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God I hope Trump doesn’t win. The last thing we need is a republican president with the red states already being completely ridiculous with their abortion bans and pushing the Bible in public schools.


Never forget the ten year old SA victim in Ohio who had to go to another state to get an abortion thanks to Trump.


Trump shouldn’t be allowed to run after that stunt he pulled in 2021 imo


yeah lets just keep funding a fucking genocide


So your solution to stop funding a genocide is to elect someone who will….. *checks notes* fund it even more??


Yeah, Republicans aren't really known for their foresight.




i lived through 4 years of trump he never funded a genocide


he nearly got the entire country killed with his handling of covid


God I hope he does win! Last thing we need is inflation to go up for 4 more years and Biden get us involved in more wars. A war YOU could be drafted into




Oh the media and Hollywood. LOVE a trump presidency. The content is amazing. Even these last 4 years with Biden they couldn’t.stop.talking.about.trump.


Coming from Reddit, this checks out. Since most of Reddit are single Asian men.


Bro I’m Republican, and that’s some bs


Ew. Why?


Why it’s bs or why I’m Republican?


What is bs? And why are you a Republican?


BS because analytics says otherwise, and Republican because I am more closer to republicans in general than democrats or any other party


Analytics about what? And again, ew.


Analytics of the demographics And I don’t care if you like my political beliefs or not


Source: I made it the fuck up


Nope. That came from a study on Reddit users Look it up. Gen z wonders why they don’t get paid much. * facepalm. They can’t do basic research lol.


What the fuck are you talking about lmao


Liberals tend to be certain demographics. It’s not rocket science guys lol.


And the primary demographic for liberals is single Asian men? 😂


I would be careful with the polling. The pollsters overestimated the dems in 2020 and then the republicans in 2022 by quite a large margin. I think the “silent majority” that won Trump the election in 2016 is going to turn against him this year. The MAGA’s are very loud, and a lot of people are fed up with them. I think AZ turns blue with the abortion issues on the ballot. The election is probably going to come down to like 4 random independents in WI who didn’t even know there was an election this year.


I just don’t care about this damn election cycle. JUST GET THOSE DAMN 75+ YEAR OLD GEEZERS OUT OF OFFICE


If one of those geezers (Trump) gets in office this election cycle, we may never be able to get a different person in a legitimate presidential office again. Project 2025 is fucking scary.


I heard that once before at a gas station today. What is project 2025? Sorry I just don’t know it.


A plan by hardcore conservatives to use a second Trump term to turn the federal government into a de facto conservative authoritarian government led by a president with absolute power a la the monarchies of old.


The whole thing is long (900+ pages) but there are a lot of big things from there (based on comments and the like I've seen) that would negatively change the entire country. For example, next year is going to be 10 years since same sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states. If Project 2025 happens, it's going to be taken away from this country.


Oh I agree, and I’ve googled Project 2025 in the past and read just enough to be horrified at all the implications. I think you should tell those details to the other commenter who apparently is unable to Google, though. But they’re Catholic so idk what will actually resonate with them in the intended way.


I just saw it ![gif](giphy|jbYGkxopDVdCdgb3A6|downsized) This is inhumane. I agree that these issues they address are bad but the methods of just outright banning is inhumane.


Ah so peak cringe that will divide the nation. Sighs in Gen Z. Well at least I’m devoting myself to God and listening to his will rather than listening to the will of princes and rulers. Edit: Sorry if that was cringe.


America was founded as a secular constitutional republic. We don’t need religious zealots in government. I don’t care what religion you are, just stay the hell out of my business and our government. Just as the founders intended.


100% agree. Finally someone who speaks English - Tony Stark


Actually, religious people are allowed to participate in government. There is no ban on religious people participating in government, nor did the founding fathers ever intend for that to happen like you suggest they did.


Damn, if you’re really devoutly Catholic, I’d have thought you’d care more about the state of the world and welfare of other people. “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me,” type of thing. Faith and good works, and all.


I do it’s just a manner of the poor. I hope to become a Franciscan that way so I can fulfill that saying you just quoted. I’ve been called to this life for almost several years. I do care for the world. However I also acknowledge that the world is sinful. More sinful that most are willing to admit. Let alone admit something is sinful at all. I am only one man whom can do only so much. I wish I could do more he’ll I wish for world peace. However that will never happen 😔


I wish I could be like Christ. However I can only imitate him.


Well, Jesus called out injustice, greed and lust for power, materialism, and hypocrisy. That’s what’s behind my calling out of Trump and Project 2025.


To which I agree on all fronts. I don’t agree with Trump and now I don’t agree with Project 2025. Trump is pulling a Caesar. It’s almost criminal, however as long as God isn’t the Center of Humanity stuff like this will keep on persisting. I agree that God must be important however I don’t agree with the Methods that MAGA is using. It’s irreverent and almost blasphemous to certain degrees. Not treating him as your God and King but using him as propaganda. Sighs, I wish times were simpler.


Brace yourself for project 2025


But what is project 2025. Am I really that much out of the loop. Is it like a palpatine deal where trump takes over to be the emperor of the US?


Ima copy this from ChatGPT cuz I’m lazy. **Project 2025**, also known as the *Presidential Transition Project*, is a collection of conservative policy proposals from **The Heritage Foundation**. These proposals aim to reshape the United States federal government in the event of a Republican Party victory in the **2024 presidential election**¹². The blueprint outlines several key aims, including: 1. **Restoring the family** as the centrepiece of American life. 2. **Dismantling the administrative state**. 3. **Defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders**. 4. **Securing God-given individual rights** to live freely. Notably, Project 2025 proposes placing the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies like the Department of Justice, under direct presidential control—a controversial idea known as “unitary executive theory.” Additionally, it calls for eliminating job protections for government employees, potentially allowing their replacement by political appointees¹. If former President Donald Trump were to return to office in 2025, this plan would serve as a government-in-waiting². 🇺🇸 Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/27/2024 (1) Project 2025: The Trump presidency wish list, explained - BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do. (2) What Is Project 2025? | TIME. https://time.com/6986995/what-is-project-2025/. (3) Project 2025 - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025.


Something’s up about this. It doesn’t add up. What will they do if people don’t go along?


Hate to tell ya but most people do not pay attention politically until it is too late.


Polling has proven to be super inaccurate. Pollsters rely on contacting landlines, usually throughout the day for their data. What millennial, gen z or any younger voter is going to answer an unknown number during the middle of the day? Very few, and most younger generations spew democrat. I would suggest that everyone here try to mobilize their friends to get the younger vote out there. But just based on this map, I think it very unlikely trump wins Nevada and Arizona. Nevada has been blue for quite some time with a Democrat governor and legislator. Arizona is more red, however they have been trending blue the past few election cycles. Trump is also unpopular there as he often bashed McCain, who is a legend in Arizona. Kari lake is also extremely unpopular and annoying as fuck in Arizona, and doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.


Most pollsters adjust for those things. Also, Nevada has a Republican governor.


Not really. Michael cohen also just suggested under oath that trump pays for better polling. Polls also showed a major red wave in 2022 and they got slaughtered. Polls have been showing republicans gaining ground but they’ve been getting destroyed in pretty much every special election thus far. I look at it this way - trump hasn’t done anything to bring in any new voters. There are very few people that saw what trump was about and didn’t vote for him in 2016 or 2020, that will vote for him in 2024. On the flip side, trump has doubled down on being trump, and I think there are deffinately some voters that voted for him in 2016 and 2020 that will be turned off by that. I also believe those who hate trump really hate trump and will be motivated to show up.


Yes that’s true I don’t think trump gained any voters, but I don’t think Biden gained any either. Trump’s base is firmly behind him though, while democrats are going to have a turnout problem especially with younger people. Also, midterms aren’t presidential elections. In 2010, the republicans gained 60+ house seats but Obama was re-elected comfortably in 2012. It’s also important to note the “secret Trump base” you could call it that really only shows up when he’s on the ballot. In 2016 and 2020, when Trump was on the ballot, republicans outperformed polling VERY well.


Nevada has been blue since 2008 I think they'll stay


Yeah, and no way GA or AZ are going back red


I have no hope in GA, AZ maybe


Oh I wouldn’t say that. Kemp was re-elected comfortably and Biden only won it by 11,000 votes. If turnout goes down just a by a little bit, it will flip.


You mean the man who claims he didn’t vote for Trump… also as the older generation dies and more Gen Z come out to vote. It will stay blue


Democrats are gonna have a hard time getting Gen Z to show up lol considering younger people usually don’t even vote in general


They elected a GOP governor last year and Rs have being gaining with Latino voters


>midterms are NOT the same as presidential elections 2010 and 2012 prove this VERY WELL


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On your map, which blue state is the weakest?


Michigan for sure. The Dems only just got a slight (by like 3 seats) majority in the state Congress. Michigan is still pretty split


michigan or pennsylvania


I’ve never been or kept up with PA politics, so no clue there


Well, you know the congressional representation is really just how the districts are created.


I’d say it’s equally PA and MI. Both states have that secret Trump voter base that only comes out to vote when he’s on the ballot. Michigan is slightly more democratic, though it’s heavy Muslim population may flip it to Trump due to low turnout.


In Michigan, the Republicans got pounded in 2022.


Republican Rick Snyder was elected Governor in 2010 with almost 60% of the vote. In 2012, Obama carried the state by 10 points. Midterms are NOT presidential elections.


Yes, typically midterms have more Democrats stay at home. Michigan had the complete opposite.


True, as I said before I do think Biden will win MI but it will be close. I was just pointing out that you shouldn’t really compare midterms to presidential elections. Many people vote Democratic for certain offices and Republican for others, and vise versa.


Democrat NH is slightly cursed....


Accordingly to polling this map is highly likely


well, we’re fucked


Funny enough, this looks a lot like the map of states that have constitutional carry laws vs those that dont


I think more reasonable people that haven't completely lost their minds to apathy, dogma, or nihilism are voting Biden simply because Trump represents an existential crisis for our Democracy. He might even loose some red states if more people begin to recognize him as the selfish rich clown wannabe dictator that he is.


“oUR dEmoCrAcY!” Millennial NPC detected


> Trump represents an existential crisis for our Democracy yet curiously they are running the most unpopular president in the world against him


Indeed, it's very curious to me as well that the dems didn't raise another candidate and ask Biden not to run for reelection. I can only make the assumption that they think Biden is going to win again and it wasn't necessary for them to risk things on introducing a different candidate. It could also be possible that biden *wants* to run for a second term, and it would split the dems vote if they put up a different candidate and cost them the election by default.


>Indeed, it's very curious to me as well that the dems didn't raise another candidate and ask Biden not to run for reelection. I can only make the assumption that they think Biden is going to win again and it wasn't necessary for them to risk things on introducing a different candidate. if this is true then the DNC is so fucking stupid they dont deserve ur vote out of principle lol >It could also be possible that biden *wants* to run for a second term, and it would split the dems vote if they put up a different candidate and cost them the election by default. i dont think the guy shitting his pants and shaking hands with air is making his own choices now


If it's the choice between an old fool that will destroy this country as we know it and an even older politician that'll at least keep things running even if it's from a hospital bed, I'd choose the politician. I hope others will at least recognize the wisdom in this and choose the better of two bad options.


> an old fool that will destroy this country as we know it and an even older politician that'll at least keep things running even if it's from a hospital bed i reject both of those premises, simply based on the fact that they are slaves to corporations


Fair, but you either vote red or blue or you can piss off as far as anyone is concerned; that's just the way it is. No one cares if you refuse to vote, and voting for a third party is just foolish because the system is rigged so that they can never win over a major party. You want to see things get steadily worse year after year but still have hope that things might improve? Vote Democrat. Are you a black-pilled nihilist that just wants to see this country burn to the ground? Vote Republican. It's literally that simple. People like to act like both parties are the same choice, but you at least have to try.


>You want to see things get steadily worse year after year but still have hope that things might improve? Vote Democrat. Are you a black-pilled nihilist that just wants to see this country burn to the ground? Vote Republican. It's literally that simple. i think we just agree I dont believe democrats fix things


It's complicated and I don't fully grasp what the deal here is either. The major malfunction seems to be that every single idea that Dems propose gets stonewalled by the Republican dominated congress regardless if it was a genuinely good idea or not. I can't say what they would do if this wasn't the case, but it's always been the dems prerogative to make new systems rather than go back and fix the old ones, which of course is where we agree that there's a problem. The point I'm trying to make is the Democrats are still trying to make this Democracy work while the Republicans are actively subverting democracy and intend to destroy it. This next election will be one of the most important ones in our countries history because it very well could be the last. At the very least if Biden wins we'll have the time to try and fix things or pressure people in charge into taking action on the issues we care about. If Trump wins, the next thing you can expect to see is the removal of term limits on the presidency.


No way Biden wins Michigan and not Wisconsin


Trump has a polling edge in WI, MI, and PA


If trump wins, I think we should all immigrate to Poland


I don't see Trump winning anything that you've made blue, but I'd give Wisconsin to Biden, and then there are some very iffy red ones, like Nevada, Arizona and maybe Georgia.


Not sure about Wisconsin.


I think it will be closer then this, but I can see trump winning. Personally dont like trump or biden.


i think michigan is more likely blue than Pennsylvania tbh also Wisconsin going red is hopeful i pray to GOD we take our senate back


Trump has a polling edge in WI, MI, and PA (up over 2% in PA).