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I mean, the greatest mass-murderers were all political leaders


Social media, religion, politicians, and identity politics.


I’d say mass shooters are a fair comparison to 70s serial killers. Sure, they are not really causing a significant amount of lives lost, compared to the leading causes of death, but the amount of fear created from those deaths is of a similar scale.


I didn't think of that, your right


I agree I didn't think of that either. They could be just about anywhere at this point and you wouldn't even know it.


Rising misinformation and the loss of critical thinking.


Declining west and eruption of conflicts


The west has fallen


Billions must die


1. Human trafficking/kidnapping--the amount of safety precautions a woman has to take these days is insane. (I'm not saying men don't have to take precautions too, but women are usually the ones targeted) 2. I'd say school shootings, especially in the US. If you're not a school student, then the fear dissipates, but having drills to prepare for school shootings almost as often as fire drills is crazy, and one of the biggest sources of fear for most teens and kids. 3. Advancing technologies in the wrong hands. There are deepfakes and extremely sophisticated voice cloning software that makes identity theft so much more of a threat. Imagine hearing a voice recording of yourself agreeing to something life-changing or confessing to something that was made while you were asleep or on an errand? You could get framed into a life in jail. 4. Political polarization, again mostly in the US, but globally as well. The divide between 'democrats' and 'republicans' has been growing into an uncrossable chasm. You either support something with your entire heart, or you think everyone who supports it should be shamed on. That's not realistic. I'm all for respecting people's opinions, I have no right to say someone is wrong without hearing things from their side, but it's ridiculously hard for me to even think about politics due to this growing rift where both sides are the same shade of grey. Forget black and white thinking, there's no right answer. And that's nothing short of terrifying when it seems like the country you live in is almost at the point of civil war over their beliefs. 5. The threat of nuclear weapons. It's not as fear inducing because if your area gets hit with a nuclear bomb, it's just over. There's not much you can do. However, the threat of a nuclear war happening is still too close for comfort, and is an underlying source of fear. I may be wrong about this listing, this is just my opinion


Freedom dying and no one having the balls to fight back


Large truck hit and runs. Hit and runs were always an issue, but larger trucks ensure serious, usually fatal damage.


Nuclear war


That was the 80s


Nuclear war is probably more likely now than in the 1980s


Actually it was most likely in 1983 and 1962.


According to what? The numbers you pulled from your ass? Regardless of the likelihood, nuclear war is the scariest thing we face because it’s the only immediate existential threat to humanity. That’s true whether the likelihood is .1% or 10%. What’s obvious is that it’s much more likely in 2024 than in 2004.


Yeah but much less likely than the cold war


losing my phone/vape, having negative aura.


That women and children are poorly protected against human traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. Especially since so many of them spill across open "let everyone come in" borders. It is like world leaders care NOTHING about women and children.




Climate change😂😂😂


The fossil fuel industry knew.


The amount of men watching violent rape porn for entertainment, and the fact that the landing page of virtually every porn site has a sex on it that looks uncomfortable for the woman. I mean, what the hell is wrong with you guys? Why do you hate women so much?


Having kids


The amount of people that actually believe communism will work People not taking the Russian, Chinese, Iranian & North Korean threats as seriously


Well, considering under real communism, the system Karl Marx created, the government/currency/social class hierarchy are abolished. What China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, and the Soviet Union did was just State-Capitalism with a "Communist" label.


Capitalist. They’ve bought your politicians and are driving this train off a cliff with a stop in fascism land.


Mass hysteria. I will not disclose why




The number of people who believe they are victims.




White people when ![gif](giphy|1Pq6EZxEQ7sbu|downsized)




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The ongoing mass extinction event. And watching a boomer try to operate their new vehicle's GPS.