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1.2 Albedo banner. Got Jean, she was my second ever 5 star


Same, but I lost to Qiqi


Same, but I lost to Mona




I also lost Albedo to Qiqi, but in 2.3.


Jean was also my second ever 5 star, she got me through until I got Kazuha who just destroys everything now


My first was Zhongli so Ive never known what a dodge is, but Jean supported me a very long time


The kid named rifthound:


Near same story with me, but on Ganyu. I got my guaranteed Xiao afterwards though.


Yeah, I used my guarantee for Xiao back then as well


I got Diluc on that same banner, though he was my 3rd (Venti, Zhongli, and then Diluc).


I cannot remember my first But I can remember the one that hurt me the most Mona on Wanderer's


Hat substitution


She was trying to save you from him


So true


Most painful of mine was Keqing on Raidens, threw her off Tenshukaku


Check your profile character selector. The order in which character comes first are the ones you pulled in that list.


doesn't necessarily solve the problem. If i got Keqing on standard in January, then lost my first 50/50 to Jean 2 months later, it would appear as though Keqing was my first loss.


I know I just don't know who was the 50/50 lost I cannot remember a banner that I wanted a character I lost a 50/50 in except Wanderer's


I got Mona on hu tao banner but that’s what I get for pulling last second 💀


I got Keqing instead of Baizhu. I was so mad.


I got mad at the fact I never got a 5 star without it being guaranteed but I do understand your pain


Funny enough, before baizhu, I successfully won almost 5 50/50s in a row. Wanderer,Raiden,Cyno,Xiao, and maybe one more but I can't remember. I'm worried that my luck is all used up and I might fail to get Focalors.


Same thing happened to me during Inazuma, causing me to lose Xiao's 50/50 twice in a row (1 year apart lol). Don't worry, luck goes up and down, I got Shenhe early after guaranteeing that Xiao! Good luck with Focalors (and plus, we likely have a lot of time before she comes out so we can save)


True, but I can only save as far as 4.0, because I want every single Fontaine 5 star lol.


Same so I feel you ahh


The first one was Ayaka to Jean. Yesterday I lost Kazuha to Dehya...on pull 85...the pain is real


Same with kazuha but I got him early


Happy cake day


Bruh I lost to Dehya at 85 pity too at the beginning of this banner


i also lost to dehya this patch at 82 pity (was pulling for alhaitham) the pain and suffering


I lost Kazuha to Mona. But I've accepted this fate as it means I'm guaranteed for Eula. But I was piiiiiissed.


I would be happy to lose to Mona! But Dehya...💀even qiqi would be better!


Same, 85th but to Keqing which is even more painful


I can argue with that


Lost yesterday alhaitham to qiqi…


Hey ! I Lost Kazuha to Dehyah too. Honestly I was feeling fine because my last 2 50/50s I lost to qiqi :(


Hey ! I Lost Kazuha to Dehyah too. Honestly I was feeling fine because my last 2 50/50s I lost to qiqi :(


Lost my dendro daddy to jean


keqing is god bro


Why is a high performing aggravate dps like Keqing more painful than a totally useless except for very narrow Ganyu comps character like Dehya? I mean, Dehya is the very best teapot decoration if you're into that, but otherwise, she's the weakest character in the game, slipping all the way down past even Xinyan. And I say that as an r/Dehyamains member.


No way she’s worse than Qiqi


Is Qiqi that bad? Isn't she the best healer?


Kokomi and Baizhu are stronger healers, but Qiqi is third best, yes. The issue is that, in high level play, *just healing* is kind of a waste of a team slot. Qiqi has terrible cryo application, so, she really just only heals. Meanwhile, other popular healing choices like Kokomi, Baizhu, YaoYao, Kuki Shinobu, Bennett, Jean, Diona, even Sayu bring something else to the table. Most feed reactions. Bennett obviously buffs, but so does literally anyone with a catalyst. Diona provides extra interruption protection with the shields. Qiqi ends up not very valuable in the end because *all* she does is heal. But she's sadly still better than Dehya...


Her healing is great, but that's about it. There are plenty of other healers who can do better. Qiqi doesn't give a buff, doesn't give a shield, doesn't give energy. Just healing. But I would still prefer her over Dehya because I'd do that PhysicalQiqiDps meme build and have fun. But I can't think of any team where Dehya would be playable. I don't have Ganyu, I find her playstyle boring, so...very upsetting. Why does she have to be a 5 star on standard banner😭


Kokomi and Baizhu are stronger healers, but Qiqi is third best, yes. The issue is that, in high level play, *just healing* is kind of a waste of a team slot. Qiqi has terrible cryo application, so, she really just only heals. Meanwhile, other popular healing choices like Kokomi, Baizhu, YaoYao, Kuki Shinobu, Bennett, Jean, Diona, even Sayu bring something else to the table. Most feed reactions. Bennett obviously buffs, but so does literally anyone with a catalyst. Diona provides extra interruption protection with the shields. Qiqi ends up not very valuable in the end because *all* she does is heal. But she's sadly still better than Dehya...


Qiqi with Clam will easily out damage Dehya, and the amount of healing she can pump out is superior to the amount of damage transference Dehya provides. Plus, Dehya *needs a healer* anyway, because she just takes damage from team mates without reducing it and her self healing cooldown limitation led her to being called "Die-hya" by the beta testers. Qiqi's normal attacks also easily outdo Dehya's if that ever matters. Literally the only thing Dehya does over Qiqi is the very awkward 9 seconds out of every 18 or whatever it is of interruption resistance. It is very sad, and I hate it, but she's *very* bad.


Qiqi with clam doesn’t synergize on your team at all unless it’s a copium Eula team. But then you’re better off buffing Eula. The problem with Qiqi is that she exists in isolation to your other team members and doesn’t contribute as a whole besides healing. That’s why the only team she works on is where she’s getting carried by the off fielders. At least Dehya is somewhat synergistic in a Ganyu team.


How so? Keqing has some use in dendro teams. Dehya's kit was a mistake.


I have Yae Miko, at this point my C1 Keqing is less useful to me than a Dehya. Whose only use would be for the runspeed.


First of all, dont compare your pain to other Peoples pains especially right into their faces Second of all, out of The standart banner characters (diluc, Jean, qiqi, mona, dehya, thignari And keqing) dehya is probably the worst character you can get. And lastly, keqing May be probably one of The Best standart banner characters you can get so I think you should Just be happy that it wasnt thignari or something


Bro Tighnari is actually one of the good characters in the standard banner


I pulled for Venti during 1.0 because he is busted in the abyss during that patch but I got Diluc instead. Its okay though since he carried my team. Good lost.


Same for me. Diluc carried me through the game until hu tao


I got Keqing on that banner. She wasn't great back then compared to Diluc (and my Keqing/Xiangling/Barbara/Venti comp didn't help), but she was cool as hell. I loved learning Thunderclap Flash in back in like patch 1.2 or so only for it to get removed a week later. I was initially bummed not to get who I was targeting, as Venti was strong strong strong back then, but Keqing was pretty neat. Also helped that I got Venti about eight pulls after pulling her.


Jean on zhongli banner. Needless to say I was angry beyond belief.


Wanderer banner lost to Diluc.. Still got wonderer a few hours before the banner ended though


Qiqi when pulling for Yanfei on Miko's banner in 3.2.


Qiqi the classic 50-50 nightmare


In my case, she was something of a blessing since i didn't want Miko. She saved my pity for Hu Tao lol.


Man pulling for four stars is such a double edged sword 😭


That’s an odd way to go against your flair-


I forgot which banner I pulled on, but it was 1.3 and I got Qiqi This was also back when I thought all 5* were superior to 4* Still waiting for Jean to come home


Man, Qiqi was a wisher's nightmare from the moment her arrival. 😂


Honestly I wanted her so bad day one of playing, and it took me almost 2 years to finally get her ass


Yep, on day 1, everyone wanted Qiqi cuz we wanted a 5 star healer. Didn't take long before we realized that was unnecessary.


When I pulled on Childe's banner and lost to Keqing, then after that I continuously lost to Diluc


I lost my first 50/50 on Hutao's first rerun banner (2.2 or 2.3 icr). I got Jean and Diluc the same day I got Hutao, but I can't remember which I got first.


Well at least you got back three 5 stars the same day. That's would make me go mad or somethin'


Keqing on Venti's 1.0 banner didnt use her as much after I got Ganyu and Hu Tao but I've been using her a lot lately since the release of Dendro


my first five star I ever pulled was a qiqi.... not first 50 50 five star, literally first five star.


First Kokomi banner I got Jean


Lost a good healer to a good healer lol


Jean was good when we had no options, now she’s not that good a character and her lack of grouping really sucks


not only does she lack grouping but she's lowkey anti-grouping, I hate how she pushes enemies away with her E


Agreed on lack of grouping but her healing is still good imo. I don’t use her much but she can be useful


Jean. Never used her.


She's fun. Obliterates the Herald's Shield with Sunfire Comp.


1.5 Zhongli. Got Keqing instead. First time I ever topped up to get a limited 5 star. Didn't hate her then. I was pretty new to the game so any 5 star is good for me. That changed when I got her again on Klee's banner in 1.6 lmao


Fellow Keqing hater for the same reason. Mine is C5 - that's how many times she's screwed me.


2.0 Ayaka banner Got Keqing




Keqing on xiao's first banner


I got Mona from Itto's first banner. She is still lv 50. When I was a newbie I used her for a while to apply hydro on enemies to generate crystalized shields, but after that I didn't play her anymore. I hate her sprint animation.


Kazuha first banner (version 1.6) and I got Qiqi.


mine was Tartaglia 1.1, I got Mona


Got Jean on Ganyu 1st banner, but i considered it as a big W since i wanted Jean from the beginner banner end up getting Diluc lol 😅


Keqing on Miko’s banner back in 3.2, I managed to get her this time around


Ha same it still hurts


childe’s banner back in 2.2 (?), i got qiqi at 30 and then childe at 43 !!


I got dehya on kazuha banner happening rn


1.4 childe banner. Got kequing instead and honestly had no clue I lost so i was happy. Got childe soon after


1.0 to Qiqi. I AM the meme.


Back when the game started and I didn't know there was a pity system, on venti banner I got keqing, she was fun at first but I later got annoyed by her voice and dropped her for Beidou. I still main Beidou till this day.


I got Diluc at +80 pity on kazuha's banner. Then got kazuha in next 40 or so pulls.


I got Diluc while chasing Kazuha


i lost on cynos first banner to keqing, got jean on his second banner


I got Jean on Zhongli's first rerun


3.4 I lost my 50/50 on Yelan’s banner to Tighnari. He was my 3th five star. The thing is I had got tighnari from standart banner just a few days ago before that. Lucky I got Yelan 10 wishes later


I lost to Keqing on Kazuha’s first banner. ngl she carried me in early game but it still hurt :c


Wanted Albedo, his first banner. Got Diluc. I was only a little mad and I think I’ve used Diluc more than I ever would’ve Albedo. Been playing since launch and it took me until like 3.7 before I first got a QiQi on a 50/50 loss.


2.7 Xiao banner. I got my Queen Keqing.


I think I pulled on yae and got tighnari, pretty alright all things considered


Raidens first banner got mona


On Yae’s first re-run banner, I lost to Keqing at 85~ pity, but then Yae showed up 4 pulls later. My luckiest 50/50 loss ever.


My very first banner, 1.4's Venti. Lost to Jean, malded, won Venti with no knowledge of the 50/50 system an hour before his banner ended. Great success


nahida rerun, i got jean on 34 pity and i didn't have enough wishes for the guaranteed.


Raiden’s first rerun, I got keqing. I didn’t understand how the game worked yet so I was just happy to get a 5 star haha. That was my only chance to get Raiden though because once I played more I realized I hated her and haven’t wished for her since lol


Ayaka. I got Mona. Then I got Ayaka, then got Shenhe.


1.1 Jean from Zhonglis banner.


1.1 when I got Keqing on Zhongli banner...


I got Keqing as a 50/50 pull but it's been so long I don't remember who I was going for. Probably Klee's first banner but maybe it was Xongli? Whoever it was I'm glad I didn't get them. I still main Keqing to this day so I'm grateful I lost that one.


1.1. I wanted Klee, got Diluc instead. Cried a lot. Fortunately I got Klee on her next banner and Diluc carried my team throught Monstadt and Liyue


When I was in the middle of my Baizhu pulls I lost a 50/50 to Mona, but I had taken pains to make sure I had enough wishes to guarantee getting Baizhu so it wasn't a big deal, and I had wanted Mona for a while so I considered it a bonus even. Now if the game would just give me Diluc already ;-;


Diluc on zhongli’s banner


Qiqi I think? On 1.0 Klee banner.


I don't know why I was pulling but Albedo's first banner on 1.2 I lost to Keqing (thankfully) although at the time it was my C1 copy, (she's C4 now today) ​ I distinctly remember being really depressed about it because all I could see was a ton of Albedo propaganda online so I was just reminded about how I couldn't get him. I don't even recall what about Albedo I liked, maybe it was just the fact that a banner was in front of me and I had the capacity to pull.


Pulled for Nahida with my last primos and got a "blue Nahida" instead I didn't open wishing menu for a month after that.


Qiqi on itto banner. Though but I dont like itto much so it wasn’t a big deal. Then nahidas last rerun lost her to diluc. That one sucked. Won 50-50 for her this time though. And now I dont even use her that much except abyss


diluc on kokomi's first banner


It was on Itto banner in 2.7(?) I think, lost it to Diluc who I adore so I didn’t mind too much tho it still stung coz I also adore Itto a lot. I won 50/50 for Itto banner during his latest rerun tho so I’m good


First Klee banner to Mona. By then I didn't even know 50/50 was I think, I was extremely heartbroken.


Raiden her most recent banner, lost it to Keqing. Still got Raiden in to and I use em both now.


lost Yelan 1st banner to Keqing. I have bad luck with bow characters


Keqing on childe or zhongli banner back in 1.1.


First kazuha banner got Jean, but was able to get c1 kazuha before it ended


My first ever, Mona on Tartaglia’s first banner. 90th pull….


Raiden/Ayato banner (I was really late for Genshin bandwagon), lost my first 50/50 to Keqing and wasn’t disappointed - she carried me hard untill I got Alhaitam and Ayaka as carries


Ganyu, I got Jean (this was in like 2.4)


1.0 keqing on klee banner, i dont think it was that bad, nor in the past i thought that


Keqing. Good old Auto-KQ carried me to AR50


Tighnari when pulling for hu tao


Ayaka to Diluc 🥲


1.1 banner pulling for Zhongli— got Mona as my first 5-star. I used her for a little bit but then benched her as soon as I got a male 5-star to replace her— Husbandos for life 😩


The keqing banner, I got another keqing. I think it was fate (laugh). Joke aside, since then.... Keqing never come back. I think that hurt me more than not getting the limited banner character. (Laugh in misery)


I can’t remember off the top of my head but I do recall wanting to strangle Qiqi bc I lost Kazuha to her TWICE


it was venti's first rerun and o got mona


I lost Albedo in 1.2 to Qiqi right after getting her from standard


Lost on Itto, got Tighnari.


My first was on venti banner and it was jean.


Very first one in 1.0, got mona instead of venti


My first 5* was a 50/50 to Jean on Ganyu's first banner or maybe it was Keqing I don't remember well but I know I got those two then Xiao banner came in and I got him.


Jean. On Venti's first rerun banner


So far I haven't had many 50-50 chances but luckily on the ones I had I got what I wanted except for one in which I got Diluc, but thanks to that he's become my main dps so I'm not mad. I just hope I don't lose it on the next banner since it contains the character that made me want to play the game in the first place.


I actualy can't remember, it was in the early 1.x. but most recent one hurt so much. I still don't have Kazu, but now i'm lucky owner od C2 keqing, whom i never every use.


First banner ever the first venti banner launch day I got diluc almost made me unistall since I wanted venti alot, kept playing but refused to use diluc. Ended up building him after the dark night quest.


Got Mona on Zhonglis release


Kequing on the Ayato's banner. She's my second best hero ATM. Ayato is my best hero.


Firs Klee banner. Got Qiqi. Around 34 rolls in got Klee. After that, I never won my 50/50's until Hu Tao 2nd banner.


First Klee banner, (probably 1.0?) Lost to keqing, still using till this day


Ayato's first banner, which gave me my first Qiqi.


My first lost 50/50 was my first 50/50, on Ganyu's first banner. I got Qiqi. I was well-prepared, though, and was able to get Ganyu as well before banner's end. I lost my 2nd and 3rd 50/50 to Qiqi, as well. Still got the characters I was after, though!


Ok before you comment I was new to the game i didn’t know. But my first lost 50/50 was on Keqing’s banner back in 1.3. I got Qiqi. My first 5 star. Today my Qiqi is at C3. 🙃


Cyno’s first banner, I got Tighnari


my first 5 star was diluc on hu tao bannner and now im glad that happenef because i do not want hu tao


Diluc, but I don’t remember when cause i got Xiao like 5 pulls afterwards.


Lost to Mona on the first ever venti banner. No regrets though!


1.5 Zhongli banner . Got keqing, she was my first 5 star character


Latest Nahida banner. Lost it to Tighnari at about 42 pity. 14 pulls later, the archon herself came to me. Pretty lucky day if i think about it.


Qiqi back on the OG Zhongli banner.


Wakaranii 1.1 but i didn't give up on the lord of geo first debut


Mona on the very first banner, got venti 30 pulls after


First Kazuha banner, got Keqing I have Keqing c2 now. I want Mona TT


i lost a 50/50 on the first banner even (the venti one) and got mona, and i’ve only gotten mona on lost 5050s and she’s c3 ._.


The very first Klee banner, lost to Qiqi. Classics.


i lost to jean on wanderer banner that is also only time i lost 50/50 BUT ihave never gotten a character before 75 pity NEVER so ya i have a bad luck (jean was at 78 pity)


The very first Zhongli banner (i think it was in 1.1?) , lost it to Jean


Kazuha's 1st banner 😭 I got Jean instead (mained her since then).


QiQi on the first Raiden Shogun banner iirc. It was funny since a friend on discord wished me a QiQi before I pulled.


alhaitham i got tighnari instead


Xiao in 1.3. I got Mona.


Kekin on wanderer is the one that hurts the most


3.2(i think) Childe banner. Lost to QIQI. I didn’t care cause I spent 3 months farming for Raiden’s banner so when I got her, I was guarteened. Ended up getting C3


Klee’s first banner I lost my first 50/50 to Jean.


zhongli’s first banner with diluc , zhongli was / is one of my fave characters but it was fine because i needed a dps lmao


Diluc on the first Zhongli banner, and then Diluc again on the Albedo banner


Not that I remember specifically, but probably first Venti banner to Qiqi. Just a guess.


On Childe's first banner I got Jean


1.0 got diluc i was trying to get klee.


First ever Kazuha banner, I got the wrong anemo sword user


Started during Zhongli's first banner. I was lucky and got him within 10 pulls. I then also got Yae Miko and Raiden at near pity. Ayato was the first banner I lost and I got Jean. I then proceeded to lose 9 50/50s in a row until Nahida's rerun. I pulled her early along with Tighnari in a double 5* 10 pull. Wont use Tighnari ever but he gave me a guarantee that only cost me 1 pull.


I lost my first 50/50 to Keqing at 5 pity on Eula's first banner. I was still new at the time and didn't understand anything about how the pity system worked. If I had, I would've kept going and gotten Eula. Ended up waiting until her rerun to get her.


Diluc on albedo was really happy with him ngl


I got Mona on my first 10 pull from the beginner Noelle banner


I've been playing for 5 months and I never won my 50/50 so far. Got Mona, Dehya and Tighnari instead.


2.5, Kokomi's banner. Lost to Diluc. To this day, he's lvl 20 and I never used him tbh


Mona when trying to get Ganyu on her very first banner in V1.2. However, I got Ganyu in 20 wishes later. ✨✨


I GUESS it was Ayaka, and i got a Mona. I got a Keqing first, but i dont remember if it was on 50/50 or if it was standart.


My first was on Kokomi’s banner. I got Kokomi and kept pulling until I got QiQi


1.0 Klee Banner lost to Qiqi. Fast forward 1000 days and I have C5 Qiqi and No Klee.


My 1st 5\* was Jean (lost the 50 on Raiden banner :/). Hopefully the next Raiden rerun won't be with any other new Fontaine char I want to pull.


2.8 Kazuha banner. My first ever 5 star ended up being Mona. 3 constellations later and she’s still perma-benched out of spite