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I get it. I never thought I’d need those 7-day pill boxes either. Now I’m taking a mix of meds for my heart and anxiety, otc alergy pill, and a couple supplements for osteopenia and general health. My pet peeve is being told “you don’t need to take vitamins if you eat a healthy diet.” Yeah ok, and how many of us actually do that? So my supplements are just a precautionary measure.


Please lay out “healthy diet “. Oh? We have to pay someone to do that? Remember when food had nutrients in it so we didn’t have to buy them separately? Ok. I’m done shaking my fist at those whipper snappers on my lawn.


I use pill tray for multivitamin and BP med. All I take at 69 and grateful. Need the tray cuz I have "senior moments" where I don't remember if I took meds in the morning. 🥴🥴 I am sure there will be more pills to come and more senior moments.


It's convenient but that's the main reason I use them too.


Levothyroxine, Lisinopril, Crestor, Trazodone for the insomnia & Meloxicam for my screaming joints. I probably need to add some supplements.


Does the Meloxicam do anything? What time of day do you take it?


It could be better but it's worked better than the OTC I was taking. I didn't need a cane for my hip once the meloxicam was started. Nothing is going to work for my hands I think. I take it first thing in the morning. Thinking about asking if it can be done twice a day.


I think the single dose does nothing for me whether taken morning or night. Celebrex didn't either.


I just looked it up & found out I'm already on the maximum dose so I may need to see if there's anything else. I've heard a lot of people say that about Celebrex.


I have the max dose as well. I gave it a good month but nothing


Trazadone lol! I have to take that while I’m already in bed because it knocks. me. right. out.


That Trazodone window is a real thing. If I don't take it right before bed the window slams shut & I'm not sleeping that night.


That window is real.


Is traz hard to get from your doctor? I’ve been struggling with sleep issues for several years now and I’ve tried everything. I don’t have trouble falling asleep, it’s the staying asleep part that screws with me. I’m now chewing an edible before bed and it helps but the longest I’ve been able to sleep is about 4 hours.


With a good doctor it isn't. I had one who just refused to prescribe anything. Just no screens, caffeine, drink tart cherry juice lol Changed to a compassionate doctor who actually cares about his patients & he prescribed it. I've even had an increase when it wasn't working as well. It's been a miracle for my insomnia.


LOL you do weekly? I do 40 days. https://preview.redd.it/xfbsdg2s5bad1.jpeg?width=2246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7dcbb3f8664b7a871f15e71858f2c09a5e216d


Glad you can get a forty day supply! One of my meds gets issued in 16 day increments. So, to be more accurate It's a once per two week routine.


I can get a 90 day supply! Depression really kicked me in the guts for a while, and I skipped. so they backed up. So now I have enough in backup to be able to do this. Makes it easier though to be able to open the bottles once every 40 days, some of those are vitamins, suppliments, etc. makes it so much easier over the long run.


A bunch to unpack here… No shame in taking the meds you need. I’m not recanting my partying in the 80s. That’s just silly. I doubt my partying in the 80s has anything with needing meds and supplements now.


No worries. This is supposed to be humor--not criticism. I wasn't proposing any correlation--except perhaps the hypocrisy of fear mongering from a group that is on a lot of meds. My CBD isn't in the picture--and I wouldn't function nearly as well without it.


Fair enough.


In the 80s? I started in the late 60s and by the 80s I mostly forgot how to party. 😝😝 I suspect I'll end up going out like a weed...dying from the top down.


Well I was in kindergarten in the late 60s. 🤓


You got to go to kindergarten? School started at first grade in my state until around 1974. I taught kindergarten as a young teacher, and I told them I was there because I missed it the first time around.


I went to two preschools (then called nursery schools) and one Kindergarten. They were all either parent/teacher collectives or, in the case of the first place I went, Montessori. The two preschools are still in existence! One in Massachusetts and one in California.


Looks like most are supplements and vitamins. I take twelve prescription medications every day to manage multiple conditions.


I take a vitamin along with 15 prescription pills a day 65 WM and I can get out of bed and walk 5 miles 👍


65 and take no prescriptions. Take B-12, D 3, and algae DHA/EPA to complement my whole foods plant based diet.


Same, in my mid-60s, though I take Zinc and copper supplements, Eye Promise since Macular Degeneration runs in family, my B is a multi-B, and I also take a calcium/D3/K2/Magnesium/Zinc combo supplement. How much DHA and how much EPA do you take a day? Knock on wood I don't ever have to go on RXs. My husband (a bit younger than me) has been on three prescriptions for a decade :(


Right behind ya at 62. Same - B12 & D3. And only cause I got in the habit of doing it. If I have my way, that’s gonna be all I take until I drop someday.


I was doing well with no prescriptions in my lower 50s, but gluttony and vice caught up with me. After a couple of years of a handful of pills a day, I recently decided I just can't keep trying to fix things with pills. That, and the realization that I don't see too many 380 pound old men put a deep fear in me. I'm trying to fix that now by eating better, moving more, etc., and getting rid of the pills by improving my health.


Good for you!


53 no meds... 2 thc gummies at night to sleep 😴


2 gummies?!?! I’d be out for a week! 😴


Can you share gummies that actually work for sleeping?


There are some that have melatonin and CBN and are labeled sleep meds. Some just have more CBN than THC. They work and no drugged feeling the next day


We are the ‘Better Living Through Pharmaceuticals’ generation


I asked people at the retirement home/assisted living center where my mom lived if they knew why they took all those pills. Most of them said "No". I told them it was to make the undertaker's job easier. If you take that many pills, you end up already 1/2 pickled when you get to him.


It’s not the pills, it’s all the preservatives in the food. At least that’s what my mortician friend mentioned.


I eat plenty of processed foods. That should be helpful. lol


Better living thru chemistry


63 and take no prescriptions


Do you see medical professionals on a regular basis?


i have a doctor that i see about once a year for a check up and had bloodwork done then


LOL, I've got that exact same pill box and had to magic marker the day names as well.


I couldn't get the marker to stay. Resorted to nail polish.


Nailtech strengthener works well, its like glue.


How did you break into our house and get a picture of my partner's supply?


I'm 60, I take zero pills a day, apparently that is rare


Wait til you accidentally take you night meds in the morning and have to go to work with 20 mg melatonin and 50mg of Benadryl on board.


I'm 65 and have never been to a doctor except the two times I got COVID. I need to look for a Medicare provider now and have to break my streak. It's actually stressing me out pretty majorly.


Never been to a doctor? Is that by design?


No. I'm not defiant or anything, I have tried to take care of myself and look at my body the same way I did my 1967 Plymouth Valiant. If it's not making any knocking noises, just keep driving. If something egregious happened I would go to a hospital for sure, so I'm not making a statement or anything, it's just there has never been any knocking noises coming from my insides. But really, I'm scared at what they might find after all of this time.


First colonoscopy is recommended for 45. It can get bad w/o any symptoms. I just worry about people I don't even know! It's part of being an empath. I hope you find a doc, and all goes well.


My partner just had her first at the age of 72. The results were really good so it's one-and-done for her. The worst part wasn't the procedure, it's the drinking of the prep stuff the night before.


I really appreciate that, kind Reddit person! I know I have to get it done. The people I surround myself with say the same, but I just say "yeah, I'm going to do it," but another year goes by. I hope you have a great and healthy day! 🌞


I just can't face a colonoscopy. My doctor gave me the home kit. Much easier.


Same to you!


My father died at 56 from colon cancer with the attitude "I don't need to see no damn doctor." Literally what you don't know cuz you say "I feel good" can indeed kill you. I've had a colonoscopy every 5 years since I turned 40. Prep is the bitch. Procedure is bliss, the best 30 minutes of sleep I've ever had.


I lost my older brother when he was 55 to colon cancer. I, too, have a colonoscopy every 5 years. People make it out to be this horrible thing. It is truly NO BIG DEAL! Just do it


Just did my annual mandatory "wellness visit".


Please don't be one of those people who think doctors are all quacks. My late husband refused to see a doctor for anything, even free checkups. He fell over dead one morning. I don't want that to be you as well.


not even as a child?


There wasn't usually a requirement for well checkups when we were kids by schools. I went twice under the age of 18. Once when starting a new elementary school in 1966, and then in Jr High when I got hurt in gym and the school made my dad bring me to make sure I hadn't broken any bones. That was it.


i hope you find accessible healthcare soon!


I am not the OP


63 next month and the only prescription medication I take is bioidentical hormone replacement. I supplement with vitamin D and magnesium (based on regular blood work). 40 years of regular exercise gets me here.


That and luck. I'm glad you're healthy. Years of regular exercises and I was right where you are for a while. One bad accident or genetic roll of the dice, or occupational hazard/exposure can make a huge difference.


I am definitely lucky! I started with a genetically low heart rate and low blood pressure. I was a cyclist for years also, I have many friends who had life altering cycling accidents. On the other hand, I have friends who take medications mostly as a result of their habits over the years.


Roll of the dice is the deal here. You cannot do a damn thing to live longer. Your DNA was hard baked at conception and then potentially influenced by environment (think sun, flying at 38,000 feet, BPA). Consider the people who inherit autosomal dominant cardiovascular disorders like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Marfan's syndrome, hereditary long QT syndrome (LQTS), and familial hypercholesterolemia. Roll of the dice was not so good for them.


Currently taking 3; 2 BPs and a statin. Hereditary high BP from mom's side. My doc has prescribed Vitamin D as well but I don't take it often. Zinc and maybe a multi every day. The photo brings back a memory of when mom passed; we'd bought her a mechanized pill dispenser so she couldn't miss anything, and of course half a dozen of the daily organizers. Gave em away to relatives. I'm not ready for \*that\* phase just yet.


I was always concerned about young peoples drug use. Now I get them from the pharmacy.


That's not bad. I have the same setup, but 4 boxes per day.


Truth 😂😔😂!!


I'm 60, wife 65, thank God we're not there yet. She takes a couple supplements everyday, I take an aleve in the morning, no prescription medication yet.


Lol, the domestic pharmacopeia! Same!


I joke with my family that I’m like a human white lab rat. I’m here just to see if the drugs will add any longevity to my life.


An FYI since we're all taking supplements, [ConsumerLab](https://www.consumerlab.com/) (subscription site) independently tests supplements for efficacy, dosage, contamination, whether label amount is correct . . . and has reviews of what each of the ingredients is supposed to do. I'm a long term member but not otherwise associated with them.


I have you beat. I think. In the past, I've definitely taken more drugs a day than you. (If I count actual drugs, not "pills" I take 16 drugs a day + my inhaler.)


I'm embarrassed to admit the number of meds I'm on every day. I've got meds for depression, anxiety, insomnia, anti-inflammatory for my arthritic knee, fish oil (doctor's suggestion), blood pressure, and weight loss. Since I lost weight, though, my blood pressure has dropped significantly.


Nothing to be embarrassed about. You do what you can to be as healthy & functional as possible. Old cars wear out and end up with multiple failing parts. You can replace those. Our bodies wear out too, though for most body parts we don't have good replacement parts. It's mostly just duct tape and bailing twine (treat symptoms) as we age.


I've stayed away from corporate processed food as much as possible, always did endurance sports- in my late 40s to now in 60s, cycling 25 miles 3x a week. I rarely thought supplements worked, but take vit D & C as insurance. And I wanna keep it that way for a long time.


I have a weekly box like that (fortunately mostly vitamins), every time I fill it I think, another week gone…


I have a 7 day and night container and filled it this morning. I actually looked at a 1 month twice a day thing. I'm tempted.


No prescriptions. 64F. Have arthritis, but prefer to play with pain. Not a single one of the arthritis drugs I've been offered actually address anything. They just mask. Instead, I swim a lot, stretch, move with intention, slow down when I need to, and breathe through the pain.


Or is it that we have to take serious non-fun meds, while the young get the recreational kind?


At 65, I'm pleased to be taking only one medication - gabapentin. I've abandoned all vitamins.


I would be very pleased to be in that situation too. I thought I was on that path until Sept. 2021. Went from no meds to my own pharmacy pretty quickly after injury. Good diet with home cooking, a lot of vegetables, and no vitamin supplement needed was my plan too--but after TBI if I don't heavy dose, per doctor's orders, with D3 and B vitamins I'm going to have increased brain fog and disappoint my wife multiple times a week. Just can't keep it up (blood vitamin levels--and other things) without supplement.


Interesting. I'm taking gabapentin for neuropathy in my feet/lower legs as a result of a cycling accident in 2013. I may end up going for a more extensive review, as I'm still pretty impacted by the pain, but I'm, well, I guess "nervous" may be a good word for it, as I'm not sure I'd want to do what they may recommend...


Had my bike crash in 2015. Neuropathy in my hands and feet. But no pain. Numbness in my issue. It's like I've got on thin cotton socks and gloves I can't take off. Someone suggested Viagra type drugs because it forces blood into your extremities like fingers and toes. Seems to have made a difference.


My poor Doctor, thinks gabapentin is a recreational drug. It was a really hard time getting it for the shooting pains in my arm from the arthritis in my neck. I don’t know what kind of degenerates she’s treating, but I can think of a lot of other things to catch a buzz from. I told her all the good pills had been discontinued in the 80’s and to stop worrying about a man in his 60’s taking 100mg of gabapentin. That being said the gabapentin seems to increase the potency of my favorite amanita chocolate bar.