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How unfortunate, you should delete your account, no other way of saving it


tf bruv, did you get C6 Yelan or something? Yes, she is good, but not that good.


No, just c1 without signature, and she is that good, doing 10k x3 every AA with ult is kind of broken imo


The fact that you think that 10k x3 is massive damage, makes me wonder if you even saw abyss past floor 9.


Yeah I have C1R1 Yelan on a pretty good artifact set and she is consistently dealing a huge part of the team’s damage, but I still struggle with floor 12. It is not easy at all.


Same. Quick maths tells you that in the most ideal situation (every wave is triggered, don’t think it’s possible) you deal 450k damage with her burst, and I’ll say both skills vape for 100k each totalling to 650k damage for about 36k DPS. Which, while respectable don’t get me wrong, isn’t quite enough for a solo carry.


It is massive tho.I dont do abyss floor 12 but i just tried to get her against maguu kenki and she destroyed it within 40 secs with all the boss running around and stuff.I give her xq and Kazuha and a pyro and she deals near 15k ×3 every NA and her talents are 1/6/8.That is nearly 500k dmg with just Yelan alone in the duration of one ult which is i think 18 or 15 seconds.That is insane dmg


Need proof ive been 36 star-ing the abyss for the past year?


U clearly haven’t lol


I have been tho?


10k each of the hit just from C1?!? Without any buffs or with buffs?


My c1r1 yelan does 11k almost(80cr) every barb hit without any buffs to overworld enemies


My xingque has done that for years It’s nice, but tiny compared to high abyss HP


just wait for the croc to back in abyss, and more hydro resistant/immune enemies


what a strong smell of bs


I’m tired of these attention seeking posts


As wanderer says," cry louder"


You can spend 15 minutes clearing the abyss, and then 51 minutes trying out many different comps without Yelan.


Then don’t use her?


15 mins for floor 12 only or for floor 9-12.


floor 9-12


That’s 12 fights. So you’re saying that it took you 1 minute and 15 seconds at on average to win each fight and get through the load screens and menus? I 36 every cycle and it takes me more time than that even though it’s easy as hell.


Not 12 fights. 24. I'd count each half of each floor as its own fight. With load times and whatnot, his claim gets even more outlandish


Sue Hoyo, bro. End the company


Scorch the Earth! It's not needed anymore, anyway.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Yelan. I try to play Childe. My Yelan deals more damage. I try to play Ayato. My Yelan deals more damage. I try to play Eula. My Yelan deals more damage. I want to play Hu Tao. Her best team has Yelan. I want to play Raiden, Nahida hyperbloom - they both want Yelan. She grabs me by the throat. I do story for her. I cook for her. I give her favonius bow. She isn't satisfied. I pull for Elegy. "I need more energy" She tells me. "Give me c1 for second skill cast" She grabs Xingqiu and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Aqua Simulacra." I can't pull for Aqua, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She rolls her dice. She says "Things are about to get dicey." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd hydro application. What a cruel world.


Yeah this is what I thought OP was trying to do at first lol


um actuslly yelans burst is subject to standard icd 🤓👆


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of GrandUprightBolt. I try to re-write copypasta. GrandUprightBolt does 'um actually'. I try to be funny. GrandUprightBolt comes in with facts. I try to meme. GrandUprightBolt does '🤓👆' emojis. I want to cleverly respond. My respond includes GrandUprightBolt. I want to spin joke around, do some omegalulz, - they both include GrandUprightBolt. They grab me by the throat. I do copypasta for them. I give them updoot. They aren't satisfied. I pull up this comment. "Um actually" they tell me. "yelans burst is subject to standard icd" They grab comment and force me to respond. "You just need to gib me award. I can get reddit gold." I can't give awards, I don't have enough reddit coins. They grab my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." They leave the comment. It says "um actually you can't give awards anymore 🤓👆." There is no hint of sadness in their eyes. Nothing but pure um actually. What a cruel world.


im sorry 😭


nice cpoy pasta lol


Bro pls delete this post people are making fun out of you


Garbage post


Oh no! What a Nightmare! - Toph, ATLA ;O


Just run other stuff, not everything has to be optimized if its actively detracting from your experience


You can just not use her if you're so hard pressed about content being hard to do. Weird complaint


yeah yeah... I get it, you're "suffering from success" congrats I guess?


To quote Wanderer, cry louder. Just don't use her you attention seeking moron.


Getting a C6 Yelan was the best thing I ever did in genshin. Best hydro support who can nuke casually.


At c6 I don’t think she’s a support anymore lmao


My dehya feels strong with her 🤣


Lol, to negate Yelan they could always just add hydro elemental and she would have to shafted. Vivianne and Ninianne waiting in the corner.


It happens to almost all meta characters. You can indeed clear spiral abyss but, in exchange of boring overworld (where everything die in 1hit). I recently start again and I don't fully ascend a character, only to lvl 80, same as the weapon. Talent only to lvl 6, but others like amber & dehya needs more. I'm still having problem killing Ruined Guard and shogun boss is a nightmare, but it's fun as heck. Overworld feels like abyss (less material for building char). And yes I'm still farming good artifacts.


This is an issue with most characters tbh. Its why i keep them at 81.


This is so true. I recently upgraded my Yelan from C0 with R5Fav to C1R1 and she destroys everything. Just finished the abyss and in 12-1-1 I didn't even have to use proper rotation in my double hydro HB and Mango Kinki still was a pushover and died before I managed to warm up. Same with Horny Crab in 12-2-1. And shes not even crowned yet, just 9/9/9.


I have her C1 and Aqua Simulacra R1. I enjoy it a lot. And I use her with Hu Tao C2 Staff of Homa R1. Double the fun.


Bring back the fun by trying to beat content with other characters you like but aren't considered meta, like idk Dehya or something


It happened in the past for me too. Just borrowed Ayaka’s Mistplitter and the fancy EoSF artifacts to try on c6 Xingqiu… never again!


Then dont use her lol i have her c1 with Aqua and she is strong but i dont put her on every team i get that shes strong but just change your teams if thats the problem Just becous you have her doesnt mean she has to be on every team you make if you think shes to strong in abyys dont use her in it and just use her in overworld or something else


Aww I unfortunately lost 50/50 on her last banner so couldn't get her C1. I saw some really cool forward vape setups you could do in vv vape Hu Tao. She's kinda like Childe in that regard: nuke the first wave, then enable your pyro to clean up the rest.


nice copy paste


me with my c2 wanderer