hitler beat 100% Hitler I guess democracy won


Calling Biden “99%”’ Hitler is such a chronically online stupid comment


If you don’t vote, you don’t get to say: “It’s the Boomer’s fault!”….for the next 4 years, assuming there will actually be another election in 4 years.


I mean, 66% isn’t exactly bad all things considered.


Biden has been our best president since LBJ and all the idiots saying “wahhh I don’t like either of the choices we have” need to really sit and think about whether a Trump theocracy is something they want to risk


LeBron James


Respect for putting your opinion out there, but this is the first time I've seen anyone from any age range claim Biden is a better president than Obama. I don't think 99% of Americans are as enthusiastic for Biden as they were for Obama, and I don't think Biden will have nearly as strong of a legacy.


I feel like Biden accomplished a lot more than Obama. With Obama we got the ACA, which is better than it was before but was a really minor step. Biden got a major environmental package through, ended America being at war for over 20 years, forgave a bunch of student debt, and got a major infrastructure project through. He's not nearly as charismatic as Obama, which is why people like Obama more, but he got more done in 4 years than Obama did in 8.


The “environmental package” that is impossible to achieve because they didn’t include anything to build the infrastructure to make it possible?? Yeah, that’s a major step!! 🙄


The infrastructure package was a different bill. And the environmental bill did *a lot* to incentivize companies to build the infrastructure for solar/wind. As well as encouraging individuals to cut down on emissions.


This is an American problem btw other countries don’t have this issue lol


It is completely true, when we project the idea that “I refuse to work in the system that currently exists”, you lock yourself out of the ability to really influence it for the better. It’s a lesson Bernie and all the other progressives in government learned. Politicians, while they are often bought out by corporate entities and not all of them even can be reached, are still more likely to listen to people that show up. Given how the system is set up, why should any politician appeal to people who openly shout their unwillingness to vote, why should the system be changed for us if we won’t even do basic harm reduction to oppose the fascists. Not to say that voting alone is enough, not even to say that democrats are doing enough, they are failiure sun their own right, but not voting just isn’t effective given there is a fascist push to give more power to the president and the rights of minorities and people with uteruses across the country are at risk. Also don’t forget about local elections, that shits arguably just as important and considering nobody really cares about local elections, a bunch of Zoomers taking advantage of that would give local politicians incentives to appeal to us.


You do not have political representation because you are not a donor to their campaigns


Never, EVER, drive your older relatives to go vote!


Now now, they have a right to vote as well. In most cases at least…


They don't have the right to a ride


Fair enough lol


Idk my parents are progressive, it sort of depends on the relative tbh


All the more reason to not drive them


Youre voting trump then? Weirdo


its always "make sure you vote" but when every candidate openly shows corruption or a disingenuous spirit, the post moves to "well abstaining is just guaranteeing you dont get what you want !" as if it wasnt guaranteed already. maybe its believed we dont do research or something


"LoL!! This is what happens when you vote for [X]!!"


So what, you want to bury your head in the sand? I don't get this line of thinking, not all of the decisions you make are going to be morally consistent with your values.


It would be nice if just one of them was, just a single time


Lol I feel that


Tbh, good portion of yall don't actually care about your location. Present company probably excluded, but most people I've interacted with are wholly ignorant to the system we do have to help them or unwilling to use them.


It’s been this way since forever. Also useful if you use numbers instead of %


This always happens, then people wonder why what happens doesn't match what's on social media. The majority of people that vote are NOT on social media. Bernie saw this chart and thought "if I get the young people to vote, I win." He tried, yet the stats didn't move much. Like usual, the older people voted more. They are not on social media, which lead people on social media to think everyone loved Bernie, when they didn't. It was the twitter bubble.


Millennial here who works for a state government. Don’t just vote in the big presidential elections- vote in all your local state ones too. They don’t have the flashy headlines or media coverage, but your state-level elected officials have a large impact on your day-to-day life. And your vote matters far more in those. For example, there was a property tax renewal that funds our local library system; usually routine- it had always passed easily since before I was even born. The Boomer anti-library crowd decided to take issue with it this past year and tried to kill it. The tax renewal to fund the library passed by less than 200 votes.


Millennial here, and tbf most people 65+ have nothing to do other than plan on who they will vote for. My generation also got discouraged because the boomers carried enough weight to completely override us in the past. But now boomers are dying left and right all the time and becoming less and less. So a shift is very much possible, the key is getting people to turn out to vote. Though that's also getting harder because anyone who isn't set for retirement or already retired is currently working so much just to stay afloat that getting to the polls to vote is either not a possibility without pissing off an employer, or during some of your brief free time and there are other things you need or would so much rather be doing.


Politicians may represent our interests. THE SYSTEM DOES NOT


i was a polisci major who dropped out bc the stress of life is too high, and i can’t afford anything. and if you are not rich or naturally a likable person, that’s really the only way, (i wanted to go for data analysis, so this …. doesn’t really count lol sorry) but im just saying that the world is way too hard on our generation and it will only get worse for each generation. in my classes i constantly had teachers pushing older ideas, and ‘rules’ and if you went against or offered a different pov, they just looked at you like a parent telling a child “no honey! that’s not a butterfly! that’s a pigeon!” (this probably makes no sense, im on cold medicine and i think im making sense but my friends tell me im all over the place today)


In my country we have mandatory voting. Such a brilliant rule.


This is the right direction but a little short term. If you want candidates that represent you and your beliefs, the absolute most effective thing you can do is support a primary campaign for the 2026 election cycle now. Primaries determine the candidates that each party runs, less than half the general election electorate participates in primaries. More than anything, this is why your interests aren't represented by your local/regional candidates.


This is nothing new old people and land owners vote. Been that way for a long time. More then likely it is not changing


What country is this for?


Just vote. It’s kinda the only power we have over government outside of protests Don’t care your choice just do it


Does the chicken come before the egg or does the egg come before the chicken? If there's no game out that appealed to me, I wouldn't buy anything. If there's no movie I want to see, I don't watch a movie. If there's no choice that appeals to someone, it makes sense people aren't encouraged to vote. I completely disagree with OP's logic. This is on the politicians. That said I will be voting because I don't like what the opposition is trying to push, not because I support the party... This isn't good motivation. The enemy of my enemy isn't "for me" *edited additional analogy/expanded views.


The only way to win a rigged game where the refs are paid off is to make it an absolute blowout. Show tf up and vote.


It's not that people aren't voting, but the options people pick in the primaries are shit and now we have 2 bad candidates, nobody likes or a 3rd party that will not win. I won't deny trump is the worse here, but we really should've gotten a different dem candidate


Registration is one thing. Actually voting is another. 18-29 is notoriously undependable.


"Why are all of our politicians so old!1!?" 'Because they vote dumbass.'


TRUMP 2024


TBF when you’re 65+ you probably don’t have anything else to do


Also only about 15% of eligible voters vote in the primaries. We keep getting shitty candidates at the federal level like Hillary and Biden because the primaries are controlled by a small minority of church ladies that have been voting in the primaries for 40 years. Please consider voting in the primaries if you want more progressive candidates. We have to get them elected in the primaries first. Some states don't even require you to register with a party to vote in their primaries.


60% of Voters are under 50


as a member of that 18-29 demographic it pains me to talk to my coworkers and hear how they didn't even know who the presidential candidates were this year. It's shocking.


Take it from someone who works around a lot of boomers, they are absolutely prepared to lay waste to your planet, rights, and any financial hope you may still have in order to get their way. They will be voting in large numbers. And I will be voting like it is the last time I may ever get to do so.


Not everyone is allowed to vote. Hear me out. If I work from 8 am to 8 pm I might not be able to vote. Why is the polling station only open 12 h sometimes ? Not everyone can get there in time. You have a family ? A long shift ? F you as we only open for the elderly who have nothing better to do. If you wanna vote take a day off oh you can't ? Tough. Or what about the night shift workers who live at night ? Tough. Why can't they be open from midnight to midnight? 24 h ? That would at least give a chance to people from all ways of life who make up a country. But that's just my opinion.


And that's for a presidential election. Gets a lot worse in the midterms


I’ve never complained about that so my stance on not voting will stay firm.


We need more young people to vote I completely get not liking politics but our modern political landscape right now is terrible to the least and being apathetic is only worsening it (in my opinion)


Young people never vote that’s the biggest problem


(ignoring that since Gen z was able to vote, that youth turnout has always been highest in half a century)


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I don't want to always choose between two parties, states make it intentionally difficult for independents and third parties to even get on the ballots to begin with.


Third party candidates include Jill Stein, who is Putin’s lackey, RFK Jr, who has a brainworm, and Cornel West, who is hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for back child support and unpaid taxes.


>Cornel West, who is hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for back child support and unpaid taxes. Hes also part of the board for a Christian based SAT alternative being pushed by DeSantis. He also said DeSantis is good for education bec of that.


The presidential race has always been a joke, but there's much more third parties and if given a chance we could have more quality candidates. I'm also talking about local politics as well, rather have more diverse thought at the local and state levels, but states make it very difficult for them to get on the ballots.


But wahhh Biden doesn’t 100% agree with me on my pet issue!


Exactly! Your views will never align with someone else’s 100 percent.


The way to change this is with Ranked Choice Voting. And we can only get to that (someday) by voting under the current system


Whether they're on the ballot box or not you're still choosing between two parties. Unless you're extremely famous it will be between the two parties regardless. Having them on the ballot is effectively no different from a write in candidate. Unless they already know who they are people are not voting for a third candidate.


So just roll over and accept it? The two parties are corrupt and have forced the population to accept the duopoly through legal manipulation. There has to be legal battles over this.


No, you do what’s worked countless times in the past: vote for the candidate that aligns more closely with your beliefs, no matter how imperfectly. Over and over again we’ve seen that the two parties are not monolithic, and that they will trend over time in the direction that their constituencies carry them. The idiots who say tHe SyStEm Is RiGgEd will forever get nothing because they’ll spend their lives waiting for the perfect leadership that doesn’t exist or can never win. The realists will hold their nose and always vote for the less bad option for their entire life, and live to see things slowly become more aligned with what they want.


Perfect is the enemy of good. The people on one side of the aisle at the moment have a lot more in common with me than the other. I may not love everything about them but in the end it's a better result than dealing with someone antithetical to almost every one of my values.


There's too many ideologies being forced into a single party, and at the end of the day it's very easy for your less bad candidate to conform to the greater parties' positions rather than staying true and risking losing support. When they do trend because of their constituents, it's not always for the best. The case in point is how the GOP wasn't always synonymous with the tea party and MAGA, but enough of them caved in to support it. Any Republican not down with that is an outcast. The voting for the less bad option is only a temporary fix.


They're doing it partially through legal manipulation but 90% of it is political apathy. People don't want to think about politics it's exhausting and they don't care enough to have an informed opinion so they trust their party to make that choice easier. Yes it's hard to get registered as a third party candidate but you will never even come close to sniffing success unless you cannot only meet but absolutely smash the hurdles that you have to overcome to get on the ballot or become relevant. This is not a legal issue it's a cultural and financial one. The majority of voters are actually fairly well represented by the two party system as their options on politics have been shaped by the dichotomy their whole lives. If we stripped away every road block that is in the way of a non two party candidate our election results wouldn't't change. We have to change how we think about politics before we can have any sort of actual change in results.


There are plenty of people, in all age groups, that aren’t feeling this election.


I don't know what it means to "feel" an election. I've never felt an election, yet I've managed to vote in every one.


Yeah, some folks don’t feel. I get ya. My ex was like that, very facts oriented. I assumed he was in the spectrum because he lacked emotion. Did make a great accountant but he couldn’t cook for shit. Not judging. We are all necessary.




You don’t want me to vote, unless it’s for your candidate. That’s the issue you seem to ignore. Guess what, your candidate sucks also.


But none of the candidates represent my interest too


Yeah but one of them represents your interests more than the other, or inversely one of them is worst for your interests than the other.


I am interested in removing corporate lobbies and any form of "lobbies" in general, bribing an official is illegal in most countries including even some 3rd world backwater ones, but somehow legal in the United States if we slap a different name on it hmmmm... Of course, one of them is worse than the other, it's full doom and gloom for the side that wants to turn the nation into a Christo-Fascist country and they seem to have a great chance of winning again. But really, neither of them comes anywhere close to what I actually want for the nation so a 3rd party it is, but when has a 3rd party ever won? still I try to tell as many people as I can that they exist.


Vote 3rd party. I know I will


That is what I encourage as well, sadly chances of them winning are slim to null in the current political climate.


Yeah, it's a sad truth. But every vote counts. If more and more people decide to vote 3rd party like you and I we might eventually see a 3rd party victory.


valid asf


Not really. You have to pick one that represents your interest more OR vote against the one that isnt in your interest more.


so as anyone with more left leaning politics who am I meant to vote for, bot the candidates are neoliberal and would support a genocide so I don't think there is a candidate that supports my interest enough to vote for


Biden is just status quo. Trump is fascist and him being in office helps fundamentalists get their way. Simply vote to try and get abortion rights back


Biden has been in office for 4 years and he's the one who lost abortion rights in the first place, why would I want to vote to maintain that status quo


Are you okay? It was Trump’s Supreme Court Justices that overturned it. Biden is very much pro-choice, this much is out of his hands. It’s better for Biden to be in office so that he can pick judges if the rare opportunity presents itself.


Left leaning politics? Unfortunately, your only option in the US is letting liberals cry bully you into doing whatever unhelpful thing they want


which is why even calling this 2 party dictatorship of America 'democratic' is a joke


This is why I think we should inact mandatory voting. You have zero excuse to not vote.


Also the fact that Democrats detest primary opponents for incumbents. Republicans replaced their milquetoast centrist congresspeople in safe districts with slavering fascists. Democrats will blacklist anyone who works for a challenger to an incumbent unless that incumbent is one of a handful of strong progressives that try to push the party left. Then you can try to unseat them with ludicrous amounts of corporate and superpac funding.


Bruh the options are bad and always will be. The winning candidate 80% of the time is the candidate with the most campaign funds or in other words the candidate that will promise the most to corporations.


That's not true, if that was the case Bloomberg would have been the Dem nominee last time. Man spent a half a billion of his own money and didnt even make top 3.


Hence 80% of the time. Just go look at the past elections. Not to mention just to be balloted you need a shit ton of money. It ain’t people like you and me ever running for office. It’s part of the 1%


Any and all government is oppression, simple


I like how this entire thread is “GO VOTE BUT ONLY SO MY GUY WINS”


I'm not even saying you shouldn't vote, but how is voting for the democrats going to make them align more with my interests? Shouldn't it be the other way around? The democrats should actually do something to earn our votes. Fear of the right wing is not a substitute for actual policy


Chicken, meet egg. Egg, meet chicken.


I don’t trust our elections regardless


It's a chicken and egg situation that no one wants to recognize. Politicians like to only advocate to their base and pay lip service to anyone else, but ultimately only try to please the base. Younger voters are not usually considered a part of that base, so they don't try to earn their votes beyond rhetoric. Young voters vote, then the policies of the folks they voted for become realized and soon young voters discover they are a part of the group that was given lip service, but no real push in policy that was promised to them. Younger voters are then told their votes are wasted if they don't vote for these same folks whose politics often actively go against the politics of younger folks. Younger folks see this and are discouraged from voting because they are antagonized when pointing out that politicians refuse to earn their votes. Repeat ad nauseam. **Politicians should be earning the votes of the youth, as well as any other demographic, not demanding them for free.** Instead the votes are demanded for free with the promise of "we'll do better next time" and the threat of "but if you don't automatically give me the vote, the other side will win" while typically burning any good will that voters gave to them to start with.


Did you ever consider that they don't vote because no one represents them so neither option matters? Because that is the truth of the matter.


I mean I voted in 2020 and I’ll vote the same way in November. The other guy has just been untenable for my standard of living.


You could also say that young people don't want to vote because the candidates don't do anything for them. It's a chicken or egg situation


There are only two viable parties and both stand in direct opposition to my interests.