• By -


yes totally building her as support. yes. https://preview.redd.it/inmpshka119d1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e97775f9c7d517a504d2ed0519551ee6b7fdb0a


What set?


eosf. i thought i was free from that domain yet here i am. 2 years later. coming back to it. https://preview.redd.it/b1el1fg6j29d1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=b069dc9433330bcc435b70660fa33baa77d76f3c **I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me.**


Thanks to strongbox everything that I get ends up in that set šŸ¤


same really. i just need more critrate. just a tiny boost and im done this set can also be worn by zhongli when im done. https://preview.redd.it/ickajxjck29d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=b80750e0e84ed5deaf2b45e67ebf3e199dd453a8


Are you using a cr or cd circlet? If itā€™s cd youā€™ll have a nearly perfect ratio if you swap.


crit rate with aqua simulcra. shit is hard to balance when you dont ascend to cr or cd archon damnit. just need a good enough goblet since its my weakest link right now at 14% cd 0 cr.


The Kaeya Mains like me in this situation would come rescue you via ice bridge :)


Hey at least she didn't get Kokomi's Crit curse, that's a plus.


Except Kokomi still outdamages her (and ayato lol) and her damage is consistent


Ayato? Me when I spread misinformation on the internet.


Look it up you might be surprised


No?... How the frick Ayato ended up there. Sig can dmg for 100k+ with ultimate and without supports in span of 2.5 seconds. And if you pare her with Furi and Kazuha, she can dish out 300+k...


whatā€™s ur goblet and sands? hydro dmg?


er sands hydro gobbie. HP sands when i get enough ER in substats (which is never)


Honestly my same goal if i get her šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/6u1vbtels29d1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=04e3846201b145965fb96fd7d1dd357eeef21edc WAVES OF LOVE AND KINDNESS




c0 lvl 1 talents btw. the overworld just skews numbers but its good enough for now. imagine if it vaped lmao. soon you too shall have her ripped like uncle wrio


I kinda wished her burst healed allies so I can use it in coop and point the syringe at them lol


Yeah, pls make her burst trailer-accurate


Heal the enemies


Inject steroid into the enemies. (It will mess up their health in 40 years)


That's so funny šŸ˜­


But it will make them stronger in 40 miliseconds. Let's not have that


The reference I thought of when he mentioned "healing teammates" was a weapon called the Crusader's Crossbow from TF2. Basically, shoot into an enemy, damages, shoot into an ally, heals. Difference is this time, the healing/damage source would occur simultaneously somehow, so I dunno how the game would explain that lol


typically it would have separate values. player characters have separate coding or whatever the term is to enemies and they can just play with that from there. an example of this is dori in a way. tethered people get healed, anyone hit by the tether is damaged. they could have just made that an aoe going outwards


Ana from Overwatch is the exact same thing. Shoot teammates to heal them and shoot enemies to damage them


Every limited 5-star healer except Cloud Retainer was underwhelming on their first banner I'm sure there will be some team build in the future she will be the only one who can excel at due to her kit we just can't see all the pieces yet.


Coping again on Future Impact


I'm not coping I'm not rolling on her but I do believe Hoyo is in the business of making money and they wouldn't waste space with a new healer that doesn't have some gimmick that will make it sell on reruns. its probably some part of her kit that people are undervaluing that could work well with a future or current (Clorinde?) 5 star. could be her bubble CC, could be some BoL based mechanic. I'm just saying history has taught us that people are hesitant about new healers which usually cause them to be undervalued.


I mean what's gonna redeem Siegwinne? She's not good at Hydro application, she's a budget Neuvillete, and we've got other decent healers already.


true, sigewinne has to jump a really high bar for that (and she is tiny)


She'd be the best-in-slot healer for a dendro or electro quickbloom/hyperbloom onfielder which focuses a lot on skill damage and has Furina in the team If we get a mono hydro dps then that character's best team would most likely be Kazuha, Furina and Sigewinne


Hold my mono hydro team with Kokomi as driver with Furina, Yelan and Lynette. (I'm not joking about the team comp but I know it's not a cup for everyone.)


Hell Cyno is basically exactly what you described and Baizhu is still a significantly better fourth than Sigewinne.


She only buffs offield skill damage though, she does nothing for an onfielder. In Kokomiā€™s case she wants to run yelan furina kazuha in mono hydro and even childe/ayato would rather run yelan furina jean


Feels like she'll fill a role similar to Baizhu. off-field, hydro application, team wide heals, with a burst that - instead of Baizhu's defense - does rapid dps/hydro application. Healing easily feeds into Furina, along with C2 mono-hydro team and Skill dmg boost. Probably not a bad choice against current abyss 12-1-2, which is obnoxiously difficult.


Her hydro application is so bad its not even funny. You can run 2 of her and furina would still apply more hydro. Shes just a bad character overall


Hoyo in the business of making money: Refuses to release skins people are legit ready to start spending for.


Take Kuki Shinobu. I loved her since the beginning but people didn't like her much... Then dendro came and boom! Everyone loved her. So yeah I believe that it is a possibility


But weā€™re not getting an entirely new element. Everyone knew dendro was coming out in 3.0 and was predicted to improve electro since it was underpowered at the time. Thereā€™s nothing in Sigewinneā€™s kit that can be improved with a mechanic without also buffing other hydro characters, which would make them even more broken.


Kokomi was one of the best investments for my account


Baizhu was great from the get go.


Great observation actually! Although hard to say šŸ˜‚ at least w kokomi people said ā€œBarbara upgradeā€, sigewinne is literally on the roadsideā€¦ Id love if she did have aspects of her kit that was for future pairings though, although Iā€™m rly curious what that could possibly look like since her numbers seem pretty bleak. Letā€™s hope (cope) (My personal theory is they needed a 5star that was kinda sucky to throw on standard banner from Fontaine lol)


Then again, that requires a LOT of context. Kokomi got doomposted, yes, but she was already very good on release. She was just a casualty of the 1st anniversary drama, since Raiden who was also doomposted, made a reversal once people actually knew how to play her. Kokomi was the same. She was an overhealer, had good AoE off field hydro application, and was a good driver for a new team, Sukokomon and nothing about her kit was missing. The Clam set did not significantly boost her, it just so happened that at that time, people started to realize that Kokomi was way ahead of her time. Baizhu, while good, was underwhelming specifically because he didn't have a place anywhere. If you wanted Dendro application, you would've brought Nahida, and if you needed healing, Kokomi and Kuki were better options in Dendro teams. He just didn't have a place anywhere. The only reason his standing rose significantly is because Furina exists, and he just so happens to be the ONLY option that can work well in a Neuvillete+Furina team. If Furina didn't exist, he would still be underwhelming. Sigewinne is just bad. She has good healing, but since she's hydro, she doesn't work well with Furina unless you specifically wanted to run double Hydro and at that point, people would just run the Neuvillete + Furina combo. She has some damage, but you're not exactly running her for damage. She is hydro, but her application is terrible, especially compared to other Hydro units.Ā  If she had good application, at the very LEAST, you could cope that some Pyro unit from Natlan would work well with her, BUT she has terrible application, so Hydro reactions are NOT her strong points. Her only good point is her healing, which isn't good enough to make her a good unit.


Idk, Baizhu works in a lot of non-Neuvilette teams. He's pretty much the best healer for any quickbloom team that also has Baizhu in it. Heck he's also the best aggravate/spread healer too


that is a virtue of being dendro and pretty sure yaoyao is one of best 4 star for the same reason


I made a typo. I meant he's the best healer for any quickbloom team that has Furina in it


My yao yao is so good that I never even considered baizhu


Every? Because I'm pretty sure it's not true. Other than doomposting (which also affected Cloud Retainer) other healers were never bad. Some of them are even meta. Thing is, Sigewinne as a healer *will remain bad*. As a DPS? I mean she may be a new Barbara. Building her that way instead may provide some benefits. But as a healer she sucks hard and nothing will change that. The problem is everything. I don't understand why they did her burst on field. This is DPS loss, which you *don't want* to.


Excepttt. Naizhu and Kokomi was notnunderwhelming since their release. Ppl just hate healers and needs more time to see their worth


the skill dmg enhance is the only mechanic that can be abused. So a char that can deal high skill dmg (even better with self dmg% buffs) offield and appreciates low hydro application. But gotta admit it is extremely niche.


Ah, the Kuki treatment


Who knows maybe natlan will expand on rooting enemies and Sigiwinne does it quick with her skill


Baizhu always had his uses , and the only other one is Kokomi


1. Never believe game8 tier lists they are bad 2. Tbh they are kindaaaa right on this She is not THAT bad but she is not very good either Decent id say


She's that bad at C0. Honestly, after seeing Emilie leaks and other recent characters like Arle - I don't understand why they made her so weak, basically the only way to play her is investing in another character in her party like Furina C2R1 where Sigeover impact on the team's success is almost irrelevant. That said, in my honest opinion she becomes somewhat usable at C2 with that 35% Hydro shred.


Something I saw somewhere was she was supposed to be a 4* but due to her popularity mhy decided to make her a 5*


So they pulled a reverse-Barbara? Instead of demoting her to 4, they raised her to 5?


Thats what I believe as well. Wished she stayed a 4*, then her performance would be fine. Also we need more hydro 4* :/


I love her and I'm not as much as a "she sucks and I hope she dies" as some of the others here seem to be but she does feel like a 4 star for sure and hoping that in the future she gets a niche that makes up for that. Right now though I just needed a team wide skill heal to make Furina not feel so bad in the overworld (team always being low health) and she does that so for me I'm happy with her.


I'm honest, ignoring tier lists I so far thought their build guides are good, for Genshin Impact at least, but looking at Star Rail they are just a mess. They only offer exact 1 build per character even if the characters themselves offer more Options. Welt is "Nihility" (debuffer), but he has also a huge DPS potential. Do they offer DPS build guides? Nope. Also I never care about tier lists, but looking at a newly released character and a C jumps at you is just... Ouch! I thought it's just me not understanding what she's doing, but this?


The best guides are on Keqingmains


Yea, but I often find them overwhelming and complicated to follow.


The guides usually actually explain everything and will teach you about how a lot of this works so personally I recommend. Honkai wise I rec prydwen since keqingmains seems to just not be doing honkai anymore(?)


I never heard about prydwen.


[https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/) They are keeping up with the game and do an awesome job :D


https://preview.redd.it/7sk8bb44949d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b297e36c3517cd7be7da8f63fc8d0492493e1f6f they updated it and this is quite accurate


Yeah there's just a better character to summon on running with her.


Hydro dehya


Dehya at least helps Neuvillette to not get interrupted when charging and gives reactions, but Sigewinne?




Oh right, Neuvillette doesn't create droplets at all... šŸ™„


Then again choosing Dehya of all people to help with that really hurts. Any shielder would do šŸ¤£


Why is she so high for exploration though?


ig heals is considered as useful for exploration. Barbara's exploration rating is B, Baizhu's exploration rating is SS


Baizhu cause with him, picking flowers heals you so its an actual exploration skill.


Omg I own him and never knew that


Yeah itā€™s kinda useless lol


Not for chronic hoarders like me.


But you can just E šŸ„“


its good underwater because he can heal you to full health just by picking some random items without having to look for healing fishies


I find Neuvelette needs one Baizhu e plus one flower to heal to full from his self-damage at the end of a fight. Sure, I _could_ wait around on Baizhu to do a second e, but why bother when there are so many sweet flowers and mint and apples just waiting around to be pickedā€¦ I may be the problem.


If you ever use Ocean-hued clam on him, youā€™ll be reminded of the skill all the time with the bubbles that form when you grab something šŸ˜‚


Those bubble pops do some juicy dmg tho, so I can live with it appearing constantly when I'm just trying to pick some flowers lmao.


I think exploration includes having fun with unique effects. For once, instead being CC in the bubble, we can CC the monsters in the bubble. I'm never getting her, but ppl who don't care about meta, and just play for cuteness and fun might get her I guess.


My girl wanted her. Farmed up everything beforehand and everything. Shes excited to have her. She doesnā€™t play abyss. Her builds arenā€™t crazy and have low investment. She plays for the exploration. And sheā€™s totally happy with her. Itā€™s just all about preference I guess. Now if youā€™ll excuse me, I have artifacts to farm for her sigewinne.


This is absolutely wholesome and I love it! You're a real man! šŸ’•


This. I have already a C6 Furina and C6 Nahida, so I don't care at all about any kind of meta or whatever ā€” I pulled Sigewinne because she's a cute and fun character, her kit animations are goofy, and she anyway synergizes well with Furina. I'm suspecting that if Mihoyo released her as is, they probably know that they have a certain part of their player's base that wouldn't care about a kit being damage/reaction-wise inconsistent as long as it's fun ti play.


She heals on skill and buff off field skills damage, which is pretty good, because for exploration ppl prefer characters who is not reliant on burst. Also she is bow user, for easy elemental pillars activation and shooting puzzles.


She has lots of things that make her very good for exploration, like being a bow character and having on demand healing. Also, her underwater healing passive is very good. Her being a hydro healer with some off field application also allows you to make at least semi-cohesive teams for exploration. For example, I was using a klee burgeon team with furina, nahida, klee, and kokomi. Kokomi is needed for healing, but that means there is no bow user on the team, meaning I would have to switch characters whenever I needed a bow character, like for example shooting birds or floaty bloaty challenges. Sigewinne is able to replace kokomi as a healer and semi-good hydro applicator while also providing healing.


Her underwater healing passive is probably atleast part of it. Since the only other way to heal is finding golden fish circles, having an on board method to do so is very handy.


Probably healing underwater which is honestly nice to have.


She heals you underwater.


https://preview.redd.it/2lmr1sghm09d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e80f215334edcadc733d96456919ccbe46d30b8 Japanese version of the same website ranked her s tier


Not sure how I feel about Furina being in SS tier and the same tier as Kokomi and Xianyun in the defensive support category




Whatā€™s the point of having three S tiers


So not that many people are offended with their favourite character's rank.


They shouldnā€™t make a tier list if thatā€™s their main concern over ranking characters by their power levels šŸ˜­


In Japanese games multi-S score it pretty popular


When Alhaitham came out he was initially SSS rank and it was funny. Yelan later too. But then they have been decreased to SS again... https://preview.redd.it/lp7b4d2gl29d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97154827710b6b8ec8f7c300366258582728fd54


that's a massive meme lmao, she's weaker than most standard characters


Xingqui C Tier, I have no respect for this data


at c1/c2?


She is SSS aesthetically


https://preview.redd.it/47vjzwsjl29d1.png?width=163&format=png&auto=webp&s=278259c87cee0ccb50a8a33fd24da43f948f479b TRUE


She might be the biggest cutie in the game so far.


dehya treatment


I played her in the test run and could not understand how her kit cpuld in any way be effective


It is not (unless you go up to C2). But she's fun to play, and I guess for Mihoyo to having released her this way means it's more important for a certain part of the player's base. I mean when you already have quite a large roster, you don't care any longer about a character being "meta" or "strong", and tend to look for characters with unique/fun gameplays ā€” so for instance while Clorinde is strong and a good Electro DPS I still have much more fun playing Sigewinne with her goofy bubbles haha


A lot of the meta characters bore me. They're usually just not fun mechanically to play. I'm obsessed with Sig because she's fun to play. All her skills are ridiculous and fun to use. She'll probably be a staple for my overworked team, and never in the abyss. And that's okay.Ā 


Exactly this! Itā€™s every time about meta, and while I understand where it comes from, Fontaine already gave us much more meta characters than any other region, so having just an ACTUALLY fun character - however broken their kit - has now for me much more value than anything else.


Is she actually decent? Or is just a team healing Kokomi? Without the hydro applications?


The latter


She's essentially just Kokomi but worse. Slower animations, WAY less damage, significantly less hydro application. The only thing she really has in common with Kokomi is team-wide healing and requires alot of field time, but Sigewinne is also a DPS loss since Kokomi just does more damage. The main advantage to Sigewinne over Kokomi is that she's alot more comfortable for overworld exploration, since she can do team-wide healing with her skill whilst Kokomi needs her burst to do team-wide healing.


C'mon any copium I can have at all to have a use for her? I've collected all the healers so far, despite Koko's doom posting and despite Baizhu's and they all turned out great... Xianyun is awesome too... I'm struggling right now though to find any reason to pull for sig


Sigewinne herself is really comfortable for exploration, just bad from a meta standpoint (e.g. she sucks in the Abyss). But her sig isn't really that great, it's only really worth it at C6 since you convert HP into crit (you can use the 3-star recurve bow as a good f2p HP% bow if you wanna focus on her healing). It's also a good statstick for Yelan and Diona as well, so I would say pull for it if you want it but otherwise just skip it


i used sigewinne navia albedo and furina for second half abyss


She's very niche ā€” for most team comps she would be a bit worse than Kokomi but if you play her with Furina she could synergize better because of her buffs. She also works pretty well with Neuvillette for similar reason (lore accurate kit haha...)


It's wild that she is so ass, wtf is her rotation, worse hydro app than Barbrhu(!?), good heals(QIQI ALREADY DOES THAT), Stunning enemies is funny once or twice and then you blow them up as usual. I'm so salty about her they could have made her a super strong freeze sup for Wryo and we just got HYDRO DEHYA




Wait until the Iudex hears about this. RIP Wriothesley.


He should have known to put her in the ring more often , smh


This is a discrimination against Melusines!


Reading the comments here and there I realised that most people just forget that not everyone plays for the meta, people can pull for whatever character they want. You like her design? Pull for her! Like her personality? Pull for her! Not everything is about building the strongest teams, it should be a game about having fun


I think you could not care about meta but still want the character to play smoothly. She feels kinda clunky to play with other characters. Additionally, her kit doesnā€™t bring anything new or fun most non-meta units like Deyha. A new niche would be fun to experiment with. But I might be talking too soon, hopefully we get some characters that have synergy with her since her design is so adorable !


Yapp, but still it's pretty funny to see a C at a just released character that is not Dehya


I think they actually changed it recently to a B (not that it changes much lol)


she is not meta. She is fun. end of discussion.


You forgot that sheā€™s absolutely adorable too!!!


our little bubble queen šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Tbh I was surprised she was a 5 star. Imo we haven't had enough Fontaine 4 stars or enough hydro 4 stars. She doesn't fulfil a niche that any other 5 star hydro chatacter doesn't already fulfil. I'm hoping she works with natlan characters because I really don't want another dehya case in this game. They waste 5 star slots


Me too. Felt like 4\* to me. Plus we now have THREE 5\* bow Hydros and not a single 4\*. We still lack 4\* Hydro Options as we only have Barbara (granted), Xingqiu (at least alternatively available in shop) and Candace (Gacha only and barely with rate-up).


She is truly ass


What is this with this company and making bad 5* characters??? I was ready to roll on her banner for her cute animations, but sheā€™s beyond useless for me, like, ZERO redeeming qualities.


i mean, she is B at best . Like she is not that bad some people make her to be, but she isnt great either.


Bro she absolutely does not bringing anything else but heals and BARBARA already does that. She is hydro dehya


Well , thats an exact parallel. Dehya isnt a bad unit, flawed yes , but not bad. She does well enough. Also the skill dmg increase may come up. Like i said, b at best, regularly c


She shouldā€™ve been a 4 star. But letā€™s be honest even as a 4 star that kit is disappointing.


Its dehya's case all over again. I think she was 4 * and got changed due to popularity. Although i dunno. I am just sad she isnt a 4* šŸ˜”


Not the game8 trash again


C for cute


Honestly she should've just been a 4-star, not only is it because she has a pretty eh kit but it's also because there's literally barely any 4-star hydro characters šŸ’€


Only 3 to be precise.


She is standard banner material tbh.


I got her on first ten pull. Imma build her to try and go with neuvillette, furina and nahida. See if that team is any good.


It's not, Neuvi won't reach max stacks which is a huge DPS loss. Best you can do is use her with Furina in some sort of sub DPS party - but not with Neuvi, you can play double hydro Neuvi at C1 but not triple hydro.


I understand Neuvillette and Furina together, but a 3rd Hydro? I'm currently struggling with team building because of this. I'm not sure which healer to use for team wide healing. Barbara can insta heal the whole team, but I would lack reaction options with 3 Hydros. Yaoyao needs to be on-field for team healing and most others only heal the active character.


Charlotte is a good choice if you don't have Baizhu!


No, I don't have him and am not going to get him either. So Charlotte. I guess her ult gives cryo application too?


Yep. She's like a Cryo Jean with her burst, basically. Also, the Cryo app is amazing for Neuvillette teams in non-boss halves, since freeze helps him not get interrupted while charging


you know what, im pulling for her in spite of this tier list


I don't see how she could become great with natlan, she has poor hydro application, her buffs aren't high enough, she's doesn't do enough damage, the only thing she's great at is healing but so are our other healers


C for cute


Im not rolling until Natlan Im curious about the new region


I had zero interest in her til someone joined my world named Sigewinne and helped me find a bunch of chests. Then we visited her family in fontaine n they left. Really wanting to get her on her rerun now.


I feel like she's an A4*, a c5*


Can I ask, what kind of benefits she has for exploration? The healing underwater? If so, imo that's C at best. Who needs healing underwater, when there is plenty of healing fish there? In the combat against underwater local specialties? Well, that sucks too, because these enemies are easy af and even if you get surprised by them, it has long cooldown anyway...


She actually was my priority in this Version... until I got to try her out. Her CD on her basic ability is far too long and her Burst isn't really "supportive" enough. Although I really like her adorable character design, I'll stay true to my big blue Kok.


I want Sigewinne and I can get her but I donā€™t want to pull her cause I hate her cooldown times. Like why are both her skill and burst cooldowns an eternity long. The burst last 2.5 seconds with 18 seconds cooldown, which dev thought that was reasonable. Also her C4 literally gives you an extra 3 seconds on burst duration and nothing else, thatā€™s fucking straight criminal for a 5 star constellation. And her skill has a 18 seconds cooldowns and it does last a little bit but itā€™s the best part of her kit, I wish it could be used more often since the burst is only available every 15.5 seconds that if you donā€™t have her C4 making it 12.5 seconds.


I think the biggest thing is that Sigewinne is kind of a jack of all trades unit. She has healing, a damage buff on her skill, a DPS burst, a little bit of CC. It feels a bit like Jean, she's going to struggle at being the best in any team but she can slide into a number of different teams pretty comfortably and do okay. Either way I'm going to go enjoy the hell out of my C1 Sigewinne.


For someone with a gun and a bow and a giant syringe youā€™d think sheā€™d output more damage


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Ew tiers.


Iā€™m just wondering, what is her exact role ? Iā€™m trying to find videos of how to play her (donā€™t plan to pull on her) but she does a lot of things so how does the rotation go with her ? I donā€™t understand at all, she heals, she can do damage, but how do you do the rotation ??


Her kit makes no sense tbh, its Dehya 2.0 moment, but Dehya at least had a rotation you can follow.


if in anyway they made her burst longer she could have been a decent BURST only dps and only if you have enough ER with her so basically still a meh character and not recommended to pull


Unless you really, really, REALLY like her and don't care about meta. I don't care about meta, but she still couldn't convince me.


You guys are so mean to her šŸ˜­ Yes she isnā€™t meta, but sheā€™s a great character. Her heals are great, sheā€™s fun to play, sheā€™s adorable, and when you use a charged attack the little bubbles leave behind cute particles you can take pictures with. I got her c1 ((i got her at 20 pity and then 20 pity again woooo!)) which really helps her, as the cooldown for the skill is greatly decreased. Iā€™m sure if we ever get a f2p hp 4* bow itā€™ll be great with her. Sheā€™s just like every other 5*. You have to have them built, and you have to understand them. Ik she would be a great support for a team with Neuvi, as you can swap her off and take her hydro droplets. Idk i have her at lvl 60, lvl 80 recurve, totm/vg 3/6/6 and sheā€™s doing 2k ish in heals and 1k in damage ((not burst charged attack type stuff)) I even ran her with my sisterā€™s Furina, and hp never got below 80. Sheā€™s a great healer for Furina teams.


Raised to B, btw. Wouldn't take Game8's word as gospel. She's apparently pretty good in hyperbloom (e.g. + Furina, Nahida, Yae/Fischl). Also good overall with Furina. Very low hydro app, but probably the best healing in the entire game. Do not get me wrong, I'm not encouraging anyone to pull for her. Just that she's not completely hopeless/Xinyan level.


Oh it's B now haha


Tbf the same thing sorta happened to Baizhu but now look heā€™s being used more in the abyss because heā€™s pretty damn good is some scenarios. Give the community some time to figure her out.


Yeah she is an easy and safe skip for me. BUT the good thing about Genshin is even if a character isn't super viable, you can still make any character work pretty decently (unless you're trying to 36 Spiral Abyss, then you're restricted a little bit more).


Dehya: first time?


At this point I guess even Dehya is more usefull.


Pure lies šŸ‘¹ what about her is "Exploration: A" šŸ’€


Isn't the average between A & C a B?


If you want Heals go with Furina


I haven't been a fan of game8 since they made Chlorinde an A rank


I was on guaranteed 50/50. Thought I was pulling on Furina. Turns out I was pulling on Sige instead. Got her. Rage quit. Uninstalled the game. Not gonna play again.


I saw that before pulling and reconsidered it... I still pulled both her and her weapon tho :3


Sadge that I canā€™t pull such a cutie, gonna have to wait for her rerun or sum bc thereā€™s a few other characters I like that take priority over her (Yelan, Venti, Navia, etc) >< even if I only use her in overworld Iā€™d still like a Sige at some point


So hydro qiqi?


Was honestly kind of bummed that she doesnā€™t do really anything to support Wriothesley. Kinda weird that Emilie is probably gonna help more than Wriothesleyā€™s right hand.


i do trust game 8 tho but she does deserve a/b tier from what ive seen she can share balls with neuvi i think thats a plus? lol


She can trap hydro abyss mage thatā€™s a tier for me


Wdym ouch her kit is useliss. She isnt isnt even a great healer/buffer and parts of her kit just dobt work priperly like the bond of life thing. Arleccino cant be healed and chlorinda doesnt need heal shes utterly trash and everyone who pulls her does it because she looks "cute" and hopefully knows shes a waste of ressources otherwise


Lots of future copium discussions happening, and for good reason: we've seen doomposters lose time and time again, and I'm always in the camp of "just wait, folks, they'll be great yet." However, something that scares me a bit (enough to not pull her, at least yet), is she has two simple things that make me think that the future might not look as good for her (in terms of what Hoyo might be cooking and/or their profits): 1. She is cute and small (people who like cute and small often aren't meta hounds, so making a super comfortable overworld healer is right in line with the target audience from a profit standpoint). 2. She has good constellations ("Hey, gamers, already want to have her damage,application, etc. at useful levels? They are already right there in the game, my friend.") We want a solution to her problems, and hopefully it's not in the constellations.


I bet that's gonna change in 2 or 3 patches...


There does seem to be a bit of a theme with the "small girl" characters (to avoid using a term people get irate over): * Klee: Has been classed as jank-af since her 1.0 debut. * Qiqi: Has been regarded as a trash unit since her 1.0 debut. Amazing heals, but clunky-af to work around due to on-field time and no energy gen. * Diona: A surprise, as arguably good on release and still used today, but has been kinda over-shadowed by Layla. * Sayu: Arguably the worst unit to be Anemo. Good for exploration (although others have out-shone her here too), but not used anywhere else if we're honest. * Dori: Don't need to say much here. * Nahida: Was going to be OP no matter what as the Dendro Archon. * Yaoyao: Decent, but nothing mind-blowing. Being Dendro helped her massively too (funny that). * Sigewinne: Only just released and being called "Hydro Dehya". So, out of 8 "small girl" units, 3 of them actually got praised as being good, although Yaoyao had an uphill fight releasing after Nahida, and Diona has been pushed-out by Layla. MHY clearly aren't aiming at the Abyss-tryhards with these units, lets be real.


I'd say it's right. Kokomi's skill and burst can heal teammates but only Sigewinne's skill heals? And her burst is a discounted version of Neuvillette's skill that doesn't last long (2.5 seconds). I'd say she's more for collecting than anything else.


hydro dehya


Is she worth building šŸ¤”


So is she even a good healer?


Got her accidentally by pulling on the wrong banner, now I wanna end my life cuz I lost furina


Totally out of topic but this so-called tier list is a complete utter mess. Both C0 and C2 of the same character showing up under different category. Some characters are rated at C0, some are C1 and C2, some even at C4 (disregarding the C6 4 stars). This list is alllll over the place. If you want to make the argument that C2 Raiden is "SS tier" DPS, then don't rate a C0 Clorinde at A tier and say "she has interruption resistance problem". Why not rate Clorinde at C2? I would take everything this list has to say with a huge grain of salt.


Well people did hate on baizhu for the longest time and now everyone uses him, maybe sheā€™ll be used a lot in Natlan.


Thatā€™s why i pulled for Furina that is literally SS in every thing (Sub-dps, support, exploration)