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Nice, the 2 ppl on EU right now on 952 are missing garcia and other one missing sun yu, so they should be done in around 3 weeks from what I know of their leftover comms in their cycle. There should be a decent number of people getting 100% achievements this and next patch until whatever fontaine spits out.


What do you mean by cycle? cos I got Ellin training 3 times this week in Mondstadt. Haven't seen Godwin for atleast 2 months now.


as of 3.0 there is a mechanic called commisson cycling. you can sort of fish for particular commisions using it. also you can force the game to never give you Ellin quests by activating the Noelle hangout event act 1 - training ground.


Me who got two Ella musk commission the same day


does this have an advantage say increases chance of other stuff or does it just remove ellin comm?


it just take elin out of the cycle thus shortening it, if you have lets say 50 comms left in a cycle which would take 50 npc days, by taking out 3 elin you reduce that to 47 thus you only need 47 npc days now, read the other guy's explaination below for how cycle works


i see thanks! i have micro small brain so when there is too much text i get confused easily


1 understaffed brain cell employee doing the work. same


I’m so lost right now even after reading all the comments, how do I know when the cycle restarts? I’m missing just 3 achievements from Inazuma quests (fighting the samurai in the beach 2 times, getting the Kondo village grandpa's order wrong and the frigging writer/editor one) but been stuck here for like 6 months :’)


Most ppl just start tracking by making a copy of the google sheet that the guy linked below, you will notice the discrepency eventually, for the most part it doesn't matter if you know the start/end of a cycle unless you want to delay it for future comms or something similar. When you start a new cycle you always get a no npc day(the other way around isn't the same however as you commonly get no npc days in non mond region)


Regarding the Google doc, if the total amount of Inazuma's comms is 46, that means that 46comms/4comms a day=11,5 days so that means the cycle restarts every 11 days? Isn't that too little time? I wanted to know when the cycle restarts because I haven't seen the samurai guy in like 2 months (minimum) so I may have depleted this cycle of this specific commission? Also about your second paragraph, you mean the cycle restarts when you get a no npc day only in mond right? In other regions it's different.


a cycle only cares about npc comm which you get 0-1 a day(emergency comms such as poetry ignore this as well as region obviously), if the total amount is 46 it actually takes a minimum of 46 days + extra for no npc, the doc also doesn't remove a lot of comms for you such as gourmet supremos removing themselves after you do the sumeru wq or bantan sango removed after the questline so your actually looking at more like around 20 comms for a inazuma cycle at the end. If you haven't seen the samurai guy in 2 months, I suggest checking asakura location, if you dont do his world quest you can never get his final one for the 5th count, I know a lot of people thought that they only did him 3 times and then never checked his location to do the world quest so they waste like months wondering when they get his last comm. all cycle transition comes with a no npc day, in mond no npc is very very rare hence when you get a no npc day in mond most of the time it's a new cycle(although it could happen in the middle of the cycle very rarely), however for every other region you get like a 20%ish no npc rate so you cannot use that as indicator for a transition w/o tracking.


Ookay, thanks a lot for your help! I know understand how cycles work a lot better. I've been to asakura and seen nothing tho, what was his world quest?


he gives battle for revenge which you need to progress the achievement, his location is different from his comm location so a lot of people miss it, that's why I tell people to check his npc location, because there has at least been like 5 ppl that wasted months trying to get the samurai achievement not realizing that his world quest is up. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Asakura?file=NPC_Location_Asakura.png Im unsure if the 2 month your talking about is all in inazuma or not, if it is then it would be weird that you didn't get him, if it isn't then that's normal.


I don't think I have done whatever this is so I'll go check later. Thanks again because you may have spared me months of frustration😂


No, it's still 46~ days. You usually only get one NPC commission per day. The generic commissions aren't part of the pool.


I ended up getting the entirety of Anna's adventuring commissions over 7-8 consecutive days with no variation, which told me that my cycle was about to reset, at the end of last month. Sure enough, on June 1st went back to seemingly random commissions, including a few that I vaguely recall doing a few weeks ago. I've been keeping track in a Google doc. Try that.


cycle means there is a fixed amount of commissions per cycle For example let's say mondstadt which has 50-60 comms total(im discounting emergency ones) after a bunch of the anna commissions being removed such as elin has 5 apperances(2 being emergency), reliable helper has 3, lost key has 4, whispers has 1 and etc. If you want a data count you can check this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IPrc2Hr-8lar-PnQfAcOea0HCyN49eqRLf97LBtm3nU/edit#gid=2031568294 Unless you finish that entire 50-60 comms, you cannot get another whispers or if you haven't finished whispers yet in those 50-60 comms your guarenteed in those 50-60 npc days, everyday you do a npc comm(no npc doesn't do anything), you will deplete the pool by 1, so it goes from 50 > 49 > 48 > 47... When this cycle/pool reaches 0, you will goto the next cycle which will refill the pool with the exact same thing(4 lost key, 3 reliable helpers, etc) obviously some additional things are technically unlocked such as finishing vile version of surprise gift gives you "commission from that guy" however you can think that these were always in the pool but they are just not accessible until the conditions were met, opposite is also true like anna adventurer lock the old comms like medicine/recuperating, occupying the NPC also falls into this(e.g using noelle hangout to occupy elin so her comms are there but are locked/removed and if you remove the hangout you will get them still unless the cycle is finished) They can also change counts, such as they making garcia a lot easier in 3.6 by upping the counts of the comms from 1 to 2/4 which now makes it 3 cycles instead of the old stupid 8 cycles or something. cycles has also made it so you can put the commission back into the pool if you do not do it(which is called skipping), see this post where he gets the same comm back for 20+ days, which can be used for rerolling comms. https://www.hoyolab.com/article/16634545 This essentially made most comm achievements a very time gated thing like flowers in teapot rather than just hoping for super rng, although rng will still play a role(e.g how many no npc you avoid or how many skips you need for your desired result or what day they get their final achievements in a region in the last cycle), but makes the gap minimal. It also means that ppl that track all this stuff knows the range when they will get a certain commission/achievement unless they get horribly fked over by high amounts of no npc days or high amount of skips needed for their desired results.


If I do npc commissions in other people's world, do they get taken out of the pool?


no they do not, that's how you skip the comm w/o losing gem




> Unless you finish that entire 50-60 comms, you cannot get another whispers or if you haven't finished whispers yet in those 50-60 comms your guarenteed in those 50-60 npc days, everyday you do a npc comm(no npc doesn't do anything), you will deplete the pool by 1, so it goes from 50 > 49 > 48 > 47... > > When this cycle/pool reaches 0, Does the cycle reset when you switch regions?


no, it stays there and even when new comms are added it just adds to your old cycle this can create cases where new comms are not able to be unlocked at the same cycle despite it only taking 1 cycle for a fresh acc. for example the day the sword departs requires 3 sparrow studies the blade(old comm), but for some people they already did 1-3 in their cycle before 3.3 so they actually had to goto the next cycle in order to get the 3x requirement for the new comms.


Look up for ‘commission cycle’ on hoyolab. It works! helped get all mond comms done


Ellin shows up 5 times per cycle. But you can actually block her entirely with Noelle's hangout; just start the commission chapter related to strength training and just leave it there. Ellin will remain occupied for as long as the hangout is active and the commission will not be given.


meanwhile me waiting for fucking godwin shit to proc


It will take months. Even with Anna all healed up, Mona's rent paid, Ellin occupied with Noelle, and every other removable commission done, the cycle is almost 60 commissions, and Whispers only appears once per cycle.


I hate to break it to you, but you still have to deal with Anna even after she's healed up...


I'm well aware. But it goes from 10 commissions per cycle to 3, and then 2. The massive net decrease is still beneficial.


Wait, there is a cycle? I thought it was RNG?


Used to be.


Ya, been doing just mondstat and Ive done everything like twice or even 4x over except that super excessive rng pigeon timmie letter one (but thats hidden so meh)


Im sitting on 3/5 for a year already man


nope. sorry, another Lost Key for you


Ella Musk : It’s time for another “Muhe Ye!”


“Ya yika!”


Traveler: I swear Wyatt, if you lose this key again, I'm going to impale this on your forehead


*"I'm going to* ***throw this fucking cart at you Allan*** *if you break it the 6th time this week"*


Four times per cycle.


Ngl I learnt that commission existed today, I am ar59 I somehow managed to dodge every proc ever


If you are a 0/5 Whispers in the wind, that's a Full year that you must spend doing comms in Mondstadt to get this achievement.


And this is why I ain't doing achievement hunting. I only have 1 out of 5 for that dipshit Godwin. Why can't I just report his ass to Jean??


Dude has been sitting around in Mondstadts front lawn for three fucking years at this point. How we tolerate his shit is beyond me. Poor Glory...


She deserves better


1/5 and playing since release. I gave up a month ago and went on to liyue commissions.


Im 4/5, but once Im done ill have every completed every single non-hidden achievement. 100% across the board


Yeah, it was only a matter of time [after Version 3.6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/12saghy/this_version_is_the_first_version_where_someone/). A lot of people should be catching up within the second half of this version or the next, so long as new commission achievements aren't added.


i wish to, but this genshin moment falls on my busiest uni weeks where im dumped with lots of assignments due in this month and stress level is higher than Celestia and now i rarely play the game im so– 😭👊🏼💥👊🏼💥👊🏼💥 but urgh, uni comes first anyway. I shouldn't be so FOMO 😔👍🏻


how the fuck


Particularly the fishing one. Thats one achievement I'll probably never get.


I'd rather grind the fishing achievement than wait for the RNG commisions.


I did the fishing achievement and completed watching a whole gameplay walkthrough on yt by the end of it, it’s one of the most fun times i had on gnshn honestly. It was just a mood


SAME. I've finished an entire anime series while doing the 2,000 fish. It's such a peaceful vibe.


Do we have a page for all the Daily commission locked Achievements? I would love to see what am missing


go to [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) It's a website with a lot of tracking capabilities. The website is regarded as relatively safe for use by a lot of people in the genshin community.


F*ck, I thought i was done with these since i had all the big quests, (Anna adventure, Timmei's letter, Godwin's "Love", Lan's unseen Razor and that abysmal Stone harbour nostalgia) Turns out am missing 15 achievement, and only one of them is outside of Sumeru


> and only one of them is outside of Sumeru That's actually perfect. Chase this first and you're down to only a single region. Even with Fontaine that's only two. That's way better then missing only 7 but them being spread across all 4 regions


IS there any way to sync your account or something, or are you supposed to manually validate all achievements one by one ?


Manually. Wishes are synced because there is a API for the history.


Use InventoryKamera. It has the function.


You can sort by commissions on paimon moe.


Me who doesn't have the snezhnaya achievements and at the same time getting 2k fishing : I'm keeping my sanity


You can get Reliable Helper 3 times a cycle, so it should only take one cycle.


I had mondstadt comissions active for a year straight and never got the snezhnaya one lmao, actually nuts


Yeah, the cycle thing is a recent development.


Can you provide reference to how this works?




Wait, there are Snezhnaya achievements? How? Isn't that region years away, or did I not noticed I got in coma for few years?


In mondstad ,you'll need to talk to victor inside the church


Viktor's stuff in the Church and good old Reliable Helper. They're Mondstsdt commissions


I have around 940+ achievements. I still haven't got the stupid Whooperflower achievement in Sumeru. I always end up with flower blooming. 😒


wait… the flower can actually bloom?? I always end up getting the whooperflower


I've had that commission like 20 times now and until someone mentioned it on this sub I didn't even know it could turn into a whopperflower. I always get the normal flower and thought it was a really stupid commission haha


Same. That achievement has driven me crazy for the amount of times i get that daily yet not getting that version


Same. I recently started recycling comms and finally got the whopperflower again after screwing it up the only other time I've seen it - at sumeru's release. 944 and counting. Should be down to only a few left after the next cycle.


recycling comms? can you please explain how that works, i'm still trying to wrap my head around this 'cycle' thing


If you get a variant of the commission that you don’t want (ie Sumeru rose version instead of whopperflower) skip completing that commission. It will proc again in a few days and you don’t need to wait till the next commission cycle


Such a simple solution yet I never thought of it… thank you. I might finally be able to kill the stupid whopperflower and maybe get something other than beads for that snake guy in port ormos. Thanks again 🙏


that’s crazy, mines still at 400 something and i’m ar59💀


Damn bro. You must have a very specific play style, I don't do achievements hunting at all and I still have 600


idk i just play the game normally 💀 to be fair i’ve been lacking exploration in inazuma and sumeru though that may be why


Same! I’m in the 400s, ar 58, and I get so confused when I look at other people’s profiles and see then have 200+ more achievements then me at the same/lower ar. Idek what I’m doing wrong. Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t done a lot of my world quests.


Side quests can yield a lot of achievements, 100%ing regions also helps, etc


Mb cuz these ppl are achievement hunters? Im pretty sure if you open paimon.moe achievement list and start googling how to do them, you can easily do 50-100 more achvs in one day, there is a lot of seceret boss achievements, secret quests, etc, what are not random and not make you wait several days


same haha ive been playing since launch and hv been ar60 for a while but im only at 400


What about Jiangzhou showing up on that storytelling commission? For two years I did not see her appear. When I looked it up, it’s common for Playstation players to not see her, and other players on mobile always see her. I do not have any technical evidence to back that up but it seems true. Has that been fixed? I’m trying so hard not to vomit any curses or slurs right now, that’s how personally mad I am at this commission.


Yes it has been fixed, I had the same problem mate (except I couldn't get the one common on mobile/playstation and needed to use them instead of pc, kept forgetting to login on phone though). Now you have all stories as a choice every time.


Thank you, that kinda makes my day.


Haha, I'm glad mate. I was pretty chuffed when I found out a little while back too. Finally got that damn stone harbour nostalgia section 100%


Me sitting in mondtstadt waiting for the last whispers wind and the letter in awol pigeon since almost a year ;)




I got the hilichurl version the last 2 times but no letter.


I'm at 919 atm and i'm not moving from Mondstadt until Draff gives me that Pigeon mission with Timmy's dad's letter in it ^(((it has been 2 years, for the love of god, hoyo let us choose daily mission with achievement(s))))


you can skip this comm by doing your 4th comm in a friend's world if you do not get it and just leave it there, see following post how he gets the same comm 20+ times for proof. https://www.hoyolab.com/article/16634545 I used this method and it took like 5 or 6 tries, but I do know some unlucky ppl that had to do like 17.


Interesting. I guess i'll try that. Thanks.


You mean to say that I can like start the commission but never actually finish it if I don't get the achievement version (and do a 4th one in someone else's world), and that way I'll skip my commission and I can keep repeating it? Did I understand that correctly? If that's how it works, I'll definitely try that one I'm back to Mondstadt! That's the last achievement I'm missing from there, and I've gotten this commission over like 30 times but never got the Hilichurl version, it's ridiculous.


yep if you don't finish the comm it goes back into the pool, for another day of the cycle, ofc it doesn't mean it's immediate you could for example get pigeons go awol on first day of a fresh cycle > skip and not get it back until the last day of the cycle. you dont even need to do a 4th one if you dont care about the gems, the coop is just to not lose any gem


I see, that's really good to know! I just started doing the Inazuma commissions a couple of weeks ago, but I'll go back to Mondstadt after that to finally get this bloody letter! Thanks for the insight!


There’s a what now?


There's a variant of the pigeon shooing commission from Draff which includes you clearing a Hilichurl camp with Timmy's dad's letter in it. It'll further unlock the quest chain that will give you the "Dear Daddy..." achievement. ^(it's the only Mondstadt achievement i haven't gotten yet, goddamit hoyo.)


a random story related to that commision, i got it on a monday a year ago, saw the hilichurls and killed them. thought i should get the achievement after contacting draff. on wednesday i learnt it needed you to pick up the letter near the hilichurls, so i went there to see if it was still there. lo and behold it was, and since then i havent gotten that commision(not doing mondo) so the letter is just chilling in my inventory lol ah try shooting the birds from afar, if they fly away maybe u get the churl version. idk though, my memory's fuzzy on the exact steps. and then too, you have to hope the letter spawns iirc


Pigeons only appears once per cycle, and which version you get is randomised. But if you do not complete it, it will go back into the pool and you can have another go at it later on. This has already happened to me once on my current cycle. Also, this is important: it's not enough to get the right version, you also have to remember to pick up the letter. Otherwise, you'll get a generic ending and the follow-up commission will not be added to the pool.


I have 834 achievements. I know that I have about 30 or so not completed, but... a hundred more?


Here you go for the full list: https://paimon.moe/achievement


I'm at 907 but a lot of whats left is just pain or commissions. If i'm bored enough to fish up books/actual fish, i'm bored enough to do anything else.


I’m AR60 and I only have 653 💀


How do you complete the Euphonium achievement? I used the Hoyolab Teyvat map to find all 50 but the achievement requires 60?


Buy them from chubby in teapot that appears every weekend.


Someone should send the daily commission RNG manipulating tactic to explain how is this more time gated than RNG related.


Dang it, I am 950 so he beat me by about 2-3 weeks




I have completed all the mondstadt ones multiple times over all except 1. I’ve had it set there for over a year now and I still can’t get that letter to spawn for the bird comission


Crazy how many achievements there are now, 1.0 had maybe 250-300 achievements


I am at 940, rng is killing me


I have 927 right now and I started playing on raiden banner, lol. It feels like if I staeted from game release I could alrwady have them all


shit at this point im crazy behind with my 939


I feel sad for maple. I thought they were gonna be the one to have 953 first,


I am sitting on 910 in EU as a casual F2P 😅 I wish we could know which ones we are missing in-game. And no, I won't use third parties to find out and get banned.


Just google the commission name and go on to the genshin fandom site for it, it will tell if there is an achievement tied to it, or if its part of a chain.


No I don't mean missing comissions. I want to just have an in-game list of Achievements not completed. I hate that this game has secret achievements.


I don't understand this commission cycle because I think it's nonexistent in my game.


Why have I seen someone with over 1000 Achievements ?


You saw wrong then.


You haven't


Still stuck at 932 currently. I still don’t have the novel quest from Inazuma or Sumeru’s Gourmet quest.


AR59, 779 achievements as of yesterday thanks to the elemental specialist domains the community came up with


953??? Goddamn, I’m at like 897 or something and I know the ones outside of Wonders of the World don’t add up to 10 so that’s like 45 something achievements i need… (Fuck you Godwin and the Dear Daddy… achievement)


Ar 58 Only at 710. How the hell did they do that


Im still missing 30 achievements. But today I think I can get 7 more because of this domain event. It’s real easy to get the elemental specialist in the right domain.


I have around 750 by just playing. Thinking of staring to grind to 900


I have 931, the commission ones are so hard to get because there’s barely any tutorials online 😭


And here I thought mine 930 were good🫠


Stupid pigeons mondstadt commission. It's been a year, I still haven't gotten the Hilichurl version WITH the letter.


Literally the luckiest mf ever


I wish I could already leave Sumeru but this Project Baby is annoying. 4 out of 6 was the tree version.


Those OG Mondstadt ones are impossible to get like Whisper of the Wind or In the Name of Favonius etc


Man, and I thought my 763 was good.


It will take me ages cuz I am at 1/5 whisper