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This is something an awfl wine aunt posts on facebook. That said young people are always more progressive than older generations. Remember at one point Boomers were being labeled ungrateful hippie leftist burnouts by older gens.


Yeah people are quick to forget that the boomer Republicans of today were literally hippies that are still glorified as liberal icons. Guarantee you a lot of Republicans have vintage photos of them in vests, headbands, and bell bottoms


Reminds me of the joke about the generation that protested the Vietnam war is the same gen that bombed Afghanistan for 20 years lol


Jfc I never looked at it like that, that's crazy


People are even more quick to forget that the hippies were an extreme minority of boomers. The vast and overwhelming majority of boomers were not hippies. Regardless, those old hippies are probably part of the 45% of boomers that vote Dem. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/age-generational-cohorts-and-party-identification/ The Democratic base is primarily boomers lol.


>People are even more quick to forget that the hippies were an extreme minority of boomers. The vast and overwhelming majority of boomers were not hippies. Yes, even though hippies were a minority, that point in time and generation was looked at as an extremely crucial time for liberal movements. The protesting of Vietnam wasn't held by exclusively hippies. >The Democratic base is primarily boomers lol. Thats because younger generations tend to not vote. Your very sources are looking at registered voters, and even your source shows that a majority of boomers and older are republican.


>That's because younger generations tend to not vote. Yes, especially for primary elections. >Your very sources are looking at registered voters, and even your source shows that a majority of boomers and older are republican Yes, and? "A majority of boomers vote republican" is not mutually exclusive with "the democratic base is primarily boomers". What's your point here? https://preview.redd.it/w0qhi82f6y8d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=e31cb4c91b3749683660ce959f55dab2ef8d4621 A majority of Democratic voters are 50+, Gen X and older (in 2016 the youngest boomer would've been 52). I'm willing to bet actual money and/or body parts that Democratic Primary voters are skewed even older.


Uh... no? They're not literally the same people. Some, sure, but there are plenty of progressive boomera. The AIDS epidemic made quite a mark, and unsurprisingly minorities - such as queer people - tend not to be fascists.


This has been proven a myth that as you get older become more right winged. Millennials are just a left wing as they have always been. The hippies were a small minority that were vocal. Don’t you remember the term the silent majority for high school?


"the silent majority" is laregly a myth in my opinion or at least greatly exaggerated Also ". Millennials are just a left wing as they have always been" Not really Millennials are not nearly as left wing as they were 10-15 years ago


Silent majority isn’t a myth is was a very real thing during the Nixon years. Most people didn’t support counter culture and the hippie stuffs . This is false. The article is blocked my a paywall but the Guardian did cover it. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/03/millennials-radicalism-not-getting-more-rightwing-with-age > The shift is remarkable. According to an analysis by the Financial Times, if millennials were following previous trends, someone aged 35 would be about five percentage points less conservative than the national average and would gradually become more conservative. The reality, says the FT? “They’re more like 15 points less conservative, and in both Britain and the US are by far the least conservative 35-year-olds in recorded history.”


Idk about others, but I've definitely become more right wing on certain issues as I've gotten older. I was pretty much an anarchist in college and immediately after, and sneered at people for complaining about public disorder crimes, vandalism, etc. But really I was just a physically fit teenager/20-something with nothing to lose. Now I'm an adult and that isn't the case. I don't want my wife getting harassed by vagrants on the subway, I don't want my car getting broken into, I don't want activists blocking my way to work. I think a lot of people have a similar trajectory. They go from "*why are you bothered by the person experiencing houselessness being disruptive on the train you bigot?*" to "*oh shit what if he decides to go after my 5'1" 98lbs wife and I'm not here?*"


When I was 18, I was a libertarian. At 30, I'm an anarchist (a real anarchist, not ancap). Many of us moved significantly to the left during our 20s. We have seen multiple crises of capitalism throughout our lives, can't afford rent, went into significant debt for an education, and have seen our wages stagnate. Of course we're on the left!


its always ironic how government fuck ups push you further up the governments ass stockholm syndrome is a hell of a thing




Boomers are still ungrateful hippie leftist burnouts


I mean ungrateful for sure


> young people are always more progressive than older generations Definitely not universal. I've noticed that although zoomers are quite progressive, the ones who are on the right tend to be *way* on the right. And in Europe, the right wing parties enjoy a ton of support from the youths.


While European youth are more right wing I think they are still more socially progressive. The European youth are voting right not because of gay marriage, trans rights, or wanting to return to tradition its because of immigration.


This isn’t even true lmao


/r/politicalhumor is leaking


This'll get em! ![gif](giphy|eU2sRBEme4GIM|downsized)


They’ll claim the ENTIRE system is rigged against them and issue a call to arms. They’d sooner see another civil war than admit defeat.


That would be epic if they had the balls to rise up but sadly the most they’ll do is walk through a government building, take a crap on a politicians desk and then take it to Facebook to explain how they’re actually very peaceful and complicit and only BLM and antifa have the nuts to do anything revolutionary.


I think they are too oblivious of what an actual war is, kinda like that couple who kept spewing shit about a man who just shot them and was coming back into the house to get his AR and finish them off, and they kept shitting on him lol. Imagine not even realizing you are about to die.


No Gen Z we are not like that at all.


Baby boomers were hippies once too


A small number. Most just pretend to remember Woodstock while really never going.


Very few of them.


Let them embrace fascism then. Speedrun your losses further lol. They could, idk, just learn to be progressive? 🤷


The gop are not fascists. There not even that right leaning most of them hold the same views the democratic party held during the 90s. .


Even Trump's immigration policy is the same as Bernie Sanders in 2015.


They want to use the government to impose religion on citizens.


Yeah that's bad. Still isn't fascism


Yes it is.


No, it's right wing religious authoritarianism which is still bad. But it's not fascism. Fascism would not have a god informing policy decisions because under fascism the state IS a god in a metaphorical sense. Of course you don't care fascism is to you as heretic is to the religious right. Don't like both sides but when real fascism shows up we won't be able to call it out when idiots like you throw the word around. Closet thing to a real fascist country would be China right now.


Project 2025 begins your pardon sir?


So explain why it's career suicide for them to speak out against Donald "I'll only be a dictator for one day" Trump.


Why is it always someone with the millennial flair posting political shit here


When they say kids are stupid....this is proof


Is there any truth to this or


I am liberal and will vote blue next election, but posting shit like this is so dumb. Just gives weight to the dumb shot the GOP posts while also providing no source, context, or accuracy. Instead of posting some inaccurate map painted blue, why not actually post who voted blue by district in the age group? Or better yet actual reasons why people in our age group should be voting blue this election? Dumb fr


The sheer salt in the comments here is great.


werent boomers the ones with flowers in their hair at woodstock? this is such fucking bait


Like 2% maybe


29 years it's not gen Z. Wth, Oldest Gen Z are 27 by now


This is why Republicans do nothing to stop school shootings.


im genz and im voting for trump


"I'm Gen Z, and I support exacerbating climate change, insurrections and forcing 10 year olds to have babies after being SA'd"


Stop forcing your political beliefs on everybody you bigot


oh look, an oversocialized person


Oh look, a climate change denying cult member who probably oversocialized at the Capitol on January 6th.


lol bro doesn't know what oversocialized means, also I believe in climate change I just dont care


Bro is gonna regret that when his AC stops working in the extreme heat You oversocialized with the worst kinds of people and now you are one of the worst kinds of people.


we can solve climate change once we destroy leftism, its called priorities


Its called brain rot


I'll do it too


fuck yeah


I wish the republicans embraced fascism so we could actually have a decent standard of living but the truth is they’re just hyper capitalist liberals. It’s not the culture war that wins the youth, most democrats in general are not radical libshits but rather just voting blue for financial reasons. Also there are a lot more POC in our generation voting blue out of racial grievances and trying to make the country revolve around their group specifically.


“Wish the republicans would actually endorse fascism…..” We got one for the Looney bin over here boys