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Proud American but absolutely hate our government.


Wait until Trump comes, might lose all your freedoms




This is incredibly cursed and I hate that you've disgraced my eyes with it.


Memes like that are an acquired taste.


I dig it 😂


Ahh hell nah political party r34 😭


Am I missing something or is that the party of… ![gif](giphy|80Cdy9EteIuOc)


Omg. I forgot about rule34. Haven’t thought about it in so long


didn't ever think i'd see political party r34😭


But the citizens are the ones getting fucked


If it exists there is porn of it. No exceptions.




Is that ssstalkerwolf?




I hate you so much for this image, I'm going to save it and upvote. Take my upvote and leave


Downvoted for speaking the truth. Classic reddit. Don't @ me. I don't care.


@ rlh1271 You’re right tho.


Downvoted for thinking that is JUST a Trump issue and not a government wide issue regardless of the party.


Trump is just a symptom of a more serious issue. Did he get elected himself (he would definitely take all the credit)? I know he didn't get where he is today by "his hard work." No. The problem is honestly a lot of little things, like generational racism, gerrymandering, and many, many, many other problems in our society.


It’s kinda funny how everyone goes on and on about never ending issues and blames trump for all of them but yet the people that have been in government for 30-40+ years never did a damn thing to fix the issues either. Ain’t just a trump issue, our government just needs to be torn down to nothing and rebuilt.


The issue is all these democrats truly believe that it’s not an entire government issue and truly believe the Democratic Party isn’t as corrupt as the Republican Party.


Both parties have immense amounts of corruption, and no one’s doing a thing about it. Like people shouldn’t be walking in with a bank account in the negatives and after a year being worth multiple millions. Not to mention what people are able to get away with in said positions.


Exactly the system as a whole is corrupt and we need to tear it down and rebuild as you said in a previous comment.


For a lot of people, it’s easier for them to just blame the other side and that’s why our country and the people in it suck. Who could blame them? They sit on Fox News and CNN waiting for someone to tell them how to think


Fox News cnn and unfortunately social media. This app is terrible as well with fear mongering and propaganda


The both sides fatalism is just ignorant justification for lazily allowing this to happen.


I swear there are some mouth breathers out there that in four years time will be in the process of being dragged away by the task force for anti-American behavior, and their last thought before being clubbed on the back of the head will be “actually both sides are bad.”


Poor poor, multi hundred upvoted comment. Won't someone think of the children!?


Are you also nonchalant


Their self-service propaganda machines are keeping them misinformed. Especially after the Supreme Court rulings, it doesn't lead to a slippery slope, we've been on one for decades and it's getting faster.


Might? Epsitein Pedofile Rapist Felon Traitor Trump has ALREADY said he is going to be a dictator


I know, I live in Wisconsin every election year stresses me out.


I have never voted before, but this one is very very important to me. Because past candidates were willing to concede defeat and serve their nation honorably.




republicans are for freedoms but wants to elect someone who hates freedok


Freedom as long as you're a white straight man sure, they dont care about anyone else


Just like we did last time! Right?


Yeah, both can be true which definitely is lost on some people. We can and should strive to do better but as a whole this country is a lot better to live in than many countries around the world




That mistrust for government makes you more American 🇺🇸


This exactly ^^ also please please please genz vote? Please? Love, the Token Millennial


Born and raised in the states. Am I grateful for the rights provided to me? Yes. Am I proud to be an American? Represented by our government and the actions of our nation home and abroad? Definitely not.


Well said.


Especially when you never know when those rights will be stripped away


me when i had more rights as a teenager than i do now 😍


Couldn’t have said it better. I am proud of the America that those rights represent but not as it exists currently.


I am also born and raised in the states. Everyone is allowed to have a difference in opinion which is one of the many great things about our country. We are certainly far from perfect, and I also do not agree with many of the current events swirling around nowadays. However, I also understand that being an American is more than current politics, but also encompasses our history, opportunity, and much more. Considering how I came to be here, where I would be otherwise, the history of our nation, and what we represent as a whole I can still be a proud American. Hopefully we improve upon our mistakes and strive to continue to be positive leaders and examples for the world.


This is it. I know that I might not be better off somewhere else as a queer woman, but I am so angry at what our government is doing abroad and to our own communities at home.


Not particularly. The greatest generation must be rolling in their graves right now as they see our nation drifting listlessly toward an authoritarian state by way of judicial revisionism


The greatest generation made killing nazis a national pasttime. The recent ones like to elect them to office and say we should tolerate them.


True but there were a ton of Americans who supported Hitler before we got involved. There was an American Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939. There’s always been a certain percentage of the population in this country that are fascist pigs at heart, it’s just that recently they’ve been emboldened and allowed to come out of hiding.


And that percentage has been breeding non-stop, literally the premise of the movie idiocracy. How modern country music shows look, monster truck jams, mudding festivals, how red-necks treat and display the American flag on everything, beer culture, gun culture, etc - we look more and more like the movie idiocracy every day. And it's all Republicans/KKK/conspiracy theorists/Trumpers (all under the same umbrella)


The business plot nearly worked for this exact reason. Fascism has always been popular for the rich and powerful, and the states has way too many of those folks.


That and they appeal to a rascist xenophobic exclusionary populism to swell their numbers


The greatest generation would have also had an aneurysm if they knew gay marriage was legal, the concept of someone being transgender, some of them a Black president. I would hesitate to say they wouldn’t choose an authoritarian government that opposes those things over a democratic one that doesn’t.


Greatest generation was part of by far the most authoritarian time in US history under FDR. Dude ran for 3 terms and would have done a 4th if he didn't die. If this question of "total presidential immunity" were asked then, I can almost guarantee the answer would be a straight "yes" and not a "it depends on if the actions are official business of the office". Edit: Yes, I'm aware that it wasn't considered unconstitutional to run 3 terms at the time. However, up until that point no other president in US history had even ran for a true 3rd term because they wanted to follow the "2 terms and done" framework set by George Washington. Closest was Teddy Rosovelt, who rationalized a third term would be fine because his first term was succession to replace Grover Cleveland shortly into his term, and not an election. Tons of other things make WW2 the most authoritarian time in US history by far, not just a president being elected for 3 terms. And the time period directly after WW2 reflected that authoritarian era with the 1950's being the age of the white picket fence nuclear family where you don't ask questions and you do exactly what the government and your parents tell you to do. Nevermind the McCarthyism of the era and constant purity testing of ideologies in all levels of governemnt and society.


At the time FDR running 3 terms wasn't considered wrong, as the term limit wasnt put in place until 1951. He was a good president, so people elected him because they liked him.


Seriously project 2025 is eerily similar to how Nazi Germany was and if you look at their rise to power it’s startling


I remember my babcia warning me back in 2015 about Trump. She said "when I see him speak, all I see is Hitler." She was a Holocaust survivor, so she knew exactly what she was talking about. I'm just glad she didn't live to see this election, because she would be so pissed that there is even the possibility of him being President again. These are sad days. Happy 4th everyone!


My point exactly. We even had an analogue to Hitlers beer hall putsch when they stormed the capital


This is why history classes are important. So we can see it. Unfortunately history classes didn’t do much in the way of giving advice in how to prevent it once it’s got some decent traction


Unfortunately,  I have spoken to several vets who will vote for trump.  Spoke to a soldier at a retirement home. Was in the 101st. Fought fucking Hitler.  Dude loved trump.   I didn't question him more, he didn't need it. 


The greatest generation was a bunch of racist homophobes so their opinion can be discounted


So we’ll also discount the indigenous and black military members who also killed plenty of Nazis? They white population were clearly flawed by todays standard but plenty of people alive at the time had previously owned slaves or lived in the south. Phrenology was to some extent a “real science “ that hadn’t been killed yet. I figure flawed people who brained fascists have at least a couple of points of good karma


I love America, which is why I am profoundly disgusted, enraged, and disturbed by the direction it’s headed in


This is it. I’m proud to be an American. I’m embarrassed and enraged that we’ve allowed it to become the shit show it is today.


Agreed. America as a concept is an ideal. America the country has failed that ideal.


Once people experience other first world countries it puts things into perspective. There's no defending this country that's really three corporations in a trench coat pretending to be a democracy. The people who claim to love it would be despised by the people who founded it for their servitude to private interests and their unwillingness to secure their freedoms and that of their countrymen against capital. We even had to fight a civil war because capital thought it could outright own people. And yet those who would today claim to love it the most are the ones who would be the bitterest enemies of those whose ideals and sacrifice built it.


Man fell for the propaganda 😔


America loudly espousing lofty ideals and frequently failing to live up to them is kind of our thing. We all love the theoretical idealistic America that doesn’t exist. Real America is like… it’s alright, I guess. Like a B-. I can’t personally complain, but also I’m in a position of relative privilege.


Exactly, we need to vote to keep fascism out this November!


Yes I am. Wouldn't live anywhere else


Not really. We have a lot of things going for us, but other countries also have more going for them. I'd really like if we stopped having social programs cut.


Other countries have more going for them because they expect the United States to protect them in case some assholes tries to invade.


Well, some of these countries realised they can’t rely on the US anymore and are ramping up their military spending big time with more to come in the future without making cuts to social programs ;)


Many countries have indeed been cutting social programs, UK is probably the most famous example.


The UK has been cutting a lot of shit and is rarely a good example for anything these days. That’s why the party in power in the last 14 years is facing a historic loss at the election today.


When I dream of leaving the country, the UK and Canada are far from my top choices as their issues seem to mirror ours.


The UK cut social programs and the military at the same time.


God that country is a mess 😅😂 thank fuck for the elections today.


Peak performance country. Giant military? No. Large and caring welfare state? No. Low taxes? No. Low debt? No, not that either. As much value for the money as a shack in San Jose


Okay, I don't want that. I don't WANT to be world police. Especially since I got to experience what that's like. I get no joy in knowing we're the backup plan for other countries. We should fucking take care of ourselves first.


Main problem is that Russia and China have absolutely no qualms with playing world police because they don't have to let pesky morality get in their way So when the US goes completely isolationist, the countless third world countries looking to industrialize will side with China and Russia until there is overwhelming force for China and Russia to get revenge for the humiliation they experienced starting in the 20th century.


Tbf, a LARGE portion of the U.S. budget goes to welfare programs


About 20x the military budget.


Their social programs are also being vut and they have the same economic issues we do. Their social issues are on par in places like france and england and the netherlands and germany and italy and ireland as well.


Ummm no not really? I’m grateful to be here. I know I have a better here than lots of women my age born in Mexico, but I’m not going to kiss ass to a country that’s still trying to take away my autonomy as a women and treating illegal immigrants like bad people. The recent debate between trump and Biden is an embarrassment. Why would I be proud of being an American when the American healthcare system charges me a working class citizen $2,5K for a dumbass root canal? Or a government that, instead of using my tax money to properly fund schools and public services like they should be they use it to fund genocide and the military even though they don’t do SHIT? Why would I feel proud when gentrification in neighborhoods is negatively affecting other chicanos and making it harder for them to get by? I feel disrespected daily by this country as a woman, as a member of the Latino community here and as a worker/wage slave. So nah, I don’t feel pride. Just grateful to be in a first world country and grateful that I at least am getting by. Giving me the opportunity to work and “persue happiness” (although that’s not even applicable anymore, typical US contradicting its own constitution) is the bare minimum as a government 🤷‍♀️


Only on Reddit you’ll find dog shit opinions saying that the US military really does absolutely nothing ☠️☠️


For real, it's people clueless about geopolitics for the most part. The budget is so large people see it as a waste, but our military needs to be as large as it is for deterrence and alliances. The Navy alone ensures the safety of global trade which requires a global scale budget. Plus, people pretend like there arent real threats out there, threats which would be much more apparent without the military as strong as it is


Take care of your teeth. Dental isn't free in Europe, either.


I do take care of them. Even with insurance the cost of dental is up the ass in the US. 0 excuses for that dumbass shit.


A root canal doesn’t really show that


I lean right politically but I sometimes think that the Republican party does not represent my ideals. I think the right to abortion needs to be a constitutional ammendment. I don't think people should abort 8 months into a pregnancy, but it's reasonable to say the best thing for an unwanted baby is to be aborted than birthed to unwilling parents. I know the government misappropriates and outright wastes our tax money and I'd like to see that stopped before anyone recommends a tax increase. I think there is a maximum number of immigrants that should be allowed into the United States, but I also think the barrier for entry shouldn't be too high. I want people from other countries to move here, I want to share cultures. I don't want open borders where people just test out America and abuse us. People who want to be American and want to stay in America should be allowed in. I think the insurance companies need a foot up their ass. While I don't think medical services should be paid for by government, I think the government needs to do something to lower rates. Idk what that'd be but I think it's possible. All in all I posted this comment to show to you that you have support. The government might keep you down but the regular everyman citizen I represent has your back friend. I hope things turn around and make you proud of your country.


From your comment, I don't see why you lean right.


Hell yeah. I’m a child of Immigrants and moving to the US was one of the greatest choices they’ve ever made according to them.


Not a child of an immigrant but my mom was severely low income, raised me on a salary in the $10,000 a year range. I now make almost 7x that, I don’t know another country that would allow me to have that type of mobility.


Word. My parents are from bum fuck middle of nowhere USA and my mom came from foster care after being taken from a physically/sexually abusive family and my dad grew up raised by a single mom in a trailer park and now I make six figures and own a nearly million dollar home. There is a massive ability to swing social mobility here.


Proud to be an American but I hate corporate America and all of the downfalls that come with it. And the fact that we’re only a “two political party country” by a very thin line but we might as well call it what it realistically is, a one party government, republicans and democrats can’t agree on social issues, but vote 100% non partisan in favor to continue funding/aiding and starting/fighting proxy wars that we don’t belong in because of an american imperialist mindset almost like global manifest destiny & the military industrial complex is allowed to buy off politicians to incentivize the pushing for war and instability. The fact that if you see how large the military budget is not including black budget money that doesn’t get accounted for you’ll start to think “you could easily spare a couple hundred million on free/heavily subsidized healthcare for people in desperate need. How are we the greatest country when other first world nations with quarters of our GDP who have world class healthcare and citizens that keep the country running without worrying about an illness sending them into unrecoverable financial burden.


I love America too friend. I think we can turn things around again. When the boomers in office die off maybe we can vote in representatives that better represent us. Hopefully congress will pass laws that protect our rights instead of infringe upon them. Hopefully our president will bust the monopolies and find the fine line between peace and war. I'd like to see the vice president weed out unnecessary government spending. I want the supreme court to better follow the constitution. I love our country, and I want it to be the best it can be, because we deserve it. The American people deserve the best.




Proud to be American? Yes. Proud of my government as a whole? No


Absolutely. I've been to many places in the world and for all the woe-is-me bullshit that's flung around this subreddit, the US remains the best country to live in if you have even a modicum of ambition.


I think people often forget how bad it can be in other countries. And even countries that rank highly in human development index have limitations to what you can do compared to the US. Want to start a business in Japan as a nonnative? Good luck. Want to eke out a living in Norway as an international hire? It’s expensive and you’ll probably dislike the climate. There’s always a balance.


I worked overseas in several Asian countries for about 4 years and it really changed my perception of the United States. I also had to spend a decent amount of time in Europe for work and Reddit has rose tinted glasses of them for sure. Not saying that European countries and Asian countries don’t have great things going for them but they have a lot of problems that just don’t get the attention the U.S. does because of its global influence. Much more grateful and appreciative of my country now.


Yup, that’s why I always advocate travel if you can afford it. And if work brings you to other countries, even better, because you’ll spend a lot more time with the locals than you would just visiting.


Agreed. However, I think if you just go to a known tourist destination while staying in nice hotels and eating at the fancy restaurants it can amplify the rose tinted world view in many cases. This is another reason I think Americans really overestimate the general quality of life in Europe. (Not that it’s bad!)


I cant be proud of a country where "loitering" is a crime


My shitass state just criminalized homelessness and the shitass "Christians" are visibly horny to start rounding them up and making them disappear.  This place is a meat grinder and the only people that are ok with it are the ones turning the fucking handle.


it's... complicated. i love my country but it has a tendency to make me really angry at times (especially these past few days).


No. Im embarrassed


Yep. I think a lot of people who have traveled a decent amount realize just how much of a laughingstock we are abroad and how much we are disliked. And justifiably so in many cases this is definitely not a woe is me post. The difference in treatment I get when I go overseas and tell people I'm American vs what all my other friends from other countries get is really obvious and multiple hostel staff have backed me up that they see the same thing often. It's not like hostility just... Awkward and the conversation kind of dies. On the other hand if I just talk to people and avoid mentioning it for a while, the response is much more positive and when they do find out 99 times out of a hundred the response is some variation of "OMG NO WAY, I thought you must be European/Australian/Canadian! You don't act like an American you're chill! I could have never guessed!" So yeah, I am embarrassed. I'm embarrassed to have to be representative of a country I absolutely do not support and in turn be represented by other Americans with zero self-awareness who tarnish our image abroad, a government that is the laughingstock of the developed world, and a military who have funded and carried out regime change, genocide, and indiscriminate bombing in half the places I visit. You would have to be a complete dickhead not to be embarrassed by that association in the way someone would be embarrassed if they have a family member who's a murderer. It's not my fault I'm born here and I don't have to be *ashamed*, but I am *embarrassed* and certainly not *proud* of what my country represents and I have to recognize what type of stigma will be attached to me by proxy and try my best to be a person who fits into the global community in a respectful way instead of reinforcing those stereotypes.


I am proud of other Americans. Americans who struggle every day, but continue to fight and put up with their lives. I am not proud of the country that is currently failing them. So, this year, I’ll be celebrating us. Those of us who are still trying despite a world of crazy. Not some opaque legacy embossed in gold on a plaque, but We The People.


I’m a first-gen immigrant and aiming to get my citizenship in the next few years. I’m proud to have my green card and I’d sure be proud to be a citizen at some point. That said, being proud does not mean you can’t be critical of government and want improvements.


On the 4th of July I definitely am 🇺🇸🎆🎆🎆💥💥💥💥🔫🔫🔫🔫🛻🛻🛻🛻🪕🪕🪕🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


Now that’s what I’m talking about!


Fyi, most of said immigrant families come from developing countries. Obviously, the US will have a higher quality of life and/or more freedoms than those countries. So yeah, they will be especially thankful to be here. But compared to more developed countries? Then, it's more of a mixed bag. From other developed countries, many move here for jobs but usually hate the lack of universal healthcare, the crime and guns, the lack of decent public transportation, lack of parental leave/paid time off, etc. But the higher wages were deemed a good tradeoff (especially if they like American culture too). But to answer the question, I'm proud to be American. And I'm ashamed of our government, our lack of social policies, infrastructure, etc. I'm proud and want to see more *rapid* change to elevate the quality of life for all Americans.


I love America. I will bleed on the flag to make sure the stripes stay red.


# Are you proud to be an American? ...Dad fan yes. ![gif](giphy|AYoT533kGFkeQ|downsized)


The nationalism is strong in this thread… ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO) And no, I don’t mean those guys saying they are proud or not proud. Looking at certain opinions here tho :D


I ain’t proud but I do love it


Proud to be an American. Still think we’ve got a very long ways to go.




I wouldn't necessarily say "proud". I would say happy and grateful. But I was born here, I didn't have anything to do with the fact that I am an American, so I don't really deserve pride in the matter. I think it is easier for your family, as immigrants, to feel a well-deserved sense of pride. They really had to work for the privilege.


My family is also an immigrant family - it's funny that immigrant families tend to be more patriotic and appreciate the U.S. more. I can safely say if they did not immigrate here and I was born where they were from I would be MUCH worse off. I am extremely grateful to be here.


I’m a Native American and have mixed feelings about this country. No, I’m not patriotic and I don’t celebrate American holidays. I don’t really like the direction we’re heading in. What sets me apart from other Natives is that I’m not under the impression that us Natives would have been able to create a better country on our own. We can’t even get our shit together on the Rez.


I have pride in my country because I think that’s a good thing to have, just not happy with politics


Hell yeah! Might my country be "The Best"? No. We have our issues. But what country *doesn't* have it's issues? I firmly believe the US has the capacity to be the best country that we believe. Hell, I love the US so much I'm enlisting in the Air Force. Granted, it's not for the sappy "to protect the country* shtick, but I do have to love my country in some capacity to enlist for whatever the reason may be.


Hell yeah I am!


Proud to be an American for sure although I align more with my home state tbh


Most of Genz likes America and being here We just dislike the government my guy


I don’t think too much about patriotism or whatever. I care for the people in my country. I also express gratitude for the people before me making this country truly liberty and justice for all. That’s about it really.


More like embarrassed


My parents lived in the US for about 2 years, I happened to be born, so I got american citizenship despite growing up abroad in a shithole third world country in a family that isn't american. So I am happy I am american because I was able to use my citizenship to move here for college and get a high paying job where I make a lot more money than I would in my home country. But I'm not proud, I don't really like american culture anyway, but I think I'm lucky that my nationality allowed me to get out of a shithole third world country into a better life.




I'm proud, but conscious of its problems, old and new. As the rising generation, it's my job to help make it a better place, which is in my opinion what patriotism really means: not necessarily wanting your country to be the best, but to be better than it was before.


I’m not *proud* to be an American, but I love being American and I like America at a surface level. The only time I’m really proud to be an American is during the Olympics or listening to the Hamilton soundtrack, or whenever anyone makes fun of the British for being British


Why should I (or anyone) be proud of something that they can't control? I'm grateful to be an american, but being proud of something you were born into is kind of pathetic.


Not particularly. I recognize and am grateful for my privilege, but I’m not particularly patriotic. Especially since our country can’t get its shit together. Although as soon as Europeans start talking shit I’m the most patriotic person in the country.


Can't be prouder of what this country has accomplished. Much of the last 60 years of technological development came out of the US. We're the world's second largest representative state, and lead the world in many categories of value. Still, we have many flaws and much to learn from the rest of the world (especially other industrialized nations), and must structurally improve our government


I absolutely am proud to be an American. I’m not proud of recent history.


I’m proud of being a good husband, friend, engineer, neighbor, and some of my achievements. Am I proud to be an American? How can I have pride without agency? I mean, the direction/actions of this country are independent of my life. If I was a leader of this country then maybe then I could say I’m proud of something we did.


Yeah but I’m not proud of our state of affairs


At least I know I’m free




Eh, I prefer my other passports, and I like Europe a lot more.


Tbh i've never understood the thought process of being proud to be born on a specific piece of land. I'd be happier in certain pieces of land rather than others. But as a whole I can't imagine i'd feel much different if I was born in Ireland, UK, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, Poland, Etc. I'm just happy to be in a generally safe area and my feelings toward that wouldn't have changed depending on where I was born.


No because i’m not american


No place I’d rather be 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🏈🏈🏈💵🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🦅🦅 in all seriousness yes I am but we still got a long way to go




This is a difference between being a patriot and being a nationalist. A nationalist will look at America and say she is perfect. A patriot looks at America and says she can be better, she will be better, and she is but one key of many to great future of the human species. I am a devout patriot


If things continue and America let a criminal steal the presidency. No I will not be proud to be an American. It no longer will be a free and democratic country.




i’m glad to live here for the most part but i am not a nationalist. a lot of the decisions made by our government recently have not been in the citizens best interests and it seems like very day things are getting worse for the average citizen while big corporations continue to get tax cuts and bailouts from the government when our social programs are constantly being cut.


No, not really. I am glad to be from the US Vs some other places I could’ve been born into, but there are also countries far better than the US. The US is not the best or freest country on the planet


I’m proud to be one of the Americans that wants to hold my country accountable. I think true patriotism is being critical of your home country so we can make changes that lead to a better society. Not blindly praising it and believing in superior exceptionalism. I am highly skeptical of people who label themselves “patriots” because 9 times out of 10 they are actually nationalists. “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” -Einstein


i don’t recall a time in my life when i *ever* was proud to be an American. everything this country has was stolen and scammed. i don’t care how well off certain things are when it took lies and abuse to get there.


I think we all love America and that’s why we fight so hard we just can’t agree on how to raise her


Not proud of it. Not ashamed of it. It was just the country I grew up in. Is what it is.


Proud to be American, Georgian, however is a different story. I’m getting my ass out of here first chance I get.


I have only known America, but my parents who are immigrants (Generation 1.5) love America and think highly of it. Because I’m born and raised in this nation I can only see what can be improved and they can only see what is great. That disconnect is what gives me the political inclinations i have.


Absolutely. I’ve lived abroad and traveled across the world and I’m happy to be a born American citizen.


I am grateful to live here and proud of what we have done. Two world wars, on the cutting edge of technology, and the most powerful nation in the world who can still voice their opinions freely without fear of government intervention. We’ve done shitty things, trust me, i know, but i’m still patriotic. Also, hating your government IS an american past time so you


You have to hate this country if you’re not pissed that fascism has been normalized.


I'm not one of the people that'll say our country is the best and I recognize that we have some serious flaws. But I'm thankful I was born here instead of a country where oppression is still legalized or is in a state of basically constant fighting. Those who don't understand how lucky they are or don't appreciate the strides this country has made to become better should just leave or talk to someone who wished they could be in a country like this one.


I mean. Not particularly. I don’t think anyone who’s First Nations can be really proud of the governments that came and smashed our traditional structures and genocided our ancestors. But like, I guess I’m glad I don’t live in Iraq?


FUCK YEAH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅 Our government nowadays kinda blows but FUCK YEAH MURICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


It's... Complicated, need I explain?


Not proud but I love this country. I don’t really believe in pride or patriotism in any way. I’m just happy to be here. I don’t blindly ignore real flaws


I love America. I'm not the most well traveled but in my experience Americans across the country are great people. The American culture is unbeaten. The government sucks, but it sucks the least out of all the other governments. Things are changing though and not exactly for the better. Still America is the greatest country the planet has seen, and there hasn't been anything we can't turn around.


American politics and the hate /division in our country is horrible and shameful. HOWEVER...remove that component , i think the USA is hands down the coolest fucking country in the world. The art, media and music that comes out of the here is hands down the best the world has ever produced. Different parts of the US are so vastly different in not just a geographical but cultural way it's almost like whole different worlds within a day of driving across state borders. The melting pot of major cities creates a stew of cultures that is incredible (thinking of New Orleans). Our nature is absolute beauitufl and vast. Americans are also hilarious as fuck. All and all, the USA goes harder than anyone and I'm proud of how cool this country is.


U.S. born Russian American here. My dad’s side is from Russia, and thank god I was born in the us and not in Russia (for obvious reasons). The American passport is a godsend, and I love that I can travel almost anywhere with it without much hassle. Never had a Russian passport, and I’m extremely grateful for that. But I’m not proud of our government and our image abroad. In fact, whenever I go abroad I always try to be an ambassador for the US to show that we are not our government, and always show utmost respect for whatever country and culture of said place I visit. Can’t say the same about some of my countrymen. Because I’m lucky to have a multicultural upbringing and travel frequently, I came to the conclusion that the US just isn’t for me at the moment (coming from someone who lived in Russia as a kid and studied in Ireland in college, so that helped with my conclusion). I will be relocating out of the US this October. And while I’ll miss the great things about it, like my family and friends, the stunning nature, the melting pots that are New York, Boston, LA, etc, I won’t miss the politics, dogma, corporate oligarchy, the slide into authoritarianism, the incompetence of both sides, nor the lack of a developed social safety net. And every place has problems, all be it to a different degree. But if it wasn’t for this country and the opportunities it gave my family, and me by extension, the future would have looked very different.


I'm proud of the country I live in. I wish it were in better shape but I choose to celebrate for the future. I still have hope that things might settle down someday


Eh, I guess? More or less as proud as most people are of their country. That said, I realize how fortunate I am to have been born here. I know that most people in the world have a worse situation than I do.


You can love the country while hating the government


Yes I am. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and I love the rights/freedom this country affords me.


Love my country Hate my government.


I love my country, but extremely sad about what the country has become and worried what will happen after November. Between Trump and Mark Robinson that is running for governor of NC, I am honestly terrified.


I'm proud i'm not an American. >!joke!<


Sometimes a holiday isn't about celebrating where you are right now, but where you came from and how you can be better moving forward. Absolutely proud to be an American and to keep trying to make it a better country for everyone


Thanks for posting this it gets hard sometimes


I agree with all of that but those gaining power want the opposite of all that they want us to abdicate our responsibility and prevent hard working additions to our national fabric like yourself from coming here.


You're god damn right I am. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. We have our problems, but every country does. We need to stay unified to fight tyranny.


Kind of I like being an American but I hate the American government I believe in the American dream but first off it’s a dead dream second the government is corrupt third half of the American people are morons


Used to, but now I want to leave for The Netherlands, Germany, or Japan


Currently in Germany, I like America more


Germany has great PR, the whole world thinks it’s like a socialist paradise there. Free education, free medical, affordable housing, everything free, no need to work…not sure why people think these things.


Not trying to start an argument, but what’s bad about Germany that you like the U.S. more?


Japan's got it's own things. I moved from America last year and I'll definitely say being a foreign woman looks rough -- far and above what I go through as a young man who's in shape and rather tall.


No, because im German lol. No seriously, I'm interested what does "being proud of your country" even mean? Because I wouldn't (for multiple reasons) be proud of my country since why should I? My country doesn't achieve things. The people who live in it do and they don't always are german. I'd rather be proud of them instead of my nationality.


Being born in the US was out of my control and I think its dumb to be proud of shit you didn’t do or contribute to. That being said, I wouldn’t want to be born in any other country in the world




Of course. How could you not be


Love America but America rn just feels colonized/occupied by a foreign government who we all know who they are but can’t mention in the comments.


Absolutely 100%.




No. I hate it here, as a queer person. But I’m too poor to move anywhere else.


I'm not unproud, I'm just disappointed. And sad. It's that feeling of watching someone you know and love just completely wreck their own life, over and over again. And you just despair because you know they're smarter than that, that they are capable of doing such great things and yet they just squander their opportunities and abilities at every turn. And watching that cycle repeat itself over and over again is heartbreaking, and you don't know whether to weep for them or to rue them.