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This is a collection of Custom Domains with much higher difficulties from Divine Ingenuity. Are you ready for some serious challenges? Don't forget to post your challenge videos as well!


Please make this permanent


read their dev post


I know that they said that they are making a new permanent content but I'm not sure if it's gonna be Devine ingenuity


I guess the new permanent content will be fontaine lol


7.2 patch: 😉


the you know they said they will make it permanent, just when they polish it enough with the people’s feedback after this event


What dev post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/14dyfjt/multilayered_map_we_hear_you_developers > Not long ago, the "Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter" event was released. During this time, we also discovered many interesting Custom Domains created by the community, and also heard the calls for "making time-limited events permanent." Here, we would like to take the opportunity and chat with everyone regarding our thoughts about Permanent Gameplay modes: For certain Genshin Impact gameplay events, the development team has already considered the possibility of making them permanent fixtures during the inception of their development. However, based on our evaluations, certain gameplay events are not fleshed out enough in terms of content to support the long-term gameplay experience for everyone. We will combine the feedback from our Travelers regarding event gameplay for future iterations and will release new permanent gameplay options at the right time. In the future, the development team will continue to plan more permanent content. We hope to bring more interesting experiences for our Travelers.


The dev post feels like a nothing burger imo. "We hear you! You want events to be permanent. We do too! We will add them when the time is right. When we think it's ready. Trust us :)"


how? not only did it address many things like the layer maps with actual release date, but even then, simply communicating is infinitely better than staying silent, the other alternative is them just completely ignoring which is in no way better


I only specifically mean the part where they acknowledge the problem of temporary content, but just give a bunch of fluff to shut people up with no real guarantee we'll get what we want.


That seems to be a trend with hoyo


This video reminds me of the pain I feel using Nahida on console. Can we please get a "hold skill" sensitivity Multiplier for consoles? PLEASE?!


I play on PC but like to use controller sometimes and yea, it's painfully slow. Would also be cool if they added gyro aiming.


buff dehya lmao


Good work soldier keep it up o7




Can you stop it?They won't,we already protested enough during her release


idc, won't stop


Why do you want people to stop? So they don't hurt the multibillion dollar corporation's feelings?


Because we already did everything we could during her release,literally every single one of their comments was downvoted to oblivion,still they didn't do anything so imo its not worth it.


so true ahahahaha


"Nothing's changed so stop protesting" 💅


Wow surely they'll buff her right?Like they always listen to each and every single player's feedback and implement it.Well keep on trying lmao we'll see when they'll buff her which is never


Fix artifact system


Definitely they should I'm not asking for a perfect artifact but they atleast should make it resinless and if they would I won't complain even if I get hp% and def% stat


If it’s resinless tho u could just farm for 8 hours straight and get all the artifacts you need. The resin system is to make you get on every day, or you feel like you’re wasting resin so they will never get rid of it


They could at least give us a tiny bit more.. just a bit..


No point. Either they remake the entire progression system to account for an actual progression (which would lead to powercreep) or do nothing, because adding "just a bit more" is nothing but fuel to your gambling addiction (trust me, I know, that's literally all I play for). Without increasing the rates to realistic levels (which would only happen if the progression system is overhauled to account for it), even doubling the resin we have will only accelerate player fatigue that we're already experiencing (there's nothing to do! abyss is somehow simultaneously too hard and not hard enough!) without actually making people satisfied with artifacts because the rates are still godawful. Now, we can spend a whole day debating whether we need a progression overhaul, but that is subjective already so I wouldn't bother. EDIT: let's not forget that we already have significantly MUCH more effective resin than before. Transient resin, 5 free fragiles from free BP, way more overworld resources leading to less need for leylines, discounted weekly bosses, and strongbox all combined have probably increased our effective resin by about 50% (I'd actually be interested in someone doing the math), yet the complaints remain the same.


Why glorify the hardest domains? Highlight the most fun domains!!


The fact that the official reddit account posted this and showcased it, makes me think they might have plans to make this permanent.COPIUM.


If they make it permanent then they have to make finding these easier. I play on my phone and have the hoyo app on phone too. I'm not opening my laptop just to copy a big ass number. Also we can't play levels from other servers right? I really wanted to try some of these but ended up not trying any at all. Because it's just too cumbersome


Yeah, I ended giving up on this event completely beyond the rewards, because all the cool stuff was on NA server and since I'm EU, I can't play any of it


There's a website to search for some domains, I've found some nice ones on EU but it's still balls how we can't play domains from other regions, it's just a string of numbers that determines the coordinates and flags of every item in the room stored on a database, it's not any harder to send it to any individual client and shouldn't be tied on any regional server whatsoever. I really hope that if they make it permanent, it won't be region locked.


onnthe6website you can filter to show only eu ones


They had an in-game browser last time the event played. I don’t why they decided to cut corners on it this time around.


I just wish I could try the Domains from different servers 🥹


I need this to be permanent.. there's so much potential in it, you can basically create everything.. from a combat challenge to a race through obstacles or even build a simple room to test team comps or characters you don't have that is literally what i write in every survey from day one


Putting an achievement farm domain first in the compilation, official account has its sense of humour too


Please make this permanent the only more content that you think it's lacking is just the rest of the enemies in the game. Add that and this is perfect


Honestly, I’d take custom text announcements and a better browser. If nothing else, that’s what I’d like to see. This is fancy stuff I don’t expect them to put in, but I’d like to be able to use stealth mechanics, and to be able to have different portals connect to different areas (so using Portal B takes you to room B and so on)


If the Divine Ingenuity search and upload function was permanent, it would most likely be located as a menu in Hoyolab (like what they did with Genius Invocation)


> *Custom Domains with much higher difficulties* ...And the very first clip is from an obvious elemental reaction achievement farming domain, made to be facerolled with a single button press. This footage isn't even made by devs, it's from videos made by creators. This event is such a massive improvement over the last edition, and yet the engagement seemed almost non-existent. Completely mishandled on developer's part: * External website instead of in-game search function. Website offers more customization, but at what cost? Very small viewership on majority of the domains despite significantly smaller pool of them compared to the last event. * Domain tags in game are very, very lacking. Then we have additional tags on website. Why are they split in the first place? * Search function isn't always universal. If you click *"More"* next to *"Latest Submissions"* for example, it'll lead you to a search page... but it'll only look for submissions in that category. If you use filters, you might not find many domains or any at all. To find all domains, you have to scroll all the way down and click "All Submissions" which leads to the real search function. * Search itself is both too simplistic and needlessly complicated. Simple version uses horrible domain tags, while expanded version has a lot of extra options while many of them redundant. * There's no moderation on the website. Website is flooded with low effort domains for achievement farming and creators can use any tags they want, making search even more annoying. Then we have cases like this, [the second most upvoted submission on EU](https://act.hoyoverse.com/ys/event/ugc-page-ingenuity/index.html?game_biz=hk4e_global&act_id=e202303151065&authkey_ver=1&lang=en#/detail?workid=8394). It's not even a domain, but a challenge video created for the most popular domain and it has absolutely nothing to do with it. Thanks to all of these, the only popular domains are those created very early and can appear in "Popular Recomendations" at the top of the page. Everything else is just left in the dust, this includes even [domains with extremely good reception](https://act.hoyoverse.com/ys/event/ugc-page-ingenuity/index.html?game_biz=hk4e_global&act_id=e202303151065&authkey_ver=1&utm_source=ingame&utm_medium=tedian&event_channel=special_event&lang=en#/detail?workid=10999&source=1). Finally we have the last point - knowing that all of our domains vanish after the event is over discourages creating high effort and high quality domains.


u/genshinimpact this is quality feedback!


Problem is they need to implement the mode, make a good search system, improve the in-game editor, have a proper website for this that works and then let it stew for *years* before you start getting lots of high quality custom scenarios. This is how it went with every game that had it's content made by random players, see osu! (or any rhythm game that allows it), Mario Maker, etc. It takes time for the little Timmies to get it out of their system, meaning they will go and make a few shit maps, upload them, see no one plays them and move on, this will happen and it's inevitable, but after some time people start finding out about the good maps/creators/etc and probably via third party websites end up filtering them. What osu! does is great but it takes a lot of work since you need people actively checking out maps, giving advice, corrections getting made, etc until finally after maybe *months* a map gets approved so it goes into the "this is alright" category. In a game like GI this probably means hiring thousands of employees who are essentially gonna spend their time saying "no" to maps uploaded by kids.


Funnily enough they improved all of these parts you mentioned in this event's edition. Addition of triggers was the biggest change they've made since that allows tons of interactive stuff, puzzles and controlled progression. That's already enough to create great domains like the one i linked. These gems don't need years to be created. Time only allows players to gain more knowledge and create them more consistently. Meanwhile website is not doing it's job well whatsoever and is currently the biggest bottleneck of this mode. The problem i see in your second paragraph is that these games were made for it. Divine Ingenuity is just a side mode/event of Genshin. I fear that by the time little Timmies are gone, the mode is going to be just as relevant as Genius Invocation. There's another problem. Casual playerbase is the demographic Genshin is targetting. With that in mind i have my doubts about Timmies ever leaving. Only time, moderation and dedicated playerbase can fix that problem as you pointed out. There's also a sad fact that *technically* we have moderation on the website. Submissions have to be approved first. It's either system or employees/volunteers checking for any problematic words and call it a day. Besides what even is a "good map"? It's a little ambiguous wording and it's hard to describe it universally. There's a similar problem with "difficulty". The easiest example would be floor 12 and how controversial it is. Just how i find Dark Souls to be a proper game, others believe it to be masochistic. Before we know what a "good map" is, it's hard to discuss anything related to it (basically your third paragraph).


It's not about Timmies leaving, it's about them getting the "I want to make a map and have everyone play it!" out of their system. It's pretty easy to define what's a good map, I know it's ambiguous but... let's swap it around, it's easy to define what a dogshit map is, then again this game is too massive to have an osu! like system. A map doesn't need to be fun to be good, nor it needs to be boring to be bad, but we can all agree that what Timmies produce is something you very quickly notice is bad, using MM examples the kind of thing where you just run forward a few seconds and win, enemy spam for no reason, "choose the right path" maps where choosing the wrong one kills you/locks you, etc. Just being able to weed out that kind of stuff would help a lot.


Holy shit i did not expect that amber domain to be this good.


What's the music name


**Song Found!** **Name:** Knighthood Excellence **Artist:** Yu-Peng Chen & HOYO-MiX **Album:** Genshin Impact - The Wind and the Star Traveler (Original Game Soundtrack) **Genre:** Soundtrack **Release Year:** 2020 **Total Shazams:** 594 `Took 2.61 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/uZC1F1pAAZM?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/knighthood-excellence/1519189657?i=1519190035) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot, have a cookie.


Good bot


You have summoned the experts lol


**Song Found!** [**Knighthood Excellence** by Yu-Peng Chen](https://lis.tn/KnighthoodExcellence?t=29) (00:29; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Genshin Impact - The Wind and the Star Traveler. **Released on** 2020-06-19. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Ok thanks 👍


Hehehe I can't believe it, a **Difficulty Level: ASIA** moment in Genshin. xD


Shame this will be gone in a few days


I didn't get what's supposed to be hard about the first one, don't you just... dodge and burst?


The second and third one looks pretty interesting


Loved this event but it for me had a few problems. The character that they give you and the way the force them to scale is just weird and feels bad. Finding domains that are on the right server and also not just a achievement farm are annoying and limited.


These are all baby's games compared to [this one](https://b23.tv/ezkiedB)


:/ these are ofc not the hardest. Don't label them as such.


It's "PAIMON'S" recommendations, so of course it's paimon level difficulty/j


The first one is the hardest because it tests your device's limits /s


I think overall we could get more dungeon like instances, we had thos in early game but after a while they completely dissappeared, something like monster nest where there is overflow of monsters and you need to conquer that cave/dungeon, it would be so cool


Having to go to an external site to find user made content instantly killed any engagement I had for this event.


honestly i'm dissapointed by the community. hoyo made a great level creator and a platform to share those levels, but if you sort by most popular then its 80% reaction achievement domains and 19% little timmy levels


People seeking out specific/hard level are probably not doing so over the official sharing platform. I no I'm not doing it at least.


I too am disappointed when i go to a kindergarten art class and find that none of them have recreated the Mona Lisa.


You make a fair point— of course the average level is going to be low effort, but i would at least expect the few good levels to arrive at the top of the popular list




They don't look that hard. I've literally seen some domains actually nearly impossible to complete.


No love from family moment


what do you get out of these though? Mona? XP? (im new to the game)




For pre set domains created by hoyo primogems for the first time and for custom nothing but enjoyment


Maybe I shouldn't do these on my phone


Looks fun


HAHA.. right.. try and goto a different server.. end up starting NEW game.. lol


I faced the 2nd one and fail just a lot of times 😆


"Hardest domain" in NA cleared in 4 seconds. https://i.imgur.com/ocsAaUf.png


No matter how much I search for, ain't none of this shit work on the PS5...


Kinda late with this post when there is only 1 day left before it's all gone. It makes me sad that it's all going away. I've spent so many hours in my own custom domain trying out different characters. It's going to suck going back to having little to do in the game.


bunch of slime and fungis. mihoyo: omg these are so hard

