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It’s sweet but I wish it wasn’t phrased so passively. We didn’t just learn to use personal computers and cell phones, WE FUCKING INVENTED THEM. We stopped a war. We fought for civil rights and women’s rights. We didn’t just drift through the years cheerfully learning to adapt, we changed the world, just as the following generations are changing it.


> We didn’t just learn to use personal computers and cell phones, WE FUCKING INVENTED THEM. Did you really work on these things?


I was using the Royal we, of course, but I did work on the Hubble Space Telescope if that counts.


Fuck yeah that counts. Part of the vanguard.


At 67 (next month) I am learning to embrace the underestimation... Yes, I would like help with that heavy suitcase... Absolutely, I don't mind if you drive... Senior discount? Well, thank you young man! Yes indeed... The Golden Years. 😉😉


I agree im never to busy to accept help (65) Right now my arthritis in my lower back is killing me making hard for me to do things until i can get it to calm down.


Happy early Birthday!!!


Thanks.... 😊


You are so welcome


Exactly. I'll be 71 in 4 days. I can still do most of what I want to do but if my kids or grandkids offer to do something I'm happy to let them. My mom just turned 91 and she told me a long time ago that when someone wanted to do something for you or give you something accept the offer with gratitude, don't take their joy away.


Wise woman... Happy upcoming Bday!


Thank you.


My brain is still 25. I refuse to admit that I will be 60 in a few months.


Same same


I’m not trying to make this post political but I beseech my generation to vote. We did much during our youth but we can’t stop contributing now.


So important to vote this year!


Time for one last change, to turn America towards theocracy for God.


Just turned 62 and it feels like a blink.


I totally get it. It seems as if I was 50, 55, 60 and now almost midway to 65. Time flew so fast. Idk where OP found this but it certainly hit me watching it & through all the changes this generation has seen, been through with the changing times through our generation.


It hit to me too. We’ve been through a lot and the most hated even though it’s not us. I dislike being grouped into a generation that preceded us. I’m at the edge of the boomer generation 1962 and most of what is complained out we weren’t born yet.


We definitely have been through much that the younger generation can’t comprehend or won’t take the time too. I feel we are so misunderstood at times in this age group. It feels like we’re just forgotten at times. And we’re not really that old either in a sense. Sure the younger generation can understand at times & have their own worries, struggles too with all that is going on in this world and has been. I get that. Seems like they’ve or some of them/ not trying to say each of them, have lost a sense of family- of values. They’re just not interested in what we have to say as we’re growing older. They don’t care to hear it. We both know they would never understand those times we’ve been through. We can’t expect them either to 100% but sometimes you just wish they would even view this type of video and realize what we’ve endured with all the changes in our lifetime. I am pretty open minded, I’ve understood the younger generation. I just wish they would take a better look at us and be understanding of what we’ve been through, even the good times that we’ve had way back, along with those struggles.


Very well said.


I’m 67 and feel privileged to have had some great healthy years and a loving wife


it does feel a bit like this has expanded the Gen Jones idea to include everyone from the Silent Gen through Boomers and well into Gen X. The line about having lived through 8 decades landed poorly -- there may be a few 80 somethings visiting here, but most of us are more in the 6th/7th decade range.


How would you know that?


https://explodingtopics.com/blog/reddit-users 3% of Redditors are over 65


True, for Reddit as a whole. But if you hang out *in this sub*, there's definitely an "over 55ish" slant, because it's those folks that are in or interested in talking about Gen Jones. We're talking about stuff we remember from our childhood/teen years. Not many GenZ folks are interested. We even hear occasionally from the older Boomers or rare Silent Gen folks. They may not be a big part of the Reddit population, but there are users over 70/75 in here now and then.


I'm just speaking from the GenJones POV -- that is the sub we are in. Born in '54 to '65 folks would be turning between 59 and 70 now. Certainly there can be Redditors visiting the thread that are younger or older, but most of the participants are in that range. Edit: Duplicate word, grammar


This has nothing to do with Gen X.


Everyone born after 1964 is Gen X, and some of them are claiming affinity with the Gen Jones idea. It's literally in the description of this sub -- "on the cusp of Boomer and GenX." I'm not defending the definitions, I'm just saying there are people born in the "mid-sixties" who say they are Gen Jones. The post says "our generation", but some of the stuff in the video covers people born from the late 1930s on to the late 1960s! Edit: fixed a homophone.


I haven't seen many people born in the mid 60s claiming Gen Jones. It seems they don't like being called anything but Gen X.


Well, I'm not going to go hunting for them , but I have seen Redditors participating in this sub who were saying they were in middle school around 1980, so I'm going to assume they were born around '66-'68 range. Again -- I'm not trying to define them or speak for them, but there have been commenters here from that time frame. I think this sub draws people who are wanting to push back against being lumped into one or the other group's stereotypes. This post is 8 days old now, so I don't want to hash it to death.


Haven't seen many at all claim Gen Jones. I mostly see Gen Jones claiming Gen X in every comment section. Also '65 wanting to stay in Gen X. https://preview.redd.it/b60kmahs7lbd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7aec5cfd4f7d9490c3eff9124fe039f8eb51f2


I was born in 1948 and feel very lucky to have been through so much change in my life.


I think this post is really beautiful, thank you 💓


Actually, we MADE all of that stuff. Thank you.


Turning 60 this time around the sun


[My Generation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN5zw04WxCc)


Makes you wonder what the next generation’s roll out will include.


We used to go outside to socialize, talk to friends, relatives and neighbors, face to face, voice to voice, we went to the library and museum for research, we cooked our own food, and now we spend hours in front of a computer or on a smartphone, wasting our lives on Reddit. That's progress for ya!


Talking 'bout My Generation...!


And you forgot everything you learned during that time and failed the next generation.