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Both, I quite enjoy electrical linework, and it just so happens to make great money too. You may have to make some sacrifices along the way to your passion. I've worked ROW (treework), fiber optic, and streetlights now. None of those are quite where I want to be, however I understand that everything can be a stepping stone and so I'll make due till I get there. Don't give up on your dreams, don't just work a high paying dead end job that makes you miserable. But also understand that you may not get where you want to be immediately and you may have to take a roundabout way of getting there.


The key is to find a career that fits with both. For me, I always liked numbers and stats so got into data analytics and that fulfills both for me.


I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I remember. Not in it for the money, but the money isn’t so bad. But education is changing, I’m micromanaged and don’t have the ability to teach how I should be able to. I’ll have a useless masters degree related to education as well come December, but gotta do anything so I don’t stay stagnant on the pay scale.


Both. I major in physics and love math, so I work a part time lab job part time on expanding my company. My company involves cleaning. I have contamination OCD. I fucking love cleaning.


Following your passion is generally not great unless it leads to money. A better idea is to follow your marketable talents and carve out a niche where you can develop a passion.


I’m going with financially stable. Of course I have a dream to be financially stable doing what I love, but I also don’t want to burn out my passion. So I’m going for financially stable with a good wlb so I have time to pursue my passion (which is expensive).


I pursued what I wanted. It was a three man race. Then I dropped out of the race once the other candidate got backed by the republican party of Montana.


I definitely am pursuing stability. Right now I’m going for a Medical Billing job. I’m not gonna sit here and say I’m passionate about collecting unpaid dues for a medical practice lmao But at the same time I truly do not know what profession I *would* be passionate about. Truly, nothing comes to mind. I have things I’m passionate about but nothing which could be made into a career. At least not that I’m aware of. 


I’m a video editor but I don’t work in NYC/LA, so the money isn’t as good, but that’s ok with me. I guess I’m pursuing what I love because it’s the one thing I’m really good at, lol. But I think I would be very unhappy if I was doing a less creative job that made more money


I'm currently in University and my major is something where I found the middle ground. Something I enjoy doing which is within the tech field and has arts involved, but has decent salary when looking for jobs. It's better to ask yourself what you want your lifestyle to be in the future. If you was to live a lavish and luxury lifestyle, you'd probably end up having to go for making more money rather than something you love but in the off chance that the thing you love actually makes you good money then go for it. Personally, my advice to you is just to find the middle ground.