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It’s not that Gen Z doesn’t work, the market right now is really bad. Most either are underemployed or can’t find anything at all (college degrees or not) It sucks


That, and part of the problem too is that a lot of employers don't want to hire young people who have very little job experience.


Walgreens, McDonald’s; target, Walmart, subway, the list goes on and on


My gf has applied to all of those places and no calls back. Try again


Krispie Kremes, chick fila, recreation centers, public library, etc


Keep trying


Eventually it’s on you. Redo your resume. If you can’t even get a wagie job at McDonald’s you are the problem


Shes goin to workshops and has had multiple people help with the resume. Keep trying


Does she have a high school diploma


Fresh uni graduate with previous work experience including service industry


This. I know multiple fresh Comp Sci graduates which are unable to find any job in their field. They were all told that this degree will guarantee them a great job upon graduation and are applying everywhere. I think a big problem is that many employers look for at least a couple of years of experience for entry level positions. Young people simply don't fit that bill...


My parents should support their children, not the other way around. Parents who need their children’s financial support should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah, i think OP's family is extremely poor, otherwise I don't understand why he would give his parents that amount of money...


Not being sucessful in a capitalist society is reason to be ashamed? It's not like everyone has had the same opportunities. I have helped my parents more than a few times, and I'm still proud of them considering all the rough spots they've been through, all while providing for me during my adolescence. Now, as a young adult, with a fairly good income for my age, I help whenever I can. I really don't see the shame in all of this.


Well, sometimes it isn't possible otherwise. I earn more than my parents do. And so I gave my mother when she moved a few thousands, that she can buy new furniture and so on. She broke up with her boyfriend (finaly!! Did not like him, because of different reason. I don't think he is a good human beeing) But I'm 25 and life on my own. But my parents work both in a supermarket and I work as a cyber security analyst, I earn more than them. I'm fine with it, as long as I get the money back at some time. It's better that she borrows the money from me instead of taking a credit.


As someone who works and has financially aided my mom this post seems to come from an extremely narrow minded and immature mindset. First off, you don’t know anything about other peoples lives or their relationships with their parents. Not every parent deserves financial aid, some parents suck ass. And secondly, children supporting their parents should not be the ideal to aim for. Obviously everyone has different financial situations and sometimes it’s unfortunately necessary but a 15-18 year old kid who is working should ideally be getting to save that money for the own future and having some fun. If they are giving ALL their money to their parents that suggests either an abusive relationship or extreme financial hardship. So again, not ideal. My mom came from a situation which included both, she was poor and her mother was abusive(not just financially but verbally etc…). She never wanted me to face anything remotely similar and feels deep guilt over the fact that she has needed to borrow money from me and relies on me to cover certain bills even though I’m fine with it. All this to say, the financial relationship you have with you parents and your resulting attitude at the very young age of 18 is a little concerning.




Lots of Gen Z wouldn't be able to survive without working. We're not all teenagers living with our parents.


That’s rare though, lots of <18 yos live with their parents


My point is that a lot of Gen Z are adults. I'm Gen Z, and I'm 27. If I didn't work, I'd starve.


60k, and you gave "every bit" to your parents? That's actually kinda sad, either the economy where you're at sucks so bad and forces you to do this or your parents are just taking advantage.


I’m in USA 🇺🇸


Edit: I don’t mean it like that, but especially if your parent is single and working alone to support you. It’s time you support them back.


Im working and my parents wont get a dime from me. Shoulda been better parents




Many of the GenZs are either in college or just entering the workforce.


For the people who live at home then sure they should be helping their family but not for the people who live on their own. You can’t help someone when you’re struggling yourself.


Could none of you know what I meant? Of course if your independent then it’s okay but if your a grown ass kid and can work living with your mom, that’s what gets to me


So you’re a wagie for your parents? Why in the world would you give them all your money. I understand helping out, but you will regret that


You are not expected to support your parents until they are far older, and you are older (and making more money)


This post should have been flaired **theatrical**


This is bait frnds


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My parents help me with rent in college but I still work 2 jobs so I have extra spending money and so I can pay for my food, gas, and rescue dog. Plus if you have no friends or social life working all the time helps you forget about that stuff


Yeah a social life for me is non existent 💀


Maybe because decades of Neoliberalism has resulted in stagnating wages and soaring prices, and where workers are now replaceable by cheaper labour in poorer nations.


There's literally no jobs where I live. (small town in Alabama) I can't even get a job at the dollar general. I've applied, but no response. They had a posting on their site, but they're not actually hiring. They do this so they can say "nobody wants to work" and hire foreign workers who can be threatened into staying and working for less, because their visa depends on them having a job. I'm working on joining the navy so I can leave this place.


My mom shares a bank account with her husband, so I will never be financially helping them.


I chose to get a job, leaving my mother to ask why


According to all the economy stats (GDP, employment rate etc) USA is doing very well, and completely destroying the whole developed world. Where’s this narrative about the economy being so bad no one can get a job coming from?


The stock market is doing well. GenZ unemployment is up. Inflation is way up. Groceries are up like 400% from 2018


Groceries are 25% more expensive than 2019. Thinking it's 400% is internet brain damage.


I’m pissy because my corporate job was moved to India and they left me out to dry


That sucks. It also has nothing to do with grocery prices.