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I think the only way they would be able to replace him at this point is if he willingly steps out of the race. It’s kind of too late at this point because he already won all the delegates and they are required to vote for him. Honestly I think it’s unlikely that he drops out, but we’ll see.


There's like a 20% chance he'll simply keel over before the election 


Man do you know how long Dick Cheney was kept alive for? Biden ain't croaking. Simply for the fact that he has healthcare that only the president can get.


Dude…Dick Cheney is still alive…


Not only is he still alive, he’s only 2 years older than Biden.


Oh shit who am I thinking of, Kissinger? Rumsfeld?


Kissinger probably.


Dead. He is dead, Jim.


Thank. Fucking. God.


Like a little sacrificial lamb


Is that a Bob Dylan reference?


Not really I just kinda have this image in my mind of Biden getting ready to except the nomination. He steps out on stage and right when he gets to the middle he kinda gives a weird look and drops. bam the fireworks and streamers start going off and a banner drops saying congrats to Governor Gavin Newsom as he springs out of Bidens belly like the little bugger from the alien movies. But i suppose it could be a bob Dylan reference if you want it to be one


They will choose someone else at the convention. Thats why this was the only debate in history in June before the conventions. They knew this could happen.


Yeah, to me this seems like a test, have the debate early and see what happens, in the event that they need to replace biden


You know it’s bad for the Dems when PBS analysts are taking about replacing Biden after the debate. I thought they would try to spin it in his favor but they didn’t even make the effort.


When has that ever happened? Where someone was replaced?


Only once in American history has an incumbent president been replaced by their party prior to the election (ignoring retirement, death, VP ascension etc): 1856 - Franklin Pierce was replaced by James Buchanan, who went on to win the election.


And that turned out so well.


From a party perspective it did. They won the election.


That will never, ever happen in modern times, especially with how things go so viral and hyperbolic. Back then they could get away with it but not now. If that was the case rather would have done that with Trump.


You're probably right. One of the advantages of the Westminster system's responsible government modality is that, in the current circumstances, the leader would be replaced probably within the week. Of course, that system has its disadvantages as well, but it's certainly able to adapt to political reality much faster.


Keep in mind, that Hitler was installed as a leader, largely due to the Nazi party's ability to call for votes of confidence in his opposition. Like anything that has to do with the separation of powers, these things must be very carefully instantiated to prevent abuse.


Godwin's Law strikes again!


I’ve heard this theory but there’s another reason to have the debate earlier: Early/mail-in voting. Since 2000, more and more state’s have created systems where elections don’t happen in November, the election ENDs in November. 2020 accelerated this process. Ballots start going out in late September. Early voting locations open in early October in many states. Let’s not forget factors like registration deadlines, etc. The “October surprise” is probably more like the September or even August surprise these days, because more and more people are taking advance of all the early voting opportunities.


And he sadly won't. Based on all the reports we hear from places like Politico, Biden is unwilling to hear criticisms and concerns about his campaign, his age, or policies that have absolutely created a rift between him and the base. He is driven by the same sort of ego and narcissism that prevented Hillary and Trump from stepping aside. "I finally got to be president. Nobody is taking this from me!"


God that super slow step off the stage after?… trump was right. [the rest of the world doesn’t respect such a weak leader](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/X8h8xbmhTr)


I hate to take it there, but that’s the only kind way that it happens. But if we’re talking brass tacks, they can resort to less kind conversations & let him know that they’ll knee cap him @ every turn & swing the convention against him. He’s not the actual nominee until the state delegates say he’s the nominee.


Willingly? He’s just a puppet following orders. If they want him to step out of the race and endorse a new candidate that’s exactly what he’ll do.


this. Theres no way he wants to do this. He sees it as a duty since hes being told to.


Trump is gonna win if that’s the case


Honestly, I don't think anyone competent wants to run really. Pick up a bad economy, war with Ukraine, COVID fallout, polarized country. Kamala Harris easily could've grown into a candidate in the past 4 years, but she didn't try and honestly in the current climate which is conservative and extremist and beyond populist and backwards in many countries in the world (just look at EU parliament election results), she would have no chance. Nope, this is a time in which more decent and sensible politicians can't succeed, the rhetoric of the past 8 years has dipped into vulgarisms and primitivisms too much and too many people like that and see it as an opportunity. And many others don't want the crap of this time on their shoulders (as that's a very modern thinking - just dump any issue on someone else), and so it's a game for aging has-beens and crooks who don't care how they stay in the game to pick up the baton and run with it. Sad state of, not just American, affairs, but it has come to this since 2016 and 2016 came to that point since 2008. Trump would get destroyed by any halfway decent and able politician now, because of the bullshit that he has done. Jeez what a shitshow. Trump is gonna win, like legit - Biden looks like he can't survive another term and I doubt they can replace him now unless he collapses or worse (which no one wishes on him of course).


If he wins my prediction is that he’ll die in office. He looked like my grandpa a few months before he died during the debate.


i mean, who knows if he's going to live another 4 years?


That's the thing, if he dies, then Harris is up. She is so unlikable, just like HRC. People are going to see Biden on deaths door step before the election and realize that Harris very well might be president for about 3 years. That's definitely going through voters minds


HRC was the better candidate then and still was in hindsight. It's important to note that these two options, biden or harris as president is still better than the alternative by a mile.  Everyone puts so much emphasis on personality when it's ideology and policy that matters the most if this country actually cared about the rights of others that is


Not being able to function is not “personality” 


That was insane to me last night. I get that these parties really want their incumbent presidents to run for their second term… but cmon now. I kept hearing about the mock debates Biden was doing at camp David. Was he doing those all by himself? Was he not fumbling on whether he needed the word thousand/million/billion/trillion at every single point in the mock debates like he did last night? This has to be planned theater. You can’t convince me otherwise at this point.


You're ignoring all the laws he got through in a divided Congress and executive actions and administrative actions in worker's rights, healthcare, immigration, and more. Fucking up in a debate is not "not being able to function".


I don’t like the things he got through as most I’m aware of were spending bills. Which lost a ton of their impact due to instant inflation. Basically, all just a waste of resources. 




I don’t support any of those bills so idk what to tell you. Do you actually know what they contain rather than reading what they’re titled? 


Policy-wise, she was not. She was awful. She promoted many of the same policies that eventually led to Trump's rise to power. Whether it is Iraq, Libya, Syria, Glass-Steagall repeal, etc, she was on the wrong side of every political issue her entire political career. The only reason she got as far as she did wasn't because of some political acumen as much as she was the former First Lady and was a strong fundraiser. She knew how to attract donors.


Clinton was a horrible candidate. The Democrats could have nominated literally anyone else on the planet, and Trump would have lost the 2016 election badly. Clinton came into the election with too much scandal and too much arrogance.


Not true at all. Do u not remember 2016? The internet and pop culture was an alt right shit show. Trump was popular, as much as a fascist could be. No one was beating him. 


I know Harris is unlikeable, but she's also Comparatively young, and doesn't seem dumb.


I agree with everything you said, but unfortunately all that stuff matters to the average voter. So it needs to be taken into consideration


they should replace Biden with HRC and let her debate Trump again!


Why would they replace a guy who already beat trump and got millions of more votes? seems illogical. And not choosing hillary fucked the supreme court for generations, but sure, why do what's best for the country when you could do the worst for it right? /s




Clinton was one of the most corrupt politicians in US History and definitely NOT a better candidate than Trump at the time.


we have been saying this for nearly 4 years, hasn't happened yet


I don't think that there's been such a public display before this debate though. This debate really put his competence under a microscope


Debate did him dirty too. At the end they kept running and showing him having to get help to walk down 3 steps that he struggles with a lot


Who is HRC?


Idk why you got downvoted, but it’s Hilary Clinton


I get that people wanna sound smart, but it's just as easy to type Hillary, and by context clues literally everyone knows who she is, unlike the abbreviated HRC.


I read a few more comments and I then guessed but I had already sent the comment.


Hillary Rodham Clinton specifically.




Vice president pick is super important for both of them this time around. I can't imagine Trump will pick a worse VP than Harris but he's great at suprises.


give the old girl a chance. it’s gotta be better than these bozos


Feel it’s gunna come down to his VP, no way Kamala is it again tho


We can only hope


Who cares? Whoever replaces him will be better than Trump too. So yeah, don't vote for the other guy who is terrible and would also be replaced by terrible people.


Aren’t these debates basically meant to sway undecided voters? Now I’m not American but watching Joe Biden look like he’s on the edges of dementia tonight really wouldn’t sway me if I was on the fence tbh. I think this debate tonight has damaged the Democratic Party tbh. Trump isn’t any better, but seemed just more with it, even if what he is saying is bullshit. But Joe Biden fucked up big time. I think not replacing him after that debate will do further damage to the democrats tbh. Personality and how a candidate comes across plays a bigger than many people care to admit when it comes to elections and the Democratic Party needs to consider this more tbh.


The democrats want republicans to win so instead of giving us new rights/protections/welfare they can “fight back against republicans”


It’s so they and their benefactors can get their tax cuts while putting on a show about culture war nonsense. Funny how the current admin never walked back on those tax cuts for the rich that Trump implemented.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised


Generally yes but in Biden’s case he needed to reassure his own voters & the DNC bigwigs. He failed miserably at it.


One thing to keep in mind is that it’s not just “this or that” it’s also questions like: Should I vote at all? Should I vote 3rd party? Etc. Biden’s “map” in 2020 was built on record turnout. Trump probably doesn’t need a huge groundswell of support to win a pretty decisive victory; he just needs a few % of the 2020 electorate to say “fuck it” and not vote.


Yup. This and Biden's intransigence on certain issues and shift rightward on others has absolutely created a real fracture among the base including Black voters, Gen Z, and working class folks who carried him in 2020. A fracture that he could have fixed by either moving aside to support the next candidate or doing what they said they wanted changed, policy-wise. He chose neither due to pride and because his Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients, is more right-leaning.


I don't think so. Candidates don't get replaced. Also the candidates are pretty much set in stone now. Nobody can join. So it's going to be Trump Vs Biden. And sadly, since Biden isn't there anymore, the fat orange convict will probably win


He doesn’t have to win if we vote against him. Especially if genz shows up 


I would never vote for a man who is a 34 time convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and tried to overthrow our democracy on January 6.


A man who also promised to roll back human rights


And all climate protections.


And people's right to marry who they want.


Exactly. Most professions, including mine in medicine, disqualify me from certification upon a felony conviction, which then results in permanent loss of employability in my career. No way should a felon be allowed to be leader of the free world. Period.


Your in a silo if you think all of gen z will be voting not trump. I know plenty of people, male / female / black / white who are gen z and will be voting trump.


I think the DNC can, in theory, nominate a new candidate at the convention if they're super coordinated about it, but I doubt they could. And itll likely do more damage than help.


That’s not true. They have until before August 7th’s DNC to make a move- and Biden has to step down of his own accord. It’s a VERY slim chance it could happen, but nothing is set in stone currently. (If you google about Biden stepping down, you’ll see the process more clearly.)


if not now, then later. i dont think joe has another 4 years in him tbh — if he was replaced i think it would be by newsom which would be cool, i like that guy


no, he'll be replaced by Kamala,


yes — thats what my “then later” comment means,, LOL. kamala would replace him if he becomes president once again, but if they were to replace him before the election takes place : definitely newsom (in my opinion)


Pending him dropping out or dying we are stuck with him. It will require Obama or someone whom he respects greatly to say, I am sorry Joe but for the good of the country you need to step down. If he is not aware enough that he doesn’t rewatch this debate and realize its bad then I dont know. Is it unfair? A little. He spoke more genuine policy and spoke the truth. But its hard to tell people that someone who we are witnessing age and showing it tremendously on live tv that this is our best option Last option is for DNC to go nuclear and just nominate someone else. It would likely violate all precedent and established rules but is it time for a Hail Mary? Maybe.


Gretchen Whitmer, JB Pritzker, & Tony Evers would also be possibilities. I think a Newsom and Whitmer team up would excite Dems, but scare off too many independents and never Trumpers Reps. We need conversions to win.


Gavin Newsome? lol


Imagine liking that guy


Gavin Newsom? The guy who dated a teenager while he was nearly 40 and mayor of San Francisco? The guy who had an affair with his Chief of Staff’s wife? The guy who hosted a wine and dine super spreader event with the state’s top doctors during the peak of Covid while he was mandating some of the strictest lockdowns in the country on all the regular people? What is there to like about him?


Gavin Newsom? Are you insane? Oh god. No no no. Not Newsome. I’ll take Kamala very begrudgingly but not Newsom. Destroyed California. DESTROYED.


i like kamala too 👍👍👍


You shouldn’t. I haven’t seen the Democrats or Republicans put out any respectable leaders since their inception. I liked Tulsi Gabbard however.


she seems intelligent,, im not really against any of these people personally. i just want a strong leader


It scares me that so maybe people upvoted this. Dudes the literal devil


Doubt it, it's too late into the game for them to just throw in a new face that they don't even really know the people will like, and against someone who has the full backing of his party like Trump that's just too risky for their liking


Not really. A fresh face contrasted against Trump might just be just the thing to breathe life into this snooze fest of an election. Any tall, attractive white guy, who looks good, in a suit & can string 2 words together will automatically get star coverage by the media. What we need is a Great White Hope candidate, preferably with a head full of thick hair & a pearly white grin. Bonus points if he has a wholesome young family & an adorable dog.


So basically, California Governor Gavin Newsom.


In appearance yes but he’d be an anathema in the midwest & the south.


It’s clear Biden is mentally unstable & generally unlikeable. Just happens Trump and the GOP has made it clear they’re the racist anti abortion pro rich anti middle class side. Therefore Biden is good for the next 4 years


If Trump wins it'll be the stupidest thing America has done since voting him in the first time.


We've done stupider, but this is def up there.


Mate you underestimate how stupid this country can be.


He cannot “be replaced”. I know this is Reddit and people like to think there are puppet masters behind the curtain but ultimately that’s not how it works. He is the incumbent President, leader of the Democratic Party, and official Democratic candidate for President. No one can touch him. A full out inter party Civil War wouldn’t go very far, and be worse for Dems chances in the long run. The question is: will he step aside? I certainly hope so. He is a stubborn Irishman but he’s also very politically intelligent. I’m not sure how he can convince himself he has a chance at coming back from this, but the elderly are not known for their clear sightedness.


Super Delegates bro. They can vote for whoever they want 


Doesn’t mean it’s likely to happen, that train is rolling


I cursory Google search would inform you that they make up less than 15% of all delegates. Considering Biden won essentially all of the regular delegates, even if every single super delegate voted for someone else, Biden would still win.


Biden is at his best when's not reading off of script. I think having be scripted is bad.


When he’s not scripted he says things like “if you’re having a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or trump then you ain’t black” and “poor kids are just bright and just as talented as white kids”.


Also don’t forget the 90s crime bill “Put them back in chains” like he said


No, he needs a script. He said “by the way” as a transitory device about 1,487 times last night it was agonizing.


Dude, he has already been replaced... long ago. He's just a figurehead. So, it does not matter anymore.


'MURICA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 (im not american what y'all talking about?)


Absolutely not. He'll run, but might lose to Trump. RIP women's rights.


Didn't Trump just say he would veto a national abortion ban? 


Trump's actions do not match his words. He promised to end Roe, and he did, which promptly he celebrated. He's since said women should be punished for having an abortion. Anyway, cheers...


He also said he'd come up with a beautiful healthcare plan to replace Obamacare, and that we'd have "infrastructure day." Turns out Trump lies. Shocker, I know.


Yeah, replaced by Trump If he wanted to groom a replacement that would take over the time would’ve been when picking a VP in 2020. Now every other Democrat is either unpopular or unknown especially his own VP Kamala Harris. Now it’s over, way too late


I doubt it. Remember, he was a senile old fart 4 years ago, and they nominated him then. Why would they come to their senses now? Also, it would be a really hard sell to do it at this late date. "We need to defend democracy. BTW, we're not nominating the guy who won the primary in a landslide."


I dont think that it's advisable. Democrats don't have another candidate that would as popular as Biden. If they replace Biden, they will have only 2 months for the campaign, it will be impossible to win.


Exactly, and this is what all these people saying “the DNC needs to replace Biden” aren’t understanding. There is no one to replace him with that would even have a chance at beating Trump. Even without the incumbent advantage most people know Biden. They’d basically be starting from scratch with a person who most of the country might not recognize or even like. Most of the country doesn’t check into elections until a couple months before. Also a lot of the names people have been putting forth as replacement candidates are popular online and with younger people but not so much with the rest of the Democratic Party that they also need in order to win.


I kind of doubt it, but they have to be considering it. I feel both keeping Biden and replacing him carry a lot of risk. Biden could continue to show his age like he did in the debate or you replace him with someone who wasn’t chosen by voters in a primary which might rub people the wrong way. If I were to pick someone to replace him I’d probably go with Gretchen Whitmer


Agreed about Whitmer.


Neither will be replaced even though they might die in office. I'm more concerned about either dying before the election.


Millennial here, so you’ll have to excuse this old man. Even if we don’t like the distinct individual we’re voting for, the way it has been in modern politics is that we’re voting for the team and administration surrounding the individual. Those team members do most of the heavy lifting. I may not like my choices, but if I view voting as riding the bus I’m at least getting closer to the destination I want with one presidency versus another.


it’s so crazy because logically, shouldn’t this be the easiest election dems have had since idk… they put fdr up against hoover? the opponent is a convicted felon with multiple sa and rape allegations who arguably incited an anti-democratic riot. but joe biden sucks so much ass that PEOPLE ARE ON THE FENCE!!! that a debate *with* said felon is HURTING HIM!! this is literally wild. leaders in the democratic party should be extremely alarmed by tonight. trump is going to win if they don’t ditch him and tbh, probably even if they do.


God I hope. It's 50/50 Kamala Harris or Galvin Newsom if so. Perhaps both on the same ticket.


I think if it’s those 2 it’s more likely Newsom, he’s a lot more popular than Harris


True, but Harris has the benefit of already being VP.


Yeah, VP on paper but what did she actually achive in the last 3 years? What did she even do?


But would moderate/centrist (akaconservatives in sheep's clothing) Dems like Newsom? Probably not. They have a habit of tanking things and not falling in line and Dems never ask them to like they do progressives.


Can’t have both on the same ticket due to the 12th amendment. One of them would have to change their home state from California.


Wait why not?


Here’s the text of the amendment: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-12/ Basically, voters can’t vote for a president and vice-president who are both from their state. If there was a Harris/Newsom ticket Democrats couldn’t win CA which would be a death sentence to any chance of them winning.


huh really? thats a weird one


Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama?  I can't even see a Biden living until the election at this point.


How on earth is Michelle Obama nearly as qualified as Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris?


Jesus Christ I almost spat out my food thinking about the school food I ate when I saw her name


Her last name 


No, but these Russian chatbot postst will be replaced as soon as they get deleted


He's been like this for years, the time to replace him was a long time ago. And now the election is Trump's for the taking.


bro it’s like putting lord business against patrick star


At this point, barring a sudden serious health issue or a surprise major scandal (beyond just a poor debate performance) he's going to be the nominee. But think of it this way: If Biden runs and wins this time, no one will ever ask you to vote for him again and he won't be able to run again. And Trump will be 4 years older in 2028, if he's still alive, and will be less likely to be the nominee again (if he allows an election in 2028).


What a stupid take. He would never be replaced this far down the line. Not ever. I doubt most of the people here can even name a second dem that ran off the top of their head.


Is Biden the best person to be president right now? No. Is Trump the worst person to be president right now? Fuck yes. 100% I don't give a fuck if it is Biden or Harris as long as it isn't Trump. Just read about Project 2025 if you have any doubts. Stop complaining and start supporting. In 2026, make sure we have our voices heard for younger candidates more in tune with our futures, but for 2024, just vote Democrat.


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he won't be replaced until he's gone he'll be replaced by Kamala, we'll probably be stuck with her until '32


It's too late.


If I were in the Dem leadership I’d seriously consider it. I genuinely like Biden’s policies and his presidency overall, but if his performance last night was the best he can do against Trump, he *will* lose.




lol no chance


Joe Biden will be the candidate, you can either suck it up and get out and vote against Trump, or you can say goodbye to your future as an American. This is the choice, you pick, there is no 3rd option.


It’s a moot point if Biden can last for 4 more years. He’s not getting reelected!! The DNC power players are shtting the bed righ now & trying to come up with a palatable replacement.


I think they've been planning it for a while and finally got the order to do it. A debate months earlier then any other time gives them 5 months to prop up Michelle or Gavin. They threw joe under the bus with the format and instant post debate talking points


Barack Obama could be VP. Then Biden would win. With Harris Biden will lose.


It would be pretty much unprecedented and it would have to be by Biden's own accords. If it looks like they're kicking him to the curb, it could come off as desperate. The way the DNC handled Bernie vs. Hillary in 2016 turned away a lot of prospective voters. You also run the risk of replacing Biden with someone who polarizes moderates. While the debate certainly emphasized it, everyone already knew Biden is old and offers a white bread presidency. That normalcy plays well as more of an alternative to Trump than anything. But if you throw someone like Harris, Newsom, or Whitmer in the ring, I think that may alienate voters. The messaging would have to be key, as conservative media will have a field day claiming any younger, slightly more progressive candidate is "ultra-woke" and about as far left as you can get. You probably win back some of the leftist stragglers voting third party (or not at all), but I don't know if your average American follows suit.


Lmao yall were clowning on me for rooting for trump but now yk that ppl would rather vote for someone not senile


Biden is 81, Trump is 78. Trump kinda looks more composed and coherent and firmin a debate, but give him 4 years in the office and he's going to be 82 and if Trump starts falling off mentally, oh man... Sad election, really sad. One guy is a pedo weirdo that's too old, the other now has a criminal record and is a lifetime con man connected to Putin. Just a rough patch in US history.


Don the con has gotta stay gone.


Sorry to butt in as a millenial. Just wanted to point out my two cents that **you're not voting for two men but two administrations**. Look behind the old grandpas and vote for the administration you want to have. Just an example: Trump will promote Project 2025.


Probably by a descendant of JFK, the last good president that America had.


There is no law against voting for a cat.


Ghost of Biden vs. Specter of Trump. First ever supernatural election.


Will Biden be replaced as a candidate? No. That’s it.


He’s not stepping down unless the party forces him to, which is now a serious possibility.


It’s far too late for that.


approximately two months until they make a martyr out of biden and push michelle obama forward to run as she “saves the day” and the demorat party


I hope


It might be nice if Biden had a different running mate, like Elizabeth Warren or something. I think he's got another 4 years; the fact that he's old is sort of irrelevant in my opinion, Trump is an evil shit-man and Biden said some things that made sense (at least gesturing in a direction I'd like to see the country move ffs) we really ought to have younger candidates in general though. And the "GOP" needs to get their shit together and dump the treasonous felon rapist airhead; it's funny when you feel the need to tell conservatives to be more traditionally "conservative" and not this "neo" conservatism which amounts to supporting grifters and fascists


Not a chance


Don’t think he’ll be replaced, but he’s definitely not fit to be the president.


I'm not sure but it begs the question about in times of crisis why are people so resistant to a third party candidate. I remember 4 years ago I suggested to some friends why not vote third party.. and I got the whole adage "a vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump." I saw where they were coming from..but now we're in the same boat again..and the issues keep getting perpetuated. Idk what's going to happen with either person. I do know it seems younger folk still prefer Biden, whereas my boomer grandparents still prefer trump. But my other grandpa on other side (silent generation) said they're both not ideal 🤣


No, I dont think so, his substance was a lot better than trumps even though he stuttered and had a few old moments, Trump just exaggerated, lied about everything and didn't even try to stay on topic, he did that way more than Biden.


China is on a role with all the different questions they're posting to this sub.


He absolutley should be. At this rate I'm voting for whichever sides canidate steps down first.


I hope so; that debate performance was hot garbage, even though Trump was lying and waffling the whole time. That's how bad Biden's performance was.


I think ol Joe had a stroke, and the best case scenario for our country would be if he is laid to rest before the election and Trump is in jail. Not sure what happens after that but it has to be better than choosing between one of those 2 idiots.


No, it’s far too late for any of that because Biden and the Dems doubled down on him for almost no good reason at all, Dems, like they should have done days into the Biden administration at worse and during the Trump presidency at best should have started making plans to setting up a candidate that could possibly win people over. Don’t ask me who, polls says a generic democrat is doing better than Biden by this point of time, so it could be anyone at this point, preferably someone with a brain and younger than Trump and Biden, giving the Dems the massive age advantage, we are in such a shitty position most people would rather vote for a 35 or 40 year old who may not have the experience over literally fossils who may die in office, and for everyone saying age doesn’t matter, please explain the debate from last night, Biden got cooked because he could string sentences together. They should have been finalizing that Democrat successor to Biden by at least early 2021, and spent the rest of 2022 to 2024 running campaigns on this successor, this floundering administration seemed too afraid of Republicans to own it’s wins(which are few and far between) and failed to take the initiative and go on the offense when Republicans repeatedly blundered the entire past 4 year’s politically. There are many things Dems could easily rip the GOP a new ass about, one of the biggest most damning things being them rejected the border compromise showing to the nation the (even if you don’t agree with it), that the GOP are hypocrites, who use the border as a political wedge and not to protect you (yes it leans deep into GOP bullshit but Biden would still keep and double down on a lot of Trump era policies anyway so take what you can get and fucking own it dipshit), because some people still don’t get that unfortunately. To show that the Dems not only tried to compromise but even gave the GOP everything they wanted showing they are too far off the deep end for the average voter, and insert more political pandering cause yes that’s what politics has always been duh. The Dems were handed that and the Trump conviction on a fucking sliver platter, hold the fucking mustard, In which they could have attacked what the Republican strategy is, claim we are being invaded by immigrants and that crime is the highest it’s ever been. But no the Dems either dont have a spine or they’re ass deep into respectability politics, which while respectable doesn’t work when your opponent is willing to do anything to see you fall. Biden presidency should have been nothing more but the Dems getting themselves together after taking a brutal L in 2016 after that smug shit they pulled only to have Trump fucking win. Simply put it Biden will loose 2024-2025 to Trump and probably by a landslide at this rate. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion, there is little to nothing the Dems could possibly do now but save themselves from anymore embarrassment and transfer power back into GOP hands like the fucking rats they are. The clock was ticking before Biden even became presidential nominee and now that clock is about two hours from midnight.


I hope. It’s what we need if we want our country to stay alive. But sadly the DNC is arrogant and won’t do it.


Man I hope so. If they don't then the dems just lost the election. I mean do they even care at all? Sirriously anyone with half a brain would have stopped this performance and said we need to do a Hail Mary and get literally anyone else other then Biden. but now they're like "he's good enough" no he obviously isn't. they should all be ashamed of themselves. The dems are letting us down with this more then probably anything they've done in years an years. After all we all just watched a blatantly senile almost dying man not making any sense in a presidential debate for the most powerful Nation in the world. And not one person his party seems to be standing up and trying to replace him. The Democrats have blatantly failed us an they blatantly don't care. I'm not even sure I'm going to vote this election now like OMG seriously. They don't deserve my vote after all they just handed the election to Trump on a golden platter and they obviously don't care. Wtf.


You know what pisses me off the most about this? (I’m sure I’m not the only one.) It took THIS DEBATE for dems to wake the fuck up and realize that Joe Biden was the worst candidate to nominate. Really??


Brandon will be replaced by The Don, next January.


I don’t think he’ll let them replace him. He’s gonna ride it out as king as he can.


He doesn’t let them do anything. He’s their puppet and does whatever they tell him even if he just said the opposite the day before.


I want to start a campain for Antony Bliken for president. Thoughts? Ik he's busy right now, managing like 3 or 4 geopolitical hot zones, but I also think that's why he could be a solid choice.